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o X * YHE NORTHERN STAR. march l, 1851,
^F oreign inteWswOT*
FRANCE. WYhiiVYhiist Paris is slumbering...
a—BM——ay Cause of Riritt of Williw IY.'s...
iFomgn J«t»wWnng»
M. Rothschild has just had constructed i...
SMirnFiBU) Market Removal Biii,_On Satur...
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O X * Yhe Northern Star. March L, 1851,
o X * YHE NORTHERN STAR . march l , 1851 ,
^F Oreign Intewswot*
^ F oreign inteWswOT *
France. Wyhiivyhiist Paris Is Slumbering...
FRANCE . WYhiiVYhiist Paris is slumbering in tranquillity , and tbe ees dees dent and the Assembly have sheathed their totdsofds , the people in the provinces are giving vent i theinheir angry passions in all directions . At Nevres »» Sscj Socialis ts have got up a serious riot to prevent II ids * trial of M . Miot , the radical representative , who i & a & icandalously libelled the Prefect of tbe departsisni oini of tbe Nievre . The commissary of police has ee-i vfe ; violently assaulted , and a cuiraissier killed . M . BA . Belle Isle , the convicts have risen and revolted ninsfcinsi tbe authorities , and could not be reduced to bhaiisoaiUaou , without the aid of cannon , which finally tougtought them « o subjection ; forty of them have ucfc net been heavily ironed , and this outbreak may sav ilar iheir prospect of profiting b y the proposed
am"BtY-ABtY * A- A- Vendome there has also been a tremendous » w !» w bstween tbe military and the Socialists of that IiIbccIbcc ; a soldier has been killed , and more blood has ceei ! ee « sbed , it is supposed , in by-placfs , but when lie -ae last accounts left Vendome , the rioters had been nuiouie-- ' , and some scores of Socialists carried off to iritnritnn . T 3 : T 3 w Count de Chambord has addressed a letter to II . H . Berryer thankine him for his speech in the Aseem eai
1 Attempts have lately been made , both in Paris l uufenu tbe provinces , to get up a demonstration in comi mememoration of the inauguration of the Republic . All thftheii attempts have been put down by the police , bnbnt it appears that , owing to ( he entreaties of M . CiCre : uieux with the Minister of the Interior , a banqaqact was allowed to take place on Monday tbe 24 * -h ulult ., in commemoration of the third anniversary of tbthe Revolution . The condition demanded hy the M Minister is that none are to be present but members of of the Assembly . The nmnbsr of subscribers amounts to to 120 .
MM . "Waysse and Rover , tbe ministers of tbe into terior and justice , on using consulted in thecomn miiiee of initiative on the bill of amnesty , energeti-0 call ? opposed lh- » t measure . The committee , having k rejected the bill by nineteen votes against three ap . p poin ted M . Piscatory reporter . In the committee on supplementary c : edits , the x ministers on being questioned with regard to the 1 Roman expedition , stating that the number of French t troops could not be reduced during 1851 below
] 10 , 000 men and 1 , 500 horses ; nor could any period 1 be assigned for the cessation of the occupation . The t committee , having approved tbe arguments of tbe 1 minister , granted the credits demanded for the main-1 teuance of tbe expedition , and appointed reporter J M . Fassy , who recommends the adoption of the bill . The anniversary of the republic has been celebra'ed by services on the Chamber of St . Mery , and at Notre Dame , when tbe republican members of the Assembly , the Prefect of Police attended . The Archbishop of Paris was in full pontificals .
SWITZERLAND . A letter from Berne of the 18 th ult . informs us that . ' the Federal Council has just issued a decree of i nature to put an end to the uneasiness felt at ths residence of Fresco refugees in places too near tbe frontier . They have been hitherto restricted to a distance of eight leagues , but this regulation was frequently eluded from the facilities of travelling in Switzerland , and the refugees visited Geneva , and even Lausanne and Vevey . To put an end to this abuse they are now interdicted by the Federal Council from residing in the cantons of Geneva , Vaud , Fiibourg , Valats , Neufchatel , and the Bernese Jura-It w also interdicted to the above-named canton ? ai ' -d to those of tbe Grisons and Tessino to give an asv mm to Italian refugees , and measures have been taken to enforce the execution Of this prohibition . T 5 : c above-named cantons will be allowed to receive
German refugees . The number of refugees of all np . 'lins who now find an asylum in Switzerland is no ! so great as to be any real cause for alarm to tbe neighbouring states , since it has been reduced to less than 500 , in consequence of the numerous expulsions and the large sums which the Federal Treasury had expended iu sending them to England and to live United States . These 500 refugees are distributed in the cantons according to their population , and are subjected to the surveillance of the authorities . The chiefs of the German insurrections have long since been expelled ; one only , named Barbo , a Bvien lawyer , bad succeeded in remaining in the cat . ion of Bale-campagne under a false name ; he
has , however , just been discovered and arrested . Another , named d'Ester , bad , from different motives , obtained delays , but they have both now quitted Switzerland . AI ! that has been said about military organisation of the refugees , their recruiting , and dc-puts of arms , is pure invention . It is pretended thai Mazzini , who was last year expelled from Switzerland , has since returned there . All the search made after him bad been hitherto without nsult . Swi ' . zerland has , since 1847 , enjoyed the most perfect tranquillity , under tbe happy influence of her new constitution , and people abroad are too apt to forget her dignified and calm attitude when all was in a flame around her . '
GERMANY . The Ministerial papsrs state that an understanding has been effected at Dresden between the agents of Prussia and Austria . The rotation in tbe Presidency of tbe Executive bas been conceded by the latter Power . Prussia and Bavaria have consented to the reception into the Germanic Confederation of all the Austrian provinces . Austria engages to defend this measure against the suspicions and jealousies of the foreign Powers . Tbe smaller Stiles continue their opposition to tbe Austrian proposals . The above news is confirmed by the official Dresden gazette . PRUSSIA ,
The Neuo Freussische Zeitung * states the results of the plenary sitting of Congress held at Dresden on the 23 rd ult . In that sitting the kingdom of Germany supported the Austrian propositions . Tuts smaller States opposed them . The kingdoms of Bavaria , Wnrtemburg , and Saxony have , moreover , protested against the competency of tbe Confer nces to pass resointions tending to restore trw old Federal Diet . So resolutions of any kind have been adopted . A fortnight ' s term has been fixed for further and more positive declarations .
The Upper Chamber is discussing the Press Law . The several clauses were carried as the Commission drew them , the amendments moved being readily rejected . A letter was read from a publisher slew ing the fatal effect of the law on the book publishing busiues . Even if a publisher refuses to print a book or pamphlet , it appears lie ia made answerable if it appears in any other quarter . The police ' assume ' thac the first publisher to whom it was offered is privy to the printing , and will deprive him of his ' concession' or permission to carry on his business .
SPACf .., The Committee charged with the arrangement of the debt met on the previous day to examine tho documents laid before them by the governmen t Tbey were again to assemble on the 21 st ult ., but , " if our wformant be correct , they appeared little disposed to accelerate the presentation of their report , and some persons even believed that the question would not be decided during tbe present sisson According to positive data the interest of the new consolidated debt will amount daring the four first years to about 47 , 000 , 000 , and , in tbe twenty years , to 141 , 000 , 000 , besides the 100 . 000 , 000 ami the interest of our debt , the 12 , 000 , 000 devoted to tbe redemption of tbe other portion of that debt , the 6 , 000 , 000 of the twenty per cent , on the
communal property , called proprios , and the 10 , 000 , 000 allocated for the payment of the treasury bonds , in all 27 , 000 , 000 '
PIEDMONT . It has been currentl y reported , and very geneiSJS ^^^ Sdftk upright , Sardinian toSS ! ^ T hisopi nion continues 2 lo ? ed bv t t ° ? n- J C 0 ,, tinent » n < wiU even be ffi & fi ! mEi 2 i * officiaI article :- ' The oShTrgnatS 2 S £ W «* *• ** Seals . Jt ^ faS ™^ ****? 0 * ' ** BppeMM theinTSa ^ B ^ Jf ™ 8 I co ntwue to pScals . CufiSfftoSSft * f ^ ? true cause of the resignation ofSSS ? tr * ° £ is the state of his health , Ufehnav & SlCcardl t me past been shaken br poll deal SffS Z / ° turning to decline , has M *[ £ ! ffig £ i gf SZe > ^™ ' ^ other suppSont
i « Jnnof pa P PoMntes the law aIlotin » 130 , 000 francs to the officers who defended S In itssrt ns of the 18 th , the Chamber of IW ties of Terra passed by ninety-eight votes to fnriv four the bill for the abolition ofthcfeudS St called the ominalito , by wnich vassals were obliged to grind at the mill of their lord . k
ROMAN STATES . The 9 th inst . being the anniversary of the republic , a promenade demonstration was expected to
France. Wyhiivyhiist Paris Is Slumbering...
tske place in the Corso , but several arrests having been effected during the preceding night , nothing of tbe kind took place ; the only promenade of republicans being that of the French regiments , who were marched about ¦ the city the whole morning in terrorem . An unusual spirit of gaiety , however , seemed to pervade everybody , and in the afternoon Rome appeared to have poured out the whole of her population into the streets and public walks . In tbe evening a more marked occurrence displayed the
political souvenir of the day . Exactly at one hour after dark , Bengal lights and tri-cotoured illuminations burst forth from the central piazzas and elevated parts of the city , and tbe patrols of cavalry and infantry , which had been deemed neces . sary by the prudent General Gemean , g azed with astonishment at the ted , white and green rays which illumined their cautious rounds , bursting from the Capitol , the Pinciuan steps , and the column of Marcus Antoninus . The entertainments of the
anniversary were concluded by a grand bail given by Prince Piombino , tbe principal liberal nobleman of Rome , who , whether intentionally or by chance , had selected the anniversary of the republic for inviting his friends . The police authorities and the ahirri have been actively employed since Snnday in endeavouring to discover the authors of the tri-coloured illumination , which so ominously celebrated the anniversary of the republic en that day . General Gemeau is also very anxious lo find out the offenders , as he was honoured witb a very brilliant Bengal light in the court-yard of his palace . By a singular piece of audacity on the part of the republican agents , the piazzas before tbe Vatican and Qu rinal palaces , and the principal government offices , were likewise
splendidly illuminated . The veteran spy , Nardoui , seems to have lost great part oi his enthusiasm since the last attempt to assassinate him , and is said to wish to retire ; as to his compeer , the Chevalier Minardi , he cannot have his eyes much about him , since the par tone or street door of bis residence , which is usually left open , according to the Roman custom , was taken off iu hinges and carried bodily away a few nights ago : the political or plundering Sampson who effected the feat , no easy task when the solidity and iron garnishing * of a Roman streetdoor are considered , wrote to the director of police on the following day , requesting him to oblige Minardi to state where bis dear was , since he boasted of knowing whatever was going on in the city , and therefore must of coarse know what was going on in bis own house .
ALEPPO . We learn by letters from Aleppo , dated 16 th of January , that Mehemed Pasha has been most successful in repairing the effects of the disorders which broke out in that city a short time since . It appears from the Pasha ' s report , that the statements which appeared is some of tbe European papers relative to the outbreak at Aleppo were of a most exaggerated kind . In the onslaught only five Christians were killed , and six badly wounded . ' A hundred Christians' houses and five churches were pillaged . On the other band , the insurgent Mussulmans were
severely punished on the instant , for the troops brought against them showed them no mercy . Six hundred of them fell by the hands of the soldiers , and that part of the city inhabited by the insurgents , and in which they defended themselves , was completely destroyed by a furious cannonade . Six hundred of the principal rioters who escaped the conflict with the soldiery have since been sent to the galleys by Mehemed Pasha . A portion of the property of which the . Christians were plundered has been restored to them , and the Porte has given orders that they shall be fully indemnified for all tbeir losses .
AMERICA . We have advices from America up to the Iltfa ult . The bill to settle land claims In California bas passed the Senate . A petition to Congress from the American Peace Society has been referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations , who reported a resolution that it would be desirable for the government of the United States to secure a provision in its treaties with other nations , for referring all future difficulties to the decision of umpires before tbe commencement of hostilities . The * New York Tribune' says that Sir Henry Bulwer , it is probable , will shortly resign and return to England , on account of his infirm health .
We have news from Nicaragua to the 13 th Jan . The state election has taken place , and Don Jose Sacasa bas been chosen Director of Nicaragua , the term of the present incumbent , Norberlo Ramirez , expiring on May 1 st . The country has been visited by a plague , in tbe shape of locusts or grasshoppers , which threatens the almost total destruction of the crops . Tbe danger from this source has been so great that the government bas published directions
for destroying them , and issued instructions to the authorities to carry tbem into effect . But fearing that no remedy will be effective , the government has taken the further precaution to issue a decree , which bears date the 20 th of December last , removing all duties on flour , wheat , corn , ryp , barley , and all other grains ; and the director of the state , in a private letter to a gentleman at New York recommends the intreduction of these articles , in moderate quantities , from the United States .
The following case of a fugitive slave will be interesting . The trial took place at Philadelphia : — A woman named Tamor , or Euphemia Williams , called ' Mahala , ' charged with being tbe slave of W . T . J . Purcell , of Worcester County , Md ., was tried before Judge Kane , under the Fugitive Slave Act , for the purpose of having her restored to her masters . Tbe witnesses for tbe prosecution swore to her identity . On the contrary , otber witnesses deposed that she was living in another county at the time she was stated to have been in the possession of Parnell . The Judge then went over the evidence at length . He spoke of the great difficulty of identifying a person after twenty-four years' lapse of
time , and noticed the opinion of physiologists on the subject . He said tbat tbe witnesses for the defence aided this doubt , and made tbe fact overwhelmingly clear that tbe prisoner was not the person chimed . The witnesses were intelligent , and their evidence conclusively proved that at the time the slave Mahala was in Maryland the prisoner was in Pennsylvania , There could be no question but thai the weight of the evidence preponderated in favour of tbe prisoner . She was therefore discharged . —An attempt at applause in tbe court-room was promptly impressed , but when the news reached the crowd of coloured people below , there was a glad shout raked , which was unmistakable in the sincerity of its
fervour . The prisoner was taken away with her family ; the speculators departed , and , we presume , the claimant will go his way to Maryland , to digest his mortification as best he may . We may state that if the decision bad been adverse to the prisoner , if money would have bought her , she would not have been sent back . H . C . Townsend and T . C . Rockhill , Esquires , before the hearing was concluded , lendered to D . P . Brown a check for 500 dols . each ! Mr . Brown informed them that It was not , likely to be wanted . A sum twice as large could have been tasily raised . The woman , after she was released , was taken , with her children , to the head-quarters of the coloured people—the Philadel phia Institute—in Lombard-street , above Seventh . Here she was
introduced , speeches were made , huzzas indulged in , and the greatest excitement manifested . The same wild feeling was shown by the coloured population throughout the lower part of tbe county . After this jubilee , there was a new feature ; the horses were taken out of tbe carriage in which Euphemia Williams and her children were placed , a long rop * was attached to the carriage , which was taken hold < = f by as many of her coloured friends as could crowd ou to it . She was thus dragged to her home , amid the shouts and songs of rejoicing of hundreds who surrounded the cortege . Her female friends formed in procession behind the carriage , and kept up with the dog-trot of those who were dragging it . The whole scene was one of wild excitement .
A—Bm——Ay Cause Of Riritt Of Williw Iy.'S...
a—BM——ay Cause of Riritt of Williw IY . ' s Copper Coinage —When the copper coins of tho last reign appeared , a slight tinge in the colour of the metal excited the suspicion of those accustomed to examine such things tbat it contained gold , which proved to be tbe fact ; hence , their , real value was greater than that for which they passed current , and they were speedily collected and melted down by manufacturers , principally , I believe , as an alloy of gold , whereby every particle of that metal whmh they contained was turned to account . I have been told that various Birmingham establishments had agents in different parts of the country , appointed to collect this coinage . —From -a ' otes and Queries .
lllIECMATistt EfrtCTCAlLT CUBED BI HOIXOWAl ' s PltXS . — Aj- erjea iitofonu oftiie regiments doing garrison duty in nooart Town had bccii for years a martyr to rheumatism ; T » w „ unae , r thQ cAx & of the regimental surgeons , but mi J hi ^ V Ieast benefit from their treatment , in desmStw . in ? l ? ° M ow » y ' 8 " Us , and . as by a S 3 ? 22 ? " 5 P mBdicine ww t «* n the sole means toSthftrShSS ^ ' and he now ew ' oi-the best of and tha l ££ ZT reas 6 - ns ' , he n ™ 6 * * toe sergeant ? r t r ^ . ™ 5 " . ? . " « withheld , but Major Watcti . of IfctartTown , wtU vouch for the truth ofKstate « . nt .
Ifomgn J«T»Wwnng»
iFomgn J « t » wWnng »
M. Rothschild Has Just Had Constructed I...
M . Rothschild has just had constructed in the docks of Bordeaux the largest merchant ship which has been seen in France , of 1 , 500 tons burthen . She is to be called La Ville de Frankfort , in honour of the native place of tbe Rothschilds' ; and is destined to make her first trip to California , where the house of Rothschild possesses a large establishment . The painter Ghizzaura , a Sardinian artist , maintained at Rome by the Piedmontese government for his improvemen t , having been imprisoned on suspicion of baring caricatured General' Gemeau ; the Sardinian Consul immediately applied and obtained his release .
The Minister of the Interior has laid the following summary of the results of the' operation of the law of May 31 , 1850 , before the committee charged to examine the different propositions for the abrogation or the revision of that law : — « Electors inscribed on tbe 31 st of March , 1850 , in the eightysix departments , in execution of tbe law of March 15 , 1849 , 2 , 918 , 057 ; number inscribed on the actual lists , in execution of the law of May 15 6 . 809 , 281 ; differences , equal to 30 per cent , 2 . 808 . 776 /
It is stated that as soon as the definitive government of Holstein is established' all the officers of the insurgent army who were serving before March , 1848 , will be compelled to leave the country . In this list will be Duke Charles of Glucksburg and Prince Frederick of Glucksburg , though it is possible their exile may be continued only for a time . The Duke of Augustenburg and his two sons were not in active service previous to tbe insurrection , but from the active part they took in - it , and the
campaigns of the war , it is not probable they will be allowed to reside in the duchy . The Prince of Augustenburg-Noer , is in the same position . The officers thus expelled the country Will be allowed their pensions—an arrangement which it is under-Stood has been assented to by the King olDfttimark . The ' Freie Presse' states that the obligations issued b y the Stauhalterschaft for the forced loan will be recognised by the Danish Government in tbe same manner as tbe otbpr paper of the State .
General Quitman has arrived at New Orleans to take his trial for tbe part he had . borne in the invasion of Cuba . Jenny Lind has also arrived at that city . Dates from Valparaiso to the 2 nd ultimo ,. report the destruction of 250 , 000 dollars worth of property by fire in that city . From tbe Lake of Nicaragua we learn -that the steamer Director had commenced regular semiweekly trips on Lake Nicaragua , running the distance of ninety-five miles in twenty hours . The remaining eig hty-five miles of river navigation to San Juan was accomplished in about the same time in bungos . Besides the steamer , there are two schooners on the lake employed in conveying passengers .
Mention was made a week ago of the discovery of a conspiracy against the Sultan . Tbe ' Neue Zeit , ' a paper published at Olmittz , now re . turns to the subject , and on . the authority of its Constantinople correspondent states , that at tbe same time that the insurrection took place in Aleppo , and the man-of-war was blown up in the Busphorus , the Sultan was to have been poisoned but that Dr . S ., his physician in ordinary , communicated the whole plot to his Imperial roftster , who ,
after rewarding him in a truly royal manner , and granting him a pension for life , advised him to quit his dominions where be would no longer be secure , The Hamburg Free Trade Union bas declared against the scheme of a general Zollverein for Germany , as one opposed to the interests of that nation , aud also against tbfcj ^ tion of the Zouverein witb the Stenerverein , except on the condition that the former abandon even its moderate protective svstem . A motion to the above effect was
made at the recent general meeting of the' union , by Herr Merck , who was formerly one of the members ef the central government of the Archduke John , when 'vicar of the German empire . ' Prince Wallerstein , a liberal member of tbe Second Chamber of Bavaria , has indirectly expressed his intention to move for the impeachment of ministers , on account of tbeir participation in the suppression of the Hesse-Cassel constitution . From Spain we learn that the committee
appointed to examine the bill relative to tbe arrangement of the public debt commenced on the pre vious day to discuss that important measure . Tbe debate turned principally on two delicate questions —namely , its opportunity and practicability . Neither question was decided on that day , and the committee adjourned until the government should have communicated lo them several documents , among which were the report of the committee of the national creditors and tbat of tbe committee of the
foreign creditors . M . Arago , the celebrated astronomer , is dangeously ill . A duel with swords took place on the 15 th ult , between General Ortega and Count N ., at-Madrid . After a smart rencontre , in which the General ' s sword was broken , a reconciliation was effected . The' Piedmontese Gazette' of the 18 th ult . announces officially tbat the resignation of Count Siccardi has been accepted ,, and that be has been named First President of the Court of Appeal .
Lord Fielding ' s coachman bas received a sudden summons from the police , and the Right Hon . Mr . Nicol ' s cook bas been ordered to leave Rome immediately , neither of them being Romans born , besides the enormity of their having cooked victuals and driven carriages for some ephemeral authorities during tbe republican regime . The sale of Professor Sarti ' a library commenced on the 11 th ult . at Rome , but was suddenl y pul a stop to about twelve o ' clock by the arrival of a posse
of police agents . The fact is , that amongst his books were twenty-one volumes of manuscript correspondence between the governments of Rome and Venice , from the time of Pope Paul Caraffa downwards . Monsignior Molsa , a great friend of the laie professor , knowing of these volumes , which were in cypher with tbeir interpretations , hastened to tell Cardinal Antonelli , wbo dispatched orders just in time to save the secrets , of the state from further divulgation .
Tiie Austrian commander in Italy , Count TSoVrti , has proclaimed tbe penalty of death , without form of judicial proceedings against persons found with arms in tbeir possession , and whoever harbours , provides food for , or gives information to tbe brigands . Four or five and twenty of those concerned in the assault on Forlimipopoli are reported to have been captured . At Jesi two gendarmes and a volunteer were recently killed in ah encounter with some townspeople of the lower order , whom they wished to arrest for singing . The culprits , to the number
of fifteen or twenty , were subsequently imprisoned hy some troops sent from Ancona , and have already been well bastinadoed for having throwiii either by des » Kn or accident , a bit of cigar On the Austrian sentry below . A wretch who had murdered his mother , and previously caused the death of his wife , was shot here on the morning before last , there being as yet no guillotine for the purposes of justice . Late advices from Chili mention that the government had exempted British shi ps and goods from the discriminating duties recentl y decreed .
M . Emile de Girardin , with characteristic eccentriciiy , produces in the « Presse' an article written on February 23 rd , ' 1818 , which breaks off in the middle of a sentence . 'My peri had reached this pnint , ' says M . de Girardin , when , at four o ' clock , M . Sallandrouze , deputy of the Creuse , " came rushing in and told me the Guizot ministry had fallen- ' 581 , 179 f . were deposited in the Paris savings-bank on Sunday and Monday last . The withdrawals amounted to 21 l , 492 f . Tbe Supreme Military and Naval Tribunal in Spain has ordered the prosecution of Gen . Armero , for sending a challenge to General Narvaez ,
Smirnfibu) Market Removal Biii,_On Satur...
SMirnFiBU ) Market Removal Biii , _ On Saturday last the bill prepared and brought in by Sir George Grey and Mr . Comewall Lewis , for providing a metropolitan market and conveniences connected therewith in lieu of the cattle market at Smithfield , was issued . The preamble states that " whereas for preventing the evils attendant on the holding of the market in Smithfield it is desirable that in lieu thereof a more spacious cattle market , with a meat market and conveniences connected therewith , should be provided in a suitable place , more distant from the centre of the metropolis . "
It proposes for this purpose to appoint , by warrant under royal sign manual five commissioners , to be incorpor : vted under tlw title of tho " Metropolitan Cattle Market Commissioners , " who are to have perpetual succession under common seal . The commissioners are to provide a cattle and meat , market and build slaughter houses , shops , < fcc , and lairs for cattle , maintain and repair roads and approaches thereto , and provide tor aupply of water and drainage . They are to fix the table of tolls and payments , as in a schedule , but which schedule is not given in the bill . On proposed new market being opened , Smithfield is toceaae being a market ,
Smirnfibu) Market Removal Biii,_On Satur...
thereafter no new market is to be opened in London , Westminster , Southward or at any place distant less than five miles in a straight line from St . Paul ' s Cathedral , Tho Commissioners of Police are to regulate route and times for driving cattle to and from the market , and it is to be lawful for defraying tho expenses to raise upon mortgage any sum of money not exceeding £ 200 , 000 . The commissioners arc to make un annual report and statement of accounts for public inspection and presentation to parliament , and all slaughter-houses aro to be licensed . " . CnARixr . —One feature of the season has commenced witb an act of benevolence . A lady has taken a commodious house , and instructed der own tradesmen to hilt the sumo in order , which will be placed at the service of the Committee of the Distre ssed Needlewomen's Society . M . Araoo , the celearated astronomer , is dangerously ill .
Itealth Where'tis Sotcht .'
HOLLO WAY'S PILLS . Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stomach , when in a most hopeless state . . Extract ofa letter from Mr . Matthew Harvey , of Chapel Ball . Airdvie , Scotland , dated the 15 th of January , 1850 . Sib —Your valuable p ills have been the means , with God ' s Messinjr , of restoring mo to a state of perfect health , and at a time when I thought I was on the . brink of the crave I had consulted several eminent doctors , who , atter doing what they could for me , stated that they considered mv case as hopeless . I ought to say that I had been suffor-
BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC riliLS . —The following testimonial Is another proof of tho great efficacy of this Medicine : — 127 , New Bond Street , London . October 12 th , 1850 . Sm , —In acquainting you with the great benefit which I hare experienced by taking BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS , 1 feel that I am but performing a duty to that portion of the public who may be similarly afflicted . About twenty years since I was first attached by llheumatic flout in my hands and feet . I had previously been subjected to every variety of climate , having served in Canada in the 19 th Dragoons , and in Spain , under Sir John Moore , in the 18 th Hussaiv . I always procured the best medical aid , but without obtaining any essential relief , and my sufferings can be appreciated only by _ those who know something of this disease . It was during one of those paroxysms , between twelve and thirteen years ago , that 1 was recommended to try BLAIR'S PILLS . I lost no
DEAUTIFUL HAIR ; WHISKERS , V EYEBROWS , dsc , may be , with certainty , bbmined by using a very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE , every morning ; instead of any . oil or other preparation . A fortnight ' s use will , in most instances , show its surprising properties in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair , 4 c , at any age , from whatever cause deficient ; as also checking greyncss , A'C . Sent free by post , with instructions , tic , on receipt of tireBtr . four postflffe fitampg , by Miss COUI'ELLE , Elyplace , Holborn-hill , London ; who may be consulted on these matters daily from 2 till S o ' clock .
Mr , Jones , Pwlelli , North Wales *— Some time ago I sent 2 s . for jour Parisian Pomade , from the success of which , fn restoring the hair , I am induced to purchase your twenty recipes . ' DO NOT CUT A'OUU CORSS , BUT CURE THEM . Also will be sent ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen stumps , her only safe , speedy , and lasting cure for soft or hard Corns , Bunions , & . It cures iu three days , - and is never-. '' Mrs . ' Hughes , Sunbury ;— ' It cured four corns and three bunions amazingly quick , and is the best and safest thing I have ever met wiih . ' Address , Miss COUPELLE , Ely-pface , Holborn-hill , London .
TOOTHACHE PREVENTED . Price Is . per packet ; pest-lree , Is . Id . BRAKDE'S ENAMEL , for FILLING DECAYING TEETH , and RENDERING THEM SOUND AND PAINLESS , has , from its unquesttonable excellence , obtained great popularity at honveaud abroad . Its curative agency is . based upon a IHVk THEORY of the cause of T . ^ oth-ache , and hence its great success . By most other remedies it is sought to fcuf ifte nerve , and so stop the pain . But to destroy the nerve is itself a very painful operation , and often leads to very sad consequencis , for the tooth then becomes a dead substance in tbe living jaw , and produces the same amount ol inflammation and pain as would result from any ^ other foreign body embodied in a living organ . BRANiJt . b ENAMEL does not destroy the nerve , but by ltEsfORl & G TIIE SHELL OF THE TOOTH , completely protects the nerve from cold , heat , or chemical or other agency , by which pain is caused . By following the directions . INSTANT EASE is obta ned , and a LASTING CUKE follows . Full instructions accompany every packet . AUTHENTIC raSTIMONIAl . — SEVEBAt PEBSONS CUBED .
IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT . 9 , 211 CURES LAST YEAR !!! As adopted by Lallemand , Ricord , Deslanda , and others , of the Ilopital des Veneriens a Paris , a >\& hwu uniformly practised in this country by WALTJ 2 R DE ROOS , 3 f . D ., 35 , Etr Place , Holborn Jim , London , AUTHOR OF rr'HE MEDICAL ADVISEU , X improved edition , written in a popular style , devoid of technicalities , and addressed to all those whoare suffering from Spermatorrhoea ,, Seminal Weakness , and the various disqualifying forms of premature decay resulting from infection and youthful abuse , that most delusive practice by which the vigour anfl manliness of life are enervated and destroyed , even before nature has fully established the powers and stamina of the constitution .
and 4 s . 6 d . and lis . per box ., through all Medicinn vTr or should any difficulty eccur , they will be sent ifr ^ receipt of the price in postage stamps , by Dr T ) p ° « ' *> 35 , Ely-place , Holborn-hill , London . ' UB % » TE 3 TISHUHAL 8 AND CASES , Thomas Chatty , Butterleigh , Tiverton , had from parent complication of disorders kept his bed fn ,. " " ' ^ weeks , and was ' given up' by the doctors fa Hip '"J bourhood , who were alike puzzled ; as a last re « n ,, & was persuaded to try a 2 s . 9 d . box of these pills •!„ " i hs they were finished he was enabled to walk ' out . f ? "wt and is nowhappy in adding his testimony to their aft ? V ing properties . """ sli . Robert Johnson , Luelara-strect , Bradford-, ' v iable pills have so improved my friend in ScatlaM « ^ tohas solicited me to send him another box , whicii \ l » r ''* assured will care him ; you can use our names as vof , [ ° eli proper , that others sufferers may be convinced ' of if * vaiue ui fvjju uiquutu
HEALTH FOR ALL . Amasing / Success of Dr . Barker ' s Treating , _ Thousands of Cases . DR . BARKER , 48 , Liverpool-street , Kw , Cross , London , ° Having had a vast amount of practice at the various u . pitals in London and on tite Continent , is enable * treat with the utmost certainty of cure , every ^ jj of disease arising from solitary and sedentary liabit ? indiscriminate excesses , and infections , in all their tj , ^ forms and stages , whether primary or secondary , ^ owing to neglect or improper treatment , invariably eadg gout , rheumatism , skin diseases , gravel , pains in th 6 jj , neys , back , and loins , and finally , an agonising a ^ , All sufferers are earnestly invited to apply at once to j , ' Barker , as he guarantees to all a speedy and perfect f „ , ;
AN THE PREVENTION , CURE , AM \ J General character of SYPHILUS , STRICTURE ! Affections » f the PROSTRATE GLAND , VENEREAL asi SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS of the face and body , Mercuri excitement , & c , followed by a mild , successful and eip & tious mode of treatment . Thirty-first edition , Illustrated by Twenty-Six Anatomical Engravings fi Steel . New and improved Edition , cnlarjed to 196 p 3 » ust published , prict 2 s . 6 d ; or by post , direct ftomiil E & tabUahment , 3 s . 6 d . in postage stamps . "TIIE SILENT FRIEND , " a Medical Work on Yentml and Syphilitic Diseases , Secondary Spmptoms , Gonorrta .
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 1, 1851, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_01031851/page/2/