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t fAtocH 6,1847. THE NORTHERN STAR. _t ....
itottrp* _ .
IiOWlTT'S JOURNAL. Edited by William and...
I JufiUc Amusement, .
MARYLEBONE THEATRE. We paid a visit to t...
Thb Ki.to op Bavaria's favourite Ladv.— ...
©emrai *n teUtaiet%
~.«. ,.„. — „ „ w_ ^ Hugh GASOMaxan.— Th...
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T Fatoch 6,1847. The Northern Star. _T ....
t fAtocH 6 , 1847 . THE NORTHERN STAR . t . ' * ' ~ ^ ^ — ^ ^_ _ _ . ^_ , ^___ j
Itottrp* _ .
itottrp * _ .
55 D3 The Illness Of Prikce Heitersicm 0...
55 D 3 THE ILLNESS OF PRIKCE HEiTeRSICM 01 < Old man ! repeat ! short is thy time 1 Upon this earth to stay ; gii Since detplj tbou art stained with crime , Heaven wash that itaia away : _ < For thou hatt been the ready tool , Ci Of Austrian Kaiser * * Iron ruU-, Sworn foe to liberty :
<> ; Quoting the scripture for thy deed , A A hypocrite ia prayer and creed . " ? "What forms flit round thy coueh at night , Breaking thy slumbers rude ! 1 Why starttst thou up in affright , In thy dark solitude ! 1 "Why stands tbe cold swsat on thy brow * 1 TYhy in thy bed opitartest tbou I What visioned form doit see , ' That thou shouldu toss and hid * tbj hsad ] Beneath the coverings of thy bed !
I One young , pal * fact , grown pals with thought . Bepreachful looks on thee ; Alt his high hopei are tank to naught , And none tbe causa but thee ;—The son of him whoit eagle swayed O ' er stricken Austria , sore dismay'd , To whom thy master bowed , Until thou to his riseue catae , "With deeds of guilt , and blood , and shame . His meek , mild form , hare might not etay , A pristineJ eagle ha ; His longings soar'd twyond this clay , Until death set him free ; In crowds alone , with inward grief , To which thy pompa gave na relief ; Bis father , he was gone ; And Riechstadt to rejoin him went ; AVas this an " Austrian accident f "
Speak , Mettermchl sure thou canst tell , Seest ihoa Cozecza ' a strand ! And srest how by thy treachery fell . The brave Baudiera ' a band ! Holy tbe death that patriots die , Thtir blood sinks not—' twill fructify Fair Freedom ' s blessed tree ; Despite of all thy plans and schemes . They ' re idle , as a sick man ' s dreams . Ay ! wave th y trmi convulsively , Legions of tplrits rise Irjm Tarnow ' s noma of misery And blood , before thine ayes . Torn limb from limb , they have no tomb , Even babes ripped from their m-jthtr ' s womb , And thou , the master-fiend , Fit chief of the unholy crew "Who , bribed by thee , thy victims slaw .
farewell ! 1 know that but by name And by thy evil deeds , Aye ready any crime to frame . When Austria ' s Kaiser needs . Thou , all th * time hast been -. n earth , Hast warr'd with freedom , virtue , worth , And fought ' gaiutt liberty ; As well attempt to chain the wind Or with thy words the oceaa bind ! I wish no nearer fellowship , I yraj than roay « st fat repent , Ere lieath it cet upon tbjlip . And thou art to thy judgraantaent ; That thou inayst quick aud surely know How like a very worm art thou , And so repeat in time . And make atonement whiUt thou may , Before thy body turns to clay . AiraiD Fesnili
£ ebicto &
Tue Labourer. A Monthly Magazine Of Poli...
TUE LABOURER . A MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF POLITICS , LITERATURE , POBTM , & c . Edited by Feahqcs O'Cossob , Esq ., and Ernest Joses , Esq . I . ond ui : Northern i'tar office . The large and increasing sale of this infant magazine proves that the public are © four way of thinking as regards its merits . The March number will sot disappoint these who have read thi two preceding number * . Ons or two of tbe papers arc briefer than weeeuld have wished , but this , we suppose , was unavoidable , to make room for " The iW Man ' s Legal . Manual , " a moat valuable feature , which wa tope to see Continued . The subject discoursed of tn the " Manual" for this month is the JSew Act for the Eecoreryot Small Debts , and there of oar reader * Trim may have any occasion to be interested regarding tb . it Act , whether as debtors or creditors , will do well to expend sixpence in the purchase of this month ' s " Labourer , " wherein they will find the entire provisions of the said Act rendered as plain
as A . B . C . Mr . O'Connor ' s letter on " The Land and its Capabilities , " in reply to the "Shopkeeper of Plymouth , " whicn appeared in this Journal of January 50 th , and which excited so much interest , is reprinted in this number of the " Labourer . " This latter explains in brief and simple terms the capability of occupants on the Chartist Farms to Jive weil , sav « money , and with that money become proprietors of their larm-baldings ia tlie course of atlwyeatsseven at tae farthest . The statements and calculations contained is this letter a child may understand , and understanding may therewith demolish the fallacies of " Whistlers" and all other humbugs . "The Phase of Political Parties" introduces the reader to a timely letter to the Prime Minister , the best praise of which will be the quotation of the following extract : —
10 TUE RIGHT BOX . LORD JOES BCS 5 SLL . My Lord , you have cot yet seen the beginning of th « end—rely upon it that you have not ; aud , before we slightly touch the probable future , and the best means of meeting it , let us implore of yoa to believe that nun with brains not to be stultified by conventional impressions , however frequent aud familiar fashion may have made them , will vet laugii at your nhole policy when the Famine Trageey has been played out . Have you thought seriously ot the frightful lesson you are now teaching the Irish ptopie ; and should famine desolate the laud , hare you ev-. r ib u ^ ht of the consequences to this country and to Europe ? True , the moment of leant is not the exact moment of reflection ; but what will tbe reader of yiur biography say tu this picture ! " The n-sble Loid John Kussell was the leader of the Whig party in power when the fiigbtful famine commenced in 1845 , bat does not appear to bave had n-. rve to meet the calamity . AU thought of Ireland was lost in the interests of his City
supporters , whose deb-gate he was . He tried three very uncertain measures for dealing with a national calamity . Firstly , a prayer composed by the Archbishop of Canterbury , asking Almightj God to avert what a bad system had created . Secondly , au appeal by tbe Queen to tbe people , iu tbe form of a royal letter , resorted to on such occasions in those dajs . Aud lastly , a M . Sojer , COOK TO A CLUB HOUSE , was transported to " reland to aid in producing ECONOMICAL SOUP f „ the people to liva upon ; a teature of political economy that appears ludicrous , wbtn , by tbe returns of the three previoasyears , we find that Ireland bad exported to England several million quarters of all kinds of grain , as well as live Stock and other eatables aud valuabUt of all drscript ' . oiiS of produce ; indeed , to fin extent which in these « 1 _ s makes the question of famine in such a country appear more like a riddle than a reality . " Now , my lord , rely upon it that such will be the oilmen of the historian who Shall write the history of the present time * , whin the Shackles of party shall be taken off the TEH .
My lord , yon have done wiiely in stinti ' j g war-borses some little of tbtrir lood , and your next ir . ove must be to lay race-horses , hunters , hounds , and -all pleasure-horses Hinder a like restriction , and then jo _ will have to sti . p _ tl distillation from grains of all sorts , as it is useless , 3 UJ , St * ; -d , : . . -J . ' , li . j •• vV .- „ - ^ , fr . f .- „; -. , ^ ,. i Unless , a' ; :.- > . : :: f .-. c , << . ' .: i \ ., „ ,. r ? .,. ;< -. . , : ' ¦ ., >>; :. TUB of I .: ¦¦• . ¦ :. ; t . ' ¦ . r . - -i-. . ; , . , ; .-, . . ... ; ,-,- .. - « . - .
FOOD . NeXt , , ' . J W : ' . ' ¦ ' . ' > 3 \ .,-. I " - . « . •; , ! ,.,: !_ ' .. ! . * tS' .. Stock of .-tt 7 ' . il ' ' - . - ¦ .. . « , . .: ¦ . I , t . : -. ii ., t I .. (¦¦ ' ' Census cf • ¦ < ¦ » .. - ¦ ' . .. ¦( . j . ; iv . - , - j . j . . . . -. ! - ' ^ : < -.. u .:: ¦¦ : ¦ , scale ; a •; :-.-i .. it « - . , : . -,.. r ; . . } . .: :,. !;•; , . . ; i i \ ... .- . ir , you mu- ' tt-. . ¦ - _ ; i , stv . -V . it ¦ : f . r .. . ¦ <¦' . n ¦ ^• • y .. . > ¦ . Mjli .- - - . ; . . .. , ¦;¦ .-. ,- •;• . » iji , a i ,- " •¦ ¦!¦¦ ¦ M . i ;{ ALL i ; v . * : > . vj - , ... ... . < i .. i , ,-: ^ . , . _ -m . , < anevil-. * . ; , .. . ;; ,, •• .. m : : y : •!¦;¦ ,: ' : ' . >> d .. acdus . r ,,-:-..., ;• . iijt . : > . U .. fron- u , v , ; - . ^ ^ mD ' j ,. :. ¦ ¦ i : :: r . . ilr » ' :-l , ai . ,- . ' . ¦; . tfi-. !¦;; . llj - '
"Sufficient unto tne «!•> it ¦; w- . : ' : .- - ' - 'Jo : r ,. > -always been a favourite Whig mtxim ; and now you may turn it , for once , to good , practical account . Your first object should be to save life ; we bave shewn you tbe easy means of securing food enough , ample ; and now we will point out the means of procuring money enough . In the years 1 SS 9 and 60 three millions per annum fall in , in long and terminable annuities , that is as you are aware ; but we write for ignorant people—JE 3 . 001 , 000 sterling , now paid in taxes each year , will cease aad ex . pire . Wemayestimatethevalueof tbatstock atTHIRTT MILLIONS to the holdsrs , and by making it perpetual it would realise NINETY MILLIONS , thus leaving you a surplus of SIXTY . MILLIONS , after purchasing up tie £ S , 0 : S iJOO per annum .
Notv , my lord , you could so spread that over four or five years , raising fifteen millions or twelve millions , or more oi less , as circumstances demandrd , and obssrva the present generation will lose nothing , at all eitntt till the year 1 SG 0 , while the / would gain the idvautaga of uotbeii . g taxed to meet the preseatfrightful demand for mon ^ y . In plain language , you may raise £ 00 , 000 , 000 Of money without levying a penny additional tax on the people . Do ihtseihings . niylord ; and in Goo ' s nam * , since the time has come that soldiers , courtiers , peers , and fine gentlemen , condescend to talk of DUNG and PORK , and DHA 1 NING and waste lands , attach a Minister of Agriculture to your Cabinet , au . let us no longer be a laughing-stock to agricultural nations , and Our on u farmin and labourers , by such ludicrousappointments as half-pay officers , and drawing-room gentlemen , to discharge duties which bolong to practical agriculturists . You would laugh at tbecouceit of su old farmer undertaking the command of a linc-of-battle-ship , and
Tue Labourer. A Monthly Magazine Of Poli...
yet it would not be one whit more ridiculous than tht em . ployment of military men in agricultural service . It would be a waste of time to mix up a particle of politics In the consideration of a purel y social question ; while all political advice must b « lost upon ONE who HAS PRE . FERRED THE SUPPORT OF A FACTIOV TO THP SALVATION OF A NATION . The third chapter of " The Insurrections of tha Working ; Classes narrates the revolts of th . peasantry of Jutland 1 D the twrtfth centurr . Tho story . sasad on . and pamfall j « r . ibitaih « sufferings of the people , the crimes of the priests and the withering influences of superstition . From "The Romance of a People we extractthe following wild and exciting description of
THE DSAD DRIVER . A gloomy n ^ ht of win ter bad foldsd its clouds around the towers of Sandomir , when the Palatine , as was hii wont , proposed to issue forth on one of thoso secret missions ha had sa long successfully fulfilled . There was but one w " ho accompanied him on these occasi nsan old and long . trisd vassal , who claimed kindred to Theresa , aud was , therefore , cherished . To none otbsr was known whither he want , nor how he returned . Though his absence had ef late been frequtut and prolonged , its object had never been discovered , nor had he been noticed by the emissaries of government ; but ot late a party of men bad barn seen lurking in the neigh , bourhood of the castle—an unusual circumstauce , for the country around had become a desert , under tbe blight of Constantiue ' s misrule . A large black bound bad likewise been observed circling round the walls , and seeming the track of whoever crested their precinct * .
It was intensely dark , and a cold mist lay upon thy earth , through which at times fell , slow and lasily , straggllng flak as of snow . A sledge was brought round to a postern of ths castle by the old and faithful servant , the door was re . closed , tht Palatine acd his companion mouaUd , and the bell-less horses started forth on the soon- in silence . But at th . same moment a dark mass , that bad betu reposing beneath the wall , started upward , like a demon out of th * earth ; a yell » s of fitrce delight rang on the spat , and the black shape glided behind th * Heeling car . Th < Palatine and his companion wsr . startled at the unearthly apparition . Whether thsy quickened their speed , or relaxed it , still that strange form was close btbiad upon their track . " What can it be 1 " exclaimed tbe c » unt . "It is not like anything human , nor could wan follow to fast . Fire ! aad we shall discover what it is . "
Hit attendaat obeytd , and by the light of the red flash , they beheld the black hound that had lurked around the castle . It bayed deeply , with a muttering sound , like imprecation . "Goodhcavtu ! we are discovered and pursued ! On ! on !" "Shall 1 fire again !" "No . Ic mijht bring our enemies down upon us a once . Hark ! How that cursed hound bays , as though it were a signal ! On!—on 1 " With frenzied speed on Hew the horses : no tread aanouneed their progress , nor hoof nor sleigh gave a sound , as they whirled on over the soft show , that now came down thick and fast . A sharp blast arose , bringing the cold with it from tht north , whilst the frosty mitts sailed by in almost palpable'forms , like a spectral rout .
On ! en ! away ! away ! Silent and swift rushed that strange flight , amid storm and darkness , to that the fantastic outlines of the vapours , and the weird shapa « f ths tracking hound , alone were discsrnible , and that but at intervals , through the universal gloom . The cold grew keener and keener , and tht deep baying of the pursutr rang clear upon the night air . From time to time the Falatiae addressed words of encouragement to his companion , who gave no reply ; but whenever h » spoke appeared to urge the panting horses to greater speed , for they more flaw than ran over the vast suow plains , along which , at far intervals , ttragding lights of scattered villages dived up and disappeared , left far behind almost as soon as passed . At length tlie baying of the bound ceatid altogether , and it ran steadily by the side of the sledge , its fi » rr eyes turned to those it bore , with a kok of fi « rce hunger .
" . See . my frisnd ! " exclaimed the count , "It scarce looks earthly . Haste' We must soon arrive at our place of meeting . What strange shapes tha night mist assumes ! Methought , aven now , there were horsemen prickin ; on before our sledge . But haste ! Tbe frost will kill us . How tbe cold gains strength !" His companion replied not ; but still they rushed oa with uu : lackt-ccd speed : the silence was agniu unbroken , save by the ringing storm—and the time flew by . till th * Palatine , surprised at the ususual length of ths joumsy , again r . darejsed hisattetidaut , — " Anselm ! You must have mistaken the way . We never were thus long before , " There cume no reply . "Ansslm ! awake ! Surely ha sleeps . The track is lost , and we shall mist our friends . Answer me , Anselm !"
isti ' . l the s * rf replied not . The couut strove to rise , but in vain—it seemed as though impalpable fetters boand him , his limbs were powerless with the intensity of the cold . "Anselui ! " he cried ; but again there came no answer , and a drtad thought smote him . With difficulty he stretched bis arm towards his companion—the latter was stiff and motionless ; it was but too true , the frost had done its work , the rein * were held by a corse , the dead had been bis driver ! Ye : the sledge flew on , and turned and veered as though tbe spirit of Anselm still guided tht horses ; while powerless , scarcely able to speak , sat the doomed conspirator . He strained his gaze with freuzied eager . uess to see if he could discern a human form , butau indistinct and saiftin ; shade wrapped every ubject . At length the storm parted above , and grey light fell down from heaven . It revealed a body of grim horsemen following the sledge , while two had ridden on before , and seized the reins .
" Wi . o are ye I Whither go ye !! ' ga < iptd the Palatine . " To the Bclvidere P was the reply ; and on whirled the race ; steed succeeded steed , as they flagged and died ; rivers aud hills glided past ; towars and domes flitted by ; morning and night sunk ovar tham , aud the dungeon gat « s closed on the abducted patriot . Thegovernment , having discovered the traces of a conspiracy in which tbe Palatine was implicated , had posted a party of Cossacks Bear his castle , charged to follow him secretly to the meeting-place of the rebels , and thus at once to secure all implicated . Assisted by tin sleuth-hound , lest they should lose the track iu the darkness , they had followed close behind the sledge . It was then that the death of Anselm had saved thai vastconspiracy , for bad he lived to guide his master to the spot of their destination , all had been discovered aud lost . When the Cossacks found , by the exclamations if their prisoner , that Ansklm was dead and the track mistaken , pursuant to their further order , the ) seized ths reins , aud hurriid the Palatine on to th * lWvidere .
This chapter concludes Tfith a truly poetical—we might say sublime picture of the destruction of the castie ol ihe Palatine and its brave defenders , and the heroic self-immolation of the maniac lsdy , the wife of the n-jble Pole . The " Confessions of a Kin ;; " two poems— " The Lite of a Flower , " and "The Good Old Days ;;" " Reviews , " die ., make up the remaining contents oi this number . We observe an announcement that a considerable portion of tbe April number will be devoted to a consideration and explanation of the Bank in its relation to the National Land Company .
Iiowltt's Journal. Edited By William And...
IiOWlTT'S JOURNAL . Edited by William and Ms ^ tr llowrrr . PiBr II . . London : 171 , ( comer of Surrey-street , } Strand . This part contains a rich variety of matter from the pens of several able and eminent writers . Mr llowitt bus performed good service by direo ing public attention to that frightful nuisance and overgrown abomination ,
SMITHFIELD MARKET . Iu the middle of tbe densest and most thronged city in the world , exists the must horrible market in the world . Through the streets of this grsxt and busy city , tin-. id . . "•!¦¦ ior > i-. U' -. h erjf / iivu tvih ptiip ' .-j aii . '! . carriii ^» a \<' mi !» j .- 'i — - . va ;_„ . is , CBi : s . o'iiLi ' .. ' . 'i «* , coi'oiie ' , S . i -. 'Vib * , r > -.. ! ( 'ri . 'ft— . ' . e . ' r . ry —<¦?• ¦ : ¦¦ . . . Ho .:, i « i'C : e / .. e dt-f ' . i it ! I t ¦ ¦ ¦¦ -, tiJ -L . v . \ i , 'o i -. ir-: > ' . ? V ..-i ; jt-i * . ¦• Env ' ... . ! : " ;'' i'J r . •' .. . 'i . <> i •• ' . •'">• . ¦ -: —1 ' i , u * - ' r v , a . ni to : > ii , . t ¦ ¦ : ~ T Tilt . ? ' I ' ' : ' f- V > « . ' .-.- : -i' :- ' *• - .- > t « i . v . iimal' . ii .- ¦ ¦ . ' . * :. ' . ' . !!¦ - c € ! .. i > ; i ¦!¦ . j ; i .- * r . md cramuied-; . >? .- ; -ir- ; iojjt > ia > . ! 0 .. . ar * ti . etu « - . 'etc ' 'ij > j ni : nil *—Ciltco . . o l . ^ Ji . ; >¦ ¦ .. y !) . ? uiis . \ tbe .. ihii u . i : !^ , ti :.- iiiHi . lni' aiiJ ¦ jti-i ei : > ' ; . ; ' roti . ; : i . vhU-li U ; tj !>»' ' I . ash , . »• ' ! !'• - '¦)' t . i . jnt- jr .-ut :.. v « r J * " one i > . * i o-ji .. ;* ir . thtir
•*!»—.: —¦ :.-: ¦ : -i . - , r ;> ri r . ry a :. - •• . ¦ : -ti . U' * Mi ^ - . Uct , tit (¦ t u ;< : , yjt :-.: KS oz i . jJku in'J . i ; ; . ; i . u : fv . < r . do ::. ! :. e "i ' . j n ! ¦ . rs ' . acii ; v : - , 1 fiey .-ir - ' j <\>? q . < i Mi average , *) , i » i o ») .:. . . . - .. ¦ ' t ' ., i > . . 'i ) . . _ ¦ . ¦ .: . . , wiilr . ' . i •' . ffiiucuol four a . ' . res no'j ah _ i . iuv : ci * -u-bii'i <>*' - ' :- i" it . ' . n . o » t oarh % n .. m and uaburiness-like spot in Europe ; say , in tbe noriu besides . # * » In ths most humane country in the world , the mest inhuman , the most brutal practice is maintained . What is the Society for Preventing Cruelty to Animah about ! What is the Society for the Diffusion of Christian Knowledge about ! Why does it not send tome of its trects to tbe lord mayor aud tht worshipful aldermen ! What is tha Peace Society about , that it does not udeavour to put down the xctkly aud yearly war
between tbe bulls of Bashanand her Majesty ' s uuoffeadiug but very much offended subjects \ And what is the Association for the Improvement of the Health oi Town * about ? For there is no subject which so much demands its attention as fcraifhfield ; ths old field of cruthy ; this modern Golgotha , with all its horrors , its savage barbarisms , its butcherly exhibitions before the public , its choking of cattle , its tearing off of aheap ' * ears by dogs , its broken legs of lambs , audits knocking off of oullock's horns ; with its trodden-dowu-to-death victims ; with all its dismal dcus for brute captives in its vicinity , its bloody slaughter-houses , and horrid holds deep with yards of accumulated filth and gore , ready , like the churchyard earth of Miuchiuhainpton , on being stiAed , to send fever and pestilence through the whole city .
While these horrid scenes may be witnessed weekly and daily , there has been for the past eleven vears a most admirably fitted up cattle market in the neighbourhood of Islington unused , and , consequent !" , falling to decay . This mwktti w » s projected
Iiowltt's Journal. Edited By William And...
some years ago by Air . Perkins , a country gentleman , who succeeded , alter the fiercest opposition oa the part of the London corporation , in obtaining an act of parliament to authorise tbe building of his market , which is thus described : —
TBI MEW CATTLI MABKET AT IlLlNOTOtr . The ground admitted of perfect draining , and is now as sound as an acorn . Sheds were completed capable of housing in full comfort of 3 , 000 cattle . There were two well * » onk , which supplied each a tank . The tanks were kept supplied with water by a kind of wind engine , which raised the water at the rate of two hundred gallous per minute , without apparently lowering it in the wellt , filled the tanks , aud the tanks overflowed into pipes which conveyed the water to the troughs in every stall , and to every part of the area . This great area was fitted up with pins and stalls . The stalls for cattle were paved with granite , and fenced witn stout oaken framework . -The pens , for sheep , far more roomy than those at Smitbfleld , were all paved with bricks , and fenced with cast-iron railing . Ia the centre of the uuvHet were built four banking houiet , where the poaey traniactiom of the market could be made .
The shcep-pens were calculated to hold 40 , 000 sheep , and there was sufficient space for the accommodation of 20 , 000 cattle . All was ready . Everything was in appearance favourable for business , but this business did not come . Because the London corporation , the butchers , the Smithfield publicans , and other " sinners , " were unhappily too strong for the projector of the new market . We don't wish the members of the London corporation any harm , but if , some fine morning , tho Lord -Mayor , or two or three jolly old Aldermen , should be tossed and gored and pitched "to 'he devil somewhat ere their time , " although , no doubt , such a catastrophe would sorely affect us , still we should have this consolation to mitigate our grief , that the sad event would greatly
accelerate the abolition of" the Smithfield nuisance . Putting a lord in the pillory was the shortest way to bring that barbarism to an end , and a mad bull goring and tossing a purple-faced , pot-bellied Alderman would give the quietus to a national disgrace which has outlived the pillory too many years . How dare the Rovernment allow the continuance of this nuisance for one day longer f Mr . Perkins ' market should be bought by thogovernment , and made national property , and thia Smithfield abomination put down by " the strong arm of the law . " Why is not this done ? Or rather , why do the English people submit to be ruled by the aristocratic
imbeciles and money-mongering scoundrels , who fatten and profit by such enormous evils as this horrible Smithfield market ? Mr . llowitt contributes several other papers , to wit , a pleasant and itasonablt article on the month—February ; a continuation of his charming description of " The Odenwald . " in which we are introduced to the famous town of Weinsberg , and the poet Justinus Kerner ; Init the mest impwtaat of Mr . llowitt ' s contributions is , his appeal to the English people in behalf of the people of Ireland , which we copied into this journal of February 20 th .. That appeal stamps Mr . llowitt a true philanthropist and veritable patriot , and does him infinite honour .
One of the most wonderful stones we ever readif true as it professes to be , then certainly the most wonderful—is the history of " The 1 hilanthropic Assassin , " one Raoul Croc alias Gottlikb Kin-halter , contained in this Part of llowitt ' s Journal . This miscreant , though a Germar , was a disciple of " the great English Malthus , " and . ' ; bcHevine , like his teacher , that tho world was overerowded , he set about rectifying that misfortune by murdering as many people as he could ! " He confessed io having killed twenty-seven individuals ; to have occasioned
the execution of five others , who were accused and found guilty of the murders ; and to have wounded fourteen others . " jThis prince of political economists should have his bust erected in every union workhouse and free-trade factory-bell . Why does ' not John Bright propo ? o a Parliamentary grant for a national monument to Raoul Ccoc ? Let every hater of the political economists buy this Part of llowitt ' i Journal , or if they cannot afford to buy the Part , then buy Nos . 8 and 9 and read ( his story for themselves . It is the most tremendous " counterblast" Maithusianism has ever encountered .
Papers on " Physiology for the People , " " Universal Language , " and other subjects , are well worthy of notice , but want of mom forbids . We must , however , make way for a del iithtful little poem , in which Mary llowitt has some share : —
THE LOVER . F & OK THE GEBHAN OP DEINEICSI VQS 3 The maiden wiih brown eyes and hair Cams o ' er the dewy meadows ; The nightingales were singing clear , Among the evening shadows . 1 saw and heard her stepping free ; She passed like sunshine o ' er the lea ; 1 saw she was the girl for me ! Her skirts were lifted from the dew ; Htr boddice fitted tightly : Herplaited hair , her apron blue , The mght . breeze wafted lightly ; Herstockinsp white , as white could be ; Said I , that maiden fair to tea Is just the very girl for me 1 The brindlecowher call obeyed ,
Came all the meadows thorough ; And as she milked , said I , " Swtet tnaid , God shield thte from all sorrow I " She looked with eyes no bright and free ; Said I , she is the girl for me ; She shall my heart ' s beloved be 1 Her eyes they teemed to answer "Yes ;" My heart with love wss gushing ; And I contrived rcy lips tt press Upon her warm cheek , blushing , That blushing chetk , so fresh to see 1 Said I , this maiden , fair and free , She is the vary girl for me 1
I helped her over hsdge and stile , With frothy milk-pail laden ; And tang to scare tbe goblins vile That might affright the maiden ; For now ' twas dark b y bush and tree ; And said I , " maiden dear to me , Wilt thou my heart ' s belovsd be V — " Wherefore so late ! " her mother cried , In wrath htr daughter viewing , " Soft , gentle mother !'' I replied , ¦ ' Thy daughter I ' ve been wooing : Givs thy consent— -then bless'd are we ! Sweet mother , givt consent , for she Is willing my beloved to be 1 "
The illustration accompanying this poem is a gem of a picture : that entitled " A Peep into the Odenwald" is perfectly enchanting ; nsture and art have combined to make the scene almost a peep into Paradise .
I Jufiuc Amusement, .
I JufiUc Amusement , .
Marylebone Theatre. We Paid A Visit To T...
MARYLEBONE THEATRE . We paid a visit to this comfortable little suburban theatre on Tuesday evening last , and were by no means diiappointed at the bill of fare pressated for public approval . The performances commenced with the wellknown and deservedly papular play of " William Tell ;" followed by the laughable piece of "Robert le Grange , " and concluding with "Black . Eyed Susan . " Of the plot of tlie « e pieces we apprehend but few of our readers can be unacquainted . The continued repetition of their representation at our various placet of public amusement has not lessened the love for true liberty , so beautifully and forcibly depicted in tht character of Tell , nor created hts admiration of the manly courage of the British tar , whose true nobility is made manifest in so
coaspicuous a manner throughout the entire latttr dramn . Mr . Rayner , as Tell , was very t-ffVctive throughout : nor « ' ^ st we or ., ' - * * . r voWrti the Albert of Miss . '¦ : ¦ . M > er ''< , 'i : .- . n a " :. •'•»>• I ^ tiiii ^ ' -- / vnie j . -lr ^ s * , " . id was •«¦ : !• $ ¦ -.. :: \ ' tn- : nf Oi ; ' . ¦ . j - . ; . liiu « : <¦ !/ M : u :. !; t ' iy J . ' . ii . j-rf .. roil ;> vr . T !> : < t r , Tj .. ;! i > . mi ' , v- - . i ? >!• -. .-i- •¦¦ ' .. ' , MC ' ov ' c . a : nl the * viT . jii ¥ cne . cv i V ! .- » ' ''' . Kir :, ' ,:: > ti <*)* htmv ; ir . .-orivcbioi . s in toe ^ ii'iivi' little ' 'i-M / i ^ re , "If p't-rl le ( . traiii'iy" v > l th ; »« i . t-. n ; i : iits uttered by Jn >} ci' '! ' : Inl y njyivci " fi •)!*¦ warmly ap ; dnufh ; d by irm' , of the r . ^ . ' it stun : ; , \ ih > iUVi'j -i : i * y . j ., iutiintnl iUidl : um » urcviubiiwdwUii " - »«» " . amount w tia' . i ^ nality . C ' . inlc 6-. ' !;? j bv Mi . J . llobbins ware erctir ai-fl ; . . 'de- ' . .
aad th'jy were , indiv u , fise . idi . 'gl * laughable , i'hc i-i-(<¦ : ; rising lesiOf , top { Mr . John 1 >« uj : '\' i > . *} , earned » n 0 rwctivd a rV . ir sua . " * of a ; i [; ' ii ' . n . - ; for , tu nd' to the run : is ! m » ei of ap ; j ! .-balion liie fact tl . it Kr . l ' 'Ujrlft « s is uui > c : u of V : i > b ? si- »! f not ihe v , ry iest— -repnseotatives of tht Britith sailor , is only giving honour to whom honour is due . So much for the merits of the evening ' s entertainment , selettcd as a benefit in aid of the fund for building a working man ' s reading and lecture room at Marylebone . We regret that the audience was not so numerous as we could have wished ; nevertheless , we hope somt " benefit" will result from the performances of the evening .
Polytechnic Institution. The Lecturer On...
POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . The lecturer on natural philosophy of this establishment , Dr . Bachhoffner , has been engaged iu delivering lectures on astronomy . This gentleman stated , on Monday last , that the lecture which he was about to deliver was intended as an outline of the various subjests that would be dwelt up > n more at large in the subsequent lectures . He endeavoured to impress upon his audience the importance and pleasure derived even from a slight acquaintance with this sublime scitnee . The lecturer , after describing the erroneous views of Ptolemy , and the dogmas of Aristotle , which had enthralled the world for more than 1 , 400 years , as aleo Uie abortive attempts ot Tycho Brahe , thra directed tho attention of his auditors to the only true system , originally taught by Pythagoras , and revived b y Coperniem , and finally fixed on more solid foundation by the labours of Galileo , Kepler , Newton , La Plase , aud others—that , although tht destroy ing hand of Time must and will level to the dust the most gorgeous fabric of man ' s genius , yet this would undoubtedly flourish as the ouly true system until tha end ci
Polytechnic Institution. The Lecturer On...
"me . Not the least interentinj ; part of this mV ' tpleaiing and instructive lecture was iho introduction of tome beautifull y illuminated dlngramn of / arioiu nebultt as seen ) by the aid of tht nfp . intic telescope of Lord Roue and contrasted by the » -. » nebulwas seen and figured by Sir William H < r . cii > in the de . tc < -iplion of v hich ample justice wan done u this most - istounding , yet sublime , subject of tha 1-irned lecturer . By way of conclusion , we caun . - . t loo strongly recommend all our readers who areinuiou .. li > attu . t > re anidta of the wonders of tin heavens , to visit the Polytechnic institution some Monday , WedutsJay , or Friday , during the continuance of the course .
The Prussian Constitution. (Froth Our Ge...
THE PRUSSIAN CONSTITUTION . ( Froth our German Correspondn > t . ) At 'last thi . s long-expected piece of workmanshi p Ira made i ' . s appearance . ' At last—if wo believo the Timet , fiiobe , some French and some German papers-Prussia has passed over to the ranks of constitutional countries . The Aor < A < rf » Star , however , has already sufficiently provod that this so-called Constitution it nothing but a trap offered to the Prussian people to cheat them of tho rights promised by the late kiiv . ' , at the time ho wanted popular support . That tins is the fact , that Frederick William triea by this so-called Constitution to obtain mosey without being obliged to make concessions to public opinion , is certain beyond all doubt . The democratic papers of all
conntrica-iii b ranee , particularly the National and heforme , nay , tlie ministerial Journal dti Dtbati , — agree in this opinion . The fettered German press itself stammers words which allow no other conclusion but that the movement party in Prussia is quite aware ol the sly intentions of their " open-hearted generous" king . The question then is this : will the kins succeed in his plans ? Will ths Central Assembly of Estates be either stupid or cowardly enough to guarantee a new loan , without securing to the people extended liberties , and thus give the king the means to continue the present syiteiu for an indefinite length of time ? We answer : No ; they will not , thev cannot .
I lie hitherto followed plan of government in Prussia was the consequence of the relative position of the nobility and the middle classes in Prussia . The nobility had lost too much ofitsformcrstrength , wealtlun * inftnence , todominat » the king as formerly it had done . The middle classes were not yet strong enough to overcome the dead weight of the nobility , which cramped their ccnimtrcial and industrial progress . Thus the king , representing the central power of the state , and supported by the numerous class of government officers , eirii and military , besides having the army at his disposal , was enabled to keep down the middle classes by the nobility , and the nobility by the middle classes , by flattering now the interests of the one . and then those of tlie other ; and balancing , as much as passible , the influence of both . This stage of absolute monarchy has been gone through by almost all the cirilizsd countriesof Europe , and in those mostadvanced it has now given place to the government ef the middle classes .
Prussia , the most advanced of German countries , bad hitherto wanted a middle class , wealthy , strong , united and . energetic enough to shake off the domination of absolutism , and to crush the remains of feudal nobility . The two o attending elements , nobility and middle classes , are , however , placet in such circumstances , that by tho natural progress of inuu .-try and civilization , tho one ( the middle classes ) must increase in wealth and influence , while the other ( the nobility ) must decrease , impoverish and lose more aid more its ascendancy . While , therefore , the Prussian nobility and large landed proprietors , found themselves every y * ar in a worse position , first , by the ruinous wars with France in the beginning of this century ; then by the English Corn Laws , which shut them out from the market of that country ; then by the competition of Australia , in one of their
chief productions , wool , and by many other oircumst : mci s — the middle classes of Prussia increased cnonnoui . lv in wealth , productive powers , and influence in general . The wars with Fiance , ths shutting out of English manufactured goods from ths Continental markets , created manufacturing industry in Prussia ; and when peace was re-established , the upstart manufacturers were powerful enough to force government to gram them protective duties ( 1 S 18 ) . Soon afterwards , tiie Zollverein was founded , a union which ulniOft exclusively advanced the interests of the middle clawe-. And , above all , tha violent competitive struggle arising between the different trading and manufacturing nations during these last 30 years ol l > cacc , forced the somewhat indolent Prussian middle cla .-ses , either to allow themselves to be entirely ruined by foreign competition , or to set to work in go .. d e ; ime : t , as weil as their neighbours .
The progress of the middle classes was very little visible up to the year 1810 , when the ascension to the ihruneofa new King appeared to them the proper moment to show that , since 1815 , things were rather changed in Prussia . 1 need not recapitulate how the middle c \ ma movement has progressed since that time ; how all parts of the kingdom acceded to it , until at last nil the middle classes , a great part of the peasantry , and not a tew of the nobility , joined in it . A representative constitution , liberty of the piess , open courts of law , immoveability of the judges , trial by jury—such were the demands of the middle clawes . The peasantry or small landed proprietors saw very well—in the more enlightened parts of the kingdom ,
at leiu-t—that such measures were lor their inlvreali too , being the only ones by which they could hope to free themselves from tho remnants of feudality , and to have that influence upon the making of laws which i o whs desirable for them to possess . The poorer part of the nobility thought that the constitutional system might , iperhaps , give them such a position iii Ikv legislature as their interests demanded ; aud that , at all events , this system could not be more ruinous to them than that under which they lived . It was principally the nobility of Prussia Proper and Posen . who , being severely oppressed by want of markets for their produce , acceded to the Liberal movement from such considerations .
The middle classes themselves got more and more ir . te an uucomiortable position . They had increased their manufacturing aud mining concerns , as well as their shipping , to a considerable extent ; they were the chief furnishers for the whole market of the Zollverein ; their wealth and numbers had increased very much . But during the last ten ov fifteen years the enormous progress of English manufactures aud mining operations have threatened them with a deadly competition . Every glut in the English market threw large quantities of English goeds into the Zuilverein , where tlu-y were sold at prices more ruinous to the Germans than to tho English , because these- latter made , during the limes of flourishing trade , large profits in the American and other maikets , while the Prussians could never soli their
produce anywhere but within the circle of their own line of custt-ms . Their shipping were almost excluded from the ports of foreign nations , while ships til all flags entered the Prussian ports on equal conditions with the Prussians . Thus , although there is comparatively little capital iu Prussia , there commenced a difficulty of investing thiscapitalprofitably . Trade appeared to be labouring under a continual pressure ; factories , machinery , swek in trade , were slowly , but continually , depreciated ; and this general uneasiness was for a moment only interrupted by the railway speculations which _ , within the last eight years , were started in Prussia . These speculations ,
by raising the value of ready money , increased the deureciaUonofstockintradeiaud were themselves , on nn average , nee very profitable , ou account of the comparatively thin population and trade of the greater part of the country . They offered , however , a stili better chance of profit than other industrial investments ; and thus every one who could dispose of some capital engaged in them . Very soon these speculations assumed , as usual , a feverish character , and ended in a crisis which now for about a twelvemonth has oppressed the Prussian money markets . Thus the middle classes found themselves in a very ' . i !!" ' .-tiiicr ! able position i ; t tV hrtfinriin ? : of the pr « - SLM : ' . vc . - i . ' - . the n . 'Met m .-. rsds and ;! Ui . ! tn < ii '! . ' . ! r * ot
.. w i . \ iva * . < rd : "t ' . ry « a « t . in '•' . in : tin nyritilar - jU'ip , ; ' > : <•; .-itb lrqr . irii ! .: more lim ¦ i ;> " . '* thi .- - -o \ nv \ . kX . t : ii duties villi ;;;! , the n » veuiiU' : nt velused t . \ : y * u- ' \ - -Xw eo : isi towns requiring mif ^ tiwi law * as 'iic wily n ; . a :. « . to relieve theiu ; and , uvt-r arid aii > . > vc : ' . ' . ' * fisei ! itlu » i . i . rn m ; wk-- ; t « ivUioh brought Uu-. ev ;; , trr to a st-. 't 8 iipi-roaciiicg isutiiie , All tiic . ^ c-vwti -, > l ' iii scull ! em operated « v i liu Mine tiniv , av i jTior * atr-mgiy ^ .-o v . pj . -i the ;¦ . ? 'pie ; ir . ; . . Sii-sum liner .-weaver .-iir . i ;; i ;^ io . ' i £ st Jistras .-. ; tiie wton ; ' «< -to : i-i ' -S . -topped ; ' < : > the h-. i ' .-o iuai . u ! " ; vj uring dv . - . / ut ol i ; i-j Heine aliaoft ail ; iai ds-. nii o . ' work , thv poi-nf' ) fui ! / ' . iioatly ruined , and hnr . iu at latniiie . r > i- ; . t > , T . U * moment was eviiienily come ior the luxtiie t-liusja w take the government out of the hands of an imbecile king , weak nobility , and self-conceited bureau crai-iy , and to secure it to themselves .
It is a curious fact , but which is rapeated at every revolutionary epoch , that at th » very moment when the leading class of a movement ia most favourably placed for the accomplishment o [ that movement . the old worn-out government is reduced to beg the assistance of this same leading class . Thus iu 1789 , in Fr . uice , when famine , bad trade , and divisions among the nobility pushed , so to say , tho middle classes to a revolution—fct that very moment the government found its money resources exhausted , and was reduced to W / in the revolution by the conv cation of tho SUrc-s-treneral . Thus in ISil in Prussia . At tha very moment when the more
indolent Prussian middle classes are almost forced by circumstances to change the governmental systoia , at that moment the king , by want of money , ia forced to commence that change of system , and toconvocate in his turn the Prussian States-General . It is indubitable that the States would offer him muuk less resistance than they will now , if the money market wus easy , tho factories at full work ( which would be caused by a flourishing trade and ready sale , and consequent high prices for manufactured goods in England ) and corti at a reasonably low price . But so it is : ; in times of approaching revolution , the progressive classes of mietj have alvwys all chapce $ on their side ,
The Prussian Constitution. (Froth Our Ge...
I have , during the course of 1845 and 1846 , more than once shown to the readers of the Star , that the King of Prussia was in a tery embarrassed financial situation ; I have at the same time called their attention to the several clever p lans by which his ministers sought to extricate him ; and predicted that the whole affair must end ; by a convocation of tho States-General , The cveflt ,. tbo « , was neither unoxpeoted , nor , as it now is represented , caused by the free grace of his squandering majesty ; nothing
• ut sneer necessity , poverty and distress could move nim to such a step , and ther * is not a child in ? ku . " * wm , h . £ 8 thi 8 " The-only question , then , is « _ , _ i « •» _ I'J 18 ?' " middl 8 « lasa " . by investing ™ _ \ h !! W ^ ffwa ^ allow the king to S « m «™ . done h . therto and to disregard ior S hJl „ V T 3 their P ««»«» and their wants ? cannot do this . We have proved it from the ai . uation oi the -espective cla « eB and we shall now prove lklromthoiwmpositionof the States-General themselves .
Members ?> f high and low nobility ... su Do . for towns and peasantry ... " 305 As the king has declared his intention to increase the members oi the high nobility ( SOin all ) b y new creations of peers , * e may add to the nobility , about 30 more ; 341 members of nobility , or government party . Deduct from this number the liberal fractions of the lower nobility , namely , all the nobility of Prussia Proper , two-thirds of that of P « gen , and some members of tho Khenish , Silesian , Brandenburg and Wcstphalian nobility , say 70 liberal mambers , voting with the towns and peasantry , and the position of parties is as f ' ol'ow : — Nobility , or government party 271 Towns and peasantry , or liberal oppoeitioa 370
Thus , even allowing that thirty or forty towns or peasantry members from the remote districts should vote for the government , there will always be a liberal majority of from twenty-fivq to fifty votes remaining , and with a little energy on the part of the Liberals , it will be easy to meat eviry demand for money with another demand for liber *! institutions . There is besides , no doubt , that , under presant circumstances , tho people will support the middle classes , and b y their pressure from without , which indeed is very much wanted , strengthen the courage and enliven the energies of those within .
Thus , the Prussian constitution , insign'ficant ia itself , is , for all that , the be ^ innini ; of a nc-v epoch for that country , and for ail Germany . It marks the downfall ot absolutism and nobility , and tha ascendancy of the middle classes ; it marks the beginning of a movement which will very soon lead to a representative constitution for the middle classes , a free press , independent judges and trial by jury , and whiok will end God knows where , it marks t ! -n repetition of 1780 in Prussia . And if the revoli tionary movement which now begins , will directly iiterest the middle classes only , it is yet hot at all indifferent to the interests of the people . From tlie moment tbe power of the middle classes is
constituted , from that moment begins the separate and distinct democratic movement . Jn the struggle agaiust despotism and aristocracy , the people , the democratic party , cannot but play a secondary part ; the first place belongs to the middle classes . ' From the moment , however , the middle classes establish their own government , identify themselves with a nen despotism and aristocracy against the people , from that moment democracy takes its stand as the only , the exclusive movement party ; from that moment the struggle is simplified , reduced to two parties , and changes , by that circumstance , into a " war to the knife . " The history of the French and English democratic parties fully proves this .
There is another circumstance to be remarked . The conquest of public power by the middle classes of Prussia will change the political position of all European countries . The alliance of the North will bo dissolved . Austria and Russia , tho chief spoliators of Poland , will be entirely isolatedjfrom the rest of Europe , for Prussia carries along with her the smaller states of Germany , who all huve constitutional governments . Thus the balance of power in Euiops will be entirely changed by the consequences f this insignificant constitution ; the desertion oi thiee-founhs of Germany from the camp of stationary Eastern Europe into that of progressive Western Europe . In February , ISiO , broke out the last Poiish insurrection . In February , 1 S 47 , Frederick William convocates his States-General . The vengeance of Poland w draiving nigh > E ,
Thb Ki.To Op Bavaria's Favourite Ladv.— ...
Thb Ki . to op Bavaria ' s favourite Ladv . — Munich , February 20 . —Mademoiselle . Lola Moutes , who has left bo mauy souvenirs at Berlin , Dresden , and Paris , and who enjojia here an exalted protection which creates some scaui i . il , has just given ri ; e to a disturbance which has required the interference of the police . Yesterday , at about noon , the handsome Spaniard was walking in the St . Louis-street , followed by an enormous bull-dog ; the animal barked at the horses of a brewer ' s cart , which was standing before a public-house . The horses were frightened , and made some movements which excited the dog ' a rage ; he rushed at one of the homes , aud severel y bit him . This amused Mdlle . Lola , but did not suit the carman , who desired her to take her dog away rather angrily , observing that nobody ought to be permitted to walk in the Buiarian capital with so ferocious a companion . Aldlle . Lola , either not understanding the carman ' s words , or rather uudtr-. ¦ standitig them too welt ( for she is said to speak
German easily enough ) , struck the carman with ner umbrella in such style as to cut his face , and make the blood flow copiously from it . A large number of bystanders sided with the carman , abused Mdllc . Lo ' a , and gradually grew so exasperated , that deeming her position a perilous one , she threw herself into a chemist ' s shop , and shut the door su very violently that a number of panes of glass were shattered . The crowd gathered in front of the druggist ' s , and loudly demanded that she should be delivered up ; as the summons was not obeyed , the remaining panes were promptly demolished . Mdlle . Lola was enabled to return home at night ; but this morning , as early as dawn , another large crowd gathei ed under her windows , and began demolishing them as promptly as tlie apothecary ' s had Leen . The police succeeded iu dispersing the mob , but as other gatherings were continualiy taking place , it has been deemed necessary testation a party of gendarmes near her residence , and a sentinel at her iioor . It is expected that Mdlle , Lola Monies will shortlv have to answer before the
Tribunal of Correction for the use she has thus made of her umbrella . A letter from Munich , of the 22 d , says— * The exasperation ef the populace of our city against Mdlle . Lola-Monies has become so great , that the authorities , in order to pro vent disturbances , have required tho youug lady to quit tho town . This she did k < st night , going to the village of Staremberg , situated at about live leagues from Munich . LLr carriage was escorted by a strong detachment of dragoous from the garrison . " At ihb Loxuos Fkvkb . IIospitai , on Monday , afternoon , between the hours of two and three , much alarm was created iu the vicinity of Battle-bridge , in consequence of the outbreak of a hie in the Fever Hospital , liing ' s-cross . The flames iirst showed themselves by shooting through thereof of the nurse ward , at the northern end of the building . From , tha
strong hold the lire hiul then obtained , it becanie quite clear that the iomatcs would be unable to ttUhdue it , and the first thing sought to ho ^ accomplished was the removal of th * patieni * , fraca . the burning building . Owing to the precautions taken , not one ol the patients was hurt iu belqg removed , and it is to be hoped that they will not . ultimately receive any injury . As saon as information waa received at the lire-stations , Mr . Braidwood starred to the scene with six . u . - > even brigade engines , ioliowod speedily by otheis . The firemen carried the hose to tuo Sop of tho building , and were enabled topswent tha conflagration from travelling farther ; . but they w » ro unable to get the flames entirely extinguished until the root oi the nurses' ward ( betweea twenty and thirty fee * square ) was burned off , the ceilings below damated by water , and the beds , and other ! . i " ij ,. ii ! i'tte ' .---i . 'K ' t' : iiivrc ' . i , !• * h- » . < 'y euaov . i ! . &¦? ..
Tim yvi-.. ;! -. i . i i " e disaster * . v > "js-ju v . 'A « -d ' .. ¦ Uh ; : 0 Vr ' : VMl ' . " . ;> Mi ' * > i » Y \ T ' iv j . J . iVAijii hi V 9 TV VOhfti- ; dcrubw , to . is . vjvev-. v . ' ^ iiinwABO ** i , v > Uiu \ Sav . of Engiaci ' . v ' iliee . Duvja- ' f-n . AcciOB . vr wp J ) kai' 5 .--L :. « : isek a r , ! H ' . i ? . ;; . uan iittio . ml ¦'¦¦> . % . ( jav . ipb * li , ; slv > ' £ . ' > t"tallj ik'StlVitv , called at li . « Kl . i . j ;>! an old m & stcr , at the-I ' -ioivi Lo » iiW' . l >) -strcet ., P .. ! : ! " / , tor shelter d-iriujj t ! iit 3 h . 'u ; . He i ' . TVe ' hit v . liuit : dipper , c .: id aU ^ nvl htv U sleep bsforc I ' m lire , v tout < ix in si' . ' . - ru , raiag , 1 ; uan > . i ! i' ) lutsi u » r tho ho'n > ' ' ward a stiango unvl . fv & rlu . ' cry . lb ins . antly i-ose ar .. i Rout . 'vwii atair . 4 , but h ? tuo lime ha got " i ; i , hcrp ! iMliK . « , w . lnu . u had caught lira , wens cohiumoii , ami the » V . tu viw burnt off , and hanging from some parts of het body . One of her eyes was burnt black , and the other much injured . She lived till nine in tha morning , and expired . She had also fallen and cut her head during the awful strug _ e .
Piles , Fistvl / e , and Beabincs-pow * . — A wonderful Cure of " Aheraethy ' s l'ile Ointment . "— at . Whetherall , of ( jlapham Common , Surrey , had been several years afflicted with piles aud fistula ' , besides a general bearing-down ot tlie most painful nature . He hadtrie < l . a ? 1 internal medicines for that complaint without deriving ; the least benefit . He was advis . U by a friend to porcha , ** a pot of "Abernethy ' s File Ointment , " and on tlie fu-st application found great relief , and by using three ta ^ ed . puts was completely cured , and has vot hud a rcUiri ) , which is now eighteen months since lie ustd tl ' . 'i ointment .
Hlaiu ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills effectually e * ro every description of Gout , lUieumatic Gout , UlicuniaUsm , Lumbago , ' l ! ic Doloreux , Faius in the Head or Facts , ite . They are recommended to the afflicted with a coiiliilwiee , arising from experience , as one of the valuable results of the int . proved state of Medical Science , and the ojftly ellivient volundy « . ver discovered for these disorders ,, The continued authenticated proofs of decided approbation sent , unsolicited , to the proprietor , from all navt * of the kuigdoui and from all classes of society , with a vapidly increasing sale , and demand for them at heme and abroad 1 : 11-parallifled , fully warrants the aisurance that no person subject to such complaints will , after a tiial , orer b » Without them . Sold by all medicine venders ; Frieo 2 s . ad . per box . Observe the name of " Ttioma * l ' rout , ?; 3 , Strand , London , " on the government stun .
©Emrai *N Teutaiet%
© emrai * n teUtaiet %
~.«. ,.„. — „ „ W_ ^ Hugh Gasomaxan.— Th...
~ . « . ,. „ . — „ „ _ ^ Hugh GASOMaxan . — The Corporation ol Mini * cheater ire preparing to erect another huge gasometer to hold 200 , 000 cubic feet and if made on the telescope plan , it will contain 400 , 000 cibic feet of Cas . It wasonly a short time a « o ( 1840 ) that a simtlsr addition to the present enormous establish , ment was mad * . What the entire of the works will bo in a few years hence , he would be . 1 held man to grow . Glass Com . ** . —A patent has b « en taken out for making coffins of glass by a mould , or of thick plates of china , joined together by a durable cement , or of woooen cases lined with plates of glass . Peussian Au . v > STr . — The Cologne Gasette says ifc is-assured that , on the day fixed for the first
meeting of the Unitsd Diet at Berlin , the King of Prussia wiiilannounce a general amnesty for political offtnees . War . —The French papers state that great warlike preparations are making in Germany . BsoueHAU Again . —It is reported that Lord Broug . bam is about to publish a translation o Dante , which he wrota during his youth . Fiax . —Many of the Norfolk farmers have lately turned their attention to fl !»„ growing . Tbb Navt . —The Admiralty has issued nn order prohibiting the entry of any more boys for th « navy . Ilo I > n > Ha Gii It ?—The personal properly of the late Samuel Hoare , Esq ., the banker , in Lcraba ™ - » treet , has been valued at 4120 , 000 . ? 1 , V ? i . n AT Brit " » - —The iVewry Tekgravh state _ *«« re at Krit » in w » ow secure in Dundru Bay , 5 000 bundles of faggots having been to plac as to afford an effectual breakwater
. » ui ' 7 , . Kmm - —An unventilatfid den called tho blackho e , " at Warwick , is at length to be done away with after 20 years ? presentments from the Court Leet . / WoBK .-The Marquis of Ileadford , says the Galway Vindicator , is using every exertion for tlie purpose of having the women and girls in Navan employed in spinning and knitting ; DonrFor . —Mr . F . Ricketts , formerly chairman of the Bristol and Exeter Railway , has become bankrupt . through unfortunate railway speculations ; hi » liabilities are said to amount to nearly half a million . What woclt , Ossian Sat?—The 0 * sianic Society of Glasgow has been presented with the Gaelic log . book of a ship during a voyage betwet n Gi . vgow and the West Indies . It is supposed that the Gaelic language had never before been used ior such a
purpose . Example Bsrzzn thai * Precept . —Lord Northan . pton , whose epistolary performances liavo so frequently surprised the public , is to be the President of the Preceptors' Association . Is this to show what is wanted ? The Carnival at Mania . —Letters from Malta mention that this year the native population has been allowed to enjoy its ancient privilege of keeping carnival on Sunday , which our readsrs will recollect was last year prohibited by an unlawful edict of Sir Patrick Stuart , the Governor ; or rather by a mere notice of the head of tho police , which act was brought ur . der the notice of Parliament .
Thk BE . vicriT for the distressed Irish and Scotch , at her Majesty ' s Theatre , on Thi rsday , produced upwards of £ 1 , 300 . Novel Import pros * ihb Umitbd States . —We understand that a quantitv of fresh pork was received from New York by the Oxiord packet-ship , and is now on sale by Mr . Charles Taylor , of Old ham-street . —Manchester Guardian . Thk Dksckndaxt or-mis Last op thk Barons . — The heralds' efficerj , within tho last month , have found the head of all the Nevilles—the lineal descendant of the proud Earl of Warwick who made kings at pleasure—a journey man boot-closer at Northampton . —Zeicester ifa-curu .
Cubioi's Dxscovkrv . —Last week , in one of the shafts of the tunnel at Craigcnd , the workmen came upon a considerable block of rock salt . Dr . Chonis Bah . i _ at Judok ' s Chambers . —On Friday Dr . Denis Crenin was liberated on hail—the doctor himself in tlie sum of £ S 0 , and his friends . Dr . Venables and Mr . Harding , in ihe sum of £ 10 each . IIkmamublb Esc * s * . —At tho Edinbugh theatre , on Tuesday , 11 man nami'd Macdor . ald , a printer , who appears to have b . cn top-heavy , fell over tho front of ihe upper gallery into the pit , a height of about thirty feet . His fall was broken by alijrhtinff between two gentlemen , who were butsliglitiy injured , and the man himself was taken to the Royal Infirmary , where it was found that he had sustained r . 0 very serious hurt .
Drainage in Caibiixess . —D ! . linage is working wonders in this district . Bogs and lochs , of all sorts and sizes , are rapidly disappearing , and giving ciicoting promise of being speedily converted into fruitful iklds . Am <> n « st other singular ci ^ cun ^ tances connected with this subject is the following : —In the u' .-u 1792 , a horse sank alive in a bog at Clyth . On 4 th Feb ., 181 " , or about half a century afterward . * , the bones of the horse wore discovered by tho drainers , who are ontirely ' sweeping away the last vestige of the bog . St . David ' s Dat . —Monday being St . David ' s Day , the Ancient and Honourable- Society of Ancient Britons celebrated their 133 d anniversary . The members of the Society and the children of the schools attended divine service in the afternoon at St . James ' s Church , Piccadilly ; the prayers were read in the aacient British language by the Rev . Mr . Edwards , the chaplain to the Institution , and a sermon was preached in English by the Bishop of Worcester . In the evening the Society dined at the Freemasons * Tavern .
Prussiah . . National Guard . —According to a German paper the King of Prussia has authorised the formation , of a sort of national cr civic guard , for tbe purposes of police , ia case of disturbances . D « r « Bssw Gallicia . — Tho owners of estates in several districts have been ordered by tho authorities to send certain quantities of corn to market ,, and to sell at * a given prico . Groat misery still prevails in Gallicia , principally on account of largo tracts of laud not having been cultivated last year . A Dsiad Nkoro in a Txbacle Cask !—A shopkeeper ftt Kirriemuir , linding it moro and more
difficult 10 ftot his treacle to run out of the cask , resolvt d mi breaking off the upper end , to ascertain the cause ; when , to his horror he found & , dead piccaninny , or young negro , in an advanced stage of decomposition . Tho disgusting story flew through our town like , wildfire , and the effaot thereof produced on these who-had partaken of the contents of that particular baurel may be imagined .. The remainder was turned out of the jars into the dunghills , titacle ale poured into , the kennels , while extra doses of purgative medicines were swallowed by all concerned , and from henceforth never will ; molasses sell in this quarter ' until It be nscertained . whether or not it may contain
a negro corpse . Legal Qukhi— . ^ correspondent writes to inquire whether the keeper of a beer-shop , licensed not to be : drunk on the premises , is liable to a fin a should he or his wife be drunk there ? Foon Riots tools placo on the 23 th tilt ., in the Prussian town of Salzwedel , and ten wagons laden with potatoes , which had just arrived from Hanover , were p lundered by the mob ; but order was restored without blood bamg shed . The Poor Law . — The Yorltshifanan accuses the York Board of ? Guardians of "slowly murdering the workiiousa poor . The surgeon reports a shocking want of cleanliness and ventilation in the sick wards ; This is a scrhms charge . Bkbad in ; Z & kis . —The pneeof bread is now higher in Paris thaait has been for the last filty years . State ojj . Cetlon . —A writer in the Ceylon Times repregents . bhat colony as tho most tractable which Britain possesses , there having been no disturbance initfortiweflty-sixycars , and yet the colonists are made tp . p & v 25 per ccut . of revenue for military
purposes Mr ^ , Edtlkii . —This , tragedian has entered into an engagement to perform at the Princess ' s Theatre . LiRSjtATUBK . — No fawer than 230 monthly publi-OJi . ierU , I'i ; . " . "J .:. i ... *;•;> . •'; - ; ¦ : / . > :. v lit ' <\; l . on ^ n-. A :.. ;\ i ; i f .. ' .:.- ¦ . ; , a ^ uui lw si ehi- 'H , 1 ; ; ii > ' \ ..-i ^ ; ¦ IkwivV ! tan' ! K : !! H :.. c !? -v . v . -ii . .. \< -il la « .-vetkru i . i-ed .-i V' 'in " --nuiius )' . . lii . '>' . ' ¦ hooii hi . ni by -i li'sn on il . o ' -cV . o » VhCJu \ b'T \ . V ! . '' > u Fa ;; N . iifH .- A 1 . ' w-iv :-. . ^ iy * ' )'¦ - ' . ¦'¦ ¦ - < : !? . ¦¦ ••„ . Wi ; .. ! . m * ' v . T . i-i . ' . ' . ' :-. ' . ¦;•) , » ] xr S \ ! 1 A : ic , l . i-. idi .-.. Vr'ii-. i r . wi . v ,. i' . \ J . i _ . ' . ' s "li '^ ii h . ' -V ' . ' " " ^ tv t-fl . 1 t :
v \' i > ro . - ; .- •• \ jij ' . jiujusii - ' > j-r- 'i-r-- " " ^ '•• ' ^ f - •'' - <¦ St . f . iU ' n--. ' I ' iltiyiMl , il . ltuViiri T ' 0 < fv h : ti ! ¦¦ O . V of < : > :.. ' .-.. i / i ,.-Ji . . 'l iii : l- ' -s-i . !¦ i ' . / . i : \ v ~ A Viip-i' tm : Vi- .. [ ' >• . '« . ' AiKi tic- \ U exc . Ung v .-j-i-. ' ims roa ' . i <• - . " '¦'•>'¦ . ' en-Fin , ; si th ? u . ial HK-eiiii * , V )\ c Iv . h . r . r ' - ' ;¦> . at the raleon , Fottn-bno , by M . V l iui ' ,-. v , > - .- ¦ . "•(•' of Wittemborg . The address of M . Muller , which , embraced all the points of recent Polish history , and of tlao treaty entwed into for the preserva tion of the last poor rcnyiant of nationalit y , was li Ctt' 1 to w » h profound attention .
Bubkdiko . — . " What , " asked M * - Mcagh . r , of the Galway cleotws , " has converted yoa from tuu cause , in the defease of which , in ' 43 you would have p » sBionatehhled ?" -HouW have passionately bled ! They wr « bled , and freely to * ; perhaps that eonverted them . —Douglas & rrold . Frawaio ? rAL . iFOS .-Tbe funeral oWquica of PMto , D « ko of SuiHgossa » . » vC been cc cbrate ^ the display math a U t -po > $ ia . mi ^ ^ : "tl nt , ^ fSl " vmsprecededa , dfollowed
'" "V , . 1- ) .. lioimnvi paid lum were muse . tho heaiw . 11 " . > ° » 2 Js Ficld-Miushal . Ho rE m So clirih of Atocha ; and , on . the eoflin beh'g Ion- _ red into the grave , funeral orations 1 Spm . 0 m . eed by several friends of the deceased ; amnnist thereat by GaUano . aud General NarvSM . The „ to wUcdou the generals who surrounded hi : n t ) imitate > he . defender of Sanigossii , m ma love fur b » count . audhMcouBlry ' 9 wdep * w . v »««»
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 6, 1847, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_06031847/page/3/