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rpHIS work is put forth , as an advocate of % ¦* - Chabteb , and is solely devoted to the causer the unrepresented and oppressed . The present M * ? ber contains matter which , if extensively circulate , and r ea ^ , w | Ueffeqt infinite good . j PRICE THREE-HALF-PENCE . I m Published in London , by Jeffries , Cleave , H « tinrl ington , Cariile , Glover , Burger , & « . ; Birmiagli *| Guest ; Manchester , rfeywold ; Liverpool , S « uA . J Edinburgh , Duncan ; Newport , ( Wales ) Edw » l * jj Bath , Philps ; Bristol , Payne ; and sold by all MP" *| of this paper . I
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LIVERPOOL ASSIZES . . ( Continued from our first page . ) Need we -wonder that the great mass of the people are dissatisfied with the Ministry—dissatisfied with the led ^ rore—nay , disaffected towards the crown itself , wcot \ re see the working classes labouring under a distress unparalleled in the history of the conntry , while- the House of Commons is wasting its time in d :- "ussing questions of no importance to the peo p . e , or in Toting away , with reckless extravagance , the resources which still © ontinne to be drawn from the huie they have left 1 Need we wonder , that a bro-id moral line of demarcation ha 3 been drawn between the middle and the working classes , when vrz s <\ a partizan press heapiDg calumnies npon LIVERPOOL ASSIZES . . sn ^ u . i * ^ _ , __ ,
c& -ninny on the mast devoted advocates of the rights of b-V-ur V—when we see those , who , when ont of p 9 Tre ' . were the most violent declaimers against exclteTe privileges , turning round , like Shakspeare ' g yc ^ ii ? 5 ambition , and dashing from under them the IaJ ° -r by which they had ascended to political eic' > . . ' . !> e \ Keed we wonder that , in some instances haired , against the institution of property has been exb . bitad , when property has been made the only stuping stone to privilege , and the portals of the constitution could be opened b y a golden key t Gc : ; - ; - .-men , the only wonder isj that disaffection has Horriptned into violence ; and that the incipient of distress
nr-. m-cnngs have not swelled into a tr ? m ..-udou 3 shout of vengeance , of revo lution , and of hio-i . Gentlemen , if anything were wanting to pi-ve : he peaceable and constitution ! character of : he meetings I have attended in Bolton it : s , that , notwithstanding the unprecedented pr-Yii- : ons of the people of that place particularly not . ji . e breach of the peace has been committed , not on * art of violence ever contemplated . Into how aval an error , then , do not those men fall who woul J persuade the rich that the concession of polities ! xx-vrer to the labourer would be fatal to the Becwuy of property , aiyl who tell the poor , by a reauy inference , that their interests are in ODoosition oF the of
to t ^ e interests possessors wealth ? It was lri-ii observed by Mr . Gibbon Wakefield , daring the aviation en the . Reform BUI , that the making the jwssessuriW property the criterion of fitness for political nghifwould inevitably tend to the severance er f the weahJrj from the indigent , to the complete alienation of one class from another in sentiment in feeiing , aad in action . The present state of the ? ub uc mind attests Uie truth of the observation o reunite the classes whose real interests are identical , bat who have been thus fatally severed has been our ouly object . If harsh expressions have
been ^ imetimea resorted to , they have been such as ¦ we re naturally excited by the contemplation of the tt-aii oi Busenea and of vices which it was necessary to ?• f ^ we before any rea l union of rich and p « or co' ;; i ne effected . Who , Gentlemen , can look udod the 2 . -snesof hisfellow-inen , nor feel the tear of pity ttir . i -from his eye , or the throb of virtuous indignation -rating in his breast ? Who can perceive the cause ; of national degradation , and not attempt to remo-. e them ! Who can see his country sinking an easy prey to " all the ill that flesh is heir to , " and Box attempt to change the institutions by which thoic ills are created !
• 'Breathesthere a man with soul so dead , Who never to himself hath said , This is my own , my native land ? " - Gentlemen , I have thought it necessary to trespass oil your attention at some length , in order to dissipate the calamnies and the misrepresentations whith have been bo industriously circulated . I have thought it necessary that you should be set right as to our intentions—I hare thought it necessary you Bhould be informed that we desire not to reduce the rich to poverty , but to raise the poor from indisence
to comfort—1 have thought it necessary you should know that we were not men who wished to destroy property , bat that our only desire was to secure to the labourer his due reward—we desired not to destroy wealth , but to prevent wealth from destroying us—we desired to put an end to that state of things j , hieh made the possession of wealth the standard of intelligence , and gave to the pesseesoH-of bricks and mortar the fit qualifications of an elector or of a , statesman . We have thought the strength of a state depended more on the social elevation of
The beld peasantry , their country ' s pride , " than on the factitious trappings which adorn the mansions of tha powerful and the wealthy . We have aiked with the poet , '' "What constitutes a state ?" sad , after careful inquiry , we have concluded with aim that it is > ' ut high raised battlement , or laboured mound , Thick wall , or moated gate ; ~ Sot eities proud , with spires and turrets crown'd
Not bays and broad-armed ports , Where laughing at the storm rieh naTies ride ; Not starred and spangled courts Where low-bred baseness wafts perfume to pride ; So : men , high-minded men With powers as fax above dull brutes endowed , In forest , brake , or glen , A * these excel cold rocks and brambles rude , Men who their duties know , But know their rights , aad knowing dare rrminfaiTi
We have behered that the only means of elevating the country from its present state of moral aod | orial degradation , ia by giving to all the power of lejpiating " on the interests of all . We believed that ¦ when you make a certain amount of property tte -qualification for electoral ritOits , you say in effect M get wealth in order that you may obtain privilege —you do not say be virtuous and moral , in order u £ t yourself to exercise the duties of a citizen , " for if juu did the law would disqualify the vicious and the HnmoraL Nay , eren those men who have given their votes , if they leave their home , yon deprive them of their vote , and the man who to-day is a Memic-r of Parliament may become a bankrupt , and &
beggar , yet still honest and intelligent , an < L the law then looks on him as not only unfit to legislate bat as also unfit to choose a legislator . In such a case , was it the man or the money—the head or tbe house , which voted or legislated ] It is to abolish the ? e absurdities that we have exerted ourselves—. it is to make legislation the reflection of the public morab and the public intelligence—it is to make the frill of the whole people omnipotent , through the operation of the laws—it is to make the Parliament . be m the people what the mirror is to the light , as * gat © of ii « el fiowting the sun receives and renders „ bags , its figar * and its heat . It is for this that we .. have struggled ; fur this we hare agitated , legally ^ toacaasututKaully , &ad from this neither the opp < £ .- ^ BBfe * of party war jhe influence of wealth , nor even 4 » ejawBnig terrors of a prison , can deter us . Our - ¦ P **** ??* * * . »* scd on the immutable laws of nature : , fo aw estomttbfflgat of those principles mankind
. has been eeaeetesfe and progressively tending from i -lte verj uuifcEej i t | e consummation so devoutly to fcewfsaediBaear aihand , and it might as well be -attempted to crush that spirit of inquiry of which each mcceeding year witnesses the extension and the increase , by annihilating the organs of thought , as endeavour to prevent their complete success . Tyrants have in every age used their unhallowed power to suppress the rising spirit of freedom ; but the swelling power of thought has burst their puny bonds like a thread of tow : ihej have enlisted on their side the ignorant and the prejudiced—the interested aod the profli gate to destroy the apostles of liberty , but even these have in the end failed them—the ignorant have been enlightened—the prejudiced have been reasoned into &m uieescence with truth .
" And as the morning stole upon the night , Melting ths darkness , so their rising senses Began to dear away the ignorant fumes That mantled their clearer reasons . " Gentlemen , the witnesses which the prosecution has adduced , have not , in my opinion , at least proved the meeting to be any other than legal and orderly Some of them , it is true , have stated that there was a suspension x > f business—that they heard there was Bomethins ; like general alarm , but that : thj » did not feel alarmed themselves , and they did notknow of any persons who were alarmed . The defendant proceded it considerable len # h , to point out Beveral discrepancies m the evidence , to shew that the M » vnr
of Bolton had inSeptemberl 839 , attendcd » preciBely similar meeting , had spoken at it ,, and had used language of a violent character . He was interrupted by the Learned Judge , who said he was very unwilling to interrupt him , but that -they were not trying tbe Mayor of Bolton for that offence , and that however true it might be that he had been guilty of the use of such language , it could not be urged in mitigation of the . offence oT the defendant . At this Btage of the proceedings the Jury left the Court for & few minutes , and the Judge in their
. absence asked the Attorney-General whether he thought the case wae sufficiently made oat . After some conversation with the Attorney-General , his . Lordship asked tha defendants whether they were walling to b © released upon their own recognizances The defendants intimated that they had no objec-. -iiaa to do this if it would not involve the necessity t of pleading guilty to the charge , because as they „ considered themselves not guilty , they eoold not apon any condition compromise their principles . This being stated , the Attorney-General intimated that the case must proceed .
Mr . Lloyd next addressed the Jury as follows : — My Lord , sod eenBeoua of the Jury , —In tbe course of my observation * I shall h * v » simply to state , ttofc 1 have every confidence i « $ iy Lord Judge , and dun leare entirely is hfa hands everything connected with legal forau , at rather , I may say , everything of * » legalntare bearing tipon this question : and I shall CQBtent myself with offiaing to you a Tery few obaer-^ -iMlBiMin defence of the principles I entertain , and of - yyyndaet in advocating those principles . It has z 5 £ 2 !? *** * ™ y Lordi P ®**!* know vinous con-- « tw < i «* oeiety . I hare suffered , perhaps , a * much pgva&uanym&& in Britain ; aad I hare knows too UXJl ™ 6866 eomfort k * t * - And , my Lord , and « g « P o * 0 » Jnry , knowing and feeling those WBQ ^ t Jr bare Bade it my Easiness in many of the ^ JT * *
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manufacturing districts—feeling the rankling shaft of poverty in my own bosom—destroying my own raace as well as that of my family—I hare made it my business to look at the condition of others , and I have found in following up my inquiries among tbe people that in our boasted , » nr civilised England , tucb scenes of human misery and wretchedness exist as would disgrace the most barbarous land that spots the fece of our globe- I have setn whole families , —I hare seen t » e widower and his fatherless children sitting down upon the cold floor , without & stool or a table , in wretchedness and rags which could scarcely cover the naked person from indecent exposure . I have seen such families sitting down to a boiled potatoe for their Sunday ' s meal ; and when I tell you that such is the fact I feel manufacturing districts feeling the rankling Bhaf * t poverty inmy own bosom - Ztmvi ^ ™ - „!! _ . ™
convinced that you as men , as Englishmen , as a Jury in whose hands rests my liberty and my future prospects will hardly wonder that the conviction has been forced upon me even against ay will , that something was rotten in our system of XJovernment , or in the administration of our laws , for had it not been so , such scenes as these which I have thus faintly described could never have existed . My Lord , and Gentlemen of me Jury , 1 have endeavoured to trace such evils as these to their true source , and I find , at all events I Wlieve , and I shall continue to believe , until some extraordinary reason has shewn and proved to me that I am wrong—I believe that bad legislation is the cause of all those evils which now so seriously affect society , and which more particularly press upon
the labouring classes of this country . My Lord and Gentlemen of the Jury , it has been frequently asserted by those who have opposed the cause which I and others have espoused , that those who have taken a leading part in it , have had their own purposes and their own interests to serve ; but I will ask your Lordship whether , after the facts which I am about to state , thi 3 a , itation has served any interest of miae , or pleased me in a position at all superior to that which I mi ^ ht have enjoyed , had I not felt for the wrongs of other 3 , and sought on their behalf to obtain redress . I have to state , my Lord , that in my case the part has been the very reverse—that , simply for holding principles which did not accord with the principles of those from whom 1 had previously to obtain my bread I
have to state , that for the sake of holding those prieiplea for the last seveeteen or eighteen months , I have been prevented from following my usual employment I have been forced , my Lord , unwillingly forced , in consequence of haying seen the unparalleled amount of wretchedness which exiBts in this country : 1 have been forced to adopt those principles . I find that I want protection ; 1 find that my family wants protection ; and I also find that in connection with this cause , 1 have suffered much , more than I really deserve to suffer , even , supposing it bad been clearly proved that I was guilty of the Berious crime laid to my charge . My Lord , what have I suffered ? I was arrestedearly on the morning of the day after the 12 tU August —a day on which there had been no disturbance— no
riot- no breach of the peace ; I was hurried away after my examination before the magistrates , who committed me without anything like evidence , and who have instituted this prosecution rather to screen themselves from their own negligence and imprudence than to punish me for any supposed crime—I was carried away and denied the constitutional privilege of bail I was hurried away from my home and from my family guarded by two troops of dragoons , one on each side of the carriage which broughtme to prison , as though I had been guilty of some enormous offence—I was hurried away to Kirkdale , there to remain without the privilege of putting in bail , which I could have procured bail of sufficient responsibility , I was hurried along to the prison , where I remained for six weeks , and had afterwards to sit in a dark cell , under this Court , during the whole of the proceedings of last
Assizes ; and all this I had to suffer , simply for asserting the rights of my fellow-creatures . And my Lord , and Gentlemen of the Jury , when I tell you thai I have suffered this much , and that while I was in this confinemeiit news was brought to me that my wife and two children bad died in consequence of the illegal and sudden arrest made upon my person , then Isay , myLord , that you and theGentiemen of the Jury , knowing that you are not without the' Feelings of men , and of Englishmen , will admit that I have suffered more than enough , even supposing the worst charges in that indictment should be fully proved against me . I will not , however , deceive your Lordships and the Jury . The report to which I have just alluded , although calculated to induee , in the mind of any man , the most painful sensations , and to render under such circumstances an illegal imprisonment more dreadful than death in its worsts
forms , did not turn out to be true . My wife did not die in consequence of my imprisonment , although she had had a premature confinement brought on by it . When I came out of prison , the first thing I had to do was to endeavour to tranquillize a dear and affectionate child , who , in consequence of the arrest of her father , had been deprived of reason . I succoured that child , but in vain—she dieil in my arms ; and when dead , my circumstances were such , that I bad to beg the price of materials to mate her a cofiin , and even had with my own hands to make that coffin , before her remains could be committed to the dust . iDuring the address of Mr . Lloyd , up to this period , the greatest stillness pervaded the Court—the audience listening with breathless anxiety to every word which he uttered , and a
universal expression of sympathy , mingled with tbe shedding of tears , and one or two audible sebs , was uttered on every side . ) These things , my Lord , and Gentlemen of the Jury , ( continued Mr . Lloyd ) I have suffered , simply for asserting the rights of my fellow creature ^ . ' . Here Mr . Lloyd himself seemed to be much affected , and overpowered for a moment , but with a nerve that few men have been known to possess , he resumed his address in a tone of manly dignity , and proceeded : )—My Lord , and Gentlemen of the Jury , afflicting as those circunjstances are to me—afflicting as they must have been to any man placed in my situation , I am prepared for the sake of those principles which I have hitherto
advocated—principles which I have advocated constitutionally , peaceably , and morally , and without the s ightest degree to infringe upon the rights of others ; 1 am prepared , fur the sake of those principles , to part with every thing which is dear to me—with every thing which can be called sacred in the enjoyment of domestic society and domestic peace , and to suffer ten timts more than I have suffered , or more than I can imagine myself capable of suffering , rather than give up that which I am ptrsuaded it is the right of every Englishman to enj .. y . My Lord , and Gentlemen of tbe Jnry , I will not trouble you with aDy further observations . I leave my case in your hands with confidence , knowing that I shall receive justice . My Lord , justice is all I ask ; mercy I do not need .
[ It is not possible to describe the sensation which pervaded the Court at the conclusion of this ' address . ] Mr . Warden then called witnesses . William Naiaby stated that he kept a shop in the Market Place , Bolton , and recollected the 12 th of August . The meetings ou that day were peaceable and orderly . The defendants here said they should call no more witnesses . The trial had lasted a long time , and they would leave the matter in the hands of the Jury . The Learned Judge summed up in favour of the defendants , and the Jury , after consulting about twenty minutes , returned a Verdict of
eurxrr . The Verdict seemed to give great satisfaction to a very crowded Court .
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SENTENCES UPON THE CHARTISTS . Liverpool , Thursday Evening , April 9 . The trial of the Chartists concluded here to-day , at four o ' clock ; and they were then immediately called up for judgment . The following is a summary of their sentences : — Reginald John Richardson , nine months' impr isonment in Lancaster Castle , and afterwards to eater into his own recognizances for good behaviour fbr three years , in ^ 100 , and find two sureties in £ 50 each . .
William Buiteneorth , to be imprisoned nine months in Lancaster Castle , and to enter into his own recognizances in £ 100 , and two sureties in £ 50 each , for good behaviour , for three years . William tickers Jackson , to be imprisoned 18 months in Lancaster Castle for the first offence , and six months for the second ; and to enter into his own recognizance in £ 500 , and two sureties in £ 150 each , for three years . James Bronterre O'Brien , to be imprisoned for eighteen months in Lancaster Castle , and to enter into his own recognizance of £ 500 , and two sureties of £ 150 eachj for three years . John Kay , to be imprisoned six months in Preston
? noose of Correction , and to enter into his own recognizance in £ 200 , and two sureties of £ 150 each , for three years . Christopher Doyle , to be imprisoned nine months in the House of Correction at Preston , and to eater into bis own recognizance in £ 500 , and two sureties of £ 100 each , for three years . William Henry Smith , to be imprisoned eighteen months in Prestos House of Correction , and to enter into his own recognizance of £ 500 , and two sureties in £ 100 each for three years .
William Barker , to be imprisoned eighteen months in Kirkdaie House of Correction , and hard labour . Frederick Davidson , to be imprisoned six months in Kirkdaie House of Correction , and hard labour . Samuel Scott , eight months' imprisonment , in Kirkdaie Gaol , and to enter into his own recognizance in £ 100 , and two sureties in £ 56 each , for three years for his good behaviour . Charles Morris , one year ' s imprisonment in Kirkdaie Gaol , with hard labour : to oe bound in his own recognizance in £ 100 , and to find two sureties in £ 20 each .
Daniel Ball , eighteen monthsimprisonment , with h ard labour , in Kirkdaie GaoL to be bound in his ° wn recognizance in £ 100 , and to find two sureties in £ 20 each , to keep the peace for two yean .
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Peter Munden , six months' imprisonment in Kirkdaie Gaol , with hard labour . William Willoughby , three months' imprisonment , with hard labour , in Kirkdaie Gaol . Sentence on Aitkiu , Johnson , and Wilde , deferred till yesterday ( Friday . ) d % r % . »••• , f'& Mundm , six months imprisonment in Kirk-
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Hare you ever had complaints brought by the passers by of these disturbances !—Yes . Do you recollect the-Select Vestry ef Ashton , of wh ^ ch I was a member , dispnting your accounts ? I do . . "¦' . Do you remember that I took a prominent part in the necesiary reproof we had to gire you on that occasion ? - ^ N » J , I do not Do yon recollect eyer saying in a public-house at Liverpool , that there had never been a riot at Ashton ? —NO ,- ; . Witness never heard Johnson address a meeting and do anything contrary to the laws of his country . ' ' . Have you ever had complaints brou « htbv ttie toul ^ th
AnnHepworth called—Was wife of Henry Hepworth corn-dealer , Stanford-street , Ashton . Remembers the day of this meeting , when they brought M'Douall in ; recollected seeing a great procession of many hundreds of people . Heard fire-arms discharged . Her windows were broken . She thought It was by a shot . Cross-examined by Aitkln—Never found the shot , and did not knew that the window was broken by a shot . Thought it was at the time . Had been forced here to give evidence against her will . George Keys , police-officer , corroborated the evidence of Newton , as to this meeting haying been held . John Travis called—Saw the meeting of the 20 th of April . There were 3 , 000 persons there . Heard five or six shots fired that night Saw defendants there .
Thomas Ayres Philips , reporter , called—On Saturday , the 20 th of April , attended the meeting at Ashton . Was in the Market-place at the tima the procession entered . Saw a black flag in the procession , and a cap of liberty . Heard frequent firing of pistols . Took a report of the meeting . Aitkin was in the chair . [ Witness here read his notes . ] The principal expressions made use of by Aitkin were advice to the people to determine to strike off the fetters of slavery . He called the Whig Ministry the most bloodthirsty set of scoundrels in existence , and said they wanted to have the Charter by fair and peaceable means , if they could get it so ; but if not , those who refused it should die in withholding it : either they or their enemies should die in the attempt Wilde next addressed ¦
the assembly , and said that when the millions of a country demaud anything , it was treason to oppose them ,, and those who did it were deserving of death . IHe told the people to let the tyrants understand they would die rather than be slaves . Johnson next addressed' the meeting , and then William Clarke . M'Douall alse addressed the meeting , and said he felt proud to address them amidst the smoke of their pistols aud the cracks of their rifles . Aad though h « wished to have no fighting , yet if their oppressors would have it thty must ha ? e it . If they could not get their righto peaceably , they must take them by force , and he would assist them to the death . He told the meeting that the soldiers ' would not fight against them , but
if they did—if men would fight for tenpence a day , surely they could fight better who fought for the Charter . He told them also that a manufacturer at Birmingham had refused to supply rockets to the Government ; and should they be necessary , they would be at the service of the Chartists . They must get the Charter . He had called upon the people to arm , and he now called Jipon them to arm , for they knew a day was coming when they would be required . A discharge of arms then took place , and M'Douall said when tbe proper time came he hoped they knew where to point their fire-arms . He concluded a long speech by saying that if the Bill founded on their petition by Mr . Attwood was not agreed to , they were not to petition again , but be prepared to get their rights .
Cross-examined by Aitkin—W&b reporter to no paper in particular . Had never been employed by Government to report , nor by the Manchester Corporation . Had supplied a report to a person in the employ of the Corporation and had been paid for it . The sketch of the proceedings at this meeting in the Sun was supplied by him . Never heard Aitkin express a wish to injure life or property . Cross-examined by Johnson—Was rather hard of hearing , but believed bis report to be a fair one as far as it went Did not believe Johnsoji was at the meeting all the time . This was the case for the prosecution .
Mr . Aitkin then rose , aud addressed the Jury in defence . He was aware of the difficulty under which an uneducated man like him laboured , in having to contend with the array of talent brought against him for the prosecution ; but even this be conceived to be but a trifle compared with the prejudices which had taken possession of the public mind against the class of politicians to which he belonged . He denied the charge , on the record that he had used seditious language , or conspired to create riots or confusion . He had simply taktn the part of his fellow-operatives , because he sympathised with their wrongs , and he denied that he had advocated his principles in any but fair and proper language . The people of the country had a right to meet .
to discuss their grievances . What then was the chargeagainst him ? Why , that the meeting was illegal , because fire-arms were discharged at it But it had net been shewn that he fired any , and therefore he was only here for the improvident acts of others . He had frequently advised them not to use these arms , and he thought , therefore , that this prosecution might have been very well withheld against him . He did not deny that others had taken fire-arms there , and why ? The reason was well known . In 1818 , a peaceable meeting of the inhabitants of Manchester was held , when the people were attacked by the cavalry , and butchered in a most inhuman manner . This was the reason why th 6 people went now to their meetings armed , and he contended that the people had a perfect right to do so , notwithstanding that he had advised them to the contrary . He contended that this
proseouti « n oame with a very bad grace from the present Government , who had been tlio schoolmasters of the people in sedition . There was a convention of Com Law repealers at the present moment in London , consisting of rich manufacturers . They had held meetings and used strong language . Had they not a right to do so ? He said they had . They were perfectly justified ; but if they were justified in doing so , why was not he' ! But what were they to think of a Government which suffered the one and persecuted the other ? He thought , at all events , that it was not even-handed justice , and he called upon the jury , as they valued that golden rule which had proceeded from the lips of our Saviour himself , "to do to others as they would be done by . ; " to hesitate before they found a verdict which might , ere long , be used as a means of oppression against themselves .
' The other defendants next addressed the Jury in speeches of considerable length . The ATToaNEY-GENERAL did not reply . ' The Jury found the prisoners Guilty .
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FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT . Wednesday Evening , April 8 th , Half-past Sis . Lectures on Chartism . —A publio lecture is announced for next Monday evening , at Lunt ' s lecture-room , by Mr . Calverhouse , on the past events and future prospects of Chartism ; and other lectures are in contemplation . The Police-Spy Harris . —The various witnesses against the police-spy Harris , ( with the exception of Williams the baker , who is non e » t , ) have been in attendance during -the laat few days at the Old Bailey , to prefer the bill against Goulding ' s friend and compeer , the policeman , who left off preparing coffee for * police-sergeants' breakfasts , to plot mischief against poor Bethnal-green , and Spitalfields workmen . At a late hour to day , the Grand Jury had not found the bill .
Teetotalism and Socialism . —There is quite a race , though not in opposition , perhaps , between these two sections of the community , as to who shall hold most meetings , and gain most converts ; it is at present about a dead heat , though we think the Socialists will be ihe strongest , and last the longest , judging b y the overwhelming meetings they nightly get ; the Teetotallers , however , are certainly not retrograding ; and thousands of persons belong to both societies . Father Mathew is ( expected in London . [ Our correspondent has also sent us a report of a further investigation into the police spy ( Goulding ' s ) manoeuvres , which we are compelled to postpone till next week . ] Thursday Evening , April 9 th , Half-past Six , p . m .
Cm and Commercial News *—Contrary to all expectations , the Money Market has been what is denominated " quite easy , " during the week ; and though the defalcation in the revenue ia now known to be a million and a half , the " great guns" have not on that account "hung fire , " but will launchout apparently even more freely than they have done for some time , in the way of discount , and similar accommodation . The consequence of thiB is , that many persons who had prepared for a *' pinch , " have now speculated rather more freely than they purposed , and all departments of trade have experienced the temporary beneficial effects of an infusion of new medium . Another anomaly , not less strange , is the state of the tea trade , which , despite the "bellicose" aspect of affairs with China ,
has not advanced , but , if anything , rather receded in prices , though the market is in a very unsettled state . In the cotton and woollen markets a "spirit " has been experienced , and a shade of improvement may be mentioned in the prices obtained by the var ious first-hand factors . The following are the closing prices of the funds : — British—Consols for Account , 91 £ ; ditto for May , 91 i ; Exchequer Bills , 25 s . prem . ; Bank Stock , 175 J . Foreign—Spanish Actives , 28 $ ; Portuguese Five Per Cents ., 354 ; Dutch Two-and-Half Per Cents ., 53 §; Neapolitan Bonds , 101 £ . Very slight business doing in Shares ; and , with the exception of a tolerable move up in the Birmingham Railway , and a slight move the other way in t . Great Western , no alteration of rates can be stated . The Freedom of the city of London was on Tuesday presented to Sir Thomas Phillips , the late Major of Newport , for bis bravery ind loyalty ! At
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the same court , a petition for a " moderate fixed duty on corn" was agreed to , as an amendment to a proposition for petitioning for free trade . The debate on the China question is not expected to conclude to-night ; though the House is considerably fuller than it was last night . A vbry destructive fire broke out yesterday at the nursery of Messrs . Brown , of Slough , near Windsor , which ^ could not be extinguished until property to the amount of many thousand pounds had been consumed . The excavators , or as the conntry people call them , the navigators ,, on the adjacent railway , so far from aiding the workmen and police in . extinguishing the flames , either stood quietly with their hands in their pockets , or " cracked jokes" at the crackling timbers . Several of the inmates of the dwelling-house had a very narrow escape of their lives . ¦
The Grand Jdby have found a true bill against Harris , the spy-policeman , for illegally , and by false and fraudulent pretences obtaining a certain sheet of paper , purporting to be a copy of certain depositions , from , and the property of , one Benjamin Newley . " The trial is expected to come on
tomorrow . We have seen a letter from Shrewsbury , which arrived in town this morning , conveying the information that the Government and the looal authorities have begun their threatened attack on the Socialists in Shropshire ; the letter states that proceedings have been commenced against some parties for distributing social tracts ; and gives t he following extract from the address of the Hon . T . Kenyon , the chairman of the sessions to the Grand Jury , on Tuesday last : —After strongly reprobating the practice of publishing blasphemous publications , . he hoped that they would , in all cases of the kind , rive information to the magistrates , who would send the
names of the offending parties to the Secretary of State for the Home Department , in order to their being punished ; he then alluded to the state of the prison ; there had been one hundred and thirtytwo committed since the last session , of which number 102 professed to belong to no religious persuasion , and although 52 of that number had been at school , yet they were quite ignorant of religion : he observed that schools , where religion was not made a part of the instruction , was calculated to be of very great injury to the poorer classes , and hoped , if any such sohools existed in their neighbourhood , they would do all in their power to suppress them .
The"Rdral" Police Soldiery . —Among the articles required , accordingto advertisements issued by the Commissioners of Tolice , for the use of the " County constabulary , " are thefollowing : —Doublebreasted frock coats , with Prussian collars , black stocks , rattles , good sized substantial belts for cutlasses , and cutlasses , according to pattern , marked on the bladet . in old English , according to the county for which they may be required , and on the handles and scabbards according to the respective numbers of constables ; ( the belts and cutlasses would make any one , not versed in Whig tact , believe that these outfits were intended for the use of soldiers rather than county constables . )
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" ^ TO THE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN 8 TAR . SIR , —I have just seen a letter in the Northern Star , from Mr . O'Connor , in answer to a letter of Iota ' s of the week preceding , wherein he states that he struggled hard for the appointment of Mr . Geach as ( solicitor to conduct the defences of all the Chartist prisoners connected with the late disturbances in thi « county . But , says Mr . O'Connor , the wolves had been among the flock , aud fleeced them before I arrived at Monmouth . The solicitors alone had access to the Gaol , and they never informed the poor prisoners of the Defence Fund . Mr . Geach , says he , again , was the only attorney whom I recognised . Now , Sir , as I was unfortunately one of the attorneys concerned in the defence of these prisoners , I call up » n Mr . O'Connor to answer the following questions : —
Does not Mr . O'Connor know that I was concerned Jn these defences from the time the flrst prisoner was committed , up to the moment the hist prisoner was tried ? Did he not , I ask him , recognise me as such attorney » Did he not , whilst at Monmouth , thank me for my exertions , and pledge his word of honour to pay my bill , upon a sketch of it being sent to the Northern Star office ? Has he done so , or even been gentlemanly enough to take any notice of my application ? Does he not know that all the money I received , either from the prisoners or himself , was £ 83 8 s . 6 d . viz ., Z . Williams , £ 30 , John Lewis Llewellin , £ 15 , and ot Mr . O'Connor , to pay fees to counsel and witnesses expenses , £ 38 8 s . 6 d .
Does he not also know I defended seventeen prisoners , and that there is now due to me in this business £ 174 18 s . 2 d ., moat of it money laid out « f my own pocket in journeys , horse-hire , and expenses to the mountains for myself and clerks , not one shilling of which I have yet received . Let Mr . O'Connor answer the above questions , and , as he has accused parties of fleecing , let him name the fleecers . I want no favour at the hands of Mr . O'Connor ; all I ask is justice . I can ill afford to lose my money ; I worked harfl for it , and ought to have it ; and if Mr . O'Connor values his word he will pay me . I remain , Sir , Your obedient servant , J . G . H . Owen . Monmouth , April 2 nd , 1840 .
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In the Houses of Lords and Commons , there was no bushiest of importance on Monday . HOUSE OF LORDS . —Tuesday , April 7 . ' .. In the House of Lords , many petitions were presented against a revision ef the Corn Laws . The Bishop of Exeter , after entering into ample details on the subject of the clergy reserves , Canada moved that certain questions pe put to the judges . ' ' Lord Melbourne resisted the motion as wholly unnecessary . A debate of some length ensued , in the course of which the Duke Of Wellington spok « In tupport of the motion . Lord Ellenborough added , that he had also a question to put to the judge * . For the . motion ......... 57 Against it ............... 40 Majority against Ministers — 17 Their Lordahjpe then adjourned .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS-Ttoafay , April 7 . Mr . Baillie , the new member for Inverness-shire , took the oaths and his seat . Several private bills were forwarded a stage , among them the Farmers' and General Fire and Life Assurance Company Bill was read the second time . Sir J . Graham brought forward his motion relative to China ; and , after a lengthened speech , moved , "That it appears to this house , on consideration of the papers relating to China , presented to this house by command of her Majesty , that the interruption in
our commercial and friendly intercourse with that country , and the hostilities which have since taken place , are mainly to be attributed to the want of foresight and precaution on the part of her Majesty ' s , present advisers , in respeot to our relations with China , and especially to their neglect to furnish the roperia . tendent at Canten with powers and instructions caleai lated to provide . against the growing evils connected with the contraband traffic in opium , and adapted to the novel and difficult' 4 ituation- 'in which the soperta ' tendent waaplaoed . 'i - Mr . Macaulay replied to , Sir James Gtaham . After a keen debate an adjournment till next day took place . , '
Wednesday , April 8 . Mr . Clive presented the report ot . tae Totness election committee , which declared that neither Mr . Baldwin nor Mr . Blount had been duly elected , ( it , was a double return ) and that , consequently , it was a void election . A new writ was thereupon ordered for Totness . The adjourned debate on Six James Graham ' s motion regardin 5 China was then resumed , many members taking part therein—Mr . Hawea , Mr . Thesiger , Mr . C . Buller , Mr . Gladstone , Mr . Ward , and Mr . Palmer . The debate was then again adjourned .
Tfordsu Aim Hbomitttic Ftnulusentt.
tfordsu aim HBomitttic ftnUlUsentt .
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FRANCE . The Duke of Orleans , and his brother , the Duke d'Aumale , left Paris on Friday for Toulon , to embark for Algiers . The Courrier Francois states that the marriage of the Duke de Nemours was definitively fixed for the 23 rd inst ., and to be celebrated at St . Cloud . The bride ( the Princess of Saxe Coburg Gotha ) would be accompanied to France by her father and the King of the Belgians . A cook , named Flotte , was sued on Friday last before tne _ Court of Correctional Police , and condemned to two . years imprisonment for having in his possession an iron tube , which it was presumed was intended to be used as an infernal
machine . ¦ ~ % Thirty-four bankruptcies took place in Paris X during the first fortnight of the month of March , i The second fortnight of the month just concluded , | has been much more prolific of misfortune . In that Vf brief period , fifty-seven bankruptcies were declared 11 in Paris , averaging four per day , one of these fbr a i | sum of 663 , 600 f . "j The National contains a statement of General fj Bertrand , formerly Grand Marshal of the Palace of I Napoleon , in which he recounts the manner in which i he became and remained possessed of certain articles I of value ( arms , a dressine-case . &c . ) that had be- H
longed to the Emperor , ' and to which it would seem II he ( General Bertrand ) has an indisputable right . 1 The National suspects that this statement was not | merely gratuitous , and that it had been induced by : ; the determination of some of the heirs of Napoleon ' to despoil of these relics his last and most faithful friend and follower . | The papers contain several private letters frm $ Algiers . The principal fact mentioned in them fij ija however , the mutiny and desertion to the enemy of |^ j company of the foreign legion , chiefly SpaniardHH These miscreants butchered their captain' ( a PoM * 9 in the most shocking manner , mutilated his dead ^ body , and then , to the number of thirty-five or f forty , passed over to the Arabs with their arrnirU and baggage . v
EAST INDIES AND CHINA . / i Despatches from Bombay , to the 29 th of February | inclusive reached town last night . Tney state that J all was perfectly tranquil in our Indian possessions * | The warlike preparations against China were , how- : ; ever , still proceeding with considerable activity . ' * , Letters from Calcutta of the 17 th of February f mention that the troop-ships taken up for the occv * sion were fast collecting ? in that harbour . It w « | the determination of the Governor-General at first tt I make an appeal to volunteers from the army , but hi -v
subsequently abandoned that intention , -and resolved on employing entire regiments for the expedition ? The force about to be embarked at Calcutta wn computed at 10 , 600 men . It was , however , stiD believed that the armament had more for its object to overawe the Chinese Government than to carry ol actual hostilities against it , and that its destinatiol way the island of Formosa , of which , posseao « would be kept until the Emperor should consent to pay an indemnity equivalent to the British property destroyed by his orders .
The intelligence from Canton brought by this conveyance comes down to the 4 th of January . No aett of hostility had recently taken place between tb » British and Chinese , but all commercial intercoum between them still remained suspended . Captafr Elliot had made conciliatory propositions to Comnur sioner Lin , requesting him to allow commercial re * , ; lations to be re-established on their former footu £ ' but the latter peremptorily refused to accede to the * propositions , declaring that "the order he had
received from the Emperor formerly enjoined him t » permit no intercourse with the British , or admit anf of their goods into the country . " Commissioner Lil had moreover , in consequence of these orders , ai- . dressed a proclamation to the citizens . of all foreiCT nations trading with China , and particularly to >*» ; Dutch and Americans , forbidding them express * to carry any British goods or merchandise on / boardj ; and requiring the captains of ships , previous to that t admission , to enter into a bond to that effect .
Two English vessels , whose captains had signei the pledge required by Commissioner Lin , had gen * ' up to Canton . An English merchant of that city , to whom one of those vessels wa « consigned , haraf | attempted to follow her in a / smuggling boat , wH j overtaken by a revenue Jdnk , ana carried as 4 prisoner to Canton . Captain Elliot , on becomaj || acquainted with this fact , sent a message to Co * 11 missioner Lin to demand his release , but doirajpl the date of the lasV&ccounts the fate of the ? ri *> £# i wm not known . . It was expected , however ,- »?? on his arrival at Canton , he would be set *« liberty . ' rl
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O'CONNOR , Esq ., of Hammersmith , <*"" i | Middlesex , by JOSHUA HOBSON , at his E * f | ing Offices , Nos . 12 and 13 , Market-street , BrJ « gate ; and Published by the said Josh ua HobsOJ || ( for the said Fbabgits O'Connor , ) at W « Q ** m ling-house , No . 5 , Market-street , Bri gg »*»! j || Internal Communication existing between flw * Bb No . 5 , Market-street , and the add Nos . 1 * «« g 13 , Market-street , Briggate , thus coaatatutiBg ^ whole of the said Printing and Publishing OB *! onePremlsei . : - . ¦ ¦¦ - . ¦ . ¦ - . : ¦ ' ¦ . V ¦ ' ¦]' ' % All Communications must be addressed , ( Post-pil 4 > : * i J . Hobson , Northarn Star Office , Leeds . I ( Saturday , April 11 , 1840 . I
Second Edition.
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On the opening , of the Court this morning , the Attorney-General agreed to refrain from asking judgment against Henry Green , Thomas Brown William Bullow , Thomas Morris , James DavidBbn ' Jere miah Davidson , James Gatty , John Deeean ' Nathaniel Green , and Walter Scott , all of whom were Chartists , and indicted for political offences , on condition of their pleading guilty . They were accordingly set at liberty , on giving bail . The prosecution , against Timothy Booth was abandoned .
Charles Morris , 27 , was charged on an indictment found at the last Assizes , with riot at Little Bolton , on the 14 th August last . The Attobnet- General briefly stated the case . He said he Bhould call witnesses to prove that there was a riot at Little Bolton on the 14 th August last , that they made ah attack upon the Town Hall , that the military were called in , and he should Bhow that the prisoner was one of the mob . Mr . Mubphy defended the prisoner . John Yajfes stated that he was a pawnbroker at Little Bolton . On the 14 th of August there wa * a disturbance there , the military were called out , and the streest were cleared twice b y them . The mob consisted of several thousands of people . Witness
who was a special constable , was near the Town Hall in the evening . There was a crowd there , and Mr . Sharpies and Mr . Goodfellow , in attempting to disperse them , seized one of the crowd , and attempted to take him towards the lock-up . The man shouted—' Now my lads , now ' s your time . " This brought a shower of stones upon the constables , and Sharpies and several others were very much bruised . The constables were driven back , and took refuge in the Town Hall . They barricaded the doors , and the mob tried to break in . We then barricaded the Btaira . Stones were thrown , and the windows in front of the buildings were demolished . An attempt was made to get in at the door , and they ultimately forced it open . Some of the constables hid in the
dungeons , and others collected on the stairs with tho ^ stones that had been thrown in to defend themselves with . One of the constablea , -go $ out , ' and they 6 toned him , and he thought that he would have been killed , but a number of women got round him and saved , him . He heard incitements given to fire the building , and some one Baid they are on fire , and now they'll do . They had been subject to this attack from two to three hours before the soldiers came , and the mob were dispersed . After this he looked into the committee-room , and the furniture was broken , and a quantity of burnt paper was found on the floor , as though an attempt had been made to fire the place . Richard Wallwork eaid he was a yarn dealer in
Bolton , and was a special constable in Little Bolton on this occasion . He ordered a body of constables to clear the streets on this occasion . Witness partially corroborated the account of the attack upon the Town Hall at Little Bolton . Mr . Wm . Hodgson , cotton-spinner , saw the riot , but did not see the chairs broken . He assisted to take the prisoner who was one of the rioters . Jabez Hodgson , cotton-spinner , at Little Bolton , was near the Town Hall at the riot , and saw many of the windows broken , and the deor broken in . He saw ? ome of the mob get in , and the chairs were thrown out and broken . He saw the prisoner there standing about eight yards from the Town Hall . Saw him break three chairs against the step of the Town Hall .
Cross-examined by Mr . Murphy—Had seen him before . There were many persons standing near him—a large crowd . A good many persons advanced to break the chairs beside the prisoner . This was the case for the prosecution . Mr . Murphy and his Lordship left the case to the Jury at once , who immediately found a verdict of Guilty . He was ordered into custody . Daniel Ball was charged with assaulting a police officer , and with rioting at Bolton , on the 13 th Of August last . The Attorney-General and Mr . Brandt were for the prosecution ; Mr . Wilkiks was for the defence . Wm . Henderson , police officer , at Bolton , said he was on duty at Bolton on the 13 th of August . About the middle of the day he saw a chaise and escort of dragoons driving down the street . Several hundred people were following it . throwing stones
at it . Witness went out of the road to avoid this mob into a field . On getting into the second field he ? aw the mob following him , and he heard them say he was one of the b y police that took Warden and Lloyd in the morning , aud they cried " kill him . " They then threw stones at him , and he was at length surrounded b y about 200 . They knocked him down , and they said feel for his staff and kill him . He had not his staff with him . They then struck him with stones , and he begged them to spare his life . He thought his life was in danger . The prisoner was amonj that crowd , and was one of the first that came up . Heard him say , " Kill him , he ' s one of the t > y police that took Warden and Lloyd away . " He got away by some of the mob talcing pity on bito and resetting him . He was badly wounded , and had to have a surgeon to attend him . The prisoner was afterwards brought to the police office on another charge .
Cross-examined by Mr . Wilkins—Was certain the prisoner was the man . Knew him before . This was the case . Mr . Wilkins addressed the Jury for tbe defence , submitting that the first count , that for riot , was not made out , and contended that there was great reason to doubt whether there was sufficient identification of the prisoner , because there was a great probability , under such circumstances , of a man been mistaken , however desirous he might be of telling the truth . Tbe Jury found the defendant Guilty , and he was ordered into custody . v Robert Ball was indicted for riot , and having arms in his possession . He was brtther to the last prisoner . He pleaded Guilty on condition of being set at liberty , on his own recognizances , in £ 50 , and two suretta * in £ 50 each .
Peter Murden pleaded guilty to taking part iu the attack on Henderson , the police-officer , at Bolton , and begged mercy on the ground of having an aged father and mother to support . The Attorney-General said he must press for punishment on this man , but he had no objection to his circumstances being taken into consideration hi mitigation . Murden was then taken into custody . Sentence deferred . WiUiam Willoughby , for riot , < kc , at Bolton , pleaded guilty , under similar circumstances to the last prisoner . Sentence deferred .
CHARTISTS AT ASHTON . Wm . Aitkin , John Wilde , and George Johnson , were charged on an indictment , found at the last assizes , for a seditions conspiracy and riot at Ashton-under-Lyne . The Attorney-General , Mr . Wilson , and Mr . Brandt , conducted the prosecution . The defendants conducted their own case . Robert Newton , deputy-constable of Ashton , said during the spring of last year there were frequent Chartist meetings held at Ashton , and the proclamation issued by the Queen , and others now produced , were issued in consequence . Witness recollected the twentieth of ApriL It was a Saturday night A placard , of which that produced was a copy , had been issued , calling the meeting of the 20 th ApriL Witness and others were in attendance on the occasion . The first parties who arrived on the meeting ground were sixty
ot seventy persons with a black flag and cap of liberty . About six o ' clock , five or six thousand people had assembled in Henry Square ; and shortly after ,-hesaw M ' Douall , William Aitkiu come up in au open oarriage , in another procession , and joined them . They marched four , five , six , and seven a-breaat The footpath and centre of the street were blocked up * Fire-arms were discharged . Two were discharged . neart&e Bdah Inn . The pistols were discharged at intervals . "There were hustings formed in the meeting for the speakers , and he saw "Wilde , Johnson , Aitkin , and M'Douall there . They all addressed the crowd ; but it was so great that he could not get near enough to hear what wu said . Processions from Hyde and Denton came up afterwards . The meeting lasted about two hours . There was firing at intervals during the whole meeting . It was such a meeting in his judgment as was calculated to excite alarm .
Cross-examined by Aitkin—You said there were meetings held in the public streets ; will you swear that meetings ever were held hi the publio streets ?—On ground adjoining the streets there was . Did you ever see me at torch-light meetings ?—Never . Was there any obstruction to public business ? I cannot say . Have yon ever known disturbances to occur through meetings tX which I was present , and property destroyed T—There have been disturbances there , but no property destroyed . Did you see any manufacturers at the meeting ? 1 did . Wu there alarm created by these meetings r—There was . Were you alarmed ?—I cannot say that 1 was . Can yea mention any one who was ?—I cannot GroBs-examined by Wilde—Witness would swear that pistols were fired , but he did not know who fired
Cross-examined by Johnson—Will engage to swear , before God and my country , that there has been political outbreaks at Ashton . I consider disturbances outbreaks . . Will you swear there have been outbreaks ? I will Can you recollect parties being injured by those disturbances ?—Yea , the witness Travis has been raise assaulted . Have you ever seen Socialist procession * in Ashton ? —Yes . Were not the streets blocked up as on this occc * sioa?—No .
Stttperol ^Aritamm.
Stttperol ^ aritamm .
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MR . O'CONNOR'S REPLY . Answer to 1 st paragraph—So tkey did , but Mr . Owen was never hinted at Answer to the 2 nd—Mr . Owen told Mr . O'Connor that the prisoners were not aware of the defence fund . Answer to 3 rd—So I was , because I gave him all the money . Answer to the 6 th—Yes , but not by Mr . O'Connor , further than to pay over the fees to counsel . Answer to 8 th—Yes , as far as conferring upon the part of the prisoners ! Answer to the -7 th—Mr . O'Connor did thank Mr . Owen for his exertions , and now repeats it ; but never in the most remote manner pledged himself to pay any portion of Mr . Owen ' s bill , as he had not employed him ; but he did say that if the funds were sufficient , Mr . Owen should certainly be remunerated . Answer to the 8 th —He has not done so , and for this simple reason , bacauseMr . Owen wrote one letter which could not be immediately ^ answered , and that letter was sBeedilv
followed by an application from another solicitor . Answer to 9 th—Mr . O'Connor believes Mr . Owen's word . Answer to 10 th—Mr . O'Connor has no means of knowing the facts contained in this paragraph , buthe does think that this paragraph is a full and complete answer to Mr . Owen ' s application , inasmuch us he admits that the bulk of the demand is due for " monies expended in journeys , horse hire , and expenses to the mountains ; " whereas Mr . Owen never left Wonm « ith for one single moment during the whole time of Mr . O'Connor ' s stay there , neither did any of his clerks ; ana consequently the expense must have been incurred previously to Mr . Owen having seen Mr . O'Connor . Answer to 1 lth—As Mr . Owen was in a great measure Mr . O'Connor's informant , he can better answer this paragraph himself . If not , SheUard , Britten , Mrs . Jenkin Morgan , Auat , and others can refresh his memory . FEARGtJS O'CONNOR .
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AT a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township oF Leeds , chargeable to the Rates or Assessmenrafo * - M Jh e Repairs of the Highways thereof , held jn the Vestry of the Parish Church . ( St . John ' s J in L * £ S onTHUBSDAY , the 9 th DatoftApbil , 1840 , at Twelve o'CIqck at Noon , to Audit the Accounts oftffr ^ Board of Surveyors of tbe said Highwaya , for the Year ending the 25 tn Day of March . 1840 , pursuant iS' ^ an Act made and passed in the 6 th Year of HiB late Majesty KingWilliam IV , intituled * An Act to < j Consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Highways in that pars of Great Britain called England . ' ' Mr . JOHN GARLAND in the Chair . f Resoived , —That the Accounts of the Board of Surveyors for the past Year , exhibited to this Meet- ' ing , are Audited and Passed , and that the Abstract thereof now read be Advertised once in each of the Leeds Newspapers . ¦ : ABSTRACT OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE BOARD OF SURVEYORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LEEDS , FOR THE YEAR ENDING 25 th MARCH . 1840 . ^ . . - * == ^ AT a Meetinc of th « TnTi * hitant » 6 f th « Tn «™> nnoF Lwrfs « W «« lM , » * a a . b . ^» . *„ . ~ -1
DR . £ . p . d . To amount of Highway Rate , collected up to 23 d of March , 1840 ............ 5084 16 2 Do . Arrears for 1838 21 16 9 Do . of Arrears for 1839 ..... 9 9 4 To cash of the Leeds Gas Company , for Repairing Setts in Upperhead Row 6 3 0 Balance due to Treasurer 1349 14 £ 6471 6 7
; ¦ CR " '¦ " ¦ ' £ ' ' il ¦ '""¦ By Balance paid to the Bank for last '¦'¦''¦ . Year ' s Balance ......... v ......... 1307 12 10 •? By Cash for Stone and other Materials 2134 ^ 18 5 ? By Do . for Wages to Masons and ¦>¦¦ ¦ ¦! _ Paviours 2463 13 2 i gy Salves to Officers 238 18 OVJ By Miscellaneous Accounts , 95 8 7 * ' By Cash to the Trustees of the Leeds and - Selby Road ..... „ ,... 125 0 « : By Interest to the Treasurer for Money advanced ... 106 0 7 ; ' . ¦ .. .. . . . . : ;¦; £ 6471 6 7 ^ 1
JOHN GARLAND , Chairman . % That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman for his able Conduct in the Chair . I - — ¦ ' " m ... ... - ' - ¦ . ' _ . __ - ¦ ¦ ¦ " " '• ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ --si
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' — THE NORTH EBN STAR | | " ~ ' ¦¦¦¦ ¦ . ' ' - . r ' m )
This Day Is Published, No. I, Of I The Regenerator, % And Advocate Of Justice.
Leeds:—Printed For The Proprietor, Fbaagfl||
Leeds : —Printed for the Proprietor , FBAaGfl ||
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 11, 1840, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/king-y1kbzq92ze2679/page/8/