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®&Xt* StttelJism*. ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦¦¦ — ¦¦¦ — _ -. . ^ O^ftfr^ «* Jli l%^rtYTt i*>irta«-a ¦
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LIVERPOOL ASSIZES . CROWN COURT , Thubsdat , Apbil 2 . ( Before Mr . Justice Col fridge , ) John Sntfh , 42 , -was indicted for maliciously stabbing ¦ WillLcn Derbyshire , sX Hoaton Norris , on the 28 ih of September last Mr . BKA 5 DT prosecuted ; Mr . WlUUSS defended . It appecred tint on tLe day in question the prisoner and his wife were in a public-boose , m which the pro-» eca . " oi also was drinking . The proaeeuter-asked Mrs . Smith to driak : with him , which she did . The prisoner then asked her to drink with him , and she refused , sayir > g she would drink with no such a blacklooking fellow . The prosecutor then * . Eiid to the prL « cn-r , " You sea she will drink with me , but not with yon , and I can do wbat I like with her . " The prisoner then turned the prosecutor out , and a senffle essuod . in the course of whieh the prisoner stabbed him * n the side with a knife . He hid before giid that be would stab either him or his wife , and the law would justify him in it
Tie prisoner said , in his behalf , that he alwayB liTed in pe * ee with L . U fellow-man , and in the fear of God . Bat if a worm were trodden upon it weuld turn . He was ai&lieiously treated , and in his excitement attacked the prosecutor . His wife vai everything to him in this world , and now hi * peace of mind was destroyed for vTer on this side of the grave , and he felt regardless of "whit might be bis destiny . The Jury returned a verdict « f guilty . Bis Lordship , at the conclusion of the trial , called fee i-rosecutor op . and told him he was thejnnch more guilty party of tag two . There could be no doubt that a criminal intimacy exialei bttween him and the wife f toe prisoner . Sentence deferred . Jobn Allen was indicted for" maliciously stabb ng Jsmra Growther , at Todmorden and Walsden on the 8 th of September last
It appeared that the prosecutor saw the prisoner knocking at his own house at night He asked why he Wbe doing so , not knowing at the time that he lived th * Tt The prisoner replied , " 111 soon show you why I am knocking . " The door was shortly after opened , and the prisoner went in , and immediately returned and ¦ tabbed the prosecutor in the side with a knife . The wound was not dangerous . The prisoner was in a itate f intoxication . The Jury found him guilty . His Lobesiiip said intoxication was no eirwe for rune , and , in order to stop the practice of ptabb ng , he should Mntence him to transportation for fifteen years . Friday , April 5 .
Robert Jenkins was charged with having , in August last , wounded William ilacktnzie with intent to murder him . The indictment also coEtainsd counts laying Mha intent to disfigure , U disable , and " to do some grievous bodily harm . Jir . Ahmstrokg and Mr . Prestos conducted the procuration . TL « prisoner was not defended by cmnseL According t » the evidence , the prisoner was passing «* the 20 th of August last along a part of Toxttthpark in Liverpool with a dog , when a named Small , who was with Mackenzie , claimed the do £ The prison . i attempted t » strike Small ; Mackenzie asked Snail for the dog , aad Small said he should hare it . Mackenzie thereupon took hold of the animal , when the prisoner took oat a knife and told him if he did not let it go , he ithe prisoner } weald stab * iip - The prosecutor continued w hold th « dog , and the prisoner stabbed him in the breast . He was taken to a surgeon , and con tinned ill for sixteen weeks .
The evidence of the prosecuts * was confirmed i > Otfcir witnesses . The surgeon stated that for several days he was apprehensive the prosecutor -would not survive , and had not the knife glanced laterally , immediate death mutt have ensued .
Ihe priwner found the prisoner Guilty , with intent to do grievous bodily harm . He was immediately sentenced to be transported for life . " YVildam I > unn was indicted for ihe crime of wilful and corrupt perjury . Dr . Brows conducted the prosecution . It appealed from th « evidence of Mr . Jones , the deputy-constable of "VYarrington , thit en the evening of the 27 i& November the prisoner came to him and stated that on . the preceding evening he had been met on the road from Stalyhriuge to Manchv * ter by four men , who had robbed him . Jonaa was induced to go with him in search of the men , two of whom were stated to be
named Bryan , and two named Hogait Tbe men were brought before Mr . Stubbs , a magistrate , en the following day , and the prisoner gave bis deposition on © ath , aad which was signed by him . He therein stated that tha Bryans and Hogans were the men , and that thry assaulted and robbed him of £ 3 5 s . Several witnesses proved an alibi on the part of the men accused , and Mr . M'Comick , a Romish priest , deposed that tbe prisoner . came to him with bis arm in a sling , and stated that he had been robbed . He wa * relieved . The prisoner had no sling when be went to Jones , the constable . During the trial he repeatedly declared that he had been robbed , sad that the Bxyana and the Hogans were the men who had dene it ,
The Jory found him Guilty , And the Judge , after commenting upon the heinous nature of tie offence , sentenced Mm to be transported for seven years .
Saturday , April * . George Varrag , a tall and powerful young man , and John CosteUo , were indicted for the wilful muroer of Patrick Slakoa , at St Helen ' s , on the 24 th November last Dr . Browx and Mr . Hcxtox conducted the prosecution . Cotello was defended by Mr . Mcepht , and Hurray by Mr . Wilxiss . A witness named Philip Maguire stated , that on the evening of Sunday , the 2 * Ut of November , he and the deceased b * d been drinking in several public-houses frum between five aad sii o ' clock till pit : n . ne . The deceased was somewhat intoxicated . Between nine
and ten o ' clock they both went to the house of one Larry Hall , where the deceased 1-xlged . At that time they had not seen the prisoners nor quarrelled with anybody . Soon after the deceased went out again , but on what account witness could not telL Iu about six or seven minutes witness followed him , and on cro&dn * the threshold be received a blow , wkich knoeXed him down and rendered him for some time insensible . Od recovering a little , he found the deceas-. d lying with his head towards tbe door insensible . He was taken into the house , wh * = n it was found that he had ' rectived a severe wound un the left side of the head . He heard no notes before he went out .
Nancy Chubb , awomsn who lived » ext door to Larry Hall , stated , that between nine and ten o ' clock she was awakened by a noise at her door , and on-looking out of the window she saw by the moonlight , and also by the Mgnt of a gas-lamp at a little distance , fuur men fctrugg " ujg in front of the house ; none of- them * poke , but they came several times with force against the door , occssjonir . g a noise similar to that which first attracted her attention ; she told them to go tway , or she would eall some one who would make them go ; three of the party ran off together , and the fourth , whem ehe recognised to be Murray , went down the street by himself . He came back almo 3 t immediately , and placed himself in front of Hall ' s house , making a great noise .
He had some large weapon in his hand . Slakon was then standing in front of Hall ' s house , a little distance from the footpath . The prisoner Murray came out of the highway to him , lifted up the weapoH in both his bands , saying I ' m a Connaught man , and 1 * 11 knock your brains out , " aad struck the deceased a violent blow on the head , and tbe deceased fell , when he repeated the blows on the chest ox belly . She then saw the door open , and Maguire was stepping wit , when the prisoner knocked him down also ; a candle was shortly after brought , and Slakon taken into Hall ' s bouse , and she could see by the light of it a pool of blood where his head had lain . The whole aflair did not occupy more than six or seven minutes . She did not see Costello at alL
A witness , who kept a beer-shop in the neighbourhood , siated that he saw Murray strike a man named Piinu on tbe hat with a small stick or poker , saying , " 111 knock your brains out ; why did you not come aad help me ! " Piinn * id , "What could I do ?" CoateHb was there , aadjaa off towards his ownhouae . Hei soon returned , crying out loud to Murray in Irish , aad ttiey both went to Hall ' s hoose . Oortello had three-pronged potato fork in his hand , aad cm coming to Hall ' s be and Murray exchanged weapons . The
wit-Bess did not tee Slakon when Murray went up to the hoose , by reason of the shade of the house but he heard a voice say , " Dont hit me with that , " . to whieh . Murray replied , " I ' m a Connaught man , and I'll knock your brain * out" This was apakeo in relation to a sort of perpetual feud between the Connaught and Leinster men , of which latter Slakon was one . M array then struck with the weapon , and knocked the party down whom he was addressing , and when down repeated the blow ca his belly . Costdlo was within a tew yards of him all the time , vociferatin g very loud in T * i « K *
About half-past one o ' clock next morning , Murray was apprehended about two miles irom tbe place- He ¦ aid somebody sraat baTe put the fork into his hands . Some daysiftarCostello was taken at Li rerpooL Be said he had been well beates himself , but bis happened to be thehsroeat blow . Under the bed in Costello ' s house two potato forks wen found . On examining tbe deceased it waa found that he had received a campwmd fracture of the skull , which extended from tbe left ear to the crown of tie head , and the twin itself waa lacerated to the depth of two inches . He lingered in a state » f insensibility to tbe Friday following , and tbea died . Mr . McitFHY and Mr . Wilkiks then addressed tbe Jury on behalf of tbe iwpectiTe prisoners .
In wrmining up the < aae Ms Lordship said , that when peraoa , knowing what he was doing , took away the lift of a feflow ereatere , the law deemed it to be murder , !? tL ? l » £ ? * PpeM * ' "d « ** s not necessary te > tint erise that there should be a deliberate prep « i ttonor preconcerted malice , though the whole time > takaa np fawn tbe ftrrt provocation to the death did not «* t * d two ndastas , It might still be murder . If a . *•¦•» do «« * a act the Bee * asary eonsequeaee of which > *»***• ** K 1 * . k . nut ka taiiTto taw iota **
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to do so , for the malice which , the law considers necessary to constitute murder need n amount to actual hatred ; it is sufficient if the act proceeds from a reckless and bad disposition . It is true that the law allows for the frailty and fallibility of our naturo , so that under certain circumstances of provocation the offence is reduced to manslaughter ; but it is not every provocation that will produce that effect Th-. cool and the hotbioixied man must in this respect stand on Ite same ground , and if either allows an inidfcqtiaie cause of ¦ ¦¦¦¦ . . —ii . i . , — , i ¦ -. ~^ && A ~ at * . * -. — IV . !• _ _ 1 . _ 1 _ It .. 1 . . _ ** rw * tmX A n-m ^ « tn « na
provocation to get ths better of bis reason , bis act is murder . Mere words or gestures , for instance , however provoking , are not sufficient excuse . In the present case it wib for the jury to say whethtr they thought the prisoner had acted with sufficient restraint They must consider the nature of the provocation , the kind of weapon used , the time which had elapsed , and then say whether the act was done from some provocation , or from the eff ? ct of such malice as he had described . His Lordship then proceeded to go through the evidence indetalL
The Jury retired for a considerable time , and returned with a verdict of Guilty afainst both prisoners . The awful sentence of the law was then passed in the usual form , during which the prisoners were deeply affected .
MONDAY , April 6 . TEIALS 0 E CHAETISTS . ( . BEFORE MB . JUBTICB C 0 LKRIDGE , ) James Brxmicm O'Brien , Reginald John Richardson , Rtv . W . V . Jackson , and William BtitterworlA wera the Chartists first called on for trial at these Assizes . Benbow and Christopher Dean were ineluiieJ in the same indictment , but did not appear . Benbow , we believe , because he waa on trial at Chester . Sergeant Atcherley ( the Attorney-General for the County Palatines Mr . Knowles , and Mr . Addisox appeared for the prosecution . Tiie Hon . J . S . Wortlet defended Jackson and Butterworth ; Mr . O'Brien defended himself ; and Mr . Richanlson , under the advise ' of Mr . Cobrett , also defended bini&elf . Mr . Abdison read the indictment .
The Attorney-General then rose and said , —May it please your Lordship , Ckatlemen of the Jury , — This in a prosecution which lias been agitated by her Majesty ' s Government , for tlw purpose of laying before you and the country the delays of certain procet dings into the history of which ycu are now about to enter ; and I thvak you wl \ l agree with me , when you have heard tbe evidence about to be adduced , that if tbe pubiic authorities of the land had not brought these proceedings before you , they would have been guilty of a dereliction of thtir public duty . Gentlemen , the present prosecution imputes to these defendants a conspiracy and combination to create discontent in th « minds of her Majesty ' s subjects , and to incite them to tumult and insurrection ; and by the movements of
numbers and measures of force to procure resistance to the laws of the land , and to disturb the ptace and security of society . Gentlemen , it is a part , and a melancholy part of the history of this country— or at ltast of the recent history of ttis neighbourhood , that in the spring of the lasi year , that numbers were assembled , speeches wtw made , resolutions were passed , excitements Were held out , all of which seiin to have bad an object of a very serious tendency . I think it was on the 23 rd April , in that year , that a meeting took place which will form tho subject of your present investigation . The Indictment was against six defendants , but two of them do not now appear before you . Benbow has not pleaded , aad Dean , the other , is not in custody . On the day referred to a meeting was convened at Batty ' s
Circus , a place capable of accommodating a considerable number of persons . The assembly had been convened by placard . I believe this meeting was one of the earliest , and perhaps , in its effect , one of the most important of the many meetings held about this time in . Manchester and the adjoining towns . All of the four defendants now on trial ware there on that occasion , and you will have to judge from what took place at that meeting , whether the intention of the par'ies was merely a peaceable and constitutional discussion , or whether the object was one of public danger and public mischief—vrhether they were desirous of promoting the public peace , or whether their object was to goad those who came there int * discontent with their situation , and promote confusion and tumult- I do not in the
present stage of the matter intend to detail to you all Use different expressions of the different persons iu that meeting , for you will have that from the witnesses who will be called before you . My business v . ill be to draw your attention to some of the expressions made use of by th « n , that you may be made awrje of what was the character and the tone of the proceedings with which they were charge-i . Christopher D ^ -an , I believe , was in the chair . He i » n » t before you now , but you are quite aware that where parties assemble for one common purpo-e , tbe language employed by one is evidence against all the rest I do not mean to say that if persons be brought to a public meeting from curiosity , or in the discharge of some public duty , he is to be taken to acquiesce in all that the persons at that mectin "
may say ; but if the parties are acting in one common purpose , and approve of what is laid down , the expression and the act of one is the expression and the act of all . Now , one of the earliest expressions to which I shall call your attention , is one of Dean ' s , who was chairman of tbe meeting , and who , addressing the crowd , saiil : — "The Government are getting to understand that the pe « pls are tit-termined to have their liberties , cr to dio in the attempt—that they were preparing tl ^ mselves for the oming criiis , and that he had not the least doubt they would , to a man , cheerfully meet H when ever the time should come . " Here a voice in the crowd shouted— " We are rea-ly "—that is , ready for the crisis which the Chan man had predicted . Butterworth whu
is now upon his trial , was the n ^ speaker , and among other things he says : — " The people <> f England . Ireland , &nd Scotland would ute ail legal means to obtain their privileges , and would be satu , ned with nothing less . If moral means would not do , they would try something else . It was useless to blink the matter ; no man could be blind to one fact—that the people were determined to have their rights . If tho National Petition was refused—he was stating the sentiments of the great btdy of the pe « ple of the country—they wonM hive it at a'l baznrds . " Gentlemen , I am giving you the language whicii will be dctaUed to you by the witnesses as the language of tbe prisoner Butterworth , Mid if they should prove to your satisfaction that it was the language of the speaker , it will require no commeut
fmm me or any oth ^ r person enable you to understand its meaning . Rawson is not upon his trial at present , but what he said will be detailed to you . He said he 'had yesterday met delegates from Bury , aa 1 he went on to state that there was a correspondency as from persons representing themselves to be the representatives of different districts , and ho could get no answer from any of them but saeh as showed that they were tired of m ; vking use of moral means—tint is , such as petitions—and that no rceans could be had ol righting them but by bullets and sto-L This waa a conviction they had come to not suddenly , or at once They had tried for years wha "; virtue there was in petitioning—what virtue there was in remonstrating . They bad tried moral means , and moral means bad
been ineffective ; and being determined to effect their freedom , he would say , that there might be no mistake , tbat the cowardly Government rcay know it , he spoke it , that every class in society , and that every individual , from the British Qoeen downwards—that ull migln become fully acquainted with the alarming state of things in existence . " Now the dear meaning of such language as this is obviously , that all confidence in petitioning was lost , and that the time was arrived when recourseniustbehadtophyiiealforce , Hethenwent onto ay that the time was gone by for petitioning , and that they must have the people organized , that when the day arrived they might present the boldest petition that ever nwn could present Reginald John Richardson also addressed the same meeting , advising a run upon
the savings' banks , and stating that his motion for arming had frightened some of the members of the Contention , and that when he went back he should expect to find some of their seats vacant . He is there speaking of some motion that was of so daring a character , that tome of the members of the Convention were afraid of it , and be expect * their seats will be vacant when the Convention shall again assemble , in consequence of his motion . Gentlemen , I shall not trouble you with many passages from those , speeches now , but I must wad you a few of them , in order to shew you clearly what was the infc » t and motive of the speakers . Talking of the Poor Law Amendment Act , he said " that if they would pay a penny to buy a meal ' s meat , they would pay that nobler priee of liberty , the price of
their blood . " He then argues upon the right to have arms , and says— "I will not say what you must do with them . " Now yon will find tbat many cf the speakers use a sort of language which is partly disguised , giving you t * understand more than wbat is the actual meaning of the words they employ . He said—" the people of England will never hare their rights till every man be prepared and have a strong firelock in the corner of his bedroom . Now this , mind yon , he says , " is not my advice , it is the advice of fair Wm . Jones " Then the people cheered him . " Mark you , " he continues , " I do not advise , 1 am too cnaning to do that—if it be seditious to repeat what has been said by another man , then it ray be- seditions—they cannot get otct that It is a point too tenderfot Government to touch upon , because tie Russians may come , and they do not want to keep the people from arming , because they would have to rise . Therefore do as I tea you—read Sir Wm . Jones , he will toll you what to do . If his remark be true , the
people of England never will regain their rights and liberties till they obey that maxim . The people mest b * prepared to overturn every thing . When they are prepared they will neTer need to move , " ic . Next after Mr . Richardson O'Brien spoke , and he began by saying ia his address that he was glad to find that " they were np to the mark ! He was come from his constituents at Leigh , Chowbent , and neighbourhood , where every man who had signed the { petition waa also prepared with arguments of a more pointed description , and that was a pike for every argument He never advised bis friends to arm themselves , for it was his maxim never to advise asainst tbe laws . But it was unnecessary for him to advise , for the people had taken their affairs into their own hands , and , ao help him God , they had done the right thing . " Here he was loudly cheered . He said— "The National Petition waa merely the moral force of th * Convection , and after the Patttun had feeea rqjeated , then cane the ulterior
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measures . He would tell them what he knew , and that was not much . If all the men in England were'Iii the same stete as he had seen the men of Lei gh , tbey would be all right Their National Petition was a notice to the House of CommonBto quit , and if they did not attend to it they would have to servetTieni with vrLatthclawyerscalledanaction of ejectment ; and here he must draw a veil over it , for'ihe Convention weuld no * allow him to say more . The Convention said the people must obey tbe law at any rate till ttoy bft&ft puwer by their side that would support them . Then ha was not at liberty to teU them how these honourable yiUams wonlif be ejected—whether through the do « r or the window—they might iuiagino as much as they could themselves . " He next says , speaking with reBpoct to n » sutAnw * a 17 A Wnftii ? T ~ a 1 1 MlATH WTlfifc ft A irftAlV ~** t / 3 tkai ,
the change which he is leailiug them to expect , thai they must keep in a state of preparation , and he tells them to be " strictlly legal in their proceedings till the time comes . " And here it may be remarked that several speakers seem to be extremely anxious tbat the people shall be cautious that no demonstration of a warlike nature shall take place till all is ready for the purpose and likely to be carried . Let them be " strictly legal till the time comes . " Bo the advice for their salvation depends upon there not being any movement till they : ro prepared to carry it out . He trusted "that the arm of national vengeance would be made bare against rational spies and traitors , and that even death should be the order of the day until the hut of them was destroyed . Were they prepared for that rainy day ?"
he asked , and tho people responded " we are . " ' Then , " he says , " you will get the Charter , but if yon are not there , neither the Convention nor anything else will be of use to you . " He says— ' If not , England will see years of misery , and it will be impossible to B , we the country , but by a great military convubVion But when our enemies see they cannot refuse the People ' s Charter , we Bball get it without shedding one drop of bluod , even of our enemies . " He then concluded by saying , " We will trust our cause to tho God of justice and the God of battles . "After reading some expressions made use of by M'Douail and Benbow at tho same meeting , and sitting that what was sail by them was equally a charg e against the prisoners as what they themselves had
uttered , the Attorney-General continued : —Mr . Jackson is upon his trial , and I wM tell you some part of what he said . Lie said that if the police came to Mlddleton to a&k the people for their arms , he would tell them what to do . He would put his pike in front of the door , awl it they ran against it , it would be their own fault . He would put his gun there also , and if they went in the way of the bullet , it would be their own fault also . The people , he said , were making . a great many bullets in Middleton , aud they bad lately missed a great dial of lead from th " e pumps and from the railway . He said ho had told the people to get guns , but he had never told them to shoot anything with them but birds of a larger sizs , nor to do anything with their pikes but pike toads . You know , he said , what
will become of the National Petition It will bo heaped up with aU the other old rubbish . What will you do then ? One of the Stockport local preachers heard , the other day , that they were going to have a , search for arms ; and ho said—" If they do , I will lay the man that comes in d > ad . There is to be a signal by which the nitn are to go out of the mills When such a search is made ; but how are all to get out of the mills ? Break the door . We will stand by each other iill the flag of liberty be hoisted all over the world . " This is a short detail of tho leading pares of the evidence , Gentlemen , and I shall riot now state any more of it , with the exception of a letter which was found at the house of a man named Thompson , a gun maker , at Birmingham , and which appears to have been written
by the defendant Richardson . ( The Attorney-General then read the letter , which has before been published . It was a letter from Richardson , hiuting some suspicions that Thompson had acted unfairly towards the CLartists , and countermanding an crdcr for some guns . The Learned Gentleman concluded by observing , that no Government should prevent the fair and peaceable expression of public opinion ; but the parties had gone far beyond that , and the question for the Jury to decide was , whether the meeting was a harmless' one , in which fair discussion took place , or was calculated to promote tumult , and break up the laws of tbe country , to which society owed all its safety and happiness . ' He doubted not but , when they heurd the evidence , they would be of opinion that the object was destructive and seditious .
Thomas Thornhiil Clarkson called , examined by Mr . Knowi . es—Witness was reporter to the Manchester Guardian , and attended a meeting at Batty ' s Circus on the 23 rd of April last year , which was called by placard . Bitty ' s Circus is a building used for equestrian performances . He arrived there about eight iu the evening . There were m ; my persons present , the place being full . A number of persons addressed the meeting from a platform . The first speaker was Butterworth , who moved that Dean be called to the chair . The motion was carried , and Christopher Dean took the chair . He took notes of what occurred , but not full notes . —[ The witness here read a oopy taken from his notes of the meeting , which were ef considerable length , and occupied him upwards of two hours . The principal passages of the speeches were tbose selected by the Attorney-General for comment upon , and It will be unnecessary to give them , as the ; have already appeared in our columns . }
Examined by Mr . Know lbs—I was at the meeting in Stepheason's-square . Mr . Wortley submitted that there was yet no proof of conspiracy , and therefore to £ » 4 nto tha particulars of another meeting was irrelevant . The Learned Judge said that was a question for the Jury . Examination continued—The meeting was held on the 13 th July . David Roberts wm in the chair . He advised the meeting to take up any one who came to interrupt them . If the Government were determined t'i thrust bayonets down their throats instead at bread , they must meet them face to face . Scotland was up , and Carlisle and Newcastle were up . It was useless to talk . They must do . Obedience was only duo to a
Government who gave the people due protection . There was no protection for life and property . William Butterworth next spoke . He advised them to obey no law made by men not elected to Parliament without their voice . Ho advised them all to arise with guns and pikes . They would compel the Government and aristocracy to give op that of which they bad robbed them . If policemen entered that meeting , let them open a way for them , and when they got into the midst of them , let the sea of the people close it upon them , and he would not answer for the consequences . Each of you possess yourselves of a lump of flax , dipped in rosin or pitch , and a bundle of congreve matches , and you are each of you an engine of yourselves . He informed them that at a recent
nueting two police came up in a gig , and were properly assailed by a volley of stones . In allusion to the Birmingham riots , he said that for every wound inflicted on the men of that town they would have vengeance ; for every wouud they would make Lord John Russell Ehed tears of boiling oil They must be determined to support their own parliament , and they wouid gain their point Mr . Rawson next spoke . Be alluded to the blood shed at Peterloo . That dirty Htde fallow , Lord John Russell , had wished to seethe day when a rural police would be established all over the country ; but the nionkeyfied little fellow would never see that day . When the Manchester , people took the field , tbe people of Bury would not be far behind them . If ever the people were attacked by the Woody police , he
would not advise them to forbear , but say to them , " Have at them , lads . " They must arm themselves , and assert their rights . Jackson next spoke , and proposed a resolution to the effect that they should use every meaue , moral and physical , to obtain their rights . He approved » f the conduct of those who resisted the police at Birmingham , and regr tted that the people were prevented from taking vengeance with the rails ot 8 t Thomas ' s Church , which could not , if they were consecrated property , be employed in a holier cause . If by no other means they could obtain their rights , he was the man who weuld be at , his post withmmsket , bayonet , or pike . A person , named Taylor , then spoke .
He read in the Bible that man was made free . The time was come when this state of things niuat pass away . The Bible said that a kingdom divided within itself could not stand . This country was divided . The rich oppressed the poor , and the Government and the throne and the whole system must fall . The Bible said bo . The Government gave twenty millions for the black slaves , but would not - give twenty shillings for you . What were you to do T " vCrbsrtJf "jPlght * , " ) They mist be free , however they accomplished iteven if they waded through streams of blood . They had never heard of a nation freeing itself without physical force . An opportunity would occur , and they most embrace it ^ .:
Ke-examined—On the 16 th July I was at another meeting at Batty ' s Circus . I saw Mr . O'Brien there . The place was fulL I believe a John Campbell was in the chair . Mr . O'Brien first addressed the meeting . He considered the time for lecturing and discussion was passed . The petition had been sent to the Parliament by the Convention , bat it had been rejected . If the people were as much up to the mark ts he was , they would not again petition a House so corrupt He proposed that they should take Universal Suffrage , and elect their own representatives . He knew of a plan , but It was a secret , by whieh they would accomplish this , and beat both the Whigs and Tories . The argument of the speaker was , that this wonld supersede the present Legislature , If he were elected one of them , he would fee ready with a little bill , which when passed into a law , would put a good eoit upon the back , and a good hat on tbe head of the
working man . He ahonld propose th » t-tbe uncultivated lands in our Colonies mi ght be freely cultivated without payment He would not take any man's estate without payment—except tbat of the Duke of Wellington , who got it for cutting people ' s throaU—making people die before their time . He then wont on to propose a national holiday and cessation of labour , until th * Government had yielded to their wishes . It would be said how would the people live without work ; but how did their enemies live who worked not at alL There were various ways . They might beg , borrow , or steal . He would not advise them to steal or beg . To beg would be of no use , because they would get nothing , unless they did as the beggar in GU Bias did , who , when soliciting alms , had his hat in » ne hand , and th « finger of his other upon the lack of a leaded blunderbuss . They might , however , borrow . JThey should wipe « flT the twenty-eight arilM * na paid annually
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for interest ou the national debt He also pointed out other resources . The landlords and aristocracy had robbed tho people of two millions 6 f money , which they wou'd have enjoyed if they had had the formation of their own institutions . ,. / . ^ , Re-examined—The Chairman then asked if any one had any questions to ask . A person named Carlile came forward and spoke . He toad advised tlie people to ami themselves long ago . Universal Suffrage was tho main object . That would never be obtained without physical force . He added that Universal Suffrage could not . In the naturo of things , co-exist with a House of Lords . Mr . O'Brien said tiiat he thought that the Lords were too feeble a body to claim any attention ; they could only do what the House of'Commons allowed them to do . Ali they wanted Wiis a House of Commons chosen by themselves , and all that was required would follow . . - ; . r .- .-: .... . .. . *» .. i « ki . n * kAf » t * v »« IL ^ __ 4 I _ 1 j J « ' * * W . " . . ^ .
Re-examined—In places where my notes are imperfect , I have given a fair account of what took place . Cross-examined by Mr . Wortlet—Were all those speeches reported as you hav « given them to-day in the tluvchester Gtlardian ?—They Were not—they were given in au abbreviated form . By whose direction did yon attend the meeting of the 23 rd of April?—I attended it as part of my duty ; as reporter it is my duty to attend , to look after everything that is necessary . I had no particular directions . Do you mean to represent that you attended it in the ordinary course of your business as reporter to the Manchester Guardian 1—I did . Was ti . e Manchester Guardian in the habit of reporting Ch . xrtist meetings ?—It wiu » , or of noticing them , not reporting them .
Oh , tbat is a totally different thing . But previous to that' meeting had the Manchester Guardian been in the habit of noticing or reporting Chartist meetings ?—I believe it had . Had you yourself attended and reported any Chartist meeting prior to that day f—I had . Do you Bwear to that . »—I do . Do you mean to swear that yon went to that meeting of the 23 rd of April without any tpucial directions at all ?—I do , Sir . From any person ?—From any perssn . How was it with respect to the meeting of July ?—I did not go by the special directions of any person to any meeting . I went to all of them in the ordinary course of my business . Then how came you in the ordinary course of your business to tako such a full report for a paper thut waa not in the hubit of giving such full reports of Chartist inwetiugs ?—1 will tell you .
Do , if you please . —I took them partly for the purpose of practising iu short-band , and partly because it is a rum at our place to take full notes , whether we give tlioiu or nut-But partly for the purpose of practising in short-hand for your own instruction and improvement?—For my own improvement ; and I perhaps took fuller notes than I thought 1 might want . Have you been in kUe habit , before you published those reports , of going over , them with auy person connected With the pai > er?— I merely Wrote them out in common hand , and put them into the bonds of the printers . Do you mean that you give them into the hands of tho printers without any person interfering ?—I gave them into the hands of the editor first . Who is tho editor of the paper ?—There are two . Who are they » —Mr . Taylor and Mr . Garnttt
They are gentlemen who are attached to the politics of the Government ?—I will not pretend to say what their politics are . Como , come , I think you can tell us that f—They are what I should call Wtiigs . Are they not persons generally advocating the measures of her Majesty ' s Government ?—I have seen articles dissenting front their policy . But come , come ?—I have found generally that they are . Now , do you mean to swear , Sir , that you never received any special communication either from Mr . Garnttt or Mr . Taylor , for taking these notes ?—I swear tbat most positively . Nor from any one else ?^ ^—Nor from any one else . What portion of them were in fact printed in the Guardian 1 Have you tho Guardian hero ?—I have not
But can you tell what portions were iu point of fact published in the Gwrdiani—I cannot recollect the exact words that were in the Guardian . Will you undertake to say that all the meetings were published at all ? Judge—Some part of every speech was there ?—No , my Lord , I will not undertake to say there was some part of every speech . Mr . Wortley—Well , has some part of every speech appeared in the Guardian ?—I don ' t think there has ., Now , one of the first and earliest answers that you gave to my Learned Friend was , that you had not taken a full report What did you mean by that ?—I meant merely wbat I said , that 1 had not taken one . Well , what have you omitted ?—I cannot say what I have omitted .
Is it the practice with newspaper reporters to endeavour to adopt thiir reports to the colour which the paper professes?—In some measure that is the fact But will you allow me to state——You may say state anything you like presently , if yon will wait till the Judgo has taken that down . —I was merely going . to add that it is not the practice to ¦ misrepresent tbe speeches—it is merety the practice to cull out of those that which will bast suit our readers . Oh , that which will best suit your readers ?—That which is most interesting to our readers . But that you do not call misrepresenting 7—No , I do not . . Now , supposing your readers were Whig readers , or Government readers—dbn't you think it would suit your readers to hold up the Chartists to indignation ? It might
Then did yon , after tat ing a full report of the meet-Ing which you hud been at , cull out so much as you thought would be acceptable to the readora of the Guardian f—la writing out that report 1 endeavoured to give in as short a space as I could the history of what the meeting was . But you say tho practice generally is to cull out what suits the readers ?—I wiau to explain that But you say that yon did not give a full report on this occasion , and that the general practice is to give suoh a report as will suit the readers ; and did you , in abstaining from giving a full report of this meeting , give what you thought would suit tha readers in the Guardian ?—I reported juss ao much as I thought would be interesting , and give a fair history of what the meeting was . How long have you been a reporter ? ( a pause ) I don't know whether it is near six or near five year * . Five or six years we may take it then , may we?—Yes . What is yonr age?—My age—I ' m just turned twentyfive .
Were you formerly an attorney ' s clerk ?—I was . At Wakefield ?—At Wakefield . How long is that ago 1—Just before I became reporter . . Where did you go aft « that , ?—To Halifax . In what capacity were you at Halifax I—I was a reporter there . To what Newspaper ?—The Halifax Empres * . Then how long did yon remain at Halifax ?—I remained there till about two years ago , and then I came to Manchester . That is a paper , I believe , which has not much original reporting business—has It . the Halifax Erpress ? —Not much . Takes most of its reports from other papers ? No , it does not How does it get them if it does not report them for itself ?—There are not many in it
VerywelL After the Halifax Express , where did you goto tbe ^?—To the Gtfardian . Since then you have been employed as reporter there , have yon ?—Yes . Attending the police offices , I believe , principally ? —That i * partly my duty—I go there every day . ' You are she suV-reporter , axe you notr<—i am the junior reporter . ! Oh , the junior reporter—you dont like thtrword sub ? —I have no objection to it , but the other reporter is a partner in the concern . , ... /; , ., Then , perhaps , yon will not be offended at being asked if he ia not a better than yourself ?—Undoubtedly , lie is the best in the country , in my opinion . Was there good accommodation for you at these meetings ?—There generally waSj except at the one in Stephenson ' s-square . There was good accommodation at Batty ' s Circus ,
Was there a gentleman of the name of Phillips reportor there ?—I believe he was . Do you know who he reports for ?—He reports for anybody . Anyone that employs him ? He is not connected with any newspaper , is he ?—No , not with any paper . How leng have you practised short-hand writing Ten years ?—Nine years . . Will you allow me to look at your notes of this first meeting—both short-hand notes , and the other of the 23 d April ?—[ The witness Lere handed down his notes . ] Now while you were at Halifax do you remember any complaint being made of yoor reports?—I never heard a complaint in my life . . What f-oiu no one . ' —Perhaps you might complain of them , but I nevtr heard a complaint in my life .
Now , « s you throw in that little impertinence , I'll askyon seriously if Mr . Protheroe did not make complaints of your reports ?—Not to my knowledge . Now win you shew me where is Mr . Butkerworth ' s speech , in this 23 d April , ( handing back tho note-book to witness . ) Now shew me your copy , If you please 1 [ The witness banded it down . ] Did any one assist you in making that copy ? i-l employed an amanuensis , and I dictated to him . Did any one assist you in dictating this » —Ho , no one could assist me .
Jusi read it , wfll you ( The witness read a few lines ^ i ^ TSSiXS ^ ** uau t »
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made this mark on the other aide of'ibat passage?— I do not know . ; ' j By whose direction d ! d you make this copy » f your notes?—By th > direction of Mr . Herford , the attorney for the prosecntion . , ¦¦ Then they have been in the hands of Mr . Horford , have they '—They have been in bis hands , " and they were given back to me . Too say you have been two « r three years , in Manch « stex?—Aboattw « years . . .. ... What sort of a place was this first ' meeting held at on the 23 d April ?—It tea place called Batty ' s Circus . Is that a kind of theatre ?—It is a kind of theatre . Was , there any money paid for admission ?—I believe there wasat all the meetings except one . Which wa ^ that ?—The meeting at which Mr . Feargus O'Connor was present Not the one you have been speaking of ?^ Nof the cne 1 have been speaking of . . . . . . _ ' . _ . - _ ' . . ' ' ' ' '* , * ¦ " * ' ¦<¦ - \ ¦ -
Do you remember whether on the night of the 23 rd Apr il , placards of that description were put up about the meeting in the Theatre ( handing a placard to the witness)?—There were placards of this description—but whether tiiis be one I cannot say . •/¦' But they were like that J—They were like this as far as my memory serves me . Iu point of fact money was" paid at the door ? I believe there was—I believe I paid money myself . Did yoa not go there for the purpose of hearing the particular people whose names were announced?—I did ; I went there for the purpose of generally reporting the meeting . ¦
Are thtrd many lecturers como to Manchester on different subjects ?—Tiiereare . Lecturers upon the Corn Laws ?—Yeg . And upon other scientific subjects ?—And other scientific subjects—ii it be one . Yes , I am wrong in saying it is a scientiflc subject } but on the Corn Laws ?—Yes . ' And on re li gious controversies ?—Yes . . I believe there have beon some on Socialism ?—I have sean announcements of that kind . Now was this meeting open to any persons holding different opiuions ?—I believe it was open for any one who would pay . ¦' Have you over hod any attachment to the . Socialist principles , or any part ot their principles ?—Most decidedly not Never ?—Never—there is nothing to which I am more opposed . ' ' " : Never before yon left Wakefield?—Never , Sir .
Juat look at that ( handing up a pamphlet * . Have you ever seen that before ?—No , but I have seen one like it . May I be allowed to state—You wiil have an opportunity of stating what you like about it presently . ; Witntss— I ask you , my Lord , whether a question has been asked me , and I have answered it , to offer an explanation ? , Attorney-General—Certainly . . . Witness—Tnen I must say that the publication to which he there alludes Was made before I . was nineteen ye » rs of age , and is one which I utterly repudiate ; and in doing so , I was under the influence of other parties . Mr . Wortlet—But my question to you was , if you had never entertained those opinions , and you said you bad not—Those opinions are not Socialist opinions , but the contrary : I never did entertain Socialist opinions .
Did you not at that time profess that the rite of marriage was unnecessary ?—I did not ; J merely professed an opinion which the legislature has since made law , that marriage was only a civil ceremony . The law being at that time the contrary ?—Yea ; but I thought that 1 had as much a right to enjoy my own opinion as a rain who wore a broad-brimmed hat Did you not profess th © opinion , that the mere agreement of parties to live together as man and wife was sufficient to constitute marriage ?—No ; but I professed that the mere agreement of parties , if they made it public , was sufficient , and that if they still agreed to live together , they ought to continue to do so as much as if they were married with religious ceremonies . Can you tell me what is the difference of that opinion and the opinion of the Socialists ?—I don't know . Did you never read those opinions ?
Sergeant Atcherley— Does your Lordship think that thiB is a course of examination which ought to be persisted in ? Judge—I do not know what this man has done in giving bis evidence to make him a particular object of attack ! Mr . Wortley—Why , my Lord , there are some remarkable facts with regard to bis evidence , I think . Was there not considerable confusion nt some of the meetings ?—I cannot say there was much confusion . At one of thtm there was a little by a person firing a pistoL Whore were you placed for your reporting ? On tho platform?—Upon the platform , Sir . Was there any objection to your being admitted , and reporting what you pleased ?—Not the slightest Have you attended any other large meetings in Manchester ?—I have attended a great many ; alm * at every meeting that has token place .
There have been very large assemblies , have there not ?—There have . . On Parliamentary Reform and other questions?—I don't remember any on Parliamentary Reform . Oh , you came there too late for that ; but on Municipal Reform?—I th-nk I hive attended none on Municipal Reform . The Corporation Act had passed before I Cinue . ; ¦ . ; .. . ;_ The Corn Laws ?—I have attended several on the Corn Laws . What were the numbers of the largest meeting you ever attended on the Coru Laws ?— Speaking from tny own judgment of the numbers , I should think there were from Jive to seven thousand present at one of those meetings . ; Have you heard strong language used ttt thoae meet ings ?—Perhaps if you will explain what you mean by strong language , I can answer that
I dare say you know well enough what I mean ; for instance , did you not hear at tho meeting the landlords of England described as robbers?—Yea . By whom ?—I caiinot just now remember the speakers . Do you mean to say you don't remember that any person used those particular words ?—I remember that persons have spoken at those meetings , and that those words were " -used . J ¦ . Do you mean to say that yon cannot recollect who used that expression ? Come , Sir , did not Mr . O'Connell use it in the greatest meeting of all ?—I believe he did . " ' ' Why not say so at once , Sir?—Because I did not recollect it until you reminded me .
Was not that the word that was used—robbers ?—I believe he did use the word " robbers ; " but I am not quite sure as to the exact form of the seutene * . ' Now , you understand what I mean by « ' strong language ? " Have you heard other strong language " used at [ those meetings?— I have . -- ¦ ¦ Does ' ' a . ' gentleman of tiie name of "Cobden" ever address those meetings On the Corn Laws ?—He does . U he a gentleman of considerable influence in Manchester ?—He Lj . , . , . , ' An Alderman , I believe ?—t believe be is . Is he a person in a situation in Manchester to whom the persons in Manchester might well look up as an example ?—I should tHink he is . Have you ever heard him use " strong language ? 'NI have heard him use such language as you have described , i .-. ¦ , '¦¦ •' - '¦ ' ¦•¦
What , do you mean by " those words V—I mean language to that effect .. ; The Judge—He has used " strong language , " has he ? —Yes , he has , my Lord . ; Mr . Worttoy then sat down , and . Mr . Richardson then rose and cross-examined the , witness as follows : — You have stated that you are a reporter for the Mandietter Guardian ?—Clarkson answered this question Ly a nod . : ¦ . ¦ You have also stated that you are not employed expressly to go to those nestings with any other view than that of giving a report for , that paper ?—Yes . You have stated that you have attended moat of the meetings in Manchester ?—I thmk 4 have . At how many of those meeting * have you seen me during last year ?—I -dont tntok that I was at more than three or four . ¦ , ' ¦
Did you aver see n » . at any more than one meeting during to © whole of last y « $ r ;—I c *^ Jk t nn 4 extaki 5 Will you undertake to say that I wi » at any more than one meeting during th » whole of last yearT- ^ I will not , swear that you were . You teve stated that I was at a meeting on the 13 fd of April last ?•—Yes , I have . , ,. _ - I believe you mentioned , also , that there was another meeting held on the ' 13 th of July , ' In 8 tephenson ' s-square J Was I at that meeting ?— -I believe not You we » not a speaker , and at all the meetings at which yon have been present , you have spoken where 1 have seen you ; and unless I have read your speech , I should say you were not there .
Then at this meeting on the 16 th July , at Stephen * Bon ' s-square , was I there ?—1 am not sure : I think not At that meeting there was another meeting announced for the noxt Wednesday evening , in Boardman ' s-isquarewas I there ?—I waa not there ; therefore I cannot ICiA * [ - ¦ Butat all times when yon have been attending public raeetJngB ^ hava yoa heard me counsel an ything but whatl considered to be constitutional andTaal ?—Clarkson : Opinions may differ about what ts ^ Constltutional aud legal- ; but I always thought that you ? B ^ S ^*^^ ^** & : _ I have always endeavoured to keep the people within
u ^; ^ T 6—Clwkson : I don't remember having heard Ufa the meetings , but I hav * heard you in eonb ^ Twiffi ^ pK ^ r ¦*¦ ^ ^ tibn ^ ihnW " ™«»« ° * 1- *« . * «»**» . Mr . RicuAttDSON-D uring the whole of the time that you have attended those meetings , did you ever * " ? - % ? coun 8 el lttd i P" * 1 * * ° do tt >* wnich was unlawful ? -That is a v « T extensive question : Tdotft rK ^ reS . " ' toTaJUrt ^ * ^ . *** ^ No : but yoa know me personally , d * n * yoa f—Yea ,
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Ton pass by my house every day ?—Yes , I do . ? T And you know me from seeing me so often . Yon-wonk have taken partieular notice if anything wrdiyS being going forward at public meetings YwhiclT i attended —Yes , I should . ' •' ¦¦ .- At all the meetings ¦ which you have been" at durlM the last year , and np to the present ye ^ r , y < m Um » stated that you have only seen nae once ?—I dont knot that I hive not seen you more than once ; but I wig not undertake to swear that you have been atm aretha cine . ..- . - -.. ¦ ¦ ' .. ¦ ' . ' .- ¦ ¦ : - ¦ ... T ^^^^ fcL ,. J ^ J- ^ Wl-J - " ¦ . . ; ¦ ¦ .... ¦ -, "^^^ Bfct
Yon will not undertake to swear that I have bee t at any other meeting than the meeting ' on the 23 d * April?—t will not undertake to swear that ' yon wesj , And you have stated' also the tenor of ' ray lafemaa aa being that of " peace , law , aniLorder ? % tN » , ttaS not stated , ' - bat ; I have merelystated that ; in > Y < mvak sationwith me that you said yon wished to keep & people within tbe pare of the ' law ; I also state tHalr cannot remember what you said at the meeting *; f <» taking notes destroys th © memory for the occasion , a * I cannot remember now what I have been reading You have read a speech of mine which ha 3 occu py half-an-hour in the reading ?—Yes . And youhave given a report of it in the Mancheth Guardian , which makes about twenty lines in the w » that it | s copied upon the brief paper?—Perhaps may be so ; very likely .
Was this report which appears tn the ManchtOi Guardian extracted from your notes , because it wa more violent than any other ?—It was . And you consider that that is a fair way ofdeaUW with reports , so as to furnish a historical record events ?—I did not say anything about furnishing < historical record of events : I merely thought it woaH furnish the people of Manchester with the history 4 what had taken place at such meetings . But why did you not furnish the pretext and the eat text?—I was precluded from doing that , because knew that our people would not putit in . Oh ! you knew they ; " would not put it iiit < ' Doyji not know that tbe paper you are employed on as i * porter has repeatedly made use of . my name in s v » Improper manner ? - —How do you mean ?; . ^ Mr . Richardson—Frequently-put it in italics , aw soon , have they not ?—They may ; I cannot say .
The Judge—Mr . Richardson , have we anything fc do to-day with the ManchesterGuardiani ? ' ; , ' Mr . Richardson—Well , I am not mncE acquaint with law , my Lord . ¦; ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ : ^ The Judge—If yon , will show me that the 3 f «*[* afe Guardian has anything to do with the charge to-d » I will not attempt to stop you ; but you know , »' Richardson , you are net indicted for a ' -libel in the If * Chester Guardian : the charge made against you % not for anything that has appeared in the ManAeM Guardian .
Mr . uichardson , handing up a document to the witn * —Do you think that is something like the iep « t which you made out for that , paper from your noteif . Sergeant Atcherlky—( while the witness W looking at the paper )—What is that , Sir ? what coal purport to be ? Clarkson—This purports to be an abstract of ] jfr speech ; I believe it is something like it ; I cannot s » it is it I am only alluding to the manuscript ; noil the present slip . ¦ -.... » ., Richardson—Do you think it would compare yf& the manuscript word for word?—I cannot say that ti I believe it is the same or nearly . ' Mr . Richardson—Do you believe that this is simfc to your report in substance ?—I think it is in the " sfc . stance ; " I cannot say for the words . , Croaa-examined by Mr . O'Brien—You have stttsl that the notes that you have taken were for tb purpose principally of improving you in short-ba ^ —Yes .
Sergeant Atcherley . —Partly , he said . Clarkson—Partly , I said . Mr . O'Brien—And partly for what other purposed Partly because it is the custom to take more notes th I shall want rather than to take too few . When you admit tbat it is a custom with yon to fab notes for the purpose of improving yourself , do jr consider that tantamount to the admission that j « want improvement ?—Of course you must allow ml state that if a reporter has been in practice for twe * years he can be improved after all ; it is a sciencei which we aro continually improving . You were originally a elerk in an attorney ' s offlci i Wakefield?—I was . How many papers have you been employed npoal-Two . Which are they ?— -The Halifax Express and fc Manchester Guardian *
Do you mean to say that Mr . Protheroe , the menW for Halifax , has not frequently complained of your nd »" presenting his speeches ? - > -I say most distinctly that never heard anything of the kind ; I never heard of \ and I don't think he has . Did you ever report a speech by Mr . Buchanaa , t Huddersfield ?—I have been present at meetings uta be has spoken , and I think I have reported U speeches , but I don't think that I have ; wriSi them out . . "~ Do yon remember having ever reported a speed * his in which he made mention of a certain work or W called "Knickerbocker ' s History of New Yorkf-t think I did , and I will mention a circumstance ital that ' . " - ¦' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . . - ¦ ¦ . . ¦ . : ¦' Well , do , if you please ? —fcremeniber thwe wl blunder in what was stated in the paper , owiaj * my not hearing correctly what he said . V
What was that blunder ?—I don't exactly know H ~ the blunder should have been ; he alluded to M work on New York , called " Knickerbocker ' s , " A ; there was some other word substituted for it i * 4 f paper spmetaing like it In sound , but not the saws . Will you swear that it was not " Ntekabnjfr- ? " ^ geant Atcherlpy blushed , covered his fcfte wit&i hands the Judge blow his nose ; the ladies held fcl their heads and coughed ; and a mosttetworipj buzz , full of meaning , pervaded the Court At * as the sensation hod subsided , the witness * 4 answer . ] I iciil not swear it teas not that $ xivxa thing like , it in sound . u ' , '
What other reporters are then on the UanHH Guzrdian besides yonrself ?—There is tee . : Who is he ?—Mr . Harland . ~ - 'I Are you . or Mr . Harland . . j £ n ^! y ? *> at to ! # what are considered in the offioe /^ ii&Aori&ut tneelijp ' That is to say meetings which i& ^ &is ^ ej ^ o ^ be reported fully and accurately ? - ^| i-, ate g ««« W both 89 nt on these occasions . * j ' y ' ' ?""' Were you both sent to those meefihgi ' of whkij " have furnished notes to-day ?—We werenot ; thg *» not considered sufficiently important
Then a meeting that is likely to involve , leplr * - ceedings , which may endanger the liberties oM * Majesty ' s subjects , is not considered of imporUieii your office?—I beg your , pardon ; I said nothing *** proceedings , nor anything of the kind . I mereljn * there to pick Up what was necessary forawpW * onr paper . I had np idea whatever of lejri f ceedings . ' ' ' Do yon mean to say that you went to those neeS * merely in , the my of your professional avocaiti *' with a view to such proceedings as are going Ii I * ' 7—1 say that I merely went In exercise of my'datf * my paper . ' * ' ' ¦ ' ¦ : - . " ..- .-What was the circumstance tbat induced you tof * 8 erT % JPor notes ^ r-Becanse it is a general rate to * office to preserve all our notes . ' :
To preserve all-yoiw notes r—All CTjrnotes . " , Notes relating to all . sorts of speeches . and « veqP else?—Yes , police business and everything . .. . f The Judge—Whai ? L Witness—What I take down in shorMiana fci reporting books , that I preserve , it being * r imlejp *? OffiCe . ' ^ ¦ - ¦• . ,. ¦ - -.- . > : . ' . ; . . - .... ' J : ' -f- "¦" : Mr . O'Brien—Will you swear that it Is not t * F * tice of your office to send you to report meethi fji are considered as of minor importance ; for iowB * f send you to public-houses , to piek up scraps of . *^'
—I was never sent to a pubic-house toplcfc « Prnews whatever . ., ,: ¦ Will you swear that it is not the eastern to ^ Mr . Harland to the meetings that are or ; - # * J importance?—If there wire two meetings at tJM * time I should be <* rtot * Jy serf to Q * - < mf * nf ^ importance ^ because he Uthe best reporter . j _^ Dq you think it fc ^ acc ordance with yoar lFj of morality that iiien * liberties should depaw ¦ £ the evidence of a reporter who is only seat !• " ¦ £ . meetings , and who tads- it necessary , to takel * " improve himself * .. / . y ^ j Sergeant AxCHEatBf-iDoes you * Eotoihfc . WJ that that is a point upoit which tfe ' witriesi «•*' required to express an opinion ? i < - . " v JJ
The Judge— No ; but it may baa mattejr . « f «* for you , Mr . O'Brien , afterwards , " when J TW « " * address the Jury . * Mr . O'Brien—But If the gentleman sh * M ¦* it , it would be a fact for the Jury to tap » 'W * sideration , and would affect the whole of »• W * ( To the witness)—When did you take you ! b #£ magistrates ? -4 I never took my notes Xo&KTiStg —I never showed them . ^ ^ i . Yon have stated . that yon altogether # ¦«* ; the doctrine * of "Socialism , " have you •*• have . " ' ' . ¦ ¦ . - ¦ ¦• .. -- * - . '¦ '¦¦• ' ¦ ' ¦' .. */
You stated that , immediately & * ep » ytotl » J £ Counsel on ny right , but yoa afterward * « uo ™' did not know what those doctrines were , at auT The Judge—No , r do not "know that he Jy He said ha did not know whit were their 0 ^ about marriage . . > 'i -Mr . O'Brien—The Learned Counsel ***** what yonr notions of marriage differed from ^ Robert Owen ?—I beg your pardon : he asked ^ notion of marriage was tbat it was m-rely BBt ^ J take a woman and live with her ; I said Oat if ^ ctttary for a matt to make a fwtffc dedatvtil'Jl . factthai'THAT had taken plate , and that THEir * as muck hit wife us if he tod taken htrio the ^ ' . f then asked me if these wen not Owen ' s prindf " '
I said I did not know wbat they wars' ' _ Then how tfo you feel jnstifled ta il ^*^ sympathy with Owen's principles , if you do v ? what thoso prineiptos were?—I say that tho * *• Owen ' s principles . ¦ ( Continued m » ur mtnth p * f * J
®&Xt* Sttteljism*. ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦¦¦ — ¦¦¦ — _ -. . ^ O^Ftfr^ «* Jli L%^Rtytt I*≫Irta«-A ¦
® &Xt * StttelJism * . ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦¦¦ — ¦¦¦ — _ - . . ^ O ^ ftfr ^ «* Jli l % ^ rtYTt i *> irta « -a ¦
Untitled Article
- ~ = - ' ¦ - * - - ¦ :- - v . > .. - • - m \ $ TH ? NORTBBM STAR . - W * * __^___— - ' ' ' - ' - r ¦ - " : ™ . \* " - ¦ ' ¦ - '¦¦ ¦ '¦ - y '¦ ¦ - . : - ¦ ¦"' ¦¦ " ¦ - " : ' >¦ . " ..- . "' > : •• ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ t ' — i ' - — . . . I . ¦ i . | | — . 7 fl' *™ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ — ii — ¦ „ I ,. ¦ ~ - Ml ^ - ¦ ¦ ¦ - - - - - -- _ ¦ - - - ¦ ¦ - i ;¦ i .. > . * ¦¦ ~ ' ¦¦¦ ¦ " ^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ~^ T ' i - - ' " **** I . 1
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 11, 1840, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/king-y1kbzq92ze2679/page/6/