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THE NORTHERNMgTAR "¦ i' : ' Pebkuary 1, ...
BlitTIl DAY OF THOMAS PAINE. A A tea par...
A pablic supper took placa on Wednesday ...
LiaHiHonsss rs Feasce.—According to an o...
ExiRAOBDiKAnr Case of Mistaken Identity....
BOW-STREET.—As Irish Row.—J. M'Carthy, a...
Hftuseia, m.
com. Mabk-lane, Wednesday, January 20.— ...
®i)$ Wtyttt.
From the Gazette of Friday, January li.]...
iu tiie of St Printed by WILLIAM RIDER, of No. 5, MaMiesfield-strwywy,
iu tiie parish of St, Anne, Westminster,...
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The Sailors' Strike In The North. A Meet...
THE SAILORS STRIKE IN THE NORTH . ( Concluded from our seventh page . ) During the week the agitation * has extended to Hull , and a pretty general strike has taken place there . The grievances stated are a recent reduction of wages and the operation of the shipping offices , the latter especially being looked upon with hatred . As far as Hull is concerned , the Mercantile Marine Act mav be regarded as the principal grievance complained of by the men , for the wages there are notoriously higher than at otber ports . The provisions in the act for the forfeiture by the sailors of one day ' s pay for swearing ; one day ' s pay for not being shaved and washed on Sundays ; one day ' s pay if found washing their clothes on the Sunday ; and one day ' s pay by the cook if he has not the
dinner ready for the crew at the appointed time , are looked upon as vexatious regulations , to which the men are determined not to submit . On Tuesday evening a meeting of the seamen , convened by placard , was held in the Apollo Rooms , Paragon-street , for the purpose of taking into consideration the present low rate of wages given to seamen , and also to petition the Board of Trade with respect to the shipping offices . There were upwards of 200 seamen present , and the admission was strictly confined to those who could produce their register tickets . The chair was taken at seven o clock by a seaman , who addressed his " mates" on the
objects of the meeting , and read to them an account of the strikes in Sunderland and Shields , in which places the seamen obtained the wages for which they struck . ( Cheers . ) His advice was , therefore , that they should foilow the example of the seamen of Sunderland and Shields , and agree together to a certain sum binding themselves not to accept less . ( Hear , hear . ) He then suggested that they should fix , as their loirest pay , the sum of £ 3 per month and small stores , or £ 3 os . without , for foreign voyages . After addresses from other seamen the meeting was adjourned .
The Northernmgtar "¦ I' : ' Pebkuary 1, ...
THE NORTHERNMgTAR "¦ i' : ' Pebkuary 1 , 1851
Blittil Day Of Thomas Paine. A A Tea Par...
BlitTIl DAY OF THOMAS PAINE . A A tea party and public meeting , ' ^ cmm ^ ° I ^ L titiontion of the above event , was held on sunoay S'svemvening , by thesocieiv of Free Inquirers , meeting tat fet the British Coffee Rooms , Edgewarc-road . A ununnumerous party sat down &> anes ™* ^ £ i swhowhote arrangements of winch gave great sat sj actitiontion . Mr . P eel was called to the chair , and in an aabteble manner explained the objects ot the ^ meeting * Mb . Shohteh re sponded to the sentiment of « "T " Thomas Paine and the Rgntsof torn . They vwerwere not only to show their respect lo the memory cof lof P . « ine , but also to declare their allegiance to the ppriiprincipJcs which he advocated . They could nottoo cofttoften n ave presented to their notice the memory of tthnthnsp ! < rreat and ffood men who bad exerted their
ttalttalents for the benefit of their fellow-creatures ; aamamong that bright array none was more worthy of cconcommemoration than Thomas Paine . The epithet cof » f a Friend of the People was well deserved by him , zamJand his name , aud the Rights of Man , would be for ieveever indelibly associated . His opponents were the lleglegislators , the bishops , the pnests , the lawyers , ian %£ d the wcalthv of the land . Ever ? artifice had Ibeibecn resorted to * bv them to bheken his character , : aniand root out the principles he was inculcating , but Uhfthe result proved , that however error and prejudice ^ mimi ght for a time gain the ascendant , that truth wowould ultim ately prove victorious . Paine was i enientircly universal in his views , —his principles and wrwritings were app licable to all countries and to all ifinfime . He was a disinterested advocate , freely
giigiving his labours and his writings for the public be benefit ; and even in the height of his popularity risriakinghisfameby fearlessly advocating histheolojlogicsl views . The speaker then entered into an iniinteresting detail of the labours of Paine in America , EiEngland , and Franco . Mb . Bowes also responded to this sentiment , " " Time truly works wonders . " The man whose efleffigies a few years back waa burnt in the streets of al almost every town in the kingdom , and whose name wwas used as an epithet to frighten children , was fa fast becoming the admiration of the people , and w would , ere long , be looked npon as one of the g greatest men England had produced . It might truly b be said of him , " Though dond he yet speaketh . " Mr . Loxo ( in the absence of Mr . Holyoake , )
resp ponded to the sentiment of ' * The Sovereignty of the I People and the Fraternity of Nations . " In past a ages the people were entirely neglected . History v was only the record of despotic governors and not t the history of the people . It wasnotnntil men 1 like Paine started from the ranks of the people , i and breaking the banns of conventionalism , ushered i in the dawn of a new state of things , that the ] people began to have any real influence in the i moulding of their own destinies . Now every day 1 was bringing more converts to these doctrines , and J hastening the hour when the people would be indeed i sovereign . The Fraternity of Nations and the Sovereignty of the People were inseparably allied ; Fraternity could only flourish where a people were free . Then the world would be a garden of peace , none having a motive to fear or injure each other .
Ma . B £ . vvErr supported this sentiment . The great battle of the world was now to be fought . Ifitherto tho many had always endured misery and death to promote the grandeur of the few . This had entirely arisen from the people being destitute of political power- If one nation had no right to aggrandise itself on the ruin of another , neither had one man a right to do it on the ruin of his neighbour . The Sovereignty of the People was therefore equivalent to the Fraternity of Nations ; each presumed brotherhood and equality among all men . Me . T . M . Wheelee and Me . Mat . responded to the sentiment of the " Freedom of the Press . " Mb . WiLFonn suggested that the society should commence receiving subscriptions for building a monument to tbe memory of Paine , and pointed out the advantages thereof . Several members spoke on the subject , which was adjourned for further consideration .
Between tbe various sentiments , the Girondist , McrseUlaiie , and other patriotic hymns , were given by the Chorus of the Institution , and the assembly departed highly gratified with their entertainment .
A Pablic Supper Took Placa On Wednesday ...
A pablic supper took placa on Wednesday evening , at the Crown Tavern , to celebrate the above event . A very respectable company sat down to an excellent entertainment ; when the cloth was removed , Mr . Broome was called to the chair , and Mr . Lombard to the vice-chair . The proceedings commenced by singing the " Girondists" and " Marsellaise " hymns . The Chaibmax gave the first sentiment : — " The memory of the immortal Thomas Paine . " They were assembled to do honour to one of those men whose footsteps would guide them in the paths of rectitude and justice . The Chairman then gave a very interesting and minute detail of the life and actions of Paine , showing tbe mighty influence he
exercised in forming the American Republic , and the vast debt mankind owed to him for this service alone . He then dilated upon the humanity and courage he displayed during his career as a member Of the Xailoual Cuuvculiuu . iu Fiuuce , aud praised his philosophy and true devotion which actuated him in braving all the prejudices of the time in writing his " Age of Reason . " He also eulogised the conduct of Carlisle , Watson , and the Chartist Executive , for popularising the works of this great writer , and concluded by calling upon them to join in one great struggle for their political rights . Mr . Smcomhe also responded to the sentiment , which was followed , as were all the other sentiments , by appropriate songs and music . Mr . Fbzzen responded to the sentiment of " The People . " The institutions of kingcraft and priestcraft were the relics of a barbarous age , and would
melt away before the increase of knowledge and enlightenment whenever the people were appealed to . Dr . Farm responded to tho sentiment , — " 5 fay Revolutions never cease until the Crowns of Europe are melted into type to print the Rights of Man / ' The speaker showed that , rife as physical revolutions had been within the few last years , moral revolutions would in tbe succeeding years become more rife . Though the crowned despots of Europe might seem secure on their thrones , yet such was the progress of mind that , in a short time , their power would be crumbling into dust . Robespierre , who had been so misrepresented , was not the bloodthirsty wretch he had been depicted , hut an advocate for humanity , the spread of knowledge and true Democracy ; and , like Paine , he was beginning to have those honours paid to him of which he is so worthy . Mr . Elliott also responded to this sentiment .
Mr . Gabdisee spoke to the sentiment of " The Memory of the Democratic Martyrs of all Nations , and of aU Time . " The speaker , in an eloquent manner , alluded to the martyr Frost , and his colleagues , Mitchel , and Ms brother patriots , Cuffey , Lacey , Sharp , and others , and by his impressive manner , drew tears from his audience . Mr . G . Wheelbs also responded to this sentiment , and dwelt on the martyrs which Europe had bequeathed to their memories . Though confined to a country district the men of O'Connorville would yield to none in then * aspirations for the spread of Democracy throughout the world .
Mr . Osbobse responded to the toast of "More Pi ^ and Less Parsons , " and Mr . T . M . Wheeleb tolhat of " The Freedom of the Press . " A vote of thanks waa then given to the Chairman , and the guests adjourned to the Ball-room in Turnmill-street , where happiness and joy reigned during the remaining hours of the night . On the same evening a Tea Party , in celebration Of the above event , was held at the Westminster Young Men s Society Rooms , Little Dean-street , Soho .
Paper Duties.—Deputation To The Chancell...
PAPER DUTIES . —DEPUTATION TO THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER . in pursuance of the resolutions come to at the Ring ' s Arms , Palace-yard , a deputation , representing the paper manufacturers of the kingdom pro * ceeded by . appointment on Thursday morning , to the official residence of the Chancellor of the Exchequer , with whom they had an interview on the question of the paper duties , now brought so prominently before the public . After hearing the arguments adduced , the Chancellor of the Exchequer said , the deputation would not of course except him to give them , any information as to what was to be done by the Government , He had before him the prospect of a deputation from every class of persons who paid taxes , all desiring to have the faxes removed . The interview lasted npwards of au hour .
Liahihonsss Rs Feasce.—According To An O...
LiaHiHonsss rs Feasce . —According to an official report , there are on the sea-coast of France atpresent , fifty-seven lighthouses of the first class ! Besides those destined to mark at a longdistance the points of the coast , 107 lights of less reach indicate the entrance of the ports and bays ef France Of the fifty-seven large lights , seventeen are in the Channel , twenty-five on tho Atlantic , and fifteen On the Mediterranean . —2 fa & fcr . PeHS * Basks . —Theseadmirable institutionB have already taken firm root in the metropolis , and are fast spreading over the country . In Whitechapel 8 , 000 depositors have presented themselves in less than nine months ; and their united accumulations amounted in that time te about £ 2 , 000 , or an average of 5 s . to each depositor .
What b ihb Measccg of Stats Ed & catiox ?—Education is derived from Educere , to bring forth , to draw out ; bnt the only thing which State education brings forth is the total incapacity of the State to educate the people ; and the utmost it draws ont is a miserable sum of something like £ 30 , 000 a year , for no other purpose , apparently , than that of proving the above incapacity . —By One of the ff « t . jBft « sfcc ? , —Ptfjiefi ,
Exiraobdikanr Case Of Mistaken Identity....
ExiRAOBDiKAnr Case of Mistaken Identity . — It will be recollected that Mr . John Goldsmid was tried at tho past Middlesex Sessions , before Mr . Sergeant Adams , for an assault alleged to have been committed by hiuuon George Tideman , au Excise officer , and , after a trial which occupied a considerable time , found guilty and sentenced to an imprisonment of three months . Immediately after the trial Messrs . Lewis , of Ely-place , who defended Mr . Goldsmid , having from the instructions they had received , felt confident of the innocence " of Mr . Goldsmid , proceeded to obtain evidence in addition to that given at the trial , with the view of laying the whole body of testimony before Sir George Grer . Assisted by the
efforts of Mr . Goldsmid ' s family and numbers of his friends , his solicitors produced fifteen declarations upon the subject , and forwarded them to the judge who tried the unlucky defendant . While this was in the possession of Mr . Sergeant Adams , the innocence of Mr . Goldsmid was placed beyond all doubt by the appearance of Mr . Hoggins , the person who had , as was stated , committed tbe assault , and who came forward to take upon himself the responsibility , and to relieve the individual erroneously charged from the imputation against him . Mr . Sergeant Adams , immediately upon hearing the statement of Mr . Hoggins , and Messrs . Lewis having reduced that statement to a declaration on oath , addressed the Secretary of State for the Home Department , and the result was that , within balf-an-hour after the presentation of the document on Thursday Mr . Goldsmid was liberated from
custody with a free pardon , the pardon being , of course a mere form , but necessarily arising from the fact that the verdict of the jury was " guilty . " Another Fiue is BERjioxosEr . —On Thursday night , shortly before twelve o ' clock , a fire , which did considerable mischief , broke out in the extensive buildings belonging to Mr . Hacker , tanner , Spa-road , Bermondsey . The fire commenned from some cause not clearly ascertained , ia what ; is termed the drying room This building was upwards of 100 feet long , by thirty or forty feet wide , and at the time of the misfortune contained some hundred pounds worth of property . The moment the existence of the flames became known , numerous engines started for the scene , and there being an abundant supply of water , the flames were soon extinguished , but not until the building in which the fire originated , together with its valuable contents , had been destroyed . -
Ar-PBEnExsros of ax aiiegbb Mobdeber in Liverfool . —In the month of November , 1812 , Mr . James Scully , a magistrate of tbe county of Tipperary , was barbarously murdered near to his own residence , at Kiilfeacle . The murderer eluded the vigilance of tin police , notwithstanding that a reward of £ 20 Q had been offered for his apprehension . On Tuesday ni g ht he was given into the custody of the police , through the instrumentality of his wife , whom he had deserted . The alleged . murderer ' s name is Andrew Coffee , and he has been residing in one of the streets off Christian-street ever since the murder . He was taken . before Mr . Rushton on Wednesday , and ordered tobe sent to Ireland . ' v The following appeared in our late editions oflast week i—
Ussatobal Paresis , and Suicide of the Father . —George Foster , and Caroline , his wife , were charged at the Southwark Police-court with leaving their children in a starving condition , —Mr . Bndeau , the relieving officer of the parish of St . George-the-Martyr , Southwark , stated that on receiving information he proceeded to the house of the prisoners , No . 6 , Embden-court , Pearl-row , Blackfriars , where he found two children , one a little boy , about eight years of age , and the other a girl , of five years of age , in a most miserable condition , The house was without scarcely a particle of fnrnitore , and the two children nearly naked and starved . The body of one of them , the little girl , had sores on different places , and to show the utter
neglect with which both tbe children were treated , the few rags they had on them were covered with vermin—a more distressing sight could scarcely be conceived . He made some inquiries on the spot , and ascertained that the male prisoner was in the employ of a hop factor in the Borough , and received wages amply sufficient to support his family in comfort . He ( Mr . Endean ) also was informed that the female was an habitual drunkard , neglected her family , the children often being seen in the streets at a late hour of the night , when their parents were absent from home , fearful of entering the dwelling , owing to its being infested with rats and other disgusting vermin . —The prisoners were remanded ; and it appears that Foster contrived to commit suicide on Friday morning in the county gaol .
Manchester Parliamentary Soiree . — Manchester , Friday . —A very numerous meeting of the friends of the Liberal and Free Trade interests in the Manufacturing districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire , was held last night , at the Albion Hotel , mainly for the purpose of hearing addresses from tbe representatives of the largest of those constituencies upon the present aspect of public affairs previously to the opening of Parliament The members who attended were Mr . Cobden , Mr . Milner Gibson , Mr . Bright , Mr . Henry , and Mr . Brotherton . Mr . William Brown was absent from indisposition . Mr . George Wilson presided , supported by Mir . H . Ashworth , Mr . R . N . Philips , Mr . J . C . Dyer , Mr . W . Rawson , Mr . C . Holland , of Liverpool , Mr . James Mellor , and many others . Tub Alleged Murder or a Husband by sis
Wife . —On Friday a long inquiry was concluded before Mr . W . Carter , the coroner , at the King ' s Head Inn , Blackfriars-road , as to the death of John Brown , aged twenty-three , who was alleged to have been murdered by his wife , Jane Brown , who is now in custody . After the reception of additional evidence , the jury returned a verdict of "Manslaughter , " against Jane Brown , and the witnesses were bound over to prosecute at the next sessions of the Central Criminal Court . The Mubdeb is Cheshire . —On Friday her Majesty ' s government offered a reward of £ 150 for the discovery of the person or persons who so brutall y murdered Mrs . Kinder , on the evening of the 16 th inst ., at Roads Fold , Chester . It was announced
also that any accomplice , not being the actual murderer , who will give such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of his or her confederates , will receive her Majesty ' s free pardon Tbe Wife and four children of John Mitchell , the Irish exile , arrived in Liverpool on Saturday last from Dublin ' , ' for the purpose of embarking thence for Australia . They were accompanied by Father Eenyon , who made the necessary arrangements for their departure in the Condor . Seven boys from the Metropolitan Ragged Schools are also passengers in the same vessel , which left Liverpool on Thursday . A Losdojt Foo . —On Friday the metropolis was visited by one of the densest fogs we have had this
season , so that all the steam boats both above and below bridge were prevented from runningas usual , and tbe traffic on the river was generally suspended . The Post-office , Excise , Custom House ,- -Bank of England , 4 c , in the City ; the Stamp Office , and all the Government Departments at the West-end , the banking houses , shops , & c , were lighted np the same as in tbe evening . The works at the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park were , during a portion of the day suspended in consequence , and the drivers of the omnibuses were obliged to use the greatest caution in their rate of speed , so as to prevent any
accidents . The glass was down within one degree of freezing point during the day , and , although at times it cleared up for a short period , the mist soon again returned . The guards who arrived with the morning mails stated , that in the noith they had several falls of snow . The Successor , to the Rev . Mb . Bennett . — The Bishop of London has appointed the Hon . and Rev . Robert LiddelL the lvicar of Barking ,-to be the successor of Mr . Bennett at St . Paul ' s , Knightsbridge . An interval is to elapse before Mr . Bennett legally resigns , and Mr . Liddell is legally appointed ,
mim .
Bow-Street.—As Irish Row.—J. M'Carthy, A...
BOW-STREET . —As Irish Row . —J . M'Carthy , aged 19 , and Mary Ann Donovan , a widow ( both of them Irish ) , were charged with assaulting Ellen ' Homer . All the parties lived in St . Giles ' s , and on Saturday last the prosecutrix accompanied a female to Donovan ' s lodgings in New-street , for the purpose of making some complaint to Donovan respecting the ill-usage of the woman ' s sister , who was in the service of Donovan . The complainant waited outside the room-door while her friend went inside . M * Carthy was also there , and a quarrel ensued , and Donovan struck the woman with a cup . He rushed out to Homer , followed by the prisoner . They struck Homer , knocked her " down on the
stairs , and kicked her most violently . The prisoner M'Carthy extinguished the li ght , and called out for his knife . He then struck Homer upon the head with some instrument , which cut her head most severely . The prisoners then again kicked her until her screams brought the assistance of several police constables , who found Homer upon the ground senseless , and bleeding profusely from the wounds in her head . They removed her to the hospital , and the prisoners were apprehended . —The prisoners denied kicking Homer ; and M'Carthy said the woman called him by an opprobrious epithet , and he then struck her . He did not cut her head . She fell down stairs in consequence of being drunk . —The constables said the prosecutrix and her witness were perfectly sober . —Mr . Hall fined tbe male prisoner the full penalty of £ 5 , or two months' imprisonment : and the female he ordered
to pay 40 s ., or fourteen days' imprisonment . —Both prisoners were locked up in default . As Old Trick Revived . —P . Falday , aged 13 , and J . Crawley , aged lo , were charged with begging . —A constable said the prisoners were confirmed beggars . They were in the habit of carrying lucifers , which they would at times thrown down and commence crying at their stock in trade being destroyed . Yery often persons took compassion on them and gave them money . On Monday night they were following their old game , and the constable took them into custody . —Inspector Dodd said the prisoners were allowed by the shopkeepers in Clare-market to stand opposite their doors and sell lucifer matches .- They seldom did so , but wandered into crowded thoroughfares , and followed the more profitable business of begging , —Mr . Jardine sentenced the prisoners to be imprisoned for fourteen days each .
Thbeatbnisg the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas . —T . Bates , for seven years under butlerat the hall in the Middle Temple , was charged with threatening the life of Sir John Jervis . The prisoner was of slender build , of decidedly nervous temperament , in appearance extremely harassed , and wore a shabby suit of black . —His lordship deposed , that in 1847 he was treasurer of the Middle Temple Hall . The prisoner at that time was hall or under butler . In April of that year , witness , with the concurrence of the benchers , dismissed the prisoner for alh-ged drunkenness . Since that time prisoner had sent numerous communications to him and he had unfortunately destroyed them all with the exception of two letters . His lordship then
handed Mr . Burnaby , the chief clerk , a letter , in which tbe prisoner had threatened the life of Sir John . His lordship added , that the prisoner had written similar letters to his wife , Lord John Russell , and several other members of parliament . — Mi " . Burnaby read the letter , which charged Sir John Jervis with depriving him ( the prisoner ) of his place , and threatened him with serious injury . He ( the prisoner ) would let the world know what sort of wretches the people had to expect in their judges , and he was prepared to act , if the Lord Chief Justice did not afford him redress in the matter of his alleged wrong . He w ould punish him by a law of his own , if he suffered strangulation for it at the Old Bailey ; and his sons would in his
stead punish l is enemy , whom he described as a " wretch , " "viper , " " snake in the grass , " & c—This letter , the Lord Chief Justice believed to be in the handwriting of the prisoner , which he had had many opportunities of seeing when he was under-butler to the Benchers of the Middle Temple . —After tho rend ing of the letter , Mr . Henry asked his lordship it ho went in bodilv fear of receiving some injury from the prisoner—His lordship replied in the affirmative . ^ -The Lord Chief Justice said that he would give the accused every explanation in his power , as he was anxious to show he laboured under a great mistake with regard to him . —The prisoner , at much length , questioned the Lord Chief Justice as to his right to
dismiss him from office , and as to such dismissal never having been officially ov formally communicated to bim ; aa to the act of the under treasurer in dismissing him by a message through a subordinate being sufficient ; and said that he ( the prisoner ) had been in the Temple before Sir John Jervis , whom he charged with having removed him from his place to make room for nprotege of his own . —His lordship said that he had the power to discharge any servant . The prisoner was frequently , intoxicated when he was on duty intheball . " "' * It ; was bis duty to say grace , and bis lordship had noticed that he was drunk when he was repeatingthe words . The benchers had also noticed it ^ arid withessUhereforc discharged him . —Prisoner : I was ill , and had only
been out of bed an hour , when I made the mistake which led to my discharge . Atthe grace I subst tuted beauteous instead of " bounteous . " At the thanksgiving my memory , failed me , and I stopped short before its completion . —The Lord Chief Justice : You were frequently too drunk to say grace . — The prisoner denied thathewasadrunkard . He then produced a letter , which hesaidbehad received from a gentleman of such hi gh rank that he did not like to make it public , but would show it to the bench and Sir John Jervis , as provins the injury the latter had done him by preventing him from getting a place . —The Lord Chief Justice said , that looking at tho signature , he had no acquaintance with the writer , whom he only knew to be connected with dignitaries of the church , and that he never had any conversation with him . He did not think that the letter showed anything of the injury which the prisoner attributed to him as having caused —Mr .
Henry said the letter was not material . —The Prisoner : Cannot you remand the case ? Mr . Henry : I think all this matter is immaterial . Whatever complaints you have to make , you had no right to send such threatening letters . —The Prisoner : I might have taken a different course , it is true , but I wished Sir John to do me justice as a man . The prisoner here said , that he was suffering so much from illness , that he was not in a condition to put his questions as he could wish . After a pause he added—It may not be out of place for me to admit that the letter was written by me . The prisoner then entered into a long statement , but was obviously not in the most complete state of seltpossession . His remarks were merely a recapitulation of what he had formerly urged . —Mr , Henry ordered the prisoner to find two good sureties in £ 50 each , and himself in £ 100 , to keep the peace . Ho should require twenty-four hours' notice of the bail . —The prisoner was then locked up .
MARYLEBONE . —Brutal Outbade . —John Corbould , a labourer , was charged with the following most brutal assaults : —On Saturday night last , between ten and eleven o ' clock , tbe prisoner went into the house of Mr . Hanstock , the Three Tuns , Portman-mews , and took his seat in the parlour . He bad been desired upon many occasions not to enter the house again , in consequence of , the noise and disturbance which be constantly caused , and on the landlord laying hold of him to put him out , the prisoner threw him instantly upon his back across the table , at the same time laying hold of one of his fingers , and putting it between his teeth .
Witness cried out loudly from the pain which he endured . A policeman speedily came into tbe premises , when he found the prisoner and the landlord lying across the table as had been described . He laid hold of prisoner and pulled him off , when lie ( prisoner ) , upon exclaiming , "Now I'll do for you , " threw him with such violence to the floor that his shoulder was dislocated . He was conveyed to Middlesex Hospital , and in all probability many weeks would elapse before he was able to resume his duty . In neither of the cases was there any surgeon ' s certificate produced , and the prisoner was remanded for a week .
A Gunpowder Plot . —John Wm . Hamilton , 26 , waa charged with causing wilful damage to the amount of £ 300 , to the house of Mr . Daniel Millbank , 10 , Cumberland-place , New-road , hy the explosion of gunpowder . Owing to a suspicion that the prisoner had intended to accomplish the death of his mother by the act , the court was crowded to excess . Lord Montfort , and several other gentlemen , were on the bench . —Daniel Milbank , on being sworn , said : The prisoner is the son of a lodger of mine , a widow , who rents my two parlours . I have frequently complained of his coming to tho house , as I did not approve of his behaviour , and I did not think his mother felt safe . On Monday night , about eight o ' clock , as I was employed upon some mosaic work in the front kitchen , I heard a loud explosion , and at the same time a portion of the ceiling fell upon my head ; the lathing
also fell in , and if I had not got away very quickly , I might have been seriously injured , if not killed . I beard a moaning and groaning . I found that the front and back parlour doors were blown off the hinges . The sashes of the back parlour window were blown out , as also a portion of the brick-work The drawing-room floor was destroyed , and the sash in the back kitchen was shattered to pieces . The shutters in the front parlour were by tho explosion sent fourteen or fifteen yards across the New-road , and even up to the attics damage was done . I calculate that my loss cannot be short of £ 300 by the explosion . 1 was completely stunned , and the tool with which I was working was shook out of my hand . Mrs . Hamilton , the prisoner ' s mother , was in bed in the front parlour , and I saw the pillow-case and coverlid burning , but not . in flames ; The place was full of smoke , and I clasped my arms round Mw . ' Hamiltoa ' s vr & iat to get uev
Bow-Street.—As Irish Row.—J. M'Carthy, A...
out if possible , but being nearly suffocated , I was compelled to return without accomplishing my object , I made another effort to release her , and I at last conveyed her to-the house adjoining , where she was carefully attended to by Mr . Norton , a surgeon in Upper Baker-street . —Mr . Brougbton : In what circumstances is she?—Witness : She is a widow lady of independent property . —Mr . Broughton : Are you aware of any threats having been made by the prisoner with respect to his mother?—Witness : Yes . On Monday he was abusing her all the afternoon . I do not know whether he was in the house at the moment of explosion , but I saw him a quarter of an hour before . He was wrangling with his mother all . the morning , and was in the habit of doing so . I have often told him he was killing her by inches , and wished for her death on remarks he
account of her property . To my usually returned light and trifling answers . The explosion took place under his mother ' s bed , and the poor lady is burned on the side and face .-Cox , US D , took prisoner into custody as he returned to the house , and feigned surprise at seeing ' ^ shafi ed condition .-Prisoner told a long story about fireworks which he had been mating , and which , for that time only , he had left inadvertently under the bed —The inmates of the house stated that they had never seen these fireworks or heard of them till now . —Prisoner : I wish to say to your worship , that so far from my expectations being £ lo 0 a year at her death , that her income is only £ 200 per annum , which , whenever sbe dies , will be divided amonest three of us . He was remanded for a week , but the mag istrate expressed his willingness to accept bail for the prisoner himself in £ 60 , and two sureties in £ 40 each . —The prisoner not being provided with the sureties , was locked up .
MARLBOROUIl-STREET . —Robbery by an Errand Bor . —John . Smith , a lad about sixteen years of age , was charged with stealing a quantity of copper wire , the property of his master , Mr . James Hodge , pianoforte string maker , 51 ,. Greekstreet , Soho . —The prosecutor deposed that the prisoner bad been in his employ for about four weeks , at a salary of 4 s . per week .. On Saturday afternoon witness had occasion to go into the workshop , and on looking round the place he saw several rings of copper wire lying in a comer , doubled up , apparently for the purpose of being more easily carried away . Witness having his . suspicions that a robbery was intended , left the shop , and communicated with the policeman on duty . About five o ' clock
prosecutor went into the shop again , and found that the wire ban been removed . A short time after the prisoner was brought to him in custody of the policeman , who had stopped the prisoner with the wire in his possession . The wire was worth Is . per pound wholesale price . —A police constable said that about half-past five o ' clock on Saturday evening , he followed the prisoner just as he was leaving the prosecutor ' s shop . Ho went up to the prisoner , and asked what he had got in his pockets . The prisoner replied , " Nothing but a piece of copper wire , with which I . am going to string my banjo , " He then handed witness the ring of wire produced . Witness then took him to the station ,
where he was searched , but nothing else was found upon him . He had since discovered that the prisoner had sold a large quantity of wire to two marine store dealers , who were now in court . —Ann White , a dealer in marine stores , Cnrzon-street , London . University , provedpurchasing about sixteen pounds of the wire at the rate of 5 d . per pound . The prisoner was the . lad she purchased it from . On the last occasion when he came , she refused to have anything to do with him again . He always told her that he lived with Mr . Smitb , of Oxfordstreet , and who gave him the wire to make up his wages . —The prisoner was fully committed for trial , . v
Darino Street Robbery . —William Tanner , a returned transport , of the Hacket school , was charged with having been concerned , with a woman not in custody , with the following robbery : —Mr . Henry Dinter , tailor , 13 , Thornhill-place , Caledonian-road , deposed that , about nine o clock on Monday night , he was proceeding down Portlandroad , on his way from Devonshire-street , when a woman passed him and ^ touched him on the shoulder , and spoke to bjni .:. He took no notice of her , and passed on ,, After he had gone ten or twelve yards from her hejhpard some one run after him , and on turning rb ' upcThe saw it was the same woman . He , however , did not speak to her , but TMMRued his . way homeward . The woman . tben came
up to huu again , and placed her arm within his , and began talking to . him . She asked him where he was going . : He . ' siid ; he was going home . She then pulled him into a gatWay and tried to get him inside , but did not silceeedT ;¦ ' and as he was trying to get away from ber he felt a snatch at his watch guard , and at the same time found that his watch ( a gold repeater worth seventy guineas ) was gone . He immediately caught hold of her by the neck , and said , " You have stolen my watch ; " He called out " Police , " and at that moment two men , one of whom was the prisoner , pounced upon him
and held him down , and , tried to get the woman away . He , however , had too firm a hold of her and would not let . her go ; and she then said ; " Here is your watch . " He took the watch and put it in his pocket , and tbe prisoner and the other man held him" down while . the woman , made her escape . Hesfcruggledlwith the two . menfor some time , and the other man , not in . custody , contrived to get away . A constable at that moment came up , and he gave the prisoner into his charge . The prisoner , who is known to the police as one of the most expert " nobblers" ( or head breakers ) , was remanded for a week .
Another Case . —James Lewis was charged with aiding a woman of loose character to steal a handkerchief from Mr . John Sanders Dicery , of No . 2 , Dean-street , Park-lane . —The prosecutor said he was in Oxford-street about one ' o ' clock in the morning when a female came up and acosted him . Be sent her away , and as soon as she was gone he missed bis handkerchief ^ He went after her and found her talking to the'prisoner . He asked her for his handkerchief . The prisoner said the woman was his wife , and if prosecutor offered to touch her he would punch his head . The woman made her escape and prosecutor then gave the prisoner into custody . The prisoner was also remanded .
Allkoed Embezzlement . —T . Warner was charged with having embezzled several sums of money , amounting to about £ 200 , the property of his employers , Messrs . Turner and Sons , wax-chandlers , 31 , Haymarket . The prosecutor stated that the prisoner was a shopman in his employ , and the utmost confidence was placed in him . In consequence of having discovered that he had received money from customers to the amount of £ 200 , and not accounted for the same , he sent for a constable and gave him in charge . He was not prepared with evidence to enter further into the case , and wished for a remand . —The prisoner was remanded until Monday next .
Charge of Forobrv . —John Leighton Wood was charged with having uttered a forged bill of exchange for £ 43 to Stephen Rogers , timber merchant , No . 7 , Cleveland-street . —Mr . Rogers said he had known the prisoner for about twenty years . On the 22 nd October last the prisoner owed him £ 33 17 s . ( Id ., and on that day the prisoner called and paid his account with a bill for £ 43 , drawn by himself on Mr . John Vinnicombe , music seller , Exeter , at four months . Prosecutor took the bill , and gave the prisoner the difference in goods . When the bill came to maturity it was presented at Messrs . Robarts and Co ., and returned as a forgery . —Further evidence having been given that the acceptance was not in the handwriting of Mr Vinnicombe , the prisoner , who reserved his defeucei was fully committed .
WORSHIP-STREET .-Robbino a Silk Loom . — Isaac Chamberlayne was charged with having stolen fifty yards of manufactured silk and a quantity of tho raw material , the property of Messrs ' . Walters and Son , silk manufacturers , in . Wilsonstreet , Finsbury ; and a man named Joseph Harris was charged with having incited and abetted the other prisoner in the commission of the robbery ^—The father of tho lad Chamberlayne , who had been employed by the prosecutor as a journeyman weaver for a considerable period , and had always borne the character of a trustworthy , respectable
man , was intrusted by the firm with a sufficient quantity of raw silk and other necessary materials for the manufacture of 100 yards , about fifty of which were completed on the morning of Friday se ' nnight , when he was suddenly called out upon business , leaving his son at the loom , and on returning home some hours afterwards , he found that the whole of the manufactured work had been carried off , together with the remaining bobbins of raw silk , and that the prisoner had absconded . He immediately communicated the fact to his employers , and exerted himself to tbe utmost to discover the
retreat of his son , whom he at length traced to a beershop in the neighbourhood , and alter upbraiding him with the heartlessness of his conduct , in involving him in such trouble and disgrace , at once called in a policeman and gave him into custody . When examined before Air . Arnold upon tbe charge , the prisoner at first denied all knowledge of the robbery , but subsequently solicited an interview with Sergeant Teakle , to whom he entered into a lengthened detail of ail the facts connected with it , and stated that soon after his father left home , he went out himself , and happened to call upon Harris ; who , on learning he had deserted the loom , menaced him
with the consequences of leaving his work unfinished , for which he told him he was liable to three months' imprisonment , and as only tho same amount of punishment would befal him , if he made away with the work altogether , proposed that they should proceed to the house to-cut it out of the loom , and that ho would find a purchaser for it , He positively refused at first to accede to the proposal , on account of the injury it would entail upon his father , but was at length induced by the renewed threats and importunities of the other prisoner to consent , and Harris accompanied him to the house , and remained at the door while , he abstracted the whole ol the property , which he delivered oyer to
Bow-Street.—As Irish Row.—J. M'Carthy, A...
Harris , the latter suggesting that he should leave the room door open to give rise to a suspicion that the place bad been entered by skeleton keys . He afterwards met the prisoner by appointment at a beer-shop in the evening , and received from him £ 1 2 s . 6 d . ; which Harris stated to be his fair share of the booty , as the whole of the manufactured silk had produced £ 2 , ' and the entire eleven bobbins of " shoot" had been sold for 3 s . In consequence of this disclosure . the prisoner Harris was at once taken into custody also , and lodged in the station . —The prisoner flarris made no reply to this statement of his accomplice , and they were both remanded for the formal completion of tho
depositions . The Charge against a Schoolmaster . —William Boyes , schoolmaster , of Shacklewell-lane , was finally examined , charged with having conducted himself with gross impropriety towards several female children , residing with their parents in the abovenamed locality . There were four distinct charges against the prisoner . The facts have already appeared . The prisoner , in defence , denied the charge , and tho depositions having been completed , he was committed for trial .
SOUTHWARK . — Assault and Attempted Highway Robbery at London-bridge . —John Dower , a young man , was charged with assaulting Thomas Blancowe , a clerk , ' re siding at Horselydown , and attempting to rob him on the steps of London-bridge . —Prosecutor stated that a little after twelve o clock on Saturday night last he was passing down the steps of London-bridge , on the Surrey side , towards Tooiey-street , when he pulled out some money to count it . While doing so , he had the misfortune to drop three or four shillings , and while doing so , the prisoner ascended the steps and passed him . He suddenly turned upon . witness , and knocked him headlong down the steps , and before he could recover himself the prisoner kicked
him on tho head , but tuVcries of " murder , " brought the police to his assistance , when he ran away . He was , however , found concealed under the arches of the bridge , and taken into custody . — Alfred Aylett , a police constable of the M division , said that four years ago he was sentenced to two months for breaking into a stable . He was afterwards in custody tor stealing plates from tbe North Western Railway . —The prisoner was remanded . The Late Suicide in Horsemonoeb-lane Gaol . —Caroline Foster , the wife of a man who committed suicide by hanging himself in
Horsemongcrhine Gaol on Friday last , was brought before Mr . A'Beckett for further examination , charged with neglecting her children , and leaving them in a starving condition . —Confirmatory evidence having been offered against the remaining prisoner , Mr . A'Beckett addressed her solemnly upon the ruin brought upon her family by drunkenness and immorality , and informed her that he should remove her children from under her control , and hold her to bail for three months . —Bail not being forthcoming , the prisoner , with her infant in her arms , was removed from the dock as composed as if nothing had happened .
Picking Pockets at a Railway Tebminus . — J . Baker and J . Shea were charged with stealing a purse containing fifteen shillingsj from a lady unknown , on tho incline of the Londoi Bridge Railway Terminus . —A lad , named J . Young , stated that on Monday afternoon he was waiting for a gentleman at the corner of the terminus , when he - saw the prisoners behind a lady ; Shea pulled up her dress , while the other put his hand in her pocket and withdrew her purse . He instantly went up to tho prisoners and told them he had seen them rob
the lady , and that he should point thern out to a constable as soon as he saw one . They threatened to give him a beating if he did , and at that moment a constable came up and secured them . There was such a crowd of persons coming from the railway that he was unable to reach the lady , and he had not seen her since . —A police constable of the M division said he took the prisoners into custody , when he found the purse and contents on Shea . The prisoners , who had previously been convicted , belonged to a gang of pickpockets . —The magistrate committed them both for trial .
LAMBETH . —The Penalty op Careless Buying . —Daniel Partridge , a marine store dealer in the vicinity of Lambeth-walk , was remanded on a charge of purchasing from a lad named Harvey , a quantity of property , which the latter had stolen from his father , at such a price that he must have known it had been stolen . —Mr , Solomons , on the part of the accused , applied for his being admitted to bail , but the magistrate refused the application . The Charge op Bill Swindling against " Captain" Routi . edgb . —Monday was the day appointed for the further examination of Fred . Wm . Routlfldge . but in his stead a medical certificate was produced from the suvgoon of Horsemonger-lane Gaol , stating that Routledge was lying dangerously ill in
the prison hospital . —Mr . Robinson informed the magistrate that since the last examination of the prisoner , Sergeant Quinnear and Constable Melville had traced tbe whole of the notes sent by Mr . Johnson , of St . Helen ' s Lancashire , to the prisoner , on the 7 th of December last , to take up a bill for £ 213 16 s ., and due on that day , to Routledge ' s possesion , and this testimoney , together with the production of the bill itself , would complete the evidence in the case of Mr . Johnson . He ( Mr . Robinson ) would be also prepared on a future day to show that the acceptance to two bills of exchange , and which had been sent by Routledge to a tradesman at Macclesfield , were forgeries , and this , in his ( Mr . Robinson ' s ) opinion , would be a clear case of
forgery . —A small ledger found in a secret drawer at the prisoner ' s residence , and in which the prisoner kept a minute account of his daily , monthly , and annual transactions , was produced to the magistrates . Among the prisoner ' s accounts were found those ofa fashionable West-end tailor , from which it appeared that in 1836 he paid £ 30 for a suit of uniform worn by him on the occasion of his being presented at court to the late King William the Fourth , and where he was presented as Captain Routledge , of tho Somersetshire Militia . In the ledger containing the accounts there was found an engraving , which appeared to have been cut from some newspaper , of the prisoner , in full uniform , and as he appeared at court . —Mr . Norton
inquired if the solicitors of the Bankers' Association were coming forward to lend tbeir aid in tho prosecution , which would be one of some dim " culty , and requiring the aid of a practised lawyer . — Mr . Robinson replied that Messrs . Bush and Mullins were merely solicitors to the London Bankers ' Association , and as no attempt had been made to defraud the London bankers , and as it could not effect the bankers in the metropolis in any way to have bills of exchange made payable at their houses even by swindlers , those gentlemen would not give any directions to the solicitors to the association to interfere in any way in tho matter . Mr . Robinson added that , in reply to some communications which had been made to persons , who , from letters found
amongst the prisoner s papers , had had transactions with Routledge , he received answers from attornies threatening actions , and all ' sorts of pains and penalties , - if he dare disclose the names of their client as connected in any way with the prisoner or his transactions . —Mr . Norton remarked that he did not think that he ( Mr . Robinson ) , had much to fear from such threats , and prolonged the further examination of tho prisoner to a future day . — In the course of the day Mr . Games , as the prisoner ' s solicitor , applied to Mr . Norton for an order to the officer Melville , to give him a few pounds more out of the seventy-six sovereigns found in the prisoner ' s drawers , and which appeared to be all the ready money he possessed at
the time of his apprehension . Mr . Games said that out of the £ 5 his lordship was so kind to order him atMofirst examination he had given upwards of £ 3 to his client , and as the prisoner was at present in a dangerous state of illness , and required necessaries beyond the jail allowance , he hoped his worship would order him ( Mr . Gamss ) , a few pounds more . — -Mr . Norton , under the peculiar circumstances , ordered the officer to hand three sovereigns more to the prisoner ' s solicitor , which Melville at once complied with , and handed Mr . Games the three sovereigns . On Wednesday morning , shortly after eight o ' clock , Frederick William Routledge , alias Captain Routledge , expired in the county gaol , Horsemonger-lane , after a severe and painful illness . The deceased had been in the infirmary for some , time past . On Tuesday evening feeling
worse Routledge sent for Mr . Games , his solicitor , to make his will , but that gentleman being from home at the time , his clerk waited on the deceased , and received his instructions relative to his will , and it was arranged that Mr . Games should wait on the deceased at nine on the following morning to execute the deed . At ei ght o ' clock , however , he received a message to the effect that his client was dying , and though he hastened to the gaol he found on reaching it is client had just breathed his last , and having cheated some thousands in bis life time , had now cheated the law , - as he stood fully committed to take his trial on a charge of defrauding Mr . Johnson of £ 213 16 s . From the instructions giyen for his will it appeared to be the wish Of the deceased- that his property should be possed by his son Arnold Routlodge , who he believes to bo at the Cape of Good Hope .
WESTMINSTER-An Unfortuna te Gbntleman . —In the case of Captain Nestor , of the " 19 th Foot , whom a medical military board has judged to be of unsound mind , and was brought to this court on a charge of stealing a watch , the magistrate received a letter from the War-office , offering to send a non-commissioned officer'to take charge of him , and convey him to ; he Military Lunatic Asylum at larmouth . —Mr . Broderip said he would comply with this request , ' considering that as C .-iptain Nestor was not a responsible agent justice would be satisfied thereby . —The captain was then given into the custody of a sergeant of . the Coldstream Guards , who was in attendance , to convey him to Yarmouth ; but in a lew minutes Miss Nestor , his daughter , and tho sergeant , who had left tbe captain in charge of another non-commissioned officer , entered the court , apd informed the , magistrate
Bow-Street.—As Irish Row.—J. M'Carthy, A...
that as the unfortunate gentleman was about to step into a cab , which had beeii sent for to convoy him to the Eastern Counties Railway , a sheriffa officer and his assistant pounced upon him , and arrested him for a debt of £ 34 . On the one hand the sheriff's officer had threatened to bring an action against the sergeant if he took tho captain out of his hands ; and on the other , if he ( the sergeant ) parted with the custod y of his prisoner , he was liable to be tried by court martial for disobedience of orders . The sergeant therefore asked the ma . gistrato how lie was to act in this matter . —Mr " Broderip observed that he had no longer any dowpJ
in the matter , and could give no directions . Tho sergeant was certainly placed in a most awkward position , but he could hot assist bim . —The parties then retired , when , after some delay , in tho coursa of which neither party exhibited the least inclination to part with possession of the captain , it was mutually agreed , without prejudice to their rival claims , that both parties should accompany the prisoner to the War-office , and take the opinion of the authorities there , whither they repaired . In tho course of the afternoon it was communicated to tha magistrate , that the military had given Capt . Jfestor over to the civil power , who had safely lodged hint in Wliitecross-street prison .
GUILDHALL . - Serving a Writ . —Mr . Day , of 113 . London-wall , appeared in answer to a summons charging him with an assault upon Joseph James Powell , clerk to Messrs . Wilson and Rand , attorneys . —Complainant stated that he ha . l called at defendant ' s house very frequently , and in repl y to all his inquiries , he received the answer of *• not at home . " ¦ On the 23 rd of the present month cora « plainant received instructions from his employ ers to serve a writ on defendant , and he accordingl y proceeded to his house in London-wall for that " purpose . The boy said the defendant was not at home . Complainant desired him to go up staira and see . The lad went up , followed by complainant , to the drawing room door , which he opened , and
complainant , without waiting for an invitation , walked in , and on seeing defendant handed him tho copy of . the writ . Defendant road it carefull y through , 'laid it down , and then rose from the tablo and collared complainant , and shook him very violently five or six times . He then throw complainant down , and held him there for about five or ten minutes , frequently in the mtei-imshakiiia'his fist in complainant ' s face and threatening to strike him . He then seized hold of his head , which he knocked several times ' on the floor , in a brutal manner . — Cross-examined by defendant : Complainant said defendant did not strike him . Complainant did not open any door to get at him . He was not told to leave the room . He did not tell defendant that ho had better put him out . Defendant said he would tench complainant to come into his rooms , but not that it was like his impudence to do so . —Defendant
denied the charge altogether , and further alleged that complainant was drunk at the time , and refused to quit the premises , daring the defendant to strike him , or he would make him pay for it . —Complainant ' s employers were in court , and able to contradict thatpartof thedefencestating he was drunk . The Alderman said it was quite clear that an assault had been committed , by defendant , ofa very aggravated nature , as complainant was only executing a duty imposed on him by his masters . Taking into consideration the chagrin defendan t must have experienced on being served with a writ , he would fine him in the mitigated penalty of £ 3 and costs , or , in default , to be committed to prison for one month . —The money was then paid into court , tho defendant expressing at the same time his intention of appealing . He was , however , informed there was no appeal from the decision of the magistrate of this court .
Obtaiskvo Goods . —Henry Arnold Green , but who rejoices in several aliases , was again brought up and placed at the bar charged with obtaining goods under false and fraudulent pretences . The prisoner had been tried and convicted in the yeac 1848 , at the Central Criminal Court for a like offence , upon which occasion he was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment and hard labour . Upon tbe present occasion there were no less than three distinct charges against him . The depositions having been formally completed , the prisoner , who had nothing particular to say , was committed for trial .
Hftuseia, M.
Hftuseia , m .
Com. Mabk-Lane, Wednesday, January 20.— ...
com . Mabk-lane , Wednesday , January 20 . — We had a very short supply of wheat to-day from Essex and Kent , and the best dry samples met a ready sale to the millers at fully last Monday ' s prices , but damp and inferior qualitlej were difficult to dispose ot on almost any terms . Good dry foreign wheats sold rather more freely , and we had a better sale for French flour , at Is per sack advance on the best marks . The supplies of barley were considerable , both of English ar d Foreign . Fine malting qualities sold fully as dear , but secondary and inferior grinding sorts ' went off slowly and rather cheaper . Beans and peas very dull sale . The arrivals of oats coastwise awl from , abroad made together a good supply . Our buyers in consequence held oft ; and prices were 6 d to Is per qr , lower . Richmond , ( YonKsiirsE , ) Jan . 25 . — We only had a thin supply of wheat this morning , and all was cleared off . Wheat sold from , 4 s 6 d to 5 s Gd ; Oats , Is lOdto 3 s ; Barley , 3 s Od to 3 s Gd ; Beans , 4 s to 4 s 8 d per bushel .
CATTL 3 , Shithheld , Monday , Jan . 27 . —Notwithstanding that nie numbes of home-fed beasts on offer was less than that exhibited on Monday last , it proved seasonably extensive , and of excellent quality . The attendance of both town and country buyers being on tho increase , the beef trade ruled somewhat firm , and in some instances a few prime Scots realised 3 s lOd per Slbs ; but the general top figure for beef ruled the same a previously advised , viz ,, 3 s sa per s & s . There was a slight falling off in the num . ber ol' sheep , most breeds of which came to hand in excellent coadifion , and amongst which were nearly 500 out of the wool . On the whole , tho mutton trade was steady , at full rates of currency . A few very superior old Downs changed hands at 4 s ( id per Slbs . In calres—the supply of which was small—very little was doing , at late rates . The pork trade was in a very depressed state , but we have no change to notice in the quotations . ! . Beef , 2 s 6 d to 3 s 8 d ; mutton , 3 s id to 4 s 4 d ; veal , 3 s Od to 3 s lOd ; pork , 2 s lOd to 4 s 0 d . —I ' tice per stone of Slbs suileing the offal .
Newgate and Ieadenhail , Monday , Jan . 27 . —Inferior beef , 2 s Od to 2 s 2 d ; middling , ditto , 2 s 4 d to 2 s Gd ; prime large , 2 s 8 d to 2 s lOd ; prime small , 3 s Od to 3 s 4 d ; large pork , 2 s 4 d to 8 s Gd ; inferior mutton , 2 s 4 dto 2 s 8 d ; middling ditto , 2 s lOd to 3 s 4 d ; prime ditto , 3 s 6 d to 3 s 8 d ; veal , 2 s Cd to 3 s Gd ; small pork , 3 s 8 d to Is Od : per 81 ba . by the carcase .
PROVISIONS . London , Wednesday . —The transactions in Irish Butter in me early part of last week were comparatively trifling , ahe demand improved towards the close , and sales to a respectable amount were then effected , but at no change in pnees except for Cork , which may be considered the turn dearer . Fnesland was in short supply , and all cleared at an advance of Is to 2 s per cwt . Bucon moved slowly , and the business done in Irish and Hambro' single sides was of minor importance . Prices nearly stationary . Hams and Lard as . reported in our last . Engush Butter JUkeex , Jan . 27 . —We are without any change to note , but tine Butter is scarce , and soueht after . Dorset , fine weekly , 88 s to 9 is per cwt . ; do ., middling and stale , 70 s to 80 s ; Fresh , 8 s to 13 s per dozen lbs .
POTATOES . SooTHWAnir , Waterside , January 27 . —The arrivals of the last week have been limited ; but trade has been so heavy that we cannot note any improvement in prices except Scotch Regents , which are a little dearer : Cups are very bad to sell at any price . The following are the present quotations : —Yorkshire Regents 8 « s to 100 s per ton ; Scotch 65 s to 80 s ; Scotch Cups Gtts to 65 s : Fife -s to -s Cambridge and Lincolnshire Regents 70 s to 80 s : Rhenish w bites —s to —s ; French Whites 50 s to C 5 s .
WOOL . Orre , Wednesday , January 29 . _ The imports of wool fr ^ I , 02 , j asU ™ k were IIC faales ft 0 " Brazil , 118 fcro ° ' Ital >' ' aDd Seventy from ' 3 l ^ ° . ° ; / i ^ } i — Scot <> b .-There is still little to repun m laid Highland , the stocks of which are not large , , butM & ment for the demand . White Highland is rather more inquired for In crossed and Cheviot the demand is i limited , amlvatesbarel y supported—Imports for the week ; 5 hags ' , previously this j ear , 27 bags . FoKEiGN .-There ore to be sold hy auction here on the 5 Ii » ? 7 th of Fef"' «» ry at'out 2 , 000 bales colonial , and on . 1 the , th also will be offered about 1 , 000 bales Oporto . . Egyptian , Turkey , and other low wools .
I 1 IDES , LEADENHAU .-Market hides , 561 b . toCilb ., l ? d . to "d ' per lb . ; ditto , Glib , to 721 b ., 2 | d . to 2 M : ditto . 7 » lb to o 80 b ., 2 Jd toSd . ; ditto . 80 ! b . to 881 b ., Sd ' toSH- ditto ? 881 b . to Mb-, 3 | d to 4 d . ; ditto 001 b . to 1041 b ? , 4 d to 4 M • •« . to -3 s . Horse-hides 6 s . to 7 s .
®I)$ Wtyttt.
® i ) $ Wtyttt .
From The Gazette Of Friday, January Li.]...
From the Gazette of Friday , January li . ] BANKRUPTS . James Moses Bridgland , Pbcenix-street , and Denmark--kstreet , soho , pianolorte maker—George Robert Galloway , ij , » t . John s-street ,- brush manufacturer-James Graham , m , Arowiek , Lancashire , joiner-John Johnson , Coventry , iy , > varwickslure , wine merchant — Samuel Lee , Lough- ; h-. borough , Leicestershire , bookseller-James Henry Lemere , re , Maiden , Essex , draror . ¦ SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . Adam Come , Green well , Dumfries-shire — George rge latirson , Tranent . Haddingtonshire , farmer - John ihn Vi alker , jun ., Glasgow , calico printer . From tiie Gazette of Tuesday , Jaima . ru SSrA . BANKRUPTS .
James Hay-ward , Oxford-street , Whitechapel . watch-tch--maker—Richard James Johnson , Woolwich , plumber— » r— - Michael il'DoEiiell , Liverpool , licensed victualler—Wil-lVil--liam ihompeon , Newcastle-upon-Trne , gioeer-V . illiamliamn aterma " , Sheffield , grocer-Samuel Hamilton Watson . son ,, and John . Kingston , Rochdale and Buvulev , Lancaehire . iire , ' , mercers . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION . Robert Murdoch , East Haughhhesd , Lanarkshire , aire ,,
Iu Tiie Of St Printed By William Rider, Of No. 5, Mamiesfield-Strwywy,
iu tiie of St Printed by WILLIAM RIDER , of No . 5 , MaMiesfield-strwywy ,
Iu Tiie Parish Of St, Anne, Westminster,...
parish , Anne , Westminster , at the I ' rintimvtmiv . eftne , 16 , Great Wiudraitt-strect , Haymarket , in the Ciij Chjij otWestmiuBter . forthePi-opi-ieto ^ FjBAllGUSO'GOSSttilSlwii tsq , Af . P ., aad published by the taid Wik . um Kiats , ats , ate the OcVe in the same striet aad parish , ~ Saturdajird « a ; Tfehr « aryl 3 t , l 3 vi 3
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 1, 1851, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_01021851/page/8/