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caution to eafts ctfM&TjarjBBs.
tirpiST NKw^i M^ M
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MAY BE CONSULTED every Thursday , at No . i , George-Street-, Bradford , Opposite East Brook Chapel , from Teri till Five ; and the remainder of the Week at his own Hous ^ lS : Trafalgar-Street , Leeds , Aback Entrancej . 67 ; Nilo-SUreet ) , iroin Sight in the Morning till Ten at Night , a&a ori Sanaays tiQ Two ; '* . ;' Mr . W . eoatinues to eradicate every Species of Yeaereal Infection . In jrecent cases a perfect Cure ia completed within a Week , or no Charge made for Medioines after the Expiration of . that Period . And inthoee of the utmost Inveteracy , % here other Practitioaets have failed , » proper perseverance in his plan of Treatment insures to the / -Patient * safe
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»*» wtow »< My fcTory Atteney-QflgeaL Jen ** Is msp « iostiijJ ; tiut L is , h » iB convicted ; because in HpoBMofh ; to charge ato condemn . I lure Attended the Court for nine nonrs each day for iwielve days , and in my life I neTer beheld ¦» « b » wgwii a farce . I shall explain to yon about ifci- ^ aaawmt of evidence necessary to con-net a ' ^ vttaew—Do yoa know the prisoner at the bar ! ^ au- To b * a Ch * rtist ? Yes . Not mother word ' -IjfMIWeald . Neither the law officers , if inclined , £ Kr ? st theCosrt , could , against such damning eri j fULi , feflnaaoe the rerdict of the jury . m ^^ & ^^!!^ ±
^ katt Mrimja , told yon that there . was . «» re Aj ** l ferwnrtEe "m > rd Universal Suffrage ; tlaii at * , aiumaftd cannoa . I hare farther explained ** MM . P ?«« t goggle i > between the noa-elective iaftoenceLaad the elective power . The rast body rf tbe ^ anreprweoted toinpoBe the one party , while the eiass from waiph jurors are selected compose the other . How , Chen , na we expect that those ignorftp */ brutes , who harfrbeen told that the object of the Chartists is to appropriate their property , will deeidejostly !
T 3 tte Crown , all throngh , has proseeuted with the tttmost malignity . The odds haTe beea most frightfcl against the poor prisoners . For my own part , I wonM not nndertake my task again for any ¦ maderation bat that of procuring jnstice . Every pg& who eomes from curiosity or whim , supposas bisWf entitled to support . The poor people who bawbeenindieted were naturally anxious to make the test defence they eonld , and brought each and Vreiy « oe groups of-witnesses on the very first day of the Commission , not one of whom has been exijmned . Mrs . Williams brought thirteen , not one
tc wkojn whom was examined , which cost hs £ 15 , sd jet we are told that the prisoners hare had Cff ^ Sodj ^ en ^ thflwn . JBgjL enongh tS titif . fpt ^ « ad fiie dark sidYof the qnestion . Already we hare fot the blundering Whigs upon the horns of one dilemma , while last Bight two others shot from the brainless pate of the prosecutors . It now appears that Frost has not only been illegally tried , bat also ffiegally convicted , and the verdict erroneously de ^ vered by tbe foreman . We hun the following strong point in arre 3 t of jodgasjrt : —A man was fwom upon the jury in a wrong name , his name l ^ ing Job 9 r GbJBStopher , hewaa « dledand sworn as
Christopher Joba ? and , whatnl -wry remarkable , . •© prorettBTahie of a jury list being delivered by fhejiriBoner , in order thatinqniry should be made , She printed list of jurors from which the challenges « n made had opposite every asae , save that of Ghristopher John , some remark , such as "bad , good , fames * , ^ ir , * gr wo « U . to rach effect ; hot iafoiry twfog waitt ^ -Chciatopher Joha , no--tidings ould be teamed . Has soasin , John ; Christopher , was on *» $ *| j ted ^ rtoatty « h * llfin * wl , »* dn « was allowed 'to remarnBpon - the . jury , nothing to his prejudice jfefaf Dwrped . , Thri * frost has been e © nvieted by < to ^ im ) W . l .. ; Ih « < i ^ elfnmst bfl&UL Again
ft joit * of ihe state of ' Lewis , apoa being asked Kow ^ ctHdd fed Fro st gofer of tr ^ asorf , replied * Kojw « did ^ w ^ only fiKuwLTfia ^ uiBy of riot . " : Again , Jonea and 4 aot ? Bb two jurors djgo the trial f WilfiBjn * , dfitlsj » d f Wore » man naiftd Brknt *•* d— -H » thftik , % m they wwSd Ea * i * B thi CStartkiB . Yoo- will © tserve that tanVTa&aing very quDSble et Ibe ! law to strengthen ^ eixhtjjy ? Ofase , which I abatt find it my bounden duty to take * o save theJfcre * « f our persecuted friends , but I = teas * that urotetaele or impedinwnt will be throws \ v itfmy w » J » |^» Te pledge&JBsytelf to the eoaatey ; ^ pon the issue , let ae stoS befoje that country .
vibe eow * e which I hare taken s this . I hare eon-« lW « y& prisoner byiis attorney as to the manner -m which fo . wishes Ms case to be conducted , and fewhoa . [ . ' $ . theo takeupon myself the management + f th » witec—OB ; I inear - all responsibility in pro-• urmg- them ^ and hare notyei ftaed in giring sa tis-*« B « m . JeowwisfecTtoj&fimd himself , but I would Bet consent . " Hjb his onlj oi » counsel : indeed , while * e whofc rtra ^{« f ^ aje > atis oppased to us , w » fear © 4 » o « boice . - It is / as . € have often told you , one . ^ aOBSXBd goin « af' woKk © f law for the rkh , and Swpooods' worth ^> r tlie poor man . " WelL nerer
^ W ^^ h ^^ mei i ^ & ^^^ Q f ^ S ^^ j ^ " . ' Wfafe I wriie , Mr . Frostfcincl * is by my eidflie kaf ^ een heresittie &s first-day—ie is under ^ &l *» d «> bBlsf « md— b * is » ow 74 ; years ofjge-5 » V fee ^ i a ^ iedhalfaeentory , and during that lime iasnat ' &eptsomany a | ghts firom home . He has « irtiftlr « j , ' ae ^ steen . grandchildren snd three _ C » aiiraodehilii en i nejer was" a more iooffensire , arild , and gentlemanly ereature ; he married the ai | wditer . ofaformer Mayor « f Newport , and is .-jttfTersallybeloTed . Y « there Nhe is , breaking his . fcesxi for , is aephew , now unde r sentence of " ' * ath . - -
'ftaThnTBday we commence our Parliamentary i » arftre against fhem . We mnst gire them no -spatter . If fheyiBad ftemselres weak , and hope te take adrantage of the Royal Marriage for dis-« olTiDgnpon fee Corn Law humbug , we must show •» power and smash them . They will not gire up : - * B ; god-sena « f making peers , « nd appointing to new Bees . Let the men of Nottingham communicate with the electors and non-electora of Newark , and
.- ^ frerery sacrifise beat the Wilde and ferocions Soliieitor-Generat Let the men of Edinburgh , by all I ^^^ f ^^ - ^^ fi a ^ T ^ f ^ ttSn ^ Miee ^ ^« not mad toy diSereBcea that erer existed be--IWwpn Fraser and me . Radicals must now shakesands . No Corn Law repealers in one quarter Poor Law repealers in another , and so o a ; . l > ut all « ideTery manlife-preserrers and rniverial-Suffrage dtminders .
They must surrender . They are dead beat . 'When * he Attorney-General read the letter ofepoor Shell to lus - motber , he was seized with a . eonTulsiTe fit , aid ened like a . child . He has been rery different to the ferocious Wilde . When 1 hare seen tta last of the trials , I shall send for poor -Shell ' s mother , aad the widows of the slain , » Bd pension them for life . I shall then proceed to J ^ ndon , to prepare for the battle before the judges , * s rmean to fight to the last , and if all snonld'fail I shall make » 1 ^ appeal to the nation . The mang » in which I am watched aadgoagh * to be en-*» pped is laughable , but fte old fox is not to be «« nghi by a Woe bottle in gentleman ' s apparrel .
The new and most approred spy system is as fol-Iowb : — . Thft . police - * o to iho hills as pedlars , but ¦ - ine boys have found out the commodities they Tend , « od wDl baTeno Whig man-traps . All here is turning in fa-ronr of the prisoners , and eTery con-nctton hfi tends to disgust the public . I never saw so feme a set of fellows as the traitor * . I shall , when . time affords , put the whole matter fairly and disttietly before the public . So ferfrom checking Chartism , the Counsel and many called " respectable" witnesses are declaring themselTes Chartists . TJbe Whigs have done more at Monmouth for -Chartism than I have done all my life . I wish them well orer the holes they hare dug for themsehes .
I haTe not eren now told yon a hundredth part oi * kat I had intended . No more of the prisoners wOl be tried for Treason : they hare had too mnch weady ; and those who were arraigned ai traitors on Tuesday week , are now to be indicted as Rotors . When I hare completed my work , an * ecoont of erery farthing spent shall be laid before «» e public , as well as a list of subscriptions , and then - ^ erhapi , for the first time , the Talue of arrangemeni Wfflbeseen . Frost is well and cheerful , so is Williams , although twadtiuilty .
MBS OF THB -itOBTll , AiWiTS BSAB IS MI 5 E J B * T THE PRISCIPAL WITSKSSES HATE BESS *«* KGKB CaiBU&IS , AMD MZS WHOM THK PRISOKKBfl yM ^ mKny BiBtKBD TOE TIOLEKCS AND S ^ TAOEires . I send yon a defence which was written for ' Zrpba-. » 1 " ^ WiDiams , but which conaselwould not consenl . » his delivering ^ although most anxious himself to do ju * ^^ y ^ tad all the , points which the waaey-General , in his reply , and the Judge , in hij Jjnfe , called for . I shall # pen a battery upon tiu *** & > M soon as these trials are OTer , that will "" t 01 * the » weak minds . Abore all , let Wiy < * M Macaulay be reeolutely opposed to the last .
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The men of Edinburgh win hire oar b > « M * ngi and v > will the men of Newark . Let " Ne ; Sav . Tender" be our motto . Uoirerssi jSuflh ^ e « ndall 6 f rights ! , ^ a ^ . ^ . i . .. ^ ^ ^^\ ^^ . t t&Z&JS : >*» . ^ f ?*
Erer your deroted friend , FEARGTJS O'CONNOR . tPress of matter has displaced this H defence " till next week . —Edb . ]
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J . K-, Boltoj * . — We trill Otank him fp do so . We bey to thank him for the present fuvour . A * Ultra-Radical . — We have no room «* pre&iU , but may perhaps give it hereafter . H £ XST Smethurst . — W * should really hare thought that ihe stale of vur columns since the commencement of the Wtlsh Trials teas anstcer sv £ icie * t . Thomas Bakrow . —Tie letter and balance-sheet arrived lot late for this tntek . Th * p thail mppevr iv ear uert . H , Patterson . —Johnstone ' t Paper has been jested regularly . NOTICE TO' CORRESPONDENTS . Hahlet .- The £ b 3 s . 7 d . * mi from HaaUy for Froffs Defenee Fvttd , and Tioticed as * er 4 from j- C . . Salt ,-. jsfo / xid have beeti from the " Pdtny Political Union . "
TO AGENTS . NOTICE . —Several of ottr Apcnh say the */ did not receive their -last week ' s Paper * HU Sunday . The fatdt is their mn . They did t&t send Hicir ardent in time .
FROST'S DEFENCE FIND . SCMS BECEITKI ) At THB X 0 BTHER 5 STAB OFFICE : — £ * . d . From Suilon-iti . AfJi / eld , per J . Tomfavo * ... i « o Sudbury , Svfolk , collected ty J , Wood * , from Jive persoug „ „ ^ « . 0 j 3 A few Friends to Freedom , at Barnard Castle 0 G U Aberdeen , per W . JJugaid _ S 10 & Frome Working Hen ' s Attociation , per Jostpk Styles „ „ . „ „ _ i « Kilmarnock , per J . Bitcliaoan , front twelve CoUect&rs'Books ^ . _ ^ , ~~ - 2 H e Dinas and Heirbridpe , GUumriKUH&ire , per iioryaJi William * ^ ^ ^ i b i The Raduuls of Barton , oe-ir Ketkiing _ * J 7 0
Four ClKirlii 4 s at Mellon Moirbrv ? ^ ^ o 2 i Buckfastleijjh , Diron ^ ^ «_ l io e Sevtonshaw , Ckiekwjuaaiiitirire , Scoiland « , 2 u o Loughborough , per J . EivUiph »„ ^ u 4 31 Mr . Vwen , Solicitor , m > U < ded by Hie iporkhqj people of MonmotUh _ ^ . ^ . i 1 The Secretary of the Wbrkiny Uvst ' a Association , Sudluri / , Stifolk „ „ _ « 2 r , Heckmtmdwike , per J . Wass ^ ~ . lo 0 The Lu-iley Brook Brunch uf the Okitoin R < Klieal Association „ „ ^ ^ 1 # I StoekpoH , perJ . Blaekt ] ifnc , fnm the Working Men ' s Assotiatiw .. 1 3 § RE . _ _ _ _ « 1 # Mather ^ . . ^ o w
• 1 i f , From Settle , per J . B . ' ~ . ^ . ^ . 03 a from the poorest Inhabitants tf SpoUattd Fold , near Rodidale , sownd tvbfcri ^ iov ^ t Its » The Radical Aisocimtton of Bwrtirford , twai-. Colne ... „ . - ^ 0 15 0 The Working Men ' s Ats&ckttwt of Wellinobtryjgh ^ -. " . _ 1 . 1 it t
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CkippaAam J , WW $ , per J . Birmohall I - ^ 11 : l Cmimock , beiiqthepnceedi ofaSoeialMeeHn 0 I 7 ¦ ' $ 4 / eurFriendi titMoriev . _ ^ , ^ , 0 ? J ^ Sj ^^^ V ^ mmtx in fhdCarte : ' - "¦; -fhe Radkala if W $ * Kilbride , per ~ W { Uicm \ Lindrav w « : ^ . ^ ^ \ 5 ¦ ¦ £ A fnB friends at Svansea , per Jams V . .: Prior ^ *~ —_ «~ ' .-1 ,:. ;^» . 1 2 f UTeumilns , Ap& ire > P"" * - Hq * iin » . * . 2 S > Tht Working Me * ' ! AmtieOion of Brodfiird , TTiUthin , per V ~ Lo # ean& G . &vme ^ , \ 6 # j Croat Gaits and Fardd *~ ¦*» tt : 17 " % --,.. ,. DwtfermiiM . porlkM'irdamd .. I 3 0 / " ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ % 2 Ti ^ % ^ : * ft * £ ^ l
> . ! - ¦ . .. rj ' : ' - •« < ¦ * ¦ » - m JakUm , pef : i ? fflam Aitke * « i . ^ - ' .. . ¦ . Vr . ^ , Mam&eOl per fl ^^ . — ^^ v * . ^ . ^ 1 l&i&K Ttm ^ Jt ^ ma A ***!** , " XtolfirU&t ¦ Jsjr * ^ , , - Thomas Benim . * . — - ~ ~ .- 3 ? The Rod *** 0 / Warmmtier , Wilts , per JA ' ± \ Moon ^ „> «» « , « i \>! it Tht Radioed Aa-iaHo * t > f Girvan , pttMit-1 . , \ tbsw Scott y _ « . „ ; « w . 1 $ \ Tha Female PatriotU Association , . Vl Bristol - , « . ¦ — ,- « .. 1 ¦*• '¦¦ 1 . Mr . H , Walker ' s List , ditto ~ . * 1 IS ' 3 V Sundry Sums from ditto , per Wto . % Lexsis - « _ ^ , ' . „ 3 3 9 -, —; 6 i >! Lancaster , per John Gibson ~ . ^ « Oil 0 From a Jew Friends at Hu Bridgeuxiter Print Works _ ' _ ft g 3 A fev Fritnds at Clitheroe ~ 9 11 9 Postage ~ _ _ , ^ . 0 0 * 1 4 Per James Pai » from , Omenden , a T * blic CoUeejfci .: ;¦* + -f » - . « . * 11 H ' Ditto , ErMs Coti « iia » ? ' *»¦ -jzt ? . 7 « i 1 * 1 * This Ptml is , short \ ^ ^» 0 % « 9 15 li From Wmkefield , H . W . - - ~ «^ ~ , I 0 The United Tin Plate' Worhtrs tf . Edinburgh . ^ ' j . ^ . ' - .,. ^ 3 0 # Sojidry Swtis , aolittkd by J . Dimcan . — « u ~ , «^ 0 7 9 . - ¦ - ¦ :...... — , g , r o E ^ vt » KManmmit&m& } : J ^^ Hull , per T . WtidV ^ ^ ... _ ^ > © y ^ The Chartists ofJUoa , pet D . Thomptou «• 3 13 > Covenps ? -si ¦ « -. - ' . ~ , > - ^ 3 Of Th » Chariitts ^ hMston ^ , _ 2 0 f ' - ¦ 1 ¦ Ditto-. w ^ tmHaf ord .. 080
" * - * - -j » BO tt-- : — —¦ a -8-o Birmhti ^ mBrJtmes Guest „ _ 1 » 14 « Luna ^ f ^ gmi ^ Association ~ ~ . # 15 0 TU *|^ B ^* *> P «* ^< A » For / or and CL Ct ^^ mfGtasoow ^ . «> . M so 0 6 DttJ ^ mp T . S . B . w- - « ,.- » . . 0 0 0 % d& ^ mm * Jolm Frvst * r - w « . 17 9 S rm ^^^ perL . T . CUttvj- - . i i : ^ . w 1 0 4 ^ mnW \ W ^ Jrhimi e •^• O . M 1
Tht nij&pJ V Mertbyr ~ ,: U ^| 10 « 0 A Lom ^ ULOVonno ^ fron O » Working Mm' I - . nt € kWrenhaM « . — - ^ .. ^ 30 9 A Farmer *** his Brother , twenty mUu / rom '¦ < :. Mmmvth „ „ ^ » i » - 0 . Frost Sheffield , per J . Lingard - ^ *^ lt >« TMPmistef Define Cv * mUtee > i ifer WitUmm- ^** Xj : Aifkm -. . " is- ^ i ... - ^ . . :: " : & **¦ ¦ : 4 m Oldham , per M . pmethmt ^ « ^ «• 9 % Knaresbro ' , per Samtud BmA ^ ^ ' 0 " r-0 Benis Worktop lfi »* * Association , mad mfas t > Friends ~ » . >^ j . ^ ;^ , # f ^ p JehnKe * dal ^ I * K * M < mmft& » rfriNoUingf > om -l " ' 9 g * . From Daventr }/ , yer J-Walton « . " ^ . Jl ^ » T « - Hawk , a Cofi « 2 » o » < V **< a tedur * 1 ^ Jjf " -. ' DicncaB _ « . « . - ^ . - . « . ! 1 . 1 ' t /< . / few Friends to Fresdom , nsmm - ' — ....: u , . . Stockpori ^ - _ „ | u i ; t \ A few Frimxilp Spimxrs « . 0 * 6 8 ' ' ' J . . 4 cU « - ~ . « . 0 1 e " : ^ " /• | 8 ' 8 The sum of £ 1 9 s ., noticed on the * th , m » # * t bp John Ugg , pf Dundee , should hate been "J . Lego , ^ Wr xfeeu . " ' . ' V ' - ' ' The sum of 8 * ., fromrMontrose , per R . Chepm , saPttd have been i ( front , the Radicals ofjohnshmtea , ptt- « Cheyne , Most rose , " . , ¦ . .-.. . ; . .
The Physical Fojlce Mania.
In addition to what we hare said elsewhere , and aforetime , on this . subject , we may . direct the attention of our-readers to tie following extract from a priTate letter , from Mr . Oastler , who is now in London , and who saye : — ^ MTake my word—the man who tells . you that mere is either One—Ox * Hunkucd—or—ONE THOUSAND ready for rough measure * here in Lotrijoi F , Lies ¦ j 4 . J- Y « i Ifa does LIE'J . l , » i * a 'tvfnr ^^ . mm ^ ju- ^ : ^ : ^^^ M ^ Sft ^ biiBt % e ^* are ^ ies plenf Y : Teg&ey outS Ufiu ^ o : $ X £ &m and to aroid ALL who hayV ^ iW&d that . ' Spte * wuBjt harm , wSerolEeMiW ik Secrets . " -. . ' : ; , - . -.. " . ^
To The Editob Of Thb No&Tbbbx 8tab.
Dbab Sir , —A letter haring appeared in your Sper , written . by Dr . T * yjor > of the National nTention ^ reflecting on th * ' political character of Mr . Join- Sibon , » t « atiT 8 of this town , " and now , I bt&jpfe , an- accredited Chartist Missionary in . Swt&nd , vui ^ which letter is calculatedtoinjura . him in that * apa * ity , I am anxious , asfarai in me liea , tdwecuemy ^ iond from the obloqny now sought to be caftt opoa him . Of Dr . Taylor I know little or nothing , tutof Mr , Sibon I can spaak from personal knowledge , oaring had the honour of his acquainta' ce for ajbout ten years ; and I safely declare that n . thing can be more unfounded than the insinuations thrown out against him by Dr . Taylor . Mr . Sibon ever has bean , and . I am bold to say , Btiil is , a warm and fearless jadrocate
of the rights oi man , and a determined'Obpbnent of tyranny and oppression , is whateTei ' ehafce they may shew themselres . I hare always-found him a steady , consistent , and uncompromising friend of liberty . In a word , I belie Te him to bff 5 atW 6 patriot and what object Dr . Taylor can haro in T&f - 'in , aUacking oue ^ at least as eineere a » hiniBelf ^ Ji ^ li aiOMt to . conceive . ' Mr . S ., 1 knoWj'fi i ^ t ^ nceVMm to . be hk friend ; and if ke , the DoffforVha * ncted < treacherously , I can only say an open enemy is acursel but a pretended friend is worse . Sir , I am too well eonnnced of your sense and lo ? e of justice to offer any apology for troubling you with these remarks , made as they are in defence of one , whom I am pers uaded , has been unjustly treated . Trusting they will appear in the next number of your raluable journal , I an , Sir ,
Respectfully yours , IIenut Boituhsn , Prospect Place , near FaVersham , Kent FaTerham , Kent , Jan . 14 th , 1840 .
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TO THE EDITOR OV TUB KOBTHSRK STAK . Sir , —In answer to that strange , most uncandid , and unfair letter of Dr . Taylor ' s , which appeared in your paper of the 28 th of December , I hope to be enabled to satisfy a generous public , by a simple statement of facts . I went , I own , with a letter of recommendation from Mr . Lowry , of Newcastle , to Carlisle ; and surely , in the eyei of some , ' at least , such a letter would be considered as good an introduction as one from Dr . Taylor ; hnt the public are told that 1 was not countenanced ty the Doctor . Now , in answer to that I hare only ' to say that I saw nothing but siena of the sreatest
friendship , and I beg , moreerer , to assure them that he desired me in the morning previous to my leafing Carlisle to call upon him ; and I must declare that he , in my opinion at least , parted from me with the best of feelings and greatest of friendship . With respect to Winlaton , and my being on a beggiag excursioD , for this , he says , is all he knows of me , allow me to say the ChaTtists of . that place asked me to stop , and to which I consented , and for doing so Dr . Taylor advises the people of Scotland to be on their « uard against me , let the Chartists of Scotland , with whom I haye been , say if I have ill advised them , and as to being a Missionary of the Northern Union , or rather calling myself so
. ( gracious heaven , what an affront , ) ' all that ever I said connected with this affair , ( to the honour of the Northern Union be it spoken ) wa ? , he desired me to do all in my power to further the good , the glorious , the just , and righteous can ^ e of Chartism , which I will promiso tht m , Dr . Taylor , and the public at l argo , I eTer will to the best of my ability . I am ready to declare on oath , before Go d and my country , that I neTer represented myself as sent out by Mr . Henry Bowman , -of Carlisle , and what I haTe done to make the man whom I thought my friend b « - come so dire a « foe I am at a logs to conceive .
tor my political character I refer you to Mr . Bair-? tow of the West-Riding of Yorkshire ; he has been with m « private and public , and I bare mo doubt will readily answer from what he haijeen , is / his belief of me . I would refer you also id Mr . Martin , Secretary of the Working Men ' sVAsso ea ^ tion of Wakefieid , to which I belong , and by-whicbj I wag employed last tummer , as oae-. of their agitating eounsek aud : if these be noi sufficient , I will . giTe the names of twp Whigs of my native town , I ' eTersham , in the county of Kent , Wm . Hills , and Edwin Watsou , Towncouncillor , to boot , and challenge them to prove that 1 have ever been anything other than a-patriot , aud consequently a friend te huwaaity .
lam , Sir , Ywj rftps « $ fully » ¦ . ¦ ... ¦ JOHK SlSON Jaryas ^ ttb 1849 .
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FORPAR . ; Mb . Frost . —At one of th « metif ^ pirited meetings ever held in Forkr , held in the street , not a ball in the town being half jarge enough to con tain then , it was rescrtTed-- ** That this meeting has beard With surprise , mixed with feeliagi of indignation , that the jury iitdng ob the trial of John Frost , *« Jt » ha « on evidfnee , in oar opinion , altogether untenable , found him guilty of high treason , which wflMrt readers him-ltable to the highest puniehment of the mw ^ fhi » '' -iSiHiftptf thewfbre TesolTe to co . ^ rat «* iftiaie peopw is the other parti of We « np ! rfe-Hn deTislnar 'the : best possible means of
satinft Ae lite df auoh > Tiluable ' njar »; whethwi by . p ^ ti ^^| emonstranof ^ wpthvrwm , " '¦ ¦ C ^^ - Py ^ t-Tb DKA * M . ^ -On the U th iaitant , ** WQtottr * to held at CoaUgartb , near Rtcbjtaoad , Iwfore-jlmbroM GmMtifl J&q . » coroner , on tba body . WJa ^ daughter of John Rnsfield , of that place , f » ciwd' ' ab » utaeren years of ege , who came by-fceir deaflx xaO # t \ ibe fellowijilf circumstances . About ttireeireekssgo , the was setting a kettle upoatiie . ' ft » t * b . ta her el 6 « hej ^ i 4 iji | tht the flame , and her bodV was dreadfullT ^ mvbnVlinitered nhtathe 10 * instant , whe ^ ghe « xpjred . Verdict accordldelr . . ¦ ¦ ¦' .. ¦ - ••¦¦¦• ¦ ¦ ¦'• • ¦ ¦; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : ' •¦ ¦ ¦ - : ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦
Lseps And West-Riding News.
'" V ¦ ' " ¦ - ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ " P ' ' UBJSMk i ^* r' ' ' . '• ¦ / & >»* t *™^ Pf Ja&rdaV ^ Iast . » well-dress *! . | aan , named Jame | Birdsallj a clothier , at BrwOey . was comnutted tot trial , by our borough ^ &Wratefl ! dwdbg-hoiaetf Mr . Cooksqa , glitter , of Bramley , oq thelst of ^ mtSkatJam ^^ mihb other for J f ^»^« # , >«^ Bpfira farm at Farnlej , bejongmg to * fr . Oothwaite , Esq ., on Wednesday ni # , hMhe tomUi ^ rdm jth ? ^ ; l » tter placto a large quantity of flNrfs , of apar ^ oular , breed , were stolen , and , on seaffching the prisoner ' s house , a number of BUvier spoojfft , See . ( the produce of the fdrmer robbery ) were found . He has long been suspected as a Jm » f ^>> Hce haTe for 8 99 ) 9 time been on the
^^ W ^ &T ^^^ W ^^ W > f ^ y ^ a ^ oynfffr ^ flax-Bpwner , Richmond-hln ' ^ r ^ e tiW s ^ fiw ^ e ; of assault againa * * poor , infirm © Id itfoman , vrtooty fajse Wesewted icnarks of neat violence . ^ lie wW asked , ; after : KaWng . atated his cas « , if he had struck thedfelend *^ ' in return , and hiving replied in tU 1 affimittt «> r « il > taied his be . 2 f £ jSE * «; oond 8 on her facW K « l ! been inflicted . by him , the ntagistra ^ a OisaiiBsidthe case .-Matthev Bu . ro , the husband of miffi ^ voman then apphrffor a ^ warrwit against mfflW * t <> T ^ ml ¦ ? jR-3 # S 5 SM 4 *? T ? <»» iiM > * WWWrties beini serona was hce
W ? obt ^^ ibs coarge at « gone into , and taj , prote ^ he was ordered to pay 40 « . and FEX ^ . ^ OnWedaesday , Hannah Holmes was oommitkW ^ for trial for haTing pioked the pocket of , a countryman , whom sh * met in Kirksate . of hsif-a-Bowreign ; and Ann penn was commuted for trial for stealing 3 s . 6 d . in Call-lane , under similar circumstttnees . In both caBes the felony was sworn to , and the partiea identified ; the robberies were committed in a moment ,, whilst atandin « in the public street . -
Menbhjity Office . —Monthly Report of the Mendicity Office , Leeds . —Relieved and Lodged , 300 . . SrtwiiKO , —Yesterday , Thomas Wainwright . who has peen . ra custod y since the morning or the 1 st awti ^ J hw comteittedto ¥ ork Castle , fot trial at the 1 * 8 $£ 3 fi * ' ~ &y ^> » t Midnight on the 3 * st fumtmoet last ^ stabbed a man named Thomas waiies , with a knife , in the abdomen . The parties > erdqu » rre ! liBg , and in a scuffle they both fell , when vthe wounds were inflicted . "I ^ GAV-, Oi Wednesday last , J . Holmes , shoemaker . S ° " jfty ? W » ? 4 » RP , ? ar . by summons , at the GoVrt House , before William Williams Brown , Esq ., to answer to charges preferred against him by Mr . W . C . Raper , Manager for tho Leeds Gas Light
company . There were two informations : one for having removed and taken away part of the meter fixed by the Company in his premises ; and the other lor burning Gas in an improper manner . Mr . Raper stated , that on the defendant ' s meter beins ; inspected on the 20 th of December last , there was no registration of the quantity of Gas which had been consumed ; and , on examining into the cause it was found that the inlet pipe had been sorewed from the meter , and the outlet pipe severed by a knife , the ends being neatly fastened together , covered over with woolfen cloths , and so secured as , to render detection impossible , except by minuto scrutiny . The inspector , j > n making the discovery , named it to the defendant , and then returned to the office , to report
the circumstance there . Accompanied by Mr . Edmond , he went back j and on his return Holmes was engaged ins replacing the pipes in their original poBilbpn . The mspector arid Mr . Edmond spoke to there fagots , kud on Holmes being called on for his . defence , he said he had told thorn he would not burn any more gas by meter , that he had only taken his own pipe off , and that he had not consumed any gas since the pipes were remoTed . Mr . Raper observed that the defendant had previously admitted tho facts and he ; considered tho defence they Bet up as an aggravation ; the penalty was five pounds in each case , with forfeiture of three times the amount of Gas consumed
, but it "was riot hia wish to treat the man harshly It was not the amount of tho penalty which they soughfcto recover—and whatever amount was . awarded wouW be transferred te the Fund for the Relief of the Unemployed Operatires—but a desire to prevent others from resorting to similar practises—another case , nearly similar , haTing come under his notice within a few days after tho discovery of tho present one : he could cot , however , forego a conviction in each case . The Magistrates said that both cases were clearly established , and , at Mr . Raper ' 8 suggestion , the fine in each case was fixed at Is . The defendant had , in addition , to pay the costs , amounting to 18 a . more .
BRADFORD . Statb of Bradford . —Soldier * , pensioners ; and cpecial oonstable * have all been in great request for the last four or five day » and nubU The emi&Hiries are abroad , frightening old wome ^ i and «* ildreflf by staring that the Chartists were goto * to mak « an attack upon the towp . We hear that £ he autjiprites took no rest either on the sight of ^ J ^^ y <> r Sunday—the soldiery are so harrawed that theyAre completely tired of having to t » ready , * night after tngftt , nt a minute ' * notice . W » have ^ beardthatthe Gas Work * hare been guarded b / , the « alitary , for fear , we supposo , of the commur { cation being cut eff , and the town being left sdarkness . However , all is peaceable no to this V * mi % [ ( Thursaay maming , eleven q dock ) . , f ^> i
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Court-Hou ' sb —Two bdya , brtheiameaolT ilxZ and M'Caan , were brought np on Monday ^* J £% t with stealing a piece of meat , from flii' ft ^ r Richard Law , butcher , in the Marker-7 w « T ™ Saturday night U ^ t . The charge was / S ' k ^ person who was an assistant at a stall , j ^ S ^ L _ cured the two pruMien , whilst a tW' ff ^ u S ^ L escape . They were committed- to by J ^ S ^ lJ ; one month each . r rf ^^ ourfdr \ , r
Untitled Article
; Cowr Law Mbbtoi * Ai WtL 8 DBi » . -bn Wednea ^ day . evening last the Cora Law reiieaW ^ ZraSl : j Db » met in th ^ MechaniisMlnXter * o whth v Mr . Greig ^ wasinTfted to attend , and shdwihemtni brings that would «« we W the wpeafofSose abomitu ? bI f _^ jr « - After which * m otion was moved and secoritov ^ & * * wpe * l ef thdw laws , which was supported by ^ Greigon » speech of great length ; but nothing difiV * from h »» otherspeechegaad lectures . An amenJ 10611 * / W" * h on moved and seoonded by the working CJ " " » faronr of Universal Suffrage , which was 8 apporV > y M ^ - E . Whitney , of Bradford , who happened to fc ? t ° * re on business , and whom the liberty-loving Whfcs would not allow to proceed above two minates witnOB * interruption j Btm be endeavoured' to show that » rewal of the co ^ Law » wt ^ ,.-i : ^
Corn Laws would be of nt > « fraa »« rt * » in < Jflf equal to that of UuWer ^ 8 offra ^ rs » t dtfwd amidst great Applause . Mr . Greig replied , and emtiUd his budget of aU his rhetorio . ifo . Whitney wfcbed to reply amidst great wterruptum from the Corn : Law ^»^ b . Mr : Greig iitfornMd him that he shottd be at Bradford next weak , when he would un . dertais ' to defort the Chartiste wi % Mr . O'Connor at their head , as h * had done many a time . The amendment and original motion were then put , whin the show of hands was greatly in fevoor ofUniversal Suflraee . division
a wterwaros wok place in the room , when numbers of the Universal Suffrage men had to soon the other side . Utyfas eTidtnl for what reason . ) Three theerg wefe then given for Universal Suffrage , which made this building shake , and the mMtin * broke * p . . Houjkbb ^ ki »« . —James Rrto , a young man about sixteen yean of ag « , was charged with break , ing into the honss of Mr . Holdawor ; b , nhopkeepen Thornton ^ on Friday , about one o ' clock in the mom ' tog , He was secured whflrton the pretnises , and given into the charge of th © constable . Committed , as a rogue and vagabond , for three monthi to hard labour .
MANCHESTER . Sia , —I aa tequesUd by Mr . William Benbow to hand yon the following letter , being unjustly detained in prison , as the following letter will show , aa well as having mysetf writtteu to Mr . Bolton , magistrates ' cleri , CoKe , on tbTWtt '^ iIffii ^ , re ^ iestlag ^ or ' inow ; what amount ef bail would * m required ia ordes to be protected , bnt as yet have received no answer . Should you be afola to « nd space in your valuable and widelycirealaUd jourajj will mveh oblige , - : Your most « bdt Servi , Thomas Barrow . tCOPY . ) Chester Castle , December 24 th , 183 d . T « the lf « Ml Nobb the Marquis of 2 V > rwwn&y , Secretary of Slate , ic , &e .
Mr IiOBD , —I shall perhaps be excused for calling your Lordship's attention to a case of great hardship and injustice , which iaaa follows : — Etrly in the moath of Awgmst last I was arrested by virtue of ft warrant which was issaed by two magistrates , whose names u » Wood and Foulkes , of the neighbourhood of Coin © , in Lancashire , for what they have alleged 4 to be seaitioui language , &c In eon « equenee of whicn warrant I wu takenjbefore the nogi « - tratea at Manchester , when by * sort of legerd « n » in , I was tnnsfencd to the County Oaol at Chwter . Vtftke my trial atthenezt Ass&Ks , vrttlch were about to forataenca . When being called « pou to plead to the ^ htdiotment , and traversing the trial , the learned J « d > e thought proper to reduce toe aaount of bait which hid been , required , and wblelkwaa altimately pat in and accepted . '¦ '¦ .
I was at this time informed that the wanank from "Colue had been lodged at the ptiaom to detain me , Wow , when upon my txaminfttioB befere the magistiaUtf'ifi Mancherter , I was very dcoiroua that the Matter connected with this vrartant should be entered into , thai I might know the amount of bail , fee . But it raited that upright and impartial ; ' jutice , Feater , to tell me , that "He knew-of no other wstaak mgmla ** m «; " althoagh he , « o « ld Boi > fail to know ttafc 1 wa * iumnfiA before him « poB no other amthority . ' : ' -. % '' , ' .. ' . ¦ ¦ : ¦?¦¦ IhK my Lord , I hav ^ beea » ftuw 4 , delajed , and denied the justice , which . tt « law « « f tay comntry a >^ aigaasniyright « v © ntolbi » d » y . In' addition to ihe abue ef aatb ** ity atafed ^ abaver haviiig 4 m > cur © dba ; lf 6 rmyappe « raBW to answer any charge which might be ; t |> refemd against me by the Colnfc an&oritie * , the' gitfTernor of thi * prison wrote to
the magistrates' clerk , ( one Bolton , of Colne ) to know the amount of bail required , fcc , Iti » n * w three weeks / r inoa the governor Wrote ; to thia man ( Bolton ) in authoritjr ; therefore , in addfUcra * o > the five months imprisonment which I have siost ' nbiasUy had to suffer , I am sUll denied ^ ttB ^ B ndrafos ^ nijt libe rty . , I abstain from further objervationfl oa the eruelty of my case , feeling assured tBtt jour Lordship will eater , j dse the power-with * rhich * ou : are invested * t © ^ eowei to me the privUe |« wlrich k- at prenent wfthheld toJt men , woo be « nie they hold ^ e power , - ifWe % id £ rights of ttof I $ eople to juaUce , and . who * iffiMffl ^ firom n « 4 iAy htrMTMght Mfli > ^' e ^<» Vi "' n n . .- — , ' ?^ 3 ? t ? 1 ^^ ^^^ iWmmm ' . \' : * —^ - v ^ ^ Jt ^ r ^ .. " ;¦ - ,- /;; i Myiowi , > ' ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - . - ¦ ^^ - - ~" ' .- ; / A- 'tkSmltf . ^ . ^ ie ^ h ^ p ^^^ ; ¦¦ . - v . - . ¦• - ¦¦ j ^ Ws ii . yi « : ' JBi » BoW , ¦ -
BOLTON . j PcfBtic Meetiko . —On Monday , thetdth inst ., a meeting of the Chartist and Total AbatineHoe bodies was held in the large . room or the Tempeance Hotel , having for its object the formation of a Total Abstineace Universal Suffrage Association . The meeting was large , enthusiastic , and unanimous beyond : the anticipations of the most ianguine of its projectors . Such is the interest manifested by the working men of this town in our fresh attempt to revive ^ democracy , that we expect to make the new association a mightier engine in the good causa than tho glorious old Radical , and always-up-tothe mark , Bolton could ever beast . Several of the
most prominent of the old association attended , and pledged themselves to render all the assistance in their power ; and the committee appointed on the occasion consists of equal numbers of these staunch democrats and persons who have proved themeelves consistent , moral and poUtioaV reformer * by a long abstinence from the dealdy drags sold in the drunketies , and aU active co-opetatiou with us in our ttugglurf right againatioiwitt . Thepe are cheer . iog signs—gleamg of blessed renlhine to the vision of the tree patriot who moprn » for the emancipation of hi « country from the thralla . of caste , and the miseries produced by exclusive legislation , arid who would at once elevate the moral and intellectual
condition « f his countrymen , and make them free , intelligent , virtuous , and happy , by blendirg habits of thinking and sobriety with a love of democracy and justice . It is the ardent ' wish ' of the Chartists of this towu that their Mlow-bonosmeu throughout the country may go and do likewise ; convinced that our common object can never be achieved but by an united , sober and eaergetio band , determined te strike the blow that bondsmen ought to strike , and no longer to voluntarily furnish to a wicked Government its means of oppression . The chair was taken by Mr . T . Fiuhwiek , who opened the proceedings by an appropriate and clever address , at the close of which , he called upon Mr .
Diggle to move the firat resolutioo , which was uconded by Mr . Mensis , and carried unanimous ' y .. Mr . Parkin-on followed , and spoke attetne length upon the advantages of total abstinent )© , pnmng that there was no hepe of liberty or permanent prosperity for the working man till he became sober and intelligent . At thir stage of the business , Mr . Warden announced to the meeting , that he had to attend another at the old room , which he regretted , as he had been much gratified by what he had witnessed since he came amongst them , and . had intended faying something to thom . before he withdrew :
but , for the present , wishing-them € hod > speed , aod and hoping to meet them often in future ,, he would bid then good night . After a- few words from . Mr-Ling * ard , Mr . Kenyon rose ,, and spoke at considerable length in explanation of his views of the principles of the United Association ^ and : arguedi that drunttnne ?? , although the sovroe of all thow erils ascribed to it by the previous speakeis , naa , nererthele ^ , and without doubt ,, tke effect of bad lairs , asdithe natural oonoomitant a £ a lack of sound knowledge , which , under a g < wr « fB ment formed by the- people , would not exist . After
* * ' * " ' 1 < \ bidding his auditorMjotta except any material 2 ut « ra tion of their nuseaies . till ikej possessed th * powey of altering thosar laws , whw « h , by . sendoiug their homes comfortle * ! drove them to vel&destraouon" b y the intoxicatix 4 draogkk , he eooelttded by exhorting them to leni all th&r peyrow to the aoly work , and nrver oeiee their exertions till they bad put to tbe n ' jute « verythvQg ia the shape of drunkoriness anl ' iyrant ^* Th e CbairnuiB then read the rule * , « njT . after tec « iving a v » t « of thanks , dissolved one of tb / e mosi karmojrious meetings it waj ever our lot to V ahold . Mr . "Warden at tbia , instant re-entered the ' room , and informed the meeting that he had just
1 ?* received the letter of Dr . Tajlor to the peeple of England , and if they had so objection he would read itiotkem . Of course the offer waa accepted with avidity , each man resumed big seat , and those who had been outside all the night for want of r « om , pressed in to hear till the place was absolutely suffocating , poring the perusal of the letter Mr . W . was fre «[» entiy \ interrupted by the irrepressible ebullitions of 9 ver boiling excitement which the letter generated , and at its clone such was the acclamation simaltaneonslyseak forth from every throat , that an attempt t * dvscrik-e it would be nothing short of presBtoptif n . The meeting then separated , vow ing vengeaae * against all- ' oppression . —C ' orrfapow itnt .
Untitled Article
Sf »« t , 3 t « as ? : & : ¦ ¦ ¦ wm
<» ole of ^ borier »/« ppwted bV tne ^ cWn **^ - the Atoiralty Oftce , no » ite ^ wbiAbM fo ? SS S the 1 rotten imd infiawu Letd , Mere ** is » 3 ? S It is read for ther purpose « f -ewgHEw faViS jn ^ Unce aaamst the peopl ean b «« aTriedj brtS ? he * » f the Kello Wash Tuh have « onk « below S iourf * the Jmft . Com law Ckvutor pnblKoheeringf scceuats of th « progreai iheit cause *
making »• the Sonth and East of Scotland . WHIO Il « 6 LBIIC * TO fHI PkoPLE —Th » following fact wiU show tk * Antf-Corn Lair Repealers of Howick in their true ifcht . Tt » Chartisto of Sowick , . intending to hoid a pubh « neeting . waited upon the Chitf M « % i « trato ^ and obtained his consenrof tb * Town Hall for tfeepor . pose of the meeting , fcriosj h for Monday , tho % lng tant . They were a little astonished tb hear th » town cner , upon the morainfc of IW « tb * proolaim - thrtthe Anti-Corn Law isweiation ^ intetidedTta hold a meetiDg in the Town H «) . at the ' same t « Mar advertised by the Chartist * for tkefr meetinff . Th » ordingl waited
acc y tbey upon tae ; Chief MarfstrataV He stated that the Commit ^ « f the ^ nScom ^ iLai ^ tociatioB toa- uennr ¦ && * '& ¦ ¦ * $£ Town Hall , although non « could grant its um h » A « elf ; they thought from this- tbat aU cwas rimkt . ¦' * la the afternoon they again » beai 4 the town crier announce the Anti-Com Law A-odatioti meeting . Th « y again called to complain- « f « feb usaae . ThX were told that the Town Magistrate tad granted ii use without his knowledge , and he did not like to interfere with , his anangemento . fte -forbear further remark upon the moraliiW of th » Howick Whigt , than wiat i « tS-, be foand at the h « ad of this paragraph . T& Anti- Corn . Law Association met afcordinsl «^ and at th « heur of meeting seven penoBtwere *
pr sent . Alter ratting half an houryfit * more wem added to the clastic number . They thea * proceeded . ^^ " ^ i W ^ -te- ^ A o ^ l iifcilthe Manchester diunner . The . first . pzvttioaed beimr the chief magistrate , his qttaUfieatibtt litfaig ttaTteis opposed » o Cora I * w . repeaLf th ^ jir « proposed was the juniotmagistrate , his > qoalilcitiett ben » * oomplete ignor * nct , of the iabjeti ; . ifce ^ tmr 4 » i gentleman who really undemtands the « rbj » ot , bul such it fhe- disoord in this small Association , and the wish to Bave great , tun ain » ng fl ^_ that they would rather , have tent m « nMp » l imbwjifitVibiui . i . mtn oftalen * who could do oredit to ' Mqmi&L- m * i honour to hiawelf . Tfa * third HanedS ieritlertaa carried his fcct
« {« n . Accordingly , the Sommltte * flex * day were hunting up iuA iaymr the town darkening every shopkeeper ' s dbor ^ r . tiW ^ aeed riii im pay coach fare and dinner tip Manchester . Willie oTthe Busk ' s ae « onal of A ?^ tauter imAe KeW Wask Tub is that the-Association nex * , elected * delegate to A » dUmtr , jthatwast numb « rs joined the Association , among whioh w « r » a grekt number of gemmens ; and heoaHa - npon otlief A « M < eiatioofr to go and d * likewisa . With the esfcepfon of tte eleetion of a delegate to the dhaneti the whole w ; pare ftodge . And what ia more , tkere is not 9 ; Whig in Howick but is prepared to i £ ^ M the question of Corn Law repeal with a fixed duty upon irifcported corn . < " : ..- .
S Chartist Mebtiko . —The Cbattiaii of Howiek being anxious to hear Mr . A . WaadTap , 6 * Dumfriesv their old townsman , a teeorid time , prevj ^ ilsd nppa him te address them upon the ; pnbject erthe Charter . He did eo to a crbwde ^ meetinB , although there were four other publi p ineetiBg » in Howiek this evening . Mr . A . Wasdrap , showei ^ he M that maladnun ^ wation in government wM gi eat or li ttle ^ JP PP ? l * W ^ ° the cheok the ; people ; h » d over feJ ^** ^ i ? ^ nnd « x a ;^ i »^ -g < fi » rMoenV n * tWafch * 4 * x * a , Tiot industry ^ («»* -wwWr tfee . nrtr luMr , syiteM f 0 aettf ? was proteottdFt ^ vtoouT .-Jrigto ^ ^ aa ^ W i i » ^ ut S ^ HS ^ aaOfeM . showed an « xten « i «» tnAwla ^ i ^ — . vk «« - '
^^^ W ^ nJ j jnd the laws wbief giwi ; -pt ^ ^ m ^ m ^^^ ^ rea ^» g ^ nit o « 6 kl , z&G $ ^ £ ' ! $ ^ r 1 & ^ . p ^^ Corn Law humbugs go on J ' after ' ; . | b ? ir juwld goos » chase . —Mr . A . Dnnoan n « taddrfi * ic 4 itfe meeting- . He said he would be brief , a *; he bidhai plenty of speakiDg these last «« wWfe * He nie / not tett the Radioalg of Howick that this was a nomsntona period in the preseirt struggle for liberty ; , if there was one subject occopjriBg : the attention of the middle class more than another , i * w « s- how the movement far the Charter oould pa most effeotually crushed and destroyed . If , sdd Mr . Dinosn , yea 1
wish yeur eaemies , and your children * satmies to ca ll you by kind names , dissolve your Aaiociation j if you wish to be respected by your enemies , be firm , calm , and temperate in your language and deportment ; if you wish yeor country deliwed from the most heartless and imbecile band of tyrants whioh ever disgraced any age or country , unite ' firmer th ' am ' : - ' ever men _ united before . Yourpathway . io'Unrversai " : Suffrage is clear as ever . Some thought there was a clond upon that path , as our entmiw were itl <> , possession of our best and bravest champions . TA ? gr . might be true , but Providence , never ' » abandoned annited people struggling for lu sticy ,. except tb * people were falae to thetnselvet S * bai only- on © other topic , to alTttde to , and that yas- the case of Mr . Froet , nowouhi 8 tri » lfor life br-fleaih .. ^ r « n
all that he knew of this true-hearted friend of the people , he thought him to be a man inpapable of the designs imputed to him by tbe officers of the crown ; but he was in the hand * o £ good courwel . It was a moral duty on the p »* t of the peepltj to see th * t these advocates of Mr . •!* $ * were Tevrarded for their service . From what hey J&W oould learb , the people of Howick ' w « re-willing to give a second subscription . He underetood thatt F » argus O'Connor , Esq . kad givem bi » -all , ^ ad had be come hound for more . It was tbe people ' s doty t * see that Feargus O'Connor , Etq ^ did riot l oee by it . He , Mr . Duncan , " would give a . a « rmoa apon t he punishment of death for political offeneep , the collection to go to Mr . Frost ' * Defence Fotd . After a vote of thanks to Messrs . Waridrap anjl Duncan , the meeting broke up . . . ;¦ — .. •> . .
Untitled Article
rpHE LEEDS GA ^ OGHTCOMPANYhaving X recently discovered thai an improper ; Use has , in seme Cases , been made of ttfef Gat , by Parties either interfering with the GAs : MEJasBs / or piercing the Supply Pipes , so a » to obtain Gas which has not passed through the Meter , ' . : ' --v Bere ^ giye . NotiQt ,. Tkat « a Penalty of Flva Pou » i » j , fbr tach Offence , is imp osed by the Ast on . all peTsous ; 8 o » fibadingb « OB . d a Charge of three lliibea ^ tlw Xalue of the na » consumed . , : ; A ? . id that the Coapany will prooeed , in ' erery Cos * to-enforce the Penalties of the Act gainst all Off inders after this Notice .: ' By Order , : ' W . C . RAPER , Manswr .
Untitled Article
" ^• Monttouth , Wednesday , Jan . 15 . -1 Kace yeaterday nothinj ? important has transpired . The Moamoath farce still goes on . Williams is w ^ cl »» rjan £ in ^ ones ' 8 eas « . I need saj no » ore . i « ni 1 «» rtay tired of English justice , th » law of treason , and earalry jurors » for it now " appears that our pane | has upon it vast numbers of the Christ Chure ^ ar idother cavalry corps . Is this trial by jury or martial law I
I must 6 ow give yon a most striking instance of the critical manner in which juron represent society . The first man called upon Jones ' s jury , who should have bean the Foreman , had but the bare qualification which the law requires ; he had a fustian jacket and blistered hands , but was shaved for the occasion . The attorney for the prisoner was , of course , anxious to get a jury as nearly upon a level with the prisoner , in-point of rank , as possible . The four first were poor looking men , and occupied the front row ; the four next , the challenges , thirijMiTe , being nearl y exhausted , were a
degree above GaT working class in appearance . They ooenpied the second beneh . When the challenge of the prisoner " were exhausted , the Crown put aside some jurors , who were £ 50 freeholders , and one who was rated at £ 100 a year , and at l ast succeeded in getting four gentlemen of property , who occupied the third and last 'bench . Judge of our astonishment when , upon the following morning , the order of things had been completely rerersedi The ariBtbrei ^ flwr ** Barber , bei ^ - ^ k ^ Ja -4 ^ ^ the unwashed in the rear , as much as possible out of riew .
When ^ poor Jones was called upon for hisdefeaee , he spoke in a firm tone , and said , that the reason of some going armed was to provide thamselfefi against the possibility of such an attack as had been made upon the peaceable inhabitants of Birmingham by the London police . We are now in the fourteenth day , and have not yet got through three eases ; more than <* e hundred remain yet for trial , with a townifjflK tf witnesses , and every article of food and accommo dation raised to more Item double tbe usual prfee . some poor witnesses paying five shillings a nightfor a miserable bed , and in Bke proportion for \ everything else .
If Frost , Williams , and . Jones are traitors , I have never attended a single public meeti » £ ont of doors , or debate iff fife House of CommonB where treason—rank treasonjiiaB not been spokes The dvert acts of the prisoners hate been eom ' aiitted by the advice which parliamentary leadere haTe giTen . thus making them the desigtieo , and the less educated , the executioners . Jon «« is sure to be found g&ilty , andbothing will make me more strenuously advocate Universal Suffrage than the
specimen which I have had of the glory of our jury laws and the description of our prisons . Give ae martial law ten times « ver in preference to a Monmouthshire jury trying to fry traitors ; aye , and even in this ease , admitting him first aa an evidence , give me C&pt . Grey as foreman , rather than a farmer or bloodsucker , who lives upon the ByBtem , the perpetuation of which iB now the question for some of them to decide .
The fearful extent to which our laws have proved " treason to exist in this country , must be matter , of serious consideration for Prince Albert . The pubKc mind is becoming ; very uneasy , iaeonsequeneB of the spread of Chartism in Wales , and the description of persons who have taken * lead j many of them being possessed of great wealth . Many of ^ th * prisoners are worthsereral thousand pounds ,-sadaTe most gentlemanly-looking men ' . ; and tha Government , fearing their influence , through them , will jacdea our ' to intimidate the people ; but I understand that many , very many ?;« tike most reepeckbje people of Wales , diff « ri » r with tie * m m * aUr ¦ yiWifeiir ^ ' ^ l ^^ S douWul potions of w ^ R ^ RBpWb ^ c ^^ Mm W ^ riomin ^ y ears ' &Si-per week , do not recefftj mote than 18 s . worth of real value . The whole of ft * working population of Wales are Chartists . The Parliament meets to-morrow , and I know not how to speak of the assembly until the law of constructive treason has been somewhat more clearly
defined . If they hope to crush us , without firet having yielded our just demands , | they are woefully mistaken . Scotland must now speak out , and roll its might and its knowledge to tho foot of the throne . Mind not to compass tho death of the Queen ; rn , ii its course , to stumble over a sleeping recruit , for that would be treason ; but , in the language of their Convention , proclaim their might through their wilL
Williams is still charging ^ and the post about to start . Pray God the men of Dewsbury and Sheffield haTe not committed themselves , aa I find , by the Sun , that they haTe doae something . I pledge myself to carry the Charter without the loss of a # ? £# V ^* ** ? T »? y ma ^ urr ^ iTes irresistible ; see , file "hardship of the jpoer . And weep iortheia . ; but X trust that it will cot be augmented by giving our rulers an opportunity of giriug the screw another turn . FEARGUS O'CONNOR . Wednesday , Three o'clock .
To Readers And Correspondents
Untitled Article
-JV * lun woeited New -SEotk papers fo the 28 th nlt inclusive . They were brought by- the packet A tp ! SkUm * i Captain Palmer , which arrived at werpoolyfittMJdaj afternoon , aftor a rapid , but most tempestuous , ; -passage of seventeen days . AWOn / i ! the ¦ passengyrs by this vessel ire Colonel ^• qgB * nd Mr . FeatherBtonhaugh , the British «>» missioners for the settlement of the boundary $ mm Md Mr . Tariered , M . P . ; who dm been IWjMrfiwto ^ Aaiericfc ¦ ¦ .- •¦ ,-, : ^ -- . * ¦ .: ^ :. > - . ¦ : ¦ \ ? wp > » <> t Representatives having , after long , i fll
ttlg TZr m * W * <*« JW »^^ TiletfbJr ^ ttte W ^ ri ^ y ;*?*^™ " * *^ * * ae message df ^^ tfce ^ a ?*^!^ W * wiwl to Congres « , 6 n the ^^ Mtfitflt-« ie President Bays thai fce is mwte than ever eofl ^ 3 ^ 1 0 f % 7 *^ ^^ 4 re * sW 8 ysterii , arid the % Ur and inefficiency of the new Bankg , « great or small , i ^ tate , ^ or Na « prial ?» The United States BjhM cornea fa fer a fuU share of lashing , because , flWsMr . TajaBarett i it swelled arid maddened the tides 4 f th « banking system . He puts down the 5 antoriB | of specie in the « 4 uii | ry * VBigoty *« ve miK * to » , tod the aggregate foreign debt at 200 , 000 , 000 ttollarBiand en-nertlV hopes that no States Or
itidi-; vidualgVill run i * debt any farther ,-but pay" up whai tJhey owl . He also r * 6 onimends retrenchaient and * couoa * and will do everything for thecood of | he flnioif ^^ ith rtmpect to the relations with England , otfihinBFihe Maine boundary buainess mighi be fettled , » % 4 honea it will b «; also that matter abou ^ « reJinefl ? 0 ai the fntran «» of Lake Superior to the Worth West Foint of th « Late , of the WoodB . " He Believes that tko Canadian trorablen are at an end , Ifo trial of'strength had np iv the date of the list advices from WanWngton , taken place bstvrcen the Gfcvernmerit and tbe Opposition party , lilie commercial aecounta brought by the Siddons stpte ^ that a great scarcity of money Bad been fe $ since tria dennr ^ nra nf ltiA nra-rinrta 4 tnnli « ta Ttio
rajto o £ interest had , in tonsequence . increased , and the yaiifof most kinds of shares had declined . The scarcity of money was attributed in the money ar->» leg ia tfi ^ newspArien to the non-arrival of ' remitttJMa «< roBl rtw south attdWiateriot , owing to Tieavty tod general falls of enow , which had interrupt ^ d ; the raailfl . The rate of exchange for the paokethprior to the 25 th ult . bad been 8 i to 8 Jj it advtoced , however , on the 27 th , and left off at 82 \ o 9 § . ¦ very , little busiriess was transacted , and what waB * done : w « s at the lower rates . The shares in thejgank of the the United States wete quoted on the ^« th , at Philadelphia , at 82 ; but at New York , whew there had been a fall in the values , » t 7 * .
Caution To Eafts Ctfm&Tjarjbbs.
caution to eafts ctfM&TjarjBBs .
Tirpist Nkw^I M^ M
tirpiST NKw ^ i M ^ M
Untitled Article
. j / 7 ! i nlRW m * n * . ~ - ^ 1
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 18, 1840, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/king-y1kbzq92ze2667/page/5/