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Atom of the earth-filling element ! I cast thee now into thy kindred sea ; Lo ! thou art mingled—As spirit singled From Nature ' s soul , awhile in us to be , Is given to the Great Vast , and with its depths reblent .
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Autobiography of Pel . Verjuice , 21
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CHAPTER VII . I have stipulated with my conscience not to begin the new year with a grumbling , vinegary chapter , or else ,, —well , I won ' t grumble—I will look only at the sunny side , if I can , and accept man ' s smile for as much as he wishes to pass currents So : I was
fairly shipped on board His Majesty ' Frigate A ; registered on her chronicles by name Peregrine Verjuice , aged 17 years , by trade a quill driver , by birth a Welshman : then I was tucked under a sort of gallows to ascertain my height , 5 feet 5 inches ^ white , soapy complexion ^ bleached oakum hair , high cheek bones , and deep ditches beneath them ; eyes indigo , or pepper and salt ^ just as the sun or light chose they should be ; a nose nothing particular , only it seemed to belong to me : no brands , marks , or scars . All these particulars were duly noted in the Book of
Chronicles of H . M . S . A , in order that if I deserted , the c Hue and Cry' might have a description of me . This course was pursued through the whole crew ; then each was stationed according to the estimate of his seamanlike qualities ; or , with no such qualities , as landsmen , struck off for after guard and waisters . To myself , no particular duty was immediately assigned : they skipped my name in the muster , but I was soon made useful . I
was ordered to paint the numbers on the hammocks . Whence were my tools to come ? I had read Robinson Crusoe , —invention is the dutiful and pliant child of that frowning and austere mother , Necessity . My pallet was the head of a flour barrel : for brushes , hah ! luckily a goose had been killed that day for the gun-room dinner , and he hung , heels up , in the galley ; I plucked two or three feathers from his wing , these were for quills , and sawed off some hairs from the back of a goat , which came bobbin g about my legs as if snuffing out a relationship . I am not sure that she was a countrywoman of mine , but she was my shipmate for seven years afterwards , and we became very good friends . For my easel , I selected the back of the smoothest long eighteen-pounder which I could find . Thus was I equipped and furnished for my new trade : but it was a dull business , though I had plenty to do , and got through it much less to my own than to the satisfaction of others . I was all the while dreaming how long we should Iw
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1834, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2629/page/21/