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is pleasant to record pleasure , and at the same tinte gratitude to those who bestowed it . We thank those who will know whom we mean ., when we say—we thank them ; and we thank the French artists , wishing them no higher reward than thousands of
spectators , who will go and least their eyes , and minds , and hearts , and enjoy , as we have enjoyed , the banquet prepared by them , for all , in the gallery of the Luxembourg . S . Y .
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It is much to be deprecated that Church reform should become , in the Legislature , merely a question between the established sect and the non-established sects . Should that happen , the result will most likely be a stopping short in , and turning aside from , the course which ought to be pursued in order to
obtain , from change , the greatest amount of national good . It is very possible that matters may be compromised between the clergy , who , practically , are the Church , on the one hand ; and the leading denominations of Dissenters , on the other . € Holy Orders , ' and pretended Holy Orders' may be made to stand ( with the exception of the money difference and of the preference of fashion ) on the same step of the social platform ; dissenting lovers may be allowed to join hands in the unconsecrated chapel ; and the dissenting dead be allowed , with the benediction on their bones of the voice which in life they loved , to rest in the consecrated burial ground . Nay , tithes may be no longer levied as at present , and church-rates be receipted by a pastor ' s certificate of membership . All this , and more , may happen , even until
insolence and grumbling shall be hushed together , and the righteousness' of the church , and the' peace * of dissent shall have ' embraced each other ; ' and yet the people remain destitute of advantages to which they have a right , and the prospect of obtaining which , imparts its highest value , its properly national interest , to the subject of Church reform .
All considerations about rival parties , sectarian rights , and ecclesiastical inequalities , shrink into comparative insignificance before the great question—Shall that huge mass of property , which is nosv unworthily held by the hierarchy , continue to be so perverted , or be applied to its legitimate purpose , the intellectual and moral culture of the entire population ? This is the question
which , in proportion as the people understand their rights and interests , they will require of the legislature to answer . This is the question which every patriotic legislator should moot . This (is the question which trie press should unceasingly agitato and discuss . It is the case' of the People , and should swallow up the case of the Dissenters . * The Case of the Dissenters , in a Letter addressed to the Lord Chancellor . London : Wilson ; and Westley and Davis .
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The Case of the Dissenter * . 63
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1834, page 63, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2629/page/65/