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To &t Right Honourable and Honourable tfu r Knights , Citizens , and Burgesses in ParTxameni assembled , « fhe bumble Petition of the . InhabHant § of the Borough of Oidham and its Vicinity , " Sheweth , a That your Petitioners request that your Honourable Hou 3 e trill present an humble address to her Jkjesty , praying that hex Majesty will be graciously pleased to dismiss her present Ministers , as traitors to the Grown and the people , and to call toner To M Right Honourable and Honourable Ou -T Knights , Citizens , and Burgesses in ParRament ,,,
Councils , Ministers who will pledge themselves to Bake the principles of Universal Suffrage a Cabinet Measure ; and also that her Majesty may be graciously pleased to restore Frost , Williams , and Jone 3 , to their families , inasmuch as they were 21 egally coimcted ; and also praying thai her Majesty will be graciously , pleased to extend her RoyaJ pardon to all persons in these realms incarce rated for political offences . 14 And your Petitioners , as in duty bound , will ever pr * f . "
Lei those petitions be got up during the Easter recess , and sent to John Fielden , Esq ., M . P ., for Oldham , for presentation , for , after all , he is the hoaesteet man in the House , \ - must here pause , and ask , if the man * who opposes this plan can be relied upon in a greater struggle ! I ask , who has a better plan to propose ) If any , let him do so , and I will relinquish mine andeo-operatewithhim . Butsomethingmustbedone , andthit speedily . .
My Friends—I hare this moment received intelligence of aa attempt by the Corn Law League , now in . London , to seduce you from your allegiance to ' the Charter , by a promise of going with you for an EXTENSION of the Sofeaga . Have L , or have I not , acquired a right to argue with you upon this and every other subject 1 Now , mark me , and mark - me well!—any coalition with that party must , and will , ereafcually , end in our ruin . It may for a mo ment b * successful ia the capital ; but ^ lajujg all former differences aside , I implore and request that the conductors of the Champion in particular
ud all other of those papers devoted to our cause , will well watch the . interests of the labourer , and defend him from this aoonrsed roare . Men of London , rally ; flock to every place of meeting ; hiss , and , Iwot , and groan every one of the faction ; shout ^ the Chaster , and our prisoners , " in their ears , and remembertkat thepersecnting Whigs are the tools , the servants , and the Blares of this very class . Be assured thai O'Csnnell , Hume , Warburton , and Co . will use » 11 the Warney and Bophistry of which they are ' -masters . You will hear of your own ignorance and thegml good they might have accomplished , had it noibeen for the violence of your leaders . Hiss them oob Kid all , and mo-re amendments . Here 1 must be allowed to notice the noble eonduct of the
Manchester operatives , aad at the same time to regret < { bat my reporter has not Bent reports of their many ! aed splendid triumphs over the enemy . Whenever ' the masters have dared to call a public meeting at a ; * ime when their kands could attend , the masters 1 have been invariably defeated . Now observe , at Manchester , the emporium of manufactures , and the I very centre of tike manufacturing interest , and thespot most blasted by their cruelty , well then , evw there , the brave Chartist 3 have withstood the moMtsbine of cheap yood , cheat fo « d , in honour of the Charter . Do not these poor fellows deserve support from every part of the empire ! Must not they be incorruptible and valiant , true-and faithful , to tfaose principles ia which alone they recognise , cheap food , * nd good food , and plenty of fotd *
Do sot , tfeen , I implore and beseech of yoe , add to the suffering of your incarcerated leaders , by selling upon the moment « f their absence fc > undo the very thing which they iave endeavoured , at the expense -of their liberty , to accomplish—that is , to keep you distinct and apart from all other classes , except those who will go -the whole length in your demand , vriihout reference to any detail measure . If I have no influence , I appeal to yen in the name of those whom tyranny has separated from yoar rants : join no party , or you vrill surely be the sufferers .
If you join them , I will abandon you and for ever and eppose yen to the j > sath , because jou will be rushing into the lion ' s mouth . Already -has public opinion been expressed upon the subject of thisun » a , in London , Glasgow , Edinburgh , -Newcastle ,, Cuikle , Nottingham , Leeds , Sheffield , -Manchester , Bath , Bristol , and all the large and small towns in fl » kingdom : they hare , one and all , defeated the Cora Law humbugs . -Join them now , and they will laugh at you ; stand oat like men , and they must iou * ou for the Charter .
If they want a repeal of the Corn Laws , tell them i . _ they cannoi have u without the Charter ; and tell ¦ them that if they did get it , they would have more power than ever to arrest the progress-of Chartism We are now upon the eve of Borne mighty change . Wiat that change shall be depends wholly and entbejy upon the prudence , the discretion , and the rakra of the working-classes . I always knew that we-shonld bring tho » e feilowB upon their " marrow bones , " Is this not doing something 1 If you allow the ^ ery men who have crushed your leaders , and reviled your principles , to have a triumph over you
then you will be she most contemptible set of wretches in the world , and the men and women x > f England will well merit the foul and many slanders which the Irish beggarman has heaped upon them . Good God ! and has it eome to this ? . and have we now the fact , that © 'Connell and his party have leagued with the Wiigs to remove tfee obnoxious Chartist leaders from the people , in order that they may . successfully and uninterruptedly step in , undo all that has been done ^ and turn our agitation w a further middle-class , jaoney-mongering triumph ? Chartists of Scotland , your ranks are still unbroken . I call upon you to stand hj the cause
to a man . I invite yoa to another charge upon the ranks of tyranny and oppression . Think of the - \ iioble / ieeds of your ancestors—victory is still fresh . in jotu : memories—because standing wiib one foot upon tke yet green gra . « e of your departed heroes , aad the -other apon the land of your birth . ; history has not been able to turn patriotism into treason . A voice from the tomb , from the charnel-kouse the factory , the cottage , from the hill top , and your . Tallies , summons you to your posts . I ask not for physical farce , the very inflation , of it has injured our eause , but do not withhold the very strongest demonstration of your moral power .
Men of Wales , we invite you from your native hUb and lovely vallies to poar out your feelings in one irresistible stream . Mai of England arouse yourselves S They gay that they haTe put you down-4 et ub hear your answer . All great changes have had their martyrs ; * b have had too many . In other cases the triumph of wiaw ha 3 only been sought , in our case the triumph . « the faction has been achieved , but only for a Hfcomens .
Go oa , then , brother Chartists ; " onward and we •***«» backward and we fall . " Let our motto sail be " Universal Slffrace asd No Scrsexder " -and Ut not the charge be made upon those yet « l * rge that they deserted the prisoner and the cap-, ™* ' Now , my friends , one of the conditions upon 1 7 «» h those Corn Law humbugs will join you will * Vto require you to give up your principles till they tet accomplish their object , and then , as by ih ' e « eform Bill , « they vcill be better able to help you . " « o < i helps them who help themselves . " " Ever faithfully yours ,
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allowed to want : . and the number has bo increased as to preclude the possibility of one man supporting all . Again , the chance of subscriptions xs but a poor dependence : not that I doubt the generosity of the people generally ; but what is every man . ' s business is n 6 man's business . Then , again , with respect to raising the price of the Star . I have a decided objection to making any alteration in the arrangements of a paper . Upon the whole , then , the question must remain with and be allowed to want : and the number has bo in creased as to preclude the possibility of on « m 9 n m * r ™**~ r . . x \ * _ i _ ^ i ~» Mwuisy oi one man
decided by , the subscribers . Should they think that the plan proposed by our Coventry friend is the best , I shall take oaw that -the amount shall be faithfully expended . I think that the question is one which should be immediately decided : and that as large meetings as possible of the subscribers should be instantly convened . When the necessity for the fund ceases , the Star shall be again reduced to its present price , should the subscribers decide upon the plan suggested in the letter . The number of nrisnnAw . ;« , * u- « , vw _ i ~~ „ . * «„ . AUO munoer oi prisoners is frightfnl
. Of course the fund would be administered equally to Welsh and English . 1 must be allowed here to shew the folly of rely mg upon general subscriptions . Something more than £ 200 remained in my hands from the old Defence Fund , out of which I have paid the following sums : — ., _ _ £ b . d . Mr . Cobbett 40 0 0 Jon «?» , by order of Convention ... 10 0 0 Law Expenses in White and Wilson ' s case \\ \ q q Late Convention 25 0 0 For the Defence of Mr . Neesom 5010 others 5 0 . 0 To the Chester Chartists 10 o' 0 Entering Traverses at Liverpool , r ' I to Bave bail of defendants 118 0 0
£ 219 10 0 Now the above does not include one single farming of any of the expenses of the trials at either York , or Liverpool , for counsel , solicitors , - or witwa ^ sj all of which I have paid out of my own pocket , and which I think , in justice , sEould be borne by all , rather than by one . I had over one hundred and twenty persons to defend . This is had trading in these bad timee . Not one person for whom separate subscriptions were raised paid a single farthing , not even traverse fees . I paid for all . Now whatever is to be done , should be done at once ; and let it be always borne in mind that the change will only entail fresh trouble and ex . pense upon me . But if it relieves our friends I care not .
I am , Your sincere friend , FEARGUS O'CONNOR . I . S . To shew the folly of depending upon general subscriptions , let me tell you that no more than £ 11 Qa . 9 d . has come to hand for Mrs . Frost , Mrs . Williams , and Mrs . Jones . F . O'C .
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THE BOLTON CHARTISTS , AND THE CHARTS * fRIALS . Wse beg to direet the —>—linn of our readers tothe r manly , the « W ^ ittd eloquent speeches of Wxrdes and Itmu , * hc Bohpn Chartists . Those trials wffl « a&aHt the genius of the fc Ignorant Rook . * ^ BwPegret that we couW not participate in «* wricome home of ffcose and others of our I&wis , whatu it bow behoves to work double . W « riadl keep up our fonts , to furnish * ny dtte copies wHeh may
be required iy -oar ^ Agents . We haw keen compelled to omit * -not quantity of valaaUe matter this -week , in « r 4 ar to give full seports of the trials-of our friends . They shall -appear next week . We hawnw * as yet received the sentences upon those floawieted at Liveajwol We shall stoj the pnsaB instantly to connaunicate the intelligence" when it arrives . The Chartists maet . now work in downright earnest Let Easter . Monday , 184 « , be one ever memo rable in the history of -peaceful but determined Chartist agitation .
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Tse Clerk of she Nob . the * x Stae . —/ have received some complaints that Mr . A&diul ' s letters are very short and peremptory to ihe Agents . I willlett oILAgente how to avoid the injiiciion . laU them mend their money xchm - their accounir are due . All -attempts to undermine Mr . ARBtii , will be unavailing , as a more ' hone&t , conscientious , amiable man does not breathe ; but really , if complimentary letters are io be icritlen to 6 t * 0 Agents , ! should like to know , who is to perform the task .
F . O'C . Usdeb CoKSiDERATiox . — « J . Walker . " - " Morality of OddfeUoioship . " John Ucyr .-The Society ' s money is quite secure from the fangs of the harpies . Loveh of Faib Play . -SLt months' notice must be given . A Cottage Ratb-payeb . —Such appropriation of a Hi
ghway-rate is illegal . James Maw . —Arrived too late . It should have been sent last vceek . Willi a * M' Williams .- We think he had better Uave the Church and the Devil alone . Bettv Horr . —The copy of evidence would be of no use . The memorial should be forxcarded , and the Secretary of State will refer to the Judge ' s notes .
Nahratiye op the Imprisonment of John Watkixs , No . 2 . —Next vceek . Vincent ' s Subschiption . —// vat to Mr . Owen , not Mr . Oliver , that Mr . Tozer sent the sum mentioned in last week ' s Star . The Ohdeb to continue the advertisement of Novel News , " did not arrive in time for us this week It shall be attended to next week . We have received a report of the last weekly meeting oj Frost ' s London Committee , which arrived
too late for insertion this week , but vcill , most probably , appear in our next . " ^ E BEGREt to be under the necessity of postponing Mr . Oasllers letter until next week , owing to the press of Assize intelligence . Thb Account of the Delegate Meeting at Nottingham will be inserted next week , its late arrival , and tiie press of Assize intelligence , precluding Us appearance in this day ' s journal . J . Mitchell , Aberdeen . —The whole of ( he bills were sent to Mr , Legg . Neale , —deceived .
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Nkw Poor Law Proceedings . —Th& subscription for defraying the expenses of a trial in the Court of Vh <* n'a Bench , npon the validity of the Hudderslaid election of Guardians for the Union , and the baseness practised by the Clerk as returning officer , aatt Others , is progressing fast . Those but-townhum . wbich . haTe not subscribed are requested to * PP * J w bvoks and other information immediately , fn « ^ wnditt their money to Mr . William Stocks , tae Treasurer , a trifle from all will raise a large Nkw Poor Law PROCI !* DING 3 .-The . subscription for derVmvln * thto « M T , n f « * t . ;« Hn th-rn » rt « f
A Public MseWng will be held at Mr . Dickinson s large room , on Monday evening next , at . halfpast seven , for the purpose of carrying out the views ^™ e London Committee in regard to Frost and the Welsh patriots , and other business of importance . Let the meeting be a full one . State of Ttade . —The state of trade here is worse than it was ever known to be . The working classes are in a deplorable state , and bear the burden with a patience all but criminal apathy : they seem sullen , and inclined to allow their wives and children to starve rather than go to the bastile crew and demand relief , which is no disgrace ; on the controry . ¦ **¦ is an imperative duty and a right they have paid to the fund , and ought to fall back upon their parish benefit club when they are out of employment .- It is understood that the unemployed here intend , as they have done at Carlisle , to go in a body oext Guardian meeting , which ia to be held on Friday , and demand work or bread .
We understand that a meeting will be held at Almondbury , next Wednesday evening , to take the case of ihe unemployed into consideration , and to give instructions to their Guardians how to proceed at their meeting * . : BRADFORD . Radicalism . —We understand that the Radicals of this district are about to arouse themselves once more , to rc-organise their forces , and form fresh working . ; committees . The objects of the said reorganization are to carry out the recommendations issued ^ from the London Committee on behalf of Frost , Williams , and Jones—to further the plan as laid down by Mr . B . O'Brien , of returning representatives of the people at the next general election
which it is expected is not far distant ; and also to accomplish local reformation , aa far as possible . Therefore , if the people ate alive to their own interests , they will see the necessity of sending a -elegafe from each district , in the town and villages surrounding it , to a meeting whioh we hear is to be held at the house of Mr . Peter Buaeey , on Monday evening next , the 13 th instant , to commence at halfpttet seven o ' clock . " Dreadful Accident . —An inquest before Mr . Rufter , was held at the Queen ' s Arms , Bradford , on Monday , the 6 th of April , upon the body of Mary Ann Haslam , an infant about fifteen months old . The ohild being an illegitimate one , was nursed by a woman of the name of Lomas , who received two shillings per week for it , from the township of
Turton , and came to its death in the followingmanner . A man named Goodier , and brother to Mrs . Lomas , went on Saturday night last into Mrs . Lbmas ' s with a pipe in his mouth , and gloriously drunk , threw himself upon the sofa , the child lying in a cradle near the 8 ofa , between him and the fire place . Goodier and biq sister fell fast asleep , and it appeared that his pipe had dropped in the cradle near the child ' s feet , for , when the child was found about ten o ' clock , it was almost burnt to a cinder , in the lower part of its body . Both Goodier and his sister were awoke by the noise caused by the people emptying the cradle , and the shrieks of persons who flocked in at the sight of the infant—to reilect upon the joys of being gloriously drunk I A verdict of " accidental death was recorded .
AiTRMrT at Murder and Self Destruction . — On Tuesday last , the inhabitants in the neighbourhoed of Shelf were thrown into a state of alarm by a report , which proved too true , that Samuel Wooler , of Buttershaw , near Shelf , had murdered his wife , and afterwards attempted self destruction . It appears that the screams of the woman attracted thr attention of one of the neighbours , who proceeded to the house , when a ' most dreadful spectacle presented itself , which had such an effect upon aim that he fell jack . Other assistance accidentally came in , aud a surgeon was " shortly on the around .
who , after washing and cleansing tae wounds , found that they were % ot fatal . Search was then made for the perpetrator of the horrid crime , when he was discovered in bed , with his throat cut in a most shocking manner , but not mortally . He was secured and handcuffed ; hia wounds were dressed , and he was strictly watched , during which time he has made Beveral attempts to tear open the wounds . We are informed that he refuses all sustenance , and wui not allow even a drop ~ of cold water to enter llis lips . It is expected that a strict Inquiry ^ rrill shortly take place as to the cause of this unfortunate affair .
KE 1 GHLEY . Kbighley Umqn . —The Guardians of this Union having had their , attention called to a paragraph in toe Northern . Star , respecting the removal to the workhouse , of a female aged ninety-four , said to be the widow of the late Jeremiah Staddiu , against her consent ; npon making enquiry into the matter , the Guardians imd they have not a pauper of the name belonging to Haworth , or any other township in the Union , and therefore have not such a person in the wo / khouBe . / SiR , i—The paragrah above referred to , being en--titely untrue as respects" this Union , and probably altogetner ^ iit is therefore trusted you will insert the above , or the purport of it , in vour next paper . I am , Sir , Your obedient Bervant , Geo . Spencer , oJSuF " !?* I ., * Clerk t 0 the Gu « dians . 9 th March , 1840 .
[ ThiB is really a much more gentlemanly way of correcting error , than through the medium of a criminal prosecution . — Ed . ] .
BARNSLEY . State of Trade . —This town is still in a deplorable state , and hundreds of poor weavers starving for want of foodj aud the few who are working are persecuted uiito tho death ; for , ou Saturday last , there were forty pounds or upwards stopped from the weavers who worked for a large house here under the specious pretext of the work being bad ' Is there no remedy for these plunderngs . or is the poor man ' s estate of so little value that he is to receive no protection ! It wonld ocnnnv
the wftole ot your paper to describe the hundredth pa 5 , S et ?! v , exer , ci 8 ed - Ohe P ° man travelled 180 miles back and forward for sixteen shillings'worth « f work ; and the base , drunken scoundrels , who are warehousemen , would not give him a direct answer , because he could not keep them revelling in their midni ght orgiea of debauchery . We would advise the weavers to start a defence fund for the protection of their labour , and employ a respectable solicitor , who will take those swindlers into a superior court of law , where they may be protected from these nefarious tricks
. HALIFAX . Magistrates' Office . —On Monday last , at this office , a man named Gibson was brought up before the magistrates for neglect of family , and ill-treatinii his childrenoa the day previous . It Was stated that such was the effect of his conduct on hu poor wife that she was driven to madness , and had to be taken with her children to the workhouse . He was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment at Wakefield —A youu ^ boy was . charged with having stolen a cap off a stall m tho market , belonging to Mr SDencftr which waa fouad upoh him buttoned up in his jacket ' and , on the plamtiff swearing to the fact he was ' sent for one . month' to Wakefield .-A man named £ ^^ J ? ^ n k" ! g at Messrs . Hardinjje ' s . SowerbBrid Halifax
y ge , near , who are brass founders , was charged with having stolen a quantity of brass , and offering it for sale to Mr . vfamhoLe ironmonger in this town , which led to his detection ' and being placed in the hands of the-constable" The pieces of brass were exhibited to view before the Bench , and the ba ^ which held them was sworn to as the property of Mrs . Hardinge , and the lady's son , who is one of the managers , also swore to a piece of brass , which he had knocked off a door plate to try the quality of the plate , and on being produced was seen to fit . No other evidence ap ^ pe * red . The man accounted for the property by sajing { hat it was his father's . Mr . wSo £ was sfforn as to his having offered the brass for sale 5 ? w 5 S l # u ratw W ^* i ? . for thr « e months to Wakefield House of Correction .
Christianity v . Socialism . —A course of four lectures on these subjects was commenced by the Rev Mr . Barker , at the Odd Fellows'Hall , St . JameK Road , » this town who by public noti ' ce ha ^ ohallenged the first advocates of the latter doctrine to m ? h h l £ ? ^ disprove , if they could , the tendency of the Chriatian religion to promote honesty , industry , sobriety , &c , if correctly taught and practised according to the moral law laid downln S ? SSJ Testament . . The first lecture occupied whow and a quarter m the delivery , ia which the gentleman took very good care not to introduce any mZ
exwer doctrinal or othermse , to which any sane man would object , being , purely of a practical nature ; and his opponent seeing this , wisely admitted at once that he came not there to oppose any moral precepts whatever , whether contained in the New Testament or anywhere . else , and as he thought the character of Christianity had not been fairlv made out , Mr . Campbell begun to make S first , however , obtaining leave of the Chairman together with the sanction of the rev . genteman that so long as he kept to the question he should not ^ J ^ frMpted- JT , , . ° PP ositi < > n waa then throws open . and the defendant endeavoured to make out a case , which his opponent not liking , after he KTC eded ^ ort way ' rose ftom his seat and stopped him . This caused a confusion which , continued the rest of the evening . The second lecture was under a fresh arrangement , when the DartiM *<»»»
r , VwrV rder Mld r ^ l « ity observed ^ vw much better , jby every one paying attention tothe disputants . Mr . Barker promised to shew in his two-cOTduding . leotuwB that Socialism tended to
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LEEDS . Leeds Radical Association . —The condition of the working man demands that some important step be taken . A time of greater necessity never existed . The present position of political partiesthe defeat hitherto of every principle connected with just Government—the reckless opposition manifested to the rights of the poor—the rough-ahod chase that has passed before us , hunting for the blood of the innocent—the malignant and hellish xsrnelty manifested on every occasion of apparent or real triumph over the bodies of- their victims—the direct opposition to the loud and long expression of the people ' s will , in the ease of the patriots . Frost ,
Williams , and Jones ; and the last we shall mention at present , but not tho least—the hor- ^ ror-Btwcken countenance of the would-be wise and strong Corn Law repealers , all these pints prove ( and are more than ssufiicient ) the near approach of that crisis which we have lone beheld in the future , but which will inevitably come —oppose who will—the retributive justice of the law of God , will overcome the setters up and worshippers of human legislation . God will triumph ; the strict disinterested union of mind and purpose in all who are seeking deliverancefrom political grievances and ecclesiastical bondage , is essentially necessary The time admits of no delay , and in agreement with these convictions , we held a meeting on Monday last announced
evening , as , the Rev . W . Dean in the chair , and Mr . C . Conner secretary for the evening , when the following resolutions were passed , after the names of those present , who wished to join , were entered . 1 . Moved by J . Illingworth , and seconded b y G . Turner , "That as no union can exist without order and local regulations , that a oommittee of five , for the present , be chosen to draw up and arrange rules for the future government and reflation of the association , to be presented to the next meeting to be held on Monday evening , the 13 th inst " 2 nd . Moved by Mr . J . Temple , and seconded b ' v Mr . P . Wood , " That the following persons be chosen for that business : —Messrs . B . Knowles , J . Illinpworth , C . Conner , J . Perigo and G . Turner . " —3 rd . Moved by Mr . Conner , and seconded by Mr . J . Gibson , — " That the meeting be held on
Hunslet Moor , on Easter-Monday afternoon , at four o ' clock , to petition Parliament for the full acquittal of all political prisoners—especially Messrs Frost . Williams , and Jones . "—4 th . Moved by Mr . Temple , aud seconded by Mr . Schorah , — " That all the members of the committee be empowered to receive contributions towards defraying the expenses of the meeting ; and all members of the Union are requested to do the same in their several workshops " The particulars of the meeting at Hunslet Moor , will be announced by placards . The members ofthe Association will meet next Monday evening , at halfpast seven o ' clock , at the house of Mr . J . Illineworth , the White Horse Inn , Vicar-lane . All true men , who are members , or wish to become so , are requested to attend , when business of importance will be entered into .
HUDBERSFXELD . New Poor Law . —The interest and excitement in several of the out townships in this Union amongst the rate-payers of all parties , is not likely soon to subside . Friday last was the first day for the new Board assembling , and on the clerk calling over the names of the persons elected , there were several included who bad been in the minority . On , the clerk beiDg asked the reason , he told them if R was not tight they Bright seek redress in the proper quarter . One of the returned Guardians requested the production of the Domination papers ; and he was told if the whole Board required them , he ( the Clerk ) would not give them up . He ordered- $ bem to proceed to the election of Ch » irmM . whinlt wu
done by Starkey , one of thi » e- ex-official made on purpose to enforce the aceutsed law in this district . Mr . Sutcliffe , another ex-offimo , was put in the chair , pro tern , when a great deal of praising of the humanity of the last Board was done by Batley who eventually proposed that the Rev . J . Morris Maxfield take the chair , which was protested against . The Cleric used his authority and said it must be bo . Accordingly , Mr . R . Rigby proposed Mr . J . Smith , and when they divided , there appeared twenty-three for Maxfield , and fourteen for Mr . Smith . During tfae day Mr . Pithkethly , the Almondbury Guardian , handed a protest to the Chairman against his return . On Tuesday week , a person of the name of Mil * er , having some land in tae township of Loekwo » d , took out & summons . against William Avisos , for illegally-canvassing aad undue wflaeociBg the rate-payers in the election of
Guardian . Tae case should have been heard « n Tuesday , but he is so frightened that be has taken his bed . Tt » case wm adjourned fourteen days . On Toesday , persoas from several of the out-townBhips came to obtain summonses for tiie same . Mr . L . Pitkethly obtsiBed a fmmmone against Floyd , the dark , for wufutty neglecting to obey # » rales and orders of u » OoiBUissioDers , which he has done in many dates , both in the township of Huddersfield and other out-townshiss . Summonses were obtained by persons from Cuaberworth Hall , against their collector , for the unoue influencing , &c ., all to be heard on Tuesday next . Mr . O'Conaor is expected to be here at the time . This will be the last time that Fio / d will be master ia this district , for it « e the determination to compel him to do the work according to orders , a * d not as he thinks proper , Mr . O Connor has been written to , mi will , if possible , attend ; therefore , if the out-townships should wish any information , it axay be obtained at the time .
We cnderstand Application has been made to Mr . George Crosslana" by numbers of able-b « died men , for the clothing be has received from abroad , readj made np- suitable for a cerps of Police Siflemf-n . Some of his nei ^ iiWurs from . Paddock applied , but W £ re refused , for the only reason , they had too much artillery in thenuso we suppose he only wa » ts moderate repealers . The Poor Law officers will soon have time to become recruiting sergeants ; as ia our opinion they will be glad to get any sort to join their ranks .
Some of the Corn Law Agitaxobs in this neighbourhood have declared , since the report of Friday night reached ns , that tke only way to obtain redress , was to join the labouring classes for an extension of Uie Suffrage . One of the delegates from Huddersfieid declared , since his return , that he had no idea the gentlemen of the House of Commons were such blackguards , and that he will not be deputed to any more such missions until better men be sent to represent us . It is generally rumoured the Corn Law Hepealers are about to call a public meeting , and invite the labouring classes on some new mode of agitation . We hope they will be convinced that nothing short of Universal Suffrage can better their condition , or obtain what they are asking for .
All the townships in what is called the Huddersfield Union are preparing petitions in favour of the law of Elizabeth , and exposing the treachery that the unders trappers have performed during the past mock election ; and such glaring -rill&ny has it been throughout , that the yellow tribe-themselves cry shame upon their imps . Where five or six to one votes have been given to opponents of bastiles , with the most daring effrontery , they have returned the skilly-men ; and , after the returns have been made , they have sent their tools , and , in one instance , cut down the majority of eighty to a minority of eight . In other cases , where they knew there was not a shadow of a chance , they kept back the nomination altogether ; and upon this sort of proceeding they have got a majority of two or three , and cannot go forward with it all . Todmorden
Guardians hav « unanimously petitioned for the dissolution of the Union . " We- shall , too . The Board of the Loughborough Union have already resisted the order of the Poor Law Commissioner ; they have actually refused to split a potatoe to make the paupers meals the exaot weight , and he has brought an action against them . The rating of stock in trade crowns the whole , and we are deli ghted with the thought that the yellow-bellied TV nigs will be the very first to cry peccavi . They are blind as beetles ; beyond the moment , they cannot see a hair / i-breadth before their nose . Nothing could have convinced them of the folly ofthe Corn Law agitation but their total defeat . They will only perp ] ex the Chartists , now they have joined their standard . The ) ' would do as much more good aa opponents tiia , n as supporters .
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MANCHESTER . Total Defeat of ifiis SeasdKKii , commonlt called the Akti-Cobn-Law Socuty—This night ( Wednesday ) Carpenter ' s Hall has been a thronged place , in order to hear the conclusion of the debate between the Chartists and the Anti-Corn-Law Society . Never was there a discussion carried on with more propriety and good order than both parties exhibited during the three nights which this question has been discussed . And never was there victory more glorious for the cause of universal freedom , as the resolutions will show . Moved by Mr . Leech , and seconded by a thousand voices , aacl carried by nine times nine , and one cheer more , 1-t . Resolved , "That since tho accession of the middle classes to political powerthrough the Reform MANCHESTER . m t . „
, Bill , the rights and liberties of the working classes have been greatly curtailed , and their sufferings and privations greatly augmented . This meeting , iftherefore of opinion , that the present middle-class agitation for a repeal of the Corn Laws is intended n ., t nefit . tlie * * ing classes , but to promote the selfish ends ofthe inonied interests , at the expence of both ^ landlord and labourer ; an opinion which is corroborated by the fact , that the Anti-Corn Law party refuse to accompany the measure , of repeal with a reduction of onr public establishments , and an equitable adjusment "between arbiter and creditor , which would be absolutely necessary for the labourers' protection . And if any additional proofs were wanting of their insincerity , it is to be found in the tact , that while they denounce the landlords as robbers , ami accuse them of
filchiagaway one halt of the pdor man's loaf , they neverthelessmvariably take part with the robbers against the parties robbed , in all questions affecting our rights and liberties . Resolvec ) , ' therefore , that wei continue ¦ ta oppose the Anti-Corn-Law paity , until they shall have restored to us the whole of those municipal : rights and franchises which they enjoy themselves , and without which we mu 3 t ever continue to be slaves ^ no matter what may be the name or form of the Government we live under ' 2 nd . Moved by Mr . Smith , and seconded by Mr . Warren . ( President of the Anti-Corn Law Society , ) That a deputation be appointed from the Chartist societies of Manchester and Salfofd , to meet a deputation from the Anti-Corn-Law society , to devise the beet means in order , to make the People ' s Charter the law of the land . " Carried unanimously
MIDDIETON . Co-opbration . —Many times have the Radicals of this town attempted to establish a society of this nature , but they have eventually failed . Every failure , by experience , has been * leason t < j lovers © t Joint btock Companies , and in mauy instances set them to right . A society of co-operation , a few weeks ago , was commenced in this town by six young ^ men with the little capital of a borrowed sovereign ! Still they were so zealous and persein the in
vering cause which they were engaged , that there are now in this society not less than fifty members . These members are nearly all young and unmarried men . The shares are 10 a ; ,- each . The members meet every Monday evening in a school roomm High Street , for the purpose of receiving monies , new members , ( who are flocking in every week ) settling accounts , making regulations , and so on . Their capital now is about £ 30 , althoii £ h they at present sell for very little interest or profits compared with the other shopkeepers . Who knows what this may end in ]
ROCHDALE . Commissioners' Rooms , Saturday , April 4 — John N . Hanson , auctioneer , summoned Mr . Win . Proctor , spirit merchant , on the following charger-Hanson being a new auctioneer , was exercising his avocation a few days before , when Proctor threw out some scornful words , which drew from the auctioneer a retaliation , exclaiming , " Let P . sup as he was always fond of cheap drink and bargains , " < fcc . They chanced to meet at a public-house the neit night , when Proctor demanded Hanson to retract what he had said , or he would pull his nose . Hanson , not complying , the threat was put mto operation , when a scufile took place , which ended by Hanson summoning Proctor , when he was bound to keep the peace towards Mr . Hanson .
Petty Sessions , Monday , April 6 .- —The Court was thronged to excess in consequence of a number of people Being summoned for Church rates . Mr . William Roberts , solicitor , appeared iu behalf of the defendants ; Mr . Abraham Brearley , the Vicar ' s Warden , waa the complainant . Mr . J . Mason , machine maker , w » s first called upon for 8 s . l £ d ., for Church rates . Mr . Roborts protested against the validity of the rate , as Mr . Brearloy had proceeded to collect the rate upon his own accord , he not having the concurrence of the other nine Wardens of the parish . Mr . Edward Clegg , one of the Wardens , was called , aud proved that Brearley had _ done all without the consent of the other
parties . Mr . Roberts argued that the Wardens wore a corporate body , and no part of that body could legally act without the approbation of the other ; he proved the point by referring to a case tried not long ago , when eight out of ten had acted iu denanoe of the two . The case lasted most part of an Lour , when the Benoh deferred giving judgment tor a fortnight , aa they would take counsel ' s opinion as to the validity of Mr . Breavley ' s authority ; they , however , granted a warrant of distress tor the demand made upon Mason .. Mr . Roberts gave notice of appeal at the Quarter Sessions . Several other cases were broughtforward , for sums varying from seventeen BhUliBgs-tofivepence ; some agreed to pay , while orders were made out for others . A mimo
er ot cases were not disposed of through informalities . Chahge of Robbery . —John Whitehead and tdwin laylorj who had been in custody on a charge ot having robbed a boat of some weaYing apparel , near Todmorden , broke from tiie coustable on ruesday last , got on a common , and broke off their handcuffs , and made off , but wore taken in Hey wood on * riday , and brought to the Rochdale lockups . No one came to prove the felony , but they were recoguisedaa ^ deserters , Taylor from the 5 Gch , and Wnitehead from the 94 thfoot ; they confessed , were re-sworn in , and sent to priaou . They were both about twenty years of age .
Police Office , Tuesday , April 7 . —Joseph Johnson , a young man , with a wile and . two small children , was committed for trial for the following ftfi , ~" J ° ] m Yate ^ a *» i" *» "siding near Middleton , deposed that between nine and ten o clock on Saturday night last , ho went into the house of a neighbour to smoke hia pipe , he having locked his door previous ; , in a few minutes a person went and told him there was a light in his house . a hey , therefore , went and found a man at the door , wno ran away , and , on going into the house , met the prisoner comine down stairs , without hat and shoes . They kept him in security until a constable was sent for , who found npon his person Beven skeleton keys , one large knife , one small one . a cmsei
, and one large screw-driver . He made no defence , and was committed . One of the keys unlocked the outer door of Yates ' s house . ., ¦ Sudden DEATH .--On Saturday night ; S ' mau named John Grayshaw returned trom a Forester ' s . i ^ 8 »' ln i -h | 8 w « w »' i ?«» te- of health , went homo to bed about ten o ' clock , and was found dead soon after by his wife . He was a master shuttle maker , between forty and fifty years © f age . Resignation of Mr . Fknton . —Our representa-* i . . Fentori , Esq ., M . P ., has announced to his ir-ends his - ^ determination' to * resign' his seat in Parliament . He is expected at home in a few days , and we understand he does not intend to return . We canaot assign'his reason for giving up his seat for this borough .
MERTHYR TYDVIL . Defeat of the Factions . —On Thursday , the tact-ions called a meeting to congratulate her Majesty on her marriage . On their moving the clergyman of the place into the chair , the working men proposed their own chairman ; and having carried this point , they then moved an insertion in the proposed address , of a olause . praying for a free pardon for * rost , Williams , and Jones , which was also carried by an overwhelming majority , to the great dismay of the middle-class men .
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SERIOUS CASE OF MANSLAUGHTER , AT LEEDS . On Monday evening , an inquest was held at ihe Court House , Leeds , before John Blackburn , Esq ., coroner , on view of the body of Mr . Thomas btodhart , hair-dresser Vicar Lane , whose death waa occasioned by violence inflicted on him in the above street , on the morning of Sunday week . Two men , whose names are Georjje Olroyd and Richard Gresty , were taken into custody as the parties implicated in che transaction ; ^ and as the affair has caused considerable sensation in toe neiehbourhood in which it occurred , we give the evidence at considerable length ; Mr . Bond , the solicitor , appeared for the prisoner Olroyd ; . Gresty was undefended . The Jury viewed the body on Monday morning , and then adjourned till the evening ; The following evidence was offered on the occa-SFRTOTTS Ck ^ V nv mawct A TTPn « PT ? n ati o ^ KlOUb . CAbE OF MANSLAUGHTER , AT
sion : — . - ¦¦¦ -. ,. James Addiman , apprentice to Stodhart , said—I have been with Mr . Stodhart six years next Juno ; he carried on business aa a hair dresser ; on a Saturdaynight we have generally been very busy ; George Olroyd and Richard Gresty were there on Saturday night week , at near nine o'clock ; they were there about five minutes ; I shaved Mr . Gresty on that night , and while I-was shaving him Olroyd . came in ; the two spoke to each other , and left the shop ! together when they had got finished . I next . saw them about two : o ' clock on Sunday morning ; -my -master was standing at the shop door when * hey came ; .- . Olroyd : came in and said , ?* Take * little more off this . whisker , ( pointing to the left > , thcu ha 3
taken more off one than the other , and they iiive been plaguing me « taat H where I have beenv I did as he desired , and my master in the meantime left the Bhop door : I de ^ t think either of thetmen were ^^ perfectly sobej £ \ thotrgX they ? ' were not ; vary tipsy ^ They , did noi sfi » long < in . tae Bhop . bm yvent away up Vicar-lane , towards the workhousa ; I watched them aboui fifty yards , and saw them come np to my master , who had gope in the same u-. reotion ; they were near ^ UisonV iroA * warebeuse ; tho three walked about five yards together ; my master was walkiug about the laae-with the dos . They then stopped to talk * aiid ' I shortly-aftwrbaw Olroyd and my master sparring , - when I / went to them : they seemed jprep ^ riB ^ to , figby I heard no congoinj
Jvt- » ^^? * " *** quaweumg ; oa . I beheve Mr . Olroyd waft ^ trucV on the month by my master ^ but I aWirknow j tfhieb . flthi 6 k firit , aa they _ both , apjwarfed t * strifee together . . Qirnydt struck mjuriaster on the neap , and they then « & > to high ^ words ; what they , auafrelied about , 1 don' -fc kni ftw ^ bu * they v ^ 6 diking dbotrt Satrhg . I got between ^ my master ,. ap& Olroyd to " prevertCiltem from fighting , and ; my ma 8 % then eaid ^ they .-were both of a size . Gresty wantid Olroyd to go av * ay * but h « refused . lbej ^ 64 ^ my master not to'fi « ht i and while \ was bet * reen | h > ni noilowwas istrncE Olroyd % n kn 0 amite'm tke causeway , Gresfcy having preyioofllyaiaiPKrium ^^ oathim- Olr oyd then knocked ^; iMt » ter "dpw « r ^ » nd got opoH ha » with his knees : M ; pre « ed " Ti «> Ott . bia left BLdJ > mrtl
struck him with- life . fist ovJer ^ N ? * be « fc WJien / I saw this , I pulled Olroyd fWrtiP ky master , arid he ( Okoyd ) ftll backwards over , with Uis beck against Mr . Ellison ' s warehouse , door . Grosty then seized me , and ran me backwards way to the other side of the road ; Gresty held me fast there with my head under his arm ; 1 called out " Watch" three times r Gresty was before me , and I could not see what became of my master . I remained in this situation about two minuted , and was struck by Gereisy three times over the left cheek bone , when he let go of me . I looked for my master , and found he was laid in the same situation as when Olroyd had knocked him down ; Olroyd waa then running into the Spotted Cow Yard , and
Gresty followed him . I went after them , still calling out " Watch . " Greaty got behind a wall , and Olroyd went forward . They were both shortly after taken into custody by a watchman , in Harewoodstreet . When I went back my master had got into the shop ; my master was not quite sober ; he had had something to drink . Gresty never struck my master at all , but he was standing by while Olroyd was at him . It was about half-past twelve wheij my master seemed to get the worse for liquor ; I had not seen my master fall , at that time , that night he was able to walk about . Mr . Gariick , surgeon , was sent for on the afternoon of the same day , and he attended him to the time of his death . Mr . Gariick had attended my master a fortnight previous , when he had been thrown out of a gig .
Sarah Stodhart , wife to the deceased , Jonathan Dunderdale , one of the nightly watch , Hannah Naylor , and Charles Hare , confirmed the deposition , of the previous witness . Mr . Lofthouse , clerk to the Magistrates , at Leeds , on the 2 nd of April , took down the examination of Stodhart , ia the presence of Olroyd and . Gresty . The witness at the time told Stodnart that he had heard hislife was in danger , and asked him if he thought so , to which he replied , he did . The man made . his statement under the belief , that > his life was in danger . The following is the examination : — " Last Sunday morning , about two o ' clock , I happened ta be coming on Vicar-lane , and met George Olroyd and Richard Gresty .. A word or two took place , between us , but nothing of consequence George Olroyd then Knocked me . down with bis fist ; when . L was down , I felt some blows upon my ribs , but I could not tell who they came from : I recollect
that after I had lain a bit , two men came aud lifted me up ; my mist * e 8 *<«^ By . b © y ^ bo ^ ted-iBak' Watch and murder . I did not know that the other ' man , Richard Grestyldid anything at ine : I biew George Olroyd very weB before : by sight ; but I never had any quarrel with him ; it was on my left side that I felt the blows when I was down . I consider my life to be in danger . " .- ¦ ¦ " In answer to questions put by Qeorge Olroyd—I sparred with Olroyd before we fought ; I don ' t recollect Olroyd saying , "Tom , Im only sparring with thee , and thou is striking hard ; I did not say to Olroyd that I was in good earnest , and that I waa coming and he was to take care . Olroyd did not ask me to let him get up ; how could he when I waa always undermost , and my lad took him off me . ' _ . , " Thos . Stodhabt . . Sworn before me , ¦ "Darston Lupton . "
Mr . Gariick—I am a surgeon in Leeds ; on Sunday the 29 th Maroh I was called in to seeiihttdeceased it was after I left the church that Lwenfcj found him in a suffering state ; anxious oonnteOMice , quick pulse , and he complained of pain in Ma left side , also great pain and stiffness on the aide of his face . I was told what had happened , and then examined his person ; I found several ribs broken on the left side , but no external marks of violence ; there was great soreness on pressure .. There was great soreness on the right side of the face , but no fracture , though he 8 uspected fracture of the jaw . Deeming the injuries on the aide the most serious , I proceeded : with remedial measures for it . I told hia
friends , that I considered him in great danger , and could not say what might be tne result . For two days he continued nearly in the same state ; on Wednesday morning no amendment ; on Thursday worse ; 1 told both him and his friends that his recovery was doubtful , and on Friday morning I told him decidedly that he would not live long . He was not able to lie down j he died on the same night . I have examined him since death ; I found the external appearances to be congestion of ; the vessels of the face . On making an inciBiou I then discovered that the deceased waa very stout ; some matter issued from , near the fifth rib ; on cutting through- the costal cartilages , turning up the sternum to examine the contents of the chest , upwards of five pints of fluid
were aiccoverettm the cavity ; the pleura cov « rine the lungs waB covered by a thick false membrane ; iiakes of coagulated blood were found in matter lung on left side greatly compressed ; the lung sunk on oeing put into watery aiid wa 9 totally incapable of respiration ; the ^ fourth , filth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , and tenth ribs were broken at both extremities ; some pieces of bone ; were projecting tiirongh the pleura into the cavity of the chest , both aa the anterior and poBteribf part ; on . tKe right aide of the chest the lang wasipiBrfteUy healthy , and occu pying nearly the wHolr < avto . oh that side ; tho tt «^ aixth , and 6 even « i ribshad been fxactored I nave na doubt by some former accidenf ; the perl-^^ noi ^ t Sickened , hot presenting any partionlar morbid
__ appearance ; the « ight luni floated in water ; the visoer * of ;* he abdomiiiaJ cavity not particularly unhealthy ; on examining the lower jaw , I found the bone broken just at the angle ; tiie fractured surfaces were quite loose , denoting resent injury } the same remark applies to the ribs on the lefi side . On cutting through the integuments of the head much blood ; skull not fractured ; vessels much congested : the brain firm , and healthy in appearance . The cauBO of death , without question , was the fracture of the ribs on the left side , causing compression and ' consequent inflammation on the lungs . " I had attended him a fortnight previous , when he had beea thrown out of a gig ; he made light of his injuries then , but I bled bun and bandaged his chest ; he then complained of the right aide of the chest , and the injuries which I have described on that side
were doubtless the effect of that accident . A kick would not have fractured the ribs in the manner I have described ; pressure from some person kneeline onthe body woul * be very likely toptoduce bucS injuries . . Olroyd and . Gresty were then asked if the * had anything to say , being cautioned at the same time ,, fcyto poroner , that what they did tij would b % taken down , and might ; be used against them at another time . They na ' the * of ffiSimade aay statement . . ¦ . - . . - ¦ . ¦ . ¦ :- < . - \ : '\\ ~ . - ; ¦ _ ¦ ¦ . - . ¦*¦¦ The CoaoiosROTimmed np the evidence with great minuteness , and put the case tothe ^ nrj in a ^ ea i and impartial manner , explaining to them also , TwliSll * S ? ?? *« 4 *« t'on » iUits parts . ' WJ . minuies , retorned into oourt - with : averdio * of « Manslaughter" against both the prisoneHLwhoweS accordingly committed by the Coroner UVork Cwrtle , tor trial at the next Assizes . vs
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% ExiRAoaDiNA . u . Y . Casb . —A young woman , named Mary Ann Hogg , who . was in the service of Mr . Black , Rector of Blatsdon , being pregnant by a carpenter , named Davis ^ was discharged by the Rev . Gentleman from his service . Davis subsequently resolved on making Tier the only reparation in his power by marrying her . and having procured a license , applied to , » he cler /^ yman to mawy them . This he retueed to do , al ' eging that licences were not compnlsory ., Dayia then caused the banns to be published in the usual mariner , but a few hours only before the ceremouy could be performed , labonr came on , and the young woman died in giving birth to a female child . Davis brought an action against the clergyman at the Gloucester Assizes , and obtained £ 100 damages .
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TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF THE NORTHERN STAR . In the splendid article of last week , headed " The Beginning of the End , " I have read the following : — "Let it be the people ' s care to see that the fierce fire of hberty loees nothing of iu strength . Let them rouse tiwmselves at onoe , and throw around the patriots -who are battling with thtir enemies the shield of their protective approbatien . Let them not be left alone to war with capital aad cruelty ; but let their hands be strengthened by the assurance , loud , long , and » trong that the confidence of the people rests still in them ' and that their aid shall never 6 ul them . This will nerve them fer the conflict , and render them invulner-I able ; even in their dungeons they shall conquer , and the mighty tree of despotism shall ftOl beneath the battle-axe « f liberty . **
How is it to be done ? The wtakiBg classes are very poor ; the higher classes wiH not assist fte poorer dasses , m the poorer classes smst assist their friends The question is , which way ean they do so ? Let there be a meeting in every town of toe subscribers of the Nort&eru ^ Star , and let tfcem consider the propriety of paying Svepence instead of fourpeace-halfpenny , and for the extra halfpenny to go for the benefit of our incarcerate ;} friends and their families . Fellow-subscribers , —Never let h be said that our
incarcerated friends have advocated our cause , and -we allowed the wives aad families of those men to be compelled to go to a Union Bastile for support for the sake of a halfpenny per week from each subscriber . It w 21 get them as aaefi at they would get there , and , n . doabt , a little more , beeideo-showing our cursed enenues that they * a ! l not want so long as tjiey renam in prison . IMUht , placed in the hands of oar patriotic friend , Mr . » a * gus © -Connor , » ad no doubt be will see that it shaO be pat 6 > its proper use .
A Subscriber , xkd Lover of Liberty Coventry , April 6 * fc , 1840 .
To Readers And Correspondents.
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T HE « NORTHERN STAR" AND THE families of the incarcerated char tists . wb ^ bt " XEAIH J ^ Te a letter from & CoTeutry k ^ * one thing is certain ; that is , that the i * tB » Ie 5 of the incarcerated Chartists must not be
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To SVBSCS . 1 BBSS . -The papers of many Agents have been stopped this week ; our readers will knoip to whom the blame attaches . The treasonable advertisement of the resolutions of the Anti-Corn Law Delegates is REFUSED . To a Dublin Correspondent . —If the whole of the Charter was printed on a bank note , it would not injure it , nor yet endanger ihe liberty of the person who printed it on . oubscI"bers-7 »« papers of many Agents have been stopped this week ?/» , * ~* nj— . ^/ r !„ . „ ,-
GENERAL DEFENCE FUND . . £ . s . d . From a Few Friends at Idle 0 4 Oj VINCENT'S DEFENCE FUND . £ . s . d From Swansea , per J . Prior 10 2
MRS . FROST AND OTHERS . £ s . d From the Radic&l Association , Kettering 0 2 6 Political Association , Oldham 0 5 0 Bath , per S . Bartlett 0 2 6 Holt , near Milksham , Wilts 0 2 6 Fisherton , near Salisbury , Hampshire 0 2 6 Leicester , per John Seal 0 5 © John Roobjer , Bridgetown , Glasgow o 1 0
Leeds And West-Riding News,
Wakefield Corn Market—Friday.
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BV EXPHESS . April 10 th . —We have a large reported arrival of Wheat : the trade is slow , and to make tales lest money must be taken . Fine Barley maintains late rates , with only a limited demand for inferior qualities . Beans are not free sale . Oats and Shelllne , with other articles , as before . - HlIDPERSFIBLD CLOTH MARKET , TUESDAY , APBIL 6 th . —Our market to-day , in the Cloth-hall , we are
sorry to say there was no apparent improvement . There were several buyere , but only few Bales were effected at prices which cannot replace the same articles . In the warehouses rather more has been doing in some sorts of goods , but the improvement is scarcely perceptible . The fancy waistcoat trade ia in a most depressed state ; many of the weareM are in a complete sUte of starvation . The wool market is mnch -. the same as last week , with no alteration of prices .
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¦ THE NORTHERN STAR . ^ ¦ * ' "" "' ' ' " \ "" ' ' , .-. ; , ' . ^ -
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 11, 1840, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/king-y1kbzq92ze2679/page/5/