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becomes your peril , and a system , so teaching it , is fraught with evil . Expect no good from Christ any farther than you are exalted by his character and teaching . Expect nothing from his cross , unless a power comes from it , strengthening you to * bear his cross , ' to * drink his cup , ' with his own unconquerable love . This is its highest influence . Look not abroad for the blessings of Christ . His reign and chief blessings are within you . The human soul is his kingdom . There he gains his victories , there rears his temples , there lavishes his treasures . His noblest monument is a mind ,
redeemed from iniquity , brought back and devoted to God , forming itself after the perfection of the Saviour , great through its power to suffer for truth , lovely through its meek and gentle virtues . No other monument does Christ desire ; for this will endure and increase in splendour , when earthly thrones shall have fallen , and even when the present order of the outward universe shall have accomplished its work , and shall have passed away . "—Pp . 21 , 22 .
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( From the " Christian Advocate" ) When the clouds of desolation Gather o'er my naked head , And my spirit ' s agitation Knows not where to turn or tread ; When life ' s gathering storms compel me To submit to wants and woes , Who shall teach me , who shall tell me Where my heart may find repose ?
To the stars I fain would reach me ; There the God of light must dwell : Sacred teachers ! will ye teach me ? Blest instrpctors ! * jrill ye tell How my voice may reach that portal
Where the seraphs crowd in throngs ; How the lispings of a mortal May be beard 'midst angel songs ! God and Father ! Thou did ' st give me Sorrow for my portion here ;
But Thy mercy will not leave me Helpless , struggling with despair ; For to Thee , when sad and lonely , Unto Thee , alone I turn , And to Thee , my Father ! only Look for comfort when I mourn .
Nor in vain—for light is breaking 'Midst the sorrows , ' midst the storms ; And methinks 1 see awaking Heavenly hopes and angel forms ; And my spirit waxes stronger , And my trembling heart is still ; And my bosom doubts no longer Thine inexplicable wilL J . EOWRING .
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Consolation Sought and Found . 667
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Oct. 2, 1828, page 667, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2565/page/11/