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taken place among Christians have famished the most ample and conclusive proofs of the safe transmission of the Holy Scriptures from age to age . No period , from the time of Clement of Rome to that of Wiekliffe , was destitute of some warm discussion among divines , in which a large portion of the Old and New Testament has been quoted on both sides . This is much more than can be said of any other body of literature . "
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Art . in . —A Vindication of the Literary Character of the late Professor Porson , from the Animadversions of the Right Rev . Thomas Burgess , D . D » , F . R . S ., R A . S » , P . R . S . L ., Lord Bishop of Salisbury , in various Publications on 1 John v . 7 . By Crito Cantabrigiensis . 3827 . A Specimen of an intended Publication , which was to have been entitled , A Vindication of them that have the Rule over us , for their not having cut out the disputed Passage 1 John v . 7 , from the Authorized Version ; being an Examination of the first Six . Pages of Professor Porson ' s IVth Letter to Archdeacon Travis * " of the MSS * used by li . Stephens . " By Francis Huyshe . 1827 .
In the seventeenth volume of our former Series , p . 39 , we have noticed the earliest of Bishop Burgess e s publications in defence of the text of the Heavenly Witnesses , and we were not aware of the diligence with which it seems that he has since been following up his first blow , by treatises both Latin and vernacular . In this harmless occupation of his declining years , it re probable that he would have met with no interruption , had he not presumed at the same time to throw out reflections on the literary character of
Professor Porson . Changed as the University of Cambridge is from what it was in Porson ' s days , there has been still one found among his friends not afraid to encounter a Bishop in defence of bis learning and integrity , both of which are implicated in the charges brought against him . His refutation is most complete . With perfect calmness and courtesy of manner , he exposes the weak reasonings and inaccurate statements of Bishop Burgess , and we should say settles the controversy for ever , if it were to be decided by any
ordinary rules . His name he has withholden , not choosing to appear in person as the opponent of a Bishop ; but it may be inferred from internal evidence , that he is the author of an article in the Quarterly Review of March , 1 ' 822 , in which the evidence of Walafrid Strabo is particularly examined , ( see Mon . Repos . O . S . XVII . p . 334 , ) and his name is , we believe , no secret in the literary circles . His learning , candour , and accuracy of reasoning , qualify him to render eminent service to the cause of theology ,
and we see with pleasure an intimation in his preface that his leisure will henceforward be devoted to the study of Christian antiquity , as the fruit of which he promises an Inquiry into the rise and progress of the text of the Heavenly Witnesses in the Latin Church , and a Review of the controversy between Bishop Horsley and Dr . Priestley . It is unnecessary for us to notice every instance in which the Bishop of Salisbury has nibbled at the reputation of Mr . Porson ; many of them only shew that he has misunderstood his meaning , though no man ever wrote more clearly ,, or that he has taken his exquisite irony for serious truth . In other cases * the charge of nrisstatfcment recoils on the accuser ' s , own head , fa his second section , Crito examines the alleged proofs of Mir . Porson ' s
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322 Review . — - Vindication of Porson .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), May 2, 1828, page 322, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2560/page/34/