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hiio the fwtblic expenditure , md to enlarge and strengthen the boundaries of cmiatitutjoaatfrejedoni . ' l ^ ie great questions of internal policy that will agitate , the next session , < ire Catholic Emancipation and tflie repeitl of the Corporation and Test Acts . These can no longer be . put off . Tbe voice of millions forces ( them upon the seriows eoiisideratkm of Parliament . The result
may depend rapon the shape that ; tlie ministry will finally assume . One question peculiarly intearestiug to our readers will be again stirred ^ and we hope beneficially to the class of persons whom it concerns ; we refer to tie Unitarian Marriage Bill . This was left in a
state of suspension at the breaking up of the last session ; itr will be revived in the Lords at an early period of the next sea * fciou ,, and , we understand , iu a form much more likely to be satisfactory to the Uni ^ tarians than that into which jt was moulded in the Committee of the Upper House .
Europe is , deeply intent upou the relations of the great powers with Turkey . The bold aud successful attack on the fleet of the Barbarians , at Navarino , seems to have stunned the iDivan at Constantinople , Mahometanisrn has never sustained such a shock since the Crescent
first lifted its banners against the Cross . Jurists may debate the question , how far the proceeding of the allied squadrons was conformable to the law of nations ; a law which all acknowledge in terms , and violate in fact , whenever tjie violation appears expedient : but we believe that the feeling , if not the judgmeut , of
Christendom sanctions and even applauds the measure . According to the latest intelligence ( we write Dec . 27 ) , the Sultan stands hesitating on the brink of war : should he resolve upon hostilities , he risks the loss of every thing , Deprecatiug war , however favourable it may seem to the cause of liberty , we cannot
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A new department has been commenced in the present number , under the head of Occasional Correspondence . It in iritended for communications of the shorter kind , containing Inquiries , Answers to Inquiries , &c , which could not be so conveniently inserted iu the first department ; and its place has been ho arranged as to admit such papers later in the month than could be done in that first portion of the number .
A part of the present number has also been assigned to the subject of Politics , which it is intended to continue monthly . The respectable Correspondent who has communicated a paper on Cuvier ' s Biographical Memoir of pr . Priestley , recently inserted in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal , is informed that that " Historical Eulogy" was inserted entire in the first Volume of the former Series of the Monthly Repository , ( 1806 , ) pp , 216—219 , @ 28 ~* 334 , The Conductors of the present Series would not think themselves justified in renewing this subject after an interval of more than twenty . years .
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b « ffe bOpfe tfc&t thfr Pfcrte wrtl - 'ketew to pacific counsels . We know vvJjen ai ? 4 where hostilities begm , fait-not when and where they wftl e ** d . Tfoere is too much discpnten * , and there are too many eauaes of qm , m& , Mktilte < Em 3 > pe . au States , to allow tas to < expect 4 fci » a $ jvar with Turkey will net by Ifcegttees < ent ^ oil $ he other powers . A tttumpii over the Barbarians would scatter Ifeai'S a » d je ^ louMes amongst the suec « BSfUl cousbatantis , aad Ewope might ooce more be sconveirted into one wide
field of . slaughter . The mighty empire of Russia is increasing its overgrown greatness by victories in Persia . France has been lately agitated by a new election of Deputies , in which the people have shewn unexpected strength . This government , is
about to . recall its troops from Spain , as the English government is . likewise its troops from Portugal . These two nations are in a degraded state ; suffering voluntarily under the wretched dominion of an ignorant aqd corrupt priesthood . Thousands of their most enlightened and virtuous sons are exiled on account of
their patriotism , and are telling every free people in the world the sad story of their countries * wrongs and distractions . The actual condition of the new republics jn South America is little known ; we have scanty information even concerning the proceedings of the great
numbers of Europeans that are exploring the mineral treasures of this Jong-envied Continent . The United States are rising yearly in national importance . A contest is in preparation for the Presidency , between the present President Mr . Adams and General Jackson . Our wishes are
with the former : his good sense , moderation and disinterestedness entitle him to the customary reward of a second term in the Presidency . A President General would be an ominous character . The Americaus ought not to reckon upon more than one Washington .
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7 $ Correspondence .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1828, page 72, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2556/page/72/