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publishing booksellers , and become little more than the puffers of their books . The " Literary Gazette" was , we believe , the first of these productions , and has the outward appearance of being still the most successful ; but its composition partakes strongly of that
weakness and craving for : novelty of every sort which the haste of getting up such a work must produce . Its general strain is by no means inviting , and the estimation in which its reputed Editor is held in society and the literary world is not the most propitious to its success .
Its earliest rival is the " Literary Chronicle / ' and between them there is continual war . The " Chronicle" follows the general plan of its prototype , and if it has , perhaps , still less spirit and talent , it has , on the other hand , we think , less to offend .
The " Weekly Review" has lately entered the lists , and appears to us to command far greater respectability of character and literary argument than either of its forerunners ; but it wants strength and spirit . It drags weakly along , as in fact perhaps every production of the sort must do , which will not stoop to certain arts for stimulating and tickling the appetite of the public . These publications are principally for the Sunday ' s market , which we cannot
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On the Want of Unitarian Publications for the Young .
To the Editor . Sir > The want of unexceptionable publications for the use of young persons in the Unitarian body , has , to my own knowledge , been regretted by many , and especially by those who are engaged in Sunday-school instruction . As a superintendent of one of these institutions I
may be allowed to speak from experience of the difficulty of procuring unobjectionable elementary books , and others suitable for rewards . To supply this deficiency , a valued friend of mine , similarly engaged , framed a plan ( some months since ) for printing books for the use of Sunday-schools , free from popular erroneous doctrines , by raising a capital , in shares of five
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think at all necessary to their -prosperity while . it increases the nuisance aud violation of religious propriety which the Sunday press creates in this metropolis . Mr . Buckingham ( whose bustle and pretension seem inexhaustible ) has lately added " The Athenaeum , " which he publishes on Wednesday . He has thrown into his work his usual air of energy and self-satisfaction , but he has not hitherto * at all removed our distaste for the whole
genus of weekly literary reviews or magazines . , . It is not a little amusing to see the fierce wars . between these rivals . The Edinburgh Review Ms dropped some unlucky words about scissor operations „ which drew down a tremendous clamour
from the " Literary Gazette . " The 'f Chronicle" chuckles over its rival ' s , embarrassment . Mr .. Buckingham congratulates himself ; boasts that the Reviewer has been pleased , ( we . suspect by way of a joke ) to eulogize him ; bespatters his . rivals : and reads the
" Weekly Review" a lecture for venturing to praise itself ; and forth comes this last combatant , roused out of its usual equanimity , to tell Mr . Buckingham some rather unpleasant truths , which , will perhaps teach him the policy of being more discreet in future .
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pounds each , to be advanced by Sundayschools , individually or conjointly , or by any persons disposed to give the plan their support ; the shares to bear interest payable in the society's publications , and the management of the affairs of the society to be vested in a committee annually chosen by the shareholders .
Seven shares * are already engaged , and when ten are taken we calculate the means will be adequate to the objects proposed . An outline of the plan waa inserted in the Christian Reformer for August , 1825 , and copies of it have been
* Mr . J . C . Means for Worship-street Sunday-school ; Stockton Sunday-school ; Dover and Canterbury Sunday - school Union ; BridportSunday-school ; Messrs . Morris and Pearce , Dover ; Rev . Samuel Martin , Trowbridgc ; Mr . John Mardon .
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344 Occadoml Cwrtmoridence .
Occasional Correspondence.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), May 2, 1828, page 344, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2560/page/56/