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( 670 )
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To the Editor . Sm , Bristol , Sept . 6 , 1828 . As the subject of the Atonement is occupying the attention of some of your readers , it may not be uninteresting to them to read the following contributions . No . 1 , is part of a note from a valued young friend , after reading a lecture on the Mosaic Atonements . No . 2 , is the connected portion
of an answer which I lately sent her , with some other MSS . on the subject . No . 3 , is a Summary of the leading statements made in a course of lectures which were delivered some years ago ( 1823 ) at Lewin's Mead ; at the close of which the Summary was distributed among the hearers . It is referred to in Mr . Elton ' s " Second Thoughts , " p . 94 . The accidental omission of the wotji only in it , has exposed Unitarianism to a misrepresentation on his part , which I will notice at tbe close of the Summary .
If these papers should contribute to give definiteness to the views of any of your readers on this important topic , they will answer the purpose for which I send them . L . C . No . 1 . Sept . ] , 1828 .
" As a guide to the study of the ceremonial part of the Jewish law , I have found it [ the Lecture ] particularly useful , and if my conclusions still incline me to the belief that the death of Christ was the immediate , though appointed , means of remission of sins , I have never lost sight of the important scriptural truths that this gift of his Son was an effect of the love of
God , and that salvation is inseparably connected with sanctification , without which , indeed , it is scarcely possible to conceive that even pardon itself could be productive of happiness . On those points in which your views do not appear to my mind entirely satisfactory , I feel nevertheless such extreme diffidence , being aware of the insufficiency of my present means of forming a correct judgment , that I can only look forward to the result of a continued and accurate investigation of the Scriptures , in which I hope , by the grace of God , to be enabled to persevere , in the hope that some of my difficulties
may eventually be cleared up . In the mean time , it is my earnest wish to keep steadily in view the important practical consideration , that that which remains obscure ought never to be suffered to invalidate the force of that which we know to be true and perceive to be clear , and that in proportion as the doctrines of the gospel are received by the intellect , are we bound to realize them in our hearts and adhere to them in our lives . "
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No . 2 . . My dear Miss Sept . 1 , 1828 . I thank you for your interesting note . I am quite satisfied with the point at which you have arrived . Philosophy may profess to discover , or may really discover , a connecting link in the chain that binds phenomena with the agency of the Great First Cause ; but all that religion is solicitous about , is that the connexion itself exists . Whether God has seen fit to establish a connexion out of the usual course of nature ( as you at present think ) between tbe death of Christ and the forgiveness of sin , or ( as I think ) the blessings we have through Christ are all such as can be explained ( both as to their nature and their mode of operation ) according to the usual course of
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Oct. 2, 1828, page 670, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2565/page/14/