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l ' ¦ \ 1 'V sj= - ' - N^Vy^v^ ?V^' THE ...
'' 3latt{ri«ftttifk J^f iaifeip^ &*?
BANKRUPTS.. . (Frm Tuesday 'sGazette, No...
Nonchalance. —At the recent fatal coal-m...
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L ' ¦ \ 1 'V Sj= - ' - N^Vy^V^ ?V^' The ...
l ' ¦ \ 1 'V sj = - ' - N ^ Vy ^ v ^ ? V ^ ' THE NORTHERN STAR . _ ? ° ^ - ^—^ ^ ¦ """ " ITi l l " " l I nORNSiAW ^ NTONS ^ v ' I ^ , ; & uAlt ON SPINAL ^ DISEASE CORNS | AND ^ NIONS : ^
•Tkder ^Otal Patrbnage.
THE EARL OP ALDBOROUGH CURED HOLLOWA B Y * S PILLS . THE Earl of AJdborough cured of a Liver and Stomach Complaint . Extract £ a Letter from the Earl of Aldborougb , dated Yilla Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , 1845 : — To Professor Holloway . Sir , —Various circumstances prevented the possibility f my thanking yoa before this time for your politeness in sending me your puis as yoa did . I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for the amount ; and , atthe lime time , to add that your pills hare effected a enre ^ rfji disorder in my liver and stomach , which allit & jjmost eminent of the faculty athome , and all over thojejintineot , had not been able to effect ; nay ! n » t eveaj ^ i ' -waters ^ of Carlsbad and Marienbad . I wish toj 3 yi * e another : box and a pot of the ointment , in caBeaajflfmy family should ever require either . .- -- ~ V
This day is published , by H . BaUlieu , ibpokseller-and : ' publisher , No . 219 , Begent-street , price 2 s . sUched . . . DR DE PKATIion CHRONIO DISBASBSj / of ^ tho SKIiCtbeu- CAUSE ' S and CDBE ^ " ;; . " i * ' The abore work s « ay : ba had ; - ' postage free , in any ^ part of the kingdom , by . remitting the amount urstamp ito Dr . ds Prati , 4 , Mortinier-st ^ et i CaTend ^ h-square . ' ~~ -Jx s ;
ON DEBILITY'AND , DISEASE . Price 2 s . 6 d ., iu an envelope , or forwarded to any address free , on receipt of a post-office order fo r 3 s . 6 d ., < THE MENTOR OF HEALTH , a MedicarWork on Nervous Debility , and the Causes of Premature Delay in Han , resulting from Excess / Infection , or Impru . Jence . Also , OBSERVATIONS ON MARRIAGE , and tertain disqualifications , together with treatment for iiseases of the Generative Organs , by J . S . Ti ' ssoi and 5 o ., Consulting Surgeons , $ , ' Caroline-street , Bedfordtqnaro .
VALUABLE MEDICINE . HUNT'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS ; a most excellent Medicine for Bilious Complaints , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Habitual . Costiveness , Indigestion , Heartburn , Pains and Giddiness of the Head , Influenza , Worms , Spasms , Nervous and Dropsical Com . plaints . For upwards of forty years have thesePills obtained the unqualified approbation of the public in general , among whom may be included families of distinction and medical men . Their composition is so truly excellent , and their beneficial effects have been' so widely expertenced , that the proprietors feel' the greatest confidence in recommending them as one " of the MILDEST and
CAUTION!—Unprincipled individuals prepare the most ; . spurious compounds under the , same names ; they '¦ copy the labelsi'biUs i ^ adyertise ' mentB ^ and & ti- : ¦'';•' : monialsof tbe ' pijigirialThomas ' s ' Su " ec ^ aj | Sun ®/ 'ifc ' is , therefore , btghly ^ ecessary |^ see taqft ' the W $ ds : - . "Thomas au & Bpvrfirfi . " are onthe wrapjgjir o £ i * aehi article . AU ^ er *« efraud ^& tttimr ^ OMSl ^ -. , '' ' ¦ ' . M 5 ;\ FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETfi . Price 2 s . 6 d .
Just published ,-Sixteenth' Edition , ilXiisiraled tbftftiKwi fj ' oiid fuU-lengihengravings , price 2 s : 63 , j in a sealed ' envelopi , and « nJ free to any part of the kingdom , on thireoeipt ! tf apdsl 4 Me 40 rdtr . for %$ . 6 d . - : -y .
""" " ITi l l " " l ^ -: , ; . & , uAltE ON SPINAL ^ DISEASE ., fHHis- -day is published , price ^ 6 d ., CASES and OBJ . ' iSERVATlONS illuaWi veofc the beneficial results i whictoinay ^ obteihW-tiyoloseiat ^ ri ^^ | Le U ^ ome oghe $ si $ romc % d unpromisihg in-UJm spu ^ eforn ^ jwith ^ e ^ n ^ gravings on J ^ S ^ y S *« 0 EL -H AEfM » . 0 . Sr- - > , ; ' ^ -- \ London : John Churchill , Prinees-street ; and may be had of all booksellers .
CAUTIOK . r-All Persons advertising Succedaneum for stopping decayed teeth , fraudulently attempt to imitate UK * CLARKE'S ORIGINAL SUCOEDANEDM ; and if any- Succedaneum than Mr . Clarke ' s bo purchased , it ^ jll he ; d iscovered useless . Mr ., Clarke can say ,. without the slightest exaggeration , that be has sold 3 , 000 bottles of Succedaneum within 16 months : and 2 , 800 individuals have been able to use it successfully ; and most of the other purchasers . - . have been to Mr . Clarke , sat his residence , el , Jjpvrer . firosvenor Street , London , to have their
; Just Published , A . new and important Edition of the Silent Friend on Human . Frailty . Price 2 s . 6 d ., ' and sent free to any part of the United ! Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Om « e Order for j . 3 s . 6 d ., & MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GEXa . NERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an , enqtury into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , ahdtlie ability of manhood , ere rigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total
nORNSiAW ^ NTONS ^ v ' CORNS | AND ^ NIONS : ^ " PAUL'S EVERm MAN'S ^ I FRIEND , PatrwAsed b ^ thef . Royal [ FaMy aruVi & obmtg , IS a sure atid gpfledyieure for those sovera ' annoyances , withouf | cada | ng jth ^ lea ^ t paui ' ^ iinconvenience . Unlike all other wniediestor ' Corng ^ iopera tion is such as to render ' the Cubing of ; Coras altogether unnecessary ; indeed , we may sayi ' thepractice of cutting Corns is at all times highly dangerous , and lias been frequently attended with lamentable consequences , besides its liability to increase their growth ; it adheres with the most gentle pressure , producing an instant and delightful relief from torture , and , withperseverance in its application , entirely eradicates the most inveterate Corns and Bunions . Testimonials have beea received from upwards of one hundred Physicians and Surgeons , of the greatest eminence .
FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . THE manifold advantages to the Heads of Families from the possession of a Medicine of known efficacy , that may be resorted to with confidence , and used with success in cases , of temporary sickness , occurring , in families more or less every day , are so obvious to all , that no question can he raiscdof its importance to every householder in the kingdom . From among numerous testimonials , the following . is . respectfully submitted : — " To Mr . Thomas Prout , . , Strand , London . " 5 , Cooper-street , Manchester , March 12 , 1842 .
. aa ., s . on ., ana us . eacn nox ; or , post free , 3 s ., 5 s ., and 12 s . COPAIBA AND ( WEBBS ENTIRELY . SUPERSEDED . WRAY'S BALSAMIC PILLS , a certain , safe , and the most speedy remedy ever discovered for the permanent and effectual cure of strictures , seminal weakness , pains ' in the loins , affections of the kidneys , gravel , rheumatism , lumbago , gonorrhoea , gleets , local debility , irritation ! of the bladder or urethra , andother diseases of th « urinary passages . The unprecedented success-that has attended the administration of these puis , since they . were made public , has acquired for them a sale more extensive than any other proprietary medicine extant , and the circumstance of their entirel y obviating the necessity of having recourse to those disgusting , nauseous , and in many cases highly injurious medicines ( as copaiba , cubebs ,
'' 3latt{Ri«Ftttifk J^F Iaifeip^ &*?
' ' 3 latt { ri « ftttifk J ^ f iaifeip ^ &*?
Bankrupts.. . (Frm Tuesday 'Sgazette, No...
BANKRUPTS .. . ( Frm Tuesday ' sGazette , NovemUr \ l , im , f Thomas Miller , of Manieil-stMet , Goodman ' srfieida , » ii man—Samuel Stocker , sen ; , formerly of 121 / St . Jaha ' g . street , GlerkenweU , but . n » w . of . 9 , Seckforcistreet yClerk . enweU , hydrauUc-enginser—Charles Henry , White , f Graresend , Kent , UnentopW-Ja ' me g Ohallen ; of OdiaaL Hampshire , maltster—George Hastings Wattoh , of New Bond-street , tobacconist—William Ward , of B » Uon , But . landshire , farmer—Godfrey Abraham , of 51 , Great Preg . cbttotreet , GobdmairVfields , watch manufacturer— Wu . liain Richard Parsons , of 7 , Limehouse-caus « way , baker —JobuKirkby , of Kirkeaton , Yorkshire , fancy manufar turn . ¦ "• ¦ " ' ' ¦ " - ' ¦
DIVIDENDS DIGLABED . Conrad Haverkam . Greenhow , ef North Shields , shin , broker , first dividend of 2 s . fid . in the pound , parable it 111 ,, rilgrim . street ,. Newcastle . up 6 h . Tyrie , oh tfoyember 15 , and any following Saturday . ' ucr Robert Baxter , of Sheffield , merchant , first dividend of 5 s . in the pound , payable at' 7 , Commercial-buildinffs Leeds , any Tuesday . ' Charles Thomson , of Huddersfield , Yorkshire , stationer final dividend of Is ' , lejd . in the pound , payable at t ' Commercial-buildings , Leeds , any Tuesday . ' Robert Menti s , of Kingston-upon-Hull , merchant , final dividend of Is . 2 £ d . in the pound , payable at 7 , Commercial-buildings , jjeads , any Tuesday .
DIVIDENDS TO BI DECLABED . At the Court of Bankruptcy , London ^ Robert Kimble , of 27 , Great Marylebona-street , boot , maker , December 4 , at half-past twelve—George William Stocks , of Norwich , linendraper , December 10 , it eleven —Edmund Baldwin and Richard Garrett ,, of Henfield , Sussex , linendrapers , December 3 , at half-past eleven-James Rowe , of 7 , Blandford-strect , Maryleborie , iron . , monger , December 3 , at eleven—William James Taylor of 82 , High-street , Camden Town , grocer , December 10 , at half-past eleven .
in tin Country . Richard Brown , of Kingston-upon-Hull , joiner , Decora , ber 5 , at eleven , at tho Court of Bankruptcy Leeds-James Bourne , of Bemmersley , Staffirdshire , printer December 9 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy Bh > mingham-Thomas Ilewett Wetmore , of Worcester grocer , December 3 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcr , Birmingham-Joseph Curtis , of Liskeard , Cornwall : Unenl draper , December 12 , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy Exeter-John Pitt , of Plymouth , grocer , December 12 , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Exeter—George Cox , of Plymouth , victualler , December 19 , at one , atthe Court of Bankruptcy , Exeter-Richard Periam Prat and Samuel Prat , of Glastonbury , and of Wells , Somersetshire , scriv . eners , December 9 , at eleven , at the Court of . Bankruptey , Bristol-wuuam Whitaker Spence , of Neweastls-upon-Tyne , woollen draper , December 1 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Newcaitle-upon-Tyhe . Cbbtificates to he granted , unless cause be shown to the
contrary on the day of meeting , - Benjamin Stephen Thomas Matthews , of 40 , Cornwall , road , Lambeth , oil and colourman , December 2—William Clark , of Royston , Hertfordshire , baker , December 4—Thomas Downes Taylor , of 38 , Brook-street , Holbom oilman , December 4—John Farrow , of Stanton , Suffolk ' draper , December 2 . ' Certificates to be granted by the Court of Review , milest cause b « shown to the contrary , on or before December 2 . James Weuden Collyer , of Newgate-street . Citv vie mailer-Henry Williams , of Faringdon , Berkshire , grocer —Jesse Banning , of Liverpool , stationer—Feuwick Lo . raine , of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , bookseller—John Redden of Cambridge , coach builder—James Taylor , of Bromley ' maltster—Thomas Clerc Smith , of 13 , Henrietta- » treeV Covent-gardeii . '
PABTXIB 8 BIF 3 DISSOLVZB . J . B . Perry , jun , and Andrew Searle , of Floet-strset-David Morgan and Jabez Thomas , of Pont-y-ty-pridd near Cardiff , coal merchants—Ralph Clark and Robert Foreman , of Sunderland , house builders—Joseph Dawsoa and James John Hance , of- Liverpool , wool-brokers-George Joseph Jackson and William Calveley Davies of Liverpool , commission merchants — Thomas Ovenaea Dadswell and Charles Dadswell , of Tipton , Staffordshire grocers—B . Sucker , Richard OreenweU , Smith GreenweU ' William Cook , John Gl & dston and T . Richardson , o £ Castle Eden , Durham , coal owners ( go far as regards Bailey Sacker}—John Tully and William Thompson , of Monk Wearmouth-shore , Durham , sail makers—John
Tully , fm , Thompson , aud John Tully , jun ., of Monk Wearmouth-shore , Durham , sail makers—James Taylor and John Taylor , of Cheltenham and Bath , tea dealers-John Cairns , jun ., and William Strickland , of New-mills , Derby , Turkey-red dyers—Joseph Holroyd , William Hoi . royd , and Benjamin Holroyd , of Stone in Fixbv , Yorkshire , cloth dressers—Thoinas Macartney and " Patrick Kelly , of Liverpool , surgeons—James Sands and Joseph Blackett , of Hartlepool , Durham , grocers—Willby Uai . mohd and Edward William Gooday , of Gray ' g-inn , attor . neys—Joseph Callinson and Edward Collinson , of Linton , Yorkshire , worsted spinners—Algernon Sydney William * and Edward Russell Williams , of Derby , letter-press printers .
Nonchalance. —At The Recent Fatal Coal-M...
Nonchalance . —At the recent fatal coal-mine accident near Bristol ^ George Brittan , the only survivor , although one of his arms was broken to pieces , and his head and back eut in several places , quietly took out his pipe and began to smoke , which he continued to do till brought to the mouth of the pit ; and within n ceuple of minutes after the amputation of his arm . by Mr . Grace , of Downhead , he asked that gentleman if he might again smoke , and receiving an answer in the affirmative , he commenced blowing a cloud out of . his short pipe , with the utmost composure ,
Tj ? AeicAt Story . —On the 31 st ult ., the following murder took place sear Garkrne , in Corsica . A young man of some property , named Quiiichini , had seduced a dress-maker , named Angelina Franciscan ! , and had promised to marry her , bat broke his word , and married another . A few days afterwards , Angelina , who had procured a pistol , seeing her seducer , went to him , and after a short canversatioh fired . Her victim fell mortally wounded and died at the end of a few hours . The murderess fled , and had not been captured when the account left .
Origin of a Modern Rome . —The town of Rome , says the Rochester Democrat , containing a population , of over 5 , 000 , has . been built up by factories for making paddles and oars from the ash , thousands of which are shipped almost by every vessel for England , France , Germany , Prussia , Sweden , Russia , and throughout all the East . The junks of the Chircse are now all managed by American oars , and the small boats of alt- Europe and Asia are now propelled by . the enterprise of the people of this village ¦ Murder of Australian Discoverers . —It is feared that Dr . Leichardt and the party who proceeded with him , in August last , to Moretbn bay , in Australia , for tho purpose of exploring an overland route from that place to Port Essingtbn , have been murdered by s party of the natives . The Cabinet—We understand that all themembers of the Cabinet will re-asatmble in . town at the close of the month . ,
Comrik . —Earthquake . —A very severe shock of earthquake occurred at Comrie on Wednesday the 29 th ultimo , about four o ' clock , a . m . The shock did not cause so much alarm as the unusual long hollowsounding tremor , which was heard for a considerable time after the shake . Decease of the Coaches . — Tha Brighton , Horau ham , a n d Lon do n Victor i a ceach has cease d runn i n g from and to the above places . The Piqua Plant is patronized by many of the first families in the land . The economy derivedt ' romtha use of the PiquaPJant , compared with tea , is as follows : —Suppose : family using lib . of tea per . week , worth 4 s . per | lb . substitutes the Piqua Plant at 3 s . Cd . per lb . which requires but one-third the quantity to make theinfusion of equal strength , the saving would be , | perweek , 2 s . 10 d ., and : the cost'to the family lid . instead of 4 s ., for one-third of lib ! of the Plant will go as far as lib . of tea . —Set Advertisement .
Corns and Bunions . —It is a well-known fact that the malady of corns and bunions is more universal than perhaps any other unnatural growth with which mankind is afflicted ; and it is equally well known , that of all maladies it is also the most painful and intolerant . To find some remedy for- the euro , or at least the amelioration thereof , has called forth the exertions of many of the most eminent members of thei medical profession . Of those of modern times , none hive laboured harder to arrive at this grand desideraturn than has the proprietor of "Paul's Every Man's Friend ; " and the success which * has happily attended his exertions , after many years of elaborate study , may be estimated from thefact that hundreds
ot medical men have not ' only themselves received personal' benefit therefrom , but they invariably recommend it to their friends and patients ; It is in general use by the . Royal Family , , nobility , clergy , die . ; infact , by all ranks and . conditions ,, from the ( iueenpn the throne to , the : peasant in his cottage , and'all acknowledge its efficacy and value . ¦ Its fama is daily becoming more extensively diffused , and it is already used to a great extent on tue . contineni : even the Chinese , with all their prejudices , have not disdained to seek relief therefrom . "Paul ' s Every Man ' s Friend" is sold by all respectable . Chemists and Medicine Venders , m every town throughout , the United Kingdom ; in boxes at Is . ijd . and 2 s . 9 d . each .
Copy of a Letter sent to the Eoitoe of tub Newfoundland Times . —Sir , —I hereby certify that I hadbeen , for-a number of years , labouring under a most painful and distressing complaint for the cure of which many receipts were unsuccessfully prescribed ; that having seen an advertisement in the Newfound land Times for the sale of ; Professor Holloway ' s Pills and i Ointment in this Island , I was induced to purchase a box of the Pills and ghsa them a fair trial ; and am happy to certify , thua publicly , that sh o rt l y after I . took . the Pills I found , myself gradually getting better , and am now perfectly recovered . I can , therefore ] safely recommend the medicine to the public . Signed , William Stares , Cherry Gardens , St John's , July 11 , 1844 . '
The Perth Courier recently stated that a man was advised by a female doctor in the neighbourhood to rub his bod y with tur p ent i n e , before going to bed . and in the morning he would find himself cured of the rheumatism . Accordingly he obtained the assistance of his wife to rub the upper portion of his body , out while doing so , she accidently allowed the heated candle to come in contact with the turpentine w " {^ had been placed upon the body , consequently he became enveloped in flame , inflicting serious injury . How easily might this alarming accident have been prevented , if , instead of using turpentine , he had taken that celebrated medicine , Blair ' s Gout a n d Rheumatic Fills .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 15, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_15111845/page/2/