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V ' "' " V V O *^ v*v, v»Y ^vv *>¦ ' -y-...
V" V*^ v*v, v» ^vv the N STAR, ft"*** 14...
TO THE AFFLICTED. lyiTy^fE SSRS. BRUCE axd Co., Cosscltiso Stacross, LvJuLVL Xo. IP. Cranmer.nlace. Waterloo-rosd. !.««<?««
tftottet- fnteUtoettm
Newcastle Cons Market, Tuesday.—We had a...
Wheat Barley Oats., line. Veans jp Mtt "...
Loxnox Smithfieju) Caulk Maijkkt, I'£B. ...
• / N m V {?, - WI0!( : ~'? q tllc Milit...
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V ' "' " V V O *^ V*V, V»Y ^Vv *>¦ ' -Y-...
V ' "' " V O *^ v * v , v » ^ vv *>¦ ' -y- ^ - ' ' V * ? ¦ ¦ - ^ ^ ^ v- . ^ . n \ ^>^ - # s
V" V*^ V*V, V» ^Vv The N Star, Ft"*** 14...
the N STAR , ft" *** 14 , 1846 , ^
To The Afflicted. Lyity^Fe Ssrs. Bruce Axd Co., Cosscltiso Stacross, Lvjulvl Xo. Ip. Cranmer.Nlace. Waterloo-Rosd. !.««≪?««
TO THE AFFLICTED . lyiTy ^ fE SSRS . BRUCE axd Co ., Cosscltiso Stacross , LvJuLVL Xo . IP . Cranmer . nlace . Waterloo-rosd . ! . ««««
• JolcSolc Proprietors of BRTJCE'S SAMARITAN PILLS , ffhirwhich for seventeen years have effectunlly cured every eosscase brought under their notice during that period , am < amounting in all to upwards of 50 , 000 p » tients , continue to t to be consulted * t their residence , ss above , I I BKCCrt SlMAUTAK Pins , price Is . 83 ., 2 « . 40 ., 1 * s . 4 s . fid ., Ss . 64 , and lis . fid . per Box , are the most effec-1 Itsi ta » J remedy in every form of the Venereal Disease , in isfl arher Sex , curing in a very short period with ease , isec eecresy , and . safety , and withouttheslightestconfinement < or or injury to h ' uriness . They are likewise a most efficient ta remedy for all eruptions of the Skin . Their unrivalled efl efficacy in Scrofulas and Scsihutic affections , and allimpc purities of the blood , being -well knoim throughout the U : United Kingdom . Mibsbs . Becce asd Co ., through the extent of their n uactice , having for many yeare declined giving publicity w to their valuable medicines , now come forward , at Ut G tarntA solicUaliaiii of huooreds of patients , who have heen li led to the brink of the grave by trusting themselves in the b hands of Quads .
Just pnHished , Sixteenth Edition , iUHSlrgttd with cases , and faUUenctii enprarinos , jmce 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed tncelope , aud sent free to anjpart of the kingdom , on £ 5 e receipt efapost-ofice order for 3 s . Sd . THE SECRET COMPANION , A MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the concealed cause of the decline of physical strength and loss of mental capacity , with remarks oa the effects ef solitary indulgence , ntglected gonorrhoea , syphilis , secosdary symptoms , & c ., and mode of treatment ; followed ly observations on marriage , with proper diret-tivns for the removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with engravings , showing the evils arising from die use of mercury , and its influence on the body . By R . J- Bkodis and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London . Published by the Authors , and sold by Sherwood , Gabert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Mr . Xoble , 111 , Chancer ; -lace ; Mr . Purkiss , Compton-street , Soho ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Barih , 4 , Brydges-street , Covent-garden ; Gordon , 146 , leadcr-hail street , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Suttoa , Jfrnit-ic-ofiice , Nottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Kecne , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldieott , Wolverhampton ; Jeyes , Northampton ; Parker , Hereford ; Turner , Coventry ; Slatter , Oxford ; Sew . ton , Church-street , atid Boss and ^ fighting . - . !? ., Cironiete-onice , Liverpool ; Ferris and Score , Union-street . Bristol ; Wood , High-street , dutsi , Bull-street , Birmingl ham ; Collins , St . Mary-sJreet , Portsmenrb ; Mendham , Selson-street , Greenwich ; Davis , Bernard-street , South , ampton ; and by all booksellers in town and country . CP 1 XIOSS * F THE T 3 ES 6 .
I S 1 1 - lsDER THE PATROSAGE OE ^ YAtTY . ASD THE AUTHORITY O * 1 HL FACULTY . t . KEATISG'S COUGH LOZEXGES . -A Rmedj ' for all disorders of the Pulmonary O ^ " ^ « f ^ ^^*^ f » g ^^ pient Consumption ( of which CougH ^ »• , > ,--Indication ) they are of uuemig «^ . J * ^ % and in Winter < W , « W have never beea known W f « L Keafiug - eCoug hLe ^ gesarefreefromevery deleterious ingredient ; they may , therefore , be taken at & **** M themostdelicatefemale xndby theyoungest chdd ; white , the Public Speaker stud the Professional Smger will fitvd them invaluable in allaying the hoarseness and irritation incidental to vocal execution , and consequently a powerful auxiliary in the preduction of Melodious Enunciation . Prepared and sold in Boxes , Is . lid ., aad Tins , 3 a . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d „ and 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOKAS KEAmG , Chemist , Ac ,, ifo . 79 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard , London . Sold Wholesale by Barclay and Sons , 85 , Parriugdonstreee ; Edwards , 67 , and Newberry , 45 , St . - Paul ' s Church Vard ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Church Yard ; and retail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Venders 4 a the Kimgdom . I
. . ; ; HEALTH , IaYSG U ¥ fc , AND HAPPINESS , . SECURED BY THAT POPULAR MEDICINE ^' 0 > U ^ ne yet offe » e 4 ^ . ^> oi \ d . eTer so , rapidly . Tl attained such distinguished celebrity : it is questionable if there bo now any part of the cirffised' ^ lobe where I its extraordinary healing virtues have not bp . en exhibited . This signal success is not attributable to any system of advertising , hut solely to the strong recommendations of parties cured by their use . The Proprietors of Parr's Life Pill ' s have now in their uossevsiotv upwards of fifteen hundred letters , several of them , from Clergymen of the Church of England , vaanj ftonvuisttnguished isseuting Ministers , from gentlemen connected with the Array and Navy , also from Members of -Parliament , Merchants , and last , though aotlcast , from members of the Medical Professiou , and a skilful Analytical Chemist ; all speaking in the highest terms of the value ef this inestimable medicine . Thisisa ' massofevidence iaits favour beyond all parallel . The extra « vdi » avy properties of this medicine are thus described by an eminent physician , who says , " After particularobservation of the action of Parr's Pills , I am determined , in tuy opinion , that the following are their : true properties J—« First—They increase the strength , whilst most other medicines have a weakening effect upon the system . Let any one take from three to four or six pills every twentyfour hours , and instead of having weakened , they will be found to have revived the animal spirits , and to have imparted a lasting strength to the body . " Secondly—In their operation they go direct to the 1 disease . Afteryouhave taken six or twelve pills you will experience their effect ; the disease upon you will become 1 less and less by every dose you take , aud if you persevere in regularly taking from three to six pills every day , your disease will speedily be entirely removed from the system , after them fair trial
| Just Published , A new and ! nvportant Edition of the Silent Friend on Biiman Frailly . Price 2 s . 0 d ., aad scut free to any part of the United Kingdom on ths receipt of a Post Office Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ef the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effect * of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTIONlocal and vonstitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRll TATIOX , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonoirkea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Ten fine coloured Engravings , representing tile deleterJOUS in . nuenceof Mercury on the > sUin , by eruptions o n the head face , and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by obseivutions on the obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a " SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . . By R . and L . FERRT aud Co ., CWNHTrsa Stogeons . Published by the Authors , and may be had at their Residence , W , 'Bwncrs-strect , Ostord-street , London ; sold by Strange , 21 , Paternoster-row ; Hannay aud Co ., < S 3 , Oxford-street ; Gordon , 146 , Lcadenhall-street ; Powell , 10 , Westmorland-street , Dublin ; Lindsay , 11 , Ete-row , Edinburgh ; D . Campbell , ISC , Argyle-strcct , Glasgow ; Ingham , Market-street , Manchester ; Newton , Churchstreet , Liverpool ; Guest , BulLstreet , Birmiagham ,
or else ? tt »* e « n , internally endanger the very vital organs of existence . To those suffering fror * the consequences whrcb this disease may have left behind in the form of secondary symptoms , eruptions of the skin , blotches oh the head and face , ulcerations and enlargement of tho throat , tonsUs , andvthrcatened destruction of the nose , palate , ^ c nodos on the shin bones , or any of ' those painful affections arising from the dangerous effects of the indiscriminate ' use of mercury , or the evils of an imperfect cure , the Concentrated Detersive Essence will he found to be attended with the most astonishing effects , in checking the ravages of the disorder , removing all scorbutic complaints , and effectually re-establishing the health of the constitution . To persons entering upon the responsibilities of matrimony , and who ever had the misfortune during their more youthful days to be affected with any form of these diseases , a previous course of this medicine is highly essential , and of the greatest importance , as more serious affections are visited upon aa innocw * "rife and offspring , fr # m a want of theso simple precautions , than perhaps half the world is aware of ; for , it must be remembered , where the fountain is polluted , the streams that flow frota it cannot be pure . PERM'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., is . Sd ., and lis . per box , With explicit directions , rendered perfectly intelligible te every capacity , are well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effectual remedy ever discovered for gonorrhoea , both in its mild and aggravated forms , by immediately allaying inflammation and arresting further progress . Gleets , strictures , irritation of the bladder , pains of the loins and kidneys , gravel , and other disorders of the urinary passages , in either sex , are permanently cured in a short space of time , without confinement or the least exposure .
UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE , PERFECT FREEDOM FROM COUGllS IN TEN MINUTES AFTER USE , AND a rapid cure of ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION , COUGUS , COLDS , and all Disorders of the Breath and Lungs , is insured by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFBRS . The truly wonderful powers of this remedy have called forth testimonials from all ranks of society , ia all quarters of the world . The following have just been received : — CURES OF ASTHMAS , COUGHS , AND COLDS IN STAMFORD . from 3 fr , R , Bagky , bookseller , Ironmonger-street . Nov . 15 , 1 S 15 . Gestlexes— Having been some few months appointed agent for Stamford for your excellent medicine , I have great pleasure in communicating to you the beneficial effects many parties in and around Stamford have experienced from its use in asthmas , coughs , and difficulty of breathing , and the complimentary manner in which they recommend them . One highly respectable gentleman in Stamford has experienced the most wonderful benefit in a severe and obstinate asthma , with which he has been troubled for the last twenty years . Calling at my shop the other day , he t «! d me that he had a few days previous caught a bad coll , and by taking two or three of the wafers on going to bed , he found tho cough entirely removed the next day . I have sold dezens of boxes entirely through his recommendation : I hare pleasure in adding that the gentleman is willing to give all the information possible to parties who may be suffering from the same disease , aad on application to me I may give his name .
ALL MAY BE CURED . ' ! BY HOLLOYYAY'S OINTMENT . FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX WEEKS . EXTRA . CS . ' of a Letter from John Martin , Esq ., Chronicle Office , Tobago , West Indies : — February 4 th , 1845 . To Professor Hollowny . Sir . I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this island , especially those who cannot afford to employ medical gcuilcmen , a » o very anxious of having your astonishing mediciues wjtliht their reach , from the immense benefits some of them lucre derived from their use , as they have beenfouud here , in several cases , to cure sores and ulcers of the mast lualigjuiut and desperate kind . One gentleman in this island , who Dad , I believe , about fifty running ulcers about his legs , ai-ms , and boily , who had tried all other medicines before t he arrival of yours , but all of which did him no good ; b utyours cured him in about six weeks , and he is now , by til « "' means alone , quite restored to health and vigour , ( Signed ) Jonw Martin . Piles , Fisttdas , a . w * oeaWn ; g-doipn , A Remarkable Cuke nr these Pilis anb OiSTMEST . —A hall-pay lieutenant , lati uy residing at St . Holler's , Jersy , whose name by requos t is omitted , had for three years suffered from piles and fistula , besides a general bearing down , of the most dis . Messing nature . He had twise underlie aa operation , i " nit to no purpose , and at
last gave himself up to despair . Yet , notwithstanding this complication of complainte , together with a debilitated constitution , he was completely cured of all his infirtniti . es , and restored to , the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned medicines , when every other means had failed . Extraordinary Cnrein the Wettlndks , of Leprosy , and other dire / Mltkindiseaies : y i v . ''¦' June 3 rd , 1844 . Mr . Lewis Reedon , of Georgetown , Dcmcrora , writes , under the above date , that Holloway ' s Pills and Ointment have cured bad legs that no doctor could manage , ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful description , as likewise leprosy , blotches , scales , and other skin diseases of the most frightful nature , and that the cures effected there by these wonderful medicines arc so numerous and extraordinary as to astonish the whole population . CanceMd Bv «« t . —A Wonderful Circumstaiwe . Copy of a Letter from Richard Bull , bootmaker , Tatton , near Southampton : — February 9 th , 1845 . To Professor Hollowny . Sir , —The Lord has permitted to be wrought a wonderful cure of cancers or abcesses , of twelve years' standing , in my wife ' s breast . In the latter part of the time , eleven wounds were open at once . Thefactt . ltydeclaredtb . ec . ase as past cure , several pieces of bone had come away , and I expected that my poor w £ e would soon have been taken from me . It was then that a friend recommended the use of your pills and ointment , which , to our utter astonishment , in the space of about three months , healed up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life . I shall ever remain , Tour most grateful and obedient servant , ( Signed ) Ricbabd Boil . Wheezing on the Chest and Shortness of JYeatt . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Jeremiah Casey , No . 1 , Compton-place , Compton-street , Brunswick-square , London , April 25 th , 1845 : — To Professor HoUoway . Sir , — beg to inform you that I believe I had been , for more than three years , one of the greatest sufferers in the world with chronic asthma . For weeks together my breath was frequently so short that I was afraid every moment of being choked with phlegm . I never went into a bed ; \ ay often , indeed , I have been obliged to pass the night without being able to recline sufficiently to lay my head on a table , lest I should be suffocated . So one thought I should live over the winter , nor did I expect it myself ; but I am happy to say that I am now able to work from morning to night , and that I sleep as well as ever 1 did in ray life ; and this miracle ( I may say ) was effected by rubbing your iavalvtable ointment twice a day into my chest , and taking ten of your pills at bedtime , and ten again in the morning , foe about three months . ( Signed ) Jewbhiah Casey . In all Diseases or ibe Skin , bad legs , old wounds and ulcers , bad breasts , sore nipples , stony and ulcerated cancers , turnout's , swellings , gout , rheumatism , and lumbago , likewise in cases of Piles , Holloway ' s Pills in all the above cases , ought to be used with , the Ointment ; as by this means cures will be effected with a much greater certainty , and in half the time thatit would require by using the Ointment alone . The Ointment is proved to be a certain remedy for the bite of moschetoes , sand-flies , chiego-foot , yaws , coco-bay , and all skin diseases common to the East and West Indies , and other tropical climes . Burns , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands aud Lips , also Bunions and Soft Corns , wiU be immediately cured by the use of the Ointment . Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Ba . \» , London ; and by all respectable venuors of patent medicines throughout the civilised world , in pots and boxes , at Is . Ud ,, 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ,, lis ., 22 s ., and 33 s . each . There is a very considerable saving iu taking the largw sizes . N . B . Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each pot and box .
Tftottet- Fnteutoettm
tftottet- fnteUtoettm
Newcastle Cons Market, Tuesday.—We Had A...
Newcastle Cons Market , Tuesday . —We had a good supply of wheat at market to-day , both from the growers and coastwise , but the attendance of buyers being rather small , no advance in price could be obtained , and a moderate extent of business was transacted in all descriptions of quality , at hist Saturday ' s rates . Barley met a very limited demand , and w ? . a looking lower , as our maltsters , generally speaking , have large stocks on hand . The inquiry for malt was entirely confined to the choicest samplos . Rye sold slowly at our last quotations . In beans and peas there was not much passing . Oats remained without alteration in value .
London Conx Exchange , Monday , Feb . 9 . —The announcement of the failure of a large maltster at Ware , in Hertfordshire , whose liabilities on this market are upwards of £ 12 , 000 , cast a gloom over the proceedings here , especially as it is known that the government is indebted in a large sum for duties . During the last wcok , up to Saturday orening , the arrivals of English wheat were , comparatively speaking , somewhat on the increase , yet they were by no means seasonably large . Of English barley and malt the receipts were very extensive ; those of all other grain , of home produce , moderate . Of Irish oats the arrivals were small ; but from abroad upwards of 13 , 000 quarters , ou which it is probable the duty will be paid , came to hand . The fresh supply of foreign wheat aud flour has been good ; but , under present circumstances , it has been landed in bond . From Essex a fair average quantity of wheat came to hand to-day , coastwise as well as by land carriage . and sample , but that from Kent , Cambridgeshire , dsc , was small . Although the attendance of buyers was
rather larger , the demand for that article was not to say brisk ; nevertheless , the finest qualities of both red and white moved off steadily at very full prices . In other kinds but few sales were effected at last Monday's quotations , yet a fair clearance was effected prior to the close of the market . The show of free foreign wheat was small , yet the demand for that article was somewhat inactive , at unaltered currencies . Holders of foreign wheat under lock were asking most extravagant prices . This , of course , checked the inquiry , and so little was doing that the currencies were almost nominal . The supply of barley was very extensive , owing to which the sale for it was in a depressed state , and in some instances the factors were compelled to submit to a further reduction in prices of Is . per quarter . The show of matt being good , and the buyers operating with great caution , tiie malt trade was dull , and prices had a downward tendency . In oits very little was doing , at barely , but at nothing quotable beneath , last week ' s currencies . Beans , peas , ai . d flour dull , but not cheaner .
CURRENT PRICES OP GRAIN , FLOUR , AND SEED IK MARK-LANE . BJirrisn obaiic Shillings per Quarter , vfheat .. Essex « $ ? Kent , white . new .. 60 to 04 _ M to 71 Pino , red „ „ .. 44 . 60 .. W « l > Suffolk and Norfolk , red .. 48 5 S wliite 50 63 Lincoln and York , red .. IS OS white 40 O'A N ' orthumb . and Scotch .-. 48 SI Rye 29 82 Barley .. Malting 30 33 extra 30 — rtisttilino - 26 20 Distilling 2 *> 23
Grinding „ 23 20 Malt .. Ship .. . " . .. .. 53 57 Ware 5 U 61 Oats .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , feed , 23 s Od to l > 5 a Od ; potato , or short , 23 s Od to 28 s 0 d ; ¦ Poland , i 3 s fid to ¦ 2 Ss Od ; Northumberland and Scotch , Angus , 23 s Od to 27 s Od ; potato , 25 s Od to 27 s Od ; Irish feed , 22 s Od to U * Qd ; black , 22 s 8 d to 24 s Od ; potato , 23 s Odto 2 « s « d ; Galway , 21 s 0 d to 22 s Od . Beans .. Ticks .. .. .. ., 38 44 Harrow , small ,. .. 4 ( 1 48 Peas .. "White .. 37 43 boilers 44 43
Gray and hog .. .. S 3 S 7 Flour .. Norfolk and Suffolk .. 45 51 Town-made ( per sack of 2601 bs ) 48 57 Buekwieat , or Brank 30 82
ESOLISH SEEDS , & C . Red clover ( per cwt . ) 40 to 70 White clover ( per cwt . ) .. 45 74 Rapeseed ( per last ) .. „„ .. .. jE 2 < J 26 Mustard seed , brown ( per bushel ) 7 s to 12 s ; white , " s tolls . Tares , ( per bushel ) , spring , 6 s . ; -winter , Ss . to GS , Cd . Linseed cakes ( per lotto of 3 lb each ) £ 11 to £ l ' l
FOREIGN GBA 1 N . Shillings per Quarter , Free . In Bond . Wheat .. Dantsic and Konigsberg 68 extra 70 .. IS — 61 Ditto < li » o ¦• 54 — 61 » * 6 — oi Pomeranian . & c . AnhaltuG — 03 „ 46 — 14 Danish , llolstein , Ac . .. 54 — 01 „ 44 — 50 Russian , hard .. .. — Ditto , soft .. .. 05 — 58 .. 41 — 50 Spanish , hard .. .. — Ditto , soft .. .. 68 - 62 .. 46 - 53 ltaUan , Tusca « , & c ., rett — Ditto , white .. „ 03 — 69 .. 49 — 60 Odessa & Tagtttvrog . hard — Ditto , soft „ .. 53 - £ 8 .. 41 - 50 Canadian , hard .. , 58 — 60 Ditto , hue ., .. 58 - 60
Rjc « Russian , Prussian , & c . 28 — 30 Barf * ,. Grinding 23 - 26 Ditto , distilling .. .. 25 — 30 .. 18 — 26 Oats „ Dutch , feed .. .. 22 — 26 Uitto , bvtiw and thick ., 24 — 27 ., 2 fl — 21 Russian 23 — 25 .. ] o _ j 0 Danish & Mecklenburg 23 — 20 .. 1 !) _ 21 Beans .. Ticks , 33 to 3 S , small .. 36 — 41 .. as — Si ; Egyptian .... .. 34 — 3 G .. 28 — 30 Peas „ White , 36 to 50 , gray ., 38 — 40 Flour .. Dantsic and Hamburgh ( jier barrel ) , fine 31 86 , superfine .. .. 32 — 35 „ 25 — 29 Canada , 33 to 34 , United States S 2 — 38 .. 27 — 80 Buckwheat So — 32 .. 24 — 26
FOREIGN SEHD 3 , & C . Per Quarter . Linseed .. Petersburgh and Riga ( free of duty ) ,. 44 to 47 Archangel , 40 to 45 , Meinel and Konigsberg 40 47 Mediterranean , 40 to 48 , Odessa ,. 47 59 Rapeseed ( free of duty ) per last .. ,. £ 24 . J 6 Ued Clover ( 19 * per cwt . aud 5 per cent , ou the duty ) .. ~ 40 62 White ditto - .. .. 45 68 Tares , email spring ( iree of duty ) 40 to 44 , largo .. 41 50 Linseed cake ( free of duty ) , Dutch , £ 7 , 10 s , £ 9 French , per ton .. ... £ 810 , £ 9 1 o Rape cakafh'ee of duty ) £ 5 Q £ t s
Newcastle Cons Market, Tuesday.—We Had A...
AVERAGE PRICES Of the last six weeks , which regulate the Duties from the 4 tu of February to the 11 th of February .
Wheat Barley Oats., Line. Veans Jp Mtt "...
Wheat Barley Oats ., line . Veans jp " """" .. s . d . » . d . * . a . | s . O . b , d . g . a * . W Dcc . 27 , 1845 . ! 55 4 32 5 " 2 * 3 0 J 32 8 38 6 391 Q "SL ^ » K » 1 tl 11 » » C 37 9 39 I w io , iK : »» a » n » Uuii sun W n ' lfii 56 2 3111 22 3 34 9 30 9 39 8 " jS . St . uSf 65 7 31 8 2110 3 T 8 36 1 30 8 ^ . 31 , t 2 > 7 U ^ 7 234 34 5 80 6 42 5
Aggregate aver . sfwLkf !! Jenn ^^ uie ^ London aver-Feb ? S 8 01 5 82 1 22 5 84 G 37 6 39 * Duties / . ' .. 16 0 6 0 6 0 8 6 5 6 3 &
Loxnox Smithfieju) Caulk Maijkkt, I'£B. ...
Loxnox Smithfieju ) Caulk Maijkkt , I' £ B . 9 .- » Since Monday last the imports of live stock from the continent for our market have been on a very liberal scale , the time of year considered , viz ., 140 oxen and cows , and 2 calves , from Rotterdam ; 200 cows , 40 oxen , and 300 sheep from Harlingen , together wit & 20 oxen from Hamburg . The whole ot the above supplies have been received from steamers in excellent condition . At the outports the receipts , arising from the comparatively high prices ruling hero , have been unimportant . To-day we bat [ on offer 2 * 0 bcasta and 310 sheep from Holland , with which the trade was in a sluggish state , and previous quotations were not supported . From our grazing districts the ar rivals of beasts fresh up this morning were on the
increase , and of very superior quality , especially as relates to the Hereford * , Devons , Scots , and homebreds . Notwithstandin g the attendance of both towa and country buyers was tolerably numerous , and the weather more favourable for slaughtering , the beef trade was in a very sluggish state , at a decline in the currencies obtained on this da ^ : se'nnight of 2 d . pet 8 lbs ., the very highest figure lor the best Scots not exceeding 4 s . 4 d . per 8 lbi ., andlat which a clearance was with difficulty effected . Ipehullock droves from Norfolk , Suffolk , 'Essex , arijfrpMb ' ridgcshire were composed of 600 Scots and- 'horaebreds . From the northern counties we received oOft ^ horthorns , from : the western and midland districts-COO Hercfords , Dovons . runts . & o .. from the other parts of England
400 of various breeds , from Scotland . 60 Scots , and from Ireland 70 beasts . The remainder of the supply was derived from abroad and-the neighbourhood of the metropolis . The numbers of sheep were agam unusually limited , the deficiency in them , compared with those exhibited at the corresponding market-day in 184-5 , being about 16 , 000 head ; hence the mutton trade was again brisk , and last Monday ' s advanced prices were firmly supported . The be ' st Old Downs readily produced 5 s . 6 d . per 8 lbs . In many quarters allusion has been made to the extremely high prices at whieh sheep have been selling here for some time past , hut the cause of the present range of currencies is easily explained . Our readers will recollect that during the greater portion of 1844 ( owing to the
scarcity of keep in our larger agricultural districts , the result of an unusually dry summer ) , the graziers were compelled to send forward theivsneen , and dispose of them at almost ' any sacrificeVjpijc , great fosses thus sustained at that period prevented many of the large flock masters from purchasing adequate supplies of lean stock for the then forthcoming eeason . la addition to these circumstances , the epidemic carried off immense numbers of sheep . The consequence has been that in many parts of the country there is an absolute scarcity of that description of stock , and to exemplify our remarks we may observe that oa many farms it is impossible for the stock to consume the large quantities of turnips and other pabulam
produced last year ; hence , m those districts where , sheep are in moderate abundance , the graziers , caa scarcely [ afford to dispose of their stock , whatever may be the prices here . This , then , is the principal cause of the present enhanced rates , and which will probably be maintained for some time hence . la order further to strengthen our observations , we beg to observe that during last year there were exhibited here nearly three hundred sheep less than m 1844 . The iew prime lambs on sale this morning sold readily at 7 s . per Slbs . Calves , the numbers of which were small , moved off steadily at full prices . The pork trade was very steady , at last week ' s quotations . The supply of pigs was moderate .
By the quantities of 81 b ., sinking the offal , s . d . s . d Inferior coarse beasts . . . 2 8 2 10 < Second quality .... 3 0 3 4 Prime large oxen , . . 3 6 3 10 Prime Scots , « fcc 4 0 4 Coarse inferior shoep ... 3 10 4 4 Second quality . , , , i <> i 8 Prime coarse vpooWed ... 4 10 5 0 Prime Southdown . ... 52 56 Largecoavse calves . . .. 48 54 Prime small . . , , ;'< 5 G 6 8 Suckling calves , each . . , 18 0 32 0 Large hogs 8 10 4 8 Neat small porkers . . . 4 20 5 2 Quarter-old store pigs , each . 16 0 22 9
HF ± D OF CATTLE OH 8 AII . ( From the Books of the Clerk of the Xfarket . ) Beasts , 3 , 108- Sheep , 18 , 200-Calves , 53—Pigs , 290 . RiCHHOxnCoKN Market , Febhuart f . —We had a large supply of grain in our market to-day ^ but only thinly supplied with oats . Wheat sold ' from 5 s . ; od . to 9 s . ; oats , 2 s . < M . to . < fc . fid .:: barley , 3 s . 9 d . . 4 s . Od . ; beans , 5 s , to 6 s . Od . per bushel . Wakefield Corn Market , Fridat , Feb . 6 . —The arrivals of all grain are moderate . A fair business done in fine wheat , at rather higher rates . For inferior no demand . Barley in request , and fully as dear . Beans Is . dearer . Oats and shelling without change .
Manchester Corn Market , Saturday , Feb . 7 . —> The trade during the week has been of a more animated character than we had it in our power to notice for some time past , and a fair extent of business has been transacted in flour , chiefly , however , in approved marks of choice quality , without material variation from the previous currency . Oats and oatmeal have likewise met a steady sale ; the former at a . slight decline in price , but the latter at fully late rates . At our market this morning the demand for wheat was on a very limited scale , without alteration in the prices of this day se ' nnight . The best descriptions of flour continued to meet a tolerably good sale at our late currency , but inferior and unknown brands were neglected . Oats were in moderate request at a reduction of id . per 45 lbs . Oatmeal of choice quality , on the contrary , fully maintained its previous value .
Liverpool Conx Mabkbt , Monday , Feb . 9 . —This week we have moderate supplies of British grain , flour , and oatmeal , and wo have again a liberal quantity of flour from the United States . The trade 1 ms remained in a very inactive state , with prices generally tending downwards . The transactions in free wheat have almost entirely consisted of retail purchases by the local millersand dealers , who have been able to supply themselves at prices the turn in their favour . Free flour has met a moderate sale at 6 d . per barrel decline . For oats there has been little inquiry , and the best runs of Irish mealing have been sold at 3 s . Sd . to 3 s . 9
all descriptions have been offered on lower terms . Beans and peas have gone oft' in retail at previous rates . Two or three parcels of wheat , in bond , have changed hands during the week , but at little or nodifference from the late quotations . A few hundred barrels of New Orleans partially sour flour have been sold at 25 s . per barrel , but no sates are reported in the best quality of United Slates , which is held at 28 s . to 28 s . 6 d . per barrel . Birmingham Corn Exchange , Wednesday . — Dnriii" the present week there has been a tree sale of wheat ? at an improvement of Is . per quarter , dry new red having realised 7 s . 2 d . per 02 lbs . Malting
barley continues much deprcsssd , as the supply exceeds tho demand ; for < iry grinding tlio inquiry lias increased . Oats firm , aud rattier tending upwards . Beans unaltered in value , with more doing . JIcll Cons Market , Tuesday . —We had a fair show of wheat from the farmers , but the great portion in only very poor condition ; such was almost unsaleable ; while dry new and old obtained abom Is move money , Factors' sales were most limited iuul bonded quite neglected . Spring corn , "encrallv quite as dear . With mild weather , linseed cakes are easier to buy . AH articles of manure are in very light demand . '
• / N M V {?, - Wi0!( : ~'? Q Tllc Milit...
• / m {? , - WI 0 !( : ~ ' ? tllc Militants of a « sea-cist isle , lito unto Great Britain , and indeed to every « thev maritime nation , every instance of valour or ski 1 evinced by those devoted to navigation is justly and honourably esteemed . The deed of Grace Darling was one ot heroism and benevolence ; and recently the affair of the schooner " Whim , " which lias been navigated four thousand miles by Captain Aemuge and only one man , all the hands on board having died , with the exception of ono other who was incapacitated . No such other instance of naval skill and ludciatigablo exertion is known in the records of naval history ; from their continued exposure to the atmosphere , they woro in hourly danger of an attack ot rheumatism , which , had it occurred , their fate , and that of
the ship and cargo , would have been sealed . To guard against such a calamity , we would recommend that all persons should be provided with Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pilis , which may be taken at any tmio without restraint of employment . . Waxehbld Adjourned Sessions . — From an ad-TCrtJMMont in another column , it will be seen that these scsoious will be holden by adjournment at bhefteld , on 'Ihursday , the 26 th inst ., and by further adwwnHijmt lrom thence will be holden at Wakeheld on Monday , March 2 , at ten o ' clock in the lorenoon , tor the trial of felons and persons indicted for misdemeanours . Tho Lancaster and Carlisle llailway is ex . cotel to be completed by the 1 st of Julv .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 14, 1846, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_14021846/page/2/