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IjOved axd Hosouked Comrades. We have st...
' Restoration of Stoxehexge.—The determi...
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. m p. 617. iMmnimkiaywM ~ ' •-^s'.ss s^...
THE LAND CONFERENCE. The members of the ...
iHattonal Itann vommn v
Sheffielo.—The committee .held a meeting...
<£f)<Mt$t BttelusMce
Sheffield.—On Sunday evening last, Mr. I...
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To The Old Guards
Ijoved Axd Hosouked Comrades. We Have St...
IjOved axd Hosouked Comrades . We have struggled long and hard for , and Lave contended against every difficulty in the cause of freedom , and at length , our labours are about to produce an abundant harvest . Great changes are not easily produced in a nation j and although many abandoned our cause from hopelessness and despair , I have often told you that we would remain where we were struck down , until the time arrived for further progress , but that we would never retreat I told you , fourteen years ago , when making my first national tour , that the day of auction would arrive -when all parties would bid for us , and at length that day has come .
I ioli yon that 1 Would never join any part y w-ho advocated mere party politics or party interests ; but that I would so concentrate the Industrious mind of this country , as to place 4 he labourer in his legitimate position , and to make his class what they ought to be—FUEEMEN , and not slaves . In 1818 , 1 wrote several letters to the shopkeeping class , showing that their interests and those of the manual labourer -were identical and inseparable ; and " as the folly of to-day -may be the wisdom of the morrow , " that very « lass which most persecuted YOU and ME , has at length discovered the error of their ways , and gained knowledge from my past folly .
Old Guards , there are no enemies so dangerous to your order as vanity , ambition , and iblly ; but as my devotion to your cause has been based upon love of justice , I would not -allow my vanity or ambition to stand in the -way of your regeneration ; and while I will never desert your princip les nor abandon one point of your Charier , I am satSsfied . to leave the da &^ njii ^ e ^^^ l ] J ^ ye : j ^^^ d organised , " to the discretion of-those who possess more Parliamentary influence than I do , as I should look upon myself as a villain if I allowed my vanity or ambition to stand in the way of your emancipation .
Old Guards , it does so happen that I am obliged to be my own trumpeter , as all , save tout class , denounce me . But as the time has arrived when your success must wholly depend upon confidence , let me remind you of the past , and from it I may be enabled to foreshadow the future . As to the past , then , I need merely remind you , that if I have erred in anything , I was not led into that error by selfish motives ; and who is there during twentyseven years of incessant political labour , that may not have committed errors of the head , and especially in the management and
direction of a varied mind , that I found scattered like wild leather over the surface of the earth , -and -which had to contend against every description of opposition from those who feared its triumph ; while my greatest boast is , that ^ during more than a quarter of a century , I have never in England or in Ireland , travelled : a mile or eaten a meal at your expense ; nor ¦ ever accepted my legal fee for supporting the candidates of your choice ; in fact , that I have snout every farthing of my property , and much of my time in prison , for the advocacy of your « ause . So much for the past , and now for the future .
As to the future , then , I pledge my character acquired by the pastr—which is dearer to me than life—that I never -will accept of place , p ension , or emolument from any government ; that I never will abandon one point of the Charter , and that I never will allow this political movement of the shopkeeping and writing classes to merge into Financial or Class Legislation ; while I would despise myself , and you should detest me , if the vain ambition to preserve my popularity , induced me to offer opposition to an agitation and amalgamation -which must eventually lead to your ¦ emancipation .
Old Guards , no conquering General—not even THE Napoleon Mmself—was ever more -attached to his victorious army than I am . And now -will you listen , not to my parting advice , for part from you I never will unt il I -see the flag of triumph floating over tho citadel -of corruption—but my advice to you is , not to -allow the vanity , ambition , or the folly of the enthusiast to induce you to offer any , the . slightest , opposition to the present movement ; and if you have any confidence in me , rely upon it that it shall be faithfull y carried out , or ignomimously broken np if any attempt is made to deceive yon .
Old Guards , the great good that I anticipate from this movement is , that it will destroy that -antagonism of your bitterest enemies , which has been based upon prejudice founded upon the ignorance of your opponents ; while by bringing vou together in your thousands and tens ofthousauds , it will prove to those prejudiced -classes that the sound judgment of the millions is not to be perverted , or led astray by the
indiscretion of the few . I told you that my task in the outset was the creation , the organisation , and the direction of the sound workingclass mind of this country ; and that proper ¦ organisation never could have been properly understood by our enemies , so long as it was only "leaned from the indictment of the Attorney-General , the partiality of the Judge , the prejudice of the Jury , the tyranny of the Gaoler , and the vengeance of the
Homeoecrctary . See now what we have done ; read the speeches of Lushh-gtox , the member for "Westminster : of Lord Dudley Stuabt , the member for Marylebone ; of the glorious , the philanthropic Lord Nugent , the member for Avlesbury , who is also carrying out the Land Plan nnder his own auspices ; read that speech ten times to your wives and children ; read the speech of y our old friend Parson SPENCERj of Miau . : of Claek ; and Geokge Thompson ,
member for the Tower Hamlets , delivered on Monday night , at the Drury Lane Theatre ; ^ uid from those speeches you will learn the value of fraternisation which could be only bascd upon a proper understanding between the parties ; and which could be only brought about by such meetings . They one and all seofled at any limitation to the suffrage Beyond manhood qualification , These are men of -whom you have heard little before , but whom the integrity of your principles and your excellent demeanour have now enlisted in your
« ause . Old Guards , let me now conclude with an admonition—it is this : never do yon allow this movement to merge into mere class or financial -agitation . Fraternise with the shopkeepers , who have the greatest interest hi tho fair remuneration of the labourer ; but never frateriuse with the money lords who have the strongest interest in bis dependence . I believe you will still follow the advice of your old but not yet worn-out general , and praying that God " may bless us and prosper our glorious -atru ^ le for the regeneration of our country ,
I remain , as ever , Tour fond , your faithful , and uncompromising Friend , Feabgus O'Coxkok
' Restoration Of Stoxehexge.—The Determi...
' Restoration of Stoxehexge . —The determination srk'cn has been come to to raise the fallen stones at -Stonchengc , that mvsterlous monument of the uiistv past , is a good one . There is of course to be no luwsriimrv restoration , l > nt those stones which tavo iSilfa within the memory of man arc to be raised into their original position . It is desirable too , that others -which show a tendency to fall should be looted to and set upright . —The Builder . iBisn witnesses are polite . At the Roscommon assizes Owen Keane was convicted of robbing the house of Mrs . Cosgrave . When the prosecutrix wasVe quired to identify the prisoner , she asked and Obtained leave to put on an antique pair of spec-t :-cle ? and then , loosing at Keane , said , " There is the very gentleman . A wise Commander . —Charges have been preferred a « ainst General Belknap , commanding officer of Tort ' Gibson , because he refused to let the chaplain ¦ SStf W- « *~ r- ' ™> Vh \ GeDel ^ f P tad commanded up this way . — Chicago Journal * . ;
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. M P. 617. Immnimkiaywm ~ ' •-^S'.Ss S^...
. m p . 617 . iMmnimkiaywM ~ ' - ^ s ' . ss s ^ ..
The Land Conference. The Members Of The ...
THE LAND CONFERENCE . The members of the Laud Company will now understand , that the principal object achieved by the Conference appears , to my mind of vital importance-namel y , the mode by which members are to be located in future . u there are a certain amount of allotments to be assigned , one-third of those allotments will
^ assigned to those who have been already balloted , according to priority ; the other third will he balloted for by the " paid-up members ; and the other third will be assigned to PAID-UP MEMBERS ONLY , by bonus . This was the vital question which was to be decided , and I think the p lan adop ted should give general satisfaction , as it now confines the property to members only .
There was one mistake made by the reporter , which it is necessary to correct . I showed that 30 , 000 members only remaining in the Company , and presuming them to be four-acre shareholders , each to pay l £ d . a share ,. or 6 d . a . week , would amount , not to £ 13 , 000 a year , as stated in the report , but to £ 39 , 000 a year ; a sum of itself sufficient to give a great impetus ia the Company , without c ^ feulating ^ he ^ amount ~ i ^ cei . Ye 4 n ; iroin . ^ sale mortgage of the estates , and every pound of which would be represented by twenty shillings worth of property , all of which would be equitably divided amongst the shareholders , when the operations of the Company were concluded .
I may here be permitted to observe , that the purchase money of theMathon Estate must he paid nextmonth : that there have been deposits already lodged , representing between 300 and 400 acres , and that the remainder must be speedily paid . Many persons—indeed most of those who have become purchasers , —have visited the estate , and have one and all expressed themselves highly delighted with the situation and the soil . Before very long the unemployed capital of England vill be invested in the purchase of land in the wholesale market , and will be sold in the retail market , but not as I sell it , at the wholesale price .
More than one agricultural labourer in the neighbourhood of Mathon , has offered me 161 . a year for four acres of land , without a house , and to pay a year ' s rent in advance , while those four acres will cost the purchaser 120 / ., thus leaving him over thirteen per cent ., as well secured interest for his money ; and this is the way that I am juggling the confiding poor . Fjeakgus O'Cojotok .
The National Land Company
I give the two following letters which I have received ; one while the Conference was sitting , enclosing scrip for a four-acre share , and a shilling in postage-stamps , and which 1 read to the Conference ; and the other from Cambridgeshire , which I did not receive until my return : and I also give my answers . TO FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ ., M . P . HbsouRED Sin , —I have this day read the Star , andl see resolution after resolution passed . I now send you my resolution , which I consider the best and only course to be adopted , and that is , having the fullest confidence in your honour , I herewith send you my certificate of four paid-up shares , with
twelve _ postage-stamps for aid of Macnamara ' s action—this is my resolution and all true men will do the same . You have been abused and insulted times without number , and we cannot place too much confidence in one who never deceived any but the Committee on the land Plan in the House of Commons . Make what use you please of this , I believe you love mankind , and that never man circumstanced like you , ever fought the battles of the people with more courage , honesty and justice . I have eight sons , the youngest nineyears old ; they will , I hope , have a generation that will do honour , to your memory . We are not Chartists , but we love
all good men who strive , as you have done , for the welfare of the poor . Our best thanks we send you . I flatter no man honoured sir , but I speak from the conviction of , I trust , an honest heart . Let every member then , of the Land Plan , who spoke of confidence in Air . P . O'Connor , at once adopt my resolution , and then , honoured sir , you will have proof of their sincerity . Moping you will accept this from me , and act for me as you think best , 1 shall be perfectly satisfied if I never again receive one farthing . Tom * just and strai ghtforward course , which I have at all times seen in you , will , honoured sir , satisfy your humble servant .
R . Sanmford . P . S . You will perhaps excuse haste as I fear I shall be too late for the post , and could wish my resolution to he laid before Conference , as no other I fear will do . It . S . Bolholt , August 4 th , 1849 .
TO FEABGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ ., M . P . TJuiu Sib , —We the only two members left a Melbourne in Cambridgeshire , beg to say , as concerns the Land Plan , we wish to agree " with the members of Aferthyr Tydvil , as we saw a letter from them to you in the Star , written on the 10 th July , and as they say , we hope you will not retire into private life and leave all your children in despair , as wc believe most of them , as well as ourselves , put the greatest confidence in you , respecting your management , and likewise your honesty , and wc arc willing to leave it to your whole and ' sole direction , with as many to assist you as you may deem necessary , as we think you are the best judge how many
are requisite for that purpose ; and that the ballot should be re-established and not trouble the government for protection , and likewise agree that all the paid-up members should pay sixpence per week , and as twenty thousand members weekly would amount to £ 2 , 000 a month , and £ 20 , 000 annually , and with them we propose that all those paid-up members who will not comply with the above proposal , shall have four-and-a-half per cent , for their money at the winding up of the concern , and that all the unpaidup members be erased from the books . "We think there will be more encouragement for those who
cannot anord to pay a bonus if earned on as abovementioned . "We are two paid-up members ourselves , one for three acres and the other for four acres . Sir , —TPe have sent you one shilling's worth of postage stamps , which we beg of you to accept towards the attorney ' s bill of costs for the defence of the Chartist prisoners . Sir , believe us to he the admirers of your Land Plan , John King , TVm . Flanders . P . S . Sir , —You may just acknowledge this in the Star , and express an opinion concerning the ballot , Ac ., as above . —J . K . and W . F .
TO ROBERT SANDIFOJRD . Mr Good Fbiend , —I cannot describe to you the mixture of pain and pleasure that I derived from your letter ; pain , that you are not already upon the Land , and pleasure that I still possess so much of the confidence and receive so much gratitude from the good men of your order . However , you must pardon me for declining the acceptance of your scrip ; it shall he placed in the Land office , and your came shall go into the ballot-box , as I should consider it an insult to myself and an injustice to you to accept of such a sum as Five Guineas for such a purpose . The shilling ' s worth of postage-stamps shall be applied as you desire , and I remain , your faithful Friend , Feargus O'Connor .
TO JOHN KING AND TvTLLIAM FLANDERS . Mi * Fbiends , — -I am sorry that your letter did not arrive in time to he read to . the Conference . I thank you for your confidence , and my fond hope is , that in the end every man , who has placed confidence in the Land Company , will have his hopes realised . Tour faithful Friend , _;¦ -: ¦ - FEAKCTCS O'COMOIU
The National Land Company
TO FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ ., M . P . - i : Honoured an d Respected Sib , —It is with feelings of the deepest grief and sorrow—though not of surpise—that we have r ^ ad of your repeated . determination of retiring into private life . . We are grieved , because your retirement would destroy our only hope of self-elevation and independence , and leave us as sheep without a shepherd , an easy prey to crafty and unprincipled politicians , who have too often used the industrious classes as a means of obtaining measures for their own selfish or ambitious purposes—and , sir , we are not surprised at your determination , when we see the carelessnessthe
su-, pineness , and the base ingratitude of many of those for whom you have sacrificed health , wealth , talents , and domestic comfort . It was surely enough , sir , that in your exertions to elevate the degraded sons of toil , you had to encounter an opposition which would have appalled the stoutest heart—that you had your motives misconstrued by your own class , and were shunned by them as a person dangerous to society , ( though many men look up to you as the true conservator of society)—that you lost caste , as it were , among your own order—surely all this was bad enough without being mistrusted and maligned by the very persons whom you stooped to raise . The bare mention of such ingratitude makes us shudder at our very humanity .
or , Sir , saw in your Land Plan the only redempfor our social miseries and lost nc time in becoming members . We Lave watched with admiration your almost superhuman efforts in developing and . carrylng-oufits projects ; and if it-may-net -have altogether reached your or our expectations , we saw that the fault was not in the system , or its projector , but because of the legal and combined opposition of selfish politicians of all classes—together with the indifference and want of support of those whom it was dfsigned to serve . We regret , sir , that so much has been done and said in trying to get the Company registered , giving our enemies and the press an opportunity of quibbling about legal objections , arid thus alarming the timid . We have at once , without hesitation , allowed you to reran the whole in your own name , satisfied in your honesty and integrity . In you , sir , we have more confidence than in ten
thousand acts of parliament . Your name is a far more sure guarantee to us than any registry under Heaven ; and could our feeble voice reach the Convention , we would say "Let Mr . O'Connor retain the whole property in his own name—abolish the bonus system—and let Mr . O'Connor work at his own plans hf . his own way , regardless of grumblers . " Then would the good and true rally round him with that support which would enable him to do that which his soul most desires—the elevation of labour and the comparative independence of the industrious of all classes . Go on , sir , in your noble career , and the prayers and support of many who have hitherto stood aloof—yet not indifferent spectators of your disinterested exertions—will yet rally round you . I am , Sir , in behalf of the branch here , Your devoted admirer , . , Robert MitLAR . Mirkinch , Fifeshire , August 8 th .
Ihattonal Itann Vommn V
iHattonal Itann vommn v
Sheffielo.—The Committee .Held A Meeting...
Sheffielo . —The committee . held a meeting on Monday evening , August 13 th , when the delegate from the Conference gave the members of the committee a slight sketch of what the Conference had done . ' whatthe ^ occupants were doing , and what were the present prospects of the company generally . A few of the members were present , whereupon , on hearin ? the statements of the delegate , they re-commenced their payments in good earnest , being determined to have the land at all hazards . The five samples brought from the estate were greatly admired by all present . A special meeting will he held on Monday , when the produce from the estates will be shown to a large number of the members .
The time of meeting will be announced by placards , and the various branches in the Sheffield district are specially requested to send in what levies they can possibly collect to the district secretary , George Cavill , as soon as possible , when a balance sheet of the income and expenditure will be forwarded to every branch . Should there be a surplus , it will be at the disposal of the branches ; every member must pay the levy , and we would enjoin every branch to immediately call their members together to consider the propriety of the delegate attending their respective branches and giving them a full and fair account how the affairs ofthe company stand ; we have no fear of our members here rallying as of old .
A ' EwcAsrLE-uroN-TrNE . —At a meeting of this branch , held on Sunday evening , the procedings of tho Conference held at Snig ' s End , were road from the ' Northern Star , and the members of this branch were much astonished at the report ( as published ) given to the Conference by Mr . Ualliwell , that " The parties who conducted the opposition were men who had bought their shares for thirty shillings , and they , acting on Mr . O'Connor ' s statement , that he would give twenty shillings in the pound , and were anxious to receive their money , and receive so much profit . " After a very lengthy discussion how Mr . Ilalliwell could make such a statement , it being no part of his instructions , to the Conference , the following resolution was unanimously agreed to : " That the statement of Mr . Ualliwell to the
Conference , regarding the men who conducted the opposition in this branch , is untrue , inasmuch as those members were the first who paid up their shares in full in this branch , and the members trust that Mr . Ilalliwell will make the amend honourable , or let us know from whom he received such information , as we believe that statement has tended to mislead the Conference in their deliberations . " The entire proceedings ofthe Conference not being published at this date , the meeting was adjourned to Sunday , August 19 th , at five o clock . Merthyr Ttdvil . —To the members of the Merthyr branch of the National Land Company : Having no channel of communication Avith the great number of members residing at a distance from Merthyr except through the columns of the Star , I wish to apprise them that the sight of Snig ' s End
and Lowbands is truly delightful , and the crops far exceeded my expectations ; in fact , they arc double the quantity produced by the old farmers on the same land . I have brought home samples of the different produce , which may be seen at my residence by any of the members . On my return home I exhibited them to a number of farmers at Cardiff , and they were ashamed to call themselves farmers when tailors and shoemakers could outdo them in the first year , without the least experience . A great deal of hardship has been endured by the allottees during the last two years , in consequence of the failure ofthe crops , but they will be in a noble condition this year it the potatoes escape the disease there is not the slightest symptom of it now , and all the green crops are truly luxuriant . I trust that
all will disabuse their minds , that the allottees are idle or lazy , for a more industrious set of men cannot he found . The grievances the allottees have to complain of must be remedied in future , that is : the land must be cropped in future , and the allottees go on their allotments about the beginning of July . If this is adopted , every man will be able to pay las rent on the day : however , nothing can arrive at perfection at the commencement . —D . R . Morgan . Kotiixgham . —On Sunday evening last Messrs . Sweet and Bostock delivered in their report of the proceedings of Conference to a numerous meeting of the members ofthe Land Company , in the large
room at the Seven Stars Inn . At the conclusion ot their address several questions were put and replied to , and a request made that they would visit Carrington on Sunday evening next , with which they promised to comply . A unanimous vote of thanks was g iven to themVor their services . The following resolution was proposed by Mr . Smith , and seconded bv Mr . Wooley : " That it is the opinion of this meeting , that ' Mr . O'Connor should be requested to g ive the allottees notice to quit , on or before the 29 th of September next , in order that the allotments may be , on Lady-day next , let to other members of the ' Land Company , in case the rent of the several allottees should not be paid . "
≪£F)≪Mt$T Bttelusmce
< £ f )< Mt $ t BttelusMce
Sheffield.—On Sunday Evening Last, Mr. I...
Sheffield . —On Sunday evening last , Mr . It . Otlev delivered a lecture in the Democratic Temperance Hotel , 33 , Queen-street , on priestly influence being the greatest bulwark of despotic governments . At the close of the lecture , a meeting of the members was held to consider the best means of l'o-oi'ganisin * the movement in Sheffield , when fifteen of the most prominent men in the town were dulyelected to the council , who from their animated appearance promise to place Chartism in Sheffield second to no place in England . The election of officers—such as treasurer , Ac . —was deferred to the next meeting , which will be held in the above room , at the close of a discussion in which Messrs . Otley ,- - Buckley , Robinson and others , will take part . Chair to be taken as usual , at half-past seven > o ' clock on . Sunday evening next , ' •
Sheffield.—On Sunday Evening Last, Mr. I...
- WIOMu BEEHOLD BENEFIT ^^ iil ^ WG SOCIETY / AI § : S SHARES , £ 15 EACH . Pajble by weekl y instalments of BrxrisJfCB > M ; - per Share . 3 ? •_ , ' ¦¦ ¦ Directors . , r 'M ^ ° O ' Co ^ on , Esq ., M . P ., Mr . T . vCi . AftK , ^ Ir , C . Do tle , Mr . V . Dixon , ¦ ¦&• • - •¦ Mr . P . M'Gratii .
™ ¦ ' ~ Trustees . Tuoius Price , Esq . William Gazeley , Esq ., ;; : _ ! Treasurer . 4 ; Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P . ' ? „ Solicitor . " William Pnowm-o Roberts , Esq . Y ^ „ Bankers . XiiE iuTioxAL Land and Labour Bank . e' Offices . U 4 , Hiaii Holdobn , London . Corresponding Secretary . Financial Secretary . ¦ UgJMA s Clark . Philip M'Grath . ^ , - RULES . g „ j _ - Designation . That this Society bewailed the National Freehold Benqfit Building Society , Jib- _<} ., . Object . . ,. ;> ' , '; '
- T j ^^ giObjept , of . thi . a Sppiejy . is to enable its oi ? Fund , for the purpose of ^ ena ^ rgealm ^ nemDep thereof to receive , out of the fund of such Society , the amount or value of his or her share or shares , therein to erect or purchase ' one or more dwelling house or dwelling houses , or other real or leasehold estate , to be secured by way of mortgage to such Society until the amount , or value of his or her shares , shall have been fully repaid to such Society , with the interest thereon , and all fines or other payments in respect thereof , Means . Capital to effect the object aforesaid , shall be created by the subscriptions of the Members , by bonuses upon the advancement of money , and by fines hereinafter provided for should any such be enforced . Number of Shares .
That Members shall be at liberty to enter for whatever number of Shares , not exceeding thirty Shares , thoy think prop & r . Time and Place of Meeting , That the first Meeting of this Society shall be held on the 6 th day of August , 1849 , at the Office of the National Land Company , and that the Society shall afterwards continue to meet on tho last Monday in every calendar month , at such place as the Members may from time to time appoint , until tho objects of this Society shall be fully accomplished . That such Meetings shall commence at Seven o ' clock in the Evening and shall terminate at Ten o ' clock , unless any special matter shall arise , in which case the President may extend the time , not exceeding an hour . Transfer of Shares .
That it shall be competent for members , clear upon the , books , to sell or transfer their interest in the Society , upon the payment of sixpence each upon shares not entitled to an advancement of money , and one shilling each upon those entitled to an advancement of money . In every case of transfer , the transferee shall assume the liability of the orig inal holder . Time of advancing money . That when the ioint subscriptions of the
members shall amount to a sum not less than tho price of Fifty Shares , or by anticipation , that is before the funds actually amount to that sum , if the Directors shall so determine , an advancement of money shall be made , The members shall receive fourteen days' notice by advertisement of such advancement , the notice to contain all particulars respecting the time and place of making such advancement , when and whore all tho members of the Society have a rig ht to be present .
Mode of advancing Money . That the advancement of money shall be made by the Directors , and it shall be imperative on those members to whom money may he thus advanced to accept the same and give security by mortgage , but they shall be at liberty to sell or transfer such share or shares , so entitled to advancement , to any other member of the Society , upon the payment of tho transfer fees . Date from which payment of Shares shall commence . That the Society shall be open to receive subscriptions upon shares upon the Gth of August . And all persons entering subsequently to the date
aforesaid , shall p ay the full amount ot subscriptions that maybe due upon their respective share or shares , reckoning from such date aforesaid to the time of entrance , but it shall be optional with the Directors to allow such arrears as may be chargeable through late entrance to bo liquidated by instalments , the amount of which and the times of paying them to be determined by the Directors . Upon the completion of such paymentsof arrears , the Subscribers shall then occupy the same situation in the Society as orig inal members . . This rule to apply to members who at an advanced stage of the Society maytake up additional shares , in so far as such additional shaves shall ho concerned .
Rate of Bonus . The amount to be charged as bonus shall be ten per cent ., all such bonuses to be added to the general stock of the Society and applied to the reduction of the amount of bonus to bo paid by those parties who have not had money advanced to them , or in the liquidation of . the amount of their respective shares . - ' Rate of Interest . That all members having money advanced , shall from the date of such assignment to the termination ofthe Society , pay interest on their value at the rate of four percent , per annum , which interest shall be duly carried to the credit of those members to whom money has been advanced . Fines .
That if at the end of a month a member shall be in arrear with his or her subscriptions or instalments , a fine of one halfpenny per share shall be imposed upon him or her for every weekly defalcation , provided always , that , should such weekly defalcation be made good at the monthly meeting of the Society , no such fine will be enforced . All monies paid as fines to go to the general fund ofthe Society . The fines of the defaulting members to be deducted from the amount of their next payment , should the fines not be paid in addition to their subscrip tions . That tho amount of fines for the non-payment of instalments of arrears hereinbefore provided for , shall for every share be in the same proportion as such instalments shall bear to the monthly subscriptions payable upon an original shave .
Annual Meeting . An Annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the first Monday in May , at such place as the Directors shall deem most convenient , to which a report of the state of the Society shall be submitted and officers for the ensuing year elected . Mode of Electing Officers and ' power of Members , The Officers shall be elected and all questions decided by a majorityofvotesjeachshareholdershall be entitled to one vote without reference to the number of shares he or she may hold ; in case of equality of votes the chairman to have the casting vote in addition to his vote as a shareholder .
Election of Officers , That Thomas Price , of 293 , Oxford-street , and William Gazely , of shall be the Trustees ofthe Society , and that on every fresh appointment of Trustee or Trustees the appointment shall be signed by the Trustee or Trustees , three Members and the Secretary , and duly enrolled as a rule ofthe Society . '"" .-. ¦ - That the Directors shall nominate a Secretary and two Surveyors , subject to the approval of the next general meeting ofthe Society . That neither a minor nor a female shall be competent to servo in any office in this Society . J fl winir . ient ' of Treasurer . That a Treasurer shall be appointed by the Directors in whose care shall be deposited all funds not required by these rules , to be placed in the National Land and'Labour Bank .
Appointment of Auditors . Three Auditors shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Society , whoso duty it shall be to examine the . books of the Society , and attest their correctness in the quarterly balance sheets , which it shall be the duty . of the Secretary to prepare for publication' and circulation amongst the members . Tho auditors to receive the sum of 20 shillings each for auditing" the account ' s each quarter . ; : ¦¦ : Appointment of Solicitor . _ . ^ That MUamProuting Roberts , of So . 3 , Robertstreet , Adetyhv ^ hereby - appointed the ' Solicitor to
Sheffield.—On Sunday Evening Last, Mr. I...
the . Society , and that "he , or any future solicitor , shall only be changed ^ y a majority of the Directors , and whenever the solicitor shall be removed a majority of the Directors shall elect another solicitor . That the Solicitor for and on behalf of the Society shall peruse and examine the title to all property from time to time to be offered as security for any of the monies and funds of the Society advanced to the members : and he shall also peruse and examine the mortgages to be prepared for securing such monies and funds before the same shall be paid and advanced ; and should he be of opinion that the . title to any property is not such as can be safely accepted by the Society , ho shall signify the nature of his objections to the Directors : -
That the Solicitor shalrtransact all other professional business of the Society , for which he shall receive a fair and reasonable remuneration . That the cost and charges of all mortgages to the Society , or any examination thereof , shall be naid and borne by the party or parties giving such * security or securities , it being understood , that , should any objection be made to the charges of such solicitor , the same to be referred to tho Directors , and , if they consider the objections well founded , the same shall be submitted to the arbitration and determination of one or more attorney or attorneys , to be mutually nominated by the Directors and Solicitor , which . arbitration shall be'final and conclusive on all parties , the ' cost of such reference to be paid by such party as the arbitrators shall direct . ¦¦ ' f . r : ~ -
- ¦/ 5 ; : £ .- . Duties of Officers . ^ WMM f ^^^^ fim ^ Qt expedieht ioi Dnngor deTena 7 aTTfacti 6 tf ; T suu !" , or prosecution ; in < law or equity , touching or concerning the property , or the assets , right , or claim , of this Society ; or touching or concerning the breach or non-performance of any of the articles , matters ; and things herein contained , the same shall be brought , or defended , in the name or names of the Trustees or Trustee of this Society for the time being , and they or he shall be indemnified for all losses and damages to be by them or him sustained in consequence of being parties or a party to such proceedings , but no such proceeding shall be taken or defended without the consent of the Board of Directors . That all deeds , writings , or securities , to and from
the Society , shall be made and taken in the names of tho Trustees for the time being , and after receipt thereof shall be lodged in a box having two different locks and keys , one of which keys shall be kept by one of the Trustees and the other by the Chairman . That such box shall be deposited with the bankers in the names of tho Trustees , or with such other person or persons as the Directors shall appoint for safe custody . That the Surveyors shall examine all lands and buildings offered as security to this Society , and make a report thereof in writing to the Directors . That when any Trustee shall become the purchaser of a share , or do any act moving from himself , then all his securities and undertakings shall be made to the other Trustee for the time
being . That as often as it shall be deemed advisable to dispose of any share or shares , or any fractional parts of shaves by sale , when there shall not bo any monies in tho hands of tho Bankers to the credit of the Society , tho Directors may authorise the Trustees to apply to and obtain from the Bankers , or any other person or persons , such sum or sums of money as shall be necessary to provide for such share or shares , or any fractional part of shares . That the Trustees shall be entrusted with the funds and securities of the Society as hereinafter mentioned . That when and so often as the sums received on behalf of the Society shall amount to fifty pounds , they shall be deposited in the National Land and Labour Bank , in the joint names of the Trustees , for the time being .
• Board of Directors and their Duties . A Board of Directors , consisting of five persons , shall be elected by the members at their Annual Mooting , to whom shall be entrusted the government of the Society , in conformity with these rules . The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a month , to take such lawful measures as they may deem essential to the Society , and for otherwise giving vigorous effect to these rules . Api > ointment of Secretary and his Duties , At the first meeting ofthe Directors after their election by the annual meeting , they shall appoint a Secretary , whose'duty it shall be to keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Directors' meetings , and to keep a correct account of the financial concerns of the Society , as also a register of the names and addresses of its members . Duties of Members .
That each member on entering the Society shall furnish the Secretary in writing , with his or her christian and surname , trade or profession , and address ; and as often as any member changes his place of abode , he or she must give notice to the Secretary within one calendar month , or ho or she so neglecting will be fined Is ., and all notices , sent by post to tho address so given shall be considered as duly served . Payments to be made by Cheque . That all payments on behalf of the Society , amounting each to £ 20 , shall be made by cheque on the bunkers , signed by the Treasurer and Trustee , and two of the Directors , and countersigned by the Secretary . Indemnification of Members .
Every officer shall be indemnified by the Society from all losses and costs incurred by him in any proceedings of the Society , except such as may arise from las own wilful neglect or default .
Members allowed to withdraw . Members not having had monies advanced to them may , after the Society has been in existence three years , commencing from Monday , the 30 th of July , 1849 , have the power to withdraw from the same , such members are hereby entitled to have returned to them all subscriptions which they may have paid into the Society . Before , however , payment is made to such withdrawing members , all liabilities on account of subscriptions or fines , shall be deducted from the amount so paid , and the
residueif any—ban Jed over to him or her . It shall be incumbent upon members about to withdraw from the Society to forward to the Directors in writing two calendar months' notice of such intention ; and should several notices come to hand upon the same day , tho refunding of subscriptions , itc , shall take place according to the order in which sucli notices were received . Should the funds in hand at any time bo not sufficient to meet the withdrawals notified , no advancement of money shall , under such circumstances , take place .
Death of Members . In case of a member dying , the probate of tltc Will or Letters of Administration must be exhibited to the Society , when the net subscriptions paid by such member , together with such other sums as the deceased member or members were entitled to , shall bo transferred ; or the executor er administrator may , upon payment of all fines and arrears of subscriptions , transfer ( free from the transfer fee ) such shares to any member of the society : or should they be desirous so to do they may retain such shares for the benefit of the testator or intestate's estate , subject to the same liabilities as other members , and entitled to the same advantages except that one person only shall be entitled to vote in the affairs of the Society .
Reference of Disputes to Arbitration . That the Directors for the time being shall determine all disputes which may arise respecting the construction of these rules , or any of the clauses , matters , or things contained , and also of any additions , alterations , or amendments which shall , or may hereafter arise between the Trustees , Officers , and'other members of tho Society , and their decision , if satisfactory , shall be conclusive : but if not satisfactory , reference shall be made to arbitration , pursuant to X . Geo . IV ., cap . 50 and 27 ; and at the first meeting of this Society after enrolment of these rules , five arbitrators shall be elected , none of whom shall be beneficially interested in the funds of the
Society , either directly or indirectly ; and in such case of dispute the namc . of the Arbitrators shall be written on pieces of paper and placed in a box or glass and the three whose names are first drawn by the complaining party , or some one apuointed by him , shall be the Arbitrators to decide the subject in dispute , whoso decision shall be binding on all parties . Each of the three Arbitrators so drawn and attending shall receive 5 s . remuneration for each evening ' s attendance , the costs of the arbitration to be paid by such party as the Arbitrators shall direct , but the party complaining shall , previously to such arbitration being proceeded with , deposit 15 s . with the Secretary towards payment of tho Arbitrators , should they decide upon his paying the expenses .
Powers of Appealing . That any Trustee , or other Officer removed from his office by the Directors , shall have liberty to appeal from their decision to a general meeting of the membersofthe Society , by giving ' notipom writing to / the . Secretary . « - .. " ~ " ' """ . '"
Sheffield.—On Sunday Evening Last, Mr. I...
Property mortgaged ' to the Trustees . That ovefy member shall , upon receiving an ad-VJ . c £ mcnt of money upon the share or shares to which ho or they shall be entitled , execute to the trustees for the ti » e being a Wnl mortgage of the property for the regular payment of the part of hia snare or shares then remaining unpaid , together with the interest provided for in these rules . It shall also be stipulated for in the mortgage deed as aforesaid , that , should the member executing it to the Irustees , fail or neglect to make good his cnr » a ' "e « ments therein set forth , it shall be competent lor
tne irustees , with the consent and by the ' order , of the Directors , to seize and sell the property of such defaulting member , and having fully reimbursed the Society and defrayed all expenses attending the sale ? of such property , they shall then hand over the resa ' ac , if any , to such member or those duly appointed to receive the same ; provided always that in case-such property should not realise , the amount duo tct'ho Soeisty , tho Trustees fcn- ' tlio time being are empowered to- proceed against such defaulter for the amount of such deficiency . Trustees Dyinq , Jiesiijning , dc :-.
That in case the Trustees appointed as-heretofore mentioned , cv either of them , or any future Trustee or Trustees tcbe appointed , or the survivor of them , during the continuance' of tho Society , shaWdio , ba desirous of resigning , or be discharged from or become incapable of acting in the trusts in him or them reposed b y these rrales , or be guilty of any gross neglect or improper conduct of-which the Directors shall be tae judges , or become bankrupt or insolvent , the President , of the Society for tho time being shall , on receiving notice in jwriting from any member of the Society of such , death , desire , incapacity , neglect or iiap ' roper conduct , bankruptcy or insolvency , direct the' Secretary . to convene . ' a special meeting of the DWectorsy who shall hear and determine the subject mat-tier and may thereupon remove any Trustee or . Trustees . Appointment ofiiteiu' Trustees ;'
That the members of the Society shall appoint a new Trustee or Trustees in lieu of the Trustee or Trustees so dead or removed by the Directors ; that when any new Trustee or Tnustees shall be appointed , the Trustee or Trustees so removed , shall ceaso to bo a Trustee or Trusteas , and incapable of acting in the affairs of the Society after , the appointment of such new Trustee or Trustees has been duly enrolled as hereinbefore provided * ,. 'but the continuing TrusteeTor Trustees , together with such newly apnomted Tra &^ powers and be vested with the same tr ' usts : '" as shall devolve or become vested in the said Trustees as firstly before mentioned , and on reqnest the estate and interest , money , securities , and f « nds , belonging to the Society shall be so assigned and transferred when necessary as to vest in such continuing and newly appointed Trustees at tho expense of tho
Society ; provided always that in all aases of removal by the Directors , the same shall- not operate to his prejudice as a ; member of the Society , so long as he thinks proper to conform to the rales and regulations and continue therein ; and upon such Trustee or Trustees' death or removal all ' and every deed and paper and other property of the-Society iu his or their custody or possession stall bo demanded by the President for the time beiiig for and on behalf of the continuing and newly appointed Trustees , and if the same be withheld , oi-in case of refusal to transfer by the representatives- of suck deceased Trustee or by such resigned or" removed Trustee , tho parties so withholding or refusing shall be expelled from the Society and shall forfeit all the money he or they may have paid to the Society , and all interest or share ofthe assets thereof , and shall be compelled by all legil aid equitable means to give up and transfer the same .
Insurance of Premises . That tho Secretary shall , under the dircstion of the Directors , insure from loss by fire all premises mortgaged or assured to the Society and continue such insurance from time to-time for such an amount as the Directors may deenr necessary and proper , the amount to be advanced ! out of the Society ' s funds , but to bo repaid by such mortgagor at the next monthly meeting , and in case of non-payment he or she shall be liable to the same fines as would be payable on subscriptions in arrear for a similar amount . That whenever any property mortgaged to the Society shall sustain damage b y lire , the Directors for the time being shall receive the amount of the damage so sustained from the- insurance office and give a receipt for the same , which receipt shall be a . sufficient discharge to the parties pavin » the same .
That the money so received shall be applied , as far as it will extend , in payment and satisfaction of the monies mentioned to be secured on the premises which shall have sustained such damage ; or the Trustees shall , if the Directors think proper , expend such money in repairing the damage so sustained . That each mortgagor may direct tho insurance to be effected in such office as lie may think proper , subject to the approval ofthe Directors . New Rules and alteration of Rules , That no rule herein contained ,, nor any rule hereafter to be mode , shall be altered , rescinded or replaced , unless at a general meeting of the Society convened by public notice , signed ' , by tho Secretary , pursuant to 10 Geo . iv . c . 56 . s . I ) . ; and unless such alteration or repeal shall be made with the concurrence and approbation of three-fourths of tho members of the Society then and there present , no such alteration shall be made .
Defrayal of Expenses . That each member of the Society shall pay the sum of threepence per share per quarter to form a fund , from which tho expenses of management shall be paid . SCHEDULES . Form of Receipt to be endorsed on Mortgage Deed . Wo , tho undersigned , being tho Trustees for tiie time being of the within mentioned National Freehold Benefit Building Society , do hereby acknowledge to have received of and from tho within named Mortgagor , all monies intended to be secured by the within written deed . As witness our hands this day of IS . A . 15 . C . D . Transfer of Shares .
I , A . 1 ) . of being one or tho shareholders of the National Freehold Benefit Building Society , in consideration of the sum of sterling paid to me by in the County of do hereby assign and transfer to " the said his heirs , administrators and assigns share of and in the said Society , to hold the same unto the said his heirs , administrators and assigns , subject to the payment and rules of the Society . And I , the said do hereby agree to accept the said share , subject to the same payments and rules . As witness cur hands and seals this day of
IS . A , B C . D
<^>> ' Assize Intelligence. Lancaster. C...
<^>> ' ASSIZE INTELLIGENCE . LANCASTER . Charge oi' Manslaughter . —Thomas Smith , a very old man , was charged with the manslaughter of ills wife , Jenny Smith , on the 23 th of May last . — It appeared that ' tho prisoner and tho deceased , who was 81 ) vears of ago , resided together in a cottage , in tho parish of YVoodplumpton . About four o ' clock in the afternoon of tho 2 Sth of May they had been sitting together by their fireside , tho prisoner being rather fresh and smoking . About six o ' clock the prisoner called out to his niece ,- Catherine Beesley , who lived close bv , to come and assist her aunt , who was on fire in " a ditch . She" accordingly lvejir .
and found the deceased quite help less iu a ditch close to the house . Having pulled her out and put her to bed , the neighbours came , and it was discovered that she was badly burned about the legs and thig hs ; she lingered , however , until the Sth of July , on which day she died . The case against the prisoner depended on the declarations of the deceased to several persons about her , after she was burnt ; but it appeared that , although the deceased had made declarations , they were all made when she had hopes of recovery , and not when she considered that her death was inevitable , —His Lordship said that the declarations were inadmissible , and directed tho jury to return a verdict of " Not Guilty . "
GLOUCESTER . Burolahy . —Robert Eades and Richard Barry were indicted for a burglary at Bristol on tho 17 th of Julv last . Mr . Pring , a baker , living at Bristol , proved that he went to bed early on tho morning of the 17 th of July last , and that a few hours afterwards he was aroused by a policeman , who found the shop door open , and on coming downstairs , found that his house had been entered through a window and ransacked , and that two watches and a quantity of wearing apparel had been stolen by the depredators . Suspicion falling upon the prisoner Eadeswho had been in the prosecutor ' s employ ,
, the police went to a house where they heard he was , and saw the prisoner Barry , who , \\\ reply to their inquiries , said Eades did not lodge there , and had never done so . The police , however , searched the house , and found Eades in the kitchen , with all the stolen property except tho two watches , which were found in Barry's pocket . —A policeman also proved that he had seen the prisoners together an hour or two before the burglary . —Eades made no defence , but Barry ( who had been previously convicted of burglary ) made a long and ingenious speech to the jury , in which hu sought to convince them that Eades alone had committed tho offence
Mid was ottering him tho watches for sa ' o when ( he police knocked at the door , and he thoughtlessly , instead of putting them down on ' the table put them in his pocket . —The jury , however , convicted both tho prisoners , and they were sentonced ^ it . li > s to ten ¦ years' arid Harry to fifteen ywrt ^ bw ^ 5 # ^ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ : ¦ : ' .. J ^ mm ^ r & ¦ c sentonced , ^ il . li > s- to inyeiu- ^ ifcmWfe . .: { 0 ^ m ¦
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 18, 1849, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_18081849/page/1/