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¦ • " ¦ ¦ '•"• ^ . - THE NORTHERN STAR. ...
The Colmers lv the Tees District. —a public
meeting ol the Miners oi this district w...
Sanftrupte, %i
BANKRUPTS. fFtom Tuesdays Gazette, April...
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¦ • " ¦ ¦ '•"• ^ . - The Northern Star. ...
¦ " ¦ ¦ ' •"• ^ . - THE NORTHERN STAR . April 12 , 1845 .
Just Opened. Messrs. Miller And Jones,
TAILORS AND WOOLLEN BRAThKH , m . axww ^ Mff * ° *«* AN Extensive Assortment ofthe Best Goods , made and vZ ^ Jways onhand . Bought for ready cash at the M * and best markets . To be sold for ready cash only , so that the msaobeeame kecxssitt or ChIsOIKG HEAVY PBOHTS TO COVER BAD DEBTS HAT BE AVOIDED . Single Garments and Snits of Clothes in great variety , and at low and honest prices . Gentlemen's superfine dress coats , cut and finished in me first Style , £ 115 £ , and-upwards . doth , cas hmere , doeskin , and tweed trousers , 9 s . Co ., wad upwards . Valencia , toilenet , and quilting vests , 5 s . 6 d ., and up-* rards-
THIRTY-TWO PAGES FOR ONE PENNY . THE LONDON ENTERTAINING MAGAZINE ; or , LIBRARY OF ROMANCE , published weekly , containing a novel , a romance , and a tale , with gravities and gaieties unexampled in interest and price . Notwithstanding the multiplied efforts to satisfy the public taste for amusement and pastime , ths publisher of the Loudon Entertaining Magazine considers he has lit upon a happy combination of subject , form , and price , which wiU remedy a defect that has hitherto existed , and at the same time merit the patronage of aU classes . The number now publishing contains Matuvda , or the Memoirs of a Young Woman , by Eugeke Sue j one of the ¦ best novels that ever was written . The lovnos Extemaixixo Magazine is published regularly in weekly numbers , price One Penny , and in parts , price Sixpence , by B . D . Cousins , Duke-street , Lincoln ' 6-inn-fields , London , and maybe had of all booksellers in town or country .
POPULAR WORKS NOW PUBLISHING BY W . DUGDALE , 37 , HOLYWELL-STREET , STRAND . THE WANDERING JEW—No . 23 , price One Pennyis published this day , and is the best , the cheapest , and the most correct translation of this celebrated work . ~ 3 So other edition in English irill be less than twice its price . It is printed in foolscap octavo , and wiU form a handsome volume , fit for the pocket or the horary . Also uniform with it in type , size , and paper , THE MYSTERIES OP PARIS , ca ^ efhBy corrected and revised , with iBustrations . It will be completed in boat thirty numbers , with engravings . * % * Order the Nonpareil edition .
TO THE ENGINEERS , MILLWRIGHTS , MECHANICS , SMITHS , ANDIRON-MOULDERS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND . IRELAND . AS AN Advertisement has appeared in the Liverpool Mercury , and also in a Preston paper , of last Saturday , the 29 th inst ., stating that any Operatives of the above-named Trades may have employment for a fixed Urn , by applying to Messrs . R . Walker and Brother , Engineers and Founders , of Bury , Lancashire , we hereby caution the operatives of the above Trades , that there is a Strike at the above Firm ; and also at Messrs . Walker , Smith , and Hacking , machinists , of th » same place ; and , as the Men are contending for privUeges that every Operative Methanic should be in possession of , we trust that none of ov Fellow-workmen will be base enough to hire themselves under such degrading circumstances . By order of the Executive Council of the Protectiv « Society . Bolton , March 30 th , 184 a .
CHOICE OF A SITUATION Domestic Bazaar , 326 , Oxford Street , corner of Regent Cirms WANTED , for Large and Small Families , a number of FEMALE SERVANTS of every description , with straightforward characters . This demand is created through the arrangements being highly approved by the Nobility , Gentry , and the Public generally . Ladies are in attendance to engage Domestics from Ten to Five o ' clock daily . There are Rooms for waiting in to be hired ; not any charge made until engaged if preferred . To those who will take places of All Work no charge whatever . Servants from the country are much inquired for . There are always a few vacancies for Footmen and Grooms . N . B . Upon applying do not stand about the doors or windows unnecessarily .
COVENTRY AND LEICESTER JUNCTION RAILWAY . Branch Line from Nuneaton to form a Junction with the Birmingham and Derby Junction Railway , near to ColeshUl—length ten miles . Increased Capital , £ 225 , 000 , in shares of £ 25 each ; deposit , £ 15 s . per Share . THE Provisional Committee of the Coventry and Leicester Junction Railway , with the view of accommodating the important thorough , as well as local traffic between Leicester and Birmingham , have decided upon this Extension , which will effect a saving of upwards of twelve miles in a distance of forty-nine miles between those important districts . The country to be traversed presents no considerable Engineering difficulties , and the traffic returns shew an ample source of revenue .
SUPPLEMENT TO THE " DISPATCH . " THE Proprietors of the WEEKLY DISPATCH , ever foremost in furnishing full details of important events , and desirous of meeting the views of an anxious public , purpose giving the fullest particulars relating to the Trial of Thomas Henry Hocker , for the Horrible Murder of Mr . Delarue at Hampstead , and in order that every incident may be fully reported , the DISPATCH of next Saturday and Sunday , will be accompanied by four extra pages , as a SUPPLEMENT , and will consequently contain a most copious and interesting account of all the proceedings .
INTRODUCTION TO LIEBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY . j Post Svo ., 7 s . fid . cloth lettered , Lecttjb . es to farmers on agricultural chemistry . by alexander petzholdt . " The author does not overload his subject with needless details , which is the rice of some such books ; but he confines the reader to those points only which he ought to be well acquainted with , and these he explains in a clear and simple way . "—Gardeners' Chronicle . "A work which ought to be foundin every farm-house "Critic .
PERFECT FREEDOM FROM COUGHS IN ( TEN ., ;¦ . MINUTES : ; - -v : . aftee use , anu A kapip cube of ; ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION , ^ And aU disorders of the Breath and Lungs , is insured by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . IT is n « t possible in the limits of this notice to give any great number of the immense mass of testimonials which are constantly received by the proprietors . The following will , however , be read with interest : —
A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend Human Frailty . THE FOCETEENTH EDITION . Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order . for 3 s . 6 d .
SEES' COMPOUND ESSENCE OF CUBEBS . HPHE most safej speedy , ; and certain remedy ever diseo-¦ A . vered for the cure of discharges , gleets , spasmodic strictures , weakness , heat , irritation of the bladder , pains ofthe loins , and all disorders ofthe kidneys and urethra , frequently performing a perfect cure in the short space of three or four days . It does not contain any mercury , and may be taken by the most delicate of either sex , with perfect safety , as well as advantage to their general health . —Sold in bottles , at 4 s . Cd ., 10 s ., and 20 s . each , by Stirling , chemist , 8 G , High-street , Whitechapel : and can be had of Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; and Hannay and Co ., 63 i Oxford-street ; and of all the principal medicine renders in the kingdom . The genuine has the name of J . W . Stirling engraved on the stamp . —Ask for Rees ' Essence . * * * It can be sent with instructions , securely packed , to any part of the kingdom , on the receipt of a Post-office order for the amonnt .
MESSRS . BRODIE AND CO ., Consulting Surgeons , havs removed their Establishment from i , Great Charlesstreet , Birmingham , to No . 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London .
EXTRAORDINARY ! NEW CASES !! Attesting that there is health for all . HOLLO WAY'S PILLS . An astonishing cure of a confirmed Liver Complaint . MRS , MARY SANDFORD , residing in Leather-lane , Holborn , London , had been labouring under the effects of a diseased Liver , which produced Indigestion , Sick Head Ache , Dimness of Sight , Lowness of Spirits , Irritability of Temper , Drowsiness , Occasional SweUings ofthe Body and Legs , with General Weakness andDebility . She attended the Hospitals , at different periods , for about , three years , but she only got worse instead of better , and her recovery at last appeared quite hopeless ; but notwithstanding the very bad state of her health , she was , in about two months , restored to perfect health by the means alone of this all-powerful and efficacious Medicine—Holloway ' s Pills . Cure of a Case of great oebinty of the system , occasioned by the baneful influence of Mercury , and the injurious efl ' ccts of a long residence in Tropical Climates , by Holloway ' s Pills .
PARR'S LIFE PILLS . THE extraordinary success of this medicine is the wonder of the age ; it has been tried by hundreds of thousands as an aperient , and has in every instance done good ; it has never in the slightest degree impaired tho most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease , and are living witnesses of the benefit receivedfrom this invaluable medicine . Sheets of testimonials and the " Life and Times of Old Parr" may be had ( gratis ) of every respectable Medicine-vendor throughout the kingdom . Read the following account from Mr . Hollier , Dudley : — To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . Dudley , Sept . 14 . Gentlemen , —I forward you the copy of a letter sent to me ( as under ) , and which you can make what use of you ihink proper . I am , your obedient servant , E . Hollier , Dudley . Tinton , Staffordshire .
WRAT'S FAMILY MEDICINES . PATRONISED BT Her Grace the Dowager Sir C . F . Williams , Knt . Duchess of Leeds . Sir Edward LyttOn ' Bulwer , Lady Sherborne . Bart . Earl of Lincoln . Captain Boldero , M . P . Marquis of Waterford . EdwardBaines , Esq ,, M . P . Lord Bantry . Archdeacon Webber . Doctor Bloomberg , Vicar of General Maitl & nd . Cripplcgate . General Gardner . Mr . Justice Cresswell . General Nisbitt .
THE BEST APERIENT AND ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE for general use is Frajipton ' s Pill of Health , which effectually relieves the stomach and bowels bygentle relaxation , without griping or prostration of strength . They remove head-ache , sickness , dizziness , pains in the chest , . fee , are highly grateful to the stomach , promote digestion , create appetite , relieve languor and depression of spirits ; while to those of a full habit , and free livers , who are continuall y suffering from drowsiness , heaviness , aud singing in the head and ears , Ihey offer advantages that will not fail to be appreciated . This medicine has for many years received the approval of the most respectable classes of society , and in conmation of its efficacy , the following letter has been kindly forwarded to Mr . Prout , with permission to publish it , and , if requisite , to refer any respectable person to its author :- —
EMIGRATION FOR 1845 . GEO RGE RIPPARD and SON and Y / ILLIAM TAP . SCOTT , American and Colonial Passage Offices " 30 , Waterloo-road , and 15 , < jrjree-pia : « as , Liverpool ' Agents for the New Line of New York Packets , comprising the following magnificent ships : — Ships . Tom . To Sail . Hottinguee , 1100 . Gth Jan . Cth May . <;& Sent . Liverpool , 1150 . Gth Feb . Cth June . Gth Oct Queen of the West , 1250 . Cth Mar . Cth July . 6 th &* \ " Rochester , 1000 , Gth Apr . Gth Aug . stU Dec * Together with other First-class American Paclte t-Sho * sailing weekly throughout the year for New York , and oc casionally for Boston , Philadelphia , and New Vrii-an * * also to Quebec , Montreal , and St , John , X , B , " '
The Colmers Lv The Tees District. —A Public
The Colmers lv the Tees District . —a public
Meeting Ol The Miners Oi This District W...
meeting ol the Miners oi this district was held on Saturday , April oth , 1845 , on Cockton Hill , near Bishop-Auckland , which was the largest meeting held in this district since the men resumed work , Mr . Matthew Bowman , one of the victims of coal-king tyranny , was called to the chair , and opened the meeting with an appropriate address . He afterwards introducedjMr . William Daniehs , editor of the Mncri * Ad vocate , who addressed the meeting at great len » tli , and was listened to with marked attention and respect . His address evidently made a great impression on the meeting . The following resolutions were moved by Mr . James Jackson , and seconded by Mr . D . Thomson ; they were passed unanimously : —1 st" That we pledge ourselves to faithfully stand by and support the Miners' Association , being convinced by
every-day experience that union alone can save its . " 2 nd— " That a deputation wait upon each coal owner in tills district , aud solicit an advance of wages in consequence of the repeal ofthe export duty on coal , " 3 rd— " That a deputation of three be appointed to proceed to London , for the purpose of watching the progress of any measure that may be brought forward in the House of Commons for the better ventilation of coal mines , also to wait upon her Majesty ' s Ministers and members of Parliament , in order to explain to them the grievances which miners labour under , and to show the evils ofthe present shameful system of ventilation , and the awful loss resulting therefrom . That tin s meeting agree to assist in defraying the expenses consequent upon such delegation , and that Messrs . Martin Jude , Thomas Clough , and William Daniells , are fit and proper persons to form the deputation . " After the transaction of some business the
meeting separated with three cheers for the union . A delegate meeting was held at the conclusion ofthe meeting , at the house of Mr . Dixon , Mr . W . Danielte in the chair , when several plans were laid down for the advancement of the Association , and some local business transacted ; after which Mr . W . Daniells was elected to represent this district at the next delegate meeting , to be held at the Sun Inn , Side , Newcastleupon-Tyne , on Tuesday , the loth inst . Berwick . District . — Labour ' s Triumph . —The owners of Vnthank Colliery , in this district , have been stopping certain portions of the wages of their
workmen during the last twenty weeks . The men considering themselves unjustly treated , summoned the owner , Mr . George Carr , for the wages stopped . The hearing came off on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Town Hall , Berwick , at the petty sessions . Mr . Matthew Scott , lecturer to the Miners' Association , appeared on behalf of the men , and Mr . Waddle , attorney , for the masters . After a lengthened hearing the magistrates decided in favour of the men , and ordered the owner to pay the wages stopped awl all costs . Much praise is due to the magistrates for their independent and upright conduct .
Sanftrupte, %I
Sanftrupte , % i
Bankrupts. Fftom Tuesdays Gazette, April...
BANKRUPTS . fFtom Tuesdays Gazette , April Stli , 1815 J John Lambert , Portsmoutb-street , Lincoln ' s-inu-fielii * , licensed victualler—Francis Wright , Earl ' s Colne , Esse * , builder—John Shefford , High-street , Camberweli , hay . merchant—Thomas Kilford , Southampton , cabinet maker—John Hollingsworth , Paddingtou-street , Marylebone , butcher—Elizabeth M'Knott and James Glass , Belvidere-road , Lambeth , coal-merchants-Edward Smith , South Molton-street , cheesemonger—John Smith , Barnoldswick , Yorkshire , cotton-manufacturer —Edward Edwards Robinson , Wolverhampton , Staffordshire , grocer —Thomas Strutt Stuart , inn ., Liverpool , drysalter .
declarations of dividends . W . Scliofield , Oldham , Lancashire , machinc-inatccri first and final dividend of 3 s 3 d in the pound , any Wednesday , at the office of Mr . Pott , Manchester . H . Port , Burton-upon-Trent , screw-manufacturer , dividend of 6 | d in the pound , upon new proofs only , any Tuesday , at the office of Mr . Wbitmore , Birmingham . W . Wood , Burton-upoB-Trent , screw-manufacturer , final dividend of 7 $ d in the pound , any Tuesday , at the office of Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham . W . Wood and II . Port , Burton-upon-Trent , screw-ma . nufacturcrs , dividend of 4 s fid in the pound , upon new proofs only , any Tuesday , at the office of Mr . Wnitmore , Birmingham .
dividends . May 1 , J . Hook , Nine Elms , Surrey , contractor—April 29 , L . Watson , Rickinanswortb , Hertfordshire , smith-April 29 , W . E . Gould , Finsbury-place South , carver-May ] , J . Palmer , Lynn , draper—April 20 , T . Horrid ^; Upper Wharton-street , Clerkenwell , builder—April " . ' . ' j J . Davics and H . Edwards , Westminster-road , linen-drapers—April 29 , G . Fielding , Thame , Oxfordshire , ironmonger—April 29 , B . Reynolds , Fhipp ' s-biidgc , Mitchaui ) Surrey , silk-printer—May 2 , H . Thompson , King-street , Clerkenwell , timber merchant—May 2 , R . W . Kobmson , sen ., and R . W . Robinson , jun ., Bedford , grocers—if" } ' ' - > T . Cartwright , Heaton Norn s , Lancashire , banker—May ?; W , Howell , jun ., Liverpool , bookseller—May 7 , J . Hantelcy , Arnold , Nottinghamshire , merchant . Certificates to be granted , unless cause be shown to th «
contrary on the day of meeting . May 2 , C . S . Haward , Colchester , grocer—April 25 , - E . Gould , Finsbury-place South , City , carver and gililCVApril 29 , J . Thorley , Northampton , ' gb ' . ss-mun—May 2 . JMandeno , Grove-street , Hackney , market-gardener—May 2 , S . Smeeton , West Smithfield , cattlo-sak-sman-Apnl v ?) S . Iiugg , Southampton , carpenter-May ;' , C , Lee , Wato Colne , Essex , miller—May 2 , W . Behnes , Osnaburgh-srw ew New-road , marble-merchant—April 20 , T . Smith , Burrowes-mews , John-street , Blackfriar ' s-road , hackneymaa —April 28 , J . Hall , Wallsend , Northumberland , cow l « ei «
-May 2 , P . Wright , Leeds , grocer-May 2 , J . Scott , w «> - pool ,: paper-dealer—May 1 , R . IIU 1 , Exeter , cumcr- MJf l . J . Dalton , Salford , Lancashire , joiner—April 29 , <**• Lanham , Southampton , builder—April 29 , 3 . Clark , C «> - road , carman—April 29 , A . Francis , W . Davcy , and »• Francis , Ba ilt , -Flintshire , ironfounders — April 29 , " Moyes and T . Moving , Camomile-street , City , carmen April 29 , G . Bartlett , Wellington-strect , GosweU-s tre « . manufacturer of plaster ornaments—April 29 , J . Cur » C'jj > Bridge-place , Vauxhall , cheesemonger—April 29 . W , Bunshorn , Little Bolton , Lancashire , manufacturing cue ; :- ' —April 29 , II . Wehnerr , Leicester-square , tailor .
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED . W . Naylor , N . Merrall , and J . Wood . Horton , York- ** - *' machine-makers ; as far as regards J , "Wood—A . i •;; Dodd and E . Leech , Chichester , surgeons —W . ¦«"» - ¦/ J . P ., and W . P . Morlev , Leek , Staffordshire , silk-mat "" ; , ' turers ; as far as regards W . P . Moriey—E . Hughes a « H . Jones , Hosier-lane , West Smithfield , licensed vicing lers—C . P . Pitt and C . Breese , Birmingham , japanm ^ . J . Dawson , T . Curtis , and J . Haigh , Leeds , clota-finisa -, -j as far as regards J . Dawson—R . Cratliome and J- "J phenson , Beverley , Yorkshire , millers—W . C . F'S ^' tf , II . Hallett , furnishing-ironmongers — A . H . anu OookskoU , Bradford , Yorkshire , ckemkt-G . A . • £ BuckweU , Brighton , timber-merchants ; as for asvegt « V G . BuckweU —It . and J . Bayley , Friday-street , w nackers—E . Ackrovd . M . F . Wilson , and E . J . S ^ V
Gildersome , Yorkshire , colliers-J . Whitaker a »« ^ ' Worsley , Huddersfield , Yorkshire , dealers in sll fJ Major and J . Radcliffe , liing-street , Cheapside , man " * turers—G . Davison and G . Ro es , Sheffield , tailorsp ' ^ R ., and W . Moon , and C . Hopley , Liverpool , mere ha «« T . Haigh and C . BeU , Bradford , Yorkshire , stock-0 /<> ' -J . Brown , J . Stone , and W . Morcom , Manchester j . * - far as regards J . ^ Stone-C . E . and W . C . Bernard , «* India merchants—E . and J . Thorp , J . aiid M . lel J ^ , ' ., and H . Thorp , Bradford , Yorkshire , sawyers ; a « nu - regards E . Thorp-W . Webb and S . ' Barker , BirTftpR niekel-refiners-P . L . Sirnmonds and F . Clowes , CorM 1 ^ City , publiBhers-E . and M . Harrison . iiverpooV ? : "' chauts-W . Bray and H . Edmunds , Bradford , W ' ! " "' clothiers—P . Craig and B . Saunders , Wadebridgc , to wall , milliners—II . and \ V . II . Brighton and B . W ' Otley , Yorkshire , wine-merebants - "
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 12, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_12041845/page/2/