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smile ; U > lat * ail tftia be with * . praitetenmncd resolution to , df *) and darken all with despair , was fiendisb ~ KlevUish , X 1 ,,,,. ^ 1 A stlenw fallowed this burst of indignation , whicjb Mr « Hatyey first broke * , ^ ..,,
-* How / he added , ' will you repair this- wanton mischief ? bow atone for this vile cruelty ? for the sleeplefcs nights of lacerated feelings—the revulsion of disappointed hopes V ' What , can I do ? ' she exclaimed * ' Indeed I had no idea of such results as these .
Tush ! ' ejaculated Mr . Hervey , ' do not tell me this : the io * cendiary who fires one house ^ and brings down a whole neighbourhood * has just as valid a plea . No , Isabella , what I ask of you is to receive this as a lesson ;—to reflect and reform ; and if Walton should recover , and you can do so without violence to your own feelings , reward his love . I know he is a poor man ; but all the mines upon the globe could not purchute you such a heart . '
The tears rushed into Mr . Hervey s eyes , in spite of his struggle to master hid feelings : some compunctious pangs , but yet mbte sympathy with her brother , called answering tears into the erVete of Isabella . From that hour she joined her brother in tiutjntig Walton ; she watched with him beside the bed of delirium : hb&ra
the wild outpourings of thoughts , visions , feelings which had bfeen too long pent under the condensing force of silence , secrecy , and unparticipated anguish , till , bursting forth like electric fire , they shattered the brain and bosom they had already ravaged , alihost to dissolution .
Isabella closed her house , and had it given out that she was gone to a remote part of the country , thus to keep off the instffcta of idle curiosity . She invited Walton ' s mother and his sister to her house ; and all that tenderness and care could suggest was essayed .
The patient ' s youth , the doctor ' s skill , and last , not least , the co-operation with him of intelligent nurses , slowly effeotad & triumph . Health came like a timid vestal and kissed the fever from Walton ' s brow ; but strength , shaken as he hud been , WAa
slow of returning . When conscious light again came forth front his languid lid , his mother was the first to meet it . Never hft 4 tho endearing name been sweeter to her ear , when first lipped forth to her by her first-born , than now when it reassured her- she had still a son . In low murmurs , at intervals , be talked with him
mother , till , leaning forward , he fell asleep upon her bosom . Efo Bassett appeared the moment after . * 'Tib wall ! ' he exclaimed softly ; ' if ha can sleep in that position , ' tis a sign he is getting strength- ' , (• , > Isabellas ministry now ceased , at the wok * bed ; but she stiM played the gentle aod attentive , friend to , the afflicted relative ** This wo& the fi rs * tasson upon moral duties * she bad vmv ree # iv 4 &j
Untitled Article
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Aug. 2, 1835, page 559, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2648/page/59/