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8 ^ THE NORTHERN STAR I Jakpaby H, 1s5i ...
•O^l^^f/M^^^V^/^y/^^. AxoTnxa Fatal Acci...
THE MISERS OF THE XORTH. The miners of C...
Polite , bdi Slow.—A stuttering Vcrmonte...
MARYLEBOXE.—Uttering Couxierfeit Coin. —...
The late Accident at the Grea t Northern...
art)* ®R}tttt.
From the Gazette of Tuesday, January ~ t...
fffHYUl9 s &U
DEATH OF AN OLD PATRIOT. rJr'l?" Sil<i«-...
Printed b y AVILLIAJr BIDER, otN'o. 5. MaeclesfiebMeM-
, o. . - Sn7. e ?? r, i! hofSfcAnuc » We...
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The January Session Of The Central Crimi...
A A Chakcehy Piuctitioxer . — Paul Felix , Go , lie-kle-k , was indicted for obtaining , by false pretences , ff Wf William Weaver the sum of ITs . 64 ., of Charles ^ Miamnel Charles the sum of £ 1 3 s ., anfl of George !{ r ,: Jr ,: diethesumof £ l 7 ? . Cd ., with intent to cheat hhciihcia respectively of the said monies . —ihe pneonoonor , a respectable looking old man , and who . sssiLssuwcd ai air of lega l imparlance , pleaded Sot JJu ^ ltv in a verv polite but dignified manner . —The sasffasw presented features of gi « it hardship , the viciim-im- < of the prisoner ' s duplicity , many of whom rrcivcii in court , all being persons of the poorest ill ? -: !? - s to whom ' ( judging from their appearance ) the ¦ ¦ m-iu-r ' he ii . vi i-i'i-iinod , although not in each III-1 t- < : t- » ::-. -e of a } nr-j-- siiiouiit , were * of the most vital imi mi . .. ranee , and in order to procure which they had
nut mi themselves to U > e greatest privation . —The first ililnslmgc proved against the prisoner was that of Wi . iVi . ; ia \; Weaver , a noor shoemaker , living in Crossitrctrcet , Old Kent-road , who stated th at towards the mndind of last November , the prisoner calkd upon him uiKuiiu said thivt Va "sauted to find the family of the llaffat-K .-yns , for whom some property wa s now held iu .. rniii-t hy the High Court of Chancery , of which court 3 ic ic wr . > ' an officer . Witness inquired what Jacksons ; nndndihej . risonertuld him that , £ 5- "> 0 had been left toy » y Mr . John . lackson , of Springfield , in America , tneaiear New York . Witness said ids wife was a relattiotion to Mr . Jackson ; the prisoner said , " iou had bbetbetu-r petition Hie court , and you will no doubt get iit . 'it . " He then offered his services to draw up a i petition , for which he said he should vctjtiive
ESvfive shilliiiffs tor the stamp , and sixpence for tthdhe office fees , and nothing for himself . He tgagave witness his address , ]( # , Hisrh-strcer , Shoreiditditch . He then went away , coming again on the i 2 n (? nd ' f Decciaher , and bringing with him what he isaisa'd was the petition , obtained ihe 5 s . Od ., adding Ithihat prosecutor should hear from him again , in taonot k-ss than four nor more than eight days . / AcAccording ' y , on the Oth he came , and brought what Ihchc ci'K'd an answer to tho petition , and said that smonotber Jackson had put iu twelve pleas against Ihiiiim , which would cost l' 2 s . ( id . to answer . AA'itness Iththei : made an appointment to mc-e « him on the 10 th , : anand in the mean time made iho police acquainted wiwith ; - ~ i > . ft . and upon the ocia-i-.-n of the next ininterv : c " . v police-constable Jephsfii , 72 P , made one
oiof iV- party at tbe consultation , iu-ing in plain Soothe-. Witness then yave prisoner 12 * . Gd , which wtvas Marked , and again asked hi : n if he was an offi-Cicer c-f ihe Court of Char . c-ry ? He said he was ; b but : t » ou ! d appear he begin to suspect all was not ririgh :. and told the prosecutor that his business vswouii not salt him , when he was tafcn into custitody . and it turned out that he had been duping a g great number of other poor people . — George I Brodie , a poor simple fellow , following the oceupat lion of a lamplighter , and living in the Old Kentr road , stated that having heard ' from Mr . Charles , cone of the parties mentioned in the indictment , of t tho prisoner l-ein ? a man who could recover
pro-1 perty from the Court of Chancery , and fancying 1 that he had something there , he applied to him in ! September last . AVhen the prisoner came he got 1 from 1 dm 5 s . GJ . for the petition ; and in the course i Of a few days called again , and said that he should i require 22 s . Cd . to take out letter .- ? of administrai tion . Prisoner showed him a paper , which he said ' was the answer , and added Has he could not have : Lad a better if he had paid £ 100 for it . The result was the poor gaslig ht man was so elated that ho at once paid tisc 22 s . Cd ., which lie managed to scrape together , and ihe prisoner departed , and lie saw no : more of him until he was in custody in December . In this instance witness had asked Mm if he was
authorised by the Court of Chancery , when the prisoi er said he was an officer of that honourable court , and produced a large sril , which lie said was Lis cost of arms and authority , awl cost him three guineas . —Mr . Frederick Lock ! .-, clerk to the principal secretary of the Lord Cii-neellor , said the prisoner did not belong to l he court , and that no petiti'tns had been sentTfor the parties . alluded to . — The prisoner , in his defence , said , that he had never represented himself as anything more than an agent , and that he had undertook , as he would any odd job that fell in his way , to obtain for these poor people property which he believed to be in that . ' -. iiictum sanctorum , ihe coffers of the Receiver-General , and was the legal heritage of his proseeutoiv . He then went ii-to a len ^ rambling statement . ibont the unclaimed dividends now in the
Conn vf Chancery , and the aim- ' !? of the c « urt , and excluded by putting in two .. ouiufiimts signed by his i-rosecuiors , that they w .. u ;; ! hold him harmless <•? all matters that might ar ;* - ' . v ' nilst pross-cuting il-hvir claims . —The jury found Jum Guilty , lie was s < silenced to twelve months' imprisonment . Posti'oxemest of Sloxe ' s Case . —On Wednesday Mr . Clarkson applied on the afii-.: > vit of Sloane '; - aitorr . ' jy , for the postponement > f this trial , on acaconnt of the great excitement of fie public mind . The aifidavit stated that , since the Irsx examination , the said George Slo . me iiad noi ••• . ¦• "i able lo go io Ms usual residence , or to go abrua-J hr :, e ; uhlic-Btreet ? . without danger , if lie w .-is , ¦ v ginn- - ' , ol receiving personal violence , and p > -.- >•> ' ' ¦ ¦ } y . u-. vl injury , sad that lie was prmiitcd freas bringing him
to tin- court to consult his counsel , v to join in the preset . ! affidavit , for the same res * --n . Mr . Clarkson having stated that he ouh appeared for George Sloane , and denied the e « : •¦ . ' .- ; uess of the statement that Mrs . Sloane won ! - ; ---ive . i ' . r . uid take her trial . —Mr . Justice Pati «* --oi : ¦* •¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ' opinion i-i . it if the indulgence was tr . i ! -tc . it J h < juld be understood that the wife wcuhi :. j-j « ar « ih" take her trial at the next session . —Mr . -Lkrkson said tliat at this time Mrs . Sloane was no : mih her husband ; and he believed that , iu pvnt of fact , she was not in the . country . —The judges bavins ; consulted , Mr . Justice I'nitesoii said the Court was of opinion that , upon the whole , it was better that the trul should be postponed . The indictn-. enthad only been found a very short time , and it was certainly necessary that the counsellor the defendant
should have an opportunity of seeing it , and of consulting the defendant respecting it , and when it was Stated that the defendant could not go about the streetsaithepresenttime , without l . - . ngi'r of violence Of a serious kind , it appeared to ihe Court that to hurry ihe trial on , under such circaxstances , would hardly l < c consistent with the interests of justice . He should have been glad if it had been in any way in the power of the court to havo secured the attendance of the other defendant , bnt as she had not been in custody that could not be done . All the Court , therefore , could do at present was , to direct that the trial should be postponed to the next session , time the defendant and his sureties entering into the necessary recognizances . —The required sureties were shortly afterwards entered into , and the case was -ordered to be placed on the judges' list at the next session .
8 ^ The Northern Star I Jakpaby H, 1s5i ...
8 THE NORTHERN STAR I Jakpaby H , 1 s -
The Threatened Strike Os The London And ...
THE THREATENED STRIKE OS THE LONDON AND 3 "ORTH WESTERN RAILWAY . The Ofcserecr says : "From all that could be ascertained up to Saturday evening—and we believe ¦ we may speak almost officially on the subject—the lata dispute between the authorities of the London and North AVestern Railway and the engine drivers and firemen in their employ has been finally settled . So far as the northern divisions is concerned the men to whom the declaration as to the three months' notice has been put have , without hesitation , signed the declaration that they agree to it ;
whilst , en the southern division , the men have acted in an equally conciliatory and praiseworthy spirit . On Friday , in pursuance of the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the men held at tbe Railway Tavern , on Thursday eight , Jlr . M'Conncll , the chief of the locomotive department of the southern division , received a f ery respectful letter from the men , expressive of their regret at the differences wliich had arisen , and their hope that their removal from the service of the company would be far distant . This letter was accompanied by tho resolution to the same effect , adopted at the meeting . "
•O^L^^F/M^^^V^/^Y/^^. Axotnxa Fatal Acci...
• O ^ l ^^ f / M ^^^ V ^/^ y /^^ . AxoTnxa Fatal Accioext on tub Eastern Couxttes RaiLWAT . —An accident of a most distressing nature again occurred on the above line of railway on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., by which one of the company ' s servants , named Rodwick , lost his life . On the morning in question , about five o ' clock , Mr . Atkinson telegraphed down the line to "keep clear . " This was nearly one hour antecedent to any of ihe ordinary trains starting from the Shoreditch terminus . Answers were duly received from every station except Ponder ' s End ; omission , however ^ at that point was not apparently considered a matter of importance , as at six o ' clock a special train , conveying a gentleman «» route to Cambridge to attend his father s demise , left the terminus and proceeded at a rapid rate in safety as far as Pender ' s End , wheresomesecond class carriages left by the goods train were being shunted across the
line by deceased and two others . At this uncture the special train ran into the station , striking the second class carriages in its progress , forcing them off tie line , and jamming the unfortunate man between them and a brick wall . He was taken up in a most pitiable condition , aud conveyed to a neighbouring gentleman ' s house , where , on medical attendance being procured , it was ascertained that his spine was fractured in several places . Jjfe lingered in great agony until a late hour on Thursday evening , when he expired without being removed . Deceased bad been in the company ' s ser-Tice a considerable time , and was much respected and filled the triple situation of signal man , points ' man , and telegraph attendant , at the Ponder ' s End station . The fatal occurrence is rend .-red yet more lamentable by the fact of deceased having for the last five years been ihe sole support of an aged father , confined to his bed with paralysis at 25 , Essex-street , King ' s Cross .
Mb . SikHeix , tae refiner , who was tried for receiving stolen goods , and acquitted , has , it is said , commenoed legal proceedings against Mr . Lund , of the metropolitan detective force , for compensation fcr loss occasioned by reason of closing his pres & es .
The Misers Of The Xorth. The Miners Of C...
THE MISERS OF THE XORTH . The miners of Coxhoe Colliery , near Ferry Tfill , Durham , held a public meeting and tea party on Xew Year ' s Day , in commemoration of the rc-establishment ofthe Union at that place , and to take stock as it were of the benefits arising therefrom . The tea , which was generally approved of , and irreat credit was sriven to the ladies who prepared the same , was conducted in tho most praiseworthy manner , the best order being preserved , notwithstanding the large room was densely crowded .
The tea being over , Mr . AV . Nichols was called upon to preside , and opened the meeting by tho following remarks . Mr . Nichols said that the evils of which the miners generally had to complain were multifarious and of great magnitude , and were he to indulge in tho idea of reviewing the whole of them , such being their extent and ramification , he would necessarily occupy more time than as a chairman he should be entitled to , hence he would apprise them that the remedy for those evils was in their own hands ; they had but to become united , and many of those evils would pass away , as indeed they had had experience of during the short time they had been united . If so much could be done by the uniting of a few men together , behold the grand results which would necessarily follow the formation of a National Union of all Trades . Let
us then join the National Trades Association , and thus lend a hand to purge society of its corruptions , and help forward the cause of Democracy . The Chairman on resuming his scat was loudly cheered , and immediately after he introduced to the meeting the veteran miller , B . Eubletos , an individual who , although verging on his eightieth year , is still working laboriously to establish tho good cause and which he has laboured at for upwards of forty years . Mr . Etnbleteu dwelt first on the proposition of what constituted labour , and its present position . Secondly , what it ought to be . Thirdly , what the labourers could accomplish in bringing to labour its due reward . The speaker then enforced iu his usual and demonstrative manner the true
properties of labour , and showed how those properties had been made to serve other purposes , illustrating the same by picturing the present condition of the labourer , and concluded an energetic address by pointing out the proper reward of labour , and how to accomplish it . The audience testified their approval by enthusiastic cheers . The Chairman then introduced Mr . T . Pratt , who entered at great length into the evils arising from the predominancy of one portion of the community over the other . He also set forth the necessity of the helot class becoming united , and thus aid the cause of progress , concluding with a peroration calling upon the audience to be prepared to awake from their slumbers , for the time was at hand when
a mighty struggle would come , and those only who were prepared , by banding themselves together , could expect to bo saved . Rally , then , around the standard of union , and never cease your agitation till every son of toil bas his rights conceded him , and liberty , glorious liberty , is proclaimed to every son of man , which was followed by repeated cheers . Mr . R . Hodgson- was then called upon to address the meeting , who descanted at considerable length on the moral , social , and political condition of the working classes ; demonstrating the necessity of their having their political rights before they could achieve their true position , either morally or socially , nevertheless ( said Mr . Hodgson ) it is our duty to war and combat with the abuses of society , and if those who now hold the franchise will not aid us
in obtaining our political rights , let us organise a gigantic scheme of co-opcr .-ition , which , if wc carry it out with spirit , will ultimately bring its reward , by the marked improvement of the people , both morally and socially , and compel our rulers to emancipate the enslaved masses by granting them the franchise . Mr . Hodgson ' s address was well received . The Chairman * next introduced Mr . R . Archer , the talented advocate of the people ' s rights , who stated , that as the preceding speakers had properly laid down the principles and objects they should contend for , he would confine his ' remarks to tbe importance of the duty which devolved upon them . If they hecameapathetic and lukewarm inthecause
their sufferings would be increased , their hardships multiplied , and slaves they would become in verity whereas , if they stood man to man , and allowed no fear norcowardicc to take possession of their hearts , they would improve their present condition , secure a greater amount of freedom , and ultimately obtain tlwir legitimate rights . He trusted , then , that each one present would " do his duty , for it was by perseverance only they could expect to achieve their emancipation , and that of their rising generation . Let each man be determined to so act his part as to leave the world better than he found it , thereby securing an increased extent of liberty to his children who would read in the life of their fathers their own duty , and thus the cause would progress , and the " Good time coming" would in reality be verified .
ff . e proceedings were brought to a close by a v « i « of thanks to the ladies , tor their able assistance at tlie tea , likewise to the chairman , when three rounds of applause wero given for the Union and the People ' s Charter . The assembly then dispersed , hig hlv delighted with the proceedings , which were marked throughout by unanimity and concord . A nrcting of a similar character took place on Christinas D-iy , at Seaton Deleval Colliery ,. when about 700 of the workmen met together , their chief
manager , Mr . roster , being in the chair . The parties who addressed the meeting spoke freely out , notwithstanding the preseucc of thuir employers , ;> nd all urged , with an earnestness which could not be . mistaken , the necessity of being united , and acting together in harmony and concord . The resolutions , which were all unanimously agreed to , were expiv ^ ive of the working mens desire to acquire knowledge , and thus ensure the improvement of themselves and families , physically and intellectually .
Having , after the close of the above proceedings , called the attention of the prominent men , at the above colliery , to the Defence , or Honesty Fund , now being raised to indemnify Mr . O ' Connor , they at once agreed to assist , if a book was sent them . Of course that was done , and , on the next day , the book was returned , having subscriptions to the amount of ten shillings and ninepence , which 1 forward you for insertion in this week ' s Star . M . Jude . P . S . —The chief part of the colliers lay idle for a fortnight or three weeks at this time of the year ; but it is hoped , when they resume work again , that the suggestion in the Star of the 28 th of December , for < i general subscription for the above object , will be carried out , not only in these two counties , but in the mining districts of Great Britain . —M . J .
Derby And Nottingham Miners. The Miners ...
DERBY AND NOTTINGHAM MINERS . The miners of Clay Cross held a tea party and reunion on Monday last , at the George and Dragon Inn . The company was numerous and respectable ; A ' tertea a public meeting was held to explain the objects of the Miners' Association . Chas , Bykss , Esq ., the head colliery master , very handsomely consented to take tbe chair , and , after a few opening remarks , introduced Mr . AVm . Daniells , who had been sent for from Staffordshire to address the meeting . He was cordially received , and cheered daring his long address , after which the following resolution was passed .
Moved by Mr . Joshua Cutts , seconded by Mr , \ Ym . Walker : — " That it is the opinion of this meeting that the Miners' National Association ia calculated to improve the condition of the mining population mentally , morally , and physically ; and as it also bas a tendency to benefit both the employer and the employed , we consider it ought to be supported and encouraged by both parties , so that a more correct and better feeling may be brought
about between them than has heretofore existed . " ' The Chairman then made some pertinent remarks on the principles and intent of the Association , which he said he approved of , and hoped the miners would stand together , improve their minds , and do their duty , and he would do his ; he hoped , before long , both masters and men would be united together to promote each other ' s welfare . He then put several questions , which were satisfactorily answered bv Mr . Daniel ' s .
Mr . Clark having made a short speech , and a cordial vote of thanks having been given lo Mr Biuns , the company partly retired , as tbe room was densely packed , and the rest began to " trip it on the light fantastic toe , " and all went on as " merry as marriage bells . " This meeting bas done great good ; many who were formerl y opposed to tbe Miners' Union are now convinced of its utility . Meetings have likewise been recently held at Chesterfield , to petition for an eight hours' bill , at Tnpton , Lings , Grassmore , Wingfield , Kimberly , Eastwood , Cassall , Dronfield ( thirty-ei ght joined here ) , Staneley , Brimmington , & c . All these meetings were addressed by Mr . Daniells , and man y added to tbe ranks ofthe Association .
The Union is in a very promising way m these two counties ; it is becoming very popular , and bids fair to become very strong in a short time . Mr . Clark , one of the agents , bas also lately held several good meetings with fair success .
Polite , Bdi Slow.—A Stuttering Vcrmonte...
Polite , bdi Slow . —A stuttering Vcrmonter was asked the way to AYaterbury . With great politeness he strove to say that it was right ahead , bat in yam . The more he tried the more he couldn't . At last , red in the face , and furious with unavailable exertion , he burst forth with , " Gag-gu ^ o-lon " darn je ; you'll gig-gi-gefc there afore lean tell ye •" —New lorh Cyclops .
$ < rt ( k
Maryleboxe.—Uttering Couxierfeit Coin. —...
MARYLEBOXE . —Uttering Couxierfeit Coin . —A respectably-dressed young man , who save his name Henry AA'illiams , and who at the station-house said that he lived at 26 , Kingsgatc-street , llolborn , was placed at the bar before Mr . Hroughton on the charge of having uttered a counterfeit sovereign at the house of Mr . Rest , the George , Queen Annestreet , Cavendish-square . A great many spurious pieces purporting to be of the denomination of coin alluded to have recently been passed to tradesmen in the district of this court in payment for goods purchased of them , and there is every reason to suppose that a well organised gang of " smashers " are pursuing their nefarious practices in various
parts ot town to a considerable extent . —Anne Price , barmaid to Mr . Pest , said that on Saturday afternoon last the prisoner came to the counter and asked for a bottle of pale brandy , which he stated he was going to take to AVimpole-street . She placed it before him on the bar , when he threw down a sovereign , which she weighed , and , finding that it was genuine , she put before him the change , amounting to lis . lOd . ( 2 d . being deducted for the bottle ) . He then remarked that bo was directed to pay no more than -Is . 6 d ., but that he would go back and see if the price would do . Sho gave him back his sovereign and took possession of the brandy and change ; upon which he remarked , " Well , I think I'll take the brandy after all , and chance it , " at the
same time putting on the counter another piece having the same appearance as . tho former . She ( the barmaid ) ascertained by weighin g that this second piece was sadly deficient , and , being quite satisfied that the prisoner ' s object was of a fraudulent nature , she took the latter coin , which was a counterfeit one , to her master , who was then in AVimpolestreet , and tho prisoner , who had in the meantime left the bouse without obtaining anything , was soon afterwards observed by witness to pass along the street last named . She pointed him out to her master , by whom he was detained until the arrival of a constable ; he was then conveyed to the
stationhouse , and locked up . —Regan , IS D , by whom the prisoner was taken into custody , said " that he had been to the address given by him ( prisoner ) , and found that he was not known to any one on the premises . —The barmaid was cross-examined with much shrewdness by the prisoner , but he did not in the slightest degree benefit himself thereby . —The spurious coin was banded to the magistrate ; the impression on cither side was well executed , but no doubt could exist with regard to the worthless character ofthe piece ; tho exterior of which , however , to a casual observer , would be very likely to deceive . —Tho prisoner was then remanded for the attendance of the Mint Solicitor .
Forgery . —Mr . E . Smith , who when taken by Lockerby , ofthe S division , No . ISO , said he was a chemist , residing in Seymour-street , Euston-square , was placed at the bar before Mr . Brouuhton for further examination , on the charge of having forged and uttered two Bills of Exchange , one for £ 100 , and the other for £ 90 IGs ., with intent to defraud Mr . Thomas Hickin , of Droitwich . The bills purported to bear the acceptance of Mr . William Hadlcy , of Peterchurch , near Hereford . Since the commencement of the inquiry two remands have taken place , and on Monday Mr . Hallantine appeared , as upon the last occasion , for the prosecution . Mr . Huddlestone
attended for the prisoner , whose relations are , it is said , highly respectable . —Mr . lladley was sworn , and he stated that the acceptances to the bills were not in his handwriting , neither had he at any time authorised the prisoner , of whom he had some knowledge , to affix any signature to a bill in bis name . — The two learned gentlemen engaged in the case examined and cross-examined at some length , and as Lockerby was of opinion that he should be able to show , in the course of a few days , that the prisoner had committed other forgeries in Herefordshire and Gloucestershire , lie ( tbe prisoner ) , who , acting under the advice of his counsel , had nothing to say , was remanded till Monday next .
AVESTMINSTER , — Begging Letter Impostor . —AV . Thomas alias Lanham , alias Holland , a notorious begging letter writer , was charged with practising tbe following gross imposture . —Mr . Cripps , barrister , 11 , AValton-place , Chelsea , stated that about a month a » o a man presented himself at his residence with the following note : — " The Rev . G . B . Dalton , rector of Lambeth , presents his compliments to 11 . AV . Cripps , Esq ., at the earnest request of the bearer , George Lanham , who informs him that his brother and sister lived as domestics in
your respected family for some years at Cirencester , and were well known to almost every member of your family . I believe him to bo an honest and deserving character , and as such feel most happy in recommending his case to your benevolent notice . The enclosed speaks sufficient as to the distressed state in which the poor man is placed . — A'iearagcplaco , Lambeth , Nov . 22 , 1850 . "—Accompanying this was a distress warrant against his goods , at the suit of the applicant's landlord , and a list of subscriptions towards paying the arrears of rent . Complainant knowing the rev . gentleman whose name was used , and believing tlie application to he genuine , gave the man 15 s . but be had hardly left the place when , on looking over the letter again he
felt confident he had been imposed upon . It was nearly dark at the time he was the applicant , and he was unable , therefore , to apeak to the prisoner ' s identity . On last Saturday night a man called and left a note purporting to come from " A . Wilde , overseer of Chelsea AVorkhouse . " Knowing , as a guardian , that there was no such person , he sent for a policeman , and gave prisoner into custody . — AViUiam llorsford , chief officer of the Mendicity Society , then stepped into tbo witness box , and stated ' that the prisoner was the general writer for a large gang of begging letter impostors . Apart from being the private secretary of these impostors ,
the prisoner had been committed from this court for three months for a fraud upon Lord Ducie , and had since been committed for a like period by Mr . Beadon . —Mr . Broderip said prisoner was one of those impostors who went about preying on society , and diverting tho legitimate course of charity , which he could say , from bis very lengthened experience , flowed most abundantly in this country , and was most abundantly imposed upon . No one carrying on that disgraceful trade could expect aught but the full severity ofthe Jaw , and he , therefore , committed the prisoner for three months hard labour in the House of Correction .
Charge or Swindling . —Ann Gardener was charged with endeavouring to obtain , by false pretences , three valuable shawls and other property , from Mr . Patton , Queen ' s-row , Pimlico . —John Jennings , assistant to the prosecutor , stated that on Saturday night the prisoner came to the shop , and said she was sent by Mrs . Moore , housekeeper to the Queen , for some shawls and boas , and that she was to take them . He did not know a person of that name , but served her with three shawls , valued at £ 4 , and also with some furs . He showed her a quantity , from which she selected three valued at nearly 30 s . In tlie course of the conversation , while serving her , she stated that she was a niece of Mrs . Moore , and they were excellent
customers to the house . She requested that the articles might be packed at once , but suspicion being excited , they declined to let her take tho things , and they were sent by a porter to the Palace , when it was discovered that no person of the name of Moore was attached in any capacity to the Palace . — The prisoner , in defence , said that she was sent by a person near the Palace whom sbo did not know . — Another person , who was present , said she had come to their shop under the same circumstances , but he did not wish to press the charge . Mr . Brodorip remanded the prisoner for a week , for the production of fresh evidence . Extraordinary Proceeding at a Pbsetite Church . —Thomas Doyle , a tall powerful Irishman ,
employed as beadle at the Charlotte-street Chapel Pimlico , appeared to a summons charging him with assaulting Mr . Edward Simms , timber merchant , residing at 3 G , Gillingbam-street , AVilton-road , Pimlico . —Mr . Simms said , on Sunday evening , the 29 th of December , I went to Charlotte-street Chapel , Pimlico , and was requested by defendant to take a seat in the direction he pointed . I replied that as it was so late I would not disturb the congregation by going up the aisle . Defendant , who had a long gown on and was acting as a beadle , said , " You must . " I observed that I would rather not , upon which he said " then he must turn me out of the place . " I immediately said , " AVhy , I am doing no harm here , " when he pointed to a person whom
I was afterwards informed was a police constable in plain clothes , and said , " he will soon put you out . " I remonstrated with him in a whisper not to disturb the congregation , as I did not wish to bo made conspicuous . He said , "You shall go out , " and pushing the door open , called police constable 73 B , who was outside on duty , as I suppose . I spoke to the constable , and asked him if hb had instructions to take persons away from that placo of worship , and he said " No . " Defendant then followed me up , and put me out of the lobb y into the street . —Cross-examined : It was during the sermon . I had my wife and a sister , and a witness who is now in attendance , with me . That witness used to attend worship at that chapel , which was our reason for going into it . I never have been a
frequenter of it , and had just left my own place of worship before the event there . I had ndWiooks nor tracts . I am not a regular attendant at the chapel , and did nothing to interrupt their devotions . The church was not half full ; there was abundance of room , and we did not inconvenience anyone where we stood—George Dewsfield , 73 B : I was on duty outside the chapel and was called by defendant to remove complainant from the chapel . I stepped inside the chapel , but I did not see anything in his conduct to justify mo in removing him , and I stepped back on the pavement again outside , and before I had time to turn round the gentleman was out .-Mr . Broderip : AVas he disturbing the congregation or in any way offensive ? AVitness : He was perfectly sober , and conducted himself with perfect propriety . —Complainant having stated that
Maryleboxe.—Uttering Couxierfeit Coin. —...
he did not consider it necessary to call any other witnesses . — -Mr . Broderip inquired what answer there was to this case ?—Solicitor for the defence said : This is a very critical thing . —Mr . Broderip : Pardon me for a moment , I differ with you in that respect . I think it a very serious matter on one side or the other . If this person went into the chapel with the object of disturbing the congregation ho deserves condign punishment . In another sense , it is very serious as touching'thc right of the public to be present at any place of divine worship while they conduct themselves properly , ' but I havo no wish to interrupt your reply . Pray proceed , sir . —Solicitor : . The only explanation I have to offer is , that there had been several persons in the aisle and body of the chapel distributing tracts and disturbing the congregation , About three weeks ago , a man rushed into tbo middle
aisle , and running up it threatened to do some injury to the incumbent , in consequence of which he deemod it necessary to lay down a regulation that every person should be required to take a seat or be turned out , as people about to disturb tho congregation . If the incumbent felt that a person had enfercd the chapel , although impulsed only by motives of curiosity , and had no desire to disturb tbe conjugation , he ' would betheivery last to desire , and thc nr 3 t to regret , that any rudeness should be used towards him . AVill you send this case to the sessions?—Mr . Broderip ( with evident astonishment , in which many of the auditory appeared to join)—Do you wish it sent to tho sessions ?—Solicitor . ' Yes , sir . —Mr . Broderip : Certainly , I will send it to the sessions . —Defendant was then ordered to find bail for his appearance at tho sessions to answer the charge , which was shortly afterwards put in
BOAV-STP . EET . — Alleged RonnEut at as Hotel . —John Gray , a respectably dressed young man , who refused to give his address or occupation , was charged under tho following circumstances . — Mr . F . L . Turner , a surveyor of taxes , in Lincolnshire , said that on Monday night he slept at Evans ' s hotel , in Covent-garden . Iu the middle ofthe night he was awoke by hearing a noise in his room , as if some person had fallen against tbc wash-hand stand . AVitness jumped up , and lie saw the door of his room close . Ho quickly opened the door , and saw a . man going up stairs with a candle in his hand . AVitness called out several times , " Avhat have you been doing in my room ? " Tho man made no answer , but , on repeating tbc question , he replied as if he
was intoxicated , " It is all right , you havo lost nothins in your room . " AVitness then fancied that tbo man was drunk , and had entered his room in mistake . AVitness returned to his bedroom , and missed from his trousers' pockets one half sovereign and some silver and copper . He called up the night porter , and they proceeded to the prisoner s room . They knocked at the door , and a voice , which witness immediately recognised as the one which answered him on the stairs , asked who was there ? The porter said , " The gentleman down stairs has lost his money , and accuses you of stealing it . " The prisoner opened the door , and replied ,
" Oh , has ho , I have lost four sovereigns too . AA'itness called for a constable , and gave the prisoner into custody . —The night porter said tho prisoner had only slept in the hotel that night . He knew nothing of him . —A police-constable of the F division , said when ho took tho prisoner into custody he appeared intoxicated , but on reaching the station he seemed quite sober . AVitness found-in the prisoner ' s room a half sovereign and some silver upon the table . There was also a bunch of keys , one of which had been filed down to open any lock , and a pair of pliers wrapped up in paper under the bed . —Tbo prisoner denied the charge , and Mr . Jardine committed him for trial .
CLERKENAVELL . —Robbery . —John Butcher was placed at the bar before Mr . Combe , charged by Mr . John Baker , gentleman , of No . 3 , AVarwicklane , Gray ' s-inn , with an assault and robbery . —It appeared from the evidence of Thompson , 171 G , and Tyler , 412 A , active officers , that in consequence of information of a robbery and a description of the thieves , who were known to them , and and who were in the habit of visiting a notorious receptacle for thieves and characters of tho worst description called the " Kitchen , " in Fox-court , Gray ' s-inn-lane , on Sunday night they ( the officers ) concealed themselves in Holborn-buildings , close by , when they saw tho prisoner pull the prosecutor out of the house , and , forcing him against the wall ,
he put his right arm round his neck , and thrust his left band into his pocket . The officers immediately rushed upon him , and forced his hnnd from tho prosecutor ' s pocket . Ho resisted . The prosecutor was intoxicated at tho time , and said he had been robbed of a silk handkerchief and other property . —Mr . Baker said he had been to a party , and drank freely of wine . As he was returning home , he was accosted by some women , who inveigled him into Fox-court , where they dragged him down stairs into a large kitchen filled with men and women , lie was anxious to get out of the place , when he was followed by the prisoner , who attacked him as described by the officers . —Mr . Combe asked tho
officers what sort of a place this " Kitchen " was?—Tyler replied , that it was a house let out to notorious thieves , beggars , prostitutes , and the worst of characters , who were accommodated with beds at 2 d . or 3 d . per night ; there were several beds in each room , where men , women , hoys , and girls , slept indiscriminately together . There were two large kitchens with ranges ; largo fires wero kept during the day and night , the thieves regaled themselves , the kitchens were lit up with gas , and there were no less than 200 persons constantly in the house . The prisoner was known as a thief . —lie denied the charge , but he was sentenced to two months' imprisonment with hard labour .
A Riotous Smasher . —J . AVilson was charged with attempting to pass a counterfeit crown piece on Mr . G . Lewis , of Gray ' s-inn-lane , and with assaulting him . —The prisoner entered Mr . Lewis ' s shop and tendered a counterfeit crown piece , which prosecutor detected and declined to take . Upon this the prisoner began to abuse Mr . Lewis , who attempted to get him out of tlie place , which he resisted . A mob of persons then rushed upon Mr . Lewis , when he uad hold of the prisoner with a view to give him into custod y , and he was assaulted and maltreated in a violent manner , He , however , kept a tight hold of tho prisoner until ho met with a police-constable , when he gave him into custody . — The officer said he had communicated with the solicitor of the Mint , who declined pressing the charge of uttering , and the prisoner was discharged on that point . He was , however , fined £ 5 , or two months ' imprisonment , for the assault on Mr . Lewis , and in default he was committed to prison .
Defrauding as Attorney . —Joseph Armstrong , charged with conspiring with AVm , Rowe to defraud Mr . AV . Justice , an attorney , of iCS 5 s ,, was fully committed for trial . SOUTIIAVARK .-How no Get a Nicht is a Station-house . —A young woman of respectable appearance was charged , on her own confession , with stealing a gold watch from a gentleman in the City . A policeman stated that while on duty the previous night , the prisoner came up to him , and addressing him , said that she had robbed a gentleman in tbe City of a gold watch one night in tbo month of September last , aud that her mind had been rendered so miserable ever since she had committed tbo offence that she could rest neither
day , nor night ; and had , therefore , determined ou resigning herself into the hands of justice . He accordingly took the accused to the station-house , where she repeated tbe statement , and was then locked up in one of the cells . She then gave the address of tho gentleman from whom she asserted she had stolen tbc watch , and inquiries were instituted , but no such person was to be found ; and it was now believed that there was no foundation for so serious an accusation against'lierself . —Mr . A'Beckett , asked the prisoner whether she still adhered to the statement she had made to the constable on the previous night " The prisonerin
, reply , said that she was out later than she was in the habit of being ; and , unwilling to . disturb the family with whom she lived , and rather than remain in the streets , walking ; ih 0 ut all night , and subject herself to insult , she brought tho whole accusation against herself , with a view of being taken to the station-house . —Mr . A'Beckett said that sho had acted very foolishly in making so serious an accusation against herself , which might have led to her detention for some time , if inquiries had not been made b y the constable . The magistrate then discharged the prisoner , with a caution not to repeat her conduct ,
Kbst of Thieves . —Thomas Carnev , Edward Cripps , James Hussey , Thomas Williams , and AVilliam Politick , five ragged and filth y-looking bovs , were placed at the bar charged with trcspassin " on property belonging to the South-AVestern Railway Company . Sergeant Harris , 0 L , stated , that from information he received he went at three o ' clock on the preceding morning and examined tbe arches under the terminus of the South-AVestern Railway , and observed a hole capable of admitting a man ' s body in one of them , situated in Granby-street , AVaterloo-road . On looking throueh tins aperture he discovered the prisoners , some of whom had pipes in their mouth smoking , while others were talking and laughing , and all seemed as if they were perfectly secure from discovery in their
hiding-place . Tho moment , however , he ( the sergeant ) threw , tho light of his bull's-eye lamp upon the motley group , their hilarity was turned into dismay , and they all started upon their feet , hut , the arch being enclosed on all sides but that on which the hole was made , they had no opportunity of escape , and therefore all were secured without difficulty . They had worked holes and undermined the arch in several places ; and after having taken them into custody he examined the place , and found in a hole covered with a piece of board , small parcels of coffee , sugar , pepper , candles , & c , all of which he had no doubt had been sto ! en .-Mr . . A'Beckett inquired if he found anything in their possession when he searched them ; but he replied that he did not ; Bent , the dctectivconicer of tho South- Western llailwav
Maryleboxe.—Uttering Couxierfeit Coin. —...
proved Hussey , Carney , and Williams to havo been convicted at the Lambeth Police-court , and that Carney was the most incorri gible boy among them ; a number of their companions were convicted some time ago for an offence similar to that upon which they had been now apprehended , and it cost the company £ 75 to repair the arch , wliich they had damaged by taking up their quarters in it , and made it a kind of store or depository for their plunder of petty tradesmen about the New Cut and that neighbourhood . Policeman GO L said , Cripps was " wanted" for stealing some bread on Saturday
last . —Mr . A'Beckett said that a detainer could be lodged against him ; but all the prisoners being found in such a place , and their characters being bad , together with the circumstance of the finding such articles in their place of concealment , created strong suspicion that they had come dishonestly by them . They were , however , charged with tresp assing on the railway company ' s premises , and for that offence ho should sentence Carney , being the worst amongst them , to six weeks' imprisonment ; Cripps , Hussey , and Williams , to one month each , and Politick to ' twentv-ono days .
GUI f / DHALL . —Embezzlement . — Thomas Rose , a clerk to Mr . Harrington , meat salesman of Newgate-market , was charged with embezzling various sums , the monies of his employer . It was the prisoner ' s business to receive and enter all mon ey as it was paid into the counting-house . On various occasions it was ascertained that he had received small accounts from his master ' s customers and entered them in the hook as smaller sums received , and appropriated tho balance to his own purposes . Somo hills that had been paid it was discovered had never been entered in the book at all . About six or seven charges were brought against the prisoner , but only throe were sufficiently established to warrant the Alderman in sending tbo case to the Old Bailey . —The prisoner was then committed for trial . Charge or Robbery axd Swisdliso . — William
Piper was brought up for further examination , charged with stealing a quantity of scented soap , the property of Messrs . Price and Co ., Lomdardstrcet . —Robert Packman , the officer , said he had mado various inquiries , and in consequence of the report of this case appearing in the public papers , communications had been forwarded anonymously to the Lord Mayor from various parts of the country , the result of which was that he had ascertained that . prisoner was in the habit ot writing to chemists , druggists , perfumers , dvysalters , and others , for large quantities of goods , stating that he had just taken the business of some respectable and well known party , giving the name , carrying on business in somo part of the country , remote from London .
Ho has been seen also , after giving these orders at tbc different places he has written from , inquiring if tlie goods had arrived , and in some cases claiming them . The soap found at the prisoner ' s lodgings , at No . S , Great Tower-street , City , were all goods were generally to be sent previous to being despatched into tho country , was the property of Messrs . Price and Co ., and had been obtained by the prisoner on tho 2 Sth of December last under false pretences , the prisoner having stated that it was for Mr . Taylor , a chemist , at Harlow , in Essi-x . Pcckham had made inquiries there , and no such
person was known in tbo place . By papers found on the prisoner and by dint of inquiry the officer had found that prisoner had at different times gone the various ai't ' oiAK of Palmer , Smith , |\ Vhitc , Hunter , and Johnson . —Thomas Henry Jennings , oilman , said he knew prisoner , and had bought one lot of scented soap of him , weighing' Tibs ., for which he paid 3 s . 6 d „ on the 20 th of December last . Ho said he bought it at a sale in Aldgate . —Mr . Hughes , of the firm of Price and Co ., identified tho parcel of soap produced by the last witness , and said that tho wholesale price ofthe 71 bs . was 7 s . — The prisoner was remanded .
Early Crime . —Edward AVatson , a child , whose head did not reach above the dock , was charged with stealing a silver watch , value £ 5 , the property of Mr . Francis Bright , of Addle-street , AVood-street , Cheapside . —The mother of tho boy was laundress to the prosecutor , and when she called for the soiled linen the prisoner accompanied her , and while she was engiured packing up the clothes he darted into prosecutor ' s bedroom , and stole tbe watch . Upon attempting to sell it to a watch maker he was taken into custody . —The mother said the child was the oldest of seven children , whom sho had to support
unaided , and entirely by the labour of her own hands . —She had sent prisoner to tho National School for some time , but fearing from his conduct ho had picked up with bad companions there , she exerted herself to send him to a better school , where she with great difficulty paid 9 d . per week for him . —Sir Peter Laurie said he would see if seven days in Giltspur-street Compter would be of any benefit to him , and would order him to be twice well whipped during the time . —The prisoner , who did not appear to be more than five years old , was then removed .
LAMBETH . —Deserting a Wife . —AVilliam Addison , an engineer and millwright , was charged with deserting his wife , and leaving her burdensome to the ratepayers of Lambeth parish . —The prisoner ' s wife deposed that the prisoner , after treating her in the most brutal maimer , deserted her in the month of May lasb , and she was compelled to apply to tbe parish for assistance . —About two months ago the prisoner was brought up to this court on a charge of deserting her , and was sentenced to
one month ' s imprisonment by the Hon . Mr . Norton , but was liberated on his solemn promise to allow her 9 s . a week . As soon as he was liberated , however , ho loft his employment , and absconded without paying her one farthing . —In reply to a question from the magistrate , she said the prisoner ' s regular wages was 3 Qs . a week . —The prisoner , in reply to the charge , said he had been out of work somo time , and this was the cause of his not giving his wife any money . —He was committed to prison for one month .
HAMMERSMITH . - Housebreaking . - David Cook . GI , John Standen , 36 , and Edward Lee , 29 , were finally examined on charges of housebreaking ic . —Mrs . Maria Gatlitfo stated that she was landlady of the British Queen public house at Hammersmith . On the morning of Christmas day last , about seven o ' clock , on coming down stairs , sho found that one of her private rooms had been opened , and property , consisting of four gold brooches , set with pearls and valuable stones , three gold and jewelled rings , two silver table-spoons .
several gold pins set with stones , and gold seals set with stones , silver labels , and a variety of other articles , with about £ 2 10 s . in money , had been stolen . Standen was a lodger in the house , and all tho prisoners were in the house the nWit before . Tho kitchen windows and both bar-doors * had been opened , and she thought the burglary had been committed by parties well acquainted with the g ?" «' -7 I 0 l ' ce-Mrg 0 M > tAyW i said that on the - '< th . ult ., he went to the prisoner Cook ' s house , to search it , and in the back yard ho found buried under a quantity of ashes the silver snoons . e-old
seals , brooches , rings , studs , & c , missed by the prosecutrix , with also a bunch of skeleton keys . He had examined the premises , and was positive that they could not have been opened from the outside , and that all the marks of opening had been put on inside by the thieves who committed the robbery - 1 he prisoners declined making any defence until their trials , and were committed to Newgate in all three cases . Dangerous Case of STA Biiwo . -Thomas Horan , aged w , was charged with havimr woundnd Maurice
uedman with a knife , with intent to 4 io him some grevious bodily harm , whereby his life was placed m danger , —Tho prisoner resided at A o . 7 , Phconix place , fcotting-hill , and the wounded man at No . S , next door . On Monday evening , about six o ' clock , the prisoner came home drunk , and seeing the injured man sjwife from somo cause unexplained struck her . Her husband on learning the fact , went out and spoke to the prisoner on the subject , when a quarrel ensued , which was followed hy a struggle between them , in the course of which ' the prisoner was seen to strike Uedman just under the ribs on the right side , and he was seen to have an open clasp-knife in his hand . Hedman exclaimed that he was stabbed and he was supported in doors . Policeman Sewcll was speedily on tbe snnf- .-ml o .
cured the prisoner , and sent for Dr . AAVeatt who having examined the wounded man , found an incised wound about two inches long , from which the mtestmes wero protruding . Heuman was conveyed in a cab to St . George ' s hospital .-A certificate signed by the house surgeon of St George ' s to ho effect that the wounded * man was lyingln a highly dangerous state , was handed to the maristate , who remanded the prisoner for a week
The Late Accident At The Grea T Northern...
The late Accident at the Grea t Northern Ra lway TEBMisu s .-On Thursday , Mr . T Wa W M . P ., coroner for West Middlesex held an i , S at the UniYCMity College Hospital , on the bZ of James Samuel Greene , aged fifty-six , who wK gaged as a wood sawyer at the works ' now cT- ct . V at the terminus , Maiden-lane , Batrie-bridw 3 received such serious injuries at * i , « ?\ . which occurred on Saturday afteSoon i , ! f ? render it necessary to couW him X S ? f hospital , where ho expired on E „ 5 ^ a ve s »^ £ ftei a ^ . 'sa ^^ Ms :
veruict of » Accidental death > ' } bEiuocs Acciden t to Sib It . Peki , -IntolliVcnco the lmn d ' ? "' Robert Peel ' I * ««* ms ^ J . nnH « p t rou was out hunfchl S in the neighbour-Set Hn ' ' i- - h 0 rse scumlIcd > «™» M » Si . in i ?• i , l " m m such » ™> ' as t 0 seriously 11 -X > d ' WM taken » P senseless , and state 7 mor " £ was in a vel'y Fecarious Mean- TEMPSBATUBE .-That point of the thermomvter which indicates stinginess in coal .
The Late Accident At The Grea T Northern...
Another Darixo Burglary neah Fium ^^ ^ Thursday morning , about three o clocl- m ' -On sion of the Misses Farncotnbo , called' ii " "" "ii House , near Uckficld , Sussex , was urokpn ¦ '''to seven armed men , whose faces were diw "' 1 » nightcaps and crape . The f ellows 'S ^ i tS ladies and their servants in one of them ,,,,,, % and whilst somo of them kept guar <| it ' '" " "i ? proceed to ransack the premises , 'fiiey !? ' ' ^ erj in the house nearly two hours , regalino- li . p ' " ^ ^ with ham , cheese , bread , wine , and portp ,. \ they took their departure , getting clear rV * i their booty , consisting of silver plate nn ,. i .,,, M value £ 200 ; two gold watches , a Cni 'V ' ' '' costly jewellery , gold snuff boxes , & . c . ' $ and seventeen £ 5 Bank of England ii , ' , *! 110 £ l \ about £ 50 in gold and silver . A reward ofi ^ i offered for the discovery ofthe robbers . ThiM ' ' * burglary was committed at no great distil ' ? Frimluy , where the Key . Mr . Holiest \ ° ^ recently murdered . " V ; 'S ^
Accident at the London- axd Xonrn . Aiv Railway Station , Manchester . —An act-i / " eurred on New-Year ' s Day mornintf to u "' " 0 ' train which leaves London at 6 . 80 a . m ., fls- ma U entering tho station in Manchester at o j , j B ^ which led to several passengers beiiirr " j ' ,., ' ,, !' -i happily none of them were seriousl y or d : m <» I' ^ injured . The train had stopped for tickets f ! . ' collected at Ardwick , and was again in inoti o ^ passing the points ofthe South Junctio n Im .. "' ., ^ tho engine ran off the rails exactl y at the , ' ; lf :: taking with it tbe tender , luggng © van ,, i ! nts < second-class carriage . The motion of tho ti ' ij lii 9 slow , but this check to its progress was siffi ^ to throw the passengers in the second- claisftiH ' from their seats , and several of them were Vir ' and bruised . A lady , gentleman , and a " sol (» j . the 3 rd Dragoon Guards , were the onlv pnsc ,. ' . „ •' " however , who it was necessary to furin ^ .. ! ^ aid to . The lady had three teeth dama ^ r ? gentleman a cut across the nose , and the soIjIa ! slight laceration across the temples . Tllcy J- all able to proceed to their destination after tir ' wounds had been dressed , without further j n .
veruence . Capture op a Burolar . —John Edwards a ... determined looking man was brought up \ t }* Marlborough-strect police court on Friday , cliat « t with having committed a burglary at tli ' e ' jjo , L , Mr . Bibra , tobacconist , No . 2 , Old Cei » wf street , —Leopold Ernest Bibra stated that lie c " * vied on the business of a tobacconist , at \' o ' ^ Old Compton-strcet , and slept iu the lower ja * "' the premises . About three o ' clock that moniin » u was awakened by his wife , who said she feared tier wore thieves in the house . He got up as he wa ? , j went up stairs into the passage . He saw a ' m-, .
standing near tne street aoor . ue called out " AV'liat do you want ? " The man replied , " j \ l ' aro thieves in the house . " lie said to tlie nJ " I'll thieves you , " and immediately seized \ t \ J A severe struggle ensued , and he was greatlva ? " sisted by his wife , who , with a steel in her hfind " came forward and struck at tho man . The blows wow warded off by a bag , containingtwodeeanter . s . whj i the man had in his hand , and wero broken durir- , the struggle . Owing to the noise , and call foj police , an alarm was created , which resulted in tfc , appearance of a constable , to whom the prisoner
was given into custody . A bag was examined uta was found in the passage , filled with proper ty ready to be carried off . Tho bag contained twcniv-eifffi " - pounds of cigars , a quantity of cigar cases ain ' l phV valued at £ 20 . The premises had evidontlr fc ^ J , ' entered by the aid ol false keys , as no marks of rio " . lenceweroto be seen cither on tho street or dj shop doors . In the prisoner ' s possession wero cloven skeleton keys , one of which opened the streer door of the prosecutor ' s house . Tlie prisoner declined to make any defence , and was fully com . mitted .
ExiRAORDiXAnv Death . —On ATcdnesday a Ion ; inquiry took place beforcMr . W . Carter , thecomner ' at tho Marlborough Arms , Cambcrwell , on the boii j of Mr . William King , aged fifty-four , whose death took place under very singular circumstances . The deceased had been separated from his family lor nearly seventeen years , and was not known to have had any regular home lately , but told his son recently that he was now doing an excellent business , and wished him to give up his situation to join him , but he had declined . On the Sunday before Christmas-day he had a fit in St . George ' s Church , Camberwell , and seems to have been taken to his mother ' s , where he met his son , who , in the evening , tried to
get him a bed , hut could not , and left him near Ca-nberwell-bridge . On the Tuesday he was foun ] in the Old Kent road , with a number of persons around him , and on the arrival of a policeniau lie was supposed to be drunk , and taken to the statiothouse , where he was locked up all night . In tin morning be had his breakfast and was taken to tha police-office , when the magistrate , seeing he was ill , directed he should be taken to the workhouse in j cab . It should be stated that on his arrival at th ? station-house he gave his card , "Mr . King , ]? i , Throgmorton-street . " AVhen he reached Camberwell AVorkhouse , Mr . Smithers found him in a verv bad
state , the extremities being almost c < dd . It was considered there had been neglect at the station-bouse at Rotherhithe , and the Police Commissioners were written to on the subject . Mr . King , the parish surgeon , saw him . directly ; he was then insensible , and the eyes dilated , and not susceptible to light . He had all the appearance of having taken some opiate ,, and continued insensible for several days , uliiinmeh dying on Thursday last . He denied that he had Ueeiu drinking , and Mr . King found on opening tlie head that the brain was greatly enlarged , and ' tlie bone was worn to the thinness of a wafer . After a long consultation the iury returned a verdict of " Natural death . "
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From The Gazette Of Tuesday, January ~ T...
From the Gazette of Tuesday , January th , BAXKKUl'TS . George Fletcher Altaic ? , Sheffield , hosier—Jules llretow King Ldivard-road , Hackney , insurance brofew-Jirfiii Oale Ilarwood , Liverpool , iruninonger—Ralph lliils , Down ham , Isle of El j , grocer—Charles lightfoot , Tunpiax h- 'wy . stable keener-Matthew ami Lancelot linwlaiid , ooi wlnteohapel-road , drapers—Ann floyston , ChorkuiMHW lledlock , Lancashire , brewer .
SCOTHI bbQUESTIUTIOXS . Brothers Archibald , Keilnrsbrae , near Alloa , uiauufL hirers—T . Brown , Granton , near Edinburgh , iron mm chant—W . Cleland and Co ., Glasgow , iroiifounilcrs—Strathcrn , Glasgow , commission agent . From the Gazette of Friday , January 3 . lMNKKUl'TS . Epliraim Goabolt and George Gcdbolt , Collcge-plaw ls . mg ' s-i > oad , Chrigea , carpenters—Edward Hall , Salfofa Lancashire , smauware manufacturer—Francis Jlastete Heading and Newbury , Berkshire , plumber—Williit btophens llcrjweather , West Ham , Essex , brii'kla . K . i-James Charles Cochrane Miller , Clifton street , 1 'iuslww surgeon — William Pitcher , Fersliore , Worecstersliilii corn dealer—Edward l ' otvnnll , Ipswich , Suft ' olk , and 1111 wich , Essex , shipowner-Patrick Toole , Liverpool , prtii sion dealer ,
Fffhyul9 S &U
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COILN ' . Mahk-iane , "Wednesday , January 8 . —There was i i little English wheat offering from the neighbouring cici ties this morning , and its condition beim ; generallv duliii the sale was slow at last Monday ' s prices , With ' lorun wheat we have been well supplied durh . g the past wwifine dry samples met with fair inquiry this morning ; ; m other quuhties little doing , flour met with bun-re rather declining rates . UarleyduH . Beans and peas ,. s , cheaper-. Having a good supply of oats from Scotland id Ireland , such descriptions were Gd . cheaper than ou . V J df-y last ; good Ircsh foreign sold likewise ratla-r in tatin ot the buyer .
. CATTLE . Smitiifield , Monday , Jan . fi .-Fi-csh up to this mm ing s market , the arrival of beasts from our own grani districts was large for the time of year , and of full avew quality . Notwithstanding the favourable change in in ^ P " » t , ' » bee . » trade was in a very sluggish stated : hut little alteration m prices . The extreme value ot oil best beets , most ot which were in excellent eotidiiioiijn ,, is 10 d per bibs . Wc were tolerably well , hut not to to heavily , supplied with most breeds of sheep . Alttotl " the demand for that description of stock was toleiJei firm , he highest tig ure tor the best old Downs was ! s per 811 ) 5 ., and total clearance was with dilliculty etfotfti LunwHaah calves sold at full pdves . In other kiminn donlg ^ latrl uf ° " * 1 , iSS " t 0 " »
' . vtool : I omlon hrt " ^* Ja , U , ! U 'y ' -T , U ; im l ' tS Of WOOioo !! London hist week were only 24 hales from Oermanymy » S li ! S *'» " , fi trom Turkey , aud ii from Wi Uu A } its . the market has hecn very firm , and has m a ' . ' wind tendency tor colonial , continental , and South An An Liverpool , January G . —Scotch . —There has been an ai more inquiry for laid Highland wool , which has beeueew iiuriy by the holders at late rates . White Higlilanlain been more inquired for . Best stocks are held for w a what higher rates . There is still little or nothing do \ doii either crossed or Cheviot . Foreign . —The stock being now in a small comp ; iss ; iss ;; last sale hereon the 20 th ult . ; there is little to olR ' olfo few arrivals just up will be in the market in the coutouu next week . Imports for the week , 8113 hales .
HIDES . Leaden-iull . —Market hides , 5 Gib . toGHb ., Ijd- W . N S ! fi ' ., , . . ? , ' lillb ; . ' - -. 2 Jd . to 2 $ d ; ditto , ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ wiH ;& & ; dllt 0 ' - to ! J 81 h-. »* 1 ^ ® d . ; d . ; Y- . ' ? ,. ,, " ^ t 0 * a- : ditto 961 b . to lUllb .,-id . tol . toi ditto , 1011 b . to 1121 b ., 4 } d to LW . ; Calf-skins , is , d . to 3 s . Od . ; Ilorse-hides , ( Is . " to 7 s .
Death Of An Old Patriot. Rjr'l?" Sil<I«-...
DEATH OF AN OLD PATRIOT . rJr'l ? " Sil < i « -day last , after a long and severe ire ill Join hkeTingtou , of Loughborough ! The death ah oo won j ; nown champion of democracy will be lanienmeniii every lover of liberty .
Printed B Y Avilliajr Bider, Otn'o. 5. Maeclesfiebmem-
Printed b y AVILLIAJr BIDER , otN ' o . 5 . MaeclesfiebMeM-
, O. . - Sn7. E ?? R, I! Hofsfcanuc » We...
Sn 7 . e ?? r , i ! hofSfcAnuc » Westminster , at the l ' r 11-r wiice , to , treat Wmdmitt-street , Ifcvymarket , i » ' »« tlr otttestMiinster . forthePi-oprietor . FEAllGUSO'COl'COJ ft ,, ? ' ' * ? t ' uWisl " - 'd by the said Waiu . M Ihn lUi t ., L ? i , „ m th 0 8 ame stnet and parish .--Sft > -SftV JanuaryHth i 83 i ; *
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 11, 1851, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_11011851/page/8/