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cises , for they Vvereiionoiirable to the performers and to the Institution . Exercises of Candidates for the Degree of A . B . 1 . A Salutatory Oration in Latin . George Frederick Simmons , Boston . 2 . A Conference . * Franklin , Davy , and Fulton / Joseph Bennett , Boston ; Charles Grafton Page , Salem ; John Sullivan Perkins ,
Boston . 3 . An Essay , ' Effects of Party Spirit on the Verity of Periodical Writings . ' William Silsbee , Salem . 4 . A Colloquy . ' The Influence of the Roman Gladiatorial Shows and Greek Games on the Character of the People . * Francis Josiah Humphrey , Boston ; Joseph Brewster Walker , Wilmington .
5 . A Confere nee / ' Comparative Influence of Natural Scenery , the Institutions of Society * and Individual Genius , on Taste . ' Josiah Gardner Abbot , Chelmsford ; Joseph Warren Eaton , Boston ; Albert HobartrNelr son , Carlisle . 6 . An Essay . ' Description of American Manners by Foreigners / Henry Whitney Fellows , Boston .
7 . A Colloquy . 'The Comparative Influence of Literature and Science on the Progress of Civilization / Harrison Gray Otis Phipps , Quincy ; Lewis Colby , Charlestown . 8 . An Essay . l The Influence of Fashion / Le Baron Russell , Plymouth .
9 . A Literary Disquisition . ' Importance of Independent Criticism to the Growth of National Literature / George Ticknor Curtis , Cambridge . 10 . A Poem . 4 The Missionary . ' Charles Kittridge True , Boston . 11 . A Philosophical Disquisition ' Causes orill Health in Literary Men / Richard Miller Chapman , Boston .
12 . A Philosophical Discussion . 4 The Influence of Superstition on Science and Literature . ' James Wilde , Hingham ; Oliver Capen Everett , Boston . 13 . A Dissertation . * Respect for
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Publici Monuments , whether Triumphal or for the Dead / Joseph
Stevens Buckminster lhacher , Boston . 14 . A Literary Discussion . 'English Biography and French Memoirs / John Sullivan Dwight , Charles Mason i Boston . 15 . A Dissertation . ' Character and Writings of Sir James MacHii ^ tosh / Theodore Warland , Cambridge .
16 . An Oration in English . The Lot of the Portrayer of Passion / Samuel Osgood , Charlestown . 17 . A Forensic Disputation . * Whether the Inequalities of our Social Condition be favourable to the Progress of Knowledge V Richard Soule , Duxbury ; William Richardson , Boston . 18 . A Dissertation . * Literary Character of our First Settlers /
William Williamson Wellington , West Cambridge . 19 . AnOration in English . 'The Love of Truth ,- —a Practical Principle / Charles Timothy Brooks , Salem . 20 . A Deliberative Discussion . ' Are Political Improvements best effected by Rulers , or by the People V William Cushing , Lunenburg ; Augustus Story , Salem .
51 .. An Oration in English . ' The Progress of Man / James Augustus Dorr , Boston . Exercises of Candidates for the Degree of A , M . 1 . An Oration in English . * Radicalism . ' Mr . Charles Fay . 2 . A Valedictory Oration in Latin . Mr . Edward L . Cunningham .
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On Tuesday , Oct . 2 , 1832 , died , at Plymouth , Mr . Adam Gray , in the seventy-eighth year of his age . Mr . Gray , was born at Dunse , in the county of Berwick , and received the best education which the grammar-school of that small town afforded , which in those days was considered an excellent one . He was truly remarkable for uprightness of charac-
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 1, 1833, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2605/page/30/