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this occasions— ' A-hoy here ! out or down ! rouse and bitt ! show a leg here ! out or down ! tumble out ! here I come , with a sharp knife and a clear conscience ! ' Each , meantime ,, thrashing away at the suspended sacks , as he dives under them : and wherever
there is a sound of solidity , down it comes , contents and all , head or stern foremost , no matter which : the knife is sharp , and is through the laniards quicker than you can say Jack Robinson ;' and in five minutes from the first signal , all is as clear , fore and aft , as if a snore had never been snored there , nor a hammock
swun g from the battens . How I hate , and always did hate , your early rising : nothing can reconcile me to it , but the fact that I cannot sleep , and I am not much troubled that way . Talk of your ' glorious rising sun / and e the glistening of the morning dews ! ' I am gaping for the first hour , and cannot see them ; my eyes are sand-scaled : what can compensate for a comfortable
snooze , and lying dreaming , neither awake nor asleep , building castles and fairy palaces , or plotting treason ? I hold it unmerciful cruelty to have my castles , and palaces , and treason , whiffed away , with a e come , get up : it is such a beautiful morning . ' Hang you and your beautiful morning ; it cannot be a thousandth part so glorious as the broad day of blissful dream which you have turned into darkness . But to be roused out to wash and scrub and scour decks , up to your knees in water , and down on your knees with the hard ' hand bible' to polish oaken
or deal planks with sand , immediately out of your warm nest : this is perfection of joy , isn ' t it ? Some folks have a silly notion that it is good for the body ' s health . Agues and sulkiness ! I say ' tis' no such thing : I am sure it is a sourer of the soul , however ( W bright and cheering may be the aspect of heaven ' s morning . I was in this dismal train of thinking , when We are abreast of the wite , ' was the remark which struck on my ears , as I was lashing up my hammock , with arms and hands not yet awake . ' Abreast
of the wite , ' what does that mean ? then followed something about € needles ; ' , putting this and that together , I understood we were near the Isle of Wight , of which old dreams and imagination had drawn such delicious pictures .
The vernal and flowery Paradise of England was then within the scope of my vision ; and the thought awoke my drowsy hands and arms , and quickened the turns of my hammock lashing , and lightened the load as I shouldered it and ran on deck to deliver it to the gunner ' s mate , who was buried up to his throat among the heaps which he was stowing in the waistnetting ; I tossed mine over the rail and swung my head to the opposite direction ; the ship gave a lurch and headlong- I went down the hatchway ladder ; a shout of laughter echoed the rattling of my bones , and * ho ! call the butcher V ' here , scavenger , bring your bucket for tlie dirt ! ' and ' pick up the pieces ! ' were my salves and comforters : but the Isle of Wight was in sight , and I did not lose
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Autobiography of Pel . Verjuice . 25
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1834, page 25, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2629/page/25/