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towards a » y merely religious adversary , especially where , in Spite of his violeitee of speech and sentiment , we have iio reason to doubt his sincerity , and where , his acts cannot strictly be defined legal offences , if any one say to me , that upon this footing all
jhuman religious establishments must please together , I reply , . iSHflie eraphatie words of the illustrious Fos * ter , * -- ^ No matter for that I * Creeds , forms , and visible constitutions may be rent to shreds * but Christianity will be much the gainer . Your obedient servant , J . C ,
Hampstead , 15 th Nov .. 1832
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repays * ts for all . After t&is , I need ? joi s& £ with / what reluctance I give up the thoughts of returning to Bir * mingham ; and I can truly say I can never expect to be so happy in any other place , especially as a minister ,
which will always be my favourite employment ; No congregation in liorftM can furliilh ^ suSh ~~ cZass ? rss I had with you ; and the letters I have received from them , and the excellent spirit they discover , makes me happy , and even proud .
I preached last Sunday , for the first time since I left Birminghamto a congregation of Galvinistic Bap ^ tists at Aniersham . Their request showed so much liberality that I could not refuse to comply with it ? There were present people of all parties ,- and I believe f offended rnone
Indeed I have had several addresses from dissenters of all denominations and the Calvinist ones , on this Occasion , show as much of a catholic spirit ^ a ^ . any , jtndy Ijhink , i ^^ rage . This is one- species of good that has already come out of the ' evil which drives me from you . 1 am
here on a visit to a friend , and have solicitations from all quarters to preach , and all from the Independents or Baptists ; indeed * there are no others in the neighbourhood . But my sufferings make them forget , or overlook , my heresy , * it is enough for them that I am a Christian .
Though , I shall not reside at Birmingham , I shall nope , some - time hence } to pay you pretty long visits ; in the mean time , I am , with every good wish , Dear John , Yours sincerely , J . Priestley . Wyqorab , June 26 th , 1791 ,
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On Tuesday evening , November &Oth , the annual meeting of the subscribers to , and friends of , the Greengate Chapel Fellowship Fund was held in the ^ chool * rooiri , beneath
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ONITS ^ H ^ N CHUONiei . E . ?
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The original was put into my hand the other day by Mr . Ralph Capper , one of my hearers , who wished me to send a copy for insertion if you approve of that step . I ani , Dear Sir , Yours very respectfully , Jajvies Hawkbs . The oriffiiial was put into mv hand
J o the Manor oj the Umtarzan Chronicle ; Kantwidb , Nov . Ist ^ 1832 . Dear SiRy ^ I send you the copy of a letter written just after Dr . Priestley left . Birmingham after the riots , to a ~ young ~ friend ^ of-the-, coTigregationy probably , of one of the classes of which he speaks so handsomely .
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CopyL ., cf , aLett € ^ 2 Qih 1791 , after the Riots at Birmingham , by Dr . Priestley , to a Young Ftien& o / hi $ late congregation to whom he had shown kindness . . Deah J <> ttN , —I was hardly ever
more affected fchan in reaaing your le ^? t ? J ^ Mch , ^ ho ^ d the goodness of youf own '' -Heart i by your patittide for favours which you greatly over * value . % > sent it to my wife , as I knew it would give her as much pleasure as it did me . We ? too often-
labour for the ungrateful , but orte instance of the contrary m 6 re than * Sec Tostex * toaiiist Stubbing pn Heresy , ?• LeltW ' Ur ¦• ' .
Salford Fellowship Funi≫ Tea-Paety.
Dr. Priestley,
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 1, 1833, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2605/page/7/