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Reynolds's Political Instructor. Edited ...
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DRTJRYLANE. The traeedv of Jane. Shore w...
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Apml E > I85ox The,, M^Mnm^Ma ^R ^^ 3
apml e > i 85 ox the ,, m ^ mnm ^ mA ^ r ^^ 3
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Cm Charles Woodlakd His Budget, Mr » Mem...
cm CHARLES WOODlAKD HIS BUDGET , mr » mem ber of tbe Oxford Famers'Clnb . ) rUr <» m aloMm 3 ) qT »^ g-street - : Ir Cbarles vrith tas papers . sat , . . ,., % Kotrib ^ hatto beat ; fl » r be'da Budget to concoct , ^ Wbicb puzzlelhimmo ^ ana more , JrsooA as ^ " 1111 ^^ 501116 0116 - ^ p t knoeking at the doop . .. Trho ' stbat knockinsatthe door ? " said he , . faman brimful of hope , ^ ftSSfV * * > T Fve dropp'din To be" for a bit of soap . not SVStaries replied , m a merry tone , . B J The dirt must on you stick , « % < Th soap would make you clean and sw eet ,
jflfrw to # «*»»"»*• Then be heard a weak but lengthy rap , TJ a woman , in high glee , _ „ - ?« t am come to demand my right , Sfcbeap , strong ; cup of tea . " ohp" Though tea yon poor folks lore , ^ ie us on thatmuatfltick ; JXI ^ ^ ey oot class , 5 ^ you'llaccept a bncfc . ' tfitbrthund ' ring knock in walks a man , ^ S ' d not a momft halt , Ttorta bang' * A » ^ L - ^ „ c"ftoot j
ti I ' m come w «*« " «« " * " ** gir Charles , « i * ""^ i ^ " ^ my ifSh delusions stict ; Bnt asIknOTr yonrbadlyofF You re welcome to a brick . ' The fo rmer siamp'd again and said , . lonr iriclwon'tdoforme ; - s ^ d that we should hare free-trades ' fe * » . *» " * * " ?/ " % \ w all is buried in tbe soil , ^ ind there'tis like to suck ; ^ dvou deserve ,, you log of wmi , To " be there "with your once .
In stcpp'd a man , with tidj look , But pale and very thin And beVd that HeavVs hght and otr In hislwem ^ gmighteomein . Bat Sir Charles replied , "What Hea ^' n gives I trill to taxine stick , _ So ask no more for hght or « r . But be content with a bnck . Xext came a tittle dapper man , ¦ ffbowore a " wide-awafee , And beeg'd tbe tax off newspa rs Sir Charles at once would take . But , savs he , " For freedom of the press , Thoug h I always talk and stick , Jbr man that ' s only made of day , There ' s nothing like a bricl :. "
A lawyer then stepp'd in and said , " Sir Charles , take off our tax , Or l awyers soon will be extinct , . So wrongfully it acts ;" gn-Charles replied , « "Tis my belief Ton are by half too thick ; So to help you as you're sinking , The best thing is a brick . " A timber merchant told Sir Charles Fellow feeling should do good , And on that ground he should repeal The duties upon wood . Sir Charles replied , " Fm quite resolved " By came and place to stick , So I can't think of low'ring wood , " But will let down the Irick . "
Then Cobden came , and whea hisjob He saw Sir Charles would shirk , Be said " Just hand the pen to me , And I will do yonr work . " Says he , " The only plan I know-To help yon in this fix , And aid my wholesale freehold move , Is to take the tax off oricis . And next npon convenances The tax we low must keep , For in my freehold movement Conveyance most be cheap . " Sir Charles cried " BraTO ! to this plan like mortar -we will stick ; And none shall have the chance to say Wood was not true to Irick . "
The time came on , the house was still , Attentive every man , Sir Charles unfolded in high glee His noted brick dust plxa . laughter and jokes from every side Fell round Sir Charles so thick , And every place throughout the land Hurled back at him his Irick . Oxford Journal
iiemesjs .
The Democratic Review Op British And For...
THE DEMOCRATIC REVIEW OP BRITISH AND FOREIGN POLITICS , HISTORY , AND LITERATURE . Edited by Gr . Julian Habhey . No . XL April . London : J . "Watson , 3 , Queen's Head-passage , Paternoster-row . This number of Hie Democratic Review contains a fourth letter from the editor , exposing the injustice and evil influence of the Taxes on Knowledge . The recent electoral struggle in France is the theme of an energetic article headed -with the strikin g title— " March of the
Bed Republic . " Part 2 of " Revelations of the Building Trades , " and Part 3 of "A Glance at History , " ate followed \> y Louis Blanc ' s second lecture on "The History of Socialism " —a defence of " Democracy , " in repl y to the "Latter Day" ravings of Thomas Carlyle ; and a reproduction of Dr . Marx ' s valuable historical review of the revolutionary straggles of 1848-49 . Some stirring poetry , and excellent letters from France and America , will also lie found in this number . We select tie following extracts : —
CICKRO A 5 D THE GRACCHI . Kotwitb 5 tanding the example of the illustrious Gracchi , who a . century before . Cicero ' s time were basely assassinated in their attempt to revive the Agrarian law , the eloquence of Cicero was called forth in three orations that are still extant , ' urging the senate against its revival This Agrarian law was enacted at a very early period of the Roman republic —limidng each ! citizen to the possession of only a Snail number of acres ; but this fair and judicious enactment was nltiraately disregarded—the land was
monopolised , and the immense possessions illegally acquired by the rich , led to those accumulations of wealth which plunged the great body of the population into the most-wretched destitution . To protect the Roman people from- the grinding oppression of & e cruel and heartless aristocracy , was the aim of Tiberius ' and Cains Gracchus . They lost their lives in the noble attempt , but theirnarses shall be revered tothe latest posterity ; whilst in future ' generations , when : truth shall prevail , that of Cicero shall be attested .
We have in Plutarch a fine specimen of the eloquence of Tiberius Gracchns when pleading for the poor , in his efforts to revive the Agrarian law—the language trul y tearing the impress of humanity ; but the patrician senators dreaded such appeals , and . like all aristocrats usurping popular rig hts , the . onl y argument that was offered to this friend of his conntrf was assassination . " The wild beasts of Italy , " he etaaims , -have their dens to retire to , places of K ?™§ - and r pose ' > , nfe brave men who shei their Wood in the cause of their conntnr . have nothinf ? left
7 , yf $ ^ d sunshine . Without houses « setw « l habitations , they wander from place to place , with tneir wives and children ; and their commanders d « mock them when , at the ne = id of their armies , " ley exhort the soldiers to fkht for their sepulchres aau altars . For among such numbers , not one Roman B to be found who has an altar which belonged to his ancestors , or a tomb in which their ashes repose . Ihe private soldiers fight and die to increase the wealth and luxury of the great ; and they are styled rulars of . the world , while they have not a foot of Itonnd which they can call their own . "
THE PEOPLE AND THEIR HOLERS . . 3 fo man ever governed any country , by the will of Ksoira peoplfi ^ -Aoio expressed matters not—unless he ^ erethe organ chosen by the spirit of the age , the ttpscent of the Idea which governed that particular ^ ocb , manifestine itself in tie whole civilisation of ttat p'oplc . If the governors express the Idea of viur ag ,: , there is no need of coercion , everything ^ s on smoothly , in obedience to a natural law . T ^? ty . follows its chiefs ' as gladly as the Crusaders ^ fiJaldwin or Peter the Hermit . But if the eover-« ms stiUvl in aij . ( qjpoiiHai to the spirit of their 3 ? f ~ * c , to the thing which the soul of the world , ™ 2 universal reason incarnate in " man , is tending to 1 « L- § lven historical epoch-society refuses to foliow its governors , and wfth « A .. n Bnni > h nf
dism-ttanifh ™ reVolution - Aa epoch where coercion is - "^^ ' ¦ "S ^ ' the existence of these : fruS , ft \ i ? ° * arenottheexponentsof any & r ^ eprcEe ? lalives <* the ghosts of old , gteg ] ' ^ fte 'egitimate leaders of society ffiS ?^ f ° - h " ^ > w h ° < mght - to be ticked jUdefin te . y . mto infinite spaee-r bevmd ereatinn ' if m * M practicable . fS v ^ iSSSSSii oneofdisorgarjisatiqnaud tebeuion . Socieiv is unlit i ^ " ? ^ ^ » for : *** ^ most ioyM of aU 1 3 B «& -- *?^ i ? ^ e ^ nes ; ft fiS ^ ffi w hich Me Cariyie laments ; one which T enjoyed extremel y atTienna , inMoajrlWB , ^ : , -Uni-
The Democratic Review Op British And For...
versal tumbling of impostors and impostures intothe street . " ' -Fdrwju 8 frahibmtstb '' thi 8 V that men ^ are determined to live no longer in-lies ' ,: but to . abolish / Jwatwhatever . eost . , Caira' ¦ ¦ .-.
, , :, ; PROGMSS OF BBD BXPDBHCAKISM . To . perpetaate ttie . alavery ^ of the nations , the ruling brigands havenesitated at ho crime , however base or bloody . WHen , in the spring of 1848 , the people arose , omnipotent in the might of their right , kings i aristocrats , usurers , and all the spawn of privilege and corruption , crouched in abject servility at the feet Of the victorious Proletarians . Ending the people magnanimously merciful ( perhaps , we should say , inspired by a spirit of foolish and fatal clemency , ) the oppressors and imposters took heart , and forthwith commenced conspiring to reimpose their yoke
upon the necks of tbe millions . Cajolery was soon followed by perjaiy , only to be succeeded by persecution and massacre . Atleneth , having made of the French Republic ' * a mockery , a delusion , and a snare "—having dyed the streets of Paris , Frankfort , Vienna , and Rome , with the blood of democracy ' s defenders—having turned Sicily and Baden into theatres of murder , and Hungary into one yast field of carnage and deso ' ation—the triumphant traitors , and blood-stained brigands , mingled with the groans of dying and tortured patriots the exulting announcement— rt « Revolution is ended } — " Ordeb bekws inEokopb . "
Glorious France , however , has taken the initiative in giving a practical refutation to this social and political fi « . In this France has but given expression to the pervading , to the ope great fact of Europe , that democratic-socialism is progressing . It could not be otherwise . The perjuries and cruelties of kings have converted the millions to repuolicanism . The crimes , of aristocrats have inspired the masses with a thirst for democracy . The oppressions of capitalists have rallied the toilers to the banner of labour ' s emancipation—socialism . No longer this nor that national flag divides the peoples . They all rally around that dyed with the blood of the martyrs —the flag of the Rbd Republic ELECTION OF CtRNOT , YIDA & , AND DG FLOTIEi
Really this composition is significant ! It shews , that if tbe triumph of the red parry is owing to the union of tbe small trading class with the proletarians , this union is based upon totally different , terms to that momentary alliance which brought about the overthrow of monarchy . Then ,, it was the small trading class , the petty bourgeoisie , who ,: in the provisional government ,, and still more , so in the constituent assembly , took the lead , and very soon set aside the influence of the proletarians . Now , on the contrary , the working men are the leaders of the
movement , and the petty bourgeoisie , equally pressed down and ruined by capital , and rewarded with bankruptcy for tteir services rendered in June , 1848 , are reduced to follow the revolutionary march ef the proletarians . The country farmers are in the same position , and thus the whole mass of those classes that now are opposed to the governmentarid they form the vast majority of Frenchmen—are headed and led on by the proletarian class , and find themselves obliged to rely , for their own emancipation from the pressure of capita ) , npon the total and entire emancipation of the working men .
Reynolds's Political Instructor. Edited ...
Reynolds ' s Political Instructor . Edited by Gr . TV . M . Rekjoeds . —Part V . London J . Dicks , 7 » Weliington-etreet North , Strand . Portraits of "Robert Owen , " "Walter Cooper , " "Ernest Jones , " and "Bronterre O'Brien , " are contained in this part of the Political Instructor . The several articles , by the editor and his assistants , are of tho usual character—earnestly democratic , and vigorously written . We extract the following able and admirable appeal to the . working classes in support of
THE CHABTKT AGITATION . The resuscitated movement in favour of the Charter is daily and hourly gaining ground . In all the cities and principal towns of Great Britain the staunch friends of the cause are rallying around their old standard , and are evincing a glorious determination to do their duty . The banner is once moreflung forth to the breeze ; and the people , if true to themselves , will soon be as free as the air which their flag thus woos . The new combination of tbe Provisional Committee promises to work well ; and it is the resolution of its members to adopt a firm and vigorous policy . They will not only take the necessary steps to conduct the agitation for the Charter to a successful issue along the paths of
peace and order , hut they will likewise adopt measures to inculcate the necessity and point out the nature of those social reforms which must be proclaimed simultaneously with the demand for political justice . The Charter alone would be comparatively of little avail ; it would give political rights ; but something more is needed . The whole social system is corrupt and rotten to its very core ; and poverty , mendicity , and crime will never disappear from the land until the very framework of society be remodelled . Of those truths the members of tbe Provisional Committee are well aware ; and that knowledge is suggestive of their duties , as well as indicative of their experience , in the important task of fulfilling them .
An announcement in the advertising columns of the Instructor informs the public that an Office has been taken for the business of the National . Charter Association . The Provisional Committee is unpaid ; but its secretary—who will be in frequent attendance at head-quarters , must receive a salary for bis services . ' At the commencement this remuneration will necessarily be small ; and all the details of the administration will be conducted with a view to the strictest economy . But still there are expenses which must be met every Saturday night . The people ' s work will be done cheaply , but cannot be done for nothing . The rent of the office , the salary of the secretary , the printing tbat is requisite , the cost of public meetings—in fine , all the little liabilities contingent to tho administrative procedure—these must be regularly and punctually
settled . The cause is the . people ' s own ; and tbe people are , therefore , called upon to support it . A good spirit mnst be shown at once in taking out the cards of membership . These may be had from the general secretary by the local committees , upon terms of limited credit ; but the proceeds should be sent np to head-quarters as soon and as frequently as possible . If the local committees were only to bestir themselves properly , the cards of membership should alone produce a sufficiency oi money to carry on the Association , without actual donations towards a fund for the purpose of aiding the movement . At the same time , where the pecuniary means of individuals will allow them to make sach donations , apart from the mere enrolment of membership , the tribute will necessarily be received as a proof of earnest zeal and staunch sincerity in the furtherance of the good cause .
It must likewise be observed , that the greater the support the Provisional Committee may experience , the more energetic will the movement be rendered , and the sooner will its triumph be ensured . If properly aided by fnnds , such an agitation may be got up as-will indeed cenvince the ministry , the aristocracy , and the legislature , that the people are anxious to become possessed of their rights and privileges . It therefore behoves every man who loves democracy , and who advocates the Chartist principles , to contribute his mite ; and the result is immediately brought within the range of prophecy .
! The members of the Provisional Committee are foil of hope and confidence . They have taken upon themselves a task which engages much of their time , makes certain demands upon their purse , and involves a considerable amount of personal responsibility . This position they have accepted in the full trust that they will be adequately supported . It would be a mest ignominious spectacle to behold the new movement perish through sheer inanition ; for such a catastrophe would indeed warrant the Prime Minister to tike his stand npon the assertion that the people are indifferent to their rights . That assertion is now a calumny , a falsehood , and an insult . Let the Chartists beware how they suffer it to become a truth which the organs and instruments
of a selfish aristocracy may proclaim with all the triumph of characteristic insolence . "What , then , miist he done ? Every man who reads this article should . be ready to give the re sponse—aye , and answer it in a practical manner . If he he desirous of obtaining the Charter , let him contribute his mite to that fund b y aid of which the movement can alone be conducted . Let him at once take out his card of membership ; and when he has received it , let him show it to his friends , his neighbours , and fellow-workmen , and enjoin them to " go and do likewise . " If at the end of a year —when the parliament assembles in 1851—the Chartist register could prove to the House of Commons that many thousands of men had enrolled themselves as members of the Association , the argument would be a hundred-fold more cogent than all the petitions which might be poured into the Legislative Assembly , with' the same object in
view . The register , if well filled with the names of . paying members , would afford a far more practical proof of the anxiety and determination of the people to obtain tbeir rights , than could possibly be given by . memorials to which signatures may be forged , or by public ibeetings at which cheering may be ascribed to an evanescent enthusiasm . Jfow , then ^—or ' never ! If the present movement should fail through want ' of fuhds , the people will deserve to remain serfs and slaves ; and they will have no right to . complain hereafter . Wages may be better at present than they have , recently been —employment may be more general than it lately was ; hut these cirenmstances should not be permitted to engen der apathy . On the contrary , it is precisely at the . moment . when individuals can afford to pay a shilling for the Chartist cause , that the shilling should be paid . . Let no man say ,. " Qh ! there " will bVenougli to give' contributions without me ! ' »¦ "It ii'th ' s reliance upon othersi doing- what
Reynolds's Political Instructor. Edited ...
eac ¥ 6 ne oughtTto ' dot-T ^^^ There are too ; many who . reason in that complaisant . style ; and ;; thua , while , each fancies ; he-is singular ' . in . adopting such an' excuse for failing to do nis duty ; others are pursuing the same irrational and reprehensible - " course . So man , then ; should trust to others to do what ho : himself ds > . bound to Eerforra or assist in ; ev ^ ry / one . . should look upon is own individual endeavour as something too im-, portant to be . lost to : the ^ aggregate ; amount of work that is to be done . ' If there , be apathy in strugg ling to obtain those ri ghts which are now denied , there will be indifference in making use ' of theniwhen they shall have been obtained ;; and no individual is so ununportant an item in tho great social mass as tp . allow a good cause to lose his succour and his support . , ' - ' ' - "
" What , then , must be done ? " Iagain ask . The reply is ready at hand , and easily comprehended . Local committees must exert . all their ehergj ; and individual Chartists must manifest , all their zeal . Each man should look upon . his own effort as if the whole cause depended upon it ! Each democrat must regard his own individual assistance as if the movement could not possibly be carried on without it . If such a spirit could be aroused—if such a feeling could be exciteaV-the day of triumph would be approximated so closely as to promise a speedy reward for any temporary sacrifice in the shape of money , time , or trouble . And nOw let me remind the working classes that the attainment of the Charter is not a mere
question of acquiring certain abstract rights and privileges—it is not a simple consideration of becoming endowed with the franchise ., If it wereonlj this , it would be possible to understand the existence of apathy in many quarters with regard to the Charter . But it is a something far more important than the mere . fact of exercising political rights ; it is a wages' question—a labour question—a social improvement question , Tho enactment of the People ' s Charter as the law of the land will lead to the adoption of measures calculated to place the industrious classes in a comfortable , prosperous , and happy condition . Those measures will give the workers , and toilersafair share of all that they produce ; thosemeasures will banish pauperism , extinguish crime , and
crush oppression ; thosemeasnres will make men ' s homes happy , and the cause smiles to supersede the traces of care and famine upon the ; countenances of their wives and . little-ones . This is ; what the Charter will do ; and now I ask whether . it benot worth struggling for ? . , But I will put a still more practical question—a question which I will address to every working man individually ... And this is the question : — "Is the Charter worth a shilling to you ?" . Look at your preT sent position—and see what it may become under the , operation of the Charter ; look at your present wages—and see to what an amount they may be raised under good institutions ; look at your wife and children , ' as they now are , with their , pale faces , their scant clothing , their want of education , and then * fears for the future— - ^ and see how happy they , be rendered under a wise , beneficent , and
enmay lightened system of government . Look at all this , I say—and then tell me whether you will give a shilling ( even though you may be scarcely able to afford it at the moment ) to obtain the Peoples Charter . Well , your answer is in the affirmative ; you can give no other response . As a man—as a husband—and as a father : as a member of society , and as one wishing well to the cause of progress , and having at heart the interests of your fellowcreatures—in all these capacities you could not say "W to the question which I have put to you . Then show your sincerity—you , as an individualby paying this shilling in aid of the movement which is set on foot to obtain for you that Charter wherein all your hopes and chances of earthly happiness are centred . ; George W . M . Reynolds .
Easter. Monday In London. Easter Monday—...
EASTER . MONDAY IN LONDON . Easter Monday—the great holiday of the labouring classes of the London population—displayed its usual features . Workshops were camparitively empty , and places of amusement inordinately full . Tbe public exhibitions , the steam boats , the railway excursion trains , the taverns and the theatres , had all an abundance of patrons . The British Museum was visited by upwards of 20 , 000 persons ; the Tower , St . Paul ' s , "Westminster Abbey , the Thames Tunnel , Burford ' s Panorama , the Polytechnic Institution , the New Gallery of Illustration , the Diorama , and the Colosseum , being each also most attractive places of resort : The United-Service Institution , in Scotlandyard , was another point of attraction ,
GREENWICH FAIR . ; The annual Easter fair was held at Greenwich on the vacant plot of ground leading / rom the church to Deptford Creek , where . the usual motley assemblage of booths , shows , and exhibitions were congregated Upwards of 50 , 000 persons are supposed to have been in the fair and park during the day . In the course of the evening , several females were seriously injured by the pressure from the crowd , and numerous robberies were committed . A strong body of police were in attendance , who apprehended a great many pickpockets . Richardson supported the legitimate and illegitimate drama almost single-handed . His company appeared in unusual spirit ' s , and enacted the tragedy of . "The Moor ' s Revenge" with great
eclat , in the astonishing space of five minutes , the chief incident being the apparition of a mysterious ghost , quite ' unconnected , so far as we could perceive , with the subject of the piece , and a homicide by ' * the Moor , " which we may pronounce to have been justifiable on the averment of that individual that " Halonzo sleyw—baasely sleywme fa-a-ther . " Then came a cqmic song which affected a sailor in the pit to tears ' , ana a pantomime of a highly lugubrious and unintelligible description , and a general "turn out , ' which was resisted by several persons on the ground that they had not got enough for their money . Besides Greenwich fair , there , were similar revels at Battersea , Wandsworth , and Chalk Farm , The announcement of the revival of the Epping hunt , and
that a red deer would be uncarted at Buckhurst Hill , induced a large number of Cockney Nimrods to mount their hunters and follow the hounds sanspeur of accident by flood or . field . At Blackheath the most animated donkey and pony races took place throughout the day for imaginary sweepstakes , and with no particular starting or winning post . Archery , too , was highly ' favoured , though a stranger might think , from the specimens of our skill exhibited there , that we had sadly fallen away from our ancient repute in the days of Cressy . « The railways were well occupied in providing holiday accommodation . The Greenwich railway , as usual , carried its fair-going multitudes every ten and fifteen minutes , against the competition of the river
steamers who reduced their fares to 4 d . and 6 d . A longer time for staying in and out of town was given by nearly all the companies than was tbe case last year . The return tickets issued by the Great Western enabled passengers to . stay five days , including Sunday . Those on the Eastern Counties gave four days , and those on the South Western four . The London and Brighton took passengers to and fro to Brighton at 10 s , 8 s ., and 6 s . The London and NorthWestern issued tickets on return terms , and ran traines from Liverpool and Birkenhead witli sight-seers to the celebrated " Britannia Bridge . " The two Paris excursion trains by the Southwestern Railway , were not so successful as last year , neither of them " containing more than twenty or thirty continental excursionists .
£3itmic &Rou$?Num0
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Drtjrylane. The Traeedv Of Jane. Shore W...
DRTJRYLANE . The traeedv of Jane . Shore was played on Monday night in the dumb show until the last net , when the excellent performance of Miss Vandenhoff in the death scene arrested a moment ' s attention . Tha ostensible cause of disturbance was the crowded state of the honse . A new spectable followed , called the Devil ' s Ring , or Earth , Air , Fire , and Water . .,
HATMARKET . Sir Walter Scott's luanaoe is the subject of the Easter offering at > this theatre , and was produced in tho shape of a burlesque by the Brothers Brough , who have wisely acknowledged in the play-bills that they have made Scot-free with the original . The main features of the story , have been very carefully iollowed , anda great portion of the fun , upon which the burlesque depends , is produced by a-SMieS Of anachronisms such as are . not often met with even in pieces of this description . All the leading characters of the novel have been ingeniously introduced , and the authors have contrived so to distribute their favours as to bring together all the comic actors attached to the theatre ! , :
PRINCESS'S , This theatre contributed its quota to the Easter amusements , in" the shape of anew extravaganza , called The Queen of the Rosses , - or Uie Sorcerer of Candaluxr . The piece was got up for . stage effects . Some of these were very striking , the machinery worked well for the first time of acting ,, and the facilitv with which the transformations were effected ' drew forth the a pplause of a well filled house .
• LYCEUMV Dryden ' s tale of : Cymon . and Iphigcnia as remodelled from the text of Garrickby Mr . ' Planpne . was brought forward in this theatre with decided success , and promises to be a favourite entertainment for the holidays . . : ADELPUL ; The . entertainments selected ' at the Adelphi Theatre on . Monday night , though varied , presented nothing novel- ^ wkh the exception of a vaudeville styled Playing Fir ' itFiddle- ^ to the playgoing public / the pieces' "throughout the 1 evening consisted -01 Douglass Jerrold ' a drama The > ifother . s Dream \ jify PreciousEtttey , and ToniNoddy ' s Secret .,., . , 7 - .
: Although the Easter programme of this little theatre' included no novelty , ' , it presented ' ho inconsiderable , attraction in the shapW of pieces , which . have already been'favourably tewiVed ' . and ' of pwforiner * who bave ^ been long known ' as aihorig ' st the most popular ; of the day . ' 5 % e Vicar of 'Wakefield has been nov before the , ' public for / some time , yet was its iteration for the twentieth time on Monday night welcomed with the relish and freshness of a successful : nOTelty In the-hands of Mr .. Farren , Mrs . . Glover , and Mrs . Stirling , ; its native beauty was sure to receive , every decoration that experieneed art could bestow .
SADLER'S WELLS . The performances at this theatre were pf the usual character , tho onlynovelty consisting of an amusing interlude , entitled , A Village Tale . The play was Macbeth ;^ hich was produced for the Second lime this season . Mr . Phelps sustained the principal character with an ability and' effect eminently entitling him to be considered ohe of the best Shakespenrean representatives now upon the stage . He infused considerable power into the impassioned scenes , particularly in the third act . Miss Glynn played Lady Macbeth , and looked and dressed the character admirably .
, SURREY . The performances at this theatre opened with a romantic drdma , in three acts , by the author of The Secretary , entitled The Adventurer ; or , Plots in Spain . It consists of the attempts of Piquillo Alliaga ( Mr . Creswick ) , an . adventurer , to discover bis real father . Ho is thrown into most awkward situations , and at length becomes prime minister of Spain , having obtained the object of his . wishes . The play was followed , for the amusement of the holiday folks , by a burlesque called The Three Princes , which was given out for repetition amidst boisterous applause .
ASTLEY'S . The age of the chivalrous iCharlemagne , whose very name is redolent of romance , ; affords many a fitting theme for the pen of the imaginative dramatist , and from it a something has been culled by the veteran Fitzball , which in tho nomenclature of the bill is called The Four'Sons ofAymon ' , or the Days of Charlemagne / and is further designated as a . new grand equestrian spectacle of enchantment Charlemagne , the illustrious son of the' equally illustrious Pepin the Small , has , when our tale commence ? , lost his only daughter , who , stolen from him in her youth , leads a virtuous but inglorious life as a . peasant girl in the Valley of roses ., There she is seen and loved by Roland , one of the sons of the Count
of Aymon . who is ignorant of her real condition and loves her for herself alone . . '• The only impediment to the happiness of the c youthful pair appears to be the enmity of one Count Mangis , who , having killed the father , has . a natural antipathy to the sons , and , not content with human means , has recourse to the sorcerer ' s art ^ in which he is an adep ti to prevent the consummation of their wishes .: But the malicious Count is no match for the four sons , who are also aided by the powers of enchantment—for their mother was a powerful spirit — and are enabled to countervail all his horrible machinations . However , in a drama which endures through two acts it is not to be supposed . that either , side gains the day in ) a moment . There are many moving accidents by flood
and field , innumerable plots laid , but successfully counterplotted , - divers snug schemes devised * but eventually rendered abortive . In fact , the sons cannot be vanqiiishedby earth , air , fire , or water ; but they can by . their passions ,, —and , alas ! the demons of love , war , wine , and gambling , are at the command of the wily-Count . The mention of this little circumstance may . enable the reader to imgine the sort of perils the four gallant sons have to encounter . The malicious Mangis even attempts to palm off his own daughter as the long-lost child of Charlemagne but the Emperor , who , we are told in his history , was a great encourager of learning , although he probably could riot write his own name , possessed some knowledge of the mystic , and had an
infallible ordeal before which all must go who claimed to be his daughter . This is no other than a crown which strikes to death those who approach it with an untruthful intention . The fair damsel of the Valley of Roses , rescued from death in a thousand hideous shapes by the gallant Roland , son of Aymon , has already stood the test , and challenges ; Mangis and his daughter to follow her . They accept the challenge , and , accompanied by their four familiars , are all at oace despatched to Orcus . Odette is then acknowledged by Charlemagne ; Roland is received as her affianced , and in the Royal tent of Charlemagne the triumph of the four sons of Aymon is accomplished amid a glorious tableau . We hay © thus briefly sketched the history of the drama , and , paving a
tribute to the great splendour of the decorations , and the magnificence of the spectacle , we may safely recommend this- production to the attention of the play-goers . Amongst the dramatis personal who most effectively sustained their roles were Mr . Crowther , Mr . Stirling , Miss Pearce , and Mrs . Brookes ; and the dancing of Mr . and Mrs . Harvey , in a little ballet , is deserving of commendation . Scenes in the circle followed , of which the novel and brilliant entree of the dames of the foxhunting chase pleased US most , but each scene had its admirers . The reappearance of the Young Hernandez especially createdan immense furor . On the whole Astley ' s , under Mr . Batty ' s management , ; sustains its wellearned reputation . """
THE COLOSSEUM . This attractive place of amusement had its usual number of visitors ; indeed , the variety of things to be seen furnishes something with which the diversity of tastes is gratified , and which is secure of obtaining the patronage of a number of persons .. Since last we were here many alterations have been made , and by a scrupulous attention to the minuter details of the general collection the whole has beeirmadeas perfect as a public exhibition of numerous parts can be rendered . The view of Paris loses nothing by being seen three or four times ; indeed , it is impossible to form a proper notion of this enormous picture , or
panorama , by merely gazing upon it once . The view of Netley Abbey is very clever , and great praise is due both to Mr . Danson and his son , the artists , and to Mr . Brown ; the machinist , for their labours . It is unnecessary to denote particularly , the collection of sculptures and other works of art , because they have been repeatedly described , and .. worthily praised , The Cyclorama—which is a part of this exhibitionis verv well managed ; the view of Lisbon , the earthquake " , Ac , all continue to attract ! The musical performances are , of their class , entitled to praise . Mr . Jackson presides at the organ , and , the Misses Collins , with whom the public are acquainted , are the instrumental performers .
POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . As is usual on holidays , this ! place was attended by a great number of persons ,, some in search of science , and others of amusement . There was enough of each of these things to instruct arid delight both sections . The lecture delivered by Dr . Bachhofl ' ner was the principal attraction , and was received with a due appreciation of the merits of the lecturer ; the subject , " Optics . " was illustrated with large pictorial views , by which the nature cf light and shade upon colours in painting , was shown and explained . The lecture was a very interesting ohe , and had : the merit of developing what isnew , to at least the majority of artists . The usual exhibitions of the diving bell , Ac , were also displayed , and in a large building immediately adjoining the institution were exhibi'ed the series of Railway Views descriptive ot the route from London to tho Britannia Tubular Bridge , by Mr . J . Allen .
BRITANNIA BRIDGE , REGENT-STREET . PiciuBEsquB Exhibition . —We have before noticed this interesting little theatre ,- and , we are happy to hear that it has been viaited by a largo number of visitors , and continues to receive extensive patronage . Recently a view of Snowdeh has been added , which precedes the magnificent painting of the Britannia Bridge . The descriptive lecture on the tube is a bold and masterly point of instruction , and cannot fail to surprise and inform those who are unacquainted with the experiments conducted by Hodgkinson and Fttirbairn , under the superintendence of Mr . E . Clarke , when this monstrous hieroglyphic of mechanical art was " void and without form . "
BURFORD'S PANORAMA . A good many persons availed themselves of the leisure of a holiday to visit the Panoramas in Leicester-square , and more particularly to view the paintings of the Arctic ' . Regioris , which form a portion of them . These pictures possess a good deal of interest , arid at the present moment are of more than common attraction . . '
THE COSMORAMA . The contents of this gallery—209 , Regent-street , —are worth a . visit , and they were amongst the things from which holiday-makers , and the members of the rising generation derived' amusement . , What are called dioraraic and panoramic effects are judiciously united , and , indeed , so well combined , that some ot the views represented almost appear like nature , and can hardly be surpassed . by ; any-scenic effects , w hatever ., Besides the : vicws exhibited m the building there were other attractions ! arid , ampngst'tliem , the smallest infant , though' the greatest wonder of the age . This arid'the remaining curiosities secured fur the proprietors a share of popular patronage , commensurate with ' their merits ' . ¦ ' ;
' THE BRITISH MUSEUM There was a great influx of visitors to this national institution on Monday the number being 27 , 046 , showing , an increase ' of , 6 , 041 as compared with Easter Monday last year ,, when the number was 21 , 005 . The rapid but orderly egress of the visitors near the close was remarkable , for no less than 2 , l 5 £ pers 6 hs passed through the gate 'in a quarter of an hour-inam ' ely , from ten minutes to- four o ' clock'until fire minutes after that hour . ! r Sixteen . constables of the A division , of police , under , the , directions of Sergeant Neale , were in at tendance , •; * ! , ; ' ; . " , ''
Nmkvbb Bi8covebin3.-.Veryiateand Hj H, T...
NMKVBB Bi 8 covEBin 3 .-. Veryiateand hj h , tisfactory accounts-have , within these few days been received from Mr . Layard , in Assyria , swim intelligence ofnew and important discoveries in th Nimroud mound . He has made fresh and extensive excavations in parts of the eminence not yet ex plored , and the result " has been the finding o nothing less than the throne upon which th monarch , reigning about 3000 years ago , sat in hi splendid palace . It is composed of metal and c ivory , the metal being richly wrought / and th ivory beautifully carved . It seems that the thron was separated from the state apartments by mean of a large curtain , the rings by which it was draw and undrawn having been preserved . No huma remains have oomie to light , and everything hid : cates the destruction of tho palace by fire . It i said that the throne has been partially fused by th heat .
Predestination . —Tho following is a pretty good commentary on how far people ' s professions sometimes agree with their practice : — ' "Do you believe in predestination ? " said the captain of a Mississippi steamer to a Calvanistic clergyman who happened to be travelling with him . - "Certainl y . " " And you also believe that what is to be , will be ?» - « Certainly . " ' Well , I am g lad to hear it . " - " 'Why ?" Because I intend to pass that boat ahead in mteen consecutive minutes , if thero be any virtue in pine knots and loaded safety valves . So don't be alarmed , for if the bilers ain't to burst , they won t . " . .
Here the divine commenced putting on his hat , and began to look very much like backing out , wnich the captain seeing , he observed— " I thought you believed m predestination , and that what is to be , will be . . . " So I do , but I prefer being a little nearer the atern-when it takes place . " I Truth win be uppermost one time or other , like cork , though kept down in the water . Little more than £ 20 , 000 has , as yet , been subscribed to meet the expenses of the Industrial Exhibition of 1851 , estimated at * 150000 .
, Charles Fox and Mr . Hare , his friend , both over head and ears in debt , were together in a house , when seeing some very suspicious men about the door , they were afraid they were bailiffs in search of them . Not knowing which was in danger , and wishing to ascertain It , Fox opened the window , and calling to them , said , " Pray , gentlemen , are you Pox hunting or Hare hunting ?" The Ruling Passion . —The following is a laughable anecdote told by Southsy , of the funeral of a Bristol
Alderman : — "As soon as he know his case was desperate he called together all the persons to whom he was indebted in his mercantile concerns . ' Gentlemen , ' said he , ' I am going to die , and my death will be an inconvenience to you , because it will be some time before you can get your accounts settled with my executors . Now , if you will allow me a handsome discount I'll settle them myself at once . ' They came into the proposal , and the old alderman turned his death into nine hundred pounds profit . " .
weights and measures for the million , One pound of chalk makes two gallons of milk . Two twigs of birch broom—one ounce of tea . Three ounces of sand—half a . pourid of sugar . One . stick of Spanish liquorice—two pots of porter . " With knowledge sorrow increases , " as the flat said when he found that he had drawn a blank in a foreign lottery . Why is a good sermon like a kiss ? Do you give it up ?—Beeause it requires two heads and an application ! . '' . ¦ ¦'
Some person whom Quia had offended stopped him in the street , and said , — " You have , I understand , sir , been takingaway my name ! " "What have I said , sir , concerning you ? " ¦ " You—you called me a scoundreh , sir ! " " Keep your name , " replied Quia ; "I « houWbe very sorry to deprive you of one so appropriate . '' From the proceedings in the police-court , Leeds , it appears that numerous letters have been received by the mayor of that , town from parties in distant parts of the kingdom who have purchased shares ( some of them £ 2 2 s . each ) in estate lotteries which had their origin in that town , but the projectors of which have now vanished . The great comet which astonished tho world in 1204 , and is supposed to have returned in 1556 , has been expected to re-appear for sometime , the period of revolution round the sun averaging 292 years , or thereabouts .
A person , upon his cross-examination by Mr . Curran , was obliged to confess that he had made so free with a lady as . to put his arm round her waist . " Then , sir , " said Curran , " I suppose you took that waist for a common . " In order to see if anything be in a well , take a looking-glass when tho sun shines bright , hold it nearly perpendicular over the well , so that it will reflect on the water , and you may see a . straw or pin , or any small object at the bottom of any depth . The walls of the Thames Tunnel are now ornamented with fresco paintings , views of English scenery . The Southwark police magistrate has decided that tan is a manure , and carts laden with it are , therefore , exempt from toll .
"Man , " bats Adam Smith , "is an animal that makes bargains . No other animal doos this—no dog exchanges bones with another . " He who thinks too much of himself will be in danger of being forgotten by the rest of the world ; The Gazette of Cologne believes a great and general German revolution to be at hand . Aristocrat . — One who considers the respectability of his grandfather to be sufficient payment tor his own debts . Abstemious Man . —One who never tastes wine nor spirits—at home . Apprentice . —A lad learning , by experience , the tyranny necessary to make him a master . Balance of Power . —Common sense . Laws . — Authority for publicly whipping the wicked—poor . Nuisance . —The disturbance caused by your neighbour in making his fortune .
Oversight . —To leave your old umbrella in a newsroom , and bring away a new one . Precocity . —The impertinence of your child . Remorse . —Tho feelings of a pickpocket , caught in the fact . Reflective Turn . —To have your umbrella turned inside out while turning a corner . Science . —To tie a canister to a dog ' s tail , and observe whether he runs east or west . Unfortunate Man . —One born with a conscience . Suggestion . — Advice given by a servant to his master . Young Man ' s Best Companion . — He who takes him home , when he cannot talso himself home . Like What ?—A , is like the meridian—it is in the middle of Day . B , islikoahot iren—it makes oil boil . C , is like an old maid ' s wish—it puts age into a
OAGfE . D , is like a fallen angel—add it to evil it makes devil . E , is like tho end of time—it begins btersity . G , is like wisdom , it is the beginning of greatness and goodness . H , is like the dying words of Adam—it is the end of earth . J , is liko the end of spring—it is the beginning of JUNE . K , is very like a- pig ' s tail—it is the last end of PORK .
. L , is like giving away a sweetheart—it makes over a lover . A noBSB , twenty years Old , lately died _ at Ayr , after being for twelve months unable to lie down , and oh examination , " a " dust ball , " as large as a cocoa-nut , was found in the intestinal canal . Last week a hen , in Drury-lane , Liverpool , laid in the middle of the causeway two eggs joined together by a small cord . The eggs , though nearly of the ordinary size , were without shells . Women , so amiable in themselves , are never so amiable as when they are useful ; and as for beauty , though young men may fall in love with girls at play , there is nothing to make them stand to their love like seeing them at work . —Cobbett . A New Air Gun . — We were forcibly reminded the other day of some lines in one of Byron ' s poems , beginning : —
This { 3 the patent age of new inventions , For lulling bodies , Ac . by the inspection of a new and very ingenious airgun , which , if it does not possess the formidable power of the new . Russian Zunduadel-geivehr , which kills'people in a perfectly , satisfactory manner at the distance of seven or eight hundred yards , is still in , point " of cheapness , simplicity , and efiiciency , greatly superior to the common air-gun . It is the invention of Mr . John Shaw , musical instrument maker , of Glossop . The great singularity of the new air-gun consists in the entire absence of airpump , reservoir ,. and \ valves , which , in the common air-gun , are attended by , no small amount , of trouble , and some personal danger . The air which expels the ball is powerfully compressed , at the'moment
of discharge , by a piston acting within a cylinder , and moved ; with great force and ' vapidity by the sudden contraction of a spring composed of a number of vulcanised india-rubber rings previously extended by hand in a very simple and easy manner ; and tho ball is propelled with a force quite equal to that exerted in the common air-gun , and with this . great advantage too , in addition to those we have already named , that tho forco oxer ted is always the , same ; whilst , in the commori . air-gun , it dmunisues with every discharge from t he reservoir , ^ W ^ the aim tobe constantly . varying .-The : lnyentmn is certainly a very ingeriiods ^ daptation of rtegrgi elastic fbrco " of vulcanised / S ^ Jj ^ 'J ^ ffi so ; much , use" has , been-made of Me . ^ Mtnchester , Guardian , ' * :: - ; .- ' - : ¦ --:. ; ¦ - ¦ i- ; :: - ; : '; ¦¦ • . .
: Under Rotal Patronage.
Perfect freedom from Coughs in ten minutes after xise , ¦ anda rapid Cure of Asthma and Consumption , and all Disorders of the Breath and Lungs , is ¦ inturedby -i TO . LOCOCK ' S PULMONIC WAFERS . hn ^ r £ 'uly wonderful powers of this remedy have caiwa forth testimonials from all ranks of society , in al quarters of the , world . Amongst others the following have & 7 Ct ^ nf ^ r ^ , ^' ' ^! ? -BTenfy increased demand by persons cock's -J * sL " 5 town - and neighbourhood for fir . Lo-« ri ! fnnrt ' n ^„ ^ at , they ^ ° w ™ M « 1 j adapted for the rslief and cure of pulmonary afil-ctions . They have been of singular benefi t in innumerable cases of cough , hut principally their extraordinary efficacy has shown itself n asthmatic cases , whother recent or longStanain « . As voir appointed agent m , this town . 1 have great pleasure in bearing the above testimony , and in confirmation of my statement , I have the names of individuals to whom refc ' rence can be made . —( Signed , )—James Fkodd . Chemist
AN THE PREVENTION , CURE , AND \ J General character of SYPHILUS , STRICTURE * . Affections of the PROSTRATE GLAND , VENEREAL and SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS of the face and body , Mercurial excitemen t , & c , followed by amild , succesaful and expeoS tious mode of treatment .
PAISS IIS THE BACK GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , RHEUMATISM , STRICTURES , DEBILITY , Ac . DR . DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL . PILLS are the only certain cube for theabove distressing complaints , as also all diseases of tho kidneys and irinavy organs generally , whether resulting from lmpru-Jenoe or otherwise , whii ' h , if neglected , so frequently end in stone in the bladder , and a lingering , agonising death ! It is an established fact that most cases of gout and Rheumatism occurring » fter middle ago , arn combined with dig-• as « d urine , how necessary is it then , thatptrsons so afflicted should at once attend to these important matters . By tha salutary action of these pills , on acidity of the stomach , they correct bile arid indigestion , purify and promote the rciml secretions , thereby preventing , the formation of calculi , and es tablishing for lift ) , a : healthy performance of tho functions of all these organs . They have never been known to fail , and may be obtained through most Medicine Vendors . Price Is , lid ,, 2 s . !> d „ and 4 s , ( id , per box ., or will be sent free , with fuU'instructinng fi > r use , on receipt ot the price in postage stamps , hy , i ) r . DE HOOS . A considerable sating effected , by . ' purchasing the larger IJOXOS . ¦"¦¦ 'J-iF : ! :..:. ! -.- ! .
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 6, 1850, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_06041850/page/3/