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open air . At Chala ** g < wi , for instance , in wmteT there is a service every Sunday ; in summer there are two services each Sunday , two Sundays out of three intlae temple , and < nrthe third the service takes place in the open air , and in a central situation , * n order that those of the faithful whom the distance and bad roads prevent from coming to the temple , may sometimes join m public worgfei j * . " P . 12 . In some places there is service conducted by a pastor every month or six weeks ; in others eveTy fortnight ; and hi the large towns once at least < every Sttnday , besides explanations of the Catechism , frequently one weekly service , and two on fast-days ; and there is
generally a service read by one of the flock on those Sundays when m > pastor is present . In some af these churches there are ' Sunday-schools , 4 £ prfts of litigious tracts , savings' banks , fsocikis de prSvoyauce , ) and missionary societies ; and in almost all there are Bible Societies and schools for elementary instruction * The following are the sbhis total of ihe . recapitulatory table :
Consistories and Oratories .. 96 Keligious Tract Societies and Pastors 305 Depots 59 Buildings consecrated to wor- Savings Banks 8 shi p ...- .- 438 * Sunday Schools 79 f Bible Societies * • 451 Elementary Schools 392 Missionary ditto + •* *• 124
The name of Oratoires has been given to those isolated churches Which are too inconsiderable to be formed into separate consistories , and which have , therefore , been annexed to those to which they were the nearest in point of geographical situation * Of these , several of the more ancient were made into oonsisiories fey a royal ordinance of the 24 th of April , 1822 , and
new churches are perpetually springing up , and obtaining the sanction of government , under the toanMe of Oratoires . It is very gratifying to record the manner in 'which this is done , and the facilities which are granted by the local and national authorities . The following may be taken as an instance ( p . 174 ) :
" Recognized 30 th Augmt , 3825 . " The Protestants of Ageux , and those who inhabit the department of the Oise , being very desirous of celebrating public worship , announced to the Mayor of Ageux their intention to meet , in order to fulfil this pious duty , in a house which they pointed out to Trim . The latter thought that he ought to give notice of it to the minister of the Interior . His Excellence , after having obtained local information and wMi the advice of the Pre * fet , wrote to this magistrate the following instructions :
~ * 'Monsieur Pr&fet , " * I see no objection to these meetings , provided they be held conformably to the laws , awd I bcjg you to acquaint the petitioners that the permission which they request w { granted them . Accept , © ic , " * ( Signed ) CoiiBifcRE . '"
,, . . . , . . . ... i . k ...... . -.. * Of these the greatest number are tn ifhe departments of the Gard , of the Drftme , and of the Ardfcche , tfhere'being > iti the first 75 , in the second 32 , and in the third 17 . f ttlie English reader will be struck by the small proportion of Sunday-schools ; but in France and Switzerland it is the custom ( whether good or bad , we will not here stay to determine ) to give religious instruction to children chiefly on the week days , especially on Thursdays , and scarcely at all on Sundayts .
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Refbrmed { shurcAes in France . 699
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Oct. 2, 1828, page 699, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2565/page/43/