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THE NORTHERN STAR. July 10, 1847
Tn* Repeal of the Game Laws.—Tho followi...
mtction iPoDemettt*
Pbohcoatios of Parliament. —Ifc was yest...
Ctotist finwitcmufc
Manchester. — Last Sunday evening, meeti...
Rational £antt uampnp*
, 4VU« m. t GI J, EAT FALL IN PRICES. of...
Total.. 60S — 176 2,6<,S 47 We have rece...
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN of 10, Great Windmill- ,illstreet, llavmarkt ,f ;,. tii»r>itv' ..r w ' .«nniuster, at th» di*
Office, in the s- ,me Street mid Parish,...
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Raja Of Sattaba,—The "Twentieth Debate" ...
Ei Sir 3 . C . Hobhouse , who replied at great 1 ngth to the Mas tare made out by Mr Hume on tbe previous evening in ! i ! tvo ! tvo . irof the & gah . A' After soma farther discussion the house divided , and 3 Sie die numbers were—For the motion ... 23 Against it 4 * Majority — . T The motion was therefore rejected , and the house adjjouijourned at a quarter past one o'clock . WEDNESDAY , Jotv 7 . I HOUSE OF COMMOSS . —On the motion that the lho « ho «? e do go into committee an tho Registration ol W « tV « te » ' BUI , , .. . ,, ) Mr Y . Smith said he had hoped that the fashionable ( concourse would have been pursued of withdrawing this IWrJbin . He nrged that it was iU-concorted , and would only lhailisra the tfiect of limitfwr the franchise .
1 Mr WAtpotEsaidthe bUlhadbeenforeiRhtweekson Alette paper audits p rinciple was . he believed , generally apiap » . rovedof . He only wished the clause ohj-cted to , ns xtsmcly . the fourth and the donble-entry ciausvs , to be falfairly discussed ; and he hoped , therefore , that he ah . ab . ou . id be allowed to go into committee . Hi » desire was to to siroplify and facilitate the machinery o : thercgistratiothm of voters , and he believed the measure would effect th ; that object . Hr C . Bulks appealed to the hon . mmibtr for Mid . he tnrst to give up an attempt to carry his hill this segai < sion . Itwasnotpossible that the bill could be fully disco cussed at this period of the year ; and there were many eh clauses objected to which must give rise to considerable de delate . If r Fessano inquired on what day the session would eh dose- *
iir c . Boxus did not know , and be believed no human be being did ; nut everyone was anxious to bring it to a cl cfcie as soon as possible . Mr T . Ddkcohbe thought some more satisfactory rea . § c ions ought to be given f- > r the withdrawal of the bill of of the hon . member for Midhurst and the two parliament t ; tiry electors bills than that which had been stated by the ri rigot hon . member for Liskeard ( Mr C . Jjuller ) , namely , tl that there would not be time to discuss such measures . T The same observation might be applied to the Thames C C » ns * rvancy Bill—that great City joe—( a laugh )—v which had nearly 100 clauses in it , and which he could f promise the government would be fully discussed . ( ( ' * Hear , " and a laugh . ) Then there was the Health ( Of Towns Bill , whichwas open to a similar objection . Aitersome farther" talk , " the committee was post-1 pened until Thursday .
Pikuahextjbt Electors Biix . —On the order of 1 ihe day being read for tbe second reading of this bill , 1 which stood next on the paper , Mr T . DcscoSBS said he should move the second read-: ieg , as there seemed to be no one else to do so . Sir G . Gbey opposed the biU . Mare disensssion took place , in the midst of which Sir De L . Evans ( one of tho sponsors for the bill ) entered the housa amidst much laughter and cheerinp , and said , that ha had been attending in the house shortly before , when , observing that one or two gentlemen were engaged in delivering very drawling speeches , he thought be might safely go out for a short time to visit his conatitaents . { Laughter . } flaring now arrived , he should
move the second reading of the hill . ( Hear , hear . ) By the bill which he proposed , the principle of the Reform Bill , as regarded the payment of rates and taxes , was not interfered with . He wished that , instead of payment being required in July up to 5 tb April , it should only b » required up to the precetoig October . At present man ; persona were excluded from voting respecting whose right to vote substantially there could be no pos-Sifredoubt , The house divided—For the second reading <>< Against it 72—5 The Poor Removal Act Amendment ( So 2 ) BUI was , -on the motion of MrBaDKUf , read a second time .
« Juvenile Ofeesdess Bill . —The Lords * amendments to this hill were considered , and , after a short conversation , it was agreed that the house dissents from the principal alterations . The house adjourned at a quarter to six o ' clock . Z THURSDAY , JotT 8 . f HOUSE OF LORDS . — Their lordships could find nothing better to talk about than the Wellington Statue and Medals for Naval Services . The Clergy Offences ' Bill and Militia Ballots Suspension Bill were severally r ad a third time andpassed .
HOUSE OF COMMOSS . —At the morning sitting of the House of Commons , en the order of the day being read for going again into committee on the i Health of Towhs But , Lord J . Russell ' made a statement ef the reasons which induced the government to withdraw the important measure tbat remained for their most consideration—the Health of Towns Bill . These were hritfly the late period of the session , the little progress the bill had made in committee , the vexatious opposition to which it was exposed , and the impossibility of duly considering it with a general election in immediate prospect . j ^ The Compensation for Damages ( Ireland ) Bill passed through committee . Lord J . Russell , in answer to Mr Y . Smith , replied , that the grant for education in the next session would he extended to the children of Roman catholics .
The CaANCELLOEof theExcH £ QOEB , in a speech of details as to the operations which had been had With respect to the relief of Irish distress , moved tbat a further grant of S 00 . OOQI . he made in furtherance of tbe measures for effecting that object : After some discussion the resolution was agreed to . Thehonse then adjourned . ElBElESS-HALL'COLLIEat ACCIDENT . —In aOBWCT tO a question put by Hr Foster , Sir Q . Gees said he had not received any information from the magistrates or coroner of the district tending to confirm the charges made against the owners of tbe above colliery . Mr T . Uojicohbe said that tbe facta which were disclosed at the coroner ' s inquest bore out tbe truth of the allegations made by him respecting the conduct of the Owner * of the colliery . ( From our Third Edition of last « Wfc . ) FRIDAY , Jrar 2 .
HOUSE OF LORDS . —The royal assent was given , by commission to upwards of seventy bills , public and private Poob Law Adhwistbatios Bill . —On the motion to go into committee on the Poor Law Administration BUI , Lord Bboughah objected to the clause which prohibits the separation of the sexes in the worhhouse , and praised the government for having had the courage to give to that clause all the opposition in their power . After some discussion the house went into committee . All the clauses were agreed to with the exception ef that which prohibits tbe separation of old married couples above sixty years of age . This clause ( introduced on the motion of Hr Borthwiek ) was struck out Their lardsbips then adjourned . HOUSE OF COMMONS . —On the order of the day for the second reading of the bill for the
Suspension oi the Navigatiok Laws , —Lord Geobse Bestisck moved as an amendment that it be read a third time that day three months . After an explanatory speech from Lord J . I ' uasEti , illustrative of the highly beneficial effects which had accrued to the country from the introduction of so large a quantity of corn , consequent upon the operation of the Temporary Suspension Act , and speeches from several other hon . members , Lord Geoeoe Bentihck . withdrew bis amendment , and the bill was reads second time . The Attoiket-Gehebal , in answer to Dr Bowbiko , stated tbat the late inquisition on tbe property of the -convict TaweU had been originated , not at the instance of the crown , bnt at that of the widow , with the view of its being vested ia herself , which application had b . en granted . The house went again into committee on the
Health of Towhs Bill . —The clause excluding any part within ten miles of St Paul ' s Cathedral from the operation of the bill was carried , on a division , by a majority of 42 , the house to go again into committee on tbe bill on Monday next . The other erders of the day were briefly disposed of , and the house adjourned to Monday .
The Northern Star. July 10, 1847
THE NORTHERN STAR . July 10 , 1847
Tn* Repeal Of The Game Laws.—Tho Followi...
Tn * Repeal of the Game Laws . —Tho following letters have been received by the secretary of the Wet-t-London Central Ant Enclosure Association . The first is from John Bright , Esq .. M . P . for Durham , the second from John Williams , Esq ., of the Regent-circus , whoai the friends of Universal Freedom in Marylebone are striving to bring forward as a candidate for that borough : — " Dear sir : I have your note , and its enclosure . The question of the Game Laws is discussed just now with earnestness in several constituencies , and I hope some good men may have the next Parliament resolved to work it earnestly . As you say , and justly , ( in your address to the electors on the repeal of the Game Laws , ) the constituencies must do tWr duty , if they expect the
redress of any of their grievances .. Yours , Ac ., Johx Bright . "— "Dear sir : I have the honour of acknowledging yonr polite letter , and to thank you for your clever Address on the Game and Enclosure Laws , btth of which evils I unceasingly oppose . Allow me to add , that it is not my intention , at present , to offer myself to the notice of the electors of Marylebone . Any little itsfluence I may have , and all my enercies ; shall be devoted to the canse of the people , and I will never restsatieSed while the great body of the working classes of this country have not their share in the reprcerntation . I consider it the abstract jucbt of every individual who is taxed ( and
who is not ?) to have a vote . —Yours , dte ., John Williams . " Iscbsdiarism is Russia . —A letter from St Petersburgii of ihe 19 ih ulL says : — " In many parts of the empire there have bees fires , which it , unfortunately appears were wilfuL AtKysehew , in the governsacnt of Kijew , 51 houses have been burned down ; at Kalalsch , government of Worcnsk , 93 houses ; at Smolsnka , government of Tsch » rn : got ; 235 houses and a church . In the last-named town four persons perished in the flames . Iu the government olWitcpsk tbe serfs of several large domains bave revolted , and after pillaging the mansions of their lords , compelled them to take frght . 'ihe armed xrce assembled to reduce the rebels to order . "
Mtction Ipodemettt*
mtction iPoDemettt *
Pbohcoatios Of Parliament. —Ifc Was Yest...
Pbohcoatios of Parliament . —Ifc was yesterday positively stated , about the Houses and the Government Offices , that now the prorogation of Parliament is not likely to take place until the end of this month , or the first week in AugwL-Morning Advertiser , Tuesday . Jt is stated in the Dublin Evening Post , the organ of the Irish government , that Parliament wiU not be dissolved until about the 30 th of July , and that the elections will take place after the aswzes have been
CHARTIST CANDIDATES . ,. . GREENOCK . i . mi f meet » ng of the non-electors of Greenock , held last week , at which MrDunlop , one of the candidates at present in the field , attended , the following resolution , moved by Ur Barrel ] , seconded by Mr u ™ S- was carried :-1 hat this meeting of the inhabitants of Greenock having beard tlie political views of Mr Danlop and Lord Melgund , the two candidates soliciting the suffrages of the electoral body of Greenock , hereby express their solemn conviction that neither of the two gentlemen is qualified to represent them in Parliament , they both being prepared to maintain a cofr tinuance of class legislation ; that this meeting further express their determination to bring forward another candidate , who will in Parliament be affair reflex of the popular feeling , and who would pledge himself to use his utmost endeavours to obtain the
Suffrage for every sane male adalt of twenty-one years of age . unconvicted of crime . "
HALIFAX . Halifax has been fairly stormed and taken by Chartism since the advent of Mr E . Jones . He has addressed the electors and non-electors at oneof the most crowded meetings ever held in the Odd Fellows Hall , and worn away the prejudices of all parties ; so that Whig ? , Tories , and Radicals , have alike ejven in their names as supporters to the cause . The town has lost all its usual quietude—and , as well as the surrounding country , all are full of hope and expectancy as to the result of the election . The good men and true here are doing their utmost , and look on their brethren elsewhere to aid them in the glorious stand they are making for the great cause oi civil and religions liberty . The non-electors are ho'ding frequent meetings , and have issued a forcible address , calling on the electors to perform their duty . This is being made a ' * West Riding Election . "
SHEFFIELD . Mr Thomas Clark , candidate for the representa tion of Sheffield , has issued the following address :-
TO TBE ELECTOBS AND NON-ELECTORS OF IHK B 0 EOUOH OF SHEFFIELD . GknIISMM , —In compliance with the wish of a large number of your body , who have done me tbe honour of soliciting me to offer myself as a candidate for your suffrages at the approaching General Election , I take the liberty of intimating to you that I have accepted the invitation of my friends , and that I will at tbe proper time present myself before you with a view of ascertaining how far you sympathise with those principles of which I am an humble advocate , and upon which 1 rest my claims te your support . In tbe meantime , I deem it my duty to place these principles before yon , so tbat you may have a fair opportunity of judging of their justice and utility , and nfmy consequent fitness foe the distinction to which I aspire .
Elective Franchise . —In the first place , I am of opinion that no law can be morally binding upon any community to which the majority of its male adult membershavenot given their assent , eitherdirectly by their votes , or indirectly through their representatives for that purpose in Parliament assembled ; I aro , therefore , opposed to the present system of government , as I look upon it to be a gross usurpation by a small fraction of the people of those legislative functions , which can be legitimately exercised only by the whole nation , without whose sanction legislation can be regarded as nothing better than legalized brigandism , or as another and safer method of appropriating to the purposes ot the governing few the property of thewhole community . I am , thereforean
_ , uncompromising advocate of Universal Suffrage , believing it to be the most practical mode of giving effect to that principle of self-government , which is inherent in every society , and of securing that liberty which is the gift of God to all his creatures , and of which no one can be deprived without a violation ol tbe first principle of justice , and to which deprivation no man can submit without committing a crime against himself and posterity . It will be seen , gentlemen , that the basis upon which I wish to rear tho legislative superstructure of Great Britain is ample and jost , bnt experience proves that it would be necessary to guard
such a structure against tbe combined attacks of ignorance , folly , and malavolerce . It would consequently be necessary to entrench it behind barriers sufficiently strong to protect it from the assaults of its enemies . I am ,-. therefore , of opinion that the Ballot would bea necessary accompanitnentto the Sufirage , in order to secure the honest and concientious voter in tbe discbarge of an important public duty . I also believe it to be highly necessary that elections for Members of Parliament should be Akxual , as that period is too long to retain an incompetcnt . or unfaithful servant , and not too short for the faithful representative , whose satisfactory conduct would secure his re-election .
In order to secure competent persons , and to render free the choice of the people in the selection of legislators , I hold that the existing propertied requirement onght to be abolished , and moral worth and intellectual capacity ought to be substituted for what is now called Peopbrti Qualification , and to that end I advocate Payment of Members of Parliament , so that a virtuous and talented man , whatever his station in life , may be elected to fill the distinguished office of law-maker , without Siifferiag pecuniary loss . I am strongly in favour of dividing the country in Eqr / AL Electoral DiiiRicisas the only
, means of getting rid of that anomaly in representation which assigns to a borough , with not more than two hundred electors , as many representatives as Manchester , with a constituency of upwards ot " 12 , OO 0 . Such , gentlemen , are the principles upon which 1 am desirous of establishing the Commons' House of Parliament , and without which you will never have a " lull , fair , and free representation of the people . " 'With regard to tbe other subjects which now engage public attention , I will treat of them in the order of their importance , with as much explicitness as the limits of this address will permit .
Ireland . —This country has long been the victim of the vilest legislation ; the treatment which its inhabitants have received at the hands of English governments , aided ^ by the Irish landlords , rivals in atrocity the wersttimea of the most barbarous nations-One fact will suffice to prove these accusations . Withinthelasteighteen months upwards of 1 . 000 . 000 of the people of that country have perished of famine I believe it to be out of the power , as much as it is beyond the province , of any body but a domestic legislature to effect a radical cure of the deep and damning social grievances ef which the unhappy people of Ireland have to complain . I insist , therefore , upon the Repeal of the Legislative Unios between Great Britain and Ireland , leaving it to an Irish Parliament to develope and cultivate those great national , physical , and moral resources . of which that country abounds in extravagant profusion .
State Church . —I am opposed to any sort of governmental interference in matters of religion . I believe the right of conscience to be too sacred to be made subject to any kind of human c-utrol . I am , therefore , forseparating the Church from tbe State-I look upon the connexion between these institutions to be fraught with the worst consequences to true religion , and degrading to our national character : nor can I reconcile it with my sense of ju-tice or common honesty , that any man should be compelled by law to render pecuniary aid to maintain the religious creed of his neighbour . Poor Law . —I am opposed to the present Poor Law , believing it to be founded upon a theory as false as the law itself is infamous and brutal ! I am for the immediate and total abolition of this monster iniquity , and would substitute it by a law , founded
upon the principle , that the labourer , in his did age , is entitled to receive from the national stock all that may be necessary to maintain him in comfort and ease . 1 abhor the present law , because it authorises the separation of wives . from their husbands . andcbildrenfrom their parents . It robs the fond mother of the right of attending to her child in sickness , and of soothing the anguish of her beloved partner in trouble . I abhor this law because it sets at naught all the high and ennobling feelings of our nature ; and because it is a daring and blasphemous defiance of the ordination of nn all-wise and ruling Providence . I have therefore an unextineuislrablc hatred of the bastiles , and the bastilcsysteui ; and will take pleasure in aiding their complete and final overthrow .
Taxation . —I am for abolishing the Customs and Excise duties , and for imposing a moderate and graduated Property Tax , in lieu thereof ; thereby releasing industry , and throwing upon the real boner fide properly the cost of maintaining the government of the country . I am for abolishing the House of Lords , as a legislative assembly ; thinking that branch of the government to be a burlesque upon the good sense of the country . I am for restoring the Common Lands , Crown Lands , and the Church Lands , to the use of the
people , to whom they of right belong . I am opposed to Wars and to Standing Armies , believing both to be a curse to mankind . I rm opposed to tbe rigours of our present Criminal Code , especially to death punishments ; aud will struggle to tho Vat of my abilities to effect such other reforms ? . s the requirements of an improviti " age may demand . I am , Gentlemen , * « xt « , , With respect , youratrulv , 2 , New Oxford-street , London , Tuoais Cure . July 7 th , 1847 .
SOUTH SHIELDS . A requisition , numerously feigned , has been presented by the electors and non-electors to Mr Thomas
Pbohcoatios Of Parliament. —Ifc Was Yest...
Dickenson , of Sunderland , requesting him to contest the representation . He has accepted the invitation , and has addressed two very large meetings at the Cross , with great success .
ENGLAND . BiBJiiNOHAM . —Four candidates are in the field in this borough , Messrs Muntz , Spooner , Schofield , and Serjeant Allen . The latter gentleman has been pw forward by the becrsellers in opposition to Mesar * Muntz and Spooner , for their sins of omission and comtnfesion in relation to a petition for an extra hour at night , and their conduct touching the police clauses . Mr Muntz has republished his address o < 1840 , and is determined to abido by it- He call * attention to his opinions respecting Corn Law Repeal , showing that the League leader is preparing hi * followers for those results he would net then see . A requisitioniof electors and non-elcctora is in course of signature , calling upon bim to allow the said requisitionists to form a committee and exert themselves in his favour . It ia understood that he has consented to this . The friends of Mr Schofield con .
tinue their exertions in that gentleman ' s favour . Mr Schofield has , at several meetings , been closely questioned at the Bordesley and Deritcnd ward , by a Mr Fussell , upon the Charter and other questions . To Universal Suffrage , the Ballot , Payment of Members , No-Property Qualification , and Equal Electoral Districts , he wnrjld give his willing . support , objecting to Annual Parliaments , and substituting " Triennial . " He will vote for the return of Frost . Williams , and Jones , & c , likewise for the separation of Church and State . A town ' s meeting will take place on Tuesday , the 13 th , called on a requisition of electors and non-electors—the mayor having refused t call the same—when the candidates are invited to attend , where they will nndergo theordealof a public examination .
Bradford . —It is difficult to foretel what will be the issue of the forthcoming contest for this boroosh , owing to the Liberal party , which claims to be strong enousb , if united , to return both the members , being split into sections on the Education question . Mr Busfield , the Whig , has announced his determination to stand , but no very active measures have yet been taken to secure his election ,- yet the moment Col . P . Thompson , the Radical , announces his intention to retire , because the divisions in the party appear to endanger his ultimate success , a numerous committee r » formed to promote bis election , with a determination to nominate him at all hazards . Meantime , the Conservatives-are prosecuting their canv . nss for their two candidates * Mr G . Hardy and Mr 11 . W . Vriekham .
CuroF London . —Mr Bevan , banker , of Lombardstreet , has issued an address , announcing his intention to offer himself as a candidate for the representation of the € ity of London on the Protestant interest . Ipswich . —Information has reached this town that Mr C . Austin , Q ^ . C , declines to- offer himself . Mi Hugh Adair ( sen of Sir S . Adair ) -has consented ,, at the request of the Liberal party , to stand a contest . Leeds . —At length it is announced that Mr J . G . Marshall has consented to offer himself as a candidate , in compliance with the requisition lately originated . In the meantime the friends of Mr Sturge nave been actively exerting themselves in his behalf .
The breach between the two sections of the Liberal party grows every day wider , personal matters being occasionally invoked for lack of better arguments ; and it seems sot improbable that the Conservative party will have to decide between the claims of Mr Marshall and Mr Sturge ; their own candidate , Mr Beckett , being considered sure of re-election . Newcastlbupon-Ttne . —A contest has somewhat unexpectedly arisen in this borough . Mr Thomas Emmerson Headlam , a barrister , son of Archdeacon Headlam , of Wycliffe , Yorkshire , and nephew of Dr Headlam ,. of Newcastle , has issued an address to the electors . lie is a Free-Trader , and will be supported by the extreme Liberals . Mr Hodgson Hindt and Mr Ord , the sitting members , are again candidates .
Oldham . —Mr W . J . Fox has issued an address to the electors . Rbkuinq . —Mr Serjeant Talfovnd baa issued an address , offering himself , for the third time , as a candidate . He says : — I refer to my past conduct aj tbe best assurance I can give in the future ; tint on one question of solemn interest to tbe Christian world , the propriety of endowing tbe priesthood of tbe Soman Catholic Church , I feel it rfrht to volunteer a distinct avowal . To that measure , and to ail others which may tend to weaken the security of the Protestant faith , I shall offer my strenuous opposition , from whatever party they may proceed , Sodth Shields . —There will be a very severe contest between Mr Wawn , the sitting member , and Mr Whateley , the new candidate on the Conservative interest .
Worcester . —Sir Dennis Le Marchant retires from the representation of the "faithful city . " The announcement of this purpose by the hon . baronet has taken all parties by surprise . Mr Oaman Ricardo , who contested Kidderminster in 1811 with Mr Godson , has been named as his successor ; but Mr G . R . Robinson , the chairman at Lloyd's , being first in the field , will probablv be found to stand A 1 . SCOTLAND . DoMFRiESsniRi . —Mr Hope Johnstone has addressed his constituents , intimating tbat he will not ask their suffrages at the approaching election . Wics Bbrohs . —Mr Loch has issued his circular announcing his intention ot again standing . No opposition .
IRELAND . Cork —The official announcement states that Dr Power was returned on Thursday evening , having n majority of 251 . The Conservatives say they will contest the county again at the general election .
Ctotist Finwitcmufc
Ctotist finwitcmufc
Manchester. — Last Sunday Evening, Meeti...
Manchester . — Last Sunday evening , meetings was addressed by the Messrs . Tomlinson , and Mr Wild from Mottram . The proceedings were very atiafattory . National Registration and Cestral Election Committee . —At a meeting of this committee , he'd at the Assembly Rooms , 83 , Dean-street , Soho , on Tuesday evening , July 6 , Mr John Simpson in the chair , the semtwy read a letter from Councillor Brook , ' on behalf of the electors and non-electors engaged in the election of Joseph Sturge at Leeds , which was ordered to be inserted on the minutes Letters were also read from Manchester , Nottingham , Coventry , Tiverton , and Barnstaple , which were all duly considered , and the necessary steps taken
thereon . The secretary announced the receipt of the following Bums for the General Election Fund : — Mottram , per Wild , 2 a . 6 d . ; Millar ' s book , 3 s . ; South London Hall , 2 s . 6 tl ; Sarah Barell , Is . ; W . Roberts , 2 s . Gd . ; John Walker , 2 s . 6 d . ; George Tory , Is . ; Marylebone , per Godwin , 10 < » . ; T . Moore , Is . ; Medgley , per W . Steele , 2 s . 6 d . ; Liverpool , per Parrel , £ 1 ; Brightlinssea , 10 s- Id . ; Messrs Dear and Read , Workmen ' s Own Shop , Is . ; Mr ., per Landoffice , Is . ; James Birbeck , 2 s . Cd .: Mottram , 10 s . ; Ellard . 4 s . lid . ; George Sturges , Winchester , 3 s . ; John Seaward , 3 j . ; G . A .. 6 J . ; Mr Bailey , Cl . ; Mr Packer , Is . ; — Smith , O'Connorville , 3 s . ; Newport Pagnell , Is . ; Mr Comeagain , 2 s . ; Joseph Massey , Is . ; Thomas Davis , Is . ; Joseph Buwdcn , Is . ; Thomas Barrington . 6-1 . •—total , £ 4 ° 15 i . lid .
Sheffield . —On Sunday a public meeting was held in the Democratic Temperance Room , 33 , Queen-street , for the purpose of aiding the return of Chartist candidates at the next election . Mr Councillor Briggs was unanimously called on to preside . A resolution pledging the meeting to support Chartist candidates was unanimously agreed to . A resolution was passed , instructing the secretary to invite Mr O'Connor to pay a visit to Sheffield , believing tbat great gosd would accrue from a visit from that gentleman at the present time . A number of collecting books were taken out , and the meeting adjourned to Sunday , July 11 .
Staffordshire . —At an adjourned meeting of the Midland Counties Agitating ai ; d Electioneering Committee , held at the house of Mr Linney , White Horse , High-street , Bilston , on Sunday , July 4 , the following persons were present-. —Henry Fowler , Joseph Wasnidge , Wolverhampton ; Joseph Linney , Thomas Davies , Mr Jennings , Thomas Almond , and John Richards , Bilston ; Mr S . Cook , Willirim Dunn , I > adley ,- Juhn Chance , Joseph Copeley , William Nixon , Stourbridge . Daddy Richards was appointed to the chair , and the following sums were paid in—Peter Chance , Is . 3 d . ; Wm . Nixon , Si . 7 i < l . ; Mr J . Chance , 2 s . 2 d- ; Joseph Wasnidge , Is . 6 d . ; a Friend , 6 ' -i . A number of resolutions were passed , chiefly having reference to arrangements for the holding of
a Chartist camp meeting at tho Old Dock , Dudley , on Sunday , July 25 , at two o ' clock , when Feargus O ' Connor , Esq ., and Ernest Jones , Esq ., Barristersat-Law ; W . P . Roberts , Esq ., of Manchester , the Miners' Attorney General ; Mr M'Gratk . Mr Doyle , and Mr Clark , the Directors of the National Cooperative Land Company , will address the meeting in behalf of the working classes . It was resolved" That the editor of the Star be requested to reprint the hymn , 'Britannia ' s sons tho' slaves you be God your Creator , made you free , " in the Star of July 21 in order that it may be sung at the general camp meeting on the 23 th . " The meeting adjourned to tl « - Bootaud Slipper , Smethwick , to be held on Sundav next , precisely al 12 o ' clock . We are astonished , not only at the apathy of people , but of the leaders of the
various localities in tho neighbourhood . If the leaders will not move , when their charts would be of unspeakable service to the glorious principles of Chartism , how c ; m we expect to arouse aud secure tho support of tho people ? We believe there never was a brighter- prospect of sueeosa than . 'it present , 'And that a determined effort on the part of those who are imbued with Chartist principles will ensure that success . Then nrcuso yourselves ! bo up and doing ! you could not devote your time and attention to a nobler purpose ! All correspondence must bo prepaid and addressed to Thomas Almond , trunk-maker , Munday ' s Buildings , Wolverhampton . The West Bimso Dkleoatu Meeting was held at Buttcrwortb ' s-buildings , Bradford , last Sunday , July 4 . Mr Webber of Halifax was tailed to the cbaiv .
Manchester. — Last Sunday Evening, Meeti...
The following resolutions were unanimously agreed to : — "That we recommend the sevemllocalities to commence soliciting subscriptions for the support of Chartist candidates at the next General Election . "That a halfpenny levy per member be laid to defray tho incidental expenses , tho said to be paid in at tlie nest delegate meeting . " " That the next meeting be held at- BuUolose-lane , Halifax , on Sunday , Aug . 1 . Chartists ! Let there be a good delegate meeting . Attend in all your strength , ye men of Leeds , Sheffield , Barnsley , Wakefield , Todmorden , Lower Wa-lcy , Hebden-bridge , die . Aiouse from your stupor , and be determined again to give battle to the is at hand
many-hcaded monster ! The harvest nigh -let there be plenty of reapers . Oh ! for an O'Connor , a Jones , a M'Grath , and a Clark , one and all , at the hack of our patriotic Duncornbe , and down , down to perdition with the tree of corruption ! Wioan . — The Election Committee held their first meeting last Sunday , July 4 , when they divided the < own into districts , and appointed collectors to obtain the sinews of war for tbe coming contest . The committee will meet next Sunday at 2 o ' clock in the large room , Bear ' s Paw . It is hoped the Chartists of Hindley and Lamberhead-green will come forward and give their assistance .
Furthcoming Meetings. Cirrikototf.—The M...
FURTHCOMING MEETINGS . CiRRiKOTOtf . —The members of the various sections belonging to the Carrington branch are respectfully requested to attend at the New Inn , on Sunday next , at 6 o'clock . Halifax . — On Monday evening . July 12 . at 8 o ' clock , a public meeting of non-electors will be held in the New Cattle Market , Halifax , when Mr P . M'Grath , of the Executive , and Messrs Webber , Bowden , and Rushton , will address the meeting .
Lancashire ahd Yorkshire . —A camp meeting will be held near the White House , Bfacfcstone-edpc , on Sunday , July 11 , when tbe following distinguished and talented advocates of tho rights of man will address the meeting : Messrs F . O'Connor , M Grath , . Wm , Dixon , and Thomas Tattersall . Chair to be taken at half-past one o ' clock in the afternoon . There will be a delegate meeting at tbe White House on the same day . Chair to be taken at ten o ' clock in the forenoon , to which the following places are requested to send delegates—Bury , Manchester , OWham , Bolton , Burnley , Mottratn > , Saddlewwth , Paddock , Huddersfield , Halifax , Elland , Ashton , Haslingden , Hebden-bridge , Ramsbottom , Bacup , Rochdale , Todmorden ,. Sowerby-bridge , Shaw , Milbrow , vvhitwortb , liittleborougb , Marsdien , Middleton . Heywood . Ate .
MAWCHEiTRn . —0 tt Sunday evening , July Ifth , Young Tomlinson of Burnley , will address the Chartists of Manchester , in the peoples Institute , Ilevrod-street . Ancoats , at half-past Six , subject , " The Peoples Charter . " SnBPFmw ) . —The West Testimonial Committee will meet on Monday evening at 8 o ' clock , at tie Democratic Rooms , Queen-street .
Rational £Antt Uampnp*
Rational £ antt uampnp *
To The Members Of The Chartist Land Comp...
TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHARTIST LAND COMPANY . Frirnds , —On JuneBth , I lectured in Darlington . We had a most excellent meeting , and I am proud tff report a considerable increase in members . There are oneortno grumblers in this place , but their influence has become as it is everywhere else , " small by decrees and * beautifully less . " On Thursday , the 10 th , I lectured in Stockton-on-Tees . There was a very good meeting of members , and a most gratifying report of a doubling of numbers in tbe company . On Friday , the Ilth . I lectured in | Middlesboro to a most crowded audience . The company has been gaming strength rapidly here .
I was then recalled to London , and in consequence of severe indisposition , caused by travelling in wet clothes , I disappointed our friends in Stockton-on-Tees on Friday , the 18 th . I will , however , at some other period doublyfrepay that'disappomtmeBs . Thinking I raieht be of some use in the ancient city of Chester , I communicated with some old and tried Chartists there , who decided | nn getting up a meeting-It was held in tho White Hart Inn , Northgate-street . The bellman did not do his duty . otherwise we should have had a better meeting ; aa it was we enrolled 10 members for 32 shares . This was , I considered , a most excellent beginning—I was extremely pleased , and I think I ought to be pardoned for expressing it . when
1 say that I found those who were boys when I made my defence ready , an men , to adopt the principles I advocated . I wish Baron Gurney ' was alive to feel the truth of my expression on my trial , that th * young would drink in those principles , and when they bename men they would adopt tbem . They have done it , and I hope they will be an honour to our party . Mr John Lewis * is secretary ; Mr W . Brown , treasurer ; and Mr George Povey , scrntineer : all youne , intelligent , active , and consequently wsvlul men . It is time the younger men undertook their public duties and shared the labours of the day with those who have toiled year after year to realise our immortal principle ? . Itisthedcty ol a ? ood man to leave the world better than he found it .
On Thursday and Friday , the 24 th and 25 th , I ltctured In Liverpool . The first meeting was most crowded , and the second one was equally so , but I was compelled to leave early . On Saturday I sailed for Carlisle . I lectured there on Monday , the 28 th ult ., to a very large audience . I did not expect so large a meeting , it being race week . On Tuesday , the 29 th , lectured in Dalston to a vry attentive and intelligent audience . 1 wns then ealled off to London on business , the nature of which I shall explain wherever I go , so that ail men may know what law is in this country as applied to a Chartist , and that Chartist , Mr O'Connor . _ At the time I am writing this it has not been decided what course I may take , but I may promise the association in the Potteries that I will meet Mr Evans at any time te discuss tho question at issue between us . Yours faithfullv . P . M . M'Dohall .
Arerotek . —The shareholders of the National Land Company will meet for the transaction ot business , in the Union Hall , from eight to nine o ' clock every Friday evening . Barsslbt . —At a general meeting of the National Land Company , No . 1 branch , held at Mr Thomas Acklam ' s , it was resolved : — "That we , the members of the Barnsley branch , consider it tobeourduty to make a grant out ol our local fund , to the amount of sixpence per member , towards the electioneering expenses that may bo incurred in endeavouring to send to the next Parliament a few members of our own society , who arc known to be sincere advocates of the rights of the industrious millions . "
CnoniBr . —A meeting of the ahnreholders wss held at the house of Mr Wm . Wilkinson , 9 , Princessstreet , on the ith instant , when there w as received for the Bank , £ 3410 s . ; and for shares , £ 1515 s . 2 d . ; making £ 79 10 s . 4 d . for Bank and shares remitted during the last fortnight from this small locality . The working men in this and the surrounding neighbourhood are beginning to take great interest in the Land question . Persons wishing to become members of the National Land Company can do so by attending at Mr Wm . Wilkinson ' s , 9 , Princessstreet , whore rules can be obtained and other information .
Huddersfield . —All parties intending to pay up their shares , in ordtr to be eligible ior the approaching ballot , are requested to do so on Tuesday evening next , the 13 th inst . to give sufficient time to send the list of paid-up members in this district to London , as requested by the directors , on or before the 20 th inst . The fourth section is now opened . Huil—The shareholders of tho Land Company are requested to attend at the Ship Inn , on Monday evening next , at half past seven o ' clock , for the purpose of putting some members in nomination as delegates to the forthcoming Conference . Those members of the first and second sections who have paid up are requested to present their cards to the secretary on the same evening , for the purpose ot returning a correct list to the directors previous to the ballot . Liverpool .-A general meeting of the Land members will take place on Monday night , July 12 th at half past seven o ' clock . -
Leeds-A general meeting of the shareholders will be hold on Sunday afternoon , July 11 th , at two o clock , ir theLast-endof the liauar . to cossi . 'er "lm-h ' ^ M S "yPP ^ ne ^ e Central Election yomraittee with funds to secure the return , of Chartists to the House of Commona . LEicKSrER . -Thc local committee of the National adSs ? - Pany iSSUed th 0 folIowij K timel >' TO TUB EUCTOE 9 OF THE B 0 R 00 O . H OF tBICESTEB , ESPECIALLY THOSE OF TIIE OPE « ATlVB CLASS , I ' tM . ow-Scrj'KBEBs , —It can hardly be' liccosary , at this t ' me of ureal goffering a . id distress under which we
groan , to trouble you with ovon a partial list of tho evils by which wo aro prostrated ; their effects aro too obvious in your attenuated frames , your pallid features , your hungry bclUcs , and your ragged appor «) ; asd what i » still worse tlu > y are daily , nay , hourly increasing . Your ooem ' t'S , if not comparatively numerous , are in the possession of tlie elements of a power which is almost incalcv ' able , and their mutual intare ' ots have united them in a bond of union which it is almost frightful to contemplate . A corrupt , profligate , and reckless govemmtnt ; a haughty , ignorant , and dominating aristocracy ; witb a al
rapacious , l-grar . pift ? , aI 1 d ncver-satisflcd priesthood , fnrm tlio promint-nt d ' . aboiicai trinity of your oppressor ^ To these add this V . ulttosrisfc , the moncy-mongers , { int j tbomonopoJut 8 » « iemnnufeoturcra , tho ruihra- ; com panics , and - government contractors ; the irj 0 nstrous ! K ! '" V FT "' the uavy ( rottiu S ' 'he Dock , ) , trni . tr . ° Aocun ) miBBi »» ° r 3 of inr- alry and conr »^ , Whlch > 0 U may ad < 1 the m »» - « urists , the u ... owr- rod pensioners , mid , in short , a whole army of lo-«<» -is , more destructive than tlioso of Egypt with the j * t : y satellites and depamiants of all those rth ' o , verminlike , crawl over aud pollute the land , and , with their
To The Members Of The Chartist Land Comp...
principals , are all fed and supported In luxury upon the fruits of your industry . Impressed with a dua sense of these , and many other like grievances , too great for patient human endurance , your brethren , the members of tho National Land Company , have appointed a committee to meet , and , by dis , cussion , to discover a practicable remedy , which can be employed by the people to eradicate or ( at the least at Its first application ) greatly ameliorate these most Intolerable evils : and as , after due reflection , they are of opinion that such a remedy , and tho only efficient one , not only eiists , but may be easily and successfully applied , they have thought it their duty to apply to you , in the first instance , as it is to your concurrence and cooperation that they have to look for the commencement of those sanitary reforms which they verily believe will lead to those results so ardently desired by the injured and insulted operatives ,
It is allowed on all hands that the foundation of all the curses of which we complain , i » to be traced to Class Legislation . The rich and the powerful have coalesced together , and by force and fraud have deprived you of your just and inalienable rights ; they have robbed you of that land which your all-mtrclful Father created for yourgeneralusejond they bave reduced you to a state of serfdo . ii , that yon may labeur only for their aggran . disement j and to preserve their supremacy , it is necessary to keep you poor , that you may be powerless to resist their aggressions ; and ignorant , tbat you may not be able to discover the deceptions with which they
are constantly trying to mislead you : and we are gritved to have to remark , that too many of you have been caught in their snares , and have believed that their de . tusions of Corn Law Repeal , Free Trade , and the rest ot their fallacies would remoTe your distress , and impro-re your social condition . Happily , these dreams aro melt , ing away ; time has discovered the deception , and we trust you have at last learned how much you have beta doped by both the factions in turn , and bave learned the secret , that you can no longer trust to the promises of those whose very existence depends upon misleading you , but are determined upon taking the management ot your affairs into your own hands .
The time has avrived at which our present Parliament isabouttobe dissolved , after which you will be called upon to exercise one of tbe few rights which your iron , shod rulers have left in your possession , and in which yonv voices can be raised for goott or for evil . On the way in which you exercise this important duty di pends theeommencement ef the reign of justice , ortheconti . nuatton of oppression' and misrule . We implore you to turn a deaf ear to the baseless professions of both the detestable factions , and choose men to- represent youwhose feelings and interests are in unison with your own , aud whose principles you beltever as far as inquiry and solemn pledges enn assure you , are founded upon a right basis ; and we respectfully beg to lay before youwbat we biliero a candidate for the people ' s choice
ought to < exert his energies to have passed into laws : — 1 , Universal Suffrage . 2 . Vote by Ballot . 3 . Annual Parliaments , i . No property Qualification for Members . 5 . Payment of Members . 6 . Equal Electoral Districts . 7 . Separation of the Church and State , 8 , Abrogation of the devilish Hew Poor Law . 9 . lo Raise the Wages of the Operative to a fair remunerative Price . 10 . The utter destruction of every Monopoly . —Iu the present state of society , with the monetary qualification of candidates , it may be difficult to find men who will pledge themselves to all these principlas ; but in all eases , we earnestly implore you never to prostitute your votes to any one who refuses la-support tbe most essential ones ; those which shall give the power to the real representatives of the people , and destroy for ever the rule of tbe few over the many .
Electors , recollrct that the right of vote which you possess is not held for yourselves alone ; you hold it ,, at present , as a trust to be exercised ou behalf of your brethren , who are iniquitously deprived of tbat right ; and we hope you will so exercise it as to satisfy your own conscie c « s , and meet tbe approbation of those whom you repre sen t . Finally , we cordially and earnestly Invite you t ° join with us , in a brotherly union for the restoration of the rights of all . We are numerous enough to turn the scale between the two hungry factions , and render them powerless by turns , and it is our want of anion and determination alone which renders us powerless . For this purpose , rouso then . from this fatal apathy , attend sedulously to the attainment of your political rights , and the due performance of your social duties , aud fear not for our ultimate success .
Tf e are your affectionate friends , Tbe Committee of the National Land Coup ant . IIidi —Mr W . Whitworth has been nominated to represent this district in the next Conference . Lokbton ( Potteries ) . — The shareholders , pursuant to notice in the Star , assembled to hear the quarterly report , and to appoint fresh officers , & c . The accounts having been audited and round correct , a vote of thanks was passed to the secretary , treasurer and scrutineer . Mr Isaac llammersley was re-elected scrutineer ; Mr Charles Potts and Mr James Mayer , auditors , for the ensuing six months . It was unanimously agreed to put Mr Stephen Amison in nomination as a delegate to the forthcoming Conference . The election business was then gone into , a committee formed , and the sum of 5 s . Gd . collected to begin with .
Mottbam . —Progress of the Land Company . —In this little village , notwithstanding the high price of food and little work , the secretary reported , on Sundar evening , that he had enrolled fifty-three shareholders in the fourth section , and had remitted £ 43 to tho Land Fund . Messrs Pickford , Campbell and Wild called the attention of the shareholders to the question of the general election , and the necessity of all professing democrats sending instant pecuniary aid to the Central Election Committee , who are using their best endeavours to return a few Chartist candidates to the New House of Commons . Ten shillings were collected , herewith forwarded . Any friends wishing to . assist in the furtherance of this noble object may loave their names and subscriptions with Mr Robert Wild , Mottram , who has been no . ruinated to represent this district in tbe forthcoming Land Conference ;
Maidstone . —At a meeting of the members of the Maidstone branch at tho Temperance Hotel , Week * street , the following officers were appointed : —ltd . Cnsingham , secretary ; Wm . Holness , treasurer ; Richard Ballard , scrutineer ; and Thomas Standen and Robert Goodchild , sen ., auditors . Several new members were enrolled . The members are requested to pay up their local levies . Nottingham . —At the usual weekly meeting of the Baron Ward locality , Mr Sweet reported that he had added upwards of two hundred members to the Land rolHuring the week , making , in the whole , sixhundied in the fourth section .
O Co . NNOftmiE . —A t a meeting of the allottees held in their school on Monday night , Mr Wm . Oddey in tho chair , it was proposed and unanimously oar . ned , that , in the opinion of this meetinj ! , each dolegate to the next Conference should be instructed to support a loan fund to assist the needy occupants of this and all future estates . It was also resolved that each estate send to Conference a delegate to rcpre . sent them in the said Conference , let the estate be small or large ; his expenses to bo paid out of the same fund as the other delegates . Stonky Stratford . —On Tuesday evening , Mr M'Grath will address a meeting of tho inhabitants , on the Land and its Capabilities .
UxniiiDOB .--On Monday morning our little town was aroused by the strains of soul-stirring mu-ic trom a rapidly-moving line of pleasure vans , each drawn , by four horses , accompanied by several chaises an 4 lighter vehicles . The morning was delightful , and the guy appearance of tho cavalcade , with their banners proudly waving in the breeze , and the happy smiling faces of tho party ( old and young ) , on their journey to O'Connorville , to visit their brethren , will not soon be forgotten by hundreds in Uxbridge , Orreat inquiries are afloat on the subject , and thero is no doubt that , ere long , many in this town will be numbered in the Company . On inquiry wo ascertained that the gay party came from Norton ^ Pokato . Lond » n Ovssm .
, 4vu« M. T Gi J, Eat Fall In Prices. Of...
, 4 VU « m . t GI J , EAT FALL IN PRICES . of in UinH « N f' . ndn / i Ju y 5 - -Last weiik ' s "rivals If ™ "l ?" '" l " Psoduco were on a very I WUtcd scale , hilt tllOSUof flour , though small , wen somewhat on tho increase . Prom , Ireland and Scotland scarcely any gram came to hand , but tlie imports of Weigu corn were immense , they baviiur amounted to not wss than 68 , 040 quarters of wheat , 9 , 553 ditto ofbarlcv , t > 3 , 188 ditto of onts , 11 , 070 ditto of beans , fl . SW barrels and 4 , 210 sacks of flour , being one of tho largest arrivals on record . Fresh up this , morning the receipts of wheat of home produce , coastwise as we ' ll ns by iav-. d carriage and sample , were on a very m oderate scale , yet the show of parcels was lar ^ or than that exhibited tliis day SL ' imigtit . Owing to the immense importations of foreign corn-most of which aro being placed in warehouse—the splendid weather for the crowing crops ( tho accounts reiiiectintr
which nro very favourable ) , and the thin attendance of buyers from all quarters , tho trade with all kinds of English wheat was excessively lu-avy , " at a decline iu the quotations obtained on Monday last of from Eteht to in some instances Ten , Shillings por Qunrter a ,, j ,. l which » clearance was not effected . At the close of tho market several parcels m bulk reina jm-u over for Wedues-There was a very large quantit y of foreign wheat no show ; hence the salu was excessively iln « r »« . !? \ , x " the rates declined from » v shii ?« " " ^ , ' 7 msed - »»«» Ten Shilling , per QunrL » „ ,,, » i SI V" T ' by no means anxSua buVm 4 Vl , ^ ho ™" lB ™ "ere ni & dpiinnn qntm-, 1 ., , since , the returns wero " omoim 8 atu , d V . «*» ut 7 . M 0 additional qrs . have offordSiV "'¦ Gn SUs » , ^ ' ; Vey w » s on sale , but the supply from is *" " I ' *? ' ' ?; , A 1 tk ' 8 Tl > ' »< s were very dull , and no n is . o <> beneath last week ' s fiimves . Th »» J . ,. t
» " >' . was tolerably good , while the s-. de for all kinds was « m ' % ; | 1 BC . ,, TB « 1 , ml the rates di-cllucd from lg toSa \ m qy . Ihe immense imports of foreign OiltS llOtil'i ' d above produced great heaviness ta flTO B TOl xni ^ mi 5 0 r ' le 12 « l eim \« w *«» sale , at « s to 3 s WlhSLTL 1 IU' ° y u tvi » lfiarti " > took place in puis , me tales ot which wero 2 s per m \ che-inpr Imiiin "" of ^ to > inld mi K ! r ¦» " * £ KibiS « dull 1 ! i ,, , » . iw * V- The Hour trade was verv the Wia-r ' 1 " ; " ' ** Uilli , ies fel 1 5 s I « r sack lluiTisn . _ Whi . at : ICo . it , Essex , and Suffolk old re , cssnsscsdai
, 4vu« M. T Gi J, Eat Fall In Prices. Of...
white 74 s to 78 s . —Rye 60 s to 63 s . —Barley : grinding 37 b to Ms , distilling 47 s to 48 s , malting 47 s to G 9 s , Chevalier 5 ls to 52 s . —Malt ; Brown 65 s to 67 s , pale 70 s to 73 s , Suffolk and Norfolk 70 s to 73 s , new pale Ware 72 s to 73 s . —Beans : Tick 4 Js to ! Ss , pigeon 50 s to S 5 s , Harrow new 47 s to 48 s . —Peas : white 57 s to 60 s , grey and maple 52 s to 57 s . —Oats : English feed 28 s to 328 , Poland 2 Jg to 31 s Scotch feed 3 fo to 35 s . —Potato 80 s to 4 Os . Irish : Limericknnd Newry 27 ito m , Cork and Youjjhal black 27 s to ' 29 s . —Flour : Town-made 60 s to 66 s , Essex and Kent 55 s to fos , A'orfolk and Stockton 53 s to Cos per 2801 bs . Foreign . — Free Wheat : DanUic and Konigsburg 6 Bs to 77 s , Mecklenburg fifs to 74 s , Russian 65 s to 73 s . — Ilarlcv : grinding 30 s to 12 s , malting -Ms to 48 s . —Deans : Egyptian 3 Is to ' ' 8 s , Mediterranean 85 s to »!)» . —OaU : Russian 26 s to 23 s , Mecklenburg 2 fls to 28 s per m\—American flour a 2 s toslfsper lUtilbs .
Wednesday , Jul ; ' 7 . —An unusually small supply 0 f English wheat was on offer here this morning , yet that article , arising from the continued large imports from abroad , met a very dull inquiry , at tarely Monday ' s re . dnccd currencies . AU kinds of foreign wheat were in great supply and heavy demand , at barclj stationajy Pr HiciiMoiiD ( Yorkshire ) July 3 . - We only had a thin supply of grain in our market to day . Wheat sold from losto 12 si ; oats , 48 2 d to 3 s « d ; barley , 6 s 6 d to 6 s 3 d ; beans , 7 s to 7 s M per bushel . . Liverpool , Monday , July 0 . The arrivals of grain and flour since lust Tuesday arc very moderate , in conse . quenco probably of light and opposing winds . I . c have had a week of brilliant weather , and the growing crops of grain have made great progress . The decline in prices of grain , < tc ., has not been stayed , though most holders have withdrawn tfceir samples , rather than meet the mirket rates . The reduction on lastTuesdaj sprices may bequotcd at t > d per bushel on wheat , 3 s per barrel ou Hour , 3 d to 4 d per bushel each on oats and barley , and is to 2 s per qr . on beans and peas .
POTATOES . Boroiioh asd SpiTalfields , Monday , July 5 , —ScarceIy any old potatoes lire now on sale in these markets . About ISM tons of new ones have been imported from Holland , which have most found buyers at from 8 s to Us per cwt . The supplies from our ncigbbour-counties arc on the increase . The quality is excellent , and a good business is doing , at from Us to 15 s per cwt Fail in thb Puick os I ' otatoks .-Oii Tuesday ! there was 11 very abundant maiket at Covent Garden . Vegetables cf every description , green peas , < tc , were ro . iiuirkably cheap ; but above all potatoes have fallen considerably . Now ones were selling at the rate of Jd to id per lb ., and fiuesiatd at l | d per 16 . CATTLE , . Lc . The following imports of live stock have taken plaoa into London during tho past week : — From Whence Oxen Cow * Calves Sheep Lamb *
Flushing — — — 451 — - Rotterdam K 83 — 134 1 , 298 3 a Hamburgh 172 — — ! W 8 — Antwerp 18 — — — — llarlingen W 0 — 2 i 186 4 Ntauliep 20 - 20 260 4
Total.. 60s — 176 2,6<,S 47 We Have Rece...
Total .. 60 S — 176 2 , 6 < , S 47 We have received , two piss- from Harlingen . In addition to tiie above jibvut 330 ben & ts , 700 sheep and lambs , and 40 calves , have been landed at Hull ani the other northern ports , mostly from Holland . SmitukieM ) , Monday , July 5 . —Tiie supply of foreign stock , on otter this day was very extensive— vi ' 2 ., S 84 oxen and cows ,. 3 , 402 sheep and lambs , and 211 calves , nearly the whole of which found buyers ,, at last week ' s quotations . For the time of year , the'arrivals of beasts from our own grazing districts were tolerably good . Although there were several well made up droves on sale the general quality of this description of stock was by no means prime . Notwithstanding the weather was unfavourable for slaughtering , tbe beef tr ; ide , owing to the increased attendance of both town and country buyers , was steady , at prices fully equal to , but at nothing quotable beyond .
those obtained in this day se ' nnigUt . The primest ftcoU were disposed at ti oja 5 s to 5 s 2 d per 81 b . The arrivals of beasts from Norfolk , Suffolk , Essei , and Cambridgeshire , consisted of about 2 U 0 Scots , homebreds , and shorthorns ; from the western and midland districts , 8 UU Ilerefords , runts , Devons , < hc . ; front other parts of England 700 of various breeds ; and from Scotland 320 horned and polled Scots . Compared with those exhibited on Monday last , tbe numbers of sheep were small , but of full average quality .. On the wlwlc there was an advance in the mut . ton trade , and in some few instances the primest old Downs sold at 5 s od per sib , being nn atlvuiice in value of 2 d per sib , while the value of most other breeds , a clearance of which was effected prior to the close of the market , had an upward tendency . There was a fair
supply of lambs ou show , yet the trade was firm at last week ' s currencies . The highest value of the best Down qualities was 6 s per 80 ) . Calves , the number of which were but moderate , moved off slowly at about stationary prices . Iu pigs , next to nothing was doing , at late sates . Coarse and inferior beasts 3 s lOd to 4 s id , second quality do 4 s Id to 4 s od , prime large „ xen 4 s 8 d to -is lOd , prime Scots 5 s toGs-. 'd , coarse and inferior sheep Is 2 d to Is Id , second quulit ; do 4 s oil to Is Sd , p . ime coarse woollcd sheep Is lOd to As 2 d , prime southdown do 5 s 4 d to 6 s jd , "large coarse calvcsls to 4 s Cd , prime small do it , 8 d to 5 s " , large hogs 4 s to 4 s Od neat small porkers 4 s 8 d to 5 s , lambs 5 s to Us pcrSlb . to sink the offal , suckling calves 18 s to 20 s , and quarter old store pigs 17 s to 22 s each . Beasts 2 , 882 , sheep and lambs 2 t i , oSii , calves 222 , pigs 248 .
BUTTER , BACON , BEEF , & c . Liverpool , ifondiiy , July 5 . —The quotations we give below must be considered entirely nominal , as from the extreme duliiess of the market aud the few transactions that have takun place during the past week , we cannot quote prices with certainty . Holders would have willingly submitted to 2 s to 3 s per cwt . decline , but to com . maud sales a still further reduction should hare been allowed . In fact , no Irish butter was required from the liberal supplies of fresh English into the country towns for weeks past . American baton is a free sale at 5 Cs to 60 s . For Irish our prices are nominal . s . d . s . d . Butter , Belfast .. .. 68 0 — 80 0 per cwt . Banbridge ... .. 85 0 —80 0 — Deny .. .. 00 0 —00 0 — Coleraine .. .. 85 0 —87 0 — Newry .. .. 82 0 —83 0 — Kilkenny .. .. 89 0 —01 0 —
Slyo .. .. 82 0 —84 0 — Carlow .. .. 89 0 —91 0 — YVatcrford .. .. 89 0 —91 0 — Carriek .. .. 89 0 —90 0 — Dublin .. .. 82 0 —83 0 — Limerick ,. .. 85 0 —88 0 — Dundalk .. „ 81 0 -83 0 — Cork , dry thirds .. 85 0 —00 0 •—Do . fourths .. .. 81 0 —00 0 — Beef , Prime Mess , Amer . new .. 90 0 —95 Opertierca „ „ Irish .. 80 0 — 95 0 — Pork , I'rinie Mess , American 70 0 —75 0 per barrel , „ Irish .. 60 0 —00 0 — Bacon , long middles , free of 1 , 0116 , . ;• •„„ " 6 t ° -GS 0 per cwt . „ short middles , do . .. 65 0 —69 0 — Hams , short cut .. .. 72 0 —76 0 — „ longcut .. .. 72 0 —76 0 — Lard , bladdered .. .. 74 0 —76 0 — „ firkins and kegs .. 67 0 —68 0 —
COTTON . Liverpool , Monday , July 5 . —Our market , without showing any great signs of excitement , has yet main , tamed a firm aud steady tone , and the day ' s sales are reckoned atfromSuOO to 10 , 000 bales , about 500 U having ; been taken on speculation . Prices remain steady . Liverpool ,. Wednesday , July T . —In our cotton market to-day a general tone of quietness has prevailed . Sales , arc reckoned at 7000 bales , 5000 of which have been taken by the trade , and prices in general are steady aUast Friday ' s va . tes .
WOOL . London , Monday , July O .-TliQ arrivals of foreign and colonial wool into London , siuce Mo :: d « y last , have beea , about 2 , 200 packages . The public sales have closed somewhat more firmly than they , commenced , but priees-huia not improved . On the whole ,, the transactions at . the auctions , considering the largo quantities brougbt . ' forward , were decidedly good . There is rather more doing ia the best qualities of English , wool , at full prices , hut all other kinds are neglected for the present .
STATE OF TRADE . Leeds . —A limited amount of business hag . been done at tho warehouses , both , home and foreign ,, and , t ' e public markets have been , of much the same character as for some time back . Halifax . —Wo have had but a small amount of business , but there saems to prevail an expectation that tliinKS will soon improve . There is no alterd . tiou to notice either iu yarn or wool , JJhadpoiuv- Wool .- Tho fairs throughout the pas * week have onened in different parts , of the country , aud we do not semember for a long time so little being dona 5 . V *„ . ? ear ' I ' rkBS beu , 8 generally demauded . mis will not do , and unless tho growers will submit to a pr . ee to , meet the rates curreiift here , with a very sluggiKiueraanaandno disposition to buy , except to . suj > i > ijr pwscnt requirements , it is not likely that more will bo tlouo . \ ani . —Tliero is no change to note in this market ; it is very dull . Pieces . —Tho beautiful weather inspires confidence that better doings are at hand . Tbe stock cf goods are light for the si-apou .
AUNcni ' . siEH . —Owing to the continued advance in cotton , considerable , excitement has existed in this market , and higher prices have been demanded , though , of com sethis has cheeked business , especially in goods , as it does not ap . icar that tho money market is in sush a state ns to indue * merchants to undertake any fvosh liabilities . We have to announce the suspension of the old bank of Clayton's , at Preston , which \ ook place on Thursday . The liabilities are s ; iid to be £ 400 , 000 . As to tha condition of the operative population , it becomes a matter of somo apprehension , that instead of the improvement we lMYQiatvly had to notice we shall speedily again observe a retrograde movement . The gradually increasing prices of cotton have this week stolen a march which it is found very difficult to follow , and will , if it continue , bring business to stand . There has been more speculation m the raw material , a , ud short time is again beuij tallied ot by those who were gradually getting to work
THE IRON TUA . DE . i « viT » ¥ ?« > * "? ° lron Tradeis improving both i M « ,, i- - " dSscotlftn < 1 ' AM * BirminohimGwUtot if „™ . i * urcd 'J ? c havo beu b > ' tll ° " « » of propitious s weather for gathering iu tho luxurious crops of hav , aud d maturing the still more important promising harvest of > £ corn , as well as the prospect daily growing more assured d . ot escaping the blight of previous years among tho po- otutoes—symptoms of continued prosperity in the iron > n trade become more confirmed . Tho tone of tha ia proceedings of the Staffordshire ironmasters at their pre- -climiuary meeting held at tho Stewponey on Tuesday « as as most decided and cheerful . It was uiiatiiinoualv resolved ed to contiHuo the prices of iron as last quarter . That this lis would be tlie course taken was indeed so Well understood , id , Hint several ot the London houses , we av informed , had ad given out orders for the ensuing quart'u- upon those tonus ms ™ . « S 2 , " , ( llu " " S not only a fen ) . « „ f confidence ui ia 2 mi ? T a vomet J " d 8 '"« nt is most likely to ba ba m h , n ' i , ° . ? l" ' * i ' "" wUmattottthut the stocks ; ks on hand among the merchants aro not accumulating . > " » l " » l nilaV ^ nnt ? i . V ° L tter , jr ^ COItfilied to MtUal SBP ; BP ; ie'ist •„ , Z ?\ \ " V 6 Q * " «* «» eontiiuiiuiroof »*'»« S ' . ' , ^ i- ' , demand wr bvi c 0 „ fivl (! mly Iooia . d t « r for imc-ugh the coming initirfcv .
Printed By Dougal M'Gowan Of 10, Great Windmill- ,Illstreet, Llavmarkt ,F ;,. Tii»R≫Itv' ..R W ' .«Nniuster, At Th» Di*
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN of 10 , Great Windmill- , illstreet , llavmarkt , f ; ,. tii » r > itv ' .. r w ' . « nniuster , at th » di *
Office, In The S- ,Me Street Mid Parish,...
Office , in the s- , me Street mid Parish , for the Pro-lroj pnctor , FE . \ H , oijs O'CONNOR , Esq ., and mibuslw'Mw ' f ! by William Ukwitt , of No . 18 , Charles-stree t , l . ' raii . ran . ¦ j don-strcct , VV aiworth , in tho parish of St . Mary- N cw- > cw- ' j ngton , m & e Comity of Surrey , at tho Office-, So , 16 * 16 „ Ureal Windmill-street , iluymurkct . iu the C . tjttl'WtfWtft " i minster . Saturday , July ioih , l $ * 7 .
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 10, 1847, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_10071847/page/8/