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senters would live together , as Christ tian brothers all over the land > all endeavouring" to promote feelings and sentiments of fellowship , friendly union and co-operation , the only rivalry being that in good works , which Would redound to the benefit
of all , "" "The meeting tKe ^ T ^ tefminatetl ^ after an evening spent in the agreeable interchange of the social feelings and of information , from which no one could fail to derive some
benefit , and which all present ap ~ peared to enjoy in the spirit of that cheerfulness and true pleasure , which invariably characterizes the possession and diffusion of the principles of true Christianity .
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to be conducted . . Rev . C . Berry , ofr Leicester ^—On the principles of 0 ni *< tariaMism .: Rev . H , Wreford—TEhe question ans \ yered , Why are you m Protestant Dissenter ? Rev . H . Hutton , of Birmingham — - Unitarian Christians distinguished by-the principles of their faith , both from
Trinitari aiiS 7 ^ and" ^ from 7 *^ nnbeli evers- ~ inr Christianity , Rev . H . Wreford- ^ On the nature of Christ ' s unity , with the Father . Rev . S . Hunter , of Wol ~ verhampton—On the improper ap- = . plication of the name Socinians to modern Unitarian Christians . Rev ., H . Wreford — Popular objections against Unitarian Christianity
considered . Rev . S . Bache , of Birmingham—Just views of the Divine government dependent on . a belief in the sole J > eity of God the Father * Rev . H . Hutton , of Birmingham— - Christ the power of God and the wisdom of Grod . Rev . T . Bavies , of Evesham —¦ Reconciliation ta God through Jesus Christ . Rev . _ H . Wreford- —THe obstacles which im-.
pede the progress of Unitarian Wor ^ ship .
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• ' UN-1 T-A-R 1 A-N CHRONICLE , . ISfe
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The Rev . J , Fullagar , of Chichester , has commenced a course of Siin . « day evening lectures , at the Unitatarian Chapel , Baffin ' s Lane , Chichester ,. on - the . ^ following jubjects , : The origin , progress , and moral value of nonconformity ; the doctrine of the Trinity tested by -Scripture ;
the scripture account of the future state if the wicked ^ the Logos ; the use and abuse of St Paul ' s Epistles ; the mystery of godliness ; the temptation of Christ ; the issue of the temptation in the . flight of the devil ; the ministration of angels subsequent
to the temptation ; Unitarianism countenanqed by the tenoiur of the Revelation vouchsafed to 3 t . John ; the value of religious truth , and duty of upholding it ; natural , moral , and intellectual light , The course commenced in November last , and will extend through the months of January and February .
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The following c ? urse" ° ^ Sunday Evening Lectures , fro * n provember 18 to March 10 , is delivering in the great Meeting House , Smithfordstreet , Coventry : —™ Rev . H , Wreford—On the spirit in which religious controversies ought
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An adjourned congregational meet ' ing was held in the General Baptist Meeting Bouse , Mead-row , Godalming , on the evening of Sunday , the 4 th of November , wlien , being fully convincecl ^ that ^ the ^^ reason ^ Ivhy 0 ni
tarianism is not more prevalent is , because it is so little known ; and being desirous to do all in their power towards elevating the religious and moral character of the people , the meeting resolved to form 1 a ~ society ,-to-be -denominated the
* Mead-row Christian Tract Society . ' That the society's tracts nu ^ ht be > circulated as much as possible , nine distributors * were chosen , with the other requisite officers , and upwards of forty persons have entered their names as subscribers * Several do * nations having . likewise-. be § n , re »
Mead-Row Christian Tract Sqciety.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 1, 1833, page 13, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2605/page/13/