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0mm __ fttt StAR OF FREEDOM. m
GREAT FLOODS. The Gale of Tuesday.—On Tu...
The: Russians in the Caucasus.—The St Pe...
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0mm __ Fttt Star Of Freedom. M
0 __ fttt StAR OF FREEDOM . m
^^"^ Gabdening Calendar. , Tfrtrhb» Gard...
^^"^ GABDENING CALENDAR . , tfrtrHB » GARDE * - -Every dry day should be taken advantage of to clear Z : remains of old crops , leaves , & c ., which not only affords a harbour for ! " diile on the ground , hut have at all times an untidy appearance . The ¦ 0 auarter- should have a rough digging , if time permits ; if not they should ted over clean , and dusted over with hot lime to kill what slugs are found V T t surface . Cabbage plants may yet be planted on well trenched , rich land tie true Bath Cos and hardy Hammersmith Lettuce should be planted out hi rin situation to come in early . Thin out the seed-beds of cauliflowers and a e and prick out the thinnings on warm sheltered borders , and a portion foiinCf t 0 nare the P rotectioQ of & lass in severe weather . The brown Dutch * we advised being sown for forcing , should he pricked out a foot apart , to ] Liv plants by the end of December , when they may be transferred to the
, _ £ u " 17 « mtli « n otHnw oavArinne nod l __* 1 . r . _;„ it __ .. __ fin- frames . Earth up celery , cardoons , and leeks as they advance , and tie 5 live and lettuce when dry . Onions stored away should be frequently turned * and take the opportunity of bad weather to trace them up , and afterwards * > jbem in dry airy situations ; they keep much better in that state than when 1 i « d to remain in heaps . Continue to . prepare droppings for future mushm be * - Be ( Is not s P awned snould be examined , and when the heat declines * ; V ot thereabouts , insert the spawn 9 inches or a foot apart , and 3 inches ? ' 0 vcr the bed ; beat the whole firm , and allow it to remain a few days , when , fit sets no higher , a coating of fresh Ipam ( not too heavy ) should be placed ' the bed , and well beat down , minding the loam is not by any means wet ; 0 bed should then be covered slightly with hay .
H _ b » v FRorr Garden . —Apples and pears should be gathered as they show indications of ripening ; all the choice sorts should be placed singly on the shelves { the fruit-room , and labelled , as | before advised . Keep the new strawberryio- 5 c , ear of wee ( is , and pincfl ° ff runneps * TIle fru't-tree quarters should have 3 -.. _ cleaning Before winter ; cut out the old wood of raspberries , and leave njr sufficient of the new to produce the nest season ' s crop .
Guide To The Lecture Room. Literary Inst...
GUIDE TO THE LECTURE ROOM . Literary Institution , John-street , Fitzroy-square . —Friday evenjugs [ 8 ] , a Discussion . —Oct . 10 th [ 7 ] , Henry Tyrrell , " Genius and Wisdom of Shakespeare . " Hall of Science , City-road . —Oct . 10 th [ 7 ] , Thomas Cooper , "Life and Character of the Duke of Wellington . " National Hall , 242 , High Holborn . —Oct . 10 th [ 7 |] , P . W . perfitt will Lecture . South London Hall , Webber-street , Blackfriars-road . —Oct . 10 th ( 7 |] , Charles Southwell , " Divine Rights of Private Judgment . " White Horse , Hare-street , Bethnal-green . —A Lecture and Discussion every Sunday evening at eight o clock .
Areopagus Coffee and Reading Room , 59 , Church-lane , Whitechapel . —Every Sunday , Monday , and Wednesday [ 8 ] , a Lecture or Discussion . , Commercial-hall , Philpot-street , Commercial-road East . —Oct . 10 th [ H a . m . ] , Ohas . Southwell will lecture . —Theological Discusiious every Sunday evening [ 7 ] , Tuesday [ 8 ] , Thursday [ 8 ] , and Saturday [ 8 ] .
Progressionist Hall , Cheapside , Leeds . —Oct . 10 [ 6 §] , a Lecture . Eclectic Institute , 14 , Garthland-street , Glasgow . —Oct . 10 th [ 6 J ] , a Lecture . Social Institution , Charles-street , Old Garratt , Manchester . —Oct . 10 th [ U a . m . ] , a Lecture . Odd Fellows' Hall , Thornton-road , Bradford . —Every Sunday evening [ 6 |] , Mr . Broom will lecture .
Great Floods. The Gale Of Tuesday.—On Tu...
GREAT FLOODS . The Gale of Tuesday . —On Tuesday morning , at half-flood , in consequence of the wind ( then blowing a strong gale from the southwest ) suddenly backing round to the eastward , the spring tide , which had been much retarded for the last few days , rushed up the Thames with great violence , causing considerable damage , and creating an immensity of confusion amongst the shipping in the various reaches ; and in the lower pool very few of the vessels could hold on , dragging their anchors , and coming athwafthawse , by which spars , bulwarks , and rigging were carried away . Several vessels were obliged to let
go second anchors to bring them up . Fortunately the wind did not remain long in that quarter , else the damage must have been immense , in consequence of the terrific rapidity with which the current rushed up ; nevertheless , a very great amount of injury was sustained by market gardeners and others , Whose properties are near the waterside . Owing to a great number of the sluices being improperly secured , the water made its way through , and overflowed the pounds . The wbarfs and water-side premises on the Surrey side of the river were inundated . Several cellars were completely
filled with water , which had to be pumped out ; and m some instances it was several inches above the ground floors . Vessels that arrived on Tuesday represent the marshes on the Kent and issex sides of the river as having the appearance of vast lakes . At high * ater the wind veered round again to the W . S . W ., thus precluchng the possibility of any great flow of water on the ensuing tide . Ihe land floods , owing to the large quantity of rain that has fallen , are more rapid on the ebb tide than has been known for some time . Two large brigs are reported to he on shore on the Gunfleet band , Wh little probability of getting off .
Accident on the South Eastern Railway . —An accident occurred on the Tunbridge Wells and Hastings branch of this mwvf 3 ii Monday night . The heavy rains during the day had flooded the Hue between Ticehurst and Etchingham , completely washing away ballast and rails for a considerable distance , and this so suddenly 'hat the engine to which the accident occurred , with the same driver , had passedover the snot only three hours previously , at which time
all was safe . On returning from Tunbridge , however , with the y . P . m . train , the water had risen to some height above the level ot the rails , and before danger was perceived the train was thrown oft the ] on its side . The engine-driver and f iireman were jammed oel * een the engine and tender , and there remained until assistance ^ ould he procured . Fortunately , there were no passengers m the tfain , and the guard being unhurt was able to go for assistance ; but so rapidly did the waters accumulate , that a circuit ot nearly * ree miles had to be made to get at the overthrown tram .
The engine-driver and fireman were extracted as quickl y as possible , and conveyed to the Tunbridge Wells Infirmary , where it was ascertained that the driver had escaped with some bruises and a severe shaking ; but the fireman was less fortunate , haying sustained a Irac tare of the thigh . Both are progressing favourably . All trains were bourse stopped between Ticehurst and Etchingham , and the traffic cannot be resumed until the flood has subsided . A second accident Penned about the same time , from a similar cause , on the Ashtord
a Hastings branch ; but , happily , in this case , no person was m-J , lred . A train which had left Ramsgate in the morning was returning from Hastings , but on emerging from the Ore Tunnel it ran into an ^ mense body of water which had collected there from the hills , ana al « iost immediately left the rails . Assistance was speedily procured and the passengers returned unhurt to Hastings , where they remained until noon of Tuesday , when , the line having been repaired , they ^ ere conveyed safely to their destinations .
A respectable elderly lady recently received a telegraphic despatch Purporting to be from her husband . She read it carefully ,, and then returned it to the messenger , with the remark that it could not be from her husband , for it was not in his handwriting I
Mr. Thackeray's Lectures. The Manchester...
MR . THACKERAY'S LECTURES . The Manchester Guardian says : —The third lecture of the course — " On the Humorous Writers of the last Century , " was delivered by Mr . Thackeray , at the Athenaeum , on Wednesday evening , its subject being Steele . After a graceful introduction to show that in the lighter works of fiction there was to be found more reliable materials for the formation of an opinion as to the manners and customs of a bygone age , than could be extracted from the more pretentious and heavier works called histories , the lecturer proceeded to give a graphic sketch of society in the reign of Queen Anne . his estimate ot the social condition of which may be gathered from his declaration
of belief that a refined person of the present day could no more receive into his drawing-room a fine lady of the time of Queen Anne , hear what she said , and see what she did , than he could so receive an ancient Briton . Referring to the days when Steele was at the Charterhouse School , the lecturer said he felt sure that no good report could be given by the masters and ushers of that thick-set , square-faced , blue-eyed , and soft-hearted Irish boy , who , whipped frequently , though he had powers of his own , was so idle that he got others to do his lessons , taking only so much trouble as he thought would enable him to scuffle through his
exercises and escape a flogging . Besides being very lazy and idle , there could be no doubt that he went invariably into debt with the tart woman , entered into all sorts of promissory engagements with the lollipop vendor , and borrowed money from all his comrades who had it to lend . There was no sort of authority for these statements as to Swift ' s school-days , except a belief that the child was father to the man , and if that were so , there could be no doubt as to the correctness of the picture . Dick Steele must have been one of the most generous , good-for-nothing , good little fellows that ever conjugated the word " Icto , I . bear . " Steele never lost the reverence which the
other boys at a school feel for their " head boy . " At school , and through the world , Addison was always Steele's head boy . Addison wrote his exercises and did his best themes — he ran Addison ' s messages , fagged for him , blacked his shoes ; to be in Joe ' s company was Dick ' s greatest pleasure ; and he took a sermon or a caning from his mentor with almost boundless reverence , acquiescence , and affection . Although , smitten with a lore of glory , he joined the Life Guards , Steele could not have seen any actual service j for he who wrote about himself , his wife , his mother , his sister , his debts , and the wine he drank , would have told
ns of his service if he had seen any . When he wrote his " Christian Hero " he was deep in debt , in drink , and all the follies of the town ; it was said that he was laughed at for his work , and truth a theologian in liquor was not a respectable object—a hermit might be out at the elbows , but he must not be in debt at his tailor's . Steele said of himself he was always sinning and repenting . He beat his breast most piteously when he did repent , but as soon as sighing made him dry he sinned again . He wrote so richly , so gracefully often , and so kindly always , with such a gush of good spirits and good humour , that his earlier pages might be compared to Addison ' s own ; and they might be read by a male reader at least ,
with quite an equal pleasure . He married twice ; and he outlived his place , his schemes , his wives , his income , his health , almost everything but his kind heart—that ceased to trouble him in 1729 , when he died—a man worn out and forgotten by his contemporaries in Wales , where he had a remnant of property . All women were bound to be grateful to him , for he was the first of our writers who seemed to admire and respect them ; he : paid manly homage to their goodness and understanding , as well as to their wit and beauty . He paid to Lady Elizabeth Hastings the finest compliment ever offered to a woman , for he said " that to have loved her was a liberal education . " His letters to his wife bore all the marks
of the genuineness of a conversation ; they were as artless as a child ' s prattle , and as confidential as a curtain lecture . He had in the course of his life two fortunes , but he was always in want of money . Oh ' . to think that a " Christian hero " should be compelled to be hiding continually from bailiffs , afraid of a dirty sheriff ' s officer—that the pink and pride of chivalry should turn . pale before a writ ! Full of hearty good sympathy himself , he won upon us by calling upon ns to share his good humour . He had a keen relish for goodness and beauty wherever he met with it . He ( the lecturer )
owned to liking Dick Steele the man , and Dick Steele the author , much better than much better and much better authors ; the misfortune was that a great portion of the audience must take his amiability upon hearsay , because they could not make his , acquaintance . Not that Steele was worse than his time ; on the contrary , he was a far better , truer , andhigher-hearted man than most who lived in it ; but things were done , and names . named , in company which Steele kept , which would make most shudder how . Let us think gently of one who was so gentle / and speak kindly of one whose breast exuberated in human kindness . The lecturer was warmly applauded by a numerous audience .
The: Russians In The Caucasus.—The St Pe...
The : Russians in the Caucasus . —The St Petersburg Journal , of the 18 th ult ., contains the following : — "The last accounts received from the Caucasus inform us that the winter campaign of the Russians considerably diminished the influence of Shamyl in the Great Tschetschna , and forced him to place his partisans in the village of Gurdaly , at the foot of the Katschkalikowski , and among the Argouoski , who are the most bitter enemies of Russia , and constantly make incursions on its territory . Lieutenant-General Prince Boriatinski , in consequence , undertook an expedition against different points of the Tschetschna . For . this purpose , Colonel
Prince Woronzow , on the 23 rd , occupied , with three battalions , four detachments of Cossacks , and six pieces of artillery , the defiles of Misianski . At six o ' clock in the morning , Prince Boriatinski arrived with a strong body of Cossacks ; he marched with all his columns as far as the defile of Schalinski , where he established a camp near Schawdfin . General Moiden joined the principal column , with five battalions and six pieces of artillery . On the same day , Generals Moiden , Batzgowert , and Schandon took the direction of Bassa and Grementschouk , and Colonel Baklanski , with four battalions , a body of Cossacks , and seven pieces of artillery ,
occupied the mountain of Katsshkalikowskv in order to destroy the village of Gurdali . The Cossacks , under Colonel Sucbodolski , surrounded the place , while Baron Niekolay attacked , and eventually entered it . After a sanguinary cambat , the Circassians were all put to the sword , with the exception of fifty-two , who gave up their arms . The cattle were all-removed and the village set fire to ; On | the 24 th , Prince Boriatinski advanced along the Black Mountains , but returned to Grosna an the following day . The
Circassians have lost a great quantity of hay and corn , and have had a number of men killed , and 195 taken prisoners . The Russians have had two officers and forty-five soldiers killed , and tea officers and 254 soldiers wounded . Prince Woronzow advanced towards the defiles of Argousk with a strong force of infantry and cavalry , and four pieces of artillery . In the night of the 26 th , he surprised and burnt three villages . The . Circassians had thirtytwo men killed and several wounded ; the Russians , ! officer and 9 soldiers killedand 6 officers and 51 soldiers wounded . "
, Gifts to Louis Napoleon . —The gifts made to the embryo Emperor on his progress have been T ? ery touching . One city gives its " soul to Louis Napoleon "—another , Roanne , gives " its heart ; Why , long since , did not Paris present him with ' * its foot V *—Md >
Central Co-Operative Agency,
No . 76 , CHARLOTTE STREET , FITZROY SQUARE , LONDON . TRUSTEES : E . Vaksittakt Nbalb , Esq . j Thomas Hughes , Esq . COMMERCIAL HOUSE I WOODIN , JONIJB , & CO . Adulterations Avoided , and Retailers pro / its saved , THE Central Co-operative Agency established under the sffpe . " - vision of Trustees , supplies Teas , Coffees , Colonial and Italian produce , French Winas and Brandies , & c , & c , tree from every description of adulteration Any number of families uniting together will have their order attended to on the following conditions :
ASSURANCE FOR ALL CLASSES . LONDON AND COUNTY ASSURANCE COMPANY FIKE , LIFE , ANNUITIES ,. ENDOWMENTS . ( Incorporated by Act of Parliament , ) h 484 , OXIOR . D STREET , LONDON ( Near the British Mus-TOm . ) trustees ; W . O CimovsBill , Esq ., Manor House , Westbourfle . S . BettbIiET , Esq ., Tottenham . L . JssBOPP , Esq ., Saldon House , Fenny Stratford , Buck * . SECRETARY . Wie _* am Newton , Esq ., Chief Office .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 9, 1852, page 15, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_09101852/page/15/