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«¦ Speaking the truth in Iov 6 . '—Pau i ,,
Heris begin a series of papers in the spirit anil with the object of ' The Watchman / The promise of longer vity wftich that worthy one&gaye was , tp the regret of many , frustrated fey an untimely end . His f&te we have heard accounted for in this mann er ^ 'He flourished while he chastjsedthe orthodox ; he perished on tlfe&Bt shafts he le ^ te ^ at Uni-It is
tarians . ^ * well / have been accib ^ ome d tp reply ; ' if he was not mafte of reforming stuff he should np | Save , assumed the work of a refprjneK A fit * ' Watchman / ' truly , to ! swoon an « i die as soon as a troop of delinquents felt " hurt , "— ' * offended . " The last limb of the law
has v Sye doubt not , been often , voted a nuisance , and criminals not seldom feel ^ Jiurt , " perhaps . , ' . pffended , " & % th e ; 3 Jg ] &ofythjr ^ fujj ^ jfe ^ in ^^ e ; have yet to learn that either party has on , that account abdicated its functions . ' Ifor ourselves we are as ^ sirred , and , we avow the assurance at once , ' The Truth-Teller' is made pf
more pasting materials . Not that , . MjfCy ^ c ^ ii ^ ytQ ^ seodbiiity > , ^^ QL ^ sterner mood th an * The V ^ atchman ' we may be , and less therefor ^ open to assailment . But there ; are Wo reason ^ for thinl ^ ng that we shall live longer than did that unhappy youth . We love-lj'fe , We cling tp it with great tenacity . We have proved the strength of pur vital prin-» - .
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ciple—for we have seen service . Neither cuts nor blows have yet killed us , and though we do not helieve J ^ hatJwe ^ ar ^ quite immofctal ^ e suspect that , like our great prototype Achilles , it is rather in the ] iee { than the breast that we are vulner > able . In other words , the Editor may trip us up , the public can hardly ¦ fef ^ kiEW ^ eSftTr' ^ TliiB ^ ea ^ FiKrfea
son the second ; the public , as we , hope , are more docile than they werev Confession is so much the order pi ; the day , that we almost seem tQ live in the good pl 4 times of eathoiir eism . When eyen the ' omnipotent , ' and therefore , a ? one would tl ^ in ^ impeccable parliament ,, has giyeii verdict and pronounced judgment
against itself , few ^ oth er bodies , can , wjth a sfyow of propriety :, retain Aq asBu ^ pt ; ipntpF ; im ^ urt True it is , . we know , that ecclesiastical bodies , which , were the , first to put others , are the la , st to go themselves to confession , And so ithas . beeri » that with a leaven of true cliurchigrn ^ tJmtarians either cannot err or have
QO . t ^ etred ^ h at ^ s ^ . Q ^ the-opinio . ^ bf ; its doctors , ' It has been / we say , ' intimating a hope that iVia not ,, ' For , are I ^ nitarians . t ( ie last to arrogate * if not infallDbJlity , yet immaculate-, " * ness ; and are 1 ; heyitheVlast to caich th ^ influence , of tli e spint of reform , , £ The worl ^ i is moving around . " tfeem ,. full of energy ^ r ^ ctjive iu rvnoyaiioii ^ . . ^
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Untitled Article
No . XII . ] January , 1833 . [ Price 6 d .
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y 0 lw , - ' ... . . . , . .. ,
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¦ ¦ j ^ - , f " v- ; ' ;; . -: ,: v . - ' - , - .- -r- . •• : - f ^ I " . .. * £$ . * ¦ '•/¦ 't T :.. . - . ¦ ' ¦ ' : .. ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦;¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ; . ' . " ' ¦ ¦; : ; •¦ ¦• ¦ .. ¦ - . r ' Tiim ^ '' ¦ ¦ ' ;¦ ;; < J : ;; . ' ¦>^ & '' , i :: > £ - ¦ ¦ : >¦¦; . •¦;¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦? ' . UN IT A m A i :::. ; G H : B 0 Mi € ¦ $$ £ ; . AND- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' * : . " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .. COMPANIPN TO THE MONTHLY REPOSITORY .
The Truth-Teller.—No. I.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 1, 1833, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2605/page/1/