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Patron * George the First , in the year 1717 , — " Our principles are , as we hope , the most friendly to mankind ; amounting to no more than those of a general toleration to all peaceable subjects , universal love and charity for all Christiaus , and to act always , in matters of religion , as God shall give us light in his will about them . "
We commend you , Christian Brethren , to the keeping aud heavenly blessing of Hjm , who-, by your Christian calling , ljatb set you for the defeuce of the Gospel . Signed on behalf of the Body , JOHN R 1 PPON , D . D ., Chairman .
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Proceedings of the Deputies . The General Quarterly Meeting of the Deputies was held , on Tuesday , the 14 th of December . - The minutes of the proceedings of the Committee , and of the United Committee for promoting a Repeal of the Test
and Corporation Acts , having been read and approved , the Committee presented their annual report , referring particularly to the proceedings of the past year , ( with which the public are acquainted , ) and expressing the zealous hopes of the Committee for the success of theirexertions
in the great cause once again to be contended for . The report was approved and ordered to be printed . Mr . Wilks moved the cordial thanks of the body to the United Committee for their persevering exertions towards the attainment of the great object of their appointment , expressing , at the same time , his opinion as having been unfavourable to the suspension of proceedings last session of parliament . The motion was carried unanimously .
A motion was then submitted for rescinding the resolution of a former meeting , to take ten shares in the London University ; after some delay the motion was seconded ; but the previous question , being moved by Dr . Brown and supported by Mr . Wilks and Mr . R .
Taylor , was carried by a very great majority . Mr . Montgomery inquired for the Treasurer ' s account , which , it was explained , would more regnlarly be presented after the year had closed and the Auditors had reported .
An inquiry vemg made , at whose expense the proceedings as to the Test and Corporation Acts were conducted , the Chairman explained , that hitherto the Deputies had defrayed the Whole , ' but that an appeal would be made to all Disseuting congregations , and particularly
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those in the country , to come forward and contribute to what was the common cause and interest of all , the expense of which might easily be defrayed by even a small contribution , if widely adopted . The suggestion certainly deserves immediate consideration . The same
meeting at which the subject is discussed m a congregation , might easily furnish something towards the means of supporting a cause , the personal labour and exertion of which must of course fall almost entirely on the central body .
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66 Intelligence .- —Prosecution for Disturbance of a Congregation
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Prosecution for Disturbance of a : Congregation . A case lately occurred of indictment at Quarter Sessions held at Reading , on which occasion the prosecution failed under circumstances that excited some interest among Dissenters . The indictment having , it would appear , alleged that the place was duly certified , registered , and enrolled , evidence of those
facts was offered in the shape of the Bishop's certificate . Without contesting whether it was necessary to prove the enrolment at all , the prosecutor ' s counsel appear , by the newspapers , to have contended that the BUhop ' s certificate was sufficient evidence of the fact , which being overruled , the prosecution failed .
It is not stated whether the place had been certified under the last Toleration Act or the old one . Under the old act , a place might be certified to either the Quarter Sessions for record , or to the Bishop for registration . Under the new act , it may be certified in like manner to either , but each authority is ordered to
return to the other all places certified , that the lists may be complete at both the Bishop ' s and the Sessions . But on perusal of the last act it will be seen , that all which is incumbent on the party is to certify , and that the remainder is a ministerial duty lying between the Bishop and the Quarter Sessions . Whether , if- ( as seems to have been usual in the forms of
these indictments ) the registration and record be averred , it may not be necessary to prove those facts , is perhaps doubtful ( though even then , if the averment be not of a matter necessary to the offence , it would not seem to be necessary to
prove it ); but it appears clear , that if the indictment' is properly drawn , and that only is alleged which is necessary to constitute the offence , no difficulty can occur , as some hav « apprehended , from the Bishop or Quarter Sessions omitting to do what it is i in possible for the na ^ -
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1828, page 66, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2556/page/66/