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1 Tn* T atf Tragedy at Pasis.—The follow...
[The following appeared in our Town Edit...
MARKET S. ^ ^x
C0BX.-MARK LANE , October 4, There was a...
BANKRUPTS.—From Tuesday's Gazette. Augus...
- j -_j_--j-_ijj «— ~~' ,,- purW urisli Printed and Published at the Office. 2, Sboa-lans, Fleet-street,, u» TtrlI ,,.vfic.,.wii
St. Brides, London, by GEORGE JULIAN HAK...
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Ut The Star Of Freedom. [O. To% 5
ut THE STAR OF FREEDOM . [ o . 5
1 Tn* T Atf Tragedy At Pasis.—The Follow...
1 Tn * T atf Tragedy at Pasis . —The following additional partic tZf ^ wMchlmZ ^ l y P-ceded the death of Mr Morton 10 ^ correspondent of die Daily News , have to obtained from a . good < tiir « wirr » i » Tt annearsthat from the confusion incidental to the llmei * of of Mrs Bo ^? the ordinary routine of the household was thrown int i nto dii , and that on the Friday the family had not been abte to to sit down to dinner at the usual hour . It was not until a little helbefore 9 o ' clock that Mr . Bower was at last persuaded by his motlutl-er who had arrived in Paris three or four days before , m conset sequence of the illness of her daughter-in-law , tn sit down to table to to eat something . He had just taken some soup , when the
maidsei servant entered the salle-a-imnger and informed him that her mistr < tress ( the young Mrs . Bower ) desired to speak to him . He fol owed th the girl into his wife ' s room , and was only a tew minutes absent , wl when Mr . Morton entered the room from the outside door through tb the passage leading into the apartment . Mrs . Bower senior asked hi him to sit down , which he did on her right hand , her son ' s chair b < being at her left , and had only time to inquire after the state of the p patient , when the door leading to the part of the apartment in w which the wife ' s room was situated was flung violently open , and 3 . Mr . Bower appeared with his features convulsed , and apparently u under the influence of the most violent agitation . At the sight of
H Mr . Morton an uncontrollable fury seemed to seize on him ; he ran V to the table , and snatching up the knife laid for his dinner rushed r « round his mother ' s chair at Mr . Morton . The latter , seeing the n movement , at once rose up and flew out of the room through the ¦ vestibule and down the stairs , Mr . Bower pursuing him closely . i As Mr . Bower passed his mother she caught Mm by the skirt of t the coat , but the . cloth unfortunately gave way , and with the recoil . she fell to the ground . Not a word was spoken from the beginning 1 to the end of this fearful scene , nor was a sound heard except the
] noise of the footsteps of the two men on the stairs , until Mr . Morton , when struck , uttered a single smothered " Oh ! " and s $ nk to the ground . Mr . Bower then , probably struck with horror . at what he had done , came up the stairs and seated himself on a little bench outside the door , where he was found the moment after by his mother , who , having raised herself from the floor after her fall , had hurried out to try and prevent mischief . The servant girl , who had followed her master out of the . younger Mrs . Bower ' s room then roused him from his stupor by telling him to fly . He entered the apartment , took some money , and changing bis coat
left the house . He proceeded at once to the residence of Dr . Bertin , but only saw that gentleman ' s servant , who declares that Mr . Bower , who was in great agitation , seemed much annoyed at not finding the doctor at home . It certainly is not too much to presume that the object of Mr . Bower in making this call at that critical moment , when every minute was of such importance to him , must have been to obtain medical aid for Mr . Morton , of whose desperate state he was most probably unaware . The precise and immediate cause of Mr . Botver ' s uncontrollable burst of
passion is obtained from the statement of the maid servant , who having preceded him into his wife ' s room had been present when her mistress informed Mr . Bower that the cliild last born was not his , but Mr . Morton ' s , at the same time faying before him such a connection of circumstances and dates as led him to believe the statement to be true . Undsr the influence of the astounding intelligence thus given he lost all self command , and on seeing Mr .
Morton at the table rnshed forward to take vengeance on the man who , he believed , had dishonoured him . Such , we have reason to think , is an accurate account of this most unhappy affair . Mr . Bower has succeeded in reaching England , as a gentleman now in Paris , saw him at Boulogne , on board the steamboat . Mr . Morton ' s funeral took place . yesterday , the body being laid in the cemetry . at Montmartre . —Galiqnani .
Emigbation fbobi Liverpool . —The number of ships dispatched by the Government official , during the month was 62 , containing in all 23 , 280 passengers , including 1 , 770 emigrants , principally Scotch , from the depot at Birkenhead , all of whom ar « bound for Australia . Of these the Ann Thompson took 250 j the Allison , 330 ; the James Brown , 420 and the Shackaraaxon , 700 . The last-named two are American vessels , of a superior class , and containing excellent arrangements for the comfort of the emigrants . Previously to the passengers leaving the depot on Saturday night week they were addressed in an impressive manner by the
surgeon , who was greeted with three hearty cheers at the conclusion of his remarks . The same token of good feeling was manifested towards the emigration-officers , and Mr . and Mrs . Smith , the superintendent and matron of the depot . Pour other vessels are to leave Birkenhead during the present month , the Beejapore , the Priscilla , the Thames , and the Arabine . The Beejapore , which is the largest vessel ever dispatched to the antipodes , is now alongside the depot , waiting for her passengers . She will carry about 750 adults , equal to about 920 souls , exclusive of officers and crew . The following vessels have also been dispatched to the Australian colonies by the owners or their agents , and , of course , are not included in the Government list : —The Alciopr , Minnesota uci
j _ para , Sewell , Merennus , Cleopatra ( steam-ship ) , Sarah Sands ( mail screw-steamer ) , Woodstock , BenNevis , and Catherine Mitchell . Among those which have been or will be despatched in the course of the present month are—the Lajdy Ebrinaton Birraan , Security , Constance , Anna Panlowna , General List Lucia Maria , John Knox , South . Sea , Edmund , Northumberland ) Baltimore , Anne Elise , Athlone , Albatross , Lady Russell , & c . To give our readers an idea of the creature comforts provided for the emigrants during the voyage , we give a list of the principal stores of the ship Constance , which sailed on Saturday morning with 395 passengers , for Port Phillip : —Bread , 2 , 500 lK ; flour 18 . 9001 b . j peas , 6 , 700 lb . ; oatmeal , G , 850 lb . ; rice , 3 , 800 lb . ; bee £ 7600 lb 10100 lb meats iu &
, . ; pork , , . ; preserved , 8 , 150 lb . ; currants ! ., ouu _ u . ; porn , ,. uu _ u ., p . uervca mesas « , I 501 D . ; currants , 4501 b . ; raisins , 3 , 800 lb . ; suet , 2 , 900 . ; sugar , 6 , 850 lb . ; treacle , 3 , 8001 b . ; tea , 500 ib . ; coffee , 9601 b . ; butter and cheese , 3 , 500 lb . ; preserved raw potatoes , 8 , 000 . b . ; and 50 , 000 gallons of watei \ In addition to which is a large supply of " medical comfort ? , " such as arrowroot , sago , & c . Por strength , beauty of model , and general finish , the Constance has not been surpassed by anv ship that has sailed hence for the colonies . She was built by " Messrs . W and li . Wright , of St . John ' s , for Mr . James Beazley , and is commanded by Captain M . M . Milward . We understand that Captain Patey , the principal emigration officer of this port has recentlreturned from the
y metropolis , and that he is of opinion that the majority of the Liverpool ships are far superior to those of other ports / or second and third-class passengers , being generally larger , and having greater height between decks , and consequently posse . ingbetter ventilation . The parochial authorities of Liverpool are using exertions to obtain a voluntary rate for tlie pupose of aiding deserving paupers to emigrate to the antipodes . They have recently availed themselves of a balance of an ' old voluntary rate for this purpose . On Thursday they succeeded in sending away 20 hearty young girls , hy the Catherine Mitchell . Before the vessel left the river ten of them had been engaged as servants by families on board .
An Irish Lady ' s Postsciupi ' . —An Irish lady wrote to her lover begging him to send her some money . She added , by way of postscript , " am so ashamed at the request I have made in this letter that I sent after the postman to get it back , but the servant could not overtake him . "
[The Following Appeared In Our Town Edit...
[ The following appeared in our Town Edition . ] Suioipb -from LoNDON-imiDGE . —On Wednesday night , at halfpast eight o ' clock , a determined suicide took place by a man jumping from London-bridge into the Thames . A respectably-attired man , and apparently about forty yeava of age , was observed to walk to and fro on the west side of the bridge , and when near the recess
in the centre of the bridge he leaped on the seat , and , taking off his hat , looked round and threw it into the river , and immediately precipitated himself over the parapet . A passer-by , observing the man in the act , ran to him , but only . in time to touch his coat , without being able to obtain a tight hold . An alarm was instantly given , and the drags put into requisition , but without success , as the tide was running down very rapidly .
Manslaughter by an Engineer .--Bbistol , Oct . 1 , —An inquest was held this week at the King of Bells public-house , Coalpit-heath , near this city , by the coroner , Mr . W . Joyner Ellis , on the body of Joseph Lawrence , a coal miner in the employ of the Coalpit-heath Company , and who met his death a . the Ramshiil Colliery on Monday last under the following circumstances : —It appears that on the morning of that day the deceased went to his work as usual , and was engaged for a considerable period in what is termed the " lower vein . " He gave the usual signal for ascending , which was passed in the
accustomed manner by the banksman to the engineer , Isachar Dando , who at once set the engine in motion for the purpose of hauling up the cart . The cart had ascended about half way when it happened that a drover came along the roadside by the colliery with a pig , which had been purchased for Dando at Westerleigh fair , and he , wishing to look at it , without waiting to complete the task of hauling up the cart , gave over the engine handles to his son , Moses Dando , a lad eighteen years of age , who , it is said , had been in the habit of hauling up the cart on several
previous occasions . This time , however , he must have mistaken the reversing handles , for after the cart containing the deceased came to ; the pit ' s mouth , the speed of the engine was increased instead of decreased , and the deceased was drawn over the shiver wheel and precipitated with the cart to a distance of more than fifty yards , receiving such severe injuries that he died shortly afterwards . The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter against the engineer , Isachar Dando , who was taken into custody and committed for trial on the coroner ' s warrant .
Smuggling in the Highlands . —On Monday , the 20 th of September , Mr . Otty , accompanied by Mr . Macfarline and two preventive men , discovered in the hills of Dalriach , of Glen-Urquhart , a smuggling bothy , situated in the bottom of a deep ravine , surrounded with rugged rocks and water-falls . There were four men in the hut at the time , which was very well concealed . Two of the smugglers were captured , but one of them , a strong athletic mountaineer , after a severe struggle of about an hour ' s duration , baifled the efforts of the officers to take him along with them , as he would neither walk nor stand : the other was
taken before General Cameron , of Polmailie , who convicted him in the statutory penalty of £ 30 , or three months' imprisonment . The fine not having been paid , he is undergoing imprisonment in Inverness GwL—Edinburgh Advertiser . Committal or a Notobious Burglar . —A notorious burglar , named Moggs , one of a gang of desperate ruffians who . have long iniested the neighbourhood of Prome , and who , after eluding justice for a long period , was recently captured through the activity of Newport , one of the Prome constables , has been fully committed for trial by the Prome magistrates on two distinct
charges . On the premises of the prisoner . being searched , there were found on them no less than seven bags of skeleton keys , containing ISO altogether . They were concealed in a floor under the loft , and lying by them was a pair of knitted socks , such as housebreakers wear over their shoes to prevent noise ; they were wet , and the fresh grass upon them clearly showed that they had been recently worn . The occurrence created considerable excitement in the town of Prome , and the streets were lined with people , in the same manner as when the prisoner with his companions , Hurd and Sparrow , were in custody on
suspicion of being the murderers of the girl Watts at Key ford . The prisoner appeared much dejected . The evidence given against him was similar to that upon which Sparrow and Hurd have already been transported . In the case of the robbery of Mr . Plaister ' s warehouse , is was proved that a man named White , who was watching his garden to prevent depredations on the night of the 12 th of June last , saw the prisoner and Sparrow get over the wall , and go to the door of the warehouse . White ran and got the assistance of three other men , and on returning caught the prisoner Maggs and Sparrow coming out laden with a has containintt
cheese ; a struggle ensued , but though the goods were captured , the thieves succeeded in getting away . Two caps belonging to the prisoner and Sparrow were also found ; they were so made as to form a disguise for the face . The prisoner was fully committed for trial , and this formidable gang is now broken up . Destruction op the Ship MAi 8 E . —The Maise was laden with Indian corn from Ibral for Cork or Palmouth for orders , and on her passage home was , on the 3 rd of August , by log thirty miles to the N . and W . of Cape Bon . In the evening it was the mate ' s watch , and , the heavens having become overcast , towards ten o ' clock he commenced to shorten sail , and make all snug . ' The clouds still lowering , the master got out of bed , and about midnight was on deck with the rest of the crew . It came on a dreadful storm of
thunder and lightning ; and while they were employed on deck , and , the master states , before any one had time to say " God help us ! ' a ball of fire came out of the heavens , struck the masts of the vessel , and in a moment capsized her . The master computes that in three minutes she went down ; and there was nothing left on the surface of the water but the spars floating about . The principal part of the crew must have been killed by the electric fluidas the master
, , after narrowly escaping death on being sucked down by the vessel , did not , when he came to the surface , see any of them , with the exception of William Murray , a sailor lad . The master got hold of . two oars , a rigger ten feet long , and a studdingsail-yatd , with which he made a raft as best he could ; and having secured the poor lad Murray they floated away to sea . Their sufferings were intense during the night , as they were partiallv immersed in water .
and the oars and spars chafed their bodies , abrading the skin , and producing a great " raw . ' The sufferings when the sea got up were increased by the sun g rays striking their bare heads . The master , the stronger person , cheered up the bov , who seemed towards twelve o clock at noon to give way . His bowels then ap . peared to obtrude , the muscles of the abdomen having been chafed through , and he was suffering the most intense agony . Having uri ^^ lf ? 'V 0 ?! i at last ° egan to sfnk . He said . Good bymasterGod hel
, . p my poor mother ; " and was lost to the master ' s sight . Having drifted about till five p . m . of the 4 th , the position of the master was descried by the master and crew of the barque Peter Schzoeder , of North Bergen , who bore down to him , and got him on board m a most exhausted condition . He was treated with the greatest kindness , and , having been on board of hat vessel five days , was transferred to the Donna , of Newcastle and brought by her to Queenstown , and thence sent on to omelas .
Market S. ^ ^X
MARKET S . ^ ^ x
C0bx.-Mark Lane , October 4, There Was A...
C 0 BX .-MARK LANE , October 4 , There was a small show of Wheat this morning from v- > the whole sold readily at la . per or . advance upon last ato * , ? ' ! ^ m foreign there was more doing , with a tendency to higher ra . L ^ W ^' dear . Barley met with more buyers , and was Is . pw nuatte l ^ m , Monday last . Beans and peas wanted at full prices . Th . ar . er V ' moderate , purchases could not be made without paying 6 d . . oT " ' ' ^ than last Monday . Carrawayseed scarce . Linseed calces unalt Per ' ' £ PRICE OP BREAD ! " ~ " ~ — - - ^ The prices of wheaten bread in the metropolis are from 6 M t hold ditto , 5 d . to 6 d . per 4 lbe . loaf . 2 ' 7 &; t , j )„ .
CATTLE . —SMITHEIELD , Ocr . 4 . ^^ " ~ """ " \ J We were again liberally supplied with foreign stock , but i ( S was inferior . From our own grazing districts the arrivals of be ^^ 'Mft derably less than on Monday last ; nevertheless , they were sea-TV ' ' ^ least two-thirds of them being beneath the middle quality ; th * , l 1 ^' improvement in the demand for the b « st breeds at an advance in » ^ * fully Sd . per 81 bs . ; whilst the value of other kinds of beasts had ^^^ dency . A very few superior Scots realized 4 s , per 81 bs . ; but fi *? '" ^ * figure for beef was 3 s . lOd . p . r 81 bs . The supply of sheep havfa ^ * great falling off , the mutton trade ruled firm , at an improvement i , "''^ i per 8 lbs ., and a good clearance was effected . The primest old d ^ " - 4 s . 9 d , per Dibs . Prime small calves were scarce , and quite as dea ° * ' " * the veal trade was in a sluggish state . The top figure for vea ! wafi ^^ We had a moderate inquiry for pigs , and late rates were well support I' ^
Price per stone of 81 bs . ( sinking the offal . ) Beef 2 s , 2 d . to 3 s . lOd . j Veal , „ Mutton 3 ti .. 4 6 j Pork 3 " lo ^ - ' * ' i ' i
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL . -Oct . 4 . ^~~ ^ During the last week about 3 , 500 carcases of meat were received f _ m parts of the country , chiefly per railway . With meat killed in the J ^ we were heavily supplied , but its genera ] quality is very inferior . Qnfl ^ the trade is inactive , at our quotations . ' le * H , Per Sib * , by the carcase . Inferior Beef 1 * 10 s . to 2 s 2 d . Inf . Mutton £ s eii 1 1 Middling do S 4-26 Mid . ditto 3 ' 0 ' , ° 't Prime large 'i 8-210 PrimediUo 3 8 8 Prime small 3 0-34 Yeal , ' , 0 ' ) , J Large Pork 2 10 - 3 0 Small Pork " 3 ., " * "
FRUIT AJ \ 1 > VEGETABLES . —Covuxr Carder , Oct . 1 Vegetables and fruit are plentiful , melons are abundant , and plums , \ mi apples sufficient for the demand . Apricots are all but over . Tomatoes « mt * » to be imported , but English grown ones may now be obtained . Filberts mT tiful , and realize better prices , Potatoes are plentiful , but diseased . pC ( ls !" scarce . Mushrooms are plentiful . Cut flowers consist of heaths , pelargonium . r , mignionettes , bignonia venusta , and fuchsias . ? l
PBOVISIONS . There was nothing of much importance passing in our markets tlie last ^ The dealings in Irish butter were on a moderate scale on board and landed . _ i > deliveries from the wharves were very large , and the appearances mnuui Prices current : —Carlow , 78 s . to 80 s . ; Clonwel and Carrick , 80 s . to 84 s . ; Waterford , 70 s . to 80 s ; Cork , 80 s . to 81 s . ; Limerick , 74 s . to 77 s . ; KilrusliatniTulw 70 s . to 78 s . landed , and at corresponding rates on board . Friesland of best quality ' 88 s . to 90 s . Of Bacon the supplies were limited , but equal to the demand . Price ' s a shade lower . Irish , 54 s . to 60 s . ; Hamburg 52 s . to 58 s . per eivt . landed , as in size and quality . Scarcely anything sold for present or forward shipment . Hams a slow sale , at 60 s . to 70 s , Lard in steady request , at 02 s . to 00 s . bkddertd , awJ at 54 s . to 60 s . per cwt . for kegs . Potatoes per ton , 6 ( ls . to 130 s ., per cwl . 3 s . ftl , to 7 s ., per bushel . Is . 0 d , to 2 s . Gd ,
SEEDS . Holders of clorerseed manifested increased firmness , and for trefoil lull terms were asked . In other kinds of seeds we have no change of consequence to noli-. Canary seed was held very firmly , and earraway was again the tarn dearer . Tliere was rather more hempseed offering , and this article was decidedly easier to bur . Winter tares were plentiful , and offered freely at 5 s . per bushel .
BKITI 6-I SEEDS . Linseed ( per qr . ) sowing 50 s . to 55 s . ; cru . ! img 4 . s ( o 4 % . Linseed Cakes ( per ton ) ... £ 8 Os . to £ 810 ? . Rapeseed ( per last ) new £ 22 to £ 23 , fine £ 24 , old £ i \ teiSS Ditto Cake ( per ton ) jfc' 4 5 s . to £ 4 IDs . Cloverseed ( per cwt [ nominal ] Mustard ( per bushel ) white , 7 s . Od . to 10 s ., brown , 7 * . to II * .
Coriander ( per cwt . ) old 10 s , to lis . Canary ( per cwt . ) 38 « , to & Tares , Winter , per bush ., 5 s . Od . to 6 s Spring [ nominal ! Carraway ( per cwt . ) , new , 46 s . to 47 s . ; flnc , 48 s . Tow Grass ( per qr , [ nominal ! Turnip , white ( per bush . ) ..... ' ......, 1 ..... ! .. ! . ! .. Swede ( nominal ] Crefoil ( per cwt . ) 21 s . to 24 s .
HOPS . Our market is now largely supplied with hops of all descriptions , and price * have apparently reached their lowest range . Sussex hops command a lOigM w * vance , and other sorts are firmly supported . Sussex Pockets 72 s . to 80 s . Weald of Keats 80 s . to 88 s . Mid and East Kents 00 . * . to 150 s Farnham I 00 stol 30 s
HAY AND STKAW . Smithfield , Oct . 5 . —Little doing at the following quotations : — Prime Meadow Hav , 7-h . toS'JH . Inferior ' . 70 to OS Rowen 50 , 0 m Clover . ' ..... * ... ra to 05 Second Cut .. .... . ' .... ...... ! . ! t 55 t 0 ! , IJ Straw ' , 27 10 83
Bankrupts.—From Tuesday's Gazette. Augus...
BANKRUPTS . —From Tuesday ' s Gazette . August John , and August William , Norwich , builders . Morewood , Joseph , Fludyer-street , Westminster , merchant . Marlow , James , Walsall , Staffordshire , iron founder . Guest , John , Hurslem , Staffordshire , woollen-draper . Rowell , George , jun ., Carlisle , painter .
DEATHS * General Hastings Eraser , C . B ., Colonel of the 61 st Regiment , died afc « - since , at 37 , Bury-street , St . James ' s , at the age of 81 . Giel G | e „ Colonel Sir Digby Mackwovth , Bart ., died on the 28 rd ult ., fl t lus « a > Vsk , Monmouthshire , aged 52 . Mi || Mi [ H Major M'Alister , late of the 13 th Light Dragoons , died at Ka « o » - » wse' '
port , on the 17 th ult . ( uU ) ^ Lieut-Gen . Sir John Hose , K . C . B ., Bengal Army , died on tlie W Holme , N . B ., aged 75 . . Dr . Egilsson , the Icelandic philologist , died a few days since in l ^ m \ h Mr . Thomas Thomson , —a coadjutor of Jeffrey , Sydney Suiiffl , m ill % ill Brougham , in the establishment of the Edinburgh llevicw , anllm \ on the . <; he member of the liberal party at the Scotch bar . —died at J-di » w » rg < > instant . ^ y akhw Prince Gustavus , Duke of Upland , and second sou of the King died at Chi-is-. ar . ia . on the 24 th ult . ^ -1 ^ - ^^
- J -_J_--J-_Ijj «— ~~' ,,- Purw Urisli Printed And Published At The Office. 2, Sboa-Lans, Fleet-Street,, U» Ttrli ,,.Vfic.,.Wii
- j - _ j _ --j- _ ijj «— ~~ ' ,,- purW urisli Printed and Published at the Office . 2 , Sboa-lans , Fleet-street ,, u » TtrlI ,,. vfic .,. wii
St. Brides, London, By George Julian Hak...
St . Brides , London , by GEORGE JULIAN HAKNKY , of J ., *'^ jWrf ^ urd row , Queen » s-square , Bloomsbury , in the County of Middle ^ ' October 9 , 1852 ,
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 9, 1852, page 16, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_09101852/page/16/