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THE NORTHERN; STAR. August .16, 1845.
] DEMOCRATIC SUPPER..llWBeraocraiie Sapp...
Sisocun Case.—A short time since, a youn...
Igt ce ^nijgme
, MANSION house. :: JIonoat,—Shocking De...
.'.Cossume your Own Smoke.—Several perso...
Leeds Cloth Markets.—-In consequence of ...
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN, of 17, Great/Windmill' street, Haymcrket, in the City of Westminster, at th»
OfScein the same Street and Parish, for ...
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The Northern; Star. August .16, 1845.
THE NORTHERN ; STAR . August . 16 , 1845 .
] Democratic Supper..Llwberaocraiie Sapp...
] DEMOCRATIC SUPPER . . llWBeraocraiie Sapper was holden atthe Angel Inn , bibber-ifiber-street , Blaekfriars-i-oad , . «« " «»» > £ Wast - ; ast lltb , to celebrate the a « B ! ' ? y °£ " ? nnatiomation of . tiie Ifemocn . tic Asoc . at . on ° ^ f ^ i dav . dav . bat the lfltU falling on a Sunday , rendtred ; ^ op-Stion of the day following instead neccssa . y Mte & te & t o ' clock the supper was announced to be Mr rfr ^« c chair was taken by Mr . Julian Harney , tttfwrtoowtol on his rig ht by Mr . William Rider , one of ! *!^ rrtoifehire delegates to the Convention of 1839 ;
Hon Jon Lis left by Mr . Thomas Cooper , recently a tilerer ftrer iu Stafford Gaol for fits devotion to the cause CCharenartism . A considerable number of the fair sex iciced iced tlic meeting with their presence . A short me afie affcr the commencement of the supper Major nnniowniowidu entered the room , and was warmly rcs Ted hed by his eld friends and comrades . I rhcifhc-viands having been disposed of with a zeal on e e pare part of each and all , which fully proved that they nbsidasiderid democracy a " knife and fork question , " tld thu ! t & 3 cloth having been removed , th < j second part t the ( the evening ' s business commenced by
3 The The Ciuibmax saying ' : —It was customary on occa-11 ins lins like , the present to g ive one of two standing aasts-asts—the Sovereign , or the sovereign people . He maid aid not hesitate as to which he should select . I learjcar , hear . ) - It might be appropriate for aristocrats , a skinski ' ng in the smiles of royalty , and profilmongers , b do lao lived by ministering to the luxuries and selfish I prieprices of a court—it mig ht be well for those classes ** d » drink "the Queen , " and bellow " God save the inecraeai "—but for Democrats / who had nothing to do i ith ith royalty but the questionable p leasure of helping ?> pa > pay ' forit it would be much more appropriate to r riakiak " the People , " and shout" God save fcicriglits [ fmf man "'' ' { Cheers . ) The days of old-fashioned > rralivaltv had gone ; loyaltv to individuals went out
i-fifhMfb the Stuarts ; was smothered in blood At Cul-( odooden ; and the loyal man now was loyal to his couni rr arr and tlic princfp lcs of liberty . ( Applause . ) The i idhedhercntsof the Stuarts , thotmh mistaken men , were nonoonest ; ihey believed in the rig ht divine of kings , ttndmd proved their faith by the offering ot their blood I ind ind their lives . Tky were fearfully mistaken ; but i tether were to be respected for their sincerity ; whereas , i m " to the other hand , the privileged and potbellied ¦ Ttsrascals who now Iwast of tlicir loyalty at their feeds i radmd gwiiings , cared nothing for Victoria , except as liheihe head of a system by which they profited , and i Rwwse enabled to * riot in * wrong and robbery . They rrottronld just as soon have for the head of that system
TidTtck the younger of Russia , or Christina the royal meme-brute of Spain ; and would just as sooa toast JkiAkisc worthies as they did Victoria . ( Hear , hear . ) VhShc chairman " then proceeded to criticise tho '"( j * Queen ' s speech , " delivered on Saturday last , his sircmarla thereim being warmly applauded . The ishairm in concluded by saying that most of thecomlapaoy present had been engaged in the movement for ihstfiePeoplc s Charter sincelts commencement , and thetheir reception of the toast'he was about to " give TOiroald prove that they were yet as zealously devoted to to the obiaimheiit of that great measure ^ despiteproleoecution and persecution , mistakes , failures , and fcrfireichcries , as they were when they first engaged in tb & c struggle : — -
* ** The Sovereignty of the People-, as defined in the Pcophple ' s Charter . To the establishment of . that measure as aide lave of the land , we pledge our untiring exertions ttottotU success cro » ve 3 our efiurts . Mr . HEXttY Ross responded to the sentiment . lie iefelt proud to have the honour of appearing amongst tiilheni that evening ; the sight of the excellent Denioererats who surrounded him , aud the recollection o ! ojfchat they had done lu former years , inspired him wvrith hope and renewed vigour , and really made him fcfcel ten years younger . ( Cheers . ) The sentiment lube hud to respond to was a noble one ; it recognised tithe only rightful sovereign , the people , and pointed onrat the way by which that sovereignty might be esta-Ubiisbcd . That war was through the obtaiunient of
thhe i'eoj . le ' s Charter . ( Cheers . ) But how was that CChartcr to be obtained ? Not by using the mealymnoathed language of expediency ; not by cringing to Utho " respectables , " and weighing every word before tthey gave utterance to it , lest it should alarm the ggentesl lleformcrs ; not by carrying on a mere mcttbamcai agitation , meeting and talking , but talking i nothing to the purpose , and doing nothing at all . (( Cheers . ) To get the Charter they must enlist the j sympathies of the masses , and to do thai the people imust be spoken to iu language they comprehend ; j something like the spirit of the Democrats of 1839 most be revived if thev would succeed . ( Applause . )
Ur . Ross then spoke at seine length on each section « f & e toast in succession , in one of the ablest coniafflassase addresses it was ever our good fortune to Jrear , and which elicited the warm applause of the cespany . He concluded by expressing his hone that 3 bc & meetings would be held often . If the Democrats wouK promulgate their principles , and revive enthusiasm for those principles , they must come bcfire the public ami address the public ; by so doing as felt assured they would materially hasten the obtauiiment of the Charter , which was the only means ij which they could hope to establish the sovereignty < C the people .
afc . CoprEBsnng " Rule Britannia , " with a Char-Cst eioncv , assisted by the whole of the company . ^ TheCti . nuxxx said the next toast , relating as it < n to the Democratic Association of 1833-351 , would require some explanation , as all present had not been amnbersof tliat society . The chairman then entered iataa lengthy review of the -various popular associa-¦ SbbsvuMi had existed in the metropolis from 1 SS 0 *» JS 33 , including tho National Union of the Workaag Classes , the Trades * Union , the Metropolitan Radical Association , the Central National Associate ?/ and the Working iMen ' s Association . Having explained the causes that Med to the iotmatioiibf the Democratic Association , thechair-Baa said the principles of the association were
jet to be explained , wherein it differed from other bodies . The members were Chartists , for they 2 & fflied the Charter at the outset of their career ; fart they differed with other bodies , or rather one partipalar body , as to the modus operandi ; they repudiated all reliance on the middle class , and all connection with the sbonoeracy ; they further avowed Hot all the means which oppressors employ to keep * ie < epprescd in bondage , the oppressed were justified inasajg against the oppressors . But the difference ma not confined to mere questions of policy ; the Democrats went beyond all other parties in the xwecxri . t £ " ihe extreme but ri ghteous principles tS political and social equality . They were Charfete , bat thev were " Chartists and something
tb / okJ' ( Cheers . ) What more they were was sufficientjy signified by the day they selected for the awriretsary of their Association—the 10 th of August . Ibai day was memorable for two great events—the ercrinro ' tr of the French Monarchy m l 7 fJ 2 , and the woclantafaon of the famous constitution of 1793 . Tbej did not hesitate to adopt that day , because it -was a day not famous in English , tut in French histnqr ; they loved their country , and gloried in the tester ? of their ancestors , but they were so far cosanpa & es as to be willing to adopt the great days , Utegreat events , and the great men of all nations atothesr political calendar . ( Applause . ) Byadqptisg the IOth of August of 1192 , they avowed them-¦ drestobe Republicans . ( Cheers . ) He was
aKepttbEcan ^ -he always had been , and he felt assured he always would be to the day of his death . " ( Loud c & eecs . )~ £ ut Rcpublicanisni was avery vague termitra ^ ht mean anything from Venetian oligarehism to simple Democracy , where the people met in public astembly and made their own laws , without the intervention of representatives . They wanted sonieftjinsiaore defined than the word Republicanism , and they found it in the Constitution of 'OS , in adopting tie great princi ple of which they avowed themselves Uaaocrats , so that they were Chartists , Republican Chartiits , and Democratic Repablieans ; bethought thata very excellent trinity in unity . ( Applause . ) Iteehairman then entered into a brief exposition ofte great principle of the Constitution of ' 93 , the
iciaeiple which confided to the people the actual vakin : ; ef the laws , the raembers of the national asismbly only dcvising ' aml framing the proposed enactaeots , leaving it for the people themselves by their SxeciToles to sanction , amend , or reject the aeasares proposed . Having explained this , the Yunnan . continued . In this principle consisted Use ; great superiority of that constitution over all itheis be had ever heard tell of . Possessing such a paver , a people could never be deprived of their liberties . With institutions based on such a principle , t totioo ' s existence must be eternal , and eternally ftee . ( Cheers . ) But it might be asked why com-BEBHrate the anniversary of a defunct association ? He weald answer , fur the purpose of keening alive
nd premulgating the principles of which thatassoiattos had been the representative . ( Applause . ) It ¦ tgfci begood policy to say " get the Charter first , ad consider what we will do with it afterwards , " but C eeold not sea the good of such policy . The Baxter was a means to attend , but what was the wf ? Were they agreed as to that ? did they think of S ? 'iliey must do so if the Charter was to be of any eal benefit . The Charter was an axe to cut down be tree of corruption—a power to pull down the tnngholds of despotism ; but of what use would it ie to destroy the upas of corruption unless they knew tow to plant the tree of liberty ? or pull down the khric of despotism , unless they knew how to build in the temple of freedom ? ( iiud cheers . ) Unless
hey were prepared for the future all they could xpect to result , from the Charter would be that t the besti . with universal suffrage nearly nlrereal wrong would exist , as was the case in the foiled States at this day . Of the acts and deeds of ie Deniocratic Association , he would only say that it « s successful because its members called tilings b y & ir right names , and enunciated principles which , ftng in accordance with universal right and justice , Wire understood and appreciated by . the worfcin " s .. ' " democratic Association was not faultless , . Ml into the mistake of hoping for too much within » short a period of time . But the principles of that ! B « nitionwerc , andare , nnexccptionable , andwerctlie i rmeipjcs that must be appealed to to revive emhusi- J m mtte metropolis , lie hoped to see nwiiv such I
] Democratic Supper..Llwberaocraiie Sapp...
appeals as the present , assured as he was , that "important results would flow therefrom . ( Cheers . ) j By meetings like the present they would spread abroad a knowledge of the rights of man , and ' . hasten " that glorious time When tyranny and slavery alike shall pass away , And morn shall break , and man awake , in tho light of afairerday . . ihoud applause . ) v The chairman concluded by giving the following sentiment : — "The day we celebrate . May the ' principles of the Democratic Association of 1 S-1 S-S 9 be our hope and our guide , until the right ; of man are triumphantly established , and despotism in every shape is for . ever overthrown . " -
The CiuiraiAX said lie had much p leasure in callingon their old friend Major Beniowski , a man who had been infamously calumniated , and suffered terrible persecution even from some of the Chartists theniselves . ( Ucafi hear . ) Tlte Major had , however , outlived the mistakes of those who were misinformed , and the slanders of those who , traitors themselves , wilfully plotted his ruin . ( Cheers . ) -Hispresence at this festival proved his unshaken fidelity to the good cause , while the reception his friends had given him proved that they who knew him best trusted and honoured him . ( Loud cheers . )
Major Beniowski , who was received with renewed cheering , said—lie hardly need tell the meeting how grateful he was for the kind reception they bad given him . But a few days ago he little anticipated the pleasure of ever again addressing his brother Democrats . Most of them knew how cruelly ho had been slandered ; he had been used most unjustly by men who would not grant him a trial , or any means of proving his innocence—nay , more than that , his accusers had never offered to prove their accusations , lie would say nothing more on that subject now , but he did not renounce his resolve to wring jusU ' ce from those who had denounced him , or affected to suspect him . Uchadsuffercdmuch , hehaddrankol thechalke of misery to the very dregs ; he had been famishing with hunger and cold ; he liad been homeless and all
bat friendless , and in this state would have left England and renounced this country for ever , hut that , had he done so , his enemies would have said " behold the proof of his guilt . " ( Hear , hear . ) True , he had retreated for a time as a wounded man must retreat , but he had remained in England , and now he was strongerthan ever . ( Cheers . ) By his own abilities and industry be bad carved out- for himself an honourable means of living . He was wb longer wretched and powerless , and now ho rejoiced he could once more stand before them , and with them , a brother in the catise of universal liberty . ( Great cheering . ) He believed that much of the odium which bad beeti cast VlpOTV hHftVfiUS because lie was what wascalled a foreignei ^—atjeast that was made one of the pretexts for suspicion . ' The idea called nationality was a delusion and a
fraud ; men of all countries were brothers , and it was his duty to aid Englishmen in the struggle for their rights , as it was the duty of Englishmen to aid his countrymen in their contest for fresdom . ( Cheers . ) The aristocracy of all nations . " were in union ; they cared nothing about nationality , neither did the merchants and profitmongers , why , then , should the peop le ? ( Applause . ) -Major Beniowski here entered into a review of the state of parties " at the time of the formation of the Democratic . Association , dcnouncinjr in withering language those who were playing the part of humbugs at that period . ; Coming to the present time , he observed it had been said that the Democratic Association was defunct ; it might be , as an organised body , but its spirit , still lived , and let but its banner be uslifted , and hundreds would speedily rally round it . " ( Loud applause . ) . ;' .. The CiuiBUi . v then gave the thiid \ sentiment : —
"TheAorttern Star , the people's organ . Maythelight of an honest press illumine the minds of the masses , aud teach ' than how to retain as well as obtain the blessings of eijual : !} - and liberty . " Mr . Rider , who was warmly received , in rising to respond to the sentiment , said—Being a plain , homespun Yorkshireroan , the audience need not expect any curled , frizzled , or dressed-wp oration from him . If . ' affcr the substantial repast , and intellectual feast they had enjoyed , any still felt a gust for dainties in the shape of a dish of finely-turned : periods , garnished with flowers of rhetoric , they would , so far as he was concerned , find themselves disappointed . He had been too much accustomed to pon'idge-eatcrs to qualify him to cater for silk-lined stomachs . What they would get from him would be very plain , and in
the same strain as they suiig-m concert some six years ago , when he had the pleasure of becoming personally acquainted with the Democrats of London , and of leing initiated into their most honourable order . Since they last met , he acknowledged lie had been an idle soldier , doing no duty , and allowing his aims and accoutrements to contract both dust and rust ; nevertheless , not having . desei'ted the ; regiment , he did not stand before them witlr a icar of a Democratic Court Mart ' al , or tho nine-tailed cat / b ^ fore his eyes . He might be interrogated as to the reason of his political idleness , and from the observations made by the friends who had preceded him , and from the oneness of opinion , that pervaded the assembly , on what were once delicate points , he felt
bound to explain the cause of his inactivity , prior to adverting to the points centred in the scntimeht he was called upon to support . The real and onl y cause of his inactivity , then , was sickness—a severe and protracted sickness ; not corporeal , but mental , and produced by the contemplation of the duplicity ; ter givei-aation , apostasy , and black-heartcdness of those who had sui-reptifiously , and for sinister purposes ; wormed themselves up to leadership among the peop le . More injury had been done to the cause of the millions by pseudo-patriots , than by all the opposition , persecutions , and prosecutions of avowed opponents . They well knew what a nest of unclean birds were gathered together in Bolt-court the last time he had the honour of meeting the London
.-Dcmoeratic Association ; and they knew full well the amount of geod that resulted from the chirping and fluttering of that heterogeneous asseinolagc . The hard-earned pence of the working men were recklessly expended , and time killed by the reacting of old Acts of Parliament , culled from , some chandler ' s stock of waste paper , and which was equally as irrelevant to ; the object of their mission as would be the reading Cock Robin or Tom llickathrift . But it wiled away the time , and kept up the game of picking . At length the working men saw the dodge—the supplies were diminished , aud in proportion to that diminution the ardour of the patriots abated . Had money continued to be poured into the treasury , these birds of prey would
have sat on their wind-eggs to this very moment . Most of the members of that Convention sprung up among tis like mushrooms , they danced like meteors , and they vanished like vapour . May we never see their like again . ( Cheers . ) However , there were a few good men and true in that" parliament . " I am proud to say there is one here ( pointing to the chairman ) . ( Clieers . ) ne , asancatreriie " e / lman , didnot getmanypickiiigs ; he did not ape theefteminate things in St Stephen ' s ; he did not bfink the truth ; he did not run , like some of the crew , on hearing the sound of £ 100 , 000 ringing through the land , to echo the thousand times refuted sophistry aiid rhodomontade ofthe Whigs . No ; he went forth without money and without scrip , proclaiming the principles of Democracy , and he yet stands immovably fixeJ on
the rock of political truth - , yet able and willing , on all meet occasions , to fi ght the good fight of freedom . ( Applause . ) Their chairman had enemies in their own camp ; but they had slain themselves with their own weapons , and here he was at the head of a well-trained Democratic band , unscathed and undaunted . ( Loud applause . ) With respect to the sentiment he ( Mr . Rider ) was called upon to respond to , he must say that the committee had placed him in a novel position . It was like placing a shopman behind the counter to puff his master s goods . ( Laughter . ) There were , no doubt , thousands in the metropolis who were adepts in the art-v but lie could not simper and smile , and cut the demisemiquavers of those gentry . These might be indispensable
adjuncts m a pront-mongenng establishment , but as his master was not a profit-monger , he dispensed with ladies ' men , or dccoyblrds . Nevertheless , as the customers had called upon him to try his hand , unknown to the master , he did not feel that diffidence he should do if standing in the position of a servingman emptying the shelves of silks and satins for the inspection of some Lady Trollop , or Miss Seliha Drabble . He would , therefore , say , as the master was out , that the article was of first-rate qualitymade of the very beat materials , by the very best workmen in the land . ( Cheers . ) It was adapted for all climates , and suited to till shades of complexion and conditions of life , save thieves , tyrants , tax-eaters , and such like vagabonds , who ought to be
whipped naked through the world . ( Great applause . ) Its firm texture had entitled itto the preference given it by that portion of the community carrying the badges of honest industry—blistered hands , fustian jackets , and unshorn chins . ( Cheers . ) It is also of a fast colour , which not all the waters of . prosecution running : between the throne and Joe Mitchell ' s , can wash away , or even produce a shade of change . Its like cannot be purchased in any other house in town or country for love or money . It bears away the Sell . It shines more brilliant than the Sun ( as every Sjnelator and 0 i « n-er must confess ) , and the Traveller knows there is not its equal on the Globe . ( Great cheering . ) It is far in advance of the . . Times and the Age in which we live . , The'Star had its
origin in the same town as himself—the once benighted town of Leeds , where the working men were wont to be led by the nose , like asses , by the " Great Liar of the North . " Every sincere friend ofthe people wasmaligned by that infamous vehicle of Whiggery , and the misrepresented might as well look for blood in door nails as justice at the hands of the Whig pander . But the Star arose in the very focus of Whingery—the monster -was bearded in bis own den—li « htshohcindarkness . Tbe infant Star stripped the giantof Whiggery of his strength . The workics saw the deformity of the Idol they had blindly worshipped—thev renounced their idolatry—saw they were men , and now , through ' -the instrumentality of the Star , thev act as men , and have taken most of
] Democratic Supper..Llwberaocraiie Sapp...
theirlocalaffairs into their'own hands . TheTStofwas how fixed in the great metropolis of . the world / and was in reality the ' people ' s organ . ' sMen bf-dtlier nations walked by its light , and experienced the benefit of its influence . ( Cheers . ) But let it be borne in mind , that , as the people ' s . organ , it had to combat . faction —singly it liad to contend against a host ; therefore it must be sustained by Mhe people , -as it had hitherto been . By the people it had been made invulnerable to every attack , and by the people it would retain its power over those who conspired to compass its destruction . Tbe sentiment alluded . to the principles propounded iu the S /« r—those of Equality , but as the
assembly were mostly veterans in the cause , he need not trespass on their time by expatiating on that portion of the subject ; they were already taught ; and were proof a ? ainst fraud and sophistry of every description , come from whatever . quarter it might . As he was anxious to hear Mr . Cooper he would sit down by observing that the proprietor and present conductors of the people ' s organ had been sufficiently tried , and found faithful to their trust , and honest in principle—the principles they propounded were honest and just , and it remained with the people to push on to the attainment of the Charter and tho Land , aiid all good things would fidlow to the full establishment of luire Democracy .
The chairman then gave " the health of Joseph Mazzini , and success to the Democrats of all nations . " ;¦ Mr . Cooper ( author of the "Purgatory of Suicides" ) rose to speak to the toast . No Englishman gloried more in his nation ' s list of greatmen than he ( Mr . C . ) did . He would feel ashamed did he not glory in the names of the incorruptible and brave Hampden , the martyred Sydney , the incomparable Milton , the upright Cartwright and Hunt—nor less in such patriotic orators as Chatham the elder , aiid Erskinc , who wrote their names on the page of England ' s ltutory with the sunbeam of their own peerless eloquence , and did not depart , in their maiiiiooil , from the Democratic sentiments of their youth , ' like the
renegades Burke , and Wyndham , and Pitt , and Burdett . Yet , when uanies . like that of Joseph Mazzini are mentioned , thoy ought to despise tlic narrower feeling ol " nationality , and merge their sympathies in a broad and enlightened philanthropy , embracing the patriotism of every ' land arid every people . With all his fond " partiality ; for the good and great among his own forefathers , a true'English Democrat feels an " unspeakable glow of the heart while pondering on the deeds of glorious Tell—that matchless peasant , who broke the fetters of his fatherland , and whose name would echo in songs of liberty ,.-ts Jong as the eagles gazed uridazzled at the sun . while they soar aboyc ^ the Alps of free ' 'Switzerland —( great applause ); Kor is he less powerfully aiid nobly affected
while dwelling on the brightness of Jiosciusla s burnmg glory , ; and the woes ef weeping Poland . ( Enthusiastic . app lause . )" ' - . The honoured name contained iii the toast was enrolled in this shining ' catalogue of European patriotism : Joseph Mazzini had won lasting honour , not only for his true-hearted love for beautiful , but oppressed Italy , his celebrated fatherland—but for the hi gh-spirited resolve , and intrepid perseverance with wliich he hunted the infamousi fetter-spy ' through all his false and diabolical attempts to east the base and bloody stain of murder upon him . Mazzini had triumphed : he had substautiated his own truth and high honour ; while the English iottche " was doubfy tarnished with infamy , and would be ^ remembered with detestation by the
latest posterity . All - honour , then , Mo Joseph Mazzini ! and may the remnant of his life be filled with happiness derived from the knowledgeMhat the cause of Italian liberty , in which he had struggled so long aiid ; ardently , was nearer and nearer a' splendid and permanent succcfs . ( Clieers . ) The toast further breathed a wish for " the success of the Democrats of all nations . " The word "Democrat" chosen'b y the associationwhose establishment they commemorated to night , was a word of grand associations , for it came from noble old Greece—the immortal land of Thermistocles , and Aristides , and Miltiadcs : it breathed of the glorious struggles of Marathon aiid . Salamis ; it raised up the thrilling image of Leonidas and his fearless 300 , who fell , a forlorn hope , at Thcrmopylas ; and it told of the ' proud-Persian , humbled , and ol Kings and their arrogance brought low—but of . a
whofe people exalted to freedom—and that people the noblest that ever lived beneath the sun for eloquence and poetry , and philosophy , and the arts , as well as for b ravery . ( Great applause . ) The word ; " democrat" was , then , like the name " Chartist , " one that ought to be dearly cherished for its associations . As Democrats , they possessed a name under wliich they could embrace as brothers , the shades of the patriotic dead oi * all countries , and the patriotic "living of every land : as Chartists , they Jove a namei . ( leaver than life to many , for it had been sanctified by suffering .: Nothing seemed to him so cowardly , so ignoble , lis the renunciation of a good liaihe , because it is displeasing to those whom the world calls " respectiible . " A really good man , ' and truly patriotic .
thougliisoniewh ' at timid , said to him ( Mr . Cooper ) , the other day , " Why do you call yoiireelf 'the Ch ' artist '; i oil the title-page of your book ? Do you riot ; think it . will prejudice some people against it ? " -1-answered ; "Sir , I care nothing for that ; tlic niimii ' is dear to me , fori have sutlercd for it ; and since .-my enemies imprisoned me for being a Chartist , they shall neyer have ; the name from inc : on the contrary , -I will place it before their eyes as often as ever I can . " ( Enthusiastic cheers . ) Witfi unsubdued and unabated zeal for the Charter , as an Englishman .: he , felt proud , however , of the broader name of Democrat , when reflecting on the noble struggles of . patriots ,: in , other lauds , and inost cordially responded to the toast given by the chairman . ( Prolonged cheering . ) Mr . IisiGiiT also briefly addressed the mcetins ,
responding to the sentiment ; but as we had not the pleasure of hearing him , it is impossible for us to give even an outline of his remarks . : u . ' . 'The . health and speedy restoration of Frost , Williams , Jones , Ellis , aud other exiles , " was the concluding toast . ; -.-Mr . Mot responded in a very sensible antl . fceling speech ' . iMi ' v ,: ;; , .. " ¦ :- .: ,, , . Mr .: Rpss then proposed that the ith of November , the birthday of the patriotic Henry Hunt , should be cielebrat'ed as a Democratic festivity , by a supper , in a similar maimer to the anniversary tfiey were then met to celebrate . The proposition was unanimously adopted , and the committee which had acted for this occasion was appointed ( with power to add to their numbers ) to . make arrangements for the Henry Hunt festival .: ; ; .
Mr . CoopErt briefly stated his desire that a pernianentfund , tobecalledthe " Veteran Patriots ' Fund , " should be fovined ,. for the relief of indiviuna ' s like Daddy Richards , Thomas Rayner Smart , Allen Davenport , Preston , and others , whose venerable age , infumitics , sufferings , and labours in the cause of liberty , rendered it lamentably discreditable ' to the working classes that thejr should be neglected , and perhaps have to end their days in a bastile , if not speedily placed out of fear of want . The subject had been one of deep and earnest thought with'him in
imprisonment—he hadalready mentioned it toseveral patriotic friends in London , and he trusted it would now be received with approval . Major Beniowsky immediately tendered 10 s . as tho first subscription , and Mr . Cooper was requested by the company to make a definite motion on the subject ; which lie did , by proposing that a public meeting be held in the City Chartist Hall , on Monday night , September 8 th , to determine on the establishment ef a fund for the permanent voliof of suffering patriotic individuals , above sixty years of age . to be called the " Veteran Patriots ' Fund . " '
The motion was carried unanimously , and all present were pledged to use their efforts towards procuring support to the intended frind . In all , £ lls . lOd . was subscribed towards it in the ' room . _ The good feeling and hilarity of the meeting , by singing and agreeable conversation , was kept up till midnight ; and the friendly and ardent Democrats separated with the resolution to use increased energy in spreading the everlasting principles of truth and freedom .
Sisocun Case.—A Short Time Since, A Youn...
Sisocun Case . —A short time since , a young man , about eighteen years of age , meanly dressedsnd unable to speak , from his tongue having been cutout , was landed at Boulogne from a London packet . ; = ; lle had been taken up in Edinburgh for vagabondage , and being supposed from his features to be a native of France , had been taken before the French Consul , who having interrogated him in French , receivedariswers by signs . The young man having intimated that he believed Boulogne to be his birth-place , was forwarded tliere . Immediately on his arrival the commissary of the port confided him to the care of a gendarme , who was to lend his assistance in endeavouring to discover the young man ' s parents . All attempts have hitherto proved ineffectual , and nothing can be discovered from the young man himself
as he can neither read nor write . His conduct was at first so exceedingl y violent , that it was found necessary to place hhu in confinement . It was supposed by some persons that he was a cabin-boy named Fournier , who had embarked some time back on board the Irma ; but the real Fournier arrived at ' . Boulogne within the last few days , and of course put an end to this supposition . From his gestures it -is supposed that he was present at the intentional sinking of a vessel , and that his tongue was cut out to prevent his disclosing what he knew . Two things appear " certain —one , that lie is not a native of Boulogne , ^ ' arid the other , that he is but little removed in intellect from idiocy . The authorities are busy in investigating this affair , but it is still involved in mystery . —GaligtiaaL . - - - .-: --. - ¦¦ . ;• ¦¦' .
Sale of Slaves ron the Benefit OF THEOLOGY . —We find the following notice of a public sale , in the Savannah Republican of March 3 , 1845 . After describing the plantation which was to be sold , the notice adds— * ' Also at tliesame time and place , the following negroslaves , to wit , Charles , Pegpy , Antonett , Davy , September , Maria , Jenny , anil Isaac—levied on as the property of Henry T . Hall , to satisfy a mortage fi . fa . issued out of Macintosh" Supreme Court , in favour ofthe hoard of directors ef the Thoo-Jo » i 2 al Seminary ofthe Synod of South Carolina and Georgia v : said Henry T . Hall . "Conditions cash . " C . O'Neal ; Deputy Sheriff , M . G , "
Igt Ce ^Nijgme
Igt ce ^ nijgme
, Mansion House. :: Jionoat,—Shocking De...
, MANSION house . :: JIonoat , —Shocking Degradation . — A man named Thonias Pasfield , who is what is culled a « . ' sb'uffleliunter , " or" chance" porter / was ' brought , before the Lord Mayor , charged with having ciit liisown throat in a fit of drunkeiiness / or rather of madness , the result of ' - ' drunken habits . The prisoner , it appeared , had been left a legacy of about £ tll ) or £ Tv by a relative a short time , ago and had never liccil sober down to the time at which he made tho attack upon his own life on the ' th of last July . . Ills female Child , a poor half-starved wreteh ' ed . looking creature , aged about four years , had been dragging out a miserable existence with him in tatters hi a garret in the tieighbourhdodof Toiver-strcct , ' and occasionally received assistance fi-oiu the benevolent poor people about the locality , who looked upon tlicir neglected little fellow creature with great compassion . .-Tile eliild Has in tli ' o habit : of . n-niiduriiig about
the streets while thc'ftithcr ' was smoliiiig aiid drinking in what were called the J flash cribs " i . f the City , and used to wait upon the stairs until it ' plcased liiiii to ' rctiiriihume and open the door of his room , which contained ' nothing in the shape of furniture or bctl-clotlies except a . threadbare old ' blanket , a box , mid a pail . On the night of the 7 th of Jnlv the poor infant was found waiting upon the stairs , and some of the lodgers having had reason to suppose that the father was iu his room ; an attempt was made to gain adniission , but those who tried the experiment were obliged to . break open . the' door before they succeeded . Upon entering ,, they beheld a ghastly , spectacle . The unfortunate drunkard had deposited the greater part . of his person in tlic box , and was bleeding from' a severe wound iu the neck , ' which hung over the pail ; and cash' to . the amount of between £ » and £ 30 was found in a corner of
the room , the remnant , it was supposed , of the property he he had been left by his relation . The prisoner , upon being asked what account heeould give of himself , replied that he had Ircen completely unconscious of what had happened ; tliiit ho had some disagreement with : i female relation , wliich put him out of sorts , and ' ho took drink to get rid ofthe trouble ; but what further took place he really could not say . lie , however , vowed , that he was -very Surry fur what had occurred .. The child , when the prisoner was carried to the-hospitaV . was placed in the earo of a female named Mary-Miller , ' who treated her ' with remarkable tenderness . The ' mother , it was stated , bnsbcen sometime dead , and the neighbours expressed niueli anxiety that the Lji'd Mayor should interfere to prevent the cush found in the room " from being -squandered by the prisoner . The prisoner . was remanded for a few days . ¦ .. ' . -
¦¦; Tuesday ;—An Imi'ostok . —A woman liamedAnnl'egrim , who had the appearance of the wile of a decent tradesman , was brought before the Lord'Mayor . — H . Webb ( policeman No . 658 ) stated that as lie was walking along Wormwood-street he saw the defendant , apparently in great agony , rubbing her knee at the door of a hall . Shu was very loud in her lamentation , and , upon being questioned , said she had had a violent full , and had sustained desperate mischief . Witness took her to > the station-house , and caused hcv to be exftmiiml by a surgeon , v > ho told her to rest a little , and she would soon get over the injury , if she had been injured . In tho station-house she became apparently a greater object of compassion , for she complained
of pains in both legs , and it was considered necessary to take her , on account cf hoi' agonies , to the hospital , slitie became extremely violent upon the stretcher , but was at last deposited in a . bed in the hospital , and examined by Mr . Travi-rs , who , alter due investigation , stated that nothing whatever was ' the matter with her . —The Lord Mayor : You charge her , then , with being ah impostor !—The policeman said there was no doubt at all thatshebad complained of pain for the purpose of exciting compassion ; and there was reason to believe that she hud teen lately engaged in stripping children of their clothes in the unfrequented lanes and alleys . —She was remanded for a fewdays . ' - ... ' . .. '' :: . ' . : ' . '¦' . ' .
. LAMBETH . : . ¦;' ., •' . ' V . Tuesday . —Serious Ciiaiige . — George Humphcry Rvyant was placed at the bar before "Mr . 'Henry , '" on a ciiaigc of being drunk and wilfully setting fire to the house of Mrs . Elizabeth Odd ) , No . 5 !» , Hill-street , Walworth ; Mrs . Odell deposed that on the evening before , the prisoner , who had lodged at her house for upwards of twelve months , came home very much intoxicated , very . much illused his w-ifc , shamefully abused her " ( witness ) , and threatened to burn the place down . He then went up stairs , but after stopping- ' a few minutes returned down again and exclaimed , " 1 have set a light to your house . " Witness , in consequence , ran up stairs , and upon entering thcapi . rt . ucnt occupied by the prisoner and his . wife , she found the bed and bedding on fire . She instantly fl . ing some water on the bed , and , with the assistance of her servant , succeeded in extinguishing the'fire before it ' liad
done any serious mischief . Had she not gone up so soon , and acted so promptly , she ( die witness ) had no doubt whatever the house must have been burnt . down . The prisoner , after making the declaration sh » had before mentioned , about setting a light to the house , went away , but returned in about a quarter of an hour , armed with a large club , and swore the most desperate oaths he would have the lives of both his wife and witness ; and so violent and determined was his manner , that they were both obliged to lock themselves up , in tins first instance , and then escape from his rage by getting out of the front windows , whijc l . th ' o " prisoner was in the back part of the house ; lie hUd also violently assaulted the police . ; There was a third charge against the prisoner , of having stolen a large ingot of tin from the premises of Mr .: Goad , a plumber ,-hi High-street , Camberwcll : He was remanded to a future , day to give tha officers an opportunity : oi tracing the property . : : '
• .,::. : ¦ : ' . . - ' THAMES . - -. ¦ '" , MOSDAY . —BrCIAL AN »; Co > VAHDLT . HiHSI , Ai ; CHTEll . — Michael ; Carroll , a felt-maker , aged 26 , of No . 3 ,-Taylor ' s-. plage ; Old 'Ford , ' Bow ; Patrick- ' Foley , of No .. 2 , Tayloi ^ spliice ;"' 19 '; 'Martin' ' ' 15 ahii ' n ; - ' 28 , ' 'bf'W'iiidmill-iilice , Old ; i'ord ;" itartiii Keenan ' , ( I 8 , imd Daniel -Kecna ' n , ' llisi sonj 89 , of v . tiie , same place ; : werebought ; before'Mr . Brodoi-i p . on a ' chM goof 1 manslaughter , ' thD ; Jirstirith .- . efiusiiig the death lot" ti young man , named JamcsBristow , a stonemason , by ; sti-ikinghim on , theheiid witii ' apoker j and theptlier four ¦ willv , aiding and ; abetting Cairoll . \ . Tfic two ' ; K . eeiiuiis , IJauim , and Foley '' were described-ds-labourers : - Tiie first . witness ; called was Kicli ' ard Smitli , who " said ¦ lie '' -w-as'a : blacksmith and lived opposite ' the ' gas WOl'ks ' tlt Old'Ffird . ' Ou Saturday night he was in the Bog and l'artridge , IHgilstreet , Bow , with some friends , / and he left there a few minutes before twelve . After walking a short distance ,
they stood m the middle of the road , just before parting with each other , and were in ' conversation -t « gethcv " when a . stone was thrown from thei direction of .-th ' e'hottse -occupied by the Reenans ,-. which . ' struek a-youmj man named Kingdom ' on the back of , tbe head ,-and inflicted a ; severe wound . The blood flowed eopiouslyft -oin . tiie wound , ' and Kingdom appeared'to he'hi great pain .: Witness , aiid another person named George' Williams' wont . tb'the'door of the house ; from which : they suspected the ! stone was thrown , and asked for an explanation of such a dastardly outrage , and , weve grossly . ! abused and threatened by- the Irisli people in the house . Finding remonstrances of no avail , and as they were not likely to , obtain the name of the man who threw the ' Btone , ' tliey ' left the -ihouse , and were ' about to part , when Carroll mime his appearance and challenged Williams to fight . - He accepted ttie challenge , and they began- fighting .. Williams appeared -lo be
getting the best ot it , and closed with his adversary , who then bit him in a most savage manner , and severely injured him , ' and Williams - ' . was . - compelled : ; to let go . The fight was about to be renewed when . Carroll called upon his countrymen for help , aiid a great number of Irishmen came out of their houses , armed-with sticks ' , ; pokers , ' and other dangerous weapons , and made a desperate attack on witness and bis party , who were unarmed ; . and they were overpowered by numbers and compelled to retreat . They halted by ' the railway arch at Old Ford , and were soon afterwards joined by a man named Thomas Smith , who said he had been interrupted by a party of Irishmen , near the Five Bells , where they left Carroll and his friends , much beaten with it poker . While they were talking , James lVristow , the . deceased , imd another man , who were on their liny ' hoine , joined them , and lie advised them and his own'party to remain where they were until the Irishmen became quiet and had gone to their homes : but some of them determined upon going- back , and lie accompanied them . Ou ' . arriving at the place whore they
had left the Irishmen , he saw Carroll lurking about , armed with a heavy kitchen poker , which he attempted to conceal under his coat when ho saw them approach . Thomas Smith immediately exclaimed , "That ' s the man who struck me with a poker in Bow . " When Carroll found he was discovered , he ran towards his own dwelling , and liristow passed it , and was about twenty or thirty yards away , when Carroll and another man came towards htm , and Carroll struck him a' tremendous blow , on the side of the head with a poker , and felled him to the ground . Eight or ten Irishmen , armed with all manner of weapons , and some without any , then made ; another furious attack en witness and his friends , and they were obliged to return to Old Ford , where they remained for ' some time , and missed Bristow , who they afterwards understood had managed to get up and crawl to the station-house . When they saw him again lie was being led home between two policemen , and appeared very much exhausted . By that time the Irishmen had disappeared , aud he heard no more of them , Mr . Broberip said lie should remand the case until Monday next .
SOUTHWAKK . Tuesday . —Attempt at Suicide . —Hannah Clarice , a young female , the daughter of a respectable man , was brought before Mr . Cottingham , charged with attempting to commit suicide . She was arrested by a policeman on the prerious ; night , when about to throw herself into tiie river at the London-bridge stairs . When the defendant . was placed at the bar before the magistrate , she exclaimed I that she ' would not . be deterredfrom carrying her object of suicide into effect . —The policeman said she w as the daughter ' of-a man in . good circumstances , and that she absconded from home about twelve months since , and went to live under the protection of a man who had since been transported for higliway ' robbcry ; that as soon as he was sent out of the country she became of profligate habits , aud abandoned teself to a life of infamy ; that her father was even now willing to take her home , but she rejected all entreaties of . that nature . —The magistrate remanded the prisoner until Saturday , and said that notice should be given to her father to attend , and unless he procured bail for her not attempting to repeat the attempt upon her life , she should be committed for a long period to gaol . .. ? .
Wednesdat . —Savage Assaults , —Mr , Cottingham was engaged for a considerable time in hearing charges of assault , two of which , of an aggravated description , were preferred at the instance of two women against two men , named Joseph aiid William Martin , who , although bearing the same name were in no Way related to each other . The first case was preferred against Joseph Martin , by a young woman named Mary Sogers , ' from whose statement it appeared that about a fortni ght ago she happened to be present when the defendant and a woman were quarrelling together . On that occasion she ( complainant ) interposed , upon wliich the defendant , who was armed with a poker , made a blow at her head . She raised her right arm to guard her head , and was struck with Buch violence between the elbow and wrist , as to inflict a wound there as well as on the top of her head . The wounds were of such a serious nature , that she was
obliged to be conveyed to St . Thomas ' s Hospital , where she was confined until , that day , being unable to quit the ward . She here exhibited the marks of the injuries She sustained on the occasion . The defendant endeavoured to palliate his offence ' liy saying that he was intoxicated and that , in wasting tt » poker from the complainant he by accident struck her over the arm ; that he regretted the occurrence , ¦ but the liquor was the cause of it Mr . Cottingham s .-dd the condition of the complainant even now , a fortnight after '• the outrage , evi ^ \\ serious nature of the attack , and ( hat it was miraculous she was not killed , for had she not thrown " up hbrarin in the way described , awl thereb y prevented the force of tl . « blow on the head , she must have been 'deprived of 1 fi . The magistrate then inflicted thi ' M penalty of * 5 on the defendant , and in default of payment Up wnV „ - - " :,--, « -s .: »„ i ^ S 5 « g ;
, Mansion House. :: Jionoat,—Shocking De...
Martin , preferred by Mary Coombc , Who elated that nsshe was walking along the Hew-cut . on . tbejpreceding night , tho defendant , who was : walking ; : with ^ another man , ' knocked up . iigainst ^ . lierl . ; andinearly .--threw .-her . down . - Wheu . she recovered herself , ^; she merely , asked her assailant why ho acted in such a mamwr towards her , and had scarcely , time . to , utter the words , when he doubled his fist and struck her a severe blow on the mouth , that had the effect of loosening several of her . teeth , lie was in the act of running away , after , having committed the cowardly-assault , when lie was pursued and ' taken into custody . The defendant said that the complainant was about to strike him for , accidentally pushing against her , and that in twtrding off the blow her mouth came again *! Ms knuvkles , but that he had no intention of hitting her . The magistrate , having severely commented on the cowardly nature of the assault , inflicted a penalty of £ 5 on the defendant , who , having expressed his inability to payit , was committed . to gnol .: ' ¦" ,.. . ' . - " ... ..
CLERKEXWKLL . WiBNESDAT . —IxClUTITlIM AND BoiHIEKT . —Arfliur Frajtie was charged with stealing £ 25 in gold and silver , two gold rings , and a gold pin , the property of William Femes . The prosecutor is a warehouseman in the City , and , actuated by motives of humanity , had , although in very humble circumstances himself , shared his bed and board with the prisoner , who was , when he craved his assistance , in destitute circumstances . The prisoner ' s habits were so irregular that' the prosecutor was obliged to dismiss him , and a day or two after his room was broken into , and the above-mentioned money and jewellery abstracted . The piisoner , who alone knew where the box containing the property was placed , was . seen coming out of the house on the evening of ' the robbery . IIo was remanded . '
WORSHIP STREET . Wepsesdat . —CiuitCE op . ¦ S'MJUii . vg . —Eliza Avern , a middle-aged woman of masculine appearance , was placed at the bar btfove Mr . Bingham , upon the charge of cutting and wounding her husband , William Avern , a cork cutter , living in Ke ale-street , Spitallields . Itappearidfroiu the statement of tiie husband , who had lost his right eye , and had several scars upon his face , that he bad been married about 25 years to the prisoner , hut iter , temper was so violent and ungovernable that he had led a lifeof constant disquiet and unhappiiicss neatly the whole of that time . Between nine and ten years ago she stabbed hint so dangerously in the side that his life was for ' some time despaired of , and on a subsequent occasion , in the course of an altercation between them , she attacked him with a dinner fork , and stabbed him iw the right eye , the sight
of which had been totally destroyed . She had since then repeatedly assailed him iii a similar manner , and be bore the marks of her violence upon almost every part of his person . On his returning home rather late on the precudi » g \ mgb ' t , ho . banded to the prisoner the amount of his dnj ' s . ' earnings , but recollecting . afterwards that he had to purchase some cork for his business , he requested her to return a small portion of the money , " which she positively refused to do , and on his repeating the request she became greatly excited , and seizing a knife from the table made seyeriil rapid thrusts at him , in warding off wliich . he ¦ ¦ received a severe cut on the thick part of . the right shoulder . lie arrested lier ' arm as she was about to repeat ( lie blow , and after a violent struggle gave her into custody ' . ' Mr . Bingham said he should order Iter to be brought : up again , that the case might be completed agaiiistlier .. '"' ,
¦ " : , ; HAMMERSMITH . ; . W £ DNESDAr . ' ---DfSPEitATE Ikis ' h KlOT AT Kessikctos , —JaiiicfMui'phy / Jauies Connor , John Cotter , and Timothy M ' . Cavihy , four Irishmen , the two former living in Jenuin gs ' s-b ' uildiiigs , Kensington , and the other two in Maryleboiie , were charged before Mr . T . Payntcr , the sitting magistrate , with having been concerned with a number of other'Irishmen not in custody , in a desperate riot in the town of Kensington , on' the night of Sunday last . Murphy , Connor , and Cotter were each committed to hard labour for one ' calendar month , and M'Carthy was ordered to find bail iu two sureties in £ 10 each , to appear atthe sessions . Several other persons engaged in the riot , which was an extraordinary one , and disturbed the whole town , were sentenced to imprisonment .
Odd Fellowship
10 The Ed1t0k Op Tiie Xobt1ierx Stau. . ...
10 THE ED 1 T 0 K OP TIIE XOBT 1 IERX STAU . . Doiiegall-st ., Belfast , Aug . eth , 1845 . Sir , —As sonic reports of proceedings in connection with the Manchester Unity of Independent Odd Fellows have appeared in the Star , of Saturday last , and some previous numbers , and as such statements are calculated , if suffered to pass unnoticed , to do much mischief . tb the order , and consequently to the working classes generally , I liavo thought it ; necessary , to trouble you with a lew , reiiiarlisMliereoi ) .- Isliould have done so sooheiy but supposed some , one more competent than myself . would have , done so . The importance of the subjecfMo the , working classes will be a sufficient' guarantee for the insertion , of , tUis communication . I . am as . strong aii advocate . for
frecdoiiias aiiy ofyohr most ; zealous ' . correspondents . can . . ' p ' qssibl ^ the ' Northern -,. ( Siaf , " , " t ! ir 6 " u | b ; -good ^ report . and trough evil ; rcportj' ^ will , testify , ; _ , but I am ; sorry to be , obliged to ' doiibt , tlici purity of " the : motives ' by vvhicli ' tlic , leaders of this ; ' Hibv . cine . nt ; are actuated . | T |^ r ' c ^ ap ' peai s ' . to me . to be . more of , personal piouc aiid , d . isaijpointiiieiit , thii ' n that p ine Jove of principle which , should be ' , the , liiaih , spring of the Reformer . Allthttt has been said ,. one assertion excepted , viz ., " the scald being founded , oil a false data , " appears to me to-be . totally beside ; the , , question ; and if . it is the good o f the order they aresceking , why not have
availed , tlicmselycs of . ... those means " . the laws of the order so amply auWd for remedying supposed or real grip ' yanccs . ? . If Mho . resolutions , complained of , as passed by theMate annual " committee , can be shown to he inimical to the well-being of the order , and the majority of the ' members tuill . it , by laying the matter lawfully before the hoard of directors , the operation of the offensive resolutions could be suspended until the next A . M . C , which would be the proper plan tor settling-tho dispute . As regards representation , I consider the system to be all that ¦ any reasonable man can wish . Every district can send a deputy to the aiiiiual committee ; and those districts who have more than 1000 members
two'deputies ,. and so on for every 1000 members , one deputy ; and as these deputies are elected by the representation of each lodge in quarterl y committees of the districts , I cannot see what valid objection can be raised against it . As we have 4000 lodges in the unity , if each was to send a deputy to ' tbe committee , ! think we should have a legislative assembl y w . th a : vengeance . ' Tin ' s would indeed bo " odd . " Most of tlte speeches aud resolutions hitherto published appear to be directed against the officers of the order . If they have been unfaithful to their trust , let them be exposed , and suffer accordingly . I would be the last man to throw a cloak over their sins if they be guilty . Jf they have been guilty of "jobbery" or peculation , let the proper steps be taken to put a stop to such proceedings ; aud let theiu be treated as every man should be who would defraud such an institution . ¦ . - . Their removal from office and disgrace would be a warning to those who would come after them .
I send with this a copy of the last " quarterly report ; " and you will sec by it . that there are other causes for this , niore than appear at first sight , and which I fear are not very creditable to the parties concerned . Upon calm reflection , the resolutions taken by the A . M . C . are calculated to place the order on a more firm and durable basis , Without contracting to any extent worth naming , tlte benefits of the order . The reductions apply chiefly to the funeral gifts for members * - wives ; and I am of opinion that a man should not be looking for a large sum at the death of his wife , he having the same moans ' to support himself as before . I think the women might look with some degree of suspicion upon men who are over anxious on this point . When a man is sick and unable to work for his family , and also when the widow and the fatherless are left unprovided for , as is too of ten the case among the working classes then
, is the time when assistance is most required ; and on those occasions the sick and funeral gift * remain nearl y the same as they were . These alterations have not been made without notice ; every lod « e in the imit y having been niadc acquainted with tlte intended change long previous to the meeting of the Wasgow committee ! What more could bo done ? Uurlaws are not irrevocable . We have an annual parliament , , m the A . M . C , that can alter and amend what the circumstances of the time and experience dictate ; so that there is no excuse whatever mr resorting to means unknown and unrecognised by the order , to effect improvements therein . My object is to reconcile all parties , and to promote peace and Harmony . I hope , therefore , these remarks will be receivedm the spirit in which they are offered : and this institution , which has long been the pride of the working classes , may come out of the nresent trial
unscathed ; and that it may long flourish to spread i ? , w I ° lenfc , »" ence fa and wide , is the sincere wish ot your obedient servant , WS « v 'I ^ ° remavk that t ] le ] a > 'gesums paid for regalia by the members is voluntary , as what is required by the lodges according to law is very Kn »; and , therefore , the members who choose to buy the ' se . tomfooleries" have themselves to blame . 1 am no advocate for them , but would Jet every man please lumselt m these matters . , :
Address To Tub Members Of Thelndepen ;Ss...
ADDRESS TO TUB MEMBERS OF THElNDEPEN ; SS ER : o " -O ^ . 'HiwwB , LiVSoi : " Coming events cast their shadows before . " . ^^ xnn ^ -so soon as the executive eovernment of SiTr ' " T rul ° with ^ ^ on band , and piocecd to carry out their self-opinionated views by un « onalmeans , from that moment maj be leS the just murmunngs of disapprobation . The despot merr 511 SSJStem * " *»•» by gradual encSli ! SFX / V . r fled vktim ' Iibert y- ' Under the lis 2 Si ? * ? T ' gai ,, eda 11 ^ ^ b-ed , leaving k i ^^ "' thc bare «« o « eetion of their ^ ^ atness . ^ uch proceedings are doubly enmi . i-i f ?" ld-b ° tyrants 8 ° vera " fraternity , on « ue-ae standavd is einWiwoned the word independence . isucli js U , e present , and future prospects oi the Independent Order of Odd . lMlows , if its members alio w them . j selves to be governed b y the selfish aud capricious whims
of C . S . RateliSe and the Board of Direct . whose grand , schemes was'to . make . ah inquisitoriid « amination of tV . e'funds , && , of every Lail ^ e in jilt u „ i * suspeutlinj whole Districts , and - ' threatening nil otliprl with the sumesanguinarypunishment , sliould they , < f are „ flinch from bowing tojheir arhitrtirywiif . our Gcner-tl Laws state that all iiroposed . alterations in tlum are to no pear i ) i /«« , and circulated with the January Ik-port of tl e Unity ., This rule—theprinciple of wbicli is allowed b ^ ottto be essentially necessary ' to the well-being of a ' froe COuiniu nily—has been . violated at the last A . M . C . Tlieexecu ' live have resolved among theroselves to alter the l'i ~ , eial arrangements of the Order , and for fear of their self-opinionated views being thwarted , they merel y made a slight allusion to their - views ; knowim ; « ell that hid
they , been submitted to the -test of being fairl y canvassed through the Unity , that their intentions woidd not ltave been approved of . It would be a gross libel upon them were , we to say that they are ignorant of the nature of our Order : they are no such thing . They were not i gnorant of the fact , that by altering our miancijl arrangemei- . ts they were treading upon tbe vitals of the Unity , thereby t'lidant'ei-iiig its very existence ; and ere long , their mo . live for so doing will be glaringly apparent . Usui they ( the executive ) hava been sincere in their views of the state ofthe Unity , they would have recommended tliat the surplus fund ' of- the Order should have beea distributed among those lodges and Districts ' that were in a state of -pecuniary embarrassmentrequested them to retrench their expenditure , and pointed out the vast sums of money they wasted on regalias aud other things not necessary for our govern .
inent . The following will perhaps shew the reasons :- — From 1 S 39 to 1815 , the principal , men of the executive have been . paid for Itegalias , l'rinting & c ., upwards of £ 36 , 000 , -independent of ic / lot they have received from private individuals . , Why should we tamely submit to be made the tools of men , whose sinister motives are so very apparent \ They say you must reduce your Charitable Gifts . Do they hint in the least about retrenching jour expenditure on Regalia % $ 0 . Let reason answer the cause . We wished justice to be done us , and for that purpose waited rcspcct . fully . uppn the Bistrict Officers ( 110 fhrealswere held-out ) to . request them to call a gcnw-ul meeting of the District , in order that every man should understand how far the alterations affected him . They have since issued a circular , condemning us in no very respectful language , for daring to openly complain of tha unjust and sinister proceedings of a body who have betrayed the trust reposed in them .
. ' Why did the District Oilictrs refuse to call a meeting , more especially after the very strong feeling displayed at thc last Quarterly Committee ? If tlieiv cause is pure , why cringe from fair discussion ?—why uphold the con . duet of men who have always been aliens in feeling to . wards us 1 They boast of briny the poor man ' s friend ! for getting at the same time , that the parties they uphold are appropriating as much of his earnings to themselves as they possibly can . Strange anomaly ! On one side ap . pears a recommendation from thc Board of an increase oi salary to £ 300 per annum ,, for C . S . Itutcliffe ; on the other inide a long statement of the poverty of the Unity . These arc the men the District Officers are determined , ' whatever s the consequence , to uphold . We did expect , in a circular emanating - from them , to have had some explanation as to the future Financial arrangement of the Di . slrirf . The following is the most we can glean : " It has been
supposed that the alterations proposed limits the wile ' s funeral money to £ 5 . It is no such thing ; the i ' 5 is merely mentioned to show the principle ofthe matter , " Why not tell us distinctly to what extent the alterations will affect us ? Again they state ; " Where grievances exist , take a proper and constitutional method of redressing them . " .. Where is tho prospect of success 1 They , the executive , have too much influence and power to leave us any hopes of revoking their decisions . They again say : " Weave able to prove , that , by a trifling increase in the contributions , the same payments might be made . " If an increase of contribution be necessary , - we can arrange that question without being coerced by the Hoard of Directors . They refer us to the present and past position of the District—granted ; and it will be seen that the District was never in a more prosperous state than at present , and for the last three years we have becngra . dually , decreasing our expenditure : -: r -
The District Officers have suspended the Duke of Nor . folk and Union , Lodges . We know not why they should have selected them ; at the same time there are many others ( which they are not ignorant of ) of the same opi * . jilon . ; ,:- ; : . ' .-. ¦ . - .. - .. .,- .. - It would be tiring the patience of the readers of this , were we to , extend the argument to the length the importance ofthe case demands . It is in contemplation to hold a meeting of the members of the Districr , due notice of which will bo given , when we hope that every member ia the District , who possibly can , will attend . Bear in mind that if you tamely submit to the usurped power of the Board of Directors , that the Widow aud Orphan ' s Fund must be abolished , the Funeral Fund reduced to £ 10 for a member ; £ 5 for his first wife ; thc widow of a deceased member nothing-. We again call upon you to come forward . Now is the time or never . The man who tamely submits to be enslaved deserves to bear any burthen his task-masters would impose upon hint .
TO THE MEMBERS OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER . OF ODD FELLOWS , OF ; LIVERPOOL AND OTHER DISTlliCTS . Gentlehek akd brothers , — Circumstances '¦ have arisen in the Order which call for immediate investigation . ' - - -- ' ..: ' ; . / . . ¦"" . "'' . - .-: ;> M - ' '; - ..:- ' ¦ The parties named below having formed themselves into a Provisional Committee , for the purpose of examining into the hearings of the Financial Schemes of ' the Glasgow A . M . 0 ., beg leave to state that they liave carefully weighed well the whole plans as submitted , and do not hesitate to pronounce them as a most liiiyit ' st and uncalled-for interference with the internal affain of Lodges , as guaranteed by the general laws of the Ordcr . ' in the management of our financial arrangements .
We beg also to state that we do not wish or . desire to up-root or destroy any of tiie useful parts of our valuable and esteemed Institution , hut simply to remedy existing abuses , and to co-operate together for the purpose of managing " our own house at home" on the most economical principles ; and '' to do justice to om \ brethren without levying on their funds for the support of those who do not render any real service to the Order , but who , on the contrary , are a disgrace to the Unity . First . — "We propose that the Liverpool District secede immediately from the Manchester Unity . ¦ '
Second . —That we establish , ourselves as . fhe ! Mnde . pendent Order of Odd Fellows , " and we earnestly solicit the zealous co-operation of every lodge , and District in the Universe , so that the principles of our noble Institution may be fully carried out—free from ca ! tra . JOaa . lt . ant { « SCless expenditure—free from the ' trammels of men wlio have betrayed the confidence we reposed tit tfiem , by their uncalledfor persecutions and utter contempt ' for ,-tho rights , and liberties of tlic members of our Order . " "¦ .. -. ' , . 1 „ ' . .-.-Tuntn . —That all the Lodges joining fhis . Unity do . contribute their fair proportion for . tho purpose ] of -. establishing 'District Funeral Funds , for the decent . inter , ment of deceased members and their wives , Vand ; for granting suitable relief to the widows and orphans of our departed brethren . ..,, .,. ! .:, ; ; ' : v-i ^ U .-Fourth . —Thitt the scale of gifts be fixcdby a com . mittee of one or more members from each , lodge ..
,.-Fifth . — That when properly organized / immediate steps be taken to enroll the Funeral Funds ; and that Lodges be recommended to enroll , their , By-Laws ' ; and that proper officers be appointed immediatel y to carry the above objects into effect . , :: " --,. " ,- ¦ . By order of the Provisional Committee , ; .: ^' .: ¦ ' .. ¦'¦ ¦ - '¦ r . . ' Stanley , Secretary , IA grand aggregate meeting was to be held on Thursday evening , in the " . Queen ' s . Theatre , - ' to . consider on tho foregoing proposed resolutions .. It was confidently expected by our informant that they would ho adopted . The Eccles District has joined the Manchester and Salord Brethren , against the Board 6 f . Di . ro ' tors . ] ' , ' .. .
.'.Cossume Your Own Smoke.—Several Perso...
. ' . Cossume your Own Smoke . —Several persons were fined 40 s . each at Manchester Borough ' , Court , on Thursday , for not cohsuriiiiig the shibke of tlieii steam-engine furnaces . - ' ' ' v ? £ \ " ' : . . ; ,: Samplu von Onion Growebs . —Tliere . are iiow growing in a garden belonging to Mr . Isaac Sidebottom , of Mill Brook , in Staley , near'Stalevbrid ge , fifty-one onions , of the Cbarl 6 ttckind ,: tlie ' p ' r 6 duction of one single root .. All the above are in a perfect and healthy condition . —Manchester Cornier .
Leeds Cloth Markets.—-In Consequence Of ...
Leeds Cloth Markets . — -In consequence of ; tlio state of the' weather buyers are cautious , and consequently there lias been only a moderate business during tic week . In the cloth haws , both on Saturday and I uesday , the demand for all descriptions of good ' s was rather flat . : , 1 , . ; . Lxeds Cons Market , 'TvESDA \\ Avau 8 x'i 2 ..-Tho arrival of wheat this week has fallen to about an average one , for which there is a moderateileniaiMi at rather over the rates of last Tuesday . Having a small supply of oats and beans , both these articles aro held for liioremoney . No alteration in ether grain . Since Saturday morning it has rained heavily till to-day ; vt has now abated , but still has a very unsettled appearance . w ?* ? oo T ' ' H ? ST ' Monday , August 11 .-Whcat , 23 s . 6 d . ; mashn , 10 s . Cd . ; beans and peas , 16 s . Od . per load j oats 22 s . Cd . per quarter . w Maltox Cons Market , Saturday , August 9 . — We have had a limited supply of wheat and oats offering to this day ' s market , and no alteration in price . Barley nominal , Wheat , red , from 52 s . to GOs . ; white ditto , 58 s . to Cis . perqr . of 40 stones ; oats , lid . to 12 d . per stone . York Cons Market , Saturday , August 9 . —The weather in this neighbourhood continues very unsettled . We have a moderate supply of grain here this morning ; that , combined with the very rainy morning , causes our farmers to ask advancing prices ; which the buyers generally are not inclined to comply with , consequently ^ we have but a small amount of business doing . . '
Printed By Dougal M'Gowan, Of 17, Great/Windmill' Street, Haymcrket, In The City Of Westminster, At Th»
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN , of 17 , Great / Windmill ' street , Haymcrket , in the City of Westminster , at th »
Ofscein The Same Street And Parish, For ...
OfScein the same Street and Parish , for the Pro-. prictor . FE ARGUS 0 'COMOH ; Esq ; , and published by ¦ William Hewitt , of No . 18 , Charles-streeii Brandon , street , 'Walworth , in the Pariah of Stl Mavy , Sewington- in the County of Surrey , at the Office , b Q < # ' 1 Straud , in the Parish 0 St . Ma ' ry-lc-Strand , n the City'if Westminster Saturday , August 16 , 1815 .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 16, 1845, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_16081845/page/8/