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narrow exclusive, egotwticaU Sayfcg; MH,...
Bradford.—Secular Lectures.—Oh Wednesday...
lSaf. The Secretaries of Trades' Unions,...
Cti-npfltraf ? ¦
THE ICARIAN COMMUNITY. From a recent num...
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Public Meetings.
, , !^ Bdnnd byBn ^ toi . di' ' . MteA iica , still reeking , wj lh the genevous Wood maace : "to & ec 0 me ^ we raust reraain neut «' . " Far from that , she ^ t ft ) vau , -s he saidtothepeo ^ be ftee , and he pothers ; slu > said to her J fnera ^ " Jay Kot "iown , your arms irt the countries invaded for our defence , fntil the nation shall have established afree and popular government ; " and above . „ " fax only the princes and their agents ,- the abettors or adherents of the ^_ are liy , which is no move the people , than the cancel ' that rots the flesh , is the liun , an body . " S «< di was the character of . our Revolution ; profoundly devoted ; pI flfou ndly cosmopolitan , profoundly humanitarian ; thus see wherefore the seed ,, 1 C ias sown inVmope has borne fruit , see wherefore the peoples have finished by . deist : ^ h ' n ? an , IIovin S her , see wherefore , they ave ready to rise to defend her . _ , Bravo , bravo !) And now that I have shown her active part in the destinies of _
, ] , « . fforld , shall I have need to recall what she has done for the country . —I wouli dilate citizens , if I " spoke onlyfor you , whose souvenirs are a faith in the . llevolllli 01 i ; but . have we not been called the Volti geurs of ' 93 , the stupid plagiarists 0 f an inauspicious time , without greatness , —without institutions , —and who have ! , ft no mark in history , but by a pool of bi pod ? Oh ! undoubtedly we reply to those inmtef , whocahwniate our . gratitude , we ignore nothing , fa . nature or in history , or to reproduce it under the . same image , and we have . seen too much alrea dv , devoured too many hooks , not to know that it is necessary to take into secant the time , morals , and science , iu the thesis to he successful . But we love (} ie Revolution ; that is not , saying enough , in my opinion ; we should incline
pelves before the Revolution , because , firstly , that in the defence of the territory , she ha * presented to the world a spectacle of heroic enthusiasm , of superhuman devotion , and of indomitable energy , which ha * drawn cries of admiratinn even from her most implacable enemies , and who still ' confound at the pre-. rnt u « ne , the most audacious minds . —( Prolonged Applause . )—We still incline ourselves before Iier , as one inclines before a mother , because that , clearing « . reral centuries as by a single bound , at a time when Europe scarce whispered the words of political liberties , she resolutely examined and . partly , resolved the problems which others havesinee reproduced , believing that they invent the thing when they only invent the word . What ! it was riot social , that Revolution jrhieh , in the political orders of equality said : — " The sovereignty of the citizen is
direct , and incapable of delegation ; it is free in his conscience and in the expression of his hopes , and , it was . at this point that Danton , between civil and foreign war , cried , , " Liberty pf the Press , or death ! ' ? Slavery is abolished . All are eligible , to the offices of state . There are duties , and no longer any distinction ? . Every citizen is armed to defend his ' right . It is his duty to strike down the usurper of his Mwereignty , Education and justice are gratuitous . The constitution may be revised , ; or one generation will be excelled by the generations to come . It was not social that resolution which proceeding in the economical circle of the common happiness , held the right to work as a social right ; which consequently and provisionally opened . workshops in every canton ; which to give a foundation for the Republic , created with the goods of the clergy , of the nobles ,
and of the counter-revolutionaries , three millions of new proprietors ; which pireulated the value of the land by the assignat ; which re-established credit amidst the general disaster , by the formation of the grand Uvre , which organised public iloinicilary succours , established foundling hospitals , accorded assistance to families burdened with children under age , and protected our exterior commerce and oar marine , by the fatuous Navigation Acts , which was the starting point of lljeir future development . Citizens , it fatigues my ' memory to follow it in all tlio ? e social reforms , the d . ereeinjr , the codification and simplification of the laws , the uniformity of weights and measures , the application of the decimal system , tlie foundation of the Institute , tlje Ecole , Norraale , the Ecole Polytechniqne , the Bureau des Longitudes , the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers . Ah ! be sure we
still live in her , and Europe lives in us . Be not then ungrateful . —( Xo , no!)—llouhtles ? , notwithstanding so many great things , everything is far from being said ; for progress , which stays no more , than time , advances science , and study has discovered means of credit , which , by ttie larger circulation of labour and capital , conducts more surely to equality . But always the convention was the cradle of true popular principles , and it is fpr that , that instead of denying that holy tradition , we venerate it , it is for that the people love it , it is for that , that the people , who are ne ^ er deceived , gave vent in the inauspicious days of the Prairial , when the curtain fell on the Revolution , to that last cry , " Bread , and the Constitution of ' 931 " That is to say , direct government , and the right to work . The right to work ! Eternal problem
irhicu was working before February , and which will be working to-morrow Wherefore has not February resolved it ? Is it , as it has been said , because it » F _ at _ d an aim ? Oh , no I there are some men who well know that the essence of all i evolution is to dispense the mass of interests , to destroy some , in order to create a greater number . What was wanting to the Revolution was the struggle , the anger which engenders strength , it was the breath , the life , the faith , not the faith which sings , hut the faith mute , robust , and persevering . ( That is truethat is true !) How crush some interests to create new , when all forgot and embraced each other , when it was thought that all was finished , because a corrupt power had given place to one of probity and integrity ? . It is true that it has been said that the Provisional Government failed in the initiative . A reproach
unmerited , perhaps , if it he considered that a revolutionary government , which has lent a moral ascpndancy , is perhaps but the country itself . like the sail , it has no power other than the wind which fills it . Then say whence would come that impetuous wind of the devolution which would overthrow the institution of the past , when the people themselves brought the priests to bless the trees of liberty , and we . had to forget the dying wprds of Mirabeau , " Nothing will be done for the Revolution so long as , failing to separate the clergy from the state , France shall not haveheen de-christiaiiised . " How transform the army , submerge if in the levee en masse , when the frontier was not menaced ? How realise that wish of Danton , " " That after " Hie Bight , a musket should be the most sacred thing amongst us , " when it was necessary to seize one by one the 150 , 0 p 0 muskets
with which ! hadl armed Paris ? Now reform the magistrature , when it cried louder than everybody else , " Vive la Bepupliquef' and the whole nation would leave it as it was ? How destroy parasitism , stock-jobbing , and usury ) when the hoarse , that great den of thieves , closed for an instant , could be re-opened , and the people never qlpse it with their all-powerful hand ? How constitute the f onwmrie in enlarging it , making it a point of instruction , of credit , and of national strength , a centre of resistance to every coup de main , to every tyranny , when the country had hut one wish : the meeting of an assembly to which everything should be reserved . ' Again , where were the dangers , the anger , the hatred , the ardent breath which feeds the furnace of revolutions , and permits , in the midst of great circumstance ? , the ^ accomplishment of greatthings ? No , no ; from
that Revolution there could come hut one institution—IJhiyersal Suffrage , therefore ? Because it was taking from none and giving to everyone . Without doubt , it had its waverings and its errors . But what institution has not needed * " « e i whatother , embracing ten millions of men , has so soon finished its education , that it needed nothing less than tlie law of the Sjlst of May , and later , the nameless crime of the 2 n , d of December , to arrest its irresistible , victorious course ? Citizens , in less than four yea « ^ o put a nation in full possession of herself is a thing unheard of in history ! Thus , how many serious minds in Europe has riot that spectacle won to the Republic ! ( Prolonged applause . ) hut leave , citizens , ' the Revolutictn " of F ebruary , considered henceforth powerless to come to the redoubtable problem ' of the age . What is it ? This is how I
understand it . Mould into one , the three classes which at present divides France ; to -ngthe two extremes , that is to say the parasitism , which lives in opulence and unproductive consumption , andI tliei proletariat which lives in absolute subjection and crushing misery , to the medium point , to that middle class which , composed ° f emancipated workmen , speculators , overseers , shopkeepers , manufacturers , agriculturists , servants , and agists , lives much more on its personal production , than on its capital or privileges . ( Bravo , bravo !) Cause , in a word , not by Randal spoliations , hut by wise institutions , . that all , without exception , have in e proportion , capital , free labour , and competence . ( Unanimous applause . ) ** it possible ? ( Yes , yes !) With you 1 reply , yes , since the counter-revolutionists , protected hv ' the great clemency of February , have shown how they play
wife the fortune , the labour , the patrimony of ihe republicans ; yes , the revolution which is brewing , will have wherewith to amply satisfy her new interests . 1 y , yes , if I judge of the strength of the projection she will have , by the explosive elements that are gathered together and compressed continually . Ah j let th-Kj charge the mine well , that in bursting it may carry the farther . Citizens , ' " * sussed by that idea that all reVolutipnary action is in direct consequence of the imlignatJOH , the sufferings , die persecutions , itnd the miseries which have J > wii it birth . Thus it is tfiat for three years , at every blow of adversity which ! ' i « come upon me / f baye ' s ^ di ' po ' jpjjpb the bettfr , it is a new force for } he "evolutionj so much the better , at every new proscription , ' at every clo ^ ng 1 'risoji dppr , a * every head tbgt falls , ajt every pew gnef , yea , so much the hetter , ? ° tour inartyrdoni ' mortifierourfaitiii and these are forces accumulated for the
Public Meetings.
revolution , ( Unanimous applause ) . 0 persecutors , we have hearts of men strike again strike always , it is needful that for the coming we have hearts of oronze We live too much in vain ourselves , you are working to render us impel sonai , to make us principles , to prepare us the better to ?* erv ' e humanity , unce again , so much tlie better , Str ike away , we multiply under your blows ' ( Kravo , _ bravo !) Then come the day of struggle , and since you have wished it , incorrigible and heartless men of privilege ! If now that our children may say of us , that which we now say , while celebi-ating the anguish memories of —92 x They were truly revolutionists . " ( Thunders of applause ) . ,. _ . ,. . .
Narrow Exclusive, Egotwticau Sayfcg; Mh,...
narrow exclusive , egotwticaU Sayfcg ; MH , e CrpmwelJ , after 1643 : « aj | for JS ^ == ^ == ^^ 139 . ««* . exclusive , e-otwticaU Sayin » like Cromwell , after 1642 : « Aii Z 1 - ¦ — - - ¦ - : - . ' ¦— - —^ - ^ - ^^ = Z- _ -Z- _ r _ - _ rr __ z- — : --- -
Bradford.—Secular Lectures.—Oh Wednesday...
Bradford . —Secular Lectures . —Oh Wednesday , 29 fch , Mr . Broom lectured at Shi pley , on Secular Education , bang the first lecture delivered iu the village . ' Last Sunday , " in l 3 radfoi ; d * he We a second , lecture on the life of Thomas P . iine . He traced the history of the noble freethinker from tlie dose of the American war to his death . He also exposed a lying tract that has been printed and circulated , in . the town . On Monday evening , he answered the ¦ question ' whiv ^ is Gb % isni ? * in the Temperance ^ Hall , Leeds Boad , Many questions were asked at the close ' , which Sir . Broom satisfactorily replied to .
Ship Locality . —Moved by Mr . Stratton , received bv Mr . Evans , "That the members of this locality- —one of the oldest in the Chartist movements— . ire determined to stick to the whole six points , name and all ; but at the same time will assist any other shade of Eeformers , who will agitate for any of the points of the People ' s Charter . " A discussion will take place at this locality on ' Sunday evening next , subject , " military ' and political career of the latc ' Bnke of Wellington , " Ship Tavern ; High-street , Great Gardeii-sti-eei ; , Whiteehapel ; George Smith , Secretary ,
Mesmerism Ann Clairvoyance . —Mr . Gerald Massey delivered his second lecture on Mesmerism and Clairvoyance atVhe Johni Street Institution , on Tu & sday evening last . There was a liirge attendance , and the experiments ' made after the lecture , were as successful as oh the former occasion , ndtwitjistandUig the evident illness of the clairvoyant- ? - " ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ :- ¦
€ nki
Lsaf. The Secretaries Of Trades' Unions,...
lSaf . The Secretaries of Trades' Unions , and other bodies associated to protect and advance the interests of Labour , will oblige by forwarding the reports of Trades' Meetings , Strikes , and other information affecting the social position ot the forking Classes .
Fliom The Emigration Committee Of The Am...
FliOM THE EMIGRATION COMMITTEE OF THE AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS , MAC & jMSTS , MILLWRIGHTS , SMITHS , AND PATTERN MAKEUS . Committee Room , Crown Tavern , Obelisk , Westminster-road . Feli . ow Workmen , —The late contest in which we have been engaged , whatever may have been its usefulness , or its tendencies , has left some of the members of the Amalgamated Society iu a posk lion of dependence and deprivation . This result is brought about by
the fact that those who have taken the greatest interest in their trade ' s affairs have been singled out by the employers , ' their iia ' mehave been published arid seitt to allthe employers of the country , with au especial request not to employ any of \ htim . Without at all saying one word with respect to such conduct , for it speaks lbudiy enough for itself , we maybe indulged if we attempt , by the formation of a committee and by obtaining subscriptions , to promote the emigration to another country of those who cannot find employment
in their own . There arc some who cannot submit to sign the masters' declaration which calls for an abrogation of those rights of association inherent in men of all ranks and grades of wealth . There are others wiio , from having taken a prominerit ' part in the agitation / are marked men , destined to lie keptTin / continual idleness aiid poverty . ' To provide for these is an object of earnest consideration . ' For this purpose acorn mitt eelias ^ een elected out of the various branches of the Amalgamated Society in Loh'Soh , to assist those who
desire to carry their skill and industry to distant lands , where labour is yet too scarce and too valuable to reduce the workman to the condition of a serf . To collectfunds to carry out that object , appeal - have already been made with partial success . Some are already on their passage to the fertile shores of Australia , others remain who need assistance . In their name , and upon their behalf , the committee now appeal to you for subscriptions towards raising the necessary amount , in the full confidence that you will not be backward to aid those who have suffered , not only for ihemse ; lve-, but for the
assertion of the general rights ot labour . . _ ,.,. __ H is for the good , not only of the Amalgamated . Society , but ot all that the surplus labour should not remain here , while other countries offer a field for it , of which many adventurous and independent men are anxious to take advantage of . To aid them by contributions appears to us to be the duty of every man who wishes well to his trade , and those who have struggled hard for its independence ; and if a willingness is ' shown on the part of those who are more immediately ' interested to assist the " conimitteem their present object / and tf we should not be enabled to get sufficient means tb carry out that object , there are gentlemen who bear us sufficient good-will to subscribe handsomely toward ^ making up the necessar amount , to aid all those who are deprived by the injustice of their employers of obtaining work in this country .
, . . We have said sufficient to show every one the necessity of assisting us and with great confidence" we leave the matter'in your hands ' stron gly hoping that our appeal for aid in a cause that not only proposes to confer an advantage on those who go , but also on those who stay behind , will not go unresponded to by our fellow workmen in all parts of the country . The committee is actively engaged in compiling rules lor the pfficient working of a general organised plan of emigration on an tensive scale . Bv Order op the Committee .
ex NB ~ The committee meet every' Wednesday evening , at the Crown Tavern , Obelisk , Westminster-road , at eight o ' clock , where all cbmmunicaaons will be addressed . '
Nationaf. Association Of United Tiiades....
NATIONAf . ASSOCIATION OF UNITED TIIADES . <& % ToUenham-eo \\ vt-road , London . We have ; received numerous letters of inquiry as to our progress and prospects in our efforts to arouse our fellow working men from iheir indolence and apathy to a state of manly actiyity , and to convert the present gleam of commercial prosperity info a means ot preparation for nieetjiig that inevitable reaction whicji " looms m the future , " with almost the same certainty as the alternations ot sumand winter ij
mer . «„ : „„ Whatever are the causes which have produced the present trading and a gricultural prosperity ( for that those proverbial grumblers , the » darfeiiUurdl interTsl , " Me ' preilf well to do , is apparent from their umVonfid quietriess ); it may he takeri for granted'that this general ^ r ^ feWf called ; b 6 ing the ^ cts ^ ritirely pf ^^ Clfi SSlc ^ ha # we lt : Mng o ^
Nationaf. Association Of United Tiiades....
the causes which have for the last half century acted so disastrously upon the industry of the nation , being still in full activity , any seemrna prosperity , which is the effect of accident and not of design , can be but transitory arid uncertain in its continuance , and partial in its effects . The craft of the political and commercial jugglery of tlie age , when time has enabled it to comprehend and adjust itself to the present temporary disturbance in its relations with labour , will soon discover the means , through its twin monopolies of capital and legislation , to appropriate to itself the lion ' s share of the gold and the prosperity . ''
Already , has the editorial index finger of the Times , that avant courier of new men and of new measures , pointed toa source whence the deserted labour field of England is to be recruited . The continental states are to furnish its willing contingents to fill up the gap made by the emigration mania , so singularly patronised by some of labour ' s most petted champions . Biit , perchance , the proletaires of Germany may ; prefer the wild liberty and independence of gold hunting to the mild and paternal sway of our mill owners , iron lords , and coal kings . It strikes us , however , that a forced importation of coolies and sepoys from our vast and populous East Indian
possessions would be a far more suitable speculation , and an infinitely more congenial substitute for the dogged , obstinate , grumbling English workman . The Hindoo character is so meek and inoffensive , their habits and modes ; of living so simple and inexpensive , and then % yhat they lacked in energy ' ami application could be readily compensated for by an unlimited supply , arid a non-observance of inconvenient ten ; hoiii * bills . ' ^ owey ' er bright and cheering a complexion our prospects " may wear at the present juncture , by hook or by crook , the capitalist ascendancy will be maintained in this country as long as the existing partial and unjust political and social
arrangements continue . Any partial emigration of British labour must , we think , prove ultimately and highly injurious tb the interests of those left behind , by subjecting them to a more , heartless and grinding competition than any they are now exposed to . In the event of a labour famine caused b y emigration , there would be as little difficulty in importing Indian labour , ' as there was recently Indian corn : ; and we can readilylmagirie the keen and lively competition with which the Perry ' s and Platts of the manufacturing World would outbid each other for a " supply from the first live
black cargo which the acumen arid patriotism of our merchant princes imporWd from the East . The Hindoo , how admirably adapted for "the atmosphere arid discipline of the cotton mill * ! Passive beings , slaves in everything" ^ uf the name , who would diet luxu . iously upon two feeds of damaged rice , enlivened with a pinch or twO of theipiuke of Norfolk ' s condiment , pepper or curry powder , at a cost perhaps , per day , including lodgings , of a few pence . What a real godsend to the high and mighty satraps of manufacturing'E ' ngland , and what a visitation atid death-blow to the independence of British industry !
All levity apart , we are really pointing to a possibfe and we believe a very probable resource for meeting an unexpected and very embarrassing contingency . We sliall take a future and early occasion to return to this subject , and at present content ourselves with a general reply to our ^^ numerous correspondents referred to at the commencement of this article . We are happy to say that from the reports of ' bur colleagues , Messrs . Green and Winters , who have just ' concluded very pains-taking tours in the midland and nbrjtherh counties , that amongst the masses wherever our friends had an opportunity of meeting them , the feeling' in favour of a National Protective Confederation of Labour was universal . The
only important objection which it appears can be brought to the constitution and laws of the National Association is its rigid centralisation of power ahd action . " It will be the duty of the executive to consider how far this objection can be removed without impairing its efficacy and usefulness . To the present apathy and distrust of all movements , we feel assured the time for a reaction is not far distant , when the patient ' and successful endurance of the National Association will powerfully recommend it to the consideration
of the working men 61 ' England . The fidelity and stedfastness '" with" which this executive amidst the opposition of avowed and therefore manly opponents , and the insidious and cdnceaied stabbings of pretended friends , have struggled to maintain what they conceive to be a valuable movement , will , we are sure , be appreciated . lii that great faith Which neveir deserts the honest in purpose they invoke the future to balance and compensate the troubles ; anxieties , and disappointments of the past . v ' ' '"¦ ' ' " William Peel , Secretary
Cti-Npfltraf ? ¦
Cti-npfltraf ? ¦
The Icarian Community. From A Recent Num...
THE ICARIAN COMMUNITY . From a recent number of the Popular Tribtme , published at Nauvoo , U . S ., we take the following particulars of the progress of this association , designed to realise the speculations of Citizen Cabet , the proscribed French Communist : •—¦ The Icarian Constitution cbmpels the Gerance to make a report to the general assembly every six months , g iving an account of all that has been dbneduring the six preceding months . The following is the report which the Gerance has just made for the * first six months of 1852 , coinmencing the 1 st of January , and ending the 1 st
July—PERSONAL . —On the 1 st of July there were in the community 365 members ( 177 itfen ' , ' 7 of whom were from 15 to 20 years old ; 101 women and ' 88 ' children , of whom 45 ' were boys and 43 girls ) . Letters from Paris notify lis that' about 100 hew emigrants will depart for Nauvoc > this fall . AGRicuLTiJiii .--The colony has rented three farms , one of 30 acres , another of 200 , and a third of 225 . It owns 8 ploughs , 11 horses , and 8 yokes of oxeri . ' The colony has cultivated- ^ -in wheat , 150 acres , which yielded over 1 , 500 bushels of very beautiful wheat
which has been cut and thrashed with two machines ; ' m corn , 240 acres , which wiir . yield probably over 8 , 000 bushejs , as Americans agree in saying that our crops are ' the rhost beautiful of the country ; in potatoes , 30 acres ) which appear sound and healthy , and will probably yield over 1 , 500 bushels ; in sweet potatoes , 2 acres , which will yield 200 bushels . 24 men have been employed oh the farms for cultivating them , or for cutting hay on the open prairies for feeding our beasts during the winter . Our mowing machine was a failure , but still we have & fine Quantity'tif fodder .
Gardening . —We have 25 acres in gross—vegetables , peas , beans , cabbages ( 20 , 000 heads ) , $ c . ' *& c ., and 12 acres in 5 gardens , with 8 gardeners' for other vegetables ( salads , radishes , sorrel , spinach , carrots , onions , ' & c . & c . ) , which have furnished the kitchen . " ' Our twelve milch cows have given rnilk enough for the breakfast of the women , and ; at times , 'of the entire community . Our essays to cultivate tobacco , madder , and thistles , have been very successful . Some of our young vines will bear grapes this season . Our young fruit trees , apple and peach , look very beautifuf , but do not yet bear any fruit . " ; The chase has furnished some game for our workmen on the islands and on the farmsand to the sick . of
, „ Industry , Works . —During th ^ months January , of February anof aiarfeh ; thirty men ' remained ^ af'the islatid , ' to cnt Ayood , where tliey % \ fil ;{ ^ 1 fe 1 cftbin . ' The 5 » diivmo cords 6 f wood- which ' Hi *
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 9, 1852, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_09101852/page/11/