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The quarrel began , as usual , with differences of opinion about subscription to articles , and as usual , it proceeded to individual persecution ; Mr . Thomas Kevin being called to take his trial for having dropped such words as these , that "it is no blasphemy to say , that Christ is not God . " Mr . Nevin repels with horror the imputation of being an Arian ; and , by bringing the Jews into the argument , manages to get off with no worse reproof from our author than for a want of caution , while his accusers are declared
to have displayed the worst qualities attendant on spiritual despotism . As usual , too , these events led to a very full discussion , and tracts and pamphlets were multiplied and widely dispersed , insomuch that ., as Dr . Calamy says , <( It has since been debated by several whether , all things considered , this breach and separation did more good or hurt . Whether , since they could not agree to differ more amicably , it were Bot better and more eligible for
their ministers to consider and debate about the affairs of religion in their several congregations separately , without heat , than to pretend to meet together for that purpose , and run into heats and quarrels , heart-burnings and contentions , railing and mutual accusations of each other , to the discredit of their characters and profession , and the scandalizing of standers-by and lookers-on . '— -Vol . II . p . 487 .
If the divine really thought this a doubtful matter , what would he have felt under the fore-knowledge that at the end of a century certain imposers and remonstrants would no longer " agree in concluding upon a declaration concerning the eternal and independent deity of our Lord Jesus Christ , " and that it could no longer be affirmed that on that point none among them were " erroneous" ? What would he have thought of the meditated " union of all
the Remonstrants , from various Synods , in a body , whose distinguishing principle should be , resistance to subscription ? What would he have thought of many other signs of the times in Ireland which to us are cheering , but which would probably have driven him to a solution of the question proposed above , directly opposite to that which he appears inclined to adopt ?
Dr . Calamy died in 1732 , in the sixtieth year of his age , having rendered very eminent services to society in various ways , and leaving a reputation deservedly high , as a writer , a preacher , and a man . He is now , and will henceforth be , chiefly known as the historian of Nonconformity . His works prove him to have been eriven to very industrious research ; though from the volumes before us we should have imagined the world rather than the study the scene of his exertions . His observation of the living world ,
public and private , appears to have been very extensive , and in many instances very acute and just ; though in not a few cases , the prejudices incidental to his times and circumstances have perverted his judgment of facts , and impaired the value of his testimony . Such instances are so easily detected , that they are of little importance , and from their amusing character are likely to increase rather than lessen the good-humour which can hardly fail of existing in the mind of the reader on closing the work .
Untitled Article
100 Catamy ' s Life .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Feb. 2, 1830, page 100, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2581/page/28/