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^^^^"™ ' "^'^^"^^^ | ^»™SSZISSS^^**^^*^—^pm^^» ®rf<rw«rt Corteftpamifniw. <©»*fA-tt*»l iti* - ¦ -
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m L —^— LJJ—^_^^^^^^^^ J^MIL^^^^^^^^^i^3EB VavitXitss.
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J6ibcexjaneou3 News. J6ssgelsj&?Eotn News.
Active -preparations are already being made by < J « rnment for takiBg the decennial census in May » Tthe next year ; in which some important improve-Jarts will be juri a .-&obe-We csdkbsiakd that Dr . L&rdner and Mrs . Tleavisde are in Paris , Colonel French has reterned to Brighton from Boulogne , where he left Mr . Hesviside wuh Mts . Heaviside ' s father , Colonel Sf kca .-Bris hton Gazette . Focktees whole connties hare adopted the rural Police Act , and five hare partially adopted it . The krfest eonnti « tnat hare adopted it wholly ^ I . a ^ shire , Norfolk , Essex , Salop , Durham , * nd Vr uU . The ssawirawn out of the Paris Savings ' Bank ,
fcj themeex ending Monuay list , again exceeded those IcxJ&ed . Distress was increasing rather than jjjakjfiblng . Parricides , infanticides , and crimes of ^ rerj 4 escripiJ 0 B , are increasing in the metropolis and p rovinces of France . Yes Ro sas Catholics have applied to the City for permission to erect a large cross and statues of { he Tlrpn , Set-., on the outside of their intended Cathedral in St . GsorgeVfields . The application is said to hare been unsuccessful . £ cch a rev .-lciion of public opinion -with res-¦ pect to the office of Guardian has taken place , that the competition is not now who shall fill the office , feet who shall esoftpo it , and tlie members of the several Boards are now generally . elected without com petition . —Sherborne Journal ,
Thb Vicab of a parish about teven miks from Bristol , h e * ¦ week refused to bury the child of a re-« peet » i > le tradesman In the neighbourhood , alleging ? M «» 6 on that the Bishop of Bath and Wells would ^"¦ fttaCow hjm to do fO , in consequence of the child ikaving been baptised by a dissenting minister . — ? BmWf Mercury . .. , " AiAiGK PJ ££ , ia very high season , was -canght whilstiroiling by M ^ Richard Eraniy , of Southampton , measnrtng : ' t ! aBfeet « xinches in lfciigtfc , awl tiro feet la gm j , JHN ^ iDf 32 lbs . This freshwater gowrmmd isedjJjMn % Ai h » Te destroyed &t least two thousand hrioB ^» f trwU within the last « ght years , there haTing latterly been no white Sh in that part of the river whereba -was caught .
- Ii ^ L laTtER received here fr&in % lady In Paris , H £ 4 M | fe says , " I met Mis . Heaviside , who aceejsted tos "very gaily , and said she would tell me all ^ be ne ws of Brighton . " A ; fueumeof writing the lady did cot know the sitnation in which Mrs . Heavi--B > de had pfeced herself by doping with Dr . Lardner . —Brighton Herald . > : ' * it 05 Saturday morning , at low ^ Jrater ^ in couse * flnencd of a depression of a loase ifed of gravel over the excavation of the Thames Tuhael on the north shore , a settlement tcok place . Is was filled up by { he trail means before the tido rose over it . We are happy to state ibat-no increase in the influx of water Bto the tunnel took place at the tims nor since the depresden .
' ¦ A hasd thbashiot machine has been introduced iate Sasaex from Ncrfolk , which is made by an orbinary mfllwrignt for twelve guineas . It thrashes tteanerihan tEeiail , and the men like it better ; it requires six men and two boy g to work it ; and the Ben earn from 2 s . 3 d . to 2 a . 6 d . per day . —Berkttere Chroruclt . —The Gcaxd of the London mail arrived at UpjHBgham , on Thursday , three hours after the usual fcsse , in a post-chaise . It appears the coach was * pset near Hitchin , and the coachman so injured that no hop » s were entertained of bis gumving . A geatleman was also seriously injured ; and arrived in the chaise with , the guard . —Linee / ji Chronicle .
Rotal Akttt . t . krt . —The new pattern cap ordered for the corps is to be immediately taken into general wear . The halberd with which the Serjeants are at present armed , haying become obsolete in the army , is ordered to be laid aside , and a fusee substituted in its stead , such as the Serjeants of the Guard and regiments of the line are armed with at present . Marble . —The largest block of marble erer produced from the quarries in Gilway , Ireland , has just been landed at Messrs . Searle and Foot ' s Stone "Wharf , Abingdon-street , Westminster . We understand it is to form part of & most magnificent marble staircase , now executing by the London Marble Company , Esher-street i Westminster , for Hamilton Palace , in Scotland .
Lacet fc Wiles . —At ihe Gloucester Assizes , Lacey and Wiiks , indicted for sedition , jointly with Vincent , were allowed to withdraw tiicir plea of ** Not Guiky , ' aid pleaded " Gnilty . " They were then discharged npon entering into recognizances , and procuring ball fox £ 100 , for their appearance to receive judgment , if required . Sailed , on Saturday , from Portsmouth , ihe NetMRs , private ax mod steamer , Ba ll , master , destination unknown . It is said this vessel is provided with as Admiralty letter of licence , or letter © I marqne . If so , it can only be against the Chinese ; aad for the purpose of smuggling opium she is admirably adapted .
Bscssels , Apbil 1 . —A seizure of Jewellery and trinkets of the raise of above 200 , 006 francs , has juai been made , belonging to one ot * the principal g oldsmiths of Paris , who lodged in the British Hotel , in , this rffy . 'These articles had not the Bdgian Stamp , -ini > had been smuggled into Belgium . .. !" ¦¦ ' -- ^ l ^ jv Elbtes LrrEs ' io * r .- ^ The inhabitants of the fishing port of Staithfc 3 hare of late been in & state of the greatest despair , on- receiving information that eleven in number of useful liyer , the sole dependence of widows , children , and aged mothers , were untimely launched into eternity . The persons allud « d to followed the occupation of fisnermeaj who , in perfect health , were unfortunately overtaken by a severe gale , on the 20 th olt ., and perished at sea .
Ihs Nbohboubbood of Tetbary is in a etate . of the deepest alarm , from a number of nonces having been seat to the majority" of the respectable inhabitants , threatening to ' -aero their property as they hare that of ColoaeL Kiagseote , which was -late » y borned . Since than a farm near the tows ha 3 been fired , &nd ninety ^ heep wer e burned to death , besides a large range of farm-buildings . £ 150 reward has b « en offered for the discovery of the author of these
tireaieniflgaoticee . Soaj . —From a Parliamentary return jast issued , we observe that the total quantity of hard soap made in Scotland in the year ending 5 th of January , 184 " , was 10 , 672 £ 35 lbs ., » Bd of toft soap , 4 , 879 , 364 lbs . Tae quantity » f hird soap made in England during the same period amounted to 144 , 124 , 318 lbs ., and of soft 9 , 995 , 539 Ib 3 . Total quantity of hard ana soft ¦ e&p made in Great Britain from 5 th January , 1840 , M&oants to 169 , 671 , 816 lbs .
A * ihe Feiktrhibh Assizra on Tuesday , the trial of Edward Jones , charged with the murder of David Evaus , gamekeeper , commenced before Mr . Justice Williams , and terminated on Wednesday in the eonviction of the prisoner , who had sentence of oeath passed upon him . The Judge was four hours hi summing up , and the Jury were an hour and a quarter in deliberating upon their verdict . The prisoner was carried ont of the Court in a state of insensibility after receiving sentence of death .
Thx TOLLOwisc is the reason why Mr . Simpson i i KBwflliuo ' a agent , has been deprived oi the land he held from Dr . James , vicar of Peterborough : —Mr . bimpson held 1 M acre 3 of land at a low rent most eligibly situated , adjoining the city of Peterborough , wnen it was accidentally discovered that he was in the act of allotting this land to between forty and fifty men of straw for the purpose of giving them Totes for the Whigs . Dr . James immediately rave him n » tice to quit at Michaelm&s .
O * Tsssdat mobhixg the Rev . E . Egremont of Worcester , sent Harriet Peacock , his servant , a one jpnng woman , aged eighteen , on horse back , on a message . As the girl was riding on , she was OTerUkfceji by the Greyhonad , Shrewsbury and Birmingaaai co » cb , when unfortunately the horse on wfciefc she w * s riding shied , and threw her into toe ro * d immediately under the wheel , which , pxssiHg over her throat , nearly cut her head from her shoulders .
Stjppasssio . i op Wakdswokth Faib . —Previous » tae fair placards , ot " which the following is a copy aid been extensively circulated ia WmbledonTwimbiedon Fair—Notiee is hereby given , that the * * l f « r , hitherto holden in this Tillage on the ^ ? ^^ l Lsdy-d * y «»» rfa * been holden ^ u bout lawful authority ) , an applica tion has been «* U to the honourable the commissioiiers of the aetropolitan poliee to suppress the said fair . —By » d « r of the pariah offioen .-Wimbledon , March ,
A Craious Dbbct . —On Saturday , during the performance of Othello , at the Park ' Theatrl , a huge m made hig appgaran . ee in the r ©» r of ^ lr . Vanden-Hoff , who was drawing ; tears from the audience , took several truly theatrical strides backward and for-W 4 iO i passed near the bed where Desdemona lay murdered , and disappeared , sticking back one of his « ff 41 » Madame Arraline . The audience dried their w * rs and burst into a roar of laughter . —New Ytrk Mornmg Herald . Cokseqcinces op Fjoulb Cumositt . —An extraordinary ease of this case occurred at Ufiington , Bear Stamford , on Friday last , very early in the
morning . Amam&d woman , about 35 years of age , « ie wife of a labourer named Stanton , was indulging maTery attentive observation of the proceedings in a neighbouring house , when leaning too far out of a window in her earnestness to see all that could be « eea , Ehe lost her hold , and was precipitated t It ^ to lht & bUnd > frolD » he 5 Sb' of 1 » fee * . Her nil being upon a hard pavement , she fractured her ngni eollar-bone , three or four of her ribs , her oreafct bone , and the left fore-arm , besides drcadraily bruising herself in other pang of the body . am poor woman was brought to the Stamford " *™* ry , where she now lies in a precarious state . Stmfort Mtrtvrp .
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LETTER VII . . " ^ hat do yonr rulers ? ^ specwu * tales the mul titudes they cheat Passing base measures on the plea ' Of public safety . " Leonidat . BJB .-Philosophera tell us that madmen ruah upon their own own destruction : how Bo ^ HTelv i « « T ; doctrtoe rafted in England : ' tbe ^^ cl nls ^ ^ erra those who prate about reform , and gnmbfe rt ^ ie ^ my tlmt stnrounds the ™ . ^ . tCwSSJ f so ? port the Tery Bystein that enaPTe 8 ^ S « to ^ ann , ^ ll t and *** & * upon" them ! ' WhvdVoux raerslsTigh at us and treat us with contempt ? Wbv do they mock out cries for jastiee , and deride our situation *? Bemuse their education enables them to ZT 01 ^ 6 txP" *™ an < l read the minds of the muU ! - tude-because their wealth enables them to employ means to che ^ flatter , bamboozle , eajole and dTuS the peop e-becanae . their experience teachea thorn that *^ , ^ StiSrt ^ fiattered h 7- ™** . ™* « £ ^ W ^ 7 * 6 D 0 Se M aSBes are " - ^ eciMi ao they flna that it u easy to dirMe efimper * - " divide and conquer ; ttie people being so ficUe minded , so jealous ° ll * " * cthCT - 8 ° ^^ detached when united , and abov . all , so wutocaiic in theirpvra spheres , to some whom they fancy are pewrer than themselves knowing all these tbinge , they play- with the liberties of tht rveople , and sport with their misfortunes . And how , think you have they entangled the people in tneir meshfis ? In tlie first place , the people from TSQ 2 to i ?^ ° yreitre ^ raaen and disaffected with their cob
- ditioa . They complained of war taxes , war debta . high pnees , and faUing wages ; they Bought for peace wd plenty , but ibtv saw before tbtm commotion and misery . The rich itflferted pity . The Government s ^ w no prospect but making the people , or as m&ny of them a » they could , icto fundliolders . Old G * orge Rose a pensioner , invented a scheme for taking &lre of the petty cash -srhich labourers , mechanics , artizans , ceoks scullions , chambermaids , eoachmen , grounw , domestic servants of all sorts , and little shopkeepers managed to screw out of their earnings and profits . Savings ' Basks -were setup ; the silly cooks , scullions , chambermaids and housekeepers emptied their little patchy -mirk ; hvxzifs ( housewifes ) rah to these savings ' -shops with the contents , where they were promise ; ! interest and a bank book ; the labourers , mechanics , and artizans took their sparkling new shillings and
^ Th span new sovereigns they loved brag on , Which bore St George , his steed and dragon . " All went to old George ' s ehop , and the new furdholdera were proud as Punch , the moment they had a shilling in the Bank ; the very thought raised them perpendicular—another shilling made them stiff-nt-cks and a sovereign so affected their vision tVat they could not see those poor 3 ouls -who could not afford to ' becom © fttnd " : olders . A mechanic , or an art zan , with £ 5 in the Saving Shop , assumes an air of consequence ; another £ 5 makes him % petty aristocrat ; a third £ b makes him a Whig ; a fourth £ 5 and he is past endurance ; a proud , haughty , overbearing , pettish , inveterate foe of the poor and helpless ; every body beneath him is mean , improvident , and unworthy .
This is the moral effect of tho Saving Bank system the political effect is widely different The whole scheme is a deep-laid , cunning contrivance , to drag the wealthier portion of the working classes along with the Government ; by this scheme a great number of " stakes in Vie country" are created , and these stakeholders are the great Eupporters of " National Faith" and " things as they are ; " the moment national faith is injured by a panic , or by a run upon the Bxnis , then down comes the little fundholder , for it is ntttr' . y impossible to pay fhe money sunk in the riaving Banks back again to its depositors , because it is deposited in Government securities ! Securities , indeed ! Aye , secure enough , I promise you ; so secure , that it would pnzz ' e " Auld Sooty - to dielodge it . The Act authorising these
Saving Shops is tho 5 rth Geo . III ., cap . 130 , 1817 . This Act gives the power to the trustees to hand over the shillings nnd sovereign * of the silly depositors to the Bank of England , to be there lodged in the name of the Commissioners for the Reduction ef the National Debt , who issue what are termed debenture * in favour of the Saving Bsnks , bearing interest at three per cent . per day . The Commissioners may apply the money so invested in their hands in purchasing Bank Annuities ; this Act was amended by 5 $ Geo . III ., cap . AS , 1818 ; another amendment was passed 1 Geo . IV ., cap . 83 ; another in the 5 th Geo . IV ., cap . 62 . A Consolidation Act waa passed fi Gto . IV ., cap . 92 , 1 S 28 ; the 15 th section gives the Government another claw at the funds ; it enables them to apply the funds of the Saving Banki
in purchasing Exchequer Bilis , and the l « th section reduces the interest to 2 £ d . per cent per day on money invested in the hands of the Commissioners ; the 24 th section reduces the laterest on deposits to 2 Jd . per centom per day ; the 27 th section allows charitable societies to invest sums not exceeding iiou per annum , or £ 300 in tLe wiiola iso the poor ' s funds are to be swallowed up ); the 28 th section allows friendly societies to sutwerihe £ 800 to this fund ; section 50 , Commisrionen may purchase Exchequer Bul » , and regulates the mode ; 51 th section empowers Commissioners to sell Bank Annuities ; the 57 th section fairly aaeds over the funds to the Commissioners for the Redaction of the National Debt The 3 rd Wm . IV ., cap . 14 , 1333 , amends the rtet by giving more power to
GovernroentoverthcSavingBaaks . regulatingthesaleand transferricg of Bank Annuities and Exchequer Bills . We now come to the point where chicanerr , fraud , humbug , and impudence is paramount We are told by the ParUanienUrv Paper , 316 , 1839 , that there were . 690 , 138 depositors on the 20 th November , 1838 , that these depositors h-id lent ( say given ) to the Government £ 20 , 132 , 782 . Charitable * odctks have entrusted £ 359 , 029 to the trustees of the saving shops ; and hew it , O ye trades unions , sick and burial societies , Oddfellow , Druids , Foresters , and hear it , O ye socialists , vou too are guiity of the abominable sin _ of supporting the extravag-ncies of tLe Government ; you , too , have been instrumental in forging fne fetters that- enslave you ; yon , working men , who compose tbe ah © Te-nan * ed societies , have kindly , nay , generously lent the Government to save them from ruin £ 371 , 501 of yonr hard-earned money . Slaves . ' dupes . ' fools as ye are , see ye not how ye have been
tricked ? You have fallen into the snare set by Tted Pratt , E § q . ; you thought that the Benefit Society ' s Aet would yield you protection ! aye , " &uch protection as vultures give to lambs , covering and devouring them . " For the sake of being enrolled under the 10 Geo . IV . cap . 56 , you subscribe to a law , the 13 sect of which saj-a , they may invest the funds of their societies into the Public ' Funds or Government Securities ; by the 30 th sect , the whole or anv part of the funds of societies may be subscribed into Saving * ' Bank under 9 Geo . IV . cap . 82 , and by the 31 st sect , any sum not less than £ 50 may be paid ( Low courteous !) directly into the Bank of England to the account of the Commissioners fer the reduction of tbe National Debt , upon the declaration of tbe trustees , &c . that Euch monies belong exclusively to the society for Tri . ich such payment is made ; and in case such declaration be untrue , the money so paid to . be forfeited ia the Commissioners for the reduction f the National Debt
There may be dupes who think their money is safer in Government Securities than anywhere else . Let us examine these Government Securities . The Commissioners , that is , the Governor of the Bonk of England , tbe Chancellor of the Exchequer and Co ., tell us that they have laid out the shillings and sovereigns of the dupes as follows : —In the Three per CenU . ( that is , they have purchased of national debt scrip bearing interest of ttre * per cent , ) £ 8 , 204 , 682 ; in Three and a Half per Cents ., £ 13 , 715 , 169 , in all £ 21 , 919 , 791 . I have before shown yon the nature and value of their securities depending upon " national faith ; " you may new perceive what kind of security the dnpes hiive for the repayment uf their money ; it is " national faith : " and so long as national faith exists unimpaired , the
dnp . s will get three and three and a half per cent for the money invested ; but the moment that national tiith is impaired , down comes Stocks of all sorts , and the Three aad Thre « aad a Half per Cents , may not be worth one par cent ; then » ill the babble burst—then will 4 ae dupes learn sense , bat . too late to recoverthen will' tbe evils of the South Sea babble return again with ali their horrors- then will the Chancellor of the Exchequer , like Mr . Aisley , the Chancellor of tbe Exchequer in 1722 , be brought within tbe vengeance of an infuriated people—theu will tbe whole system crumble to tho dust—debt , banks , stocks , insurances , capital , stock of all sorts perish ; and historians will trace the downfall of the nation to th « credulity and weakness of the people .
Is is not then important to the Government to get hold of the sovereigns of the people , and lock them up in tLese kind of securities ? Is it not necessary to make as many of the people as possible shareholders or fundholders , in order that their sordid interests may be combined with tbe interests- of the larger fundhoiders ? Is it not policy to bind them np together to prevent the interests of the large fundholders from being damaged by any disaffection of the people , and iriil not such policy hav 6 the moral effect of inducing the whole of the 703 , 236 depositors to support the Government and their rotten system of "things as they are ? " Has it not tbe effect now ? Have we not found the greatest enemies « f freedom amongst the well paid working men who have their petty cash in the saving traps ? Have not £ 780 , 800 of their savings
been expended by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in purchasing some of hi * Exchequer Billa , that Is , in paying his debts ? Let us suppose tbe Master of the Ordnar . ee to contract with John Straw for 100 , 000 maskets at 10 s . each , £ 56 , 0 «« would U required t » pay for them—the Master of the Ordnance , if his treasurer had no money , would apply to the Chance l lor of the Exchequer , through tbe Lords •! the Treasury ; if ht had no money h « would cut up a sheet of foolscap , and manufacture with bis pen some Ex . cheiner Billa , band them over to tbe Master of the Ordnanco , -who would tender them to John Straw : when tha Chancellor of the Exchequer eould lay hold of some of tb « money deposited in the saving traps , he would redeem or bay the Exchequer Bills from John Straw , kx erder to save the interest or 2 Jd . par csat . per aaynpoa them —» v « it ! what , and pay to * same in-
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terest * n the » owy borrowed ? no , to « we ftfe cemit with the centractor , John Straw , and make the silly dnpes pay the piper . In such a manner has £ 780 80 O beeu exnendod . is-it not palpable that ^ aso ^ Ting SS . * * * / h 0 pe of the Goverranent-tneir shed ; anchor—the fountain of all their gold and Bflver ( for poor m « Ldeposit no £ 5 notes-all hard cash ; but | f they . » t 4 j 6-in the bank , on application to withdraw ™ - " *?* ' ^ receiTe a & " promise to pay" ) , This scheme urone of the most false , tricky , cunning , way deceitful , artful , disgraceful , villanous , perfidious , treacherous , infernal ,, and destructive , that ever was invented in this or any other country ; and the mean sordid avarice of a portion of the working classes and petty . shopkeepers is the source from whence it derives it power . To them I shall ever believe this country will be indebted for its ultimate rain . They have my " extremest bate , " btc&usu I consider them tho greatest enemies of my country—they are the servile , base supporters of a system fraught with the greatest danger to the common wealth . ' . '
. „ - R . J . Richardson . April 7 , 1840 . Amount of public taxes in m _^ 8 S 7 > , _ — ... 82 , 163 , 610 12 \\ % Take the whole of the paper , and gold , and silver , in circulation ... ... 30 , 222 , 754 » 0 And you will still be in debt , 21 , 940 , 8 . 51 12 11 $ Tbe Chancellor of ibe Exchequer , to meet the difficulty , issued in 1837 Exchequer , Billa to the amount of : ... . 30 , 639 , 272 19 4 Exchequer Bills lent to public works .- „ . 326 , 950 0 0 « # « . t » m , « . ' £ 30 , 302 , 322 19 . 4 Of these Bills there remained outstanding in Jan ., 1838 , for which we pay 2 $ d . to "• 2 d , per day interestonevery i £ 100 ' i ¦ " *¦ - 24 , 044 , 550 0 0 Add t « this deficiency bills issued to the Bank for which we have to pay 2 i < L to 2 d . per day for tvery ^ l 00 » ... 5 . 87 B . 548 d 0 _ _ ¦ „ ¦ . " ' £ 29 , 913 , 0 »« 0 0 Farther deficiencyatsproTlded - .-. - - ¦ ¦ - - ¦• for > ~ - ... 716 , 176 0 0
Total amount of Exchequer Bills , ... ... £ 30 , 628 , 272 0 0 . These Exchequer Bills being also a legal tender for taxes , they ought to be cocsi ' . ieredi . aa part of the circulating medium , or more properly cajletl , convenience money on mortgages on the faith of the nation . As you perceive above , when the Chancellor of the Exchequer waats money , ho mortgages tha national faith , and agrees to pay 2 jd . per cent per diem , until the Parliament helps Lini out of the mess , by allowing him to fund it ; that is , shift it off his own should ers on U > those of the nation ; then it ia called the Natianal Deit , or in common parlance , the grand swindle . I will , iu a few lines , shew the country how they stood on tbe 5 th January , 1839 . ' Amount of the Grand Swindle owing £ 763 , 803 , 562 0
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TO THE KDITOB OF THE NORTHERN STAB . Sib , —Several persons in this neighbourhood , who have been soldiers , and legally discharged , will thank yon to give insertion to the following abstract , which , in my opinion , exempts such persons from either paying or labouring for such rate , as in all cases it is a statute duty , and no person is compelled to pay money if he is wishful to do work for the same amount of charge . The following is an abstract from the Act of Parliament m&Ae the nineteenth year of Geo . IIL chap . 10 , 41 st section : — " And be it further enacted , that no person
who shall enter into his Majesty ' s service as Tolnnteer in ^ pursuance of this Act , or with any recruiting officers ' party during the continuance of this Act , and shall not desert the same , shall , at any titna after the expiration of such military service , "be liable in his person to do any highway duty , commonly called statute duty , or to bo appointed to serve as any peace officer , or parish officer , or be liable to serve in the militia , or in any of his Majesty ' s land or sea forces , unless he shall consent thereto , and any such like person shall have the privilege ofexerdtina ana trade , " &c . See
If this Act of Parliament bo repealed , please to sa ; whether or not ; and if I am , as each a person , com pelled to do statute duty . I am , Sir . Tour obedient Servant , Jaii £ J > Eastwood . Huddersfield , March 31 st , 1840 .
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( From the Times . ) The revenue tables for the year and quarter ending April 5 th , 1840 ^ presents clear evidence of improving resources in tbe country , though advancing at a very moderate pace . This will more plainly appear from the annexed table , in which we have carried the comparison two yean further back than the official return ; * nd it will-be eeen < m inspection that the last has been the mosl productive October quarter of the whole in the items of
CustomsEx-, cue , and Stamps . It exhibits also the effect of the recent changes in the Post-office , by which a loss has been incurred in the present quarter , compared with the April quarter of 1839 , of £ 272 , 000 , which is equal to a rate of nearly £ 1 , 100 , 000 per annum , which disadvantage , however , is covered by the excess in the Customs and Exci 3 e , bo that tho total revenue for t ! ii 3 quarter , as compared with 13 ^ . 0 . differs ouly by a Bum rather less than £ 2 , ( HiO , and exceeds the revenue both of 1837 and 1838 . Tbe following is the table referred to : —
APRIL RETURN FOR 1837 1838 1839 1840 easterns —4 , 436 , » 05—4 , 061 , 670 -. 4 , 411 , 566 ^ . 4 , 572 , 623 Excise 1 . , 443 _ l , 705 , 853—l 1 841 , 511 w . l , 929 , 99 C Stamps l , 618 , 462 _ l , 648 , 194 ^ 1 I 640 , 253 « . l , 658 , 188 Taxes 181 , 219-. 130 , 576— 176 , 440— 179 , 058 Post-office-. 367 , OU «^ . 369 , 000— 392 , 000— 120 , 000
8 , 437 , 629 7 , 915 , 293 8 , 461 , 773 8 , 459 , 865 There is to be found , consequently , in the actual revenue return no excuse for that increased taxation which Ministers are about to impose . Their own improvidence and profligate waste of the public money , and not the decreasing productive power of the country , are the true causes of all their difficulties . Considering how deadly the policy is which they have uniformly pursued with respect to our foreign trade , and which has shot out England from some of the best markets of tho world , it is really : wonderful what energy our commerce has displayed ; so much so , that there can be little doubr , had they pursued a different course , of a sufficient rt-venue being obtained to meet even that profligate expenditure of theirs without any recourse to new taxes .
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DREADFUL CRUELTY TO A GIHL SENT TO THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE BY THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND SOCIETY . ( Fromihc Dispatch . ) Our readers will recollect that some twelve months ago , a poor woman , named Croker , complained to tbe Magistrates of Bow-street-office , of her daughter being sent to the Capo of Geod Hope , by the Children ' s Friend Society , without her knowledge or consent . The case excited considerable interest at the time , aad tbe public attention was directed to the proceedings of the Society , several Btatememts having gone abroad as to the improper treatment the children had received after their arrival at tbe Cape , and their Apprenticeship to different persons . All these statements were stoutly
denied by the omoers of the Society , bat at the Annual Meeting , the Report admitted that tb . 9 Committee had lately received accounts from more than one quarter in the Colony , which Induced them to feel alarm for the welfare of some of the apprenticed children , which hod been sent ont by the Society , ' more particularly those who are put with masters in the country partsof tbe Colony . " The Report promised thai tbe fullest inquiry slivold be made , ice . At tliis meeting several complaints were made by yonng persons who had returned from the Cape , bat which were declared to be unfounded . Since that Urn * nethiag had been heard
of tbe proceedings of tbe society , or what steps bad been taken to secure proper treatment for the children ; but we , last week , reoeiTed from tbe Editor of the GnAawis Town Journal , a copy of that paper , of the 16 th . of . January last , which gives a most dreadful account of the treatment to which Harriet Polack , one of the children apprenticed by the Society , received at the hands of her master , a Lieut . FeahalL . \ t appears that the gallant officer suspected that the girl had stolen about a pound and a half of salt , upon which he had her taken before a Magistrate , to whom he forwarded , the following letter : — - Konap Drift Post , January 5 , 1846 .
Sir , —I have the honour to forward to you aa a prisoner , my apprentice , Harriet Polack , and request you will give her at severe a pums / tment as you can . Her present crime-is stealing about a pound , and a half of salt I . brought from England , and telling a lie in stating she sold it fox my Colour-Sergeant ' s wife . She has eoofesse * her crime befere Acting-Corporal Byrne , 91 st Reft Who I had in cbarg » of her . - Charles Peshai-l . Upon this charge tbe poor girl was . handcuffed , and after a short confinement in the guard-room and marched bareheaded under an African sun , a 'distance -of teven miles . When before the Magistrate site admitted taking some salt to give to the sergeant ' s wife , and on that confession was convicted—but afterwards Mr . Phillips , « ae of th * Society ' s ag « ats , told the na&ia-
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bates that thfli $ ojk gjri . liad a complaint ta mate against her maste * . Sfte ' then made the following Btatement ^" She « yH > eefc apprenticed by the abore' Sociwtyto liientdESwdwilfor seveu , years as a domestic ^^ t- ^ WfU . oa being appointed her legal guar-Z ^ t u ° ?* # of January her mistress charged her ^ t ^ Z ^* & * 8 Ome 8 alt ' uP ° a **«* her master called the cotporal of tha guard , and ordered her to be ^ n ^ tbAjiwfA-Ji ouse . Whea there she wai nandcnffi » a . an 4 confiaad all night along with some Hottentot Thofotlowlttg . t » f « miag she ^ was marched to the next posti tomdeuffea ^ awi / guarded by three soldiers ; but the : meivandipg she conJd . not keep up with them in tbehandcufiVtook tbem .. © fli ( ^ hfi had no boniKtand
, her master refused to let her' havo her shoes and stockm 3 B , and said she woifld go barefoot , but a soldjer afterwards gotthem for : fcer without her master ' s knowledge— that day and the following night she waa confined in the guar 4 : rooin at Fort Browne , and the next day marchedtoGrahani town , eighteen nii ! e 3 ,-in tbe eoBtodyof . a iscldiex , and than taken before a magls-W " - ' i ^^ W * Iwdscarcely a ilay passed that she had not been beaten by her mistress , who tied her up to ah iron bedstead , and made a Hottentot man servant named Danster , give her fifty lashes with a sambock—( what will BuglWy womaa > ay to thia r-to be flogged by a , black niaa setyaut ?> T On another occasion , her master ordered , * Hottentot iioliUer to cut her hair off as close as possible , which be ill A Tin girl then exhibited
to the Jlagistrate feveral marks on-her person , which sU « ¦ fgjfl bad been , inflicted by her master and mistress , at different times » with a saniDOck . But the most important part of the melancholy affair is the complete confittoatfoBKwhickihe ^ oor ghTa ' story received from jevera } witn ^ ses . \ Ye implore English , mothers to road . the folding : —Janus pansteir , a Hottentot , ?? M * tfc f ^ towJw ' feiinerlira ' . private in the Capo Cofjp , ; » ud servant «*^ lieutenant PeshaH . He rvcol-£ 8 lW » - **** oacasioas , flogging . Harriet Po } ack , bjM » 4 « f-of Mm . P | ghaU , .. ThQJflrat time he gavejier twent ^ iaaheswiUi ^ 6 ambbc ^ He at first refused to inflict * Iit » puiiialwh ^ , 'bttt idamlatreas said if he did
not W * would fcuVJtiia in the guard , room . He thei ¦ flsytiSSd her in iije ^ uUhen before Mrs . Pesliall . * She ' wa * -flogge 4 fir netjgeaaing out the sitting room . Mrs . P&liaU brd 4 M Wjpta «** ke ' "the fiirt hard , but he could i » ot if sAgaf ^ beiog but a little girl . She cried TOry mn ^ iigufi ^ vlftat b , er . About five , weeks after $ *? ' M ^>^ h ** % Pea 4 ! lm UP stato . where be found HMriarl ? olac ^ 4 jfiifto a be * BasW Her two Arms were ; ths * . round tnCpQsv > aatw « rpaliSrher-feet . flls mis ~ - Uess ^ wWn ^ aiiaml » ct ; iaria « rd eTed him to beat her . He . obaomd ^ he eould ^ ot dk iifebui the mistress said . ^ ' Y * mmj fwrant-d © W Tbid you . " He ttwh gaTe * a « # nft £ WhesV ^ Mrsi'PesBa !! Btood bv
an * cotiHttd'fce . lttslft 3 i >* iid when the fihy had been given abeJejf ^ a . hiiultp ^ ieeist . The beating was severe , as hiw « f « tt ^ ordeytid / bim to strike hard , und h ^ e did so . ThatJ > u | tenni 8 » w 4 s Inflicted because sho * ad mislaid a tfilds IHqQ&OA . "ftvrf ¦ or six different occasions beiia ^ been c » liw $ to hold one of Harrief fi hands whUe Mi # P ^» aUvJMd ' the other , and beat ' her with the eam ^^ .- ^ iiiiaD ^ uxton , a neighbour , of Lieut Ptshall's ; staJW'ttofrie had soften heard tlie erios ot the p < J ^^ l ^ a *|| e , itace aaw - 'ber .-b . Mki which exhlbitedraaj | fl (« j » efei *^ ujiUhment . On one occasion , ho saw her j » al $ ng Aaht in the heat of the day with Mrs . Pwa all * cnlMrtto , with her head '¦ quite bare , and his wife sejnt ^ ier afe ^ nnet . The next day Mrd . PeshaU sent theAonneft t&ki with a message that they , were
not to iiHulkMrM firing a bonnet to her servant . He had slnjN wen ^ er . Valking about in the sun without any boniet or fothe ^ covering for her head , and also without ' shoe * M * d ^ Stockings . lantage Ellis , a Hottentot woman , ; in ^ employ of Mrs . Peshall , stated that on one ootasicnahe examined the girl ' s back , and found it black and fclue , wbicb she said "was caused by tae beating she ftiad received . In answer to this serious charge ; Lieut . Peshall requested copies of the deposition *) , and begged for time to collect evidence to rfbut tae statement of the girl , and the case wm postponed accordingly . The Graham ' s Toicn Journal pays— - " Here the case resta at present , and upon which we cannot help observing ( and that without wishing in tbe slightest degree to anticipate the result )
that sufficient bas been heard , the parties having been confronted , to forbid us any longer to withhold from the pub | ic the preliminary : proceedings which have taken place * We refrain , until the defence shall have been made , from making thuse animadversions on the case ^ Vhich we shall then deem it our duty to make . But *; in the mean time , we cannot help remarking that tueae proceediDgs wear , on the ; face of them , strong evidence of the mo ^ t uhjusti ^ able conduct towards a frtj&odleBs female , which , it has ever been our painful duty to record , i Nothing whatever could warrant her exposure to . the contamination of a guard-roomnothing justify ^ er illegal cojifineinent in handcuffsnothing her bf } ug >« terche 4 bareheaded under an African sun a dinanoB of seven miles , aud for aught tbe party knew ( bad it not been for the humanity of others ) of twenty-five miles , the measured distance
between Konap Port and th ^ G aol at Graham ' s Town , to wblcb « b . e w * s sent . It appears , also , from this aewsgager , that the Government inquiry into the treatment of the ; juvenile emigrants has been closed , and the Governor expresaes a hope that the report will be satisfactory t / the pabltc mind in Englaud . His Excolloney adds , "J Om opinion that the Parent Society in England , as . w fG as the CommUsisners on th » spot , dewrvft-tfc ft thanks dt ' the community , Insttad of the unuietitiedTeproach to which they nave been mbjected . " We canaot > 4 4 o the whole hog" with , hi * Excellency , for Mr . Phillips , the magistrate , who undertook the task-of guardian to tlio poor girl Polack , and who is uow conducting the prosecution against th » Lieutenant , appears ifever IN ^ tEavoSwcv ^ riiittid her , or , as she had been constantly ni- ' ustd for se ^ enl months r- * e * . * ottld Ji&ve mado , thla charge- before . It is absurd to rel ^ upon the children writing of their own accord to their guardians whenever they have cause uf complaint
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WESTMINSTER COURT OF REQUESTS . " THE FAULTY CAP . " Mrs . Mary Beauchamp , pn exceedingly pretty and lady-like woman , was summoned by aits . Daubignuy for 22 s . the price of a lace cap supplied to her by the latter , but to which she , Mrs . Beauchamp , bad certain fatal objections . ¦¦ - , . , . .- < , . Mrs . Daubi ^ nejr , upon being requested to state her case , simply observed that the cap had been ordered by Mnk Behucbarap , who , when it was sent borne , refused to k «« p tt , alleging that it did not become her . f , . ¦¦• t ^ y ., <• IaUe £ ed : ; Mjit " was quite true , Mrs . Daubigney , " said Mrs .. B « e ; t » hanip , " for the cap was the very opposite to becoming . " Mrs . Daubigney—I am sure I thought itamaaingly becoming . Mrs . Beauchamp ( amiltng ) -Yoa flatter me . It was amazingly wanting in taste .
Mrs . Daubigney—Oh ! ma ' am , I was never before considered to be wanting in a knowledge of my business-Mrs . Bjauchamp—I really ' must say I consider you to have not only evinced a sad want of taste , but shown yourself most inattentive to what constitutes the chief excellence of your business . . '' Mrs .. Daubigftey ( pOTtly ) - ^ Ittdeed , ma ' am . Pray , may I isk what that is , for I should much like to know , if its only by tbe way of instruction ? Mrs . Beauuhamp—Attention to your customer ' s positive directions . , "Dearmo , " said Mrs . Daubigney , somewhat alarmed , "if ; artides did tliat literally and servilely , we should have no opportunity of displaying taste and knowledge in one ' s profess ion . " Mrs . Beauchamp— -I wanted a cap to suit my taste , not yours . ¦ ¦¦¦ .-.,- ; ,
Mrs . Daubigney lifted up her hands and bet eyes , and then stole a look at Mrs . Beauuhamp as if the latter bad spoken heresy . Mrs . Beaucbamp ( addressing herself to the CommiaslonersjTTrl desired Mra . Daubigney to let the borders of the cap to be narrow on the forehead , with a small delicate flower immediately ovor the eye , right or left , as she pleased , and that tile lace should gradually fall from the ear to th « chin . But in the exuberance of her fciste Mrs . Daubigney nas sent me borne a cap with an enormous rose in the middle of the fors head , and two others equally enormous , one to acconipaay each eye , and the border ite has mode extremely fulL Still it cornea down , to the ears , whence it zuirrpws off to the chin , wuere elw has lef I scarcely any laoe at all . ' "And no milliner at the west-end , " said Mis . Daubigney , who was getting out of temper , "eonld mote tastefully suit a cap to yout featuroa aad cemplttxion . " .. . ¦ ' ' "¦¦; ¦ ¦
•• Have you Hie cap here , Mrs . Beauohampf" inquired one of the Comraisalonew . : Mrs . Beaucbamp—I have , sir . . " And I hope , " quickly observed Mrs . Daubigney , " tl » t the Court wHpequire yeu to . putit on . " "If you have nonobjection , ^ aaid oiw of the Commiflsioners , bowing wtth much politeness to Mrs . Beauobamp . J ¦ ¦/ . r- ' ^ . "None whatever , " replted-thelady , who immediately took off her bonnet for the purpose . ¦'¦ ' ¦ _ Now Mrs . Beaucbamp , as It bus been observed , was an exceedingly pretty , nottfi say beautiful , woman , with a fine pafe Grecian cqunteuance ; but if she bod been as beautiful as Hebe , Mrs . Daubigney ' s cap would have eclipsed all her loveliness . If one may - -be allowed the
simile , tke putting on the cap was like admitting the light of the sun through a hole in a blanket . : Imagino tbecabn and beautiful countenance of a Grecian beauty , smothered in the froth ot a pot of vulgar porter ; an jilectioneeriBg bunch of glaring riband stuck oh each side of her head , and a huge red cabbage on the top of it , and you will bavo in your mind ' s eye something like an idea of the picture that the countenance of the pretty Mm . Beaucbamp presented to an admiring court . In Ifact , the Court could not stand t-e exhibition ; it burst out into a titter , in which Mrs . Beauchamp found it impossible to refrain from iudulging . " Really , Madam , " eaid a Commissioner , "I must admit that you have mm reason to complain « f the cap . "
" Why , indeed , I think all yon gentlemen , - said Mrs . Beauchamp , " mu&t perceive that it is mot quite so becoming as Mis . Daubigney would have me believe it" * " Pray who made this cap V askada CownisaloBer , wbo appmrod to k ^^ adaiking tlia . thca * haga tcsas BfOB U .
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Mrs . Daubigney ( quite losing her temper)—I did ! Npnaxrfmj people had anything to do with it It was the first order that I had of the lady , and the first orders I always make up myself . A Commissioner—And you have satisfied only yourself , for the lady might as well wear the hat of a Greenwich pensioner as suoh a cap , ( reaching it from off the table , and dangling it at arm '/ s length . ) , Mrs . Daubignoy ( passionately )—I don't think , Sir , that you know anything about a cap . The Commissioner ( laughing)—Certainly not , but we married men must be allowed to be . glmott as good judges as the ladies themselves'whether caps are bestuning or not I ' m afraid the Court wiU decide againstyou . -....-. ¦ Mrs . Daubigney—What ! after I have had the trouble of making it myself—a thing I have not donefor many a day . . . ¦ ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ M V * ' " - ' - -
The CommisBioher—Then you have not , I am sorry to say , had a new customer very lately . Mrs . Daubigney bit her lip . The observation told against her popularity in the cap way , and she felt it Mrs . Beauchamp said she was willing to allow Mrs . Daubigney to make another cap for her , if she would make it as . she JMrs . Beauchamp ) wished , " and not such a frightful thing as this , " takiag the cap from the table , wbere the Commissioner had thrown it "Never , " aatd Mrs . Danblgney , rendered quite furious at the exliibition of the cap in Court } " never you fantastic madam ,: and your insults are more welcomethan your custom . " And with that . the " tasteful " Mrs . Daubigney caugbt up her cap , and rushed out of . Court , turning up her nose at < it wa « what Byron terms a sentimental one ) and showing her teeth to the Commissioners . . . ¦ ™" PkTEtt , ?« GO—TO—BSD— AND-MEVKR— 8 LBEP . "
"Tuereis aroasonin theoiting of eggs , " saith the proverb , but it would appear from the case below that tbere is very little reason or justice In the retailing of them by the " petty chapmen" of our metropolis . The usage of these gentlemen in the sale of eggs exemplifles the adage tliat "the best is the cheapest- In this case the plaintiff , Peter Riddell , summoned Mary Pardou Jot 7 s . 3 jdj for sundry small wares . The latter pleaded ^ uat Bbe was indebted in the sum of 6 a . lid . only , which she bad tendered payment of ia good and lawful coin of the realm . , •' The 4 jd ., " said she , " I carn't think of paying , aa it ' s a trying to keep up a cruel imposition upon we poor people . " - — ¦— -.- , ; . - ' ¦ •* ' ^ A Commissioner—Point out what item it is ' that tou object 16 .
Mrs . Pardon ( the plaintbTs bill having been handed to her)—There ' s ~ 'ijBth Febbowerry eggs ed , 25 th Febbewerry eggs again 3 d , "' and then there ' s the fust of March , eggs 4 . } d . " Those eggs was 16 a shilling , and out of the 18 as I bought oa '^ tbent there occasions , there was bad the fust ti # 8 ti 5 S » , ' the second time one . and tbe third time t * ra- ' mor& $£ Ich- makes six . That ' s 4 | d , and as Mr . Riijdell wouldd't cbange ' em , in course it would be a robbery mpon > poor woman to make her pay for tbenil ¦• ' ¦; . ; . : < ' ^ - ' - ' - ;; : ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' The CtoralmiislbTier appeawdito ; think so , and called upon t |» plaintiff-to show cattse' # hy' he should not allow the rid .: } y . -T ; -f-..
And here it becomes neceBBaty to describe tbe plain * tiff . Mr : Peter' Biddell , who appeared to be about sixty years of age , was a little thin wisp of a fellow , with su ^ n yet ; twinkb " ng iiyes , which peered from under an o > er hanging shaggy eyebrow , with an Indiacribable-slfnesfc- ^ BaB ^ htn was enwlspedin a cravat that would , bate been praed by that devoted royalist Charette , or that indistinct unaccountable old diplomatist Talleyraiia . He waa quiet and unassuming , slow of speech , aud : wa » as much in earnest as an infidel in a storm , while cve ^ f person In Court was convulsed with laughter at hU comical flguro and gravity . " Why , " askeda Commissioner , " did you not allow the poor woman for the eggs ?" Peter—Becauw they warnt allowed to me . I do as I ' m done by , and that's equal justice . Eggs js eggs . . . > .- ¦ .
Commissioner—IHo doubt they are , but we have nothing to do with jour bupinp ; it is with your sellixffot eggs that we now have to do . Peter—We must sell on the principle that we buy . I warrant the twelve a shilling ; them at sixteen they must take as they come , good or bad . Commissioner—People dont buy food , my goed man , that is not fit to be eaten . They must have money ' s worth for their money . Pettr—But eggs Is all a eliance whon they are sixteen a-sbilling . Them as buy ' em take '« m as they do the weather , rain or shine . Commissioner—But people don'k pay for bad weather , my geod man . Peter—But they must put . up ' with it . Commissioner—You certainly urge one of the drollest reasons I ever beard in justification of selling bad eggs .
Peter—I sell the sixteen a-shilling as people marryfor better or worse . Commissioner ( almost convulsed with laughter)—Bat persons marrying promise to be good . Peter—And they ' re often ood . So muoh the worse . I don't promise anything . Nobody can expect that eggs at sixteen a-sbilling should be as good aa eggs at twelve a-sbUling . Mrs . Pardon—To be sure we don't We always expect ' em to be a little stalisb ; but If . poorperson is to have four or five bad * una , she'd much better baTe tbe twelve a-shilling . "; ; .. , Peter ( turning hia head in hia cravat , so as to bring the " heel of his « ye" upon , the defendant )—Go—tobed—and—never—sleep . This awful anathema from the eld fellow put tbe whole Court out of eounteuance far several minutes .
Afterthe laughter had somewhat subsided , Peter , with the gravity of a , Rhadamantbus , while his eyes appeared to bo laughing outright , took a deliberate survey of tbe Cour t , and observed , " As people make their bed , so they must lie in it They musktak * eggs as they get " em . " , Commlseioner—So it appears , for the defendant bad quite one-third of her ' s bad . ' Peter—There ' s no special ground ef complaint , . no particular mison to urge in toe case . I serve all my customers ulike . All people as soil t-gg 3 do the same .
Commissioner— Then you rob them all , for while you sell twelve superior eggs for a shilling , any one of which , if bad , you exchange for others that are good , you palm off upon the poor , as In this case , twelve inferior eggs for fourteenpence . Peter—There ' s eighteen for fourteenpeneeV The , Commissioner—Yes ; but six out of thig p » or woman ' s eighteen were bad . Peter—I buy them in the box , stale oi fresh . The Commissioner—At what rate per l # 0 ? Petej ( evading the question)—Sometimes there ' s six or eight bad out of sixteen . The Commissioner—Which Iom , of course , falls npon your customer ? Peter—Of course . Mrs . Pardon—I ' ve had as many as nine tad una ont of sixteen . The Commissioner—We shall strike off tht 4 Ad .
Peter—Then I'm afraid I shall be obliged to decline selling any more theap eggs . The defendant having proved that she tendered tbe plaintiff Ss . lid ,, the latter had to pay « oat& Ou leaving fthe Court , Peter slowly turned round at the doorway , and , looking at the Commissioners from under bis bat , which ho clapped on immediately the verdict was given against him , he drawled out , to the no small amusement « f all present , "Go—to—bedand—never—sleep . "
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Wht is Johs Bcxl , at the present momentjik * a man suflermg from repletion ou JEastc- Suadkv I Bocaase he has got a Burfeit of " Lamb . " If a xraxmBB . happens to enquire the name of any peruon going in or coming out or Buckingham Palace ^ the reply uv geaeraUy , *« only , one of the Pagets . ' > : ¦ . ¦ ¦¦ . 1 ' / " ¦• .,. C 6 ^ USPBUM-- Why was Lady Cecilia ielitiaTJnderwqdd Bugyuis creatod Duchess 6 f Inveniessl Coiits a ' great place for " Grants , " andshe ^ ntf wp . * rAt / e . :. ¦ ¦ .- . : ; Danokb . — " Think there ' s any danger , JMistor Meauaggeery-man , fram that boy-co ; tcractor 2 ""Oh , no , " said the man ; . " the sarpent don ' t bite , he swallows his vitals whole . "—Yankee Mucellatiy
¦; Going to Cocbt . — " Well , Nprab , is your husband at home ? "' " No , sir ; ho has gone t . o \ court I " !—** Gone to court I" " Yes , sir ; be is summoned to theCourtof Requests . " ' "' 'V ; . Snake Shot . — A hnge black snake was recently killed in this State , upward * of thirty feot lpn / j .- Oa opening him he was found to contain two squirrels , five birds , and two young negroes . —if is * , -paper . A "Draw . "—A iinendraper in London exhibit * some table-covers in . his window , upon which a paperU placed , inscribed thus : —" These splendid
new Breach o f Privilege table-covers . " , ; : - THEt werb three go 6 d lessons which the bir < l . is the fable , gave the fowler for his rel « ase- ?» Bot to-lose a certainty for an uncertainty ; not to give credit to things beyond credibiHty ; nor to grieve for that which was past remedy . - r Hr . Brooke has found out at Borneo , ourahg-outanga six and 6 eveu feet high . Nothing like . Toyagingf It Buist be satifactory for Mr . BroffKe to know tb ^ t ift . has circumhavigatcd the Globe / aSd found drw&ir apes than ho left at home . S . , „
Fkiscfe ISfcStEST has lost a tooth while bunting . Soviebodg was heard to make the ssfflpathialnj ; remark , " well , we shall have lessof ' ' hit jai »; --tbat % ber fore —a joke worthy of an inhabitant of Tuscaloow , in America . . . : . . . AYkteuim Topea . —An old man , seventy yean «*« & <*? acknowledges that since he waatwentyTfeaw old he has drunk , on 4 n average , four glasses of whitky a-d&y , at three halfpence per glisg , or £ 456 5 * "' ' - TRB RlTLWW PASSfpN STROHO IK DEATHi—A tailor who died ¦ ¦ J »« f 1 ^ was found , in hB -last momenta , cabbaging a piece of the blanket which covered him . ' % . . ¦ , r
The ABiSASSApoBspf hw lfii ; hnc .- ' a tlieJjRa ^ i of Sattara , nowjn this coiuitrj ' ,, a « uam « l ) ljOTrant Row Rajey , Sirkey , Bhu «» iaunt Row Wittni ^ awl CliMojee Row Surrey . Very pretty names 'id go to ohurchwiih . ¦¦[¦ i'l ^; ,-. ' . ' .. - , . ' ... , ' ,. !'¦ ' ' . . . '¦ ' v A HiNT .- ^ -The editor of tha Hartford Newt candidly advises all those who steal his wood not to pick OBt the sticks that are loaded with gunpowder a . 8 ; they may get Uieir heads , pots , aud kettha broke . Bamimorb Hoo 3 . —They have passed a law ia Baltimore depriving the hogs of the freedom of the city , and compelling their qwnors to shut them up . At Cincinnati they enjoy exclusivo privileges , ana go just where they please .
Thb office op Speaker in tbe House of Pom * mi . na appears now to be a complete siuecore , Aort < wrublegentlemen being allowed to make Bb eof the m ^ st brutal language without being reprored f " and taisin » Hou ? e coattndiug fur "Priviiegv'tokeepup its high dignity I Charity . —Charity cannot be administored with too delicate a hand , if it would preserve the virtueand independence of him whom- it relieves . It should not appear even as a gift , nor is it such ; our wealth in not our own ; it is a trust ; and we are accountable to God for its administration . , Sound Advice . —We clip tho following good bit from the Baltimore Clipper : —Let no man find fault with an editor for writing foolish things , for there are so many papers now-a-days , that all the : good sense there is in the world would not half fill them .. ' ¦ -
A Pfyus Ladt . —Tho editor of the Mawnee Express is always coining "good ' uns . " Hero- is a eam ple : —There is a pious lady in Connecticut , who is so punctilious about going to church , that whea ehe is unable to attend she always sends her card . No Fawikg . —They have a " show shop" of curiosities iu New York attended by a you : < g and interesting female ; over the door is pasted , aa a warning , " no pawing and handling allowed here . " Whether this is stuck up to protect the lady or the curiosities is not specified . ' . KBW HOW 9 BS Or PARLIAMENT . In Parliament now we ' ve a do-little orew , - To ancient abuses who hold ; If new Houses we want , we want new Memberstoo , For the country is sick of tbe old I At a pleasant dinner-part ^ , Mrs . Mountain , tbe vocalist , ( who was a very lively person , ) asked Mr . David Grove , who had been invited , " Whether he . wuM ^ sala ^ ni&tb ^ GjcoT . QS DiMlatnep "_ G « aft __ gravely replied that he had but one relation , and that was hia . brother John . ^ S > . Popping the Question . —We forget where We rn ^ t with the following laconic example of " popping tbe question : "— Pray , madam , do yon like-buttered toastif "Yes , Sir . " ?' Buttered on both sides 1 " " Yes ; Sir . * w Will you marry me ! " :
Ton € was eating oysters ; he took one into his mouth that waa not quite fresh , but not liking to eject it , he resolved to swallow it , On taking another in its shell , a by-stander remarked , " Tom , that is a fine natna . C- —¦ said , ' I ' m mighty glad of it ; for the last was a settler : ' IS weitino about Poland , if an author ia at a loss for surnames , all he is to do is , to sneeze , and add the syllable ski afterwards . For instance , in tbe various strange sounds of a sneeze—Athishah-siu ; aroposb-SKi ; sbldsph-siu ; stchar-SKi ; tishoo-SKiall excellent Polish names 1 M THH MIN 9 TBBL BOT . "
Though Albert may be skilled in music—As many a public puff declare'Twonld make John Bull a little too sick , Should he in England show his airs !"
Chablhs Lamb was very fond of a rubber at v . hist . He sat down one . night at the house . of a friend , to which EUiston had also been invited . Lamb and Elliaton became partners . Elliston ' s play was very bad which raised the ire of Lamb , who at the end of a game suddenly exclaimed , in ni « stuttering manner , " If dirt was trumps , what line hands you would have r Mr . EUiaton . " Robert Wiluam Eluston was at Croydon fair , and , having rather exceeded his cunomary potatirn after dinner , be staggered and fell down . Tworeapectable persons immediately lifted him up on his legs . He gazed for an instant at them alternately , and drawled out ' gravely , " -You " will rob me , of course ; but , for God ' s sake , do not otherwise illtreat me !"
March ob Dbxicact . —The ladies are getting more delicate and refilled every day . The last case we have heard of is that of a lady in this city who is so exceedingly delicate and fastidious that she will not ahange her dress before a lithographic likeness of Gen . Jackson without turning hisuwe to the wall INev York paper . A Split . —There has been a flare up and split ia the ' 'Female Anti-Resistance Society" at Boston . One party is for using shovels , broomstick * , tongs and
finger nails , in certain casea , white the ether Bide goes in for passive obedience under all oironmstances * We . go in for the former party . A woman without spirit always reminds us oi a gin toddy . without any gin in it . ¦'¦ . - ¦• ¦ ¦ ; ; ' , ¦ / ¦ - : ¦ .. !> . - A Bill for the suppreaaion of " mesdicanoy ia Ireland" is aunouueed . Considerable curiosity exists as to the degree of favour with which O'Cobnell will leokupon the measure , he * being beyond question , the greatest' beggar in- all - ! £ Klaijjgr—Satirist . '¦ ' " . "¦ ¦ . :: . ¦ ¦' ¦ "¦
. WABTIAL IK LOKDON . r > :. " And have they had such floods in . jFjance ! Lord B . inquired . Tom anaweted ** No . " Then added , with a knowing glance * Cause there , the water ' s always . / Vou . " On the Dat tbe civic functionaries went up witk the address of congratulation on the Queen ' s marriage , in passing Trafalgar-equare , ' Sir Clod Hunter said to his chum , who was lotted to the same vehicle with himself , ** I say , if our most gracious Queen were crooked , which of the buildings j » this neighbourhood would she most resemble —< W " 'The chum was silent , " Why , you goose you , the National Gal-a-wry to be sure !"—Satirist . ¦ ¦ :- ¦¦ >> :
Locusts . —Mr . Tweedie , in Ms jonraey ieroS 3 the pampas of Buenos Ayres , to Tucuman , a red cloud rising to the S . W ., that proved to Man immense flight of red locusts , which passing oyer him made the sun appear liko blood . Next day , the wind having shifted , these insects . were again on the line of road , where they were mostly resting on the top * of trees which looked aa if hunjc with redbloeaoma . High Road to Ruin . —Mark many of these fino and dashing women , who lounge away their morning hours at tbe high-priced , fashionable stows hi Broadway . They are on tne road to ruin—and trill carry their husbands with them . When Eve i was beguiled , and eat the apple , she was caught on a sort of Bhopping excursion , by the Devil . — -New York Paver .
Suabt Retlt . —A gentleman wasonedav composing the mufiic of a rondean for a lady - to whom ho paid his addresses . "Pray , MissD . ( said he ) what time do you prefer V " Oh ! ( . she replied careleselv ) any time will do , but the quicker ihebtittr . " Tho company smiled at the rejoinder , and the ^ entlemaa took her at her word .
^^^^"™ ' "^'^^"^^^ | ^»™Sszisss^^**^^*^—^Pm^^» ®Rf≪Rw«Rt Corteftpamifniw. ≪©»*Fa-Tt*»L Iti* - ¦ -
^^^^ " ™ ' " ^ ' ^^ " ^^^ | ^»™ SSZISSS ^^**^^*^—^ pm ^^» ® rf < rw « rt Corteftpamifniw . <©»* fA-tt *» l iti * - ¦ -
Untitled Article
[ Errata ik Letter VI . ]—Instead of £ 333 , 652 11 s , read £ 33 , 365 , 216 8 s . 8 d . ; and instead of £ 12 , 133 , 101 , read £ 16 , 882 , 608 4 s . 4 d .
The Revenue. 7
M L —^— Ljj—^_^^^^^^^^ J^Mil^^^^^^^^^I^3eb Vavitxitss.
m L —^— LJJ —^_^^^^^^^^ J ^ MIL ^^^^^^^^^ i ^ 3 EB VavitXitss .
Untitled Article
Tketotalism . —This season , the large and exten-Bive shipping concern of Messrs . Pollock and Gilmore are sending the whole of their ships to sea on the teetotal principle . Instead of , as in former years , shipping rum for the use of the orew , they aro supplying large quantities of tea , coffee , and sugar , whioh are to be served oat in lien of grog . The plan has been tried , and found ' to work well . —Glasgow Paper . ' OB 9 EBVANC 8 ov thb Sabbath . —A motion wag made in the Town Council' of Edinburgh , for prohibiting all funerals or Sundays , excepting for one hour , between one and two o ' olook . The motion
was properly rejected , by a majority of thirteen to eleven . In the course of the diseuseiou , one of the members of the Council gave an admirable illustration of the religion of some of these Pharisees , who think they may break all thfrcommandmentdr-even the most sacred , the third—if they only observe , the second . Mr . Macaulay said , "he had been informed by the grave-diggers that they e&rett' Tery UtUe for going to church , and were quite willing to work on Suudays , provided they had additional payment . In the course of one of his conversations with the men , the Recorder came up , and , accosting one of them , said , ' D—n you , Jock , wauld ye desecrate the Sabbath V This wa 8 * facU '
Alleged Death from taking Morisoh ' s Pills . — A lengthened inquiry took place Friday afternoon % t the Rising Sun , Castle-street , Long Acre , before Mr . Goll ( aaaisted by Mr . Higgs ) , relative to the death of James Kalians , aged 26 , son of Mr . Mallans , hatter , of Charles Court , Strand , London , and whose death ,, it waa alleged , was caused by taking Morisou ' s Pills . It appeared that for a period of fifteen years the deeeased had been occasionally iudisposed , bid complaint being rheumatic gout , and that he ; bad been in the habit of taking the pills for the last three . or foar years . Mr . James Lennard , surgeon , of St . Martin ' s parish , stated that when he was called in he found the deceased in a state of
great exhaustion , with a feeble pulse ; witness was i informed that the deceased bad been in ' the habit of ! taking quantities of Morison ' a Pills ; " everything was done for him , but nothing proved of any avail . On a post mortem examination of the body , the stomach was found in a highly inflamed state . The death of tho young man was produced by exhaug- ] tion , caused by excessive purging . Coroner—In your opinion , did the pills which the deceased took cause the purging which ended in his death I Mr . Leunard—Decidedly so : the introduction of an acrid matter into the stomach would occasion the purging . Mr . BainbriAse , another surgeon , corroborated the above medical testimony . The Jury , after strongly animadverting npon the daogerouvpractiee of taking the piiU , returned a Tordiet— That the deceased died from Aa effects of taking Moxiaon ' a Pills . "
Untitled Article
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Northern Star (1837-1852), April 11, 1840, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/king-y1kbzq92ze2679/page/3/