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hoping that , with the aid of others who might be induced to follow this example , the valuable services of Mr . Buckland might be retained . The Association is duly sensible of the assistance which it has received from various private individuals and congregations , and
hopes that this assistance will be not only continued but augmented . Such augmentation is requisite even to support the labours -on which it has already entered ; but in the district in which the society has commenced its operations , there is abundant room and abundant
need for the most extensive exertions : and in soliciting the co-operation of their friends , the Committee wish fo impress upon them , that the Society does not . propose to itself merely the diffusion of speculative opinions , but the communication of sound principles and pious sentiments to those who are chiefly in need of them , the poor and the young . — -The following resolutions , passed at the meeting , we are requested to lay before our readers :
1 . That this Association , regarding the principles of Unitarianlsm as identical with the principles of Christianity , deem themselves bound to labour by every proper means in order to promote their extensive and practical influence . 2 . That this Association regret that Ihe simple and efficacious doctrines of Unitarianlsm are not more widely
diffused among the poorer classes of the eominunityj being persuaded that the gospel is eminently adapted to their wants and condition . On this account they feel it to be an imperative duty to avail themselves of etery favourable opportunity to . present before the attention of the poor those views of Christian truth and duty whteh they believe to be at once most scriptural and rational .
3 . 'that , in order to diffuse the principles of Unitarianism afaiong the poor , the institution , by established congregations , of missions to the neighbouring districts ,, appears to this Association an object earnestly to be desired , and wherever it does exist , worthy of the warmest encouragement .
4 . That this Society have reason to believe that the spirit of inquiry which prevails among the working classes offers a great encouragement to exertion * for the furtherance of enlightened and vital religion < arid that , unless the adtoeateg of the uncorrupted religion of Jesus are active in the dissemination of their principles , it is to be feared that the irrationality of * the prevailing Ao * g ~ mas m * y give a pernicious direction to
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the views of the reflecting , and ultimate * ly lead them to the renunciation of the Christian faith . Donations and subscriptions will be received by T . B . W . Sanderson , Esq ., Treasurer ; Rev . J . G . Robberds , Chairman of the Committee : and Rev . J * R . Beard , Secretary , Manchester .
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The Annual Assembly of the Unitarian General Baptists will be held on Whit-Tuesday ¦ May 27 th , at the Chapel in Worehip Street , London . The Rev . J . O . S < rOiBR # Of Saffron Walden , U ftppointed to preach . Divine Service will commence at KleVen o ' clock .
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358 "• Intelligence . —Atmivertaty of Moor-Lane Meeting-Hou * & .
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The Society for the ReHef of Aged and Infirm Dissenting Ministers will hold their Annual Meeting at the King ' s Head in the Poultry , on May 27 , at 1 o ' clock .
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Anniversary of Moor-Lane Meeting-House , Bolton-le-Moors . On the 6 th , 7 th , and 8 th , of April , Was held the Sixth Anniversary of the M oor * Lane Congregation , Bolton - le ~ Moors . The Rev . H . H . Piper , of Norton , conducted the religious services of Sunday morning and evening ; and the
Rev . J . R . Beard those of Sunday afternoon and Monday evening . On Monday one hundred and seventeen persons , among whom were friends from Manchester , Liverpool , Stand , Knutsford , Preston , Warrington , Chowbent , Newchurch , and Padiham , sat down to an economical dinner in Mr . Watson ' s Cloth Hall . The meeting was
addressed by the Revds . H . H . Piper , H . Gseen , J . R . Beard , A . Bennett , Edward Hawkes , J . Cropper ; and by Messrs ; F . B . Wright , J . Barrow , H . Duffield , and J . Brandreth . On Tuesday , the scholars of the Sunday School assembled , to the number of one hundred and twenty , to dine in the same room . After dinner some of the children
recited pieces , and with suitable addresses from the Revds . A . Bennett , H . Green , and J . Cropper , received books as rewards for their attention and improvement during the last year . There Is every reason for saying , that all who heard the very able and appropriate discourses of the preachers , or attended
the meetings of Monday etad Tuesday , returned highly gratified and more firmly convinced that meetings of the above nature are calculated to promote the Christian cause , and to establish a feeling and zeal becoming those who advoeate the principles of Unitarian Christianity * _ . ~ j . c .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), May 2, 1828, page 358, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2560/page/70/