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This is thy voice—* I am the globed dew Which trickles from the locks of twilight grey , When the earth falls asleep , and when anew She wakens , blushing with a dream of day , And the love-stricken star of the pale morning Swoons in Aurora ' s eyelids ; till the grass , Foliage , and flowers are pearl'd with my adorning-, And not a leaf but drinks me as I pass .
* I am the teats that gush from human eyes , Even figured as themselves and glassy-sphered—A sweeter dew let fall from clearer skies , And on the flower o * the cheek I hang endear'd : I am the eyes , with air and fire envvove , In triple glory ; and I am the light Which moistly lies upon the lips of love , When love to liquid kisses they invite .
* I am the rain which clouded heaven weepeth ; In the rebounding hail I dance congeai'd ; In the still snow which ,, mute as shadows , sweepeth Over the earth , I am by warmth reveal'd ; And in the hoar frost is my gem secreted—Soft-frozen dew ; and from the icicle I come at the sun ' s call—on bare bough greeted , Or far amid the rocks in cavern'd cell .
* I form the clouds and mists : the setting sun Doth glorify me in the golden west , The moon in silver cloud and halo dun , And planets in their circlets of dim mist . Without me were not the electric fire , Thunder , wind , meteor , nor bright exhalation ; And thro' me the ethereal beams transpire
Which weave the rainbow ' s sevenfold coruscation . * I form the secret springs that feed the earth—The gushing brook , swift rill , and leaping fountain , River , and lake , and waterfall ; and mirth . Bounds with my music adown many a mountain ; And when the Winter with his cold hand chains
The fluent freedom which in me abided , Ye may behold me fix ' d in crystal plains—And o ' er me glide , swiftly as I have glided . 4 am the seed whence grew the unfathomM ocean , Boundless , and crested with a foaming glory ! I form the billowa whose eternal motion
Shakes the strong rock and fells the mountain hoary : Without me the wide earth were desolate , Its sweets corruption , and its verdure sere ; And splendour waits upon my flowing state , Or in the curving wave , or orbed tear ! *
Untitled Article
20 To a fVater-Drop .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1834, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2629/page/20/