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ACTION OR REACTION. : Mb. Editor,— ¦ As ...
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: : . and natiqmal mMm leiliiiii
WL XV. No. 739. L0NP0UA»^
• ¦ MM* WetfoM;;-:=->'i'.
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Fatal Accident at the Colosseum, Regent'...
FOREIGN. FRANCE.-The ceremony of Thursda...
VM^f^^i. ,-»•>» >, .—Aarsss oW tJ^i^l^ ^...
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Change Of Proprietorship'ot R Tbe 'Northern Star.',
To The Chartists Of Great Britain, Trade...
TO THE CHARTISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN , TRADES UNIONS , CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES , AND THE PUBLIC . The proprietorship of this journal has passed from Feargus . O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., andnow belongs to the Editor and Printer , by whom it will be carried on in future . "';
In making ibis . announcement , it is necessary , to accompany it with a brief statement of the causes that have led to the change , the circumstances under which it has taken place , and the spirit in irhich the new proprietors purpose to conduct it . If , in the performance of this duty , explanations of a personal character have to be offered , it 18 Bolely to prerentmls-apprehension or mis-representation at the outset ; and we trust that as it is the first , so it will be the last occasion , we shall have to re f er to such matters in our columns under the new management Since 2848 , many causes hare conspired to lower the formerly high circulation o f the 'Northern Star . '
Apart from the natural reflux after a period of high public excitement—which was certain to tell upon itdifferences of opinion , perhaps we snonld say of principle , arose between the late proprietor and some of the most active and influential men connected ¦ with tiie Chartist body . These differences led , first to the secession of Mr . Ernest Jones , and then to that of the late editor , Mr . G . J . Harney , and to the commencement of periodicals , in which these gentlemen could advocate , with less restraint , what appeared to them the true principles of Democray , and the best course of action for the Democratic party , than they could do in this Journal .
They were naturally followed and supported by those who held the same views , and who thought the course of action they advised was the best . - In themeantime , twoother newspaperscameintothe field ; one conducted by a gentleman extremely popular and active , and sold at little more than half the price of the 'Northern Star ; ' the other backed by large capital , and by a combination of talent , learning , and social and literary influence , which may be fairly said to have bad no parallel in the ultra-Demo cratic press of England .
Add to this list of influences , adverse to the pecuniary position of this Journal , the failure of the National Land Company , in which Mr . O'Connor held so prominent a place , and the consequent withdrawal of a large body of readers and subscribers who formerly supported the paper as being the official organ of that Company , audit will be seen that within the last two or three years the * Nothern Star' has bad to encounter a continuous succession of no ordinary difficulties . Unfortunately the late Prop rietor was so situated as
to prevent him from meeting this combination of adverse circumstances in the onlypractical way , namely —by a liberal expenditure to improve the paper , and to keep it before the public . His own means had been exhausted , or worked up , in the operations of the Land Company , and the diminished revenue of the Journal would not permit of the outlay necessary to counteract the influences which operated bo injur iously upon it . At length it became a source of continuous Iobb to Mr . O'Connor , and he came to the resolution to offer it for sale .
This was done about two months ago , but without Becuringanydesirableorevenlikelypurchaserjandthe extinction of a Journal , which has for fourteen years advocated without flinching or wavering the political and social claims of the industrial millions , seemed to be inevitable , as it was impossible that Mr . O'Connor could longer incur the weekly loss consequent upon its publication . In these circumstances , after consulting with some tried friends of the popular cause , and receiving assurances of their support , an offer was made , which was dictated rather by a sincere regard for Mr . O'Connor ' s past services , and a desire to aid him in the midst of difficulties , than the result of a businesslike estimate . That offer was accepted ; and two weeks ago the copyright o f the paper was f ormally and legally transferred to the new proprietors .
It is not without full and mature consideration they have placed themselves in this responsible position ; nor do they enter upon their onerous task without having fully counted the cost , and prepared themselves to make such efforts as are requisite at the ' present stage of the Popular Movement in this country , on the part of a Journal aiming at the honour of representing the Party of Progress . Time will show whether they have mis-calculated their means and strength in this * respect or not . In the meantime , they briefly present thegrgunds which induce them
In the fast place , the « Star' will continue to afford to the Chartist body , exclusively , the advantage of detailed reports of the proceedings in their various localities , and to the Chartist Executive the insertion of all its official communications in full . In this respect the 'Star * will be all it has ever been to the Chartists of Great Britain ; with , we hope , the superadded advantage of a more careful literary supervision , and the utmost impartiality " with respect to any difference of opinion which may arise among those actively engaged in the Movement . Where these differences may require public expression , the Editor will stipulate simply that they shall be stated in a courteous and gentlemanly manner , and be kept within such limits as the other demands upon the space of a weekly paper necessarily prescribe .
We are fully aware of the nature and extent of the claims of our democratic contemporaries ; but , in this respect , none of them either occupy , or care to occupy , the ground hitherto held by the " 'Star , ' and which it will continue to maintain . The numerous correspondents in all parts of the country who have hitherto reported proceedings in their various localities , will still have a common centre to which information can be communicated , and from which it will radiate in all directions .
Specially devoted to this department , special support may be naturally expected and asked for . The ' Star' will still do what it first did for Chartism . It will present it before the nation as a national question ; it will aim at making the Chartists a kational party , by giving them the means of weekly communicating with each other , and of learning the exact position and actual progress of all , through the medium of what we wish them to retain as the official organ of Chartism .
As to the spirit which will characterise the editorial advocacy of the Charter , we have only to refer to the editorial columns for the last two or three yeare . When we first accepted a position on the literary staff of the'Star'it was a departmental one , and did not involve the necessity for writing on special political topics , or taking any share in the active discussion of Chartist policy . Year by year , at Mr . O'Connor ' s request , we gradually increased the quantity of'leader ' matter , ^ and extended the range of subjects , unt il at length , at the close of the session of 1849 , at his urgent and earnest solicitation , we undertook the duty of writing all the leading articles . Since August , 1850 , the paper has been entirely under our control ; and we may therefore presume that thereaders of the 'Star' are no strangers to our
I views , and need no assurances from us as to the spirit | in which we shall treat public questions . We owe it [ to the late proprietor to state , that he left us entirely untrammelled and independent in this respect ; and we may add . that the course taken had his uniform and unqualified approbation . Substantially , therefore , the' Star' will , as regards Chartist intelligence and the advocacy of the Charter , be the same as it has been for the last two or three years , and whenever Mr . O'Connor wishes to communicate his views on any public question , to the party of whom he has been the leader for so many years , its columns will be as freely and as fully at hiadisposal as when he was its sole proprietor .
But while our old readers and subscribers will find bo change in these respects we must prepare theni for additions to , and we hope improvements in , the contents of our columns . There are other and highly important phases of the Democratic Movement , which have hitherto received only scanty and intermittent notice in our columns to which it is intended in future to devote sedulous and unremitting attention . t ^ -ve shall endeavour to justify the sub-title of the Star * : « National Trades' Journal , ' by more copi-< ww , varied , and practical details , respecting the condition and the efforts of Trades' Societies in every apart of the country , and iu every department of In-Pttstry . Valuable aid has already been promised ia f" » respect , and , in a short time , it is hoped that our
To The Chartists Of Great Britain, Trade...
columns will contain a more ample and faithful record of Trades' Movements than will be found in any other newspaper in Great Britain . The rights and interests of Labour may be advocated in a m anner becoming its vital importance to the State , without ignoring the value of other indispensable elements of National Greatness and Prosperity , or fostering a blind , irrational , and injurious alienation and hostility between classes . In that spirit we shall attempt to discharge that duty . We belong to the Labour class ; we have suffered all that they suffer—we have struggled with and for them ; know practically the grievances of which they have to complain ; and , with onr heart of hearts , will « stand bv our Order . ' But years of intercourse with
the other classes of . society , have strongly impressed the beliefthat the cause of the social injustice too often inflicted by class upon class , is less owing to the individuals than to the system of which they form a part , and of which all are " more or less the victims . While denouncing , therefore , all injustice—all acts of aggression on' the part of employers , and giving to these acts , and to the claims of the workers for redress , that publicity , which must in theJong run prove the best safeguard of the labouring classes against wrong-doing and oppression , we shall carefully abstain from all indiscriminate . attacks upon bodies of men , and from those sweeping censures which injure the best o f causes , by the injustice . whfch it is instinctively felt by all impartial" men they
necessarily involve . Above all , we shall endeavour to produce in the minds of the industrial millions the same conviction which has been deeply impressed upon our own f or years—namely , that it is by Nahowal Vmon , and Constructive , Combined Efforts alone , that they can raise themselves in the scale of society . They have the means : it needs but the intelligence to see how these means should be applied , and the Will to apply them , in order to effect the elevation and emancipation of Labour , by uniting it to Capital and Skill , for the general benefit . .
And this brings us to another great and important phase of the Popular Movement : The Cooperative and Working Mens' Associations . The Trades ' Unions , without abandoning their own ground o f action , or ceasing tohold a protective shield over their members , will find in these Associations a new and effective auxiliary towards accomplishing the essential object they have in view ** "By them they will be enabled to keep the balance between supply
and demand in such an equipoise as to secure' a fair day ' s wages f or a f air day ' s labour 1 ' By them they may make machinery their servant and friend instead of their merciless oppressor and murderer—by their instrumentality they may create new markets for their own labour and skill , and find ample means to set in motion all the industry for which the mere competitive mercantile system can find no occupation , and would doom to the workhouse or worse .
None except those who have of late given attento this subject , can f orm any conception o f the rapid spread of these Associations , for self-supporting distributive and productive purposes , in almost © very district of the Kingdom . . In Lancashire and Yorkshire especially , the shrewd , practical , hard-headed , but kind-hearted sons of toil have a deep conviction that in this way they can show the truth of the old adage , ' God helps those who help themselves . '
They feel , while labouring to elevate themselves m the social scale by means of that powerful and beneficial principle of Cooperation and Combinationwhich has g iven birth to the grandest enterprises of modern times—that they are simultaneously rendering the attainment of political equality more certain and easy of accomplishment , because they are exhibiting those qualities of mind and heart against which no statesman worthy o f the name in this country will dare to contend .
For this movement too we shall endeavour to become a faithful reporters" The secretaries of the Co-operative and Industrial Societies will ever find our columns open to their communications j and arrangements ate in progress , by which we hope to present regularly a complete and ample digest weekly o f intelligence under this head , These three constitute the leading articles of our political creed : Political Equality and Freedom ; Just Relations between Capital and Labour ; Associative Action upon Equitable Principles for Mutual Benefit . And these three are not antagonist to , or isolated from , each other . On the contrary , they are but the natural development and complement of
each . Mere Political Equality would be a mockery and a sham , if the relations of Capital to Labour were such as enabled the former to dictate terms to the latter , the non-acceptance of which were certain to entail loss o f employment , starvation , or the workhouse . Mere Trades' Unions , with their oldfashioned ' strikes' and 'turn-outs , ' 'tramps ' and ' strike pay , ' cannot , either generally or permanently , place their members in such a position as to be able to treat on equal terms with the capitalists—Association solves the problem for them . The means , the energy , the resistance to oppression , which are wasted or ineffective by one method , become the sources of wealth , independence , and power by another .
But , indeed , no part o f the common good , of the common progress , can be separated from the other . Each is bound to each by an all-pervading principle , which continually urges humanity f orward , and every successive victory over ignorance or error , or evil iu any single direction , adds to the impetus of the general onward movement . Public Education , Religious Freedom , Law Reform , Cr iminal Jurisprudence , and Penal Discipline , Sanatory Improvements , International Policy , and numerous other questions which need not bo enumerated here , all constitute portions of the great whole , to which the attention of the progressive Journalist will be naturally directed , and which cannot be overlooked without a neglect of duty . We shall endeavour to prevent that charge being made against us .
While , however , dwelling at this length upon what will be the peculiar and distinctive characteristics of the ' Northern Star' in future , and the spirit in which we propose to treat the momentous subjects at which we haveglanced , wewish it tobe distinctly understood that the carrying out o f these plans will not prevent us from giving a good ' newspaper' in the ordinary sense of the term . Home and Foreign News , Parliament , Public Meetings , Literature , Poetry , and
Varieties , will find their appropiate columns , and receive due attention . Under the head of' Free Correspondence , ' an arena will be opened wherein all who choose may freely express their opinions on any of the topics of the day , subject only to the regulations we have already stated ; and we thus hope to issue a Jonrnal which will be useful to the public , and a creditable representative of the various sections of the Party of Progress , of whom it is intended to be the organ .
Negotiations are pending by which we hope in a short time to secure the services of Special Correspondents on French and German affairs , and , generally , to present full and accurate information of the movements of European Democracy . We are evidently at the commencement of a Future pregnant with . events of overwhelming importance . Despotism has pushed its outposts to the very shores o f the English Channel , and the time appears rapidly approaching when that great war of
principles , predicted by Canning , and foretold by Napoleon at St . Helena , will have to decide whether Europe is to be Republican or Cossack . Our side is already taken in that momentous contest , and whatever may be the issue , we shall boldly and unflinchingly fight for the inalienable rights of Man Free Thought , Speech , and Action—the imprescriptible rights of People to Govern themselveSj and for that Solidarity of Nations which offers the only impregnable barrier to the assaults of Brute Force ,
To The Chartists Of Great Britain, Trade...
under the command of bloodthirsty : and barbarous Absolutism . ' . "¦ ¦"' : " :..... ; . . t On these grounds we ask public support , and , in conclusion , adopt the words . of Addison > - 'Tig not in mortals " to command auce ' , But we'll do more—eiidtawitr todaiierve it .
Action Or Reaction. : Mb. Editor,— ¦ As ...
ACTION OR REACTION . : Mb . Editor , — ¦ As one of-the results of the existing Reign o f Terror in France , I fear-that Democracy and Liberalism in England - wilL be temporarily arrested in their progress ; that the rights o f the many will continue to be denied-by , the absolutism of the privileged few ; that the power of popular Government will be successfully neutralised by the impressions of military authority . The coup d ' etat of , the modern Ananias will add strength to the timidity o f the governing classes ; and the importance of maintaining 'things as they are , ' will be advocated as the doctrine most compatibIe ,. with the future wel f are of the country . Thus , again , : iMtight- will be in the ascendant ; and the power of the monied classes remain undiminished .
Now , Sir , as a first effect of all this , there will be no Reform Bill introduced in 1852 ; . fpr ^ , though promised , that which will be talked about , in-the ap- --preaching Session wjll . be but a change . in the details of the measare . of 1832 , notf'ftn' appreciable extension of the principle embodied therein . ' Of this , the indications of the times seem to sensibly assure all who attentively study them ; It will be forcibly saidj that Popular . Suffrage renders . Crovernment ' impossible--. military dictatorship excepted . The ten-pound rating will be pronounced as the happy ' medium-which secures peace and comfort at home ; to reduce which would be but to encourage anarchy and civil contention . ' So constitutionalism will be , the scape goat o f 1852 ; and Reformers of all classes will be reminded of their present benefits , and told to be satisfied with them accordingly .
It is to impress' my readers with the necessity o f thus j uuderBtanding'the effects of the last French Revolution , as bearing upon their own internal condition , that I address these lines to' them . The Revolution of 1830 was a successful one on the part of the French people , and it worked well f or the liberties of England , for a few months afterwards that bill which previously found but indi f ferent support , became a Ministerial measure , and its adoption followed in 1832 . So with the dethronement of Louis Philippe in 1848 ; the People ' s voice in England became a
thing to be noticed and respected ; and but for the reacti . on which followed the eventful days of June , would have secured to' the cause of Labour a truer appreciation . Such changes , ' be they for good or for evil , work proportionately in allcountries where the popular will is not represented ; As Englishmen , we felt their" impression least , because our Institutions were niore republican than those of neighbouring * nations . . Hence , ; with foreign affairs- we are all most intimately concerned , if only as - respects the amount of personal liberty and power enjoyed by our adult male population .
The duty , then , that respectively belongs to each is to assure 'the powers that . be , ' that the promised Reform Bill must be a bona fi & e measure , and not a sham , if the people ' s approval is a thing worth valuing . For this end , a People ' s Party must be f ormed , with a gfreri object for its purpose . That object , I believe , should be Manhood Suffrage , protected by the Ballot . From this time to the definite settlement of the question in the future Session , these two principles should be constantly kept and advocated before if
the country ; and , they be accepted , the remaining clauses of . the Charter . which can be shown to be sound in theory , will ; soon be admitted also . Thus , supposing the premise to be correct , I am pointing but the true way of making the Charter the law of the land—not by diminishing its clauses , but by bringing presentiforces to bear upon existing things , centre them upon the accomplishment of an avowed object—one that is perfectly coincident with the principles of that document .
It is only cheating the people into a false belief , if they be told that in the ' coming Session there is a reasonable prospect of the Six Oausesof the Charter being adopted . The Ballot is the only one likely to be considered with any show of debate . Therefore , to stand forward and declare , that less than the adoption of the entire six is not worth acceptance , is to play into the hands of the Ministerial power . I am for avoiding this . To secure to ourselves as much as we Jean , under the prevailing circumstances , is my desire ; and I feel confident , that if Manhood Suffrage be not obtained , the extension of the vote to Housekeepers and Lodgers will be going a great way to ensure , in a few years after , the admission of
the remainder who may then be unenfranchised . Such movements are decidedly progressive ; and not to further them is like an hungry man refusing a pound of bread , simply because it is unaccompanied with meat or cheese . A People ' s Part ] ' , then , is the organisation now wanted , whose principles shall be understood by all men . A power which declares for definite results ; and not a name , whose followers connect it with every known theory and idea promulgated , such as a combination of Socialism and Communism , Teetotalism and Rationalism with Ciuatisji ; alliances which I protest against , as tending to make the Charter a vehicle for the dissemination of isms , all o f which are more or less foreign to its origination .
. The ^ Executive o ¥ the National Charter Association might be , so far as I am concerned , the leaders of the said Party ; calling meetings for the purposes mentioned . Instead of holding up six clauses for approval , they will submit but two , as those which best suit the pressing exigencies of the people ; not that the concluding four are inadmissible , but that not being generally approved of , and but matters of detail , which may be effected in the course of any subsequent Session , public opinion is sought to be concentrated upon the principles set forth . This is not sacrificing the Charter , nor using its funds and power for another purpose ; it is an honest attempt to unite the masses for an appreciable end , vast numbers of whom are not opposed to tbe Chartist Movement , because that it is made to assume a shapehideous to some , and objectionable to all .
I see the Hatters' trade is moving in some such a direction as here alluded to ; doing that-which I advised the Executive to take the initiative in , in one of my f ormer letters , addressed to those gentlemen . That is a step worthy of general adoption ; and I can assure the Hatters , if they will act as a propaganda amongst the 300 , 000 working men of London , who are easily to be seen and solicited to join them , they will find a large amount of dormant political opinion in the several trades that will gladly adopt a vigorous action , and materially assist the cause of the country at large . The provinces may also be consulted in the same way ; and thus a very effective organisation be forthwith established .
But whatever is done must be done quickly , and well . Public meetings must be called in all parts of London . The speeches delivered should have a tone given them of candour and truth , as free from exaggeration as they possibly can be . Men of character , sobriety , and earnestness should be known as the chief movers j and not those who trade upon the cause for want of a more lucrative occupation . Scores of such men . as those of the former class are known to me in London who would readily assist therein ,
and subscribe towards the liquidation of the expenses , if the field opened bave an honest pathway through it . Let the Executive , then , move in the direction here pointed out , and wanting funds , attempt to raise a subscription for the purpose , under a specific name , say . ' The Public Meeting Fund , ' receiving money from all who might choose to give to it ; in which case , many voluntary payments would be tendered , amongst the donors-to which would-be found the writer rf the foregoing remarks , Censor . '
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: : . And Natiqmal Mmm Leiliiiii
: : . and natiqmal mMm leiliiiii
Wl Xv. No. 739. L0np0ua»^
WL XV . No . 739 . L 0 NP 0 UA »^
• ¦ Mm* Wetfom;;-:=-≫'I'.
• ¦ MM * WetfoM ;; -:=- > 'i' .
. • • ¦¦ > •' •.. ~R..Y- •;'N. . :Yi I:I...
. ¦¦ > ' .. ~ r .. y- 'n . . : yi i : iit-. . j m ANNUAL FESTIVAL OP THE 7 " S 00 IETY 0 PFRA . TEH " I •*' ¦ NAL DEMOCRATS" ¦ ' - - ' ' - ui '
• A Public tea , party , ball , < bc ., was ; heUl : idn'Tuesday even 1 ; ing to celebrate'the above . event ; apd also' to welcome Mr . Julian Harney , on his return , from " his Scottish tour . The attendance was ' good . •";" -: "'• ' •" ¦¦ '•' ¦ ; •<' '' : Mr . D . W . RuPrr was called-to the chair , and > stated that the object' of the society waslbati-a union should be effected among tho peoples of all nations . '; When all we rei ; imbued with the feelings of' fraternity ^ war and discord would cease . The year 1852 wa ^ ushered in dark'and looming , but he had still hope that the'sim Of liberty would' - speedily break forth and lead to the fraternity of ; alt na- ' - tiohs ' . r ' ' : ' " ¦!* -. ' :.. ' j ! ..: =. :.. ) ikyjt <¦ : ' . , Mr . Thornton Hukt responded to the- sentiment , '
" The People of this and every other land—their solidarity a great truth ; their fraternity a : great ; duty ; : n » ay ; - , they * under the banner of Progress , ; march together toihe accomplishment of their universal sovereignty /' -. * -This iycar had brought forward a peculiar crisis in the world ' 8 . aflairs . The late' event in France and the dismissal of Lord Palmerston were pregnant with danger to the oau 8 e ; of : Democracy , but , at the same time , if due advantage . were taken . of the rise of events , they might yet be turned to the / progress of the cause df humanity . They well in ' ew ,:. th « thinner in which the soldiery / stimulated by extrapay | au 4 ^ ndy had shot down the people in the gtreets ^ fJ ^ K ^^ a « i stance had come to his kpowled ye , i ^»^ 1 ^^| pjtfTi ^ pW ^ re ^ hot-in ' tbe ; upperVoonTlir " aTouBo : wherethey were pursuing their innocent employment . ( Shame . ) Mr . Hunt then gave another instance : in which 200 : men were butchered in a ^ iraifcyr cold-blooded manner . < This .: despotism of Louis . Napoleon was the same , as that , practised by others on the continent , but it was brought nearer to our
eyes , and hence its greater ^ effect .- Despotism , everywhere meant wholesale murder . The chief danger to be feared from the events in Prance was that the : large geographical addition which-Prance , made to the power of absolutism ; making it more compact and powerful would act powerfully upon the court of this country . This was already seen by the court interfering more than etiquette usually sanctioned in the-dismissal , of that wily minister Lord PalmprstoD . ; The . only hope , for the future was in : the union of . the , people , of all lands . England and America must . unite , together . ¦ The people were prepared for this , but their ^ governments were not . They were endeavouring to embroil , the two nations in a dispute about some paltry port dues in a port of Central America , and thus to prevent a union which would otherwise be too powerful for the combined efforts of despotism .
Mr . Lb Blond also responded , to this sentiment . It was useless to know or admire a sentiment unless you endeavoured practically to c « rry it out . It was this feeling of apathy that led the despot of France to perpetrate deeds at which humanity shuddered . It was useless to rush unprepared upon the armed myrmidoms arrayed against the people . ' ; but . by their every day actions they must protest against every species of tyranny , and spread abroad the doctrines of freedom and enlightenment . The aspect of Democracy was better than ever it had been . The people , both in Washington and London , were too intelligent to be led ! to slaughter each other for the sake of the ambition or a varice of their rulers . They must encourage a kindly feeling between the people of all nations . The union must be one of action , and not of words only .
Mr . Pbiiie responded to the following . sentiment , — " Our guest , and brother democrat , Julian Harney , founder of the society—the pioneer of the alliance of nations . " The speaker , dwelt , in eulogistic terms , upon the services of Mr * . Harney ; showing that men who dared to advocate tho rights of the people would ever bave to undergo calumny and reproach ; but he trusted that their guests , unlike Marat , Robespierre , and others , would like to silence those who had been his enemies , and to see tho cause he had bo long advocated , triumphant . The Fraternal Democratic Society was known and respected throughout the greater portion of Europe , and was in truth ' the pioneer to the alliance of nations . They had proclaimed , as far as lay in their power , both bywords and actions , their sympathy with the veritable democrats of all nations . The English
people , wrapped in dull apathy , and living in comparative comfort , called the . French a fickle people . Ah ! how little did they know them ; while a Frenchman existed liberty would never cease to have" an advocate . It might be that down-trodden France might not be able to answer the first call to the alliance of nations . It might come from the glorious plains of Hungary , or the smiling fields of Italy ; but , from whatever land it came , France would be : the first ' to answer to the battle call . Kossuth had crossed the Atlantic to cement a union of nations , and woe be . tp ' . the ' people if they listened not to his warning voice . Mr ' . ' Haunby responded . His past and bis present conduct ought to be a guarantee for the future . The present was called the " Fourth Anniversary of the Society , " but it might with truth be traced back to a much earlier
date . Their motto was—" That all men were brethren "but in those they did not include monsters in human shape , such as Nicholas , of Russia ; Bomba , of Naples ; or Louis , of France . Their Society had somewhat drooped of late , but he had to inform them that , sinco the issue of their last address he had greatly increased the number of their members , more especially in Scotland and the north of England , lie trusted that the men of London would follow tbe good example thus set them . They held open their doors to all . They were no sect nor party , no worshippers of any man , but lovers of true Democracy . If their society was duly supported they would be able so to expose the doings of the despots of the continent , as would put to shame the lying statements of those who were not inappropriately called the " Press gang . " Such a society would have been
aolo to have called meetings that would have exposed the horrible conduct of Louis Napoleon , and have given a true tone to tbe public opinion of this country . Mr . Harney then alluded to the conduct of a portion of the democratic press who found fault with the strong language which was used at tho Newcastle and other meetings , in reference to tho conduct of Louis Napoleon . He again repeated the terms he then used , and said , that those who attempted to palliate his conduct , however honest they might be , were equally injuring the cause of Democracy with those who were in the pay of despotism , and receiving Russian gold . Ho was told that this language did harm—that it would goad the despots abroad to commit greater tyrannies . Would this stand good relative to a c ' jmmon murderer ? They would be afraid to denounce him , lest it should goad
others to the same course . They knew that tyrants would commit such crimes as long as the power was in their hands . In opposition to tbe sentiments of his rose water friends bo adduced the opinion of Dr . Channing , that a Usurper was the blackest of criminals ; that the brand of Cain should be set upon him , and his conduct held up to the deepest detestation . While denouncing the conduct of Napoleon , they must not forget that of his abettors , the clergy ; more especially that of the Catholic denomination , the middle class , the Press , and even his old rival candidate for Tiverton , Lord Palmerston , who , at his last speech in that place , predicted that no disturbances would take' place in ' 52 , he well knowing the events that were then concocting in Paris . The people of this country , were bound to at once organise themselves for tbe coming storm . Already the French Usurper was threatening Belgium with war unless ? he consented to put a stop to the Freedom ot the Press , and to banish the refugees . Sardinia and the other small States of Europe would be threatened in a similar manner ; and
unless the people of this country looked well to it , they would see themselves ranged on the side of despotism , and have a new Alien Bill passed . ( Mr . Harney was loudly cheered . ) Mr . E . Swift responded to tbe next sentiment : — " The Democratic Captives and Exiles—victims of oppression-Glory to all who lived , laboured , suffered , and died to establish the Rights of Man . " He knew the inspiration of their own hearts would better teach them to respond to that feeling than any words he could utter . The first Apostle of Fraternity told his disciples that they must leave all and follow him , not to pomp and power , but through wretchedness and calumny , and often to the martyr's tomb . This had been the fate of the first disciples , and of all who had succeeded them . It might even be their own case , but they must not shrink from following the great examples that these martyrs had set them . Though they could not all be Kossuths or Maziinis they could all do much to elevate humanity , and to stimulate them to this wa & his obiect .
Mr . CoKTNaniM , of Brighton , also responded . He endorsed all the sentiments of Mr . Harney , relative to the conduct of Louis Napoleon . There was one party in the metropolis who seemed justly to appreciate the conduct of Napoleon , for they had placed him in their Chamber of Horrors . He had notlooked with an eye of friendship upon the conduct of Lord Palmerston , believing that he was not sincere m his professions of liberality , but recent events had removed his suspicions . He believed that the late events in France were the result of a Coboure coup d ' etat . The Cobourgs were near relatives to her Majesty . Lord Westmoreland had been refused admission for his credentials at tbe Court of Vienna until it was decided here that Lord Palmerston should be dismissed . Lord Granville who-waif to supply his place , had married an Austrian Koman Catholic ; this was a sufficient fact . He believed that England was to bo seduced into a Russo-Austrian Alliance , m opposition to her true interest , which was a Union with France and America .
Mr . Basnet expressed his dissent to Mr . Conynjjham ' s opinion of Lord Palmerston . A ^ vote of thanks was given to the Chairman , and the meeting adjourned to the Ball Room . ? fcPVrf £ ' * dance ffer e kept up until a late hour , and tne abilities of several well-known professional Vocalists were brought into active requisition .
0nto , Canterbury Association. .,..,. "F...
0 nTO , CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION . .,.., . "fttoMnay a meeting of persons intending shortly to
0nto , Canterbury Association. .,..,. "F...
^ MBcli ^ toa ^^ antoAury ^ Settiv ^ Ma ^ l b ^ Wf ^ S rOfftfio association , Aa « i ^ ( lhteris | wasltiaoheii / to the : meetihg , owing to w 'itMicetfiat "dis / patches bad been received from the colou ' 'dated so lively as . the 2 nd of ; September last , announcing $ bi arrivarbf threeof the-asldb ia ' SUjii's : large vessels , with 3 colohittt'Otr ' b . oard / . 'm aauianyrsiicce & ive weeks : Mr ^ S . H . '"Se { fe ; pr . e 8 idediian ? i 3 . was supported- ( bjrr : Lord Lyttelton and ' other ; leading iriojiberS : of , tha council .-, ! ( The Chairman read . avery ToldinMiou '« icorre 8 po ' nd > hcefrom , Mri Godley , their agent , and from old colonists and recent emigrants ... The
• principal political topic had reference to the erection of ^ Canterbury as an independent ¦ province . ? On this subject Ir I 1 ^ 0 ^ 8 meetings . bad heen' / h ' eldyin . th ' ci , settlement ,, and > ^ % Wi the govorribr / . had , ' expbssed ( his rca : d ' tness ,. " , ^ T H > toacquiese in 4 he " wishesbf the colonists when v 5 In , tyJS 1 ^ known " . ' A ' h ' ahdsbmo ' bridgehad'beenVbuilt ¦ over cue iden . jindaiewchu' ^ £ iS' - * ¥ ' ^ ^ S'P ^ to tho abundance arid good . qualityof . the Sn & i '' W » P l 01 l 8 ' * tw « n ^ oAbe preehVstateand S ^ i ^^ es . . of , the colony . Lord Lyttletoja ' said that 5 B «^ W * 5 wofc *^ whohadsent them favourable irittL ? LSnn * tiitm hot to ¦
, ¦ ¦ SKSI ^^^^^ Va greatnumW dfBiiAW ^ fetS j ^ rJIf ^ i ^ fWh ; the association . He did not mean not tp ; puff ; , he colony , but to . present , a true iwd faithful taS ^ S f ir meet l ^ ^ ut reuSiS ^ wS 1 Jhey . vdid not reoeive . those unfavourable letters and -knew nothing of them . A . variety of interesting . and ' p rac-. . . tioal suggestions to intending colonists succeeded '; , and the . ; meJBting separated with the customary . complimenti-to the " .. chairman . , ; .,.. . , . . ,. -: i ' V , ,,.: ' .,.,. '\ ..: ' : ... : ¦ : "
^ p i & R ^ M EM ^ ,: "; Y £ j $ on , d ^ yVa public meeting ,.. in ; coni . exion with tbe Nauqnal . RefoymAssociation , was held in the New Hall , jHapIejgh . The , rpom ; wa 8 well filled by a highly respectable / . auditory ,, including many Suffolk farmers . —Isaac Everrett , Esq . ( an extensive farmer in the district ) , in ^ opening the proceedings said that ' for a long time past everybody had been . advooates , ofjF ) nanoiarR 3 form ,. but all . werenow beginning to , be convinced that , in order to obtain and secure , . it , it ; was indispensably necessary to go " a step further and ' i endeavour ' . toWbtey ^ . ^^^^ - li mim & t
^^^ j ^ ^^^ ^^ j afte / mtheruTOment bf his promise , otherwise it would be a very little bit of abill ho would give .. It depended on the exertions of the people what the character of . that measure should be . In his ( the chairman ' s } opinion , every man who paid , taxes ought . tobavo . a . voice in the government of the country '; but , however much the suffrage were extended , it would be comparatively useless without a better distribution of it than existed at present . — Mr . LGeorge Thompson then addressed the meeting at considerable length in explanation of the objects of tbe National Reform Association , and the proceedings terminated .
Latest Intelligence. Northern Star Offic...
LATEST INTELLIGENCE . NORTHERN STAR OFFICE . Saturday Afternoon . . . TUB ENGINEERS' STRIKE . ( By Electric Telegraph . ) Manchester ,-Saturday Morning , Jan . 3 . —A masters meeting took place last evening , when resolutions were adopted for giving a week ' s no'tice to-day , to close workshops on the 10 th inst .
Great Fire Near The St. Katherine's Dock...
GREAT FIRE NEAR THE ST . KATHERINE'S DOCKS . Yesterday morning the inhabitants of the eastern portion of London were alarmed by the outbreak of an extensive fire , which , for hours , continued to rage , and before it could be mastered laid in ruins a large amount of propel ty . The fire originated in the premises of Mr . Sparks , and before the engines arrived the premises of Mr . Trittner , scum boiler , became ignited . The flames then assumed a still more serious , aspect , for the ignitable stock in both premises proved such a powerful auxiliary to the destructive element , that the fire was quickly attacking the premises of Mr . M . Murphy , the Three .. Compasses Tavern , as well
as those belonging to Mr .. Brooks , a builder , and the large soap , factory , of Messrs . Stevens and Son , in Dock-street . Notwithstanding the exertions of the firemen , the work of devastation continued , and the front of the house No . 11 iu the same street became fired , as well as another in Wolf ' splace . These premises being let to a number of poor families , the inmates rushed out in a state of bewilderment , carrying with them their children , and any article of furniture they could lay hold of . The poor people were obliged to run about the streets almost up to their ankles in water , while only partially dressed . The fire was not extinguished until property to a considerable amount was destroyed .
Kawmarse Colliery Explosion.-Tbe Verdict...
KAWMARSE COLLIERY EXPLOSION .-TBE VERDICT . Yesterday afternoon this melancholy investigation was brought to a close . Tho coroner and jury , on their assembling at tbe Star Inn , proceeded in the first instance to view the bodies of two other victims of this calamitous catastrophe . This addition to the list of killed swells the number to fifty-two . The individuals recently dead are Timothy ' Tinsley , jun ., of Ruwmarsh , aged nineteen , who expired on Wednesday night , and George Sindley , of Upper Haugh , aged twenty-eight , who expired yesterday ( Thursday . ) Two witnesses were examined , but their evidence did not throw any light on the cause of this dreadful catastrophe . The jury were in deliberation three hours
when they returned the following verdict : — " We find that the fifty-two men and boys whose bodies we have viewed were accidentally killed by an explosion of fire damp in the Warren Vale Colliery , in the parish of Rawmarsh , in the county of York , in the occupation of Messrs . Charlesworth . " The verdict was accompanied by the following remarks : —The jury , after a long and painful investigation of the circumstances under which the unfortunate individuals lost their lives at the Warren Vale pit on the 20 th December , have agreed to a verdict of " Accidental Death , " and they feel that although there is no sufficient evidence for them to return a verdict of manslaughter against r . ny
particular person , they should ill discharge their duty if they did not accompany their verdict with an expression of their strong disapprobation of the loose manner in which the works appear to have been conducted at the above pit . They further regard the instructions hitherto given to tho men quite inadequate to the proper supervision and safe working of it . And it certainly does appear to them that it is very desirable that there should be some stringent rules and regulations at every colliery for the hotter and safer working of the coal mines , and further , that the proprietors ot every mine ought to be hold by tho legislature responsible for the efficiency of their ag ' cnts and superintendents . "
Fatal Accident At The Colosseum, Regent'...
Fatal Accident at the Colosseum , Regent ' s park . — List evening , the following fatal accident occurred to Thomas Freeman , aged thirty-two , for many years engineer at the Colosseum . Deceased was oiling the engine , when he lost bis balance and fell into the machinery in the presence of his fellow-workmen . Although the engines were immediately stopped , his body was taken out lifeless , horribly mutilated . Gavazzi at Exeter Hail . —Last night Father Gavazzv delivered one ot his stirring addresses at Exeter Hall upon the spiritual and temporal influences of papacy . Tho address was listened to with breathless attention , and elicited
constant bursts o ( enthusiastic applause . It was divided into two parts , and at the close of each a brief interpretation was offered by tho Rev . Mr . Rule . At the conclusion of the addresses , which altogether occupied nearly three hours , a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the eloquent Father Gavazzi , and the proceedings closed . Winchester . — William Plampin has received through the Home Office a mitigation of his sentence , from that ot ten years' transportation , to two years' imprisonment . The prisoner , it will bo remembered , was convicted at the last assizes of stealing a . box of gold dust from the Southwestern Railway , near this city .
Collision on the York , Newcastle , and Berwick Lixe . —Yesterday the coroner ' s inquest upon this accident , which caused the death of a clerk in the service of the Electric Telegraph Company , was brought to a conclusion . The circumstances attendant on the occurrence have been detailed already , and the jury found the following special verdict : " That the deceased Patrick Moreton met his death by a collision of two trains on tho York , Newcastle , and Berwick Railway , and that the collision was owing to the neglect of the company ' s officers in charge of the first train to send back a fog or lamp signal to the train following , and further to the neglect of certain officers of the company to supply fog signals to tho guard of tho first train . We find tho directors and managers of the York , Newcastle , and Berwick Railway , guilty of great blame and culpable neglect . First , In forwarding an enormous cattle train immediately
preceding a passenger train , which cattle train passed Christen Bank when the passenger train was within one minute of being due . Secondly , in appointing an unqualified guard to such a ti ain . Thirdly , in appointing only one guard to a double train ( 250 yards long . ) Also , we find that the production of the printed instructions by the superintendent as a proof of the general carefulness of the company ' s managcfment , appears to us only an attempt on the part of the company ' s managers to get rid of tte responsibility resting on them , and to throw the blame on an unfortunate guard , whilst at the price of a few paltry tracts they get rid of the expense of providing a competent individual , whose sole duty ought to be to see at least once daily , at some central station , that all parties iin charge of a train are provided with proper signals . _ rhc ! ] Ui y then separated . The other parties who were injured by the collision are said to bo going on favourably , '
Foreign. France.-The Ceremony Of Thursda...
FOREIGN . FRANCE .-The ceremony of Thursday out accidents . . _ . . , After tho Ta Dew the official leeeptiODB bodies took place at tho Tuilories . There ses or speeches . The public buildings dense fog prevailing throughout the day The Moniteur" announces that : Tuileries will in future be the official President of the Republic . . ¦; ... • ; General Castellane has closed all the tions of Lyons . :, ; .. ;_ , .,.
Vm^F^^I. ,-»•>» >, .—Aarsss Ow Tj^I^L^ ^...
VM ^ f ^^ i . ,- »•>» > , . —Aarsss oW tJ ^ i ^ l ^ ^ wel ^ no idd ^^ WfiYe ^ ilrti ^ ated ; m . fetf ^^ j VAv . ; : ^ tU ^^ 'Bbe ^ o £ Jthe : « t ' { fe ^ dsl ^ e ^ of / tbej ^ , ^ ^ fe ? f * & fra ^ Baflts ' soeta ^ ,.. ; , . . g £ / £ & Q ^^ m ^ WM ^ m Aons ^ tlii ^^^^^ V ^ reYe ; i ) ruQiiqated $ V \ M \ m ^ m fe Mcv ; = ^ k } agn InF ^ BbQ" ^ o £ Jthe : « w & r ; J M & eUf ; th ^/« { ksimuu ^ y •¦ -:- .- § £ . « S . . ¦ ¦ « s 58 W < 5 ' lljifr *^ ¦ A . ;'• V- ' » ' . ¦* . j ) ,. V- _ *¦•*
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 3, 1852, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_03011852/page/1/