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'" • * '..«,« ' & i *T"$- W & f $ T* 't ...
Crates* JRotometttg.
SikssLET. —TheJCommittee of Power Loom w...
Co tfea&ersf # ComS4i0it&ent&
Me. John Newby, Thoruley.—Our charge for...
Caution to Railway Travellers from Scotland
—a sii'iKing instance ot tlie ausuruity ...
At a Meeting of the persons composing th<
"rurgatory oi Mucmes" isoon uiub, hold a...
€Dmt&t MtelUmxtt
7, CITY.OF LONDON. . [We last week refus...
^^^^^^¦^^^^^^^i^^^^^^y^^w^y^^y^^ COOPER ...
: We spent several hours on Tuesday even...
Partial Destkuction of tue flirr-ODROUE ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Parliamentary Review. The Star Of Free T...
. j s peech contained an illustration of hispnmenes t o retre new theories from very slight materials . findtoS one 0 T ^ 9 instances of reaction in onr his- ' tor drew the conclusion that it was the principle . ftae nation . That , in fact , instead of progressing , as ^ „ Te all been comfortably hugging " otttselres In tie helicfwe were doing , we are mere pendulums , the mo-« t'sve reachoneextreme of our oscillatory boundary „ e smug hack again . The instances he gave in gipport of this were certainly at first startling . It is { roe thatwedethronedaKing . rroclaimedacommon-—jfli , vA returned to monarchy again ; built is not
flietefore true that In all great essentials of societarian advancement , wehave been in fact only pendajatory . oralwaysgettingbacktothepointfrom whence we stated . Lord John Russell , in his reply , ably cuinhatted this specious and showy sophism . For Sfiy generations we have been gradually carried onward through successive stages of society , never to return to them . Savageism has given place to fendalism , feudalism to commercialism , and commer cialism , in its turn , will besupplanted by association
beyond vhich , in the distance , ve see communism . The power of the one , or the few , over the many , has been gradually diminishing , and we have been steadily approaching the realisation of the great fact in social and political morals—the Soveheigstt of the People . It is onr creed , and it is a hopeful one , that the day is coming when this fact will be universally recognised and established as the only fane and enduring basis for all national institutions , the only guarantee for social happiness and pros- ;
penty . i The Sugar question out of fcheway / ihe session trill be hurried to its close as soon as possible . Work is substituted for talk . Bills upon all manner ef subject are passed , and will pass with marvellous rapidity ; merely to catalogue them would exhansta " Review . "; This week , so far as it has gone at the time we write , has shown dear indications of the approach of the end . Lord Jons will retire with theprattgc of having settled the Sugar question , in the same session a Feel settled the Corn question , to consider with what measures he will meet Parliament next
year . "V 7 e tell him he must reconsider his statement in answer to Mr . Ddncombe on the Ten Hours question , the Charter , and the Irish Church , or his stay in office will he short . The people have resolved that modern legislation shall not forget them , nor , among its performances for the benefit of the Trading classes , perpetually be sterile to the industrial class , who constitute the life blood of the community *
'" • * '..«,« ' & I *T"$- W & F $ T* 'T ...
' " * ' .. « , « ' & i * T" $ - W & $ T * 't it ' " y ' * ¦ * 3 " o '' - -r ' - A r ^ USrlr ^ ^ ~^ . ^^^
Crates* Jrotometttg.
Crates * JRotometttg .
Siksslet. —Thejcommittee Of Power Loom W...
SikssLET . —TheJCommittee of Power Loom wea-i rers inBarnsley on behalf of the whole trade , return their best thanks to the following trades in Sheffield . who have so liberally responded to their call , viz ., the File-grinders , Saw-grinders , Scissor-forgers , j Table-knMehafters , File-hardners , Fender ^ rinders , ' and various other trades who have promised their ' support . Through the great kindness and liberality of the Sheffield trades , the turnout is likely to be brought to a speedy and successful termination , for whose timely assistance we gratefully subscribe ourselves For the Committee , Owen Wright , President . John Shepherd , Treasurer . John Ward , Secretary . rN . B . —Mr . Wm . Stork , Red Lion Inn , Smithfield , Sheffield , is appointed treasurer fir the Barnsley Power Loom Committee , and will be happy to receive subscriptions , either from the trades or individuals .
Begeipts Op The Chartist Co-Operative Laxd Society.
Per Mr. O'Connor. Section No. 1. Shakes....
PER MR . O ' CONNOR . SECTION No . 1 . SHAKES . £ S . d Xortbampton , per Tv " . Jlunday .. .. 3 0 0 Geoisie ^ nils , perR . lfeecham .. „ 2 o o Sacap , perJ . Mawson .. .. „ .. 400 Tavistock , per It . Hole . „ 0 10 0 OidtenLajii , perT-2 Iilett _ „ .. 576 Norwich , per J . Hurry .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 5 ottiugliani , perJ . Sweet _ .. 112 2 Sntton-in-Aslifield , per G . lleakin .. .. 013 3
Ximehouse , per E . Ford .. „ ., 0 9 0 Ch $ of London , per E . Xohhs .. .. .. 402 NorthampJon . perW . Muudav .. .. .. 2 17 0 Tdgnmonth -. .. " 012 0 iticeiter , per Z . Astfll ., 2 8 10 Sheffield , per G . Cavffl .. 11 6 3 Bristol , per J . Newman „ „ „ 10 4 6 Bradf . jrd , per J . Alders-en .. .. ., 500 Bodhurst Brow .. ., .. ., o 11 O Colne , perR . Key .. .. .. .. 336 3 tanchester , perJ . Murraj „ „ „ SIS O Neweastle-on-Tyne , per M . Jade .. .. 1 13 6
£ 71 1 : SECTION Ho . 2 . ™^™" BEAMS . Ijnn , per W . Ronton .. .. .. „ 0 15 2 Bacup , per J . JIawson „ ., .. 100 Tatisfc > el ^ per B . Hole .. „ „ O 5 0 Cheltenham , per T . Ulett .. •« .. .. 0 18 6 Xotnnghani , perJ . Sweet .. .. „ 8 1110 Chepstow .. .. .. .. 2 19 72 Sntton-in-Ashfield , per C . Meakin .. „ 0 4 8 X-liaburgh , per J . Cunumiijj „ ,. .. S O O limehouse , per E . Ford „ .. .. 464 City of London , per E . Nobbs . 1 10 8 K-firthamptoiJ , per W . Monday .. .. 130 Ttijmraouth .. .. , 017 2
Leicester , per Z . Astfll 15 8 Sheffield , per G . Caviil 3 10 G Sotanghaiii , No . 2 , per J . Wall .. „ 1 4 10 lynu . perJ . Scott . « „ „ „ 0 a G Bunbury per J . Hone „ „ ., 115 8 Bristol , per J . Newman .. .. .. 6 10 C Bradford , per J . Alderson .. .. „ 5 0 0 Clayton West per E . Evans .. „ .. 2 10 10 DodhnsstJBroB- _ _ „ „ J i C Jl . v .. 5 0 0 Slancliester , per J . Murray .. .. .. 18 8 0 Cripplegate , per J . E . Cartwriglit .. „ 1 17 8 Ebnarn . jck jiier John Dick .. „ „ 1 14 0
£ 69 19 71 N . B . The sum acknowled ged from Sallord last week should have been £ 20 not £ 18 PER GENEEAL SECRETARY , SECTION No . 1 . SHAKES . BirieiiLead- . 2 o 0 MaeclesSeM - 9 0 0 » J *^ " - * « 2 Somers Town - 110 0 RaohadRowal - 0 0 fi Som « rs Town , Ja mes » ioitb - o « 3 omitted last week 2 0 0 James Morns , Hull , per G . Bar-> e » -Mills- - 0 10 0 rett - - . 0 10 C ¦ utywood _ -H d ji
£ 34 4 Sj SECTION Xo . 2 . —«—Hits . D ^ ekuiflj , JainesHall - - 1 0 6 Soutliainptou - 0 o 10 John UtfferiKm - 0 2 C Charles Henry George Brooks - 010 fi Biddlccombe - 0 10 0 James More - -020 TV . II . Walker , "WiUiam F . Mun-Watford - - 0 1 4 day - - - 0 2 0 James Woodward Frederick York -006 Watford - - 0 1 4 William Cane - o 5 G Jolin East , do - 0 1 4 Charles Bentley - 0 1 4 Jacoh Lavvton , do- n 1 4 GeoigeEarton _ 010 0 Joseph Tlowcrc , James Potfea-ton -051 Watford - - 0 1 4 Hull , per G . Bar-David Wilson , do- 0 1 4 rett - - _ « C 0 W- Smith , Hoks- TR . Jacfcsen . Bradle " . " - 0 S 0 ford - - -19 0 Joliu Williams - 0 3 o Coventor , per W JobaHanks , jan- 0 14 How- - " » 10 0 J & slran . Xohhs 1 (| «
£ 11 15 10 TOTAL 1 AM > FC . YD . " ^ " -Mr . O'Connor , Section 25 o . 1 ... 71 1 2 iir . Wheeler „ „ " . 3 i 4 81
; £ 105 _ 5 101 ^ fr . O'Connor , Section So . 2 ... c « j m' ^ i -Mr . T , heeler , „ „ ... 11 15 10 "
JS 1 15 51 ausBBsaca NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . -., . * £ « aifi . o ' cosxos , ^ HgMon , per W . Flower .. .. „ 0 10 0 ? , . roe . JIB . HIOST . * n * tol , per J . Newman .. SI " EdtuW ^ ptr J . MDonald « 1 " o " > I tinudiouse . perE . Ford .. .. ~ „ 0 « o . «¦ , MLMCHABDS . Stafford , perH . Harris „ 5 Q FOB EXECCTIVE , FEB GEKEEAt SECHETAiV . Norwich - - 0 6 2 FOB COSVESTIO !! . laroeliouse , per E . Ford .. .. .. 200 ^ wmch- - - 0 18 0 Norfolk , per Uriab Woodruof - -020 J | -S . — . Several sums of money bare been received at tht <™« -, S ; l , Beau-street , Soho , but , owing to tlie absence ol ^ r . Wtoefer from London , it was thougbt best to delav " or aekuowledgtuei . t £ 11 bis iv . t-. ira . Tifoius ilAUTisW ' usttZB ) Secretary .
Per Mr. O'Connor. Section No. 1. Shakes....
THE WAR IN THE REPEAL CAMP . -O'CONNELL AND SMITH O'BRIEN . Dublin , July . 27 . The members of the Repeal Association assembled in Conciliation Hall , at one o ' clock this day Mr W , S . O'Brien , seconded by Mr . Maher , * M . P . | moved that the Lord Mayor of DuMn ( Mr . Kesnin ) do take the chair . ' Mr . John O'Connell , M . P ., and Mr . Daniel , Jan ., Mr . Grattan , and several other members , both of the Young and the Old Ireland party , appeared " on the oratorical platform . Mr . Ray read the following letter from Mr . O'Connell : — London , July 21 . My dear Ray , —I have much to write , but little time to write in . Tlie truth is my spirit is ead , and my heart is heavy at the miserable dissensions introduceuintb the
association , at a period precisely when unanimity was most necessary , and most likely to be useful . The advocacy of physical force doctrines renders it impossible for those who stand upon the constitution of the association itself to co-operate with those who will not adhere to that constitution . This is a subject that does not admit of any species of compromise . Thebasis of the association is declaredly , peaceable exertions alone . The same principle has been repeatedly and repeatedly reiterated , and has been latterly reasserted and confirmed , distinctly and emphatically , by the association . . Here we take our stand—peaceable exertions and no otter , no compromise , no equivocation , peaceable exertions and none others . Let it , however , be borne in mind that these peaceable aoctrines leave untouched the right of defence against illegal attacks or unconstitutional violence .
These peaceable doctrines , however lavolve every other case , escept resistance to , and defence against , nnconstitntional violence . It is , unhappily , become the more essential to assert our principles , as the association is sought to be involved in proceedings of a most seditious nature , stated in the Saturn newspaper to have been perpetrated in and by the writers for that publication . It would appear that all the traversers in the late indictment are by those writers involved in similar guilt with their own . It must , however , be recollected that while they accuse all they convictonly one , namely , the proprietor of the paper . His accusation , as far as himself is . concerned , is conclusive of guilty ; but as to the other traversers , I for one , and I am sore they wiU all agree with me , proclaim the accusation to be totally false , and we indignantly and contemptuously reject the assertions of our maligner .
I will not , however , allow the matter to rest here . As soon as 1 return to Dublin I . wUl give a regular notice of referring the subject to the committee and to report thereon to the association . It is not possible to submit to the charges made against us—charges which are distinctly contradicted by our solemn affidavit on the motion for the new trial . I believe all the traversers swore a similar affidavit , I mean also to publish an address to the people of Ireland on the conduct of the physical force advocates , who continue , in despite of our solemn resolutions , members ofourbody . Iwillbe able to point out in detail the infinite mischief which the physical force advocates inflict on the body of the Repealers of Ireland .
To leave this melancholy topic , I am glad to be able to say , that , without positively knowing the fact , the Repeal question will be left so far an open question as not to exclude Itepeaiers from such promotion in the various prof eseions as thdr intrin .-ic merits ought to command . How ofCea have we desired to hare theKepeal an open question , and every honest and well thinking man will feel grateful to those who will make it so . There is another fact ofa pleasing nature—if the rumour respecting it be accurate—I myself believe it to be accurate , though of course I cannot state positively . It is this , that the Lord Chancellor Brady has determined to reinstate the Repeal Magistrates ; that will be giving the people the protection of from sixty to seventy gentlemen , who , as Magistrates , enjoy the public confidence . Tins is another title to gratitude .
There are various measures in progress for Ireland , among the rest a Tenant Compensation Act , which I have reason to believe , is ] calculated in a great degree to be satisfactory tothe Irish tenantry ; hut there are many obstacles and difficulties in the way of working out those useful measures—leaving after all , fully strengthened , the conviction , that it is an Irish parliament alone that can work out the prosperity of the Irish people . It is an Irish Parliament alone , that can have sufficient knowledge and sufficiently perseveringinelination to insure the prosperity and freedom of Old Ireland . " No country under Heaven requires so vitally the protection of a domestic Parliament as Ireland does ; and without refusing gratitude for kindnesses intended , ! reiterate my decided eonviotion ^ nx . t we shculd not relax for one hour our exertions for the
repeal . Hurrah , then , for the Repeal , Believe me to be , Very truly yours , To M . Ray , Esq . Dakiel O'CdX-iELL . Mr . O'BiuES moved that this letter be entered on the minutes , although he said there were some points in it to which he could not accede . He was sorry to learn that his speech , at a late meeting at Eilrush , had In a few particulars given displeasure to Mr . O'Connell . Now , he would not be answerable for all that the newspaper reports attributed to him ; but as to the sentiments generally , attributed to him he certainly adhered to them . He never intended to say anything disrespectful to any member of the O'Connell family , and he did not conceive that he had done so . He did not hesitate to say thathe did not concur in all the sentiments lately expressed in this Hall by Mr . O'Connell ; and he must add , that if a course of
conduct such as had been lately adopted in this Association was persevered in , he would withdraw until another course was taken up . ( Hear , hear , hear . ) In thefirstplace . be dissented from thedoctrineof passive obedience which had been promulgated . ( Hear , hear . ) He held , on the contrary , the positive right of resistance on the subject . { Hear , hear . ) It was upon the recognition of such a right her Majesty held her Ceo wd , and it was by such means that liberty had b . en established in America and numerous other countries . ( Hear , hear . ) However , he held that under the present circumstances of Ireland , recourse to physical force would be folly and wickedness . The hon . gentleman then went at great length into a disquisition of the theories propounded to the public in the Nation , newspaper , and defended them . He concluded on this bead by saying , that it the proprietor or writers of that paper were to be excluded from this association , he also would feel bound to withdraw , lie mentioned
Mr . Meagher of Waterford , particularly , as a gentleman who , he thought , next after any member of Air . O'Connell' s family or particular friends , ought to be put forward as a representative of the Irish people . With regard to the Whigs , he repudiated the principle of co-operating or being united with them , as they were certainly not Repealers . lie was de * lighted to hear that all the Repeal magistrates were to be restored . They talked of a new Franchise Bill for Ireland ; but it was not given as yet ; and be thought there was no time for such a purpose as the present . The Whigs talked of a reclamation of the waste lands ; it would be an excellent measure ; but it was still only in perspective . A time of great distress—of greater than any yet experienced—was probably approaching . The Whigs
ought , therefore , to be prompt in taking the necessary precautions against such a contingency . With regard tothe Irish church , he expected nothing from Lord John Russell towards removing that grievance . He had the same to say touching a tax upon the absentees , compensation to tenants , and other matters . He must call upon the Itepeaiers , then , to keep themselves independent ot every English party ., He was going over to England to procure cheap sugar for the Irish people . As the Irish farmer had lost the protection of his labour , he did not see why it should be any longer retained for the West Indian sngar dealer . Again , he protested against Repealers taking office under the Whigs , unless that lleueal was to be lona fide an open question . In that case he would be slad if Air . O'Connell had a seat in the
Cabinet ; but if office was to silence Repealers on the great subject of Repeal , then he must deprecate the principle of their accepting it . ( Dear , hear . ) He next alluded to the Dungnrvan election , and expressed his regret that the borough bad not been contested by a Repealer . As to the alleged expense of such a proceeding , he denied that there could be any cxpence worth speaking of , where the people were patriotic , virtuous aud true . ( Hear , hear . ) He thought that instead of £ 5000 being necessary for such a purpose , £ 500 would be more than could be requisite . In line , the hon . gentleman expressed his deep sorrow at being obliged to express his dissent from certain proceedings which had lately occurred in the association . He lamented the-
differences that bad grown up amongst them , but hehoped it was not yet too late to redecm _ their grand confederacy , and restore their unanimity . lit them one and all proclaim and tell thegovernmcnttiiatnothing but repeal can satisfy the Irish people . Of the cause itscH he would never despair . ( Hear , bear . ) Mr . Jonx O'Co . vxell was sorry to entertain decidedly different views from Mr . O'Brien . ^ He refuted altogether any insinuation that his father would lie influenced by mercenary motives in his support of the Whigs , or preference for individuals to represent their cause in Parliament . For his part , neither he nor his father would support the Whigs ou the sugar question , because they believed it was
an encouragement to slavery . Mr . O'Brien , however , was about to support them in this instance , much as he was oppescd to the principle of Repealers identifying themselves with them , lie next spoke of Mr . Pigot ' s incessant labour at this moment-in preparing Bills for the bent-fit of Ireland , and the advantages already derived to Ireland from the accession of the Whigs . He defended the policy of repealers accepting offices under Government when they could obtain them ; at the same time he protested that for himself he would take nothing from them . ( Hear , hear . ) He next adverted to the Dungarvan and Dundalk elections , and defended the course which had been taken with regard to both by the Repeal Association .
( Fromtke Times . ) After Iliad despatched my report in time to catch the early mail yesterday , the proceedings , as might
Per Mr. O'Connor. Section No. 1. Shakes....
have been anticipated by ; the tone , of the speeches delivered by'the respective ^ lenders of the two antagonist parties in the association , were of a short , sharp , and decisive character . There were no visible symptoms of an intention by either Mr . Smith O'Brien or Mr . John O'Connell to descend from the position which each had assumed ; the former persisting to the last in hia intention ; of standing or falling by Young Ireland and the Nation ; the latter , backed by a vast majority . on the " committee , " announcing his resolve to push the matter to a crisis ,
and with this end in view the meeting was adjourned to this day , when it is expected that the arguments in favour of physical force ( under certain circumstances ) versus moral force will be brought to a conclusion ; and on the issue depends the continuance of Mr . O'Brien as a member of the repeal confederacy . In the mean time , and in order , to render intelligible the occurrences of to-day , it will be necessary to give a brief resume ef what took place up to the adjournment yesterday evening . After Mr . John O'Connell had concluded his speech in . reply to Mr . Smith 'Brien ,
Mr . Grattan , M . P ., and Mr . J . Reilly , town councillor , rose together to address the meeting , but the former gave place to the latter . Mr . Reilly , after apologising for taking prectdence of Mr . Grattan , said he would not have done so if it were not on account of personal allusions having been made to himself . ( Hisses and groans . ) The Iiord Mayor . —I trust that the first person who hisses will be pointed out to me , and I will exercise my authority as a magistrate , and have him turned out . . (" Hear , " andcheers . )'" .. " Mr . Reilly then proceeded , amid considerable uproar , to refer to Mr . Smith O'Brien's Kilrushora . tion , remarking that when he ( Mr . O'Brien ) stated that Mr , O'Connell and his family had separate interests with the people of Ireland , which was a meaning which might be drawn from the speech alleged to have been made by bin *—Mr . O'Brien thought Mr . Reilly misunderstood
him . What he said was , that he was qnite unable to say what were the exact words be used , but lie did say that he did not intend to use any expressions disparaging to Mr , O'Connell or his family ; and that if his expressions gave offence to any human being , he would retract them at once . ( Cheers . ) Mr . Reilly then proceeded to resume his remarks , when he was interrupted with loud cries of "drop it , " and "enough , enough . " Those who interrupted him ostensibly came there to cheer the Young Ireland party . ( Hisses . ) Although they think they are helping them , they are really injuring them by their conduct . ( Great uproar . ) The Young Ireland party were , in his opinion , doing an immensity to sap the confidence of the people of Ireland . ( Hear , hear . ) They sneered and gibed at Mr . O'Connell , and held up to the ridicule of the people . If they only thought for a moment , they would find that their conduct was not sincere , nnd they would no longer pursue it . ( "Hear , hear , " and cheers . )
Mr . O'Brien explained . —He did not mean to in sinuate tbat Mr . O'Connell was looking for places for his family ; but the tendency of a paragraph in his letter would be extremely mischievous to the repeal cause ; and if the Repealers of Ireland were to look to the Whigs for place , the probability was , that they would run the risk of becoming Whigs . -. Mr . J . O'Connell said that what he meant . , that the hon . gentleman might be misunderstood as making certain insinuations ; and as to the paragraph in the letter of his father , which referred to the fact that a man ' s being a Repealer was no reason why he should be deprived of office , did the hon . gentleman mean to recammend tho Ebrington prohibition ofRepealeis I
Mr . Patrick Costelloe appeared at the back of the platform , and showed an intention to address the meeting . A Voice on the platform—Is this man a member ? Mr . Costelloe . —I state I am not a member . ( Cries of "Put him out . " ) The Lord Mayor . —If Mr . Castelloeisnotameinber , no man inside or outside this hall has done more for Ireland than he has . Mr . Castelloe . —I was just going to say-Mr . J . . O'Connell . —I rise to order . J regret having to oppose this , but there is a strict rule against any one speaking here who is not a member , and at this time in particular it would be bad to break through our rules . I should feel regret at being obliged to enforce the rule against any person opposed to me in sentiment , and I had rather do so even now when I address myself to an active and zealous friend of Ireland .
Mr . O'Brien . —If any intervention of mine can prevail , I would petition the meeting to allow tlie rule to be infringed in this instance . ( Hear . ) Mr . Costelloe . —Mr . O'Brien has interposed for me , and I have only two words . ( Great tOttfusiOn . ) M . J . O'Connell . —I cannot suffer you to proceed . Mr . Ray then said thathe was about to read a letter of Mr . C . G . Duffy , which had already been inserted in theJVatioit . and which the . committee had allowed to be read on tbat day , when - Mr . J * O'Connell rose , and said that hehad asked Mr . O'Brien ' s opinion , and he thought it better to adjourn the meeting until the following day . There were several gentlemen present anxious to record their opinions at that important crisis . Men ' s minds , too , were naturally heated by the argument , and he thought it better to adjourn .
Mr . O'Brien thought it better to adjourn until the following day . The question next for consideration was nearly the same as that which they had ( discusscd that day . It was helterthat there should be a final conclusion of those painful dissensions . If there were to be but the alternative that one or other party should withdraw , he must say bi limine—for he would not send in his formal resignation until he were expelled—that so far from allowing Mr . O'Connell or his son to withdraw , he would feel it his duty to abstain from further attendance . He would look on . and in his place in Parliament , and by speaking
and writing he would advocate the repeal ; but he would not go to tbat hall to create dissensions . He would now move that the meeting should adjourn until 12 o ' clock next day . He then expressed a hope that by the following day the past would be forgotten , and that all parties should be at liberty to maintain their respective opinions . Mr . J . O'Connell stated his intention of performing a melancholy duty on the morrow , when it should be finally determined whether they could or could not work together on the basis laid down by bis father .
Mr . Steele expressed his determination , if the rules to which he had pledged himself , framed by Mr . O'Connell , were not carried out to-morrow , he would quit the association immediately . The rent for the week was then announced as £ 109 . 4 s . Sd . ( Cheers . ) Mr Costelloe then attempted to say a word , but was prevented by Mr . J $ O'Connell . On the motion of Mr , S . O'Brien , Mr . D . O'Connell , jun ., was called to the chair , and a vote of thanks passed to the Lord Major . Mr . Costelloe ( leaving the hall . )—I must start out of town now , I am so tired of listening to all this nonsense . The association then adjourned until 12 o ' clock nextday . Tuesday , July 28 *
The weekly meeting was resumed to-day at one o ' clock for the purpose of enabling the members oi the two conflicting repeal parties " the Old and Young Irelanders , " to discuss the question of physica ' force , and to see , if possible , "if there was any veal diflcrenee existing amongst them . " The hall was crowded at an early hour , although particular pains were taken to exclude all who were not members . Every person entering the building was obliged to produce his card of enrolment , and those who were indisputably members , nnd who forget them , wore kept out ; even the ordinary admission key of Is . would not effect an entrance . At the hour above mentioned Messrs . J . O'Connell , M . P ., W . Smith O ' Urien , M . P ., J . A . O'Neiie . Mitchell , Meagher , C . Gavin Duffy ( Nation ) , Smith , D . O'Connell , jun ., and Captain Brodcrick , entered the meeting and were loudly cheered .
On the motion of Mr . O'Connell , seconded by Mr . Steele , the chair was taken by the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor . His Lordship , after taking his seat , said he would not occupy the time of the meeting , as it was merely an adjournment from the previous day ; and he hoped that every gentleman would be In ard fairly , and meet with no interruption . ( Cheers . ) Mr , Maguire , a repeal warden , here addressed the chair , and complained that there was a person near him , a Doctor Cannon , endeavouring to foment disorder in the meeting ; and as he was not a member , he wished to have him made to conduct himself or put out . ( Cheers , and great confusion . ) The Lord Mayor—Where is he ? Putbimout . ( Lord cheers , and disorder . ) Captain Brodrick—I rise to order . No gentleman , not a member of the association , has any business here . ( Hear , hear . )
Mr . Meagher—I claim for Dr . Cannon the privilege extended to Mr , Costolloe yesterday ; he was not a member , and he was allowed to remain . ( Cheers . ) Dr . Cannon is not making any disturbance . ( Loud cheers . ) A Voice—He is ; he is a Young Icelander . Put him out . ( Cheers , and cries of " Put him out , " ami "Don'tstir him . " ) . Captain Brodrick—I will object to any one addressing the chair who is not a member . Mr . Costelloe was nota member , and was not allowed tospcak . ( Cheers . ) Mr . Meagher—Dr . Cannon don't want to speak . ( Cheers . ) Mr . O'Brien—I fully agree with Captain Brodrick , and I even go so far as to say , that I think that any gentleman , not a member , should not exhibit cither applause or dissent . ( Hear , hear . )
The matter then dropped , and Mr . Ray proceeded to read the minutes of the meeting on the previous day , and then read the letter from Mr . C . Gavin Duffy , of the Ato ' on newspaper , alluded to at the conclusion of the meeting yesterday . The letter occupied nearly three columns of the Nation , and was taken by the Old Ireland party to accuse the traversers , in the late state prosecutions , as advocates of physical
Per Mr. O'Connor. Section No. 1. Shakes....
SSTiftSS-SS ^^ ^ ^ Pt ^ Wchtheseer ^ taryaiso read , denied thathe made any such accu- ' sation , or intended to advocate , in tteSclein ^^ Vfa ^^^ ^^^ Z nH ^ rJ * P ' Conne » then rose to address the meeting . rb « rpt ., 1 ? f iP - th , P [ eviou 8 day because he feared the result of their deliberations would effect a separation amongst those who had hitherto worked so well together ..- 'That fear was stillupon his mind . ( Hear , hear . ) He owned that hisses with them were weakened when he saw a man deliberately persevering in a course which persons of more experience told him was most dangerous to the country , and must prove ruinous to . himself , if not . checked . ( "Hear , " and cheers . ) Had he ( Mr .. J , O'ConnclIl
a chance of prevailing with him , he would have reasoned with him privately , but he had not ; he knew that others had warned and besought him , and now found themselves compelled , by the irresistible claims of duty ts country , to speak out in bold terms their utter repudiation of the doctrines heprofessed , ( hear , hear , ) and their disapprobation of the conduct be had lately pursued . ( "Hear , " and Cheers . ) He did not object to the letter of a person not a member oi the association being read there as a part of their business , as it would be against the rules of their body , ( hear , hear , ) but in matters where personal grievance was felt , he did not think he would be generous if he resisted the reading of that letter , ( cheers , ) but . this much he felt called on to resist
, and that was to the letter being placed on their minutes . He trusted the motion , however , would not be made . ( Hear , hear . ) He now arrived at the letter itself , to the first part of which he had nothing to say ; . tho rest of it he would be obliged to speak upon at length . ( Hear , hear . ) He would take it paragraph b y paragraph . With regard to the first paragraph , he denied utterly " that Ireland sprang into an attitude of defiance and resistance , in the year 1848 . " She did not spring into an attitude of defiance . She rose calmly and determinedly , with the united voices of the people—and not united violence— -to remonstrate with England , aridtoshow how unanimous they were on the question of repeal .
( Cheers . ) Now what did Mr . Duffy mean by this phrase— " England , France and America , to them these monster meetings had a meaning beyond the vulgar gatherings of faction . " Were those most mighty meetings , those majestic and sublime assemblages—meetings of persons striving for their rights , liable to be driven off their land by the landowners of soil , suffering under a mass of tyranny , to be designated "vulgar gatherings of faction ? " ( Hisses . ) Those people strained their ears to listen to the doctrines then taught them—doctrines of bold nationality , but guarded by him under whose guidance they were led , and which were not the doctrines of physical force . ( "Hear" and cheers . ) .
( Irom the Homing Chronicle . ) SECCESSION OF MR . SMITH O'BRIEN , M .. F
EXTRAORDINARY PROCEEDINGS . Dubli . v , Tuesday . EvewsoJ ;' HjLF-pisr Six O'Clock . —It was quite clear , both from the speech of Mr . Jolin O'Connell , yesterday , arid the line of policy which it was generally understood the "Young Ireland" party would pursue ,: that a ' rupture in the association was inevitable . Those who thought so have not been disappointed , though the result may have exceeded their anticipations . On the conclusion of Mr . John O'Connell ' s speech this day , which vras chiefly confined to a condemnatidri ' of the Nation newspaper for its advocacy of the principles of physical force , and au exposition of his father's policy with reference thereto ,
Mr . Mitchell ,, ( generally believed to be the editor of the Nation , ) undertook the defence , of that journal , and was followed by > Mr . Meigher , who , proceeded , to explain the grounds on which he differed with ' Mr . O'Connell as to the morality of using physical force for the achievement of national objects . He could not concur in the . opinion propounded by Mr . O'Connell , that no political amelioration was worth the shedding of one drop of Wood ; on the contrary , he held that there were many benefits of a national character which were well , worth the expenditure of much bloodshed . The young gentleman was proceeding to illustrate his argument by historical reference of a revolutionary nature , vyhen .... ... ' . ' .
Mr . John O'Cosxkll rose . to order . He averred that the line of argument pursued by Mr , Meagher was totally unjustifiable , and might be productive of the very worst consequences to . the association and to the country at large . Considerable uproar ensued . Mr . Smith O'Brien protested that he could see nothing in the speech of Mr . Meagher that was at all objectionable , and put it to the meeting whetherthey would render themselves liable to the imputation of being enemiesof free discussion , by refusing to hear his friend . Great confusion in all parts of the meeting at this moment .
' Mr . John O'Connell asserted that Mr . Meagher , by advocating principles of physical force , and thereby acting contrary to the fundamental rules of the Association , and to the resolutions recently adopted , virtually ceased to be a member of the body . Unless the Association agreed with him in his view of the matter , he ( Mr . J , O'Connell ) would no lunger continue to be a member of it , and then they might adopt whatever rules or principles ihey wished . A scene of the utmost confusion and excitement now prevailed , in the midst of which Mr . Smith O'Brien , accompanied by all the members of the " Young Ireland " party in the meeting left the hall , intimating that they had ceased to be members of the repeal confederation .
After a short lapse of time , and when tranquillity was somewhat restored , Mr . John O'Connell ( who appeared to feel deeply the situation in which he was placed ) expressed his heartfelt sorrow at the course which Mr . Smith O'Brien and his friends had thought proper to pursue . Nothing in his mind could be more calamitous to tlie cause of Ireland than the secession of so many high-minded and talented individuals ; but iu acting as he had done , he was merely fulfilling the dictates of his conscience , and what lie conceived to be his duty to his country , In moving the adjournment of the Association to Monday next , he observed , that he might undertake to promise that on that day his father would be present , who should endeavour , as far as in him lay . to heal the wound which had just then been inflicted on Ireland . The meeting then separated .
Co Tfea&Ersf # Coms4i0it&Ent&
Co tfea & ersf # ComS 4 i 0 it & ent &
Me. John Newby, Thoruley.—Our Charge For...
Me . John Newby , Thoruley . —Our charge for the advertisement will be as . for one insertion , provided it does not exceed the length you have specified . If repeated 4 s . each insertion . , . To Miners . —After the 1 st of August , 184 C , all correspondence for the Miner ' s Association , must be addressed , post paid , to Mr . John Hall , No . 81 , Oxfordstreet , Treston , Lancashire . W . J . is informal that Mr . John Arnott , of Middlesexnlnoe , Souiers Town , supplhs the " Northern Star , " " The Small Farms , " aud all other democratic works regularly . Akti Militia Association . —The several Sub-Secretaries and otliers , who hare written to the Secretary are
. informed , that he will call a meeting : of the managers , "immediately after the Convention ; when their question will uoutUiss xeee \\ e aprallcal solution . Wehave this week received a Post-Offiee order from Monmouth , for the sum of 10 s . The person remitting neither states his name , nor the purpose to which it is to be applied . We be ^ his attention to It . J . Colqchoun . —No room this week . Akswjers to Sevebai . Correspondents are unavoidably postponed . Vetukan Patriots' Fl'N » , Ac . —Hatdng to leave London to attend tlie Convention , I beg to apprise Messrs . Shan- and Sltelton , that either of them can have the
30 s . 3 d . from Brighton , by applying at the Star Office , where I have left the money . G . Julian Harnet . Letters fob Mb . Harnet Private Letters intended for Mr . llavnoy may be addressed until Tuesday next to the care ol Mr . Brook , 21 , liirlignte , Leeds . After that to the Star office as usual . Letters intended for insertion in the Star must be addressed to " tlie Edlior , " at the Office , TV . Shoke , Hull ; order of any London Bookseller or Hansard , Great Turnstile , Lincolns Inn Fields . J . 15 ., Stratford-on-Avon , can make iiis orders payable tol ? . O'Connor , 1 ft , Great \ V inJniill . sti-cet , or if his contribution are . small , send in postage stamps to 8 " , Donnstreet , Soho . G . W . TV . Tor Thomas M . WnEELER .
Caution To Railway Travellers From Scotland
Caution to Railway Travellers from Scotland
—A Sii'iking Instance Ot Tlie Ausuruity ...
—a sii'iKing instance ot tlie ausuruity ot tne existing countervailing duties upon spirits entering England from Scotland , and the annoyance caused by them to travellers , many of whom are ignorant of their existence , occurred on Monday morning , when the special train , conveying the pleasure parties from Edinburgh arrived at Berwick , terminus . A lady and gentleman , on alighting from one of tho carriages , brought out a small basket with them , when thej were accosted by one of the Excise officers belonging
to Berwick , who seized and searched it . A small bottle , containing about a pint of whiskey , was found in it , which he seized , when the gentleman remonstrated with him , saying it was only a small portion he had brought with hiiu for his own refreshment , and he was not aware there was anything improper in so doing . The odiccr , however , was inexorable , and seized also the basket , but this he returned on receiving the gentleman ' s name . Tin ' s case , we trust , will operate as a caution to travellers , and may prevent many from being subjected to a similar annoyance , —Berwick Warder ,
Tub Natisnal Victim Committee will meet ( to agree to a report to be submitted to the Convention at its sitting in Leeds , ) at the South London Chartist Hall , on Sunday next , August the 2 nd , at three o ' clock ,,
—A Sii'iking Instance Ot Tlie Ausuruity ...
ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE - THE KING OF THE FRENCH . : 7 7-. Wednesday , Jult 29 . . At seven o ! clock this evening , when the King and the Royal Family had entered the balcony of the Palace of the Tuileries overlooking the garden , to hear the concert given in the open air below , a pisto shot was fired at : his Majesty by a man in the crowd below , ; who is said to have been in the uniform of the Rational .. Guard , . (( VThe . charmed life" of the King
was again .: proof against the bullet of tlie assassin . His Majesty was not touched . The miscreant was immediately arrested . M . Guizot had " left " Paris ' at five o clock , on his return , to Lisieux . , At that moment all was quiet , and the people in the full enjoymw , t of the fete . As it was too late to , work the telegraph ( and-I believe the truth is that all the en » p % e « were enjoying the entertainments ) an express has been sent to recall him to Paris > but as he travels fast , he will hardly be overtaken before his arrival at Rouen .
A Cabinet Council is in the meanwhile summoned . Not only was there no demonstration in supoort of the assassin , but not . one person out of 10 , 000 of these in the : gardens when the attempt was made was aware that such an incident had occurred . 7 Paris is as tranquil as amidst the entertainments , fire-works , and illuminations on an immense scale it couldpo 38 iblybeexpectedto . be .
No disposition but to enj ' oy the liberal entertainments so liberally provided is in the slightest degree perceptible . '¦ . The assassin is a young lad of from 10 to 20 , and was apparently tipsy . It was with a percussion p istol that he made the attempt . He was arrested by one of the musicians . The King has left for Neuilly . A telegraphic despatch received . at Calais states that two shots were fired , and that the assassin , upon being arrested , confessed his crime . .
At A Meeting Of The Persons Composing Th≪
At a Meeting of the persons composing th <
"Rurgatory Oi Mucmes" Isoon Uiub, Hold A...
"rurgatory oi Mucmes" isoon uiub , hold at tue Hall . Turnagain-lane , on Sunday evening , May 31 st , 1840 , the following resolution was carried unanimously : — That all persons not having paid sufficiently to entitle them to the "Purgatory of Suicides" shall be allowed to take Paine ' s Works , Publishing at 3 s Gd , and all money remaining-in hand after the last Sunday in June , should be paid into the Veteran Patriots' Fund . Henrt Probkrt , Secretary . •¦ :... Joseph Dukn , Treasurer . Received , in accordance with the above resolution , the sum of £ 12 s . 9 d . John Skewon , Treasurer . July 29 th , 1846 .
€Dmt&T Mtelumxtt
€ Dmt & t MtelUmxtt
7, City.Of London. . [We Last Week Refus...
7 , CITY . OF LONDON . . [ We last week refused to insert the report sent to us of the disgraceful proceedings at this locality , determined to publish nothing more until' our city friends had returned to their senses , they seem , howev erj to be already ' " on the mend , " judging by the following resolution—the most sensible bit of work they have done for a long time past . —En . isvs . i At a public meeting at Turnagain-lane , on Sunday evening , July 26 , Mr . Wilson in the chair , Mr . Dwane moved the following resolution— "Resolved tbattke letter published iu the Northern Star of
Saturday , July 25 , under the signature of Thomas Cooper , bur delegate , meets our unqualified disapprobation , and in accordance with democratic principles , we invite the said Thomas Cooper to our locality on Sunday evening next , in public meeting , to prove to us the wisdom of such policy , or else resign his trust . " Seconded by Mr . John Wright . Upon which a discussion took place , and Messrs . Dwane , Overton , Nobbs and Athors , took part , after which it was put to the meeting and carried unanimously . The meeting then separated . r - E . Nobbs , Hon ; Secretary .
NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE . ; , The following resolution was carried at the last meeting : — That in the opinion of the members of this branch of the Chartist Co-operatlvo Land Society , it is highly necessary in order fully to evince our appreciation of the event Of the occupying the first allotments in the above society , on the irth of August , 1810 , tbat a public repast take place to commemorate the same , on the above day , at the Sun Inn Side , Newcastle-ou-Tyne , and all persons wishful to join in commemoration of this glorious event , will please to attend on Sunday evening-next , August , 2 nd , at tlie usual place of meeting , in order to have their names put down for that purpose . "
MANCHESTER Tub South Lancashire Delegate Meeting of the Land Association was held at Mr . W . Dixon's , Tem peranc < 3 Hotel , Great Ancoats-street , on Sunday last , July 20 th . Delegates from the following p lnces were present : Manchester , Messrs . D . Donovan , and R . Radford ; Salford , Messrs . J . Iloylc , and "VV . Stork ; Ashton , Mr . J . Taylor ; Oldham , Mr . W . Hamer ; Bolton , Mr . M . Stevenson ; Hindley , Mr . J . Bowden ; Mr . James Taylor in the Chair . The following resolutions were ' pasjed unanimously : That we , the Delegates , are of opinion that the Lund ought to be sold , being the only practical plan of carrying ; out the principle of the band plan , always giving preference to the Members of the Association to purchase . That this meeting is of the opinion that sixpence per share be laid upon the whole of No . 1 Section , for the purpose of removal and other-contingencies , to be lent according to the discretion of the Directors , by receiving a promissory note from any of the successful allottees .
That it is the opinion of this meeting , that the question of uniting three or four names on one ticket for mutual convenience should be discussed by the various localities , previous to the next Conference . That the enrolment of the Association be left in the hands of the Directors . That we , the Delegates , seeing the inconvenience arising from the misunderstanding got abroad , that the successful allottees were about to take possession the 17 th of August , call on the Directors to name the exact time , or as near as possible , when the allottees are to go to their locations at llcriingsgate Estate . That Messrs . J . Hoyle , D . Donovan , W . Dixon . E . Radford , and R . Brown , be the Observation Committee . That a vote of thanks be given to the last Observation Committee for their services . That a vote of thanks be given to our Chairman for [ his impartial conduct in the chair .
That we adjourn until called upon to reassemble by the Observation Committee . Richard Raotom > , Secretary , pro-tern .
NOTTINGHAM . At a meeting of the Nottingham Election Committee , the following resolutions were unanimously agreed to . Mr . S . Ilawson in the chair . Moved by Mr . J . Skcrritt , seconded by Mr . < J Brammcr , "That a Committee of five persons be appointed to superintend the proper distribution of the " That Samuel Boonham , William Freed , Joseph Sc-utev , Thomas Button , and Thomas Oldknow , do constitute the Committee . " Moved by Samuel Boonham , seconded by Thomas Dutton . ?» Tbat Messrs . O'Connor , Doyle , Wheeler , and Ernest Jones , be added to this Committee . "
Moved by Mr . Jonathan Barber , seconded by Mr . John Bright . " That the most active members of the Ciartist body in the villages adjacent to Nottingham , be respectfully requested to form members of this Committee . " " That Messrs . S . Wright , and Saunders , of Radford , b 3 added . " " That Mr . Leigh , of Carrington , Messrs . Joseph Anthony , Josiah Soirey . of Arnold , Jacob Bostoek , New Lcnton , Jacques of Carlton , Ahroyd , of Basfoi'd , Plumb and Wright , Lambley , Charles Gates , of Sherwood , and Messrs . Clements , Ilextal , and Robert Tomkins , of Nottingham , be added to this Committee . " » ,,,,., " That the Secretary be requested to hold communication with the Executive , relative to the business of this Committee . " „
" That the next meeting be held at the King of the French , on Sunday morning , August 2 nd , at ten o ' clock precisely . " Samuel Boonham , Secretary ,
HEBDEN BRIDGE . The Convention ' .- — At the usual weekly meeting of the Chartists of this place , the following resolution was passed unanimously . — " That it is the opinion of this meeting , that the dispute between Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Cooper , ought not to be allowed to be taken into the deliberations of the Convention , and that , we instruct our delegate to oppose , by every means in his power , every such attempt . " John Smith , Sub . Sec .
BRIGHTON . A special general meeting of the Chartists of this locality was held at the Artichoke- Inn , on Wednesday evening , the 29 th , Mr . Williams in the chair . On the proposition of Mr . b'lowcr , seconded by Mr . Giles , the sum of 10 s . was voted t » assist in defraying the expenses of the Convention . The following resolution was then proposed by Mr . Giles , seconded by Mr . Flaxman , and supported by Mr . Flowers , and others . — That we , the Chartists of Brighton , bail with great pleasure the announcement that Dr . M'Douall and the Rev . Mr . Seholefield are willing again to tafco part in the great and glorious movement for the emancipation o f
7, City.Of London. . [We Last Week Refus...
the working classes ; and we further express our deep regret that any misunderstanding should have arisen to hive caused them to relax in their VxertioHS in the good cause , and we hope that the . time ia now arrived when all will unite to cause the People ' s Charter to become the law of the land , and the working classes be possessed of their ianlionable rights . ' Carried unanimously . A vote of thanks was given to the Chairman . ^ S- , membev 8 are earnestly requested to attend on Wednesday evening nnxt . on important business .
HYDE , The subscriptions for the relief of the expatriated John Frost , were brought to a close in this town and its'Vicinity oh Sunday evening , July 12 th , at the A 16 ion Inn . The following sums were handed in from No . 1 , district : —By Messrs . Bradbury and Uarriss 6 ri | J £ l' 9 s . 2 d . ; No . 2 , district , by John Bradley , 2 < t 3 ' ) . ; No . 3 , district , Messrs . Bradley and Leach , lis . lOd . ; No . 4 , district , Messrs . Johnson and Mottram , 19 s . 5 d . ; No . 5 , district , Messrs . Bradley and Oldpeld , ' 7 s . " 4 d . ; Received by the committee , £ 3 Is . Id . ; Total collected , £ C lis . Id .: Expenses for circulars , dk , lis . Id . ; Remitted to George Julian Harney by George Candeletand John Bindley , £ 67 The sinews of Chartism seem to bo alive ia thisplace vet .
^^^^^^¦^^^^^^^I^^^^^^Y^^W^Y^^Y^^ Cooper ...
^^^^^^¦^^^^^^^ i ^^^^^^ y ^^ w ^ y ^^ y ^^ COOPER AND TEE CONVENTION . We invite the attention of the Chartists to the following resolutions intended to be proposed to the Convention by Cooper , " the Clmrdst" ! Tlieso resoiutions stamp Cooper as ., a traitor to Chartism , his object being to . break up tlie Chartist movement by creating division and faction . He knows well that his base and rsseally resolutions will not be adopted ; he proposes them purposely to waste the time of the delegates and prevent the Convention doing the ,
business for which it has been elected . Let the Chartists of the country speak out ; let them instruct their delegates to " settle" this enemy of the cause at once and for ever . Under the guise of a " Special Cowumsioner" fotcollecting reports of bhe . coNditiosL of the working classes , lor publication in Jerrold ' s WeeUy Newspaper , Coorun is now prowljng about the country , labouring , by every base means , to damage Chartism . Let it be known , then , and proclaimed to England , that this wolf in sheep's , clothing is no Chartist , nor . belongs to the Chartists . Let the delegates be instructed to vote his expulsion . Public safety demands that this be done ; let the public see to it .
( Fran the LeicesterMercury , Saturday , July 28 , 1846 . ) TO THE EMIOR OF THE LEICESTERSHIRE MERCURY . Leicester , Tuesday , July 21 , 1846 . Sir , —May I beg your insertion . ot the following resolutions , which I purpose offering to a Convention of Chartist Delegates , appointed to assemble in Leeds , on the 3 rd . of August ?— " That this Convention deplores the acts of violence which have filled the public mind with an aversion to Chartism—and hereby solemnly records its abandonment and disavowal of the doctrine of physical force—and its resolve to seek the establishment of the People ' s Charter as a statute of the realm , solely by peaceable ! moral , and
constitutional means . " 'Ihat this Convention proclaims its conviction of the paramount value of education , tolerance of the opinions of others , and morality of life , as constituents in Chartist character ; arid " indignantly protests against the conclusion that ths low and vulgar abuse , and rash denunciating spirit of the Northern Star newspaper , is to be taken for genuine Chartism . " " That , ' this Convention regard Feargus O'Connor as unworthy of the confidence of Chartists , and hereby earnestly warns British working men of the folly and danger of union with him . " Thomas Cooper , the Chartist ( Author of the Purgatory of Suicides . )
The Colosseum, .Regent's Pa11k
: We Spent Several Hours On Tuesday Even...
: We spent several hours on Tuesday eveningat this delightful place of popular amusement ,, and , we may add , of popular instruction , and ' feel . bound to record our special admiration of all its arrangements . Resorts of this kind are much needed in our vast metropolis , where , from the ... want-. of suitable places of rational recreation , so many people are driven to the gaming-house and the tavern , or consigned tothe purlieus of the theatres .. Indeed , establishments like the Colosseum may be regarded as so many adjuncts to national education , in as far as they tend to elevate the public mind , by bringing before it objects of art and interest , and raising associations of the beautiful . Want of space forbids our- dwelling at length on the yaired objects of Interest presented to bur -view , but wo cannot omit alluding fo the gorgeous effects created by the interposition of mirrors in the aviary and
conservatories , where a profusion of lamps of tha most esquisitivc design , the elaborate arcades andgraceful fountains , seem multiplied to infinity . By the way , if copies had been taken here for the fountains erected by government on some of our public sites , we should not have to regret such tasteless exhibitions as those which deface Trafalgar-square and Kensington-gardens . The aviaries contain a very choice collection of birds , from the gay King , bird , to the grave Owls in the Grecian ruin . — "Mbntblanc and the cataract" are admirably executed , the artist having contrived to throw a misty light over the scene , that much assists the illusion , am ! the mi * nute pine-trees on the distant rocks , waving in the wind , the flowing of the ( real ) water , the spray of the waterfalls , the moving of the reeds in the current , perfect the deception . We should have liked , however , to have heard the Kuh-reihn from among , the moutains .
The Hall of " Sculpture , " and the "Stalactite " Caverns challengeourpraise in their turn—the latter , indeed , are a most artistic imitation of nature ; the ; Crystalline glories , and lights and shades in the distant shafts , being admirably rendered . Butthecrowning feature of the whole is , to our mind , the " Right View of London , " than which , it is impossible to picture any thing of the kind more magnificent . It is brought , palpably before the eye , defying the strictest scrutiny ; with the river rippling in the moonlight , and imaging the almost countless lamps , the streets thronged with people , the shops brilliant with light ; while afar the eye ranges over the misty hills of Kent and Surrey in the south , to the green woods of Hampstead and Highgatc in the north . As we are gazing , the clocks chime from tower to tower , the moon is overcast , sheet-lightning illumes the scene , the thunder rolls , the rain is heard to gush , and a pomp of light fleecy clotmds passes along the
sky in quickly varying splendours ; the storm soars away over Kent , the stars twinkle forth again , and ¦ 1 rich quiet moonlight once more bathes the scene . We are glad to find that a reduction has taken place in the price of admission , as it is an exhibition altogether too good to restrict within the narrow limits of the wealthy circles . We had almost forgotten to mention , that there is at present in full flower , a most magnificent specimen of the " Mexican Aloe , " it is of a species hitherto unknown in Europe ; is a native of the country between Mexico and Texas , and although a voyager for no less than 7 , 000 miles from the locality of its early growth , is to be seen in full perfection . Its height is about 30 feet , and its summit is crowned with myriads of blossoms in full bloom . The novelty lias been the theme of universal admiration on the part of those most competent to form an opi ion on its merits .
Partial Destkuction Of Tue Flirr-Odroue ...
Partial Destkuction of tue flirr-ODROUE AT Paris . —A terrible fire broke out at the Hippodrome obout three o ' clock on Monday morning , and reduced to ushes a portion of that building . The guardian perceiving that considerable smoke issued from the side of the stabling , immediately gave the alarm , and the most prompt assistance was immediately organized . The Prefect of Police , the Mayer of Passy , the firemen of the neighbouring places , with the in . habitants , hastened to the spot ; but every effort was unavailing to save the building , and part of it was totally destroyed . The fire unfortunately broke out in the most valuable part of the edifice , where were situate the stables , the hay and corn lofts , as well as the dressing-rooms . Tho halters of the horses were
immediately cut , and the frightened stud were seen to gallop in every direction , some towards Paris , others toward the wood of Boulogne . The sight was a most extraordinary one , and those who witnessed above a hundred horses , with their manes erect and their nostrils dilated , flying in all directions , might have imagined the witnessed a early Barber ! chase . Tlie iries of the monkeys were truly frightful , and some difficulty occurred in saving them . Every one endeavoured to catch them , and a large ape in particular was caught with considerable trouble , the animal preventing every one approaching him by throwing stones , chairs , everything in bis reach at the persons who attempted to seize hold of him . The loss is estimated at move than 100 , 000 francs , and takes place when the Hippodrome was in full prosperity , and when the directors had obtained permission to
perform during the / etas of July . The cause of the / ire was at present unknown , but the inquiry which has been already instituted has furnished some particulars . A corporal on duty at the Triumphal Arch declares that he saw a rocket in the air in the directions of tlie stables of the Hippodrome several minuto ! . before the fire . Fortunately for the proprietors and the public , all is not lost , and thanks to the activity of the managers , as well as the public sympathy , the portion destroyed will soon be rebuilt , and this ' favourite place of public amusement In a few weeks bo again opened to its numerous patrons . Hammersmith Distbict . - The members and friends of the Chartist Co-operatiw ! Land Somtj will meet at their office . No . 2 , L ^ n i n « t /& ilammersmith-road , on Suuday morn . ng wg ^ n , « n * f o „ d it ton o clock precisely , to muiee ™ 5 S »« w a ? ra , Sments for the forthcoming demoniicccssary »> ^ h . com f 0 rfc , ease , and con-£ " ££ will tato iSt ? be represented on the oc casion .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 1, 1846, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_01081846/page/5/