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Untitled Article
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Untitled Article
THEOLOGICAL , Infallibility not possible , Error not culpable ; in Reply to Messrs . Pope and Maguire . In Letters to Irishmen in particular , and to Catholics and Protestants at large . 8 vo . 6 s . A Sermon , Historically and Scripturally Explanatory of the Doctrines of Election , Predestination , and Reprobation . By a Clergyman of the Church of England . 2 * .
Sermons on various Subjects . By the late Dr . Dwight . 2 Vols . 24 * . Sermons by the late Rev . John Venn , M . A . 2 Vols . 24 * . The Barn and the Steeple . 12 mo . 4 * . 6 d . The Achievements of Prayer ; selected exclusively from the Holy Scriptures . By Joseph Fincher , Esq . 6 * .
A Letter to the Rev . Henry Philpotts , D . D ., on the Subject of his Two Letters to the Right Hon . G . Canning . By Thomas Gisborne , Jun . 3 * . 6 d , Religious Discourses . By a Layman . 4 s . 6 d . . - The Rev . S . H . Casson's Considerations against the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts , 2 d edition .
Lectures on the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible , &c . &c . By Herbert Marsh , D . D ., &c . &c . 145 Protestant Securities considered , in a Letter to the University of Oxford . By the Right Hon . Wilmot Horton .
MISCELLANEOUS . The Eighth Volume of Lord Bacon ' s Works . Edited by Basil Montagu , Esq . 10 * . 6 d . The Course of Time , a Poem , in Ten Cantos . By the Rev . Robert Pollock , A . M . 3 fth £ dition . 10 * . 6 rf .
Letters from the -Continent , written during a Residence of Eigh ~ tee «~ Months in 1826-7 . By the Rev . WeeverTValter . The Speeches of the Right Hon . G . Canning . By R . Tlierry , Esq . 6 Vols . Bvo . 3 / . 12 * . Elements of Algebraical Notation and Expansion . By the Rev . George Walker , M . A .
The Advancement of Society in Knowledge and Religion . By James Douglas . 2 nd Edition . 9 * . A Letter to the Right Hon . Robert Peel , on the Subject of the London University . By Christianus * 3 ? o , £ *?
Untitled Article
On the Subject of some of the Legal Reforms proposed by Mr . Brougham . By C . E . Dodd , Esq . 8 vo . 3 * . journey through the Upper Provinces of India . By the late Lord Bishop of Calcutta . 2 Vols . 4 to . £ 4 . l 4 s . 6 d . Journal of a Residence and Tour in Mexico , in the Year 1826 . By Captain George F . Lyon , R . N . 2 Vols . 16 * . Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland . 2 Vols . foolscap 8 vo .
21 * . Letters addressed to a Young Person in India . By Lieutenant-Colonel John Briggs . Post 8 vo . Is . 6 d . Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole , by means of Travelling over the Ice in Sledge-Boats , in the Year 1827 . By Captain Parry . 4 to . £ 2 . 2 * . The Annals of Jamaica , By the Rev . G . W . Bridges , A . M . 8 vo . 18 * .
Description of the Circus situate on the Via Appia , near Rome , with some Account of the Circensian Games . By the Rev . R . Burgess . Post 8 vo . With Plans . 9 * . 6 d . Lectures on the Philosophy of Modern
History , delivered in the University of Dublin . By George Miller , D . D . M . R . I . A . 8 yo . 1 / . 4 * . Vols . VII . and VHIf Proceedings of the Expedition to ex ? plore the Northern Coast of Africa , By Captain Beechey , and H . W . Beechey , Esq . 4 to . Z \ . 3 * .
A Treatise on the Laws and . Customs respecting Architecture and Buildings , By James Elmes . 12 * . boards . The Fourth and concluding volume of Godwin ' s History of the Commonwealth of England , &c . The History of Italy , from the Fall of the Western Empire to the commencement of the Wars of the French Revolution . By George Percival , Esq . 2 lacge ifak . ~ 8 vo . 30 * .
Geography and History ; selected by a Lady , for the Use of her own Children . Fifteenth Edition . 12 mo . 4 * . 6 d . The Americans as They Are . Exemplified in a Tour through the Valley of the Mississippi . By the Author of " Austria as It Is . " 8 vo . A Tour in Italy and Sicily . By L . Simond . 8 vo . 16 * . '
Travels in America and Italy . By the Viscount de Chateaqbriand . 2 VoK 8 vo <* 24 * , French . 21 *
New Publications.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), May 2, 1828, page 360, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2560/page/72/