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those services ; and our admiring appreciation of the , manly firmness with which , when the principles and conduct of the Dissenters were impugned , he stood forward , as one of them , in their defence ; and , above all . of the
conscientious openness and ititegrity with which , when the opinions of Unitarians were treated with contempt , or held up to abhorrence , he professed a good profession before the government and legislature of his country , and avowed hi » convictions as one of the sect which was the object of obloquy and misrepresentation . "
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Tenterden District Unitarian Christian Association . The Anniversary of this Society was held at Tenterden on the 28 th of August , 1828 ; John Mace , Esq ., in the Chair . The great commanding truths of Unitarian ism are such a direct appeal to the understanding , so congenial with the worthiest and best affections of the heart , and such the uninterrupted harmony of these meetings , that it is next to
impossible so f ar to vary our annual accounts as to excite or preserve the attention of the general reader . They know with an almost infallible certainty what is to follow . On the great principle of universal benevolence , every Unitarian meets a brother ; whilst the most cordial good wishes and an enlarged charity / ill our breasts , and , whatever are their speculative opinions , are extended to all around us .
It will be sufficient , therefore , to state that our District Meeting took place on the above day in the afternoon . The chapel service was introduced by Mr . Payne , o f Rolvenden , who read the Scriptures and offered up the first prayer ; after which Mr . Blundell , of Northiam , delivered an instructive discourse from
Philipp . i . 27 . We then adjourned to the Lion Inn , where tea was provided ; and although the Kent and Sussex Association had so recently taken place here , a company amounting to 114 met and spent the evening—when sentiments , as usual , were delivered from the Chair , which occasioned corresponding observations from several speakers . Thanks were voted to Lord John
Russell , to Lord Holland , and to all those Members of both Houses of Parliament who so ably pleaded for the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts ; when the company separated with every expression of satisfaction and joy , congratulating each other on the above rej » eal ,
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as also on the very able and highly me ^ ritorious exertions of the Committee * of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association , and on the progress of our opinions in all parts of the world . L . H OLDEN . Tenterden , Sept . 3 , 1828 .
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The Battle Congregation . The Rev . James Taplin has signified his intention of resigning the pastorship of this congregation at Christinas next .
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IRELAND . Synod of Ulster . Important Discussion on the Subject of Trinitarianism . ( Concluded from p . 655 . ) Mr . Montgomery having suggested that the propositions in debate should , in conformity with the regulations of the code of discipline , lie over for consideration for one year , proceeded as follows :
In the mean time the popular ferment will have time to subside ; and I now beg leave , in great seriousness and sincerity , to propose a plan to our opponents , which , I firmly believe , would ultimately lead to the triumph of truth . I know that my opinions have been grossly caricatured and misrepresented ; and it is possible , that in our hands , yours may
have suffered in the same way . Now , whilst we continue without any regular channel for the mutual interchange and explanation of our opinions , these misconceptions must be perpetuated . From the very nature of man , the pulpit will increase , instead of diminishing
misapprehensions . > Confident in his own views , every minister will necessarily bring them forward with the greatest possible force ; whilst , without any impeachment of his honesty , he may not introduce the strongest arguments of his opponents . If this be the case , under the most favourable supposition , how
* We are by no means insensible of , but deeply feel , our obligations to the Committee of the General Body of Dissenters , who with bo good a temper , yet with such just spirit and determined resolution , and most persevering diligence , pursued the above most important object to its great and glorious accomplishment . However widely w « may differ from many of them on doctrinal points * may the blessing of Almighty God rest upon them all ,
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Intelligence . *—Synod of Ulster . 719
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Oct. 2, 1828, page 719, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2565/page/63/