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vation with feajr and trembling , God does bestow his grace as , || r , E . well observes , " to sustain the mind in its conflicts , and to confirm its perseverance . "
The other statement to which I refer , occurs in p . vii . of the Preface , in reference to the " Order for the Lord ' s Supper' * in the Book of Common Prayer . u Let this , " says Mr . Elton , " be compared , in its influence on the mind , with the dry historical lecture on the evidences of the resurrection usually substituted in the Unitarian chapels /* During a larjge portion of the time in which Mr . Elton was in the Unitarian communion , he
partook of the Lord ' s Supper at Lewin ' s Mead ; and during the whole of this period , ( perhaps five years , ) I am convinced that he never once heard there an historical lecture on the evidences of the resurrection in the administration of the Lord ' s Supper . I cannot of course extend my statement to other places which he attended : but I am confident that he has no foundation for the implied assertion , that such a lecture is usually substituted " at the Lord ' s Supper . Yet I know not why the Christian should not , when shewing forth his Lord ' s death , follow him in heart-reviving contemplation
to the glorious morning when he became the first-fruits of them that sleep , and was declared to be the Son of God with power , and when God set his seal to his message of mercy ; and think of him , with grateful triumph , not only as " obedient unto death , even the death of the cross , " but as the risen Saviour , " who was dead and is alive again , and lives for evermore ;" nor why , to strengthen and animate his faith , with all its sanctifying requirements and its consolations , he should not dwell , at times , on the signal evidences that " the Lord is risen indeed : " and from the immediate
conclusion , that he is " the resurrection and the life , " and that " as he lives we must live also , " learn something of the " power of his resurrection" to purify , invigorate , elevate , direct , and comfort , and take occasion to join in the grateful ascription of the Apostle * " Blessed be the God and Father of bur Lord Jesus Christ , which , according to his abundant mercy , hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead , to an inheritance incorruptible , and undented , and that fadeth not away . "
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O deep , unfathomable Sea ! Thou seentfsti to me a grave Meet for immortal souls ; Boundless , mysterious ; undefined sensations
Rush on the stricken heart , Beneath the terrors of thy frown . — Anon the scene is changed , And , brightly beautflSli Thy gently heaving bosom' swells to meet The westi wind ' s balmJr kisses . — 1
Oh * solemn , gloorny Sea ! Oh , smiling * , placid Seal Within thy breast my home shall bet Iste of Wight , September tst , 1828 .
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The Sea . 675
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Oct. 2, 1828, page 675, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2565/page/19/