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' A true labourer earns that he eats - crpt«tii«ti.„ ^^^^ SZ^^^Zi
TO THE WOMONG CLASSES! My Friends ,— Thi...
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" V S which is ^-^^ fl m - lONDOH. ATURD...
<&MTti$t inttWiatim
Ne\ycastle-on-Ttxe.—At the usual meeting...
CHAftTaSM IK ST. l>AK«gbAS. A large meet...
petition, ; • "" , '.. ,... '"'''to • (l...
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' A True Labourer Earns That He Eats - Crpt«Tii«Ti.„ ^^^^ Sz^^^Zi
' A true labourer earns that he eats - crpt « tii « ti . „ ^^^^ SZ ^^^ Zi
To The Womong Classes! My Friends ,— Thi...
TO THE WOMONG CLASSES ! My Friends , — This TFcek tlie list of subscriptions for tonus ior location on the Bromsgrove estate closes , and next week the names of the successful candidates ^ rill be published . And as I have always preserved better faith with the
working classes than jury other man in whom they bane confided , Kshall be prepared to return the amounts paid by the unsuccessful candidates ; sfiiu , I dare say , many who have invested their little all in railway and other speculations would receive such an announcement from the holders of their money , not only "witi 1 joy , but with surprise , as it is an unusual process .
I am now looking out of my window at all Sorts of vehicles , conveying all sorts of people to Hampton Eaces , within an hour ' s drive of lay house ; and although that sport , and hunting and agriculture , were amusements that I ibimerly took great delight in , I have abandoned one and all , as well as a lucrative profession , to devote my whole time to the improvement of the condition of the working classes ; and my constant reward has been , the tuuniti g ated hostilit y of all other classes , and not a sparing amount of insolence from a portion of your own order .
However I base my constant advocacy of your cause upon the' principle , that Ihave received this insolence only from a very small Biinority ; and from the fact I deduce the justice and practicability—nay , the defence of rigbt , which would be administered by Universal Suffrage . 2 ? ov let me trace this conclusion , both so-€ ially and politically . The . social view I take from the Land Plan , in which from seventy * thousand to eighty thousand of the working classes have invested more or less of their
money . A very few of those who were disappointed , not by me but by the law , have been insolent and impertinent , while their insolence and impertinence has been nipre than counterbalanced by the kindliness with which the large majority—nay , all , with the exception of a fraction—looked upon the great but not insnrmotmtablc difficulties -flirovm . in . my "way at every step . - . - Though I say the difficulties were not insurmountable , I have the vanity to believe that few men would bave had the courage and the fortitude to have withstood them . Thus , I
show you how the shield of the majority can protect an honest man from the malignant shafts of a minority in a social point of view ; -and I need only call your attention to the attempts made by the POOR GENTLE 3 LEN —in the Convention of 1839 ; in 1840 and lSil , -iv-hen I -was in my cell ; at the Birmingiam Conference in 1842 ; and in the National Assembly in 1848 , —to destroy my influence , in the hope ' of establishing akmd of patchwork
. system , in which each might see a shred of . self-iuterCSt , but all of which conspiracies and machinations were bravely and virtuousl y overpowered and destroyed , by the wisdom and integrity of an overwhelming majority : and thus I think I establish the value of Universal Suffrage , both socially and politically ; in fact , as the only safeguard by which the friends of the people can be defended against their enemies , no matter to what class they may belonsr .
jVI t friends , nothing is more fatal than when theoretical , socialknowledge , has suddenly burst upon a party only just endowed with political power ; every Utopian schemeis seizedupon with -anunaccountableavidity , andsocicty , instead ef being politically harmonised to achieve great national social improvements , becomes sectionalised ; each section constituting the army of -each theorist , and each army , like different religious sects , arrayed in hostility , not upon a principle , but upon a mere shadow .
I mention this irrefutable fact , to convince yon that self-interest is the basis of human action , and that Bvery theorist who enlists and commands such a section , uses that section for the realisation of his own peculiar object , based upon his own interest . I have often told you that - "Wordsarebut wind , Actions speak the niiud : " and taking those words as your text , you may say , " they are all wind ; " but I rejoice to think that I can appeal to my actions , and from them , and from my present position in
soeietv , in a financial point of view , you and all others must admit that my object has been ambition , and that that ambition has been to errevate your condition , at the expense of persecution and great loss of property . For you mustalwavs bear in mind , that I was rich and independent when I enlisted in your ranks , while you made me poor ; mit , thank God i not dependent . And you must further bear in mind , that if I made a large income as a newspaper proprietor , I spent every farthing of that income in advocating your cause upon . the platform , defending it in the court of justice , and supporting your victims .
I think it necessary , well as we understand each other , thus to recapitulate my association with the working classes , and the more especially at the present moment , when the presumed failure of the Land Plan has encouraged theorists to enlist recruits from what they consider the scattered forces of Labour . I say from the presumed failure , although of its legal and social triumph I entertain not a shadow of doabt ; but my greatest difficulty lies in the fact , that those who throw the shuttle , ply the loom , and wield the hammer , believe that the process ef law is as rapid as their labourwhereas , the very fact of the
AtTORXEY-Ge-3 TEKAL trying to postpone the final adjustment of the Land Plan , must irrefutably convince all that he has a had and unsupportable case ; while , upon the other hand , presmningthevery great improbability that he should succeed , those who have invested their money hi that plan appear tohave lost sight of the fact , that in case Of SUCh a result , the Committee of the House of Commons decided unanimously that Parliament should enable me to wind up the affairs of the Company , and were we driven to such an alternative—which I by no means anticipate— -the Laud Company would be in that anomalous position that it could repay twentv shillings foceray pound in restedincoii
fidence in me . I ^ ow , I think , and without much stretch of fancy , that when it is borne in mind that the working classes of this country invest their anoiHwTin speculations , the result of which mnnot be discovered for years , and which , m most cases , are fallacious and unsatisfactory , that the Land Company—assuming the alternative to which I have referred—stands in a position different from any company that ever was established . i ? ay , 1 may go further , and , although admitting that £ o , or £ 1 , is a large
amount for a poor man to abstract from his poor earnings in these griping times , I may say that between seventy and eighty thousand people , pay ing upon an average £ 1 10 s . a ii ^ ad , would not have invested their money « raprofitably , though not a single subscriber ihnd derived a particle of benefit from the Plan . H = w much money has been ' expended in strikes aad useless litigation ? And what money was ever so profitably or prudently expended as that which has been applied to the developcm -nt of the national resources for the . nation s
beieSt ? - - - - , My friends , many 1 admit have spoken , and many have , written theoretical works , upon the capabilities of the soil , but they have all—one and all—been based upon the feudal system , and applied to the closer rivetting of the chains Of the " slave . For instance , where agricultural labourers arc blessed with ai-ood or half a rood of land attached to their cottage , or detached ,
To The Womong Classes! My Friends ,— Thi...
more often the case , the love even of that small quantit y of land , and the dread and horror of losing it , gives the employer a greater control over the occupant . I , upon the other hand , have established my Plan upon a principle which will make every man his own employer , and will sweeten every man ' s hardest toil hy the cheering reflection that he shall be the first partaker of the fruits of his own industry . _ My friends , I have established this Land i'ian , then , as the great social object to be achieved by the people when they are politically enfranchised ; and I have established it in order that no theoretical or Utopian schemes should he used hy theorists and prophets
when the people achieve political power . And m order that there should be a unity and not a diversity of political opinions , in search of a diversity of impracticable ,, unattainable , unprofitable , and visionary social schemes . - Now / that is my chief object , with reference to this Land Plan — it is to throw the political mind round like a hall , instead of seeing it scattered like grape shot ; and if I can glean knowledge from the growing intelligence of the age , I assert , without fear of contradiction , that if jpu got .. the Charter to-morrow , fhe whole fiiind of the country , no matter how varied it may be now , would be exclusively
directed to the application of the Land to its legitimate purpose as its first object ; and I tell you what I further assert , and my greatest reviler will not deny it ; it is this , that if I had one million of money to-morrow , I would expend it to the last farthing upon the developement of the Land Plan , if I never received one single fraction of rent in return , because it would establish the dial by which the whole mind of this country would be regulated And although I am resolved that the affairs of the present Company , as it stands , shall be faithfully conducted , as the Committee of the House of Commons said it had been
conducted , With PERFECT GOOD FAITH ; lam resolved , I say , that , while I still continue to carry on that Company , to propose another Company in next week ' s " Star , " which shall require no legal protection , and by which I will give veritable " Freedom to the Millions , " by buying land in the wholesale market , and selling it out-and-out , with no other expense than surveying , upon the following week , retail at the wholesale price , from half an acre to five acres , giving my whole time for nothing , and devoting my services merely to the just survey and the making of
convenient roads to each allotment ; leaving to every purchaser the . building of his own cottage , according to his fancyi commencing humbly , and adding to it-according to his means and the requirements of his family . In every instance the Land shall be of good quality , and purchased at a convenient distance from a market town : and by this means every occupant will be a veritable independent freeholder , as the solicitor of the Company shall not lend * he capital of trafficking speculators to the poor occupant upon mortgage , which he may foreclose , and destroy him if he refuses to vote for the nominee of the
Company . No ! mine shall go to the poll without the mask upon their faces , to vote for the man of their choice ; and thus , in less than five years from this day , the independent yeomen would hold the balance of power in every county in the kingdom . However , I shall minutely detail my plan next week , and I wish the members of the Land Company to bear in mind , that , while I never assail—but , on the contrary , encourage
every scheme that is calculated to bestow the slightest benefit upon the people , —I am attacked most unsparingly , and most ungenerously , by all who propound their own fascinating theories . And wh y ? Simply because they have the Press at their command . They know th . it I will not be a party to a deception or juggle ; they are aware of the people ' s confidence in me , and they think that destruction of that confidence must be the basis of their
own power . jSay , so kit from abusing any plan that bears the semblance or the shadow of benefit for the working classes , I invariably give their plan a free circulation , which it could not acquire through , any , or all other channels of publication ; and here I insert a letter which I received this morning , and shall not offer a word of comment , farther than that in my conscience I believe that auhonester man—a
bolder advocate—or moreincomiptible Eepresentative , is not in or out of the House of Commons than Geokge Frederick Muxtz , who has lent his name to this plan , and who I fearlessly assert , would rather surrender his seat in Parliament than be a party to deceive the working classes . Here is the letter : - Freehold land Society , Committee and Subscription Rooms , Temperance Hotel , Newall-Strect , Birmingham , June 12 th , 1841 1 .
Mb . Editob . —I am verv anxious to put you m possession of the true principles of oiirsociety , —ana if possible , by the merits of our plan , claim your sympathy and support Allow me at the very onset to declare , that I do not aim to undermine , ovanv way interfere with the existence of any society in the kingdom , having a desire to meliorate the condition of the working classes , -and I hail with all niy heart t ! e various projects calculated to enhance my order ' s happiness—politically and socially . The society whose humble servant 1 am , and whose interest I feebly advocate , was called into bein . ! , ' for the unconcealed object of " winnins the counties . " lam an old reader of the Star , and nine or ten years ago was occasionally found in your columns advocating the Charter , —and invoking my fellow
working men to join in petitioning , and attend meetings to olrtain theirrights . This , however , was all that was donepetition after petition was signed—meetings after meetings were held—resolutions after resolutions were passed , and loud shouts were the crowning theme ! Thousands of pounds were foolishly wasted in parchment , pens had heen worn out by thousands , ink used in gallons , and signatures obtained bymilHons ; and all for no earthly purpose , but to call for the derision , scorn , and contempt of our rulers Was it not time , then , Mr . Editor , that something . else Should be done ! Were we wise , and should we he wise iiow to repeat this farce of folly ? Your judgment says no and
Wl-at then else mast bo done to enforce o :-. r claims , demand redress of our sad—sad grievances » The tragic , ffienielnncfcolr , and the maniacal act o physical force lias been tried , failed , and deservedly failed : and yet what nearer are we to freedom ? How many have by cither " petitioning" or " % htiii « " gained the Sum-age' And howmanv can ever expect to have it by cither of these means—equally useless , but not equally harmless weapons ? The fact is , Mr . Editor , that tliis people arc as tar a * ever from possessing a vote , and can you longer advise them to " petition , " and as * for that which you know , and which the House of Commons has again said , they shaU not
liaxe * ¦ , We 7 > roposc a p lan to enable every man who can spare one shilling and sixpence a week for live years , to buy a "Freehold , " and take with it a " vote for the county . It is no use talking , sir . the counties must be " won . There is no hope—not the remotest hope—of any extension ofthc Suffrage but by the old forty-shilling freehold franchise Bv this I am " convinced the fifty-two counties can be placed on the side o f the people . Shall they be so placed Are von prepared to assist iu this movement , and use your mfluence with that portion of the masses who have the means , t » prevail upon them to " qualify . rail w . n counties ? " I conjure vou , Mr . Editor , with all the zeal ot an enthnsiast-with all the fervour of one devoted to the cause oflus fellow-working men , to lend your aid and sympathy
to our Sum-age-extending cause . To rnVT ' ellow Labourers I appeal , and ask them to act to form - 'Freehold Land Societies" upon the same pnnch . lcs as ours ( a prospectus of which 1 enclose ); be determined against ' All and through all ,-to work out your onm 4 eva ? i on andpoluicalfrec ^ Ifrxrlircn who cannot spare tlie means to thus Obt . un . l " ronnrvVotc ! " that yours shall always be exercised , in ~ rt of titose who will give the Suffrage to man as SfandteU them you we the properly Uio to destroy the J ' r the n mv fellow-working men , to your own enf i-ancl ^ ement I « fl vou . Be not disheartened-act and not £ it-work instead of words-pence instead ot petmon = > --s-lMeiiud , determination , and the counties arc easily - W 0 n " -and , believe me , till the counties are in the liana * of thepecp le there is no hope , fi » you . Go on . then .. ye Sincere and aVdent champions of liberty-lead those who look for vour guidance-success awaits you-victovy will crown
Fi fteenlmndrcdmen in our town are qualifying as county voters : There arc 5 , 500 in the midland district , and Xew . uegate has already sounded his own Jaell ; wul you Muse
To The Womong Classes! My Friends ,— Thi...
other members to do the same ? if you will , you cnn \ and if you are sincere you will . For the present - - / I remain , Mr . Editor , yours faithfully , u j James Tatlob , jun . The onl y comment tha |^ hall make upon the ahove is , that I trust Ihe peoplefeEiand uiemhers , and members of all other socreties WILL PETITION for the Charter , as the absence of those petitions will he urged by the Minister , and relied upon by the ignorant , as proof of popular apathy . There is also a Ltter . signed "B" in the
" Nottingham Revim" of last week , and if I was in a jocular- mood , I would now answer it j but , in fact , there is nothing to answer except the charge made against the incapability of the Land and tho idleness of its occupants ; but next week , if I am in a happy mood ; I . will give poor "B" such a BELLO WSINGr . as will blow his wind out . ' There is only one single sentence upon which I shall make a word of comment now . Speaking of Mr . Wheeler he says : — " I WAS TOLD
, THAT HE COULD MAKE SOME VERY STAETLINGr , DISCLOSURES WERE KE . SO . INCLINED . " Now , my answer is , that I : defy Mr .- Wheeler—L defy Mr . Doyjle— I . defy . Mr .. M'G-JKATii—I defy Mr . CLAiut-Idery Mr . Dixon—I defy the Minager of my Bank—I defy any man that has been connected with ine in any movement or any plan , or that has been in my employment ,
to make one single disclosure of any—the most insignificant nature that poor "B" would not laugh at in his sleeves and in his sleep . But hemet with a woman whose love tales he booked , and he met with a boy , who said , " sum '« wm wor worse nor sum ' ntwa ; " and he saw the beautiful scenery , and his heart jumped with joy . No doubt this romantic traveller thought himself in the GROVES OF BLARNEY , and that
" There he heard the thrushes warbling , And there he saw the throut and the salmon A-playing bacltgammon ' ; All by the banks of the black wather side . " And there he saw big Murphy ' s daughther , A-washing praties before" tlie door ; And Owen Clary , and Jerry Lcary—AUcousin Jarmans to my Lord Down ach Moor . " What would I not have given to have beenrffigj companion of this romantic traveller—to have participated in all those delights ? Surely they . would have furnished me with ecstatic dreams and romantic contemplations for the remainder of my days . But now ,. let me answer the masked "B" by the following letter from the open and ' unmasked Buowtf . He
says : — - 21 . Riglev ' s-yard , Market-place , Nottingham , June 2 , 1819 . IIojtoubed Sm , —Having seen in the Star of this day a letter from my much esteemed friend , Mr . Culltngham , addressed to you , and wherein lie alludes to me as a party that has sold my allotment , I thought this a most favourable opportunity and a just reason thatl should show to you and to the Company the cause- of my so doing . 1 do honestly assure you it was with the most painful feelings thatl did it , and I have ever since regretted that I was not more deliberate in my considerations . There was not the least cause or fault in the Land Plan itself ; no , I truly admire it , and heartily wish it may triumph over every objection
that has beeu put in its way . The cause—and the sole cause of my selling was a most serious affliction which befell me a little before last Christmas , and From irliich very little hopes of recovery were entertained ; and the painful idea that my wife and a family of sis children would , in all probability , be left in the most trying circumstances , and I was strongly advised' to return to Nottingham as my native air was the last thing left iii favour of my recovery . I am wonderfully improved , and should feel highly favoured with a chance of returning . Had I not thought highly of the cause I should not have made the offer , stated in Mr . Cullingham ' s letter , of £ o more than I received , which I did ,
and since that time . have made an additional otter . Mr . Cull ' mgham can bear testimony to the truth of this statement as hevisitedme in my affliction . I now most humbly besj to be excused for the liberty of intruding upon your time , and wishing to avoid any- unjust censure being east upon me for the step taken , or upon . the glorious cause , which I jaorc and more appreciate . Yours , Dear Sir / most truly , but unfortunately , .. — ¦ Chables Brown , r . S . —I and my sons hold five paid-up shares , all fouracres , but have hitherto been unsuccessful in the ballot . I purchased the one alluded to . You are , Sir , at liberty to correct any little error in the remarks , and put it in the Star if you think well . C . B
Now , what docs "B" of Nottingham say to Brown of Nottingham ? and am I to be called upon to answer all the anonymous rubbish of gaping itinerants , who do not know a cucumber from a haiuUsaw ,: or B from a BULL'S FOOT ? But I think , although he-has cateredvfor a little bit of "blarney" from some of the occupants , I may leave him in their hands for the present , with this one bit of advice—that when
he next takes tho goosequilt , in his hand , he will not write himself down for an ASS . And now , " Mr . B , ' ' I toll you what I challenge you—or rather a sensible man , that would know wheat from turnips , grass from onions cows from oxen , and sows from loins—to visit Herringsgate , Lowbands , Snig ' sEnd , Minster Lovel , and Bromsgrove —containing over a thousand acres of landand to show me four thousand acres of land in
all England , with the exception of market gardens , bearing as much produce as those estates . Why , you nincompoop , did you compare the appearance of the Nottingham stockinger to those wild animals you saw in the "Groves of Blarney ? " and if tho potatoes had not failed the last two years , there is not an industrious man , occupying an allotment upon any of the Estates ; that might not have nearly purchased his allotment ; but you have become a second " WHISTLER" since you were in the " Groves of Blarney . "
]\ ow my friends , I will , conclude this letter with the most graphic and conclusive illustration . It is this : that while the promoters of " FREEDOM FOR THE MILLIONS " assure you that a man can sustain himself , wife , and family , upon two acres of Land costing £ 11 an acre , and for which he is to pay thirty shillings an acre rent , and without receiving any Aid Money , without the Land being cultivated , without any house being built , without any road being made , and wilhout any manure being put ; they tell you
the same man cannot support himself , his wife , and family upon four acres of Land , averaging £ 37 2 s . Gd . an acre , cultivated , roads made , house built , £ 30 Aid Money , in most cases £ 20 loan , an amount of manure put out that never was put upon treble the quantity of Land-before , and of the very best description ; roads and paths made to every house , and no rent claimed in consequenceof the potato rot , which of course I created : * now what other conclusion can you come to , than that the opposition to my Plan is based upon its opposition to tyranny ? ' , '" ; " ..
Some men who were the most fortunate , were foolish enough to believe that their unfounded complaints and reports would ' frighteu mo into compliance with their every wish . Some have written to say that they would be obliged to publish their distress , which would injure the Land Company , if I did not lavishly squander the funds of the least fortunate to silence the calumny of the most - successful , Others . have induced even the unsuccessful' in the " locality to- which they belonged to write most pressing and urgent letters to ine , to ' make further grants , in 6 rder to save ' the character of the Company •/ but I ' , thought , that L best saved my own character ' ., by ' saving Ihb funds of the least fortunate from .. the Syill ; arid malice of tho most fortunate . - .: ' - -- , : '
' . In oach locality there isiakind of hedge attorney , by wliose . -wiio and cunning many of the ignorant " have been led into . a very disastrous course ; and thosc-parties will very-speedily discover the vaiae of those instructors , and then they will be the firstin ' artyrs of those whom
To The Womong Classes! My Friends ,— Thi...
they have so shamefully , deceived ; and from wnom % nnder . stahd they have exacted fees for their pxpfeanonal services ; of course I allude to some o £ . the refractory allottees , and every one ff-whojn , with God's blessing , and to the ad-^ tage of the occupants , I will , ere long , get ric ? of . ^ ? i -. - . : ;¦ .-x ^ : -.-. ¦ . ¦ :... ^ - ; . - . ^ Next week T will publish several-articles , not from ^ njy own pen , but ; froni th ^^ W newspaper , and from practical wor ^ sf ^ upon agriculture , and from able writers , ias to ^ : the capabilities of the soil ; and what wfll . the i-evilersofthoLahd Plan say , when they hear that the' " Times" of last Friday has published
the fact , that a farmer has made £ 4 ^ 5 3 . 6 s . of one acre of grass , cut for soil ? and what will they say when they hear that Mr . Price , the manager of my . Bank , who is cultivating his land accordingto my . system , has fed " one largo Hereford . cow , just calved ; two smaller Ayrshire . cows , also just calved ; one cart horse ; . three sows , rearing twenty pigs ; two sows , infpi g ; one hog , two full-grown boars ; and t \ v 6 calves ; upon twenty-seven perches , or about olje-sixth of an acre , of tares , for three ' weeks . " , ;^ Ie ' says , "Thestatement is open to very- ^ WQi * ^ nalification , \ which , however , I am bpuni . tp supply . The cows havotho run of a twt f-acre , field , nearl y eaten bare ; but they
have been fed twice a day with as much tares as they could eat ; the pigs have had nothing else but tares and a little bran , except the sows giving suck , which have had the skim-milk and refuse of the house ; the horse has been fed entirely upon tares , with the exception of a pottloof corn a day ; one of the calves has had skim milk twice a day , but not the other ; then there is a pony which has had a fair share of tai'CS as well j so that altogether I think I am justified in saying that these twenty-seven poles of tares will have maintained , unaided by any other food whatever , what may be considered equal to four cows , for a space of three weeks . "
. Now then , . food for four coavs for three weeks , is equal to food for one cow for four months ; and twenty-seven poles , or the sixth of an acre , for one cow for three months , is equal to hfty-four poles , or a third of an acre , 4 pv a cow for six months ; and , of air things observe , that as fast as the day ' s consumption is cut , a crop of Swede turnips , cabbages , maugel-wurtzel , or' many other descriptions , may instantly be put in . But as I shall address you at considerable length upon the question of Agriculture , and MY PLAN for "Freedom for the Millions , " next week ; and as I shall give Mr . Price ' s letter at full length , further comment is not necessary than merely to observe , that the same gentleman who is stated in the " Times " to have raised
£ 45 10 s . worth of grass upon one acre , also states that he fed a horse for thirty weeks upon grass cut from half an acre , with a mere addition of two trusses , or 112 lbs . weight of hay . Now , in conclusion , let me give you the following extract from the ¦ " Northampton Mercury , " of last week : — Extraordinary Cow . —C . Lucy , Esq ., of Stratford , has a
cow which produced for some time a remarkably large quantity of butter . During the last fortnight , the enormous quantity of 40 Jibs ., or upwards of 201 b . per week , has heen made from her cream alone . The pasture in which the cow is , contains most luxuriant Herbage , which in a great degree assists , hut still the breed is doubtless the cause of such an abundant yield . The animal is seven years old—this season being the fourth time she has borne a calf , llev breed is between a shovt-horried Durham and an Alderney , her sire being a short-horn .
I think after such , evidence—not extracted from my fanciful brain , but from practical agriculturists , whose names are stated—that the conclusion you must come to is , that every man who fails in making himself , wife , and famil y happy , contented , and comfortable , upon four , three , or two acres of good Land , deserves to softer all the penalties cousequent upon improvidence , idleness , or dissipation . I remain , Your faithful Friend and unpaid Bailiff , Feargus O'Connor .
" Onward and wc conquer ! Backward and we fall !" " . THE PEOPLE'S CHARTER A ^ D KO SURRENDER !"
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__ And National, Trades' J0umal," ' . '
__ NATIONAL , TRADES' J 0 UMAL , " ' . '
" V S Which Is ^-^^ Fl M - Londoh. Aturd...
S which is ^ - ^^ m - lONDOH . ATURDAY . JUNE 16 , 1849 . Bi „ ^ W ^ * . . - - ——^^— —— —__ z __ - ¦ * _^ ' mv > * " *"' Wive Shining * and Sixpence per Qiinrte
To The Old Guards
M y Dear Old Fkiends and Comrades , You will have learned that on the 3 rd of July I . bring forward my motion for the Charter , and then you will be able to discover whether or no 1 have abated one particle of my ardour , and by your number of petitions I shall be able to discover whether you are true to your faith . Do not transmit any of those petitions till Friday , the 29 th of June ; if you do , and if they arc presented long before I
submit the question to the House , they will have lost their charm . Let me pray of you , and beg of you—if you love liberty , and if from political liberty alone you can establish socuil freedom—let me , I say , on Monday and Tuesday evenings , see that declaration of liberty fluttering in every comer of tho House ; and do not be led away by the fanciful theory , that those petitions will not strengthen my hands and your cause , while the absence of them will weaken both .
Old Guards , if I repeat it to surfeit , always bear in mind—that upon political freedom alone can social happiness depend ; and that , further , a bold and resolute adherence to our own cause , whole and unmutilated , isthe surest way to make converts to that cause , while the abandonment of a fraction of one of the bristles of the animal would strengthen the hands of its opponents , and lead them , to the hope of its entire destruction ; -while upon the other hand , see what our pertinacious adherence to the whole animal has efiected ? Wh y this ; that on Monday last , at a tremendous meeting , with Sir Joshua Walmsley in the chair , the
New Reform Association consented to add "NO PROPERTY QUALIFICATION " to " THEIR ANIMAL : " whereas , if wo had substituted Household Suffrage , and Trieniial Parliaments , for Universal Suffrage and Annual Parliaments , like the Irish Gamekeeper— "They would have stroked the woodcock down to a wren . " Old Guards , is this not something to have gained , and , something to inspire you with hope , and all consequent upon your patriotic adherence to your defined and understandable princip les ? And so much am I attached to those principles , that , unlike others , lava propared to surrender my seat in Parlhiment , and once more betake mvself to my wildfire
agitation , if those parties will now adopt our jjrinciplesj and I will promise them an amount' of out-door and unpaid-fov support as will very speedily p lace the helm of the ship in their hands . But I never , will consent to agitate "for any less measure of Reform than THE CHARTER * whilo , should the professors of the minor principle accept those terms ,, then all hostility and differences between themiddle and the working classes will cease ; but I never can , and never will , believe in the sincerity of a party who would exclude any man of twenty-one years of age , of saiio mind , and unblemished by crime , from the Suffrage . It is true that we live , not only in tho age of progress , but in the age of danger , and the anticipation of danger , in whatever shape it
To The Old Guards
present itself , shall never compel me to re trograde a single sSep . ; . Old Guards , we have fostered and nurtured this bantling of ours , when the rulers of England based their opposition , nay , their persecution , upon the world ' s tranquillity ; but now their hands are tied other countries , where the mind has been kept im bondage , are assertmg'theh ' . rights . by . the' swosd , while I hope to establish them by _ -the mind , For JH 3 rkme ,
and mark me well , when 1 tell you , that in this , country any injudicious ast upon my part , or any intemperate act upon your part , but teads to strengthen the hands-of the enemy , and to weaken the union and powerof the people—therefore , having gained wisdom from past experience , let me implore of you to show to those who boast of your loyalty ,, and deny your dissatisfaction , that you arc at length united as one man , and for one common purpose .
As I before instructed you , let the name of the members to whom petitions are sent , together with the ^ number of petitions from each locality , be'transmitted to the Executive Committee in London , . and then ' if any should fail to present those petitions , I can read the localities from which they have been sent . I am sure you will read , in the report of the Parliamentary proceedings , the questions that I put to Sir George Giiey On Tuesday last , with reference to the treatment ofEitNJJST Jones ; and I am sure your blood will boil
when you read that statement , which did not contain one-half the truth . And you will also feel indignant , when I tell you that the task of disclosing these facts devolved upon me , a most unfitting person , when you Understand that Mr . Jones has g * t an uncle in the House of Commons representing an English coun ty ; but you , and especially the men of . Halifax , will be mortified , and should feel shame and disgrace , when I tell you that Air . Jones has got a young wife and three children , the eldest not more than six years old , wholly and entirely destitute .
¦ Now , then , will this appeal be in vain , and especially to the men of Halifax , when 1 ask you to send your contributions with as little delay as possible , addressed to Mr . Ridek , "Northern Star" Office , for the sustenance of the young family of this young martyr , and if you refuse I have onl y to pray , that every man who can spare a little and withholds it for such a purpose , may one day be in want himself . Old Guards , what is to be done for the people must be done b y the people , and , therefore , I say , in
conclusion"UP , GUARDS , AND AT IT ;" and let me have a little monster from Man Chester , Sheffield , Birmingham , Leeds , New castle , and all the manufacturing towns ; gal laniMerihyr Tydvil promises its full share . I remain . Your faithful Friend and Representative , Feakgus O'Connor .
≪&Mtti$T Inttwiatim
<& MTti $ t inttWiatim
Ne\Ycastle-On-Ttxe.—At The Usual Meeting...
Ne \ ycastle-on-Ttxe . —At the usual meeting of the council of this branch , it was resolved : — " That John Hudson be the corresponding secretar y for the ensuing quarter . "— " That all brandies of the district are apprised that Mr . S . Kydd , having been invited to visit this district , all places wishing Mr . Kyd d ' s services , will correspond immediately with Mr . Hudson , Dawson-court , Wostgatc-street , Newcastle . "— "That the names of the members of the council be forwarded to the Executive as earl y as possible . "— " That the council appoint an early day for a public meeting , to adopt the petition for the Charter . "
D . UST 0 X . —A public meeting was held on Saturday evening , Juno 9 th , for the purpose of adopting a petition to Parliament , praying for the enactment of the People ' s Charter . —Mr . AY . Johnston was called to the chair , and briefly opened the business of the meeting . Messrs . P . Sowcrby , F . 131 akc , and others , having spoken upon the evils of class legislation , resolutions condemnatory of the present system of representation were agreed to , and also a resolution in favour of the People ' s Charter , as the only remedy for existing evils , and that a petition be sent from Dalston , praying Parliament to make the People ' s Charter , the law of the land .
The petition was then adopted , and ordered to be sent toMr . Marshall , M . P .. for East Cumberland , for presentation to Parliament ; also that Charles Howard , Esq ., M . P ., be requested to support it , and that Mr . P . Sowcrby be instructed to correspond -with that gentleman upon the subject . It was then agreed that Messrs . Leach and Cony should obtain signatures to tho petition , taking cave that such signatures were genuine , and that they be paid for their labour . Petition sheets wore then ordered to be prepared , and a vote of thanks to , and confidence in , Ml ' . O'Connor , having boon passed , the meeting separated .
Nottingham . —A delegate meeting was held at the Seven Stars , Barker-gate , on Sunday , the 10 th inst ., when the following resolutions were agreed ho : — " That all subscriptions to tho Victim Fund be paid to the treasurer , Mr . W . If . Mott , and when the amount so paid reaches £ 1 , it shall be transmitted by him to tho general treasurer , and be acknowledged in the Northern Star . "—" That the secretary be instructed to warn the delegates in the various localities in and noar Nottingham , that a meeting will he held at tho Seven Stars , Barker ^ gate , on Sunday nest , at half-past two in the afternoon , on business of importance .
FiNsnuitY . —The members of the above locality , met at their rooms , 34 , Clerkenwcll-grcen , on Tuesday evening , June 12 th . Mr . Dicey in the chair . — Moved bv Mr . Puzzle , and seconded by Mr . Pool : — " That the members of this locality , moot ill future on Sunday evening , instead of as ! at present . "—Carried . —Moved by Mr . Allmitt , and seconded by Mr . Fuzzcn :- " That this locality do take steps for tho issuing of tracts , to be given away when tho committee go round with the petition . " —Moved by Mr . Fuzzen , seconded by Mr . Pool : — " That steps be taken to tall the whole of the members together on Sunday evening next , for the purpose of taking steps to get the Chartist petition , as numerously signed as possible . "—Carried . —Moved by Mr .. Leo , seconded by Mr . Blake : —" That Mr . Alfred
Fuzzcn he elected as delegate to the Metropolitan Delegate Committee . "—Carried . —A vote of thanks was then given to the chairman , when he announced that there had been the sum of K Ld . collected for the Charter Association . —The meeting then adjourned to Sunday evening , June lt . th . Uull , —A public meeting of the inhabitants of this town was called by placard , to bo held in the Freemason ' s Lodge , Mytwagatc , ( a large and commodious room ) ,, on Monday Evening , June 11 th ,. to . take into consideration the propriety ef once mote petitioning the House of Commons in . favour of the People's Charter . Mr . W . J . Branding was called to the ohaisj . and opened the moetiag in an ¦ ¦ appropriate speech . —Mr . Martin moved the first resolution : — . " That it is the opinion of . tfiis meeting that
nothing , short of th © People ' s Charter being made the law . of the land can secure to , this countsy- those rights and liberties Avhich aloae can satisfy the wants ; -and necessities of-tho present age-.. *'" The speaker then read the petition to the mcetiiig , and , in aa excellent speech , alluded to'the vaiiflus points of flic Charter . —The petition was seconded by Mr . liv Jackson ,, and supported , & y Mr . II . Hancock , and on the chairman putting Vi to the . mseting , it was carried unanimously . Wsa . Johnson moved : " That the petition be forwarded to James . Clay , Esq ., member for Hull , for presentation accompam ' vd with a note rcspcctfu # y requesting him anil M J . Bnines , Esq-, to support the pvayw by their votes .
on F . O'Connor , Ssq . ' s motion- being ' - brought before the House . " Seconded l > y Mr . Gob . \ -l \ arnett , and oarriod unanimously . —Moved by ¦ Miv Martin , " . That the thanks of this , meeting he , -. p . r-asented to James Clay , Esq ., for his , ' consistent conduct in supporting Mr . Hume's motion ;' . ' ' Seconded " by " Mr . Johnson , supported by Mr . G . Baruett ; and carried unanimously . —After . a vote of thanks to the / chairman the meeting separated . ..- ; •• ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ - -. } Halifax . —On Sunday last a camp meeting , was held on Skirooat Moor , to promulgate-tho principles of tho people ' s Charter . The meeting was ad ^ dressed by Mr . Cdunoulor Brook , of Leeds , Mr . Clissett , and other talented speakers ; The Chartista of Halifax have once wore raised the Chartist
Ne\Ycastle-On-Ttxe.—At The Usual Meeting...
banner ;' anil' are detei-mihed to commence ft vigorous agitation for the " Charter , name—and principles .- Qn Tuesday evening , June 12 , the members of this association met in the' Workiug-man's Hall , when the following persons were . elected as .-council ior the ensuing quarter : —Thomas . , ' AVoo . d , *' ' Isaac Clissett , Thomas lloldon , George Webber , Benjamin VJlson , David Horsfall ; Alexander Stradling , ; president ,- John Edwards , vice-president ; ' Matthew llurst , treasurer ; Joseph Binns ^ 'secretary . ;; Joseph Briggs , corresponding-sccretarv ; All communica"i " for the Halifax Chartist Association to bo addressed to Joseph Briggs ,- CviTespOnaing-secrctary , 7 , Range Bank , Halifax . . ¦ ¦>'' : % ' ;'
; The Kirk&Ale Chartist Prisoners. "He W...
; THE KIRK & ALE CHARTIST PRISONERS . "He who peri £ & £ oppression shares the srimc . " JO THE EDITOR dV ' THE SOninEnS SJAB . Slit ' , —I beg to soliriifc . publication of tl » undermentioned extract of < i letter which I have received from Mr , George -Whits ; -awd to offer a few comments fcpon the past an < i prevent condition of our friends SvTiitc , Leach , West ! ,- and Donovan : — " Deak 2 * oBM 4 X , —I received' your letter thf 9 morning . * * Those ; KlttiBgs which- appear trifling to jou ' ,. who are living in > the busy world / are valuable- # >¦ us . You should' sew a few Jbwcrs and plants which we have growiagr 10 some tafcs- i » the yard ; there ; i ^ nc * a , trifling b » jUj . or germinationof seed , that is * not duly watched' urn recorded ; * * * Since 3 last wrote jbu . I have heeii ' confined in a so-Hairy cell for twenty-four hours for
the high crime of sniokmg tobacco ,- : hd for thaitt space of time I tasted m food . -Acwwfing to thsr felon rules of this place-,, a-roy person seitffoa solitary cell by the governor ' s-di ' cmn , is . allowe ^ one pound of black bread and aomc waiter for his daily sustenance ; this rule has-been carried out with -me j and , by my of relish ? b \ ie-mm \ rho serve ^ e-iit the black bread brought tlio-watcvr boiling hot .- I could ; not eat the bread , and ? informed the governor of it ; bat , although I could drink-water , that luxuny ' was denied me by bringing ii ? hot na > tcnd of coldi- The petty annoyances to whibht we are subjected will form subjects for future eommewi ; every privilege attached : to our . position seems io . bc ... viewe . dt * ith the most-- \ indictive = ' ; a £ ffflMfcyiry £ ' - *;;*?' TT ' . ^ Cme thing I am perfectly satisfied . of ^ t & ai is , if I wcue- a
wealthy man those . innoyttnoes- would not beattempted , but though poori . 'iiuirat ' i . J am neverMieless a man . * * EveTvin-n ; gaol the distinct tions of caste are clearly peroepfcibfev In Warwick Gaol and the Queen ' s RiMich'Sr-is ©!) . ' -any purse was better lined than it is now , nnd ; I w » s ' treated accordingly . If it were so here ; . no'd < wbt the treatment would bo similar to what I ; then : experienced . " ' Sir , in addition to the above ,. let me- observe that our friends were subjected to- the- aronoyanee of being classed and placed upon their-towfo with mobenthusiasts , whom the governinent ^ . foirreasons best known to the Attorney-General ; , choose- to denominate " Ohartiats , " but ivho , in- rewft & v , i $ noW nothing of Chartism or any other-fsmj . inasmuch a » many of them can neither read nor writs .- Tlicv
have been likewise placed upon tho-snme-reSef list , ( with their wives and families , Ujatlie- M-aachestoir and London Committees , ) " with men . wlioi . kav e not an idea beyond their dail y porridga- ; . " ' as * -that I would have commiseration withhefd-from soeii ,. but to place them in the same category- with Messrs . White , West , Leach , and Donovan ,, is- n bm * 1 c of procedure that I cannot understand .. Meb . whohave devoted their whole lives , and sflci'ifieetl ilieir prospects , and the comforts of their . - wives- a « d families , and who have been before the- public for years , ought not to be classed with meise spouiers . Our four friends have all families , aml-. sonieol " thciii have wanted bread since the imprisonment ot their natural protectors . White ' s famil y has-recehed , upon an average , 2 s . id . weekly , since-his- incarceration , from the London Committee .. 'White , himself , has received 5 s . per v / eek from tha-Ahuichestcr
Committee , out of which he 1 ms to payMUUGssenger , pay for paper , stamps , Ac , and yet tho-Manchester Committee threaten resi gnation , if frieuds do not forward subscriptions to them . What cmthe nicn do with os . per week only ? Why it is not enough to purchase the coarsest kind of food . Iihope somcof the " National Guards " will see to this ,, and pay attention to it ; and recollect that they- cheered these men on to where they are . Will they not marc the sacrifice of a penny a-weo ! i . ? r I know many have cqmo forward nobly—all : lianoun- to them ! I likewise know there are thousands whenever gave a penny to those men . I . call ,, in the name of the Most Hi g h , to -those to t-omo- forward , and if they will not give for justice sake k-t them do so for pity ' s . Let them put it to themselves , if they were immured in such a hell upon earth , aftd . their wives and children wanting bread ,. what their feelings would be !
I am , Sir , yours truly , in the causo of Ili fjht and Justice , Tcntnor , Isle of Wight , Mark W .. Sosmax June 11 th , 1819 .
.¦ Mu^M To The Editor Of Tfle Korther.V....
mu ^ m TO THE EDITOR OF TflE KORTHER . V . SSiiU . Sin , —I am informed that some time siace there appeared a notice in your paper concerning the family of one of my fellow-prisoners , in which it was stated that some of the wives of tho political prisoners were , receiving . support from the people in tho towns in which they live . I am further informed , that subsequently there nppcnralian address from the Manchester Committee , stating that money was sent to this prison from some-part of the country , and that the receipt of this money caused dissension among the prisoners . With , either of those statements I have nothing to do , - . iiu . t I be ^ ' to state one or two facts concerning myself . iiiU '" iiiy family , and by so doing show to the people-to whom , those statements are made , how far the ? apply to me and my family .
Sir , I wrote to the Manchester Committee , and also to the London Committee , reques & ing that each would send me a correct statement of the amount my wife received from each . Mr . Glaak answered for the London Committee , but I have had no answer from Manchester , though Ii have written more than once . Prom Mr . Clark ' s- tetter I iiml that my family have received at the Kiim- of 3-f . ( 5 d . per week since I have boon placed ; hew , ' and all that they have received from the Manchester Committee , to my knowledge , is 0 s . This , with L"is from Leeds , and 8 s . from Rochdale ; , is ; til that my wifc has had from the Chartist body . ; : and thotio-h f may feel that those who seem to prafess our principles . have not done as they would : wish to be done by , I must return mv thanks to the good few who have done their dutv .
When I inform you , sir , that my wife has six children dependent upon her for support , one beingborn since my sentence , and tliaftiie- oldest of them is not -move than thirteen veai-ss of age , I think youw ill agree with me in saying , . ffcn * her income is far short of what should be her er-qjenditurc if those children had what they ought tq . iin . ve . I may state here , that tlie week- that she received , the money from Leeds the sum . sent from London for her to the Manchester Committee was stopped ,, ami never g iven to her . ' ¦• Then , sir , as to the other question concerning the money received here , I must soafess that Lk ' nesr but little of it , I have been in , tliis prison now siis months , and all the money that I have received bore has amounted to about 10 s .. ;; %$ . of which I .-.-tat home . I must take this onpo :-tnnity of th .-mkihg those friends who sent me the-stamps * ( as- it wr . ^ - in that shape I received the most & nt ) for their ¦ liinsi ness , as without their aid Ijcould not have written , more than two letters per week .
In conclusion , I must tell these friends wh * . have written to me during tho-lasfc week , that ths . isnsoii why I have not answerclit & eir letters is , thajji h : \ ve no postage stamps . liy ; publishing this iji , your next number of the Star , you will much ob ^ j . * Yours ,, as ever , DaXIKI . 1 D Q 310 . VAX . P . S . —I have not scsn the address rovivrfiiS to , all that I know of it is rV . om . the informatif ^ offvisitovs Kirkdale Gaol , Juno Uish .
Chafttasm Ik St. L>Ak«Gbas. A Large Meet...
CHAftTaSM IK ST . l > AK « gbAS . A large meeting- was held in tij > . Tcstry-rooins ,. on Monday evening-,. Trancis llcaJ ^ Jv Esq ., ' in thpchair . Lettcrs , ivci : « - read from XjqiiVtl D . U . Stuart ^ J . C . Williams ,. ] 5 s * 5 ., and other-mawibers of ParMament , apologising for non-at-avS ) . d : vncc . An apology was ma < lp- foi * Mr . G . J . Uswiassy , on thegrc-utu ) of scverc-itldisuseition . . . ' Aftcr-. 'V few bW ' rcm » vks . . % the Ciuhimax , Mv . . . Wiiy . KS . KK > ved , * . unl Mj :-, "Kowos secqssied . the'follqwing resolution : — - - ' -That it is the ^ ajnioh
of this , mee 4 uiig , the grievous burthens , prijsations , nn 4 \ siiffcrJBgs which tl « . groat mass of ti & people of Great iifcitiiin and ^ hiurf have long smlm-ed , and . , of which they still iwvejust cause to . ' somplain , jariso from , and are tUs-iiesiilts of , class , legislation , and this-monstvc . us systemwill not be 5 omovcd , r . ov : wise- and just stn & of society estaViished , mitU the House of Coa ^ . OTis is made a , wflex ' . of V"o whole- pcoplc . " - ^ . 'i i 5 , c- resolution v ^ s hnniiim < j »; jly [ adopted . ' '' ¦
Mr . 1 . \ VA * jj . moved tho next resolution wliich embodied-all the-points ot tn $ - - Winner ; --Ms-, ] f , llETiiEtUKawx seconded , and - $ u \ G . W . M , Wevsoi . DS . supported ; the -. resolution , which . ' . 011 being put , was carvicd unanimously .. '•• .- ¦ Mr . LijcAs moved , Mr .., Wii . kixs ,-seconded , ami Mr . 1 \ M'GnATif supposed the Chartist which was unanimously ,- ' adopted Thanks having be « i ' given tho use of the rooms , and also meeting dispersed . : ' . > ¦ ¦ .- [ Important , events on the matter , kayo compelled tlioabrid w this ftna t ? tlier meetings .. ]
Petition, ; • "" , '.. ,... '"'''To • (L...
petition , ; "" , ' .. ,... '"'''to ( lie vesjrymou for- ' .- - to tftc ; cWrnuui ; iIi 6 ' ""< •(^ i- ^ r X ' # ;¦ eonflacf ^^ atii'dtlioi ^* ' . gii ^ i ^ Til' l'opOf ( a ; ,. ' & j Fn ^ Hv r- - ; ne yuai-ust jie-. inou , >« h' . ' ¦ ' "" . _! - ; -, •• , : o ( lie vosfrjhjou foVi \ i to t ^ c ^ iai ' rnViUililto - \ ; my $ * : f - ^ ^ eoiiHBcj ^ antil ' oth o ^ . r-. dgni ^ i ^ Til' l'opot'ts-.. ' ( a Pt V ~~ 1 ¦ ¦ * ;» ¦ 3 . ! i ~~ if S * . ^ i ? l ?•& % ¦ i " .: ^ i P I mi i & rW I f * S / ESS . sb' & fS & i & llA' jX
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 16, 1849, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_16061849/page/1/