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,-, • % ^ ?V- ^ *& ! ^ S^ THE NO RTHERN ...
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,-, • % ^ ?V- ^ *& ! ^ S^ The No Rthern ...
,-, % ^ ? V- ^ *& ! ^ S ^ THE NO RTHERN STAH _ ¦ , _^^^^_ Q g ^ ^ J ^ !
4.1.I5t Of Books, Now Publishin G By
B D COUSINS , 13 , DUKE STREET , Lift' - COLVS-INN-FIELDS , LONDON . THE SHEPHERD , by the Rev . J . B . Smith , H . A , TM I . P ri <* 5 s Gd—Ybl H , price oS-ToI III , ^ eCsCd . cU . li hoai-dsjorthe three voluaes in one , ^ ssttssaKwaa . * , * ---. « ifh a Beplv , hy the Her . J . E . Smith , M . A .. Is . Xet Christy ; or the BeUgionof St Simon , , rith » coloured Portrait of a St . Simonian Female } translated ly the Iter . J . B . Smith , M . A , Is . The Little Book , addressed to the Bishop of Exeter and Robert Owen , by the Rev . J . E . Smith , 3 I . A ., Gd ; by eo < = t , lOd . regenasand Miracles , by tie Iter . 3 . E . Smith , M . A . Cloth Ms , ls 8 d-The Universal Chart , containing the Elements of Universal Faith , Universal Analogy , and Moral Government . ^ y the Itev . J . E . Smith , M . A . Price Is ; by post , ls 2 d . — This little work contains , in the form of articles , the elements of universal principles , or , as the title-page expresses it , " the elements of universal faith , universal analogy , and moral government . " It is divided into three parts , and each part into logically consecutive articles or materials of thought for those who desire to haye a definite and logical idea of universal truth in its spiritual and temporal polarities , without which two polarities in perfect union , truth can haveno being , and any attempt to reduce it to practice must result in sectarian bigotry on the one hand , or infidel anarchy and convulsion the other
The Christian Mythology Unveiled , in a Series of Lectures , by Logan Mitchell , Esq ., late of 9 , Grove-road , lasson-grove , London , in Nineteen Numbers , at 3 d each ; or , handsomely bound and gilt-lettered , Gs . " The Christian Mythology Unveiled" is admirably ¦ written , and in every respect it is valuable . It evinces learning , acuteness , strong reasoning powers , with excellent feelings , and , in all its parts , it shows the author to -have been a man of taste , with an elegant and highlycultivated mind . We should be very glad to see it circulated , in cheap numbers , for the enlightenment of the middle classes and the much-abused and despised " lotcer Cr & ers . "— WeeUy Dispatch , Dec . 3 , 1 S 41 . An Essay on War ; or , Tyranny , Ignorance , and Anarchy , tersus Freedom , Intelligence and Peace , being a Sketch of its Causes , Consequences , and Means of Removal . Price Sd ; by post , 5 d . Say War is bad ; allow ye , then , this fact . What ' s bad in principle , is bad in act ; Good on eternal justice ever leans : "The end can never sanctify the means . " Outlines on Xatural Theology ; or , Evidences of the Existences and Attributes of the Deity , deduced from Mature . Abridged frora various Authors , by Benjamin Franklin the Younger . Price Gd ; if by post , nine penny stamps . Twelve Reasons against taking away Life as a Punish , meat By Humanitas . Price Gd ; by post , lOd . The Political Drama ; a Series of very humorous Political Engravings , in three Penny Xumbers ; by post , 2 d eachSumber . In one vol , cloth boards , price 5 s 6 d , the Medical Monitor . By the Medical Editor of the Penny Satirist . This work may also be had in Parts , each Part containing a Treatise on one of the Diseases of the Human Frame . Part I . treats on Consumption , price Is ; by post , Is 4 d . Part 11 . on Secret Diseases of both Sexes , price is Cd ; by post , Is Sd . Part III . on Indigestion , price Is ; by post , is 4 d . Part IV . on Scrofula , and Diseases of the Skin , price Is Cd ; by post , Is Sd .
COLD WATER roR EYER . Just PuMished , Price Sixpence , or Eightpence by post , the Cold Water Monitor ; or , the Treatment and Cure of Chronic and Acute Diseases , by Cold Water Only , being a succinct Account of the Xew System , entitled Hydxiatria , vnlgo , Hydropathy , from the Works on Hydriatry of the German Water Doctors , in Cases of Gout , Severs , 3 > ropsy , Cancer , Ulcers , Erysipelas , Scarlatina , Measles , Small Pox , Gripes , Catarrh , Colds , Sore Throat , Cough , Quinsy , Sore Eyes , Wounds , Burns , Deafness , Ear and Tooth Ache , Piles , Indigestion , Constipation , < fce . Ac . & c . ' -With Salutary Cautions on its injurious effsdtsin certain Cases . By the Medical Adviser of the Penny Satirist , and Author of the Medical Monitor . In onethick Octavo Volume , cloth boards , 5 s . Gd . ; in ' 11 Parts , atcd . each ; or in 55 Penny lumbers , thai Memoirs of Serjeant Paul Swanston , written bv himself ' audneverbefore puh & heA . ThU is the comphSeS of ' Ld GrJ , ?^ " ^ ^ FranCe ' America , toland ^ and Great Britain , from 1800 to 1825 The Cim „ « , » March the Skirmish the Battle , th ^ ory ' S ft 3 Meat ; thc S . ege , the Forlorn Hope , the Plnnder . the ££ theRavagctheMiHtery Heroism , and the m ' oS S ^ i ' f " ° ^ * W < " »* thehunger of another Liberty and Hope , Captivity and Despair , werenarU of the Author ' s everyday life . Memorials of S " t ad venturous Comrades are also recorded ; witKnTnS ™* have * erer appeared in any other Work of the 1 BS oteftwr « 2 gl 8 nd in 3 fi ^ tnre , fromthe i OuamTof » £ ? £ *? - ? ' Pres * 3 } V : gi ^ ng , also , an > tCof fteA ^ f Constitutfon-Mannefeaud Cus-• KX ££ K Brit 0 nS ' ' A ^ tpoekdjfediW , Jrtampg . - n « PPer . Price 3 d ; by post , five pjjhny i ^ » S 5 lSf F ' ? f ^ ^ mmenury , by the Bev . $ mpfc — . . ! ™ Is : by p ^ ^^ pi ^ .
The Mother ' s Cuvse ; or , « io Twin Brothers 01 White hall . —An Historical Tale . Reprinted ft om the columns of the Penny Satirist . Price Is ; by post , is 6 d . The Romance of the Forest , by Mrs . Ann Radcliffe . In Seventeen Penny Jfumbers ; or the whole stitched in a neat Volume , Is Gd ; by post , 2 s * 5 d . The Three . Rivals ; ' or , Theodora , the Spanish Widow . Also , the Enchanted Horse . Price Sixpence , together . * ' ¦« Ginse . v ' s Warning ; or , Love and Ruin : a Romance of Real Life ; in wmu ...-, ;» on . the mysterious Parentage , Birth , Life , Courtship , and suDSoj . — . » . ^ Urd £ r of Maria Martin , in the Red Barn , by William Cordcr . rrn . u Is Gd ; or in Twenty Numbers , at Id each . Alf of Munster ; or , the Anabaptists . Translated from the German of Vanderveldt . | Being an Historical Romance of intense Interest , . of Love , Inconstancy , Civil War , Rapine , Torture , and Wholesale Bloodshed . Price 9 d ; by post , Is . Paul and Virginia . By J . Bernardiu-de Saint-Pierre . Price Gd ; by post . 9 d . The Dream of Love ; a tale of the Passions . Translated from the French of Frederic Soulic . Price Gd ; by post , Sd . The Convert ; or , The Prior of Red Penitents ; being the History of a Thief who was hanged , and brought to Life again . Translated from the French of M . Gozlan . Price 4 d ; by post , 8 d . The House of Doom ; or , LaMaison Muree , a Tale of lively interest . Price Cd ; by post , 9 d . Crime and Vengeance ; a Tragedy of Real Life , translated from the French of Frederic Soulie . Price 4 ; by post , S penny stamps . Donalda ; or , the Witches ofOlenshielj a Caledonian Legend of tlirillingintcrest , containing 80 pages of small type . Price Is ; by post , 18 penny stamps . Pride and Vanity ; or , The Banker and the Peer , from the French of Frederic Soulie . Price Cd ; if by post , nine penny stamps . The History of tfourjahad , the Persian , a beautiful Story . Price Gd ; by post , 9 penny stamps . The Ass in the Lion ' s Skin ; a French Romance , translated into English . Price 8 d ; by post , 12 penny stamps . Tales of Yore , containing the Loves and Adventures of Bloomsbury and Felicia , Floris and Blancheflenr , Ambrosio and Acantha , Leander and Aldina , and Breachman and Padmanaba . Price 8 d ; by post , 12 penny
HEALTH , LONG LIFE , AND HAPPINESS , SECURED BY THAT POPULAR MEDICINE ; NO Medicine yet offered to the world ever so rapidly attained such distinguished celebrity : it is questiona-, ble if there be now any part of the civilised globe where its extraordinary healing virtues have not been exhibited . This signal success is not attributable to any system of advertising , but solely to the strong recommendations of parties cured by their use . The Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pill ' s have how in their possession upwards of fifteen hundred letters , several of them from Clergymen of the Church of England , many from distinguished isseuting Ministers , from gentlemen connected with the Army and Navy , also from Members of Parliament , Merchants , and last , though not least , from members of the Medical Profession , and a skilful Analytical Chemist ; all speaking in the highest terms of the value of this inestimable medicine . This is a mass of evidence in its favour beyond all parallel . The extraordinary properties of this medici . ieare thus described by an eminent physician , who says , "After particular observation of the action of Parr ' s Pills , 1 am determined , in my opinion , that the following are their true properties : — "First—They increase the strength , whilst most other medicines have a weakening effect upon the system . Let any one take from three to four or six piUs every twentyfour hours , and instead of having weakened , they will be found to have revived the animal spirits , and to have im' parted a lasting strength to the body . " Secondly—In their operation they go direct to ' the disease . After you have taken six or twelve pills you will experience their effect ; the disease upon you will become less and less by every dose you take , and if you persevere in regularly taking from three to six pills every day , your disease will speedily be entirely removed from the system ,
CAUTION!—Unprincipled individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the same names ; they copy the labels , hills , advertisements , and . tcstimonials ' of Sie original Thomas's Succedaneum . It is , therefore , highly necessary to see that the words "Thomas hind Howai ' d " : are on the wrapper of each article . All others are frauduleritimitatiohs .
-FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . 6 d . Pa tronised by her Majesty the Queen , ins nuj .. i Highness Prince Albert , her Royal Highness the D & chess ' ot Kent , his Majesty the King of the Belgians , his Majesty the King of Prussia , his Grace the Archbishop « f Canterbury , and nearly all the Mobility , tho Bishops , and the Clergy , Mr . THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUM , for ; filling decayed teeth , howorcr large the cavity . It is i superior tn anything'ever before used , as it is placed in the tooth iu a soft state , without any pressure or pain , and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel , and will remain firm in the toeth many years , rendering extraction unnecessary . It arrests all-further progress of decay , and renders them again useful in mastication . All persons can use Mr . Thomas ' s Succedaneum themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed . Prepared ottly by Messrs . Thomas and Howard , Surgeon-Dentists , G 4 , Berners-strcet , Oxford-street , London , price-2 s . Gd . Sold by their appointment by tho following agents : —Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Ncwsomc , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Tarbottom , and Homer , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury , Dennis and Son , Burdekin , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Linncy , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Coatcs , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Fell , Spivcy , Huddersficld ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting , Knarcsborough ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontcfract ; Cordwen , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton Sutcr , Leylaiul , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; alby , Wetherby ; Wale , Harrogate ; Wall , Barnslcy ; and by all chemists and medicine vendors : or the proprietors will send the Succedaneum free by post to any part of the kingdom
Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with cases , and - fall-length engravings , price 2 s , Gd ,, in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part' of the kingdom , on the receipt , of aposl-qfflce order for 3 s . Gd . THL SECRET COMPANION , A MEDICAL WORK ou nervous debility and the com cealed cause of the decline of physical strength and loss of mental capacity , with remarks on the effects of solitary indulgence , neglected gonorrhoea , ' syphilis , secondary symptoms , & c , and mode of treatment ; followed by observations on marriage , with proper directions for the removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with engravings , showing the evils arising front the use of mercury , and its influence on the body . By R . J . Bbodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London . Published by the Authors , and sold by sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row' , Mr . Noblej 114 , Chancery-lane ; Mr . Purkiss , Compton-street ; Soho ; Hannay and Co ., G 3 , Oxford-street ; Barth , 4 ; Brydges-street , Covent-garden ; Gordon , 146 , Leadeahalli street , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Sutton , JfewietS-office , Nottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Keene , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , Wolverhampton ; J eyes ,-Northampton ; Parker , Hereford ; Turner , \ Coventry ; Slatter , Oxford ; Newton , Church-street , and Ross and Nightingale , ChroiiicU-omce , Liverpool ; Ferris and Score , Union-street , Bristol ; Wood , High-street , Guest , Bull-street , Birmingham ; Collins , St . Mary-street , Portsmouth ; Mendhara , Nelson-street , Greenwich ; Davis , Bernard-street , Southampton ; and by all booksellers in town and country , OPINIONS OF THE PBESJS . This is a work of great merit , and should he placed in the , hawds of every young man who is suffering from past folly and indiscretion . It contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many ways . — London Mercantile Journal . The authors of this valuable work evidently well understand the subject upon which they treat ; and this is the best guarantee we can give those parsons to whom it is likely to prove serviceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of every young man to guide him among the temptations of the world to which he may be subjected . —i £ cntis 7 i Mercury . THE CORDIAL BALM OF ZEYLANICA : or , Nature ' s Grand Restorative ; is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous sexual debility , syphilis , obstinate gleets , irregularity , weakness , impotency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , consumptive habits , and debilities , arising from venereal excesses , < Ssc . It is a most powerful and useful medicine in all cases of syphilis , constitutional weakness , or any of the previous symptoms which indicate approaching dissolution , such as depression of the spirits ; fits , headache , wanderings of" the mind , vapours and melancholy , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , disordered nerves , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , and inward wastings . This medicine should be taken previous to persons entering into the matrimonial state , to prevent the offspring suffering from the past imprudence of its parents , or inheriting any seeds of disease , which is too frequently the case . Sold in bottles , price 4 s . Gd . and lis . each , or the quantity of four in one family bottle , for 33 s ., by which one lis . bottle is saved .
EXTRAORDINARY ECONOMY TO TEA DRINKERS . fflHE DESIRE OF ENGLAND . —The PIQUA PLANT , dL now sold at 3 s , Gd . ' per lb ., is three timdsthc strength of tea , and is also equal in flavour , more delicate in taste , nfinitcly more healthy , as is proved by physicians and chemists of high standing , also by persons ingreat num' bers with the most delicate 'luugs and stomachs . It is most pleasant and invigorating , and is-recommenoeu to the debilitated for its invaluable qualities , to advanced age for its strengthening properties , and to the public generally for its moderate price and intrinsic excellence . The Test . —The proof of the efficacy and healthful ieffectof the plant in preference to tea or coffee : —Let a { nervous or dyspeptic patient use two or three cups of .- ? - ^ a- tfi . i . noon retiring , to rest , and the effect will be night-mare , disturbed sickji , «« a nthe * violent symptoms of indigestions , < fc c . The Paoor . —Let the most debilitated , dyspeptic , asthmatic , consumptive , and nervous patients use two , three , or more cups of" a very strong infusion of the Piqua Plant , and in the morning they will awake refreshed with their repose . It is highly recommended by physicians to invalids and children as a most invigorating and pleasant beverage . The following arc reasons why the Piqua Plant is superior to tea , viz .: — 1 st . Because it is beneficial to health . 2 nd . It does not injure the nerves . 3 rd , Children may use it with advautage to health . 4 th , It does not prevent sleep . 5 th . A quarter of a pound will go as far as throe quarters ofa pound of the best gunpowder tea . 6 th . It is strengthening and nutritious . 7 th . It is recommended by physicians , and tea is disapproved of by them . It greatly improves the voice ; it is recommended to singers and public speakers .
THE EARL OF AL-DBOROUGH CURED nv HOLLOW AY'S PILLS . THE Earl of Aldborotigh cured of a Liver and Stomach ¦ Complaint . Extract of a Letter from the Eavl of Aldbovowgh , uateu Villa Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , 1845 : — To Professor Holloway . Sir , —Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time . for your politeness in sending me your pills as you did . I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for the amount , and , at the same time , to add that your pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my liver and stomach , which all the most eminent of the faculty at homo , and all over the continent , had not been able to effect ; nay ! not oven the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad . I wish to have another box and a pot of the ointment , in case any of my family should ever require either . ¦ Your most obliged and obedient servant , ( Signed ) ALOnoRocon , A Wonderful Cure of Dropsy of Fin Years' standing . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Thomas Taylor , Chemist , Stockton , Durham , 17 th Apri l , 1815 : — To Professor Holloway . Sir , —I think it my duty to inform you that Mrs . Clough , wife of Mr . John Clough , a respectable farmer of Aeklam , within four miles of this place , had been suffering from dropsy for five years , and had had thebest medical advice , without receiving any relief . Hearing of your pills and ointment , she used them with such surprising benefit that , in fact , she has now given them up , being so well , and quite able to attend to her household duties as formerly , which she never expected to do again . I had almost forgotten to state that she was given up by the faculty as incurable . When she used to get up iu the morning it was impossible to discover a feature in her face , being in such a fearful state . This cure is entirely by the use of your medicines .
HAKE VIS SJfifNAii jLuorjAoc . THIS day is published , price 2 s . 6 d ., CASES and OBSERYATIONS illustrative of the beneficial results which may be obtained : by close attention and perseverance in some of the most chronic and unpromising in . stances of spinaI deforniity ; wi ; h eighteen engravings on wood . By " Samojel Habe , M . It . C . S . London : ' John 'Churchill , Princes-street ; and may he Jind r > f nil booksellers .
( ' CAUTION . —All Persons advertising Succedaneum for J stopping decayed teeth , fraudulently attempt to imitote MR . CLARKE'S ORIGINAL SUCCEDANEUM ; and if any Succedaneum than Mr . Clarke ' s be purchased , it will be' discovered useless , Mr . Clarke can say , without the slightest exaggeration , that he has sold 3 , 000 bottles cf Succedaneum within 16 months : and 2 , 800 individuals iiov » Wn iMo te use it successfully ; and most of the other purchasers have ' been to Mi-. Clarke , at his residence , CI , Lower Grosvenor Street , London , to have their teeth stopped , without any further charge than the original cost of the Succedaneum , price 5 s . Sold wholesale to all the chemists in town and country : and none is genuine unless had through Messrs . Barclay and Sons , wholesale Medicine Warehouse , 95 , Farringdon Street ; Edwards and Son , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard ; Ilanney and Co ., 68 , Oxford Street ; Colleck and Mosely , ISO , Upper Thames Street , London ; and other respectable wholesale Medicine Warehouses ; or Mr . Clarke can send it by post to any part of the United Kingdon , on receiving : a Post-cilice order . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . However large the cavity . Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen Dowager , her Royal Highness the DucllCSS of Gloucester , His Grace the Duke of Wellington , and the principal Nobility . Mr . Clarice's Succedaneum for Stopping Decayed Teeth is far superior to anything ever used before , as it is placed in the tooth without any pressure or pain , becomes as hard as the enamel immediately after application , and remains firm in the tooth for life ; not only rendering extraction unnecessary , but also making them again useful for mastication . All persons can use Mr . Clarke ' s Succedaneum themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed ( price 5 s . ) and sold by all respectable medicine-vendors in town anil country , and can be sent by post on receiving a Post-office order . —Prepared only by Mr . Clarke , Surgeon-dentist , 61 , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street ( removed from S 3 , Hurley Street , Cavendish
Just Published , A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend on Human Frailty , Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part " of the-United Kingdom on the receipt oi a Post Offi « Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire- . —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; -with means of restoration t the destructive effects of Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Ten fine coloured Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by observations on the obligations of MARRIAGE , aud healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certein Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to-suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without . exposure , and with assured confidence of success . .
BILE ! BILE ! BILE " ~ WORBOYS'S PILLS remove , fa a L . , distressing symptoms arising froma ! - ' ' " state of the biliary ducts , viz ,, heartburn slJl-V * " loss of appetite , fluttering of the stomach ^ ^ free from mercurial and aiuimonial prcparatT ^ may bo taken at any time with perfect safety ' ° "l ' " I boxes , Is . lid . each , by W . S . Worbovs , 7 «\ x , Lamhethj Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-strc ' et- ^ most respectable medicine vendors in town and ca I N . B . —Persons desirous of making trial of thCs may , by enclosing a postage stamp to the Proprietor i a dose transmitted gratuitously . »
ON DEBILITY Afv ^ Wsi ^^ - Price 2 s . fid ., in an envelope , or forwarded to anv ad free , on receipt of a post-office order fo i & ' THE MENTOIt OF HEALTH , a Medical W t flervous Debility , and the Causes Of Prematqp cay in Man , resulting from Excess , Infection or i " deuce . Also , OBSERVATIONS ON MAKUi AGj certain disqualifications , together with treatment diseases of the Generative Organs , by J , St Xistf ., Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 6 , Caroline-street , }; e J square . l " The Mentor of Health , by Dr . Tissot , is one of most valuable and instructive little works on Uie sut ; of disease resulting from early indiscretion , itc , j perused . It contains plain and simple dcscri pti 0 ll , the anatomy and physiology of the organs liable to affected by such diseases , and every information to . r ,, j the unwary and inexperienced from the temptation ; which they arc exposed . To those requiring a' , \ i tntc we most strongly recommend the work , ami it j s w worth the perusal of those who are so fortunate as not need its advice . "—London JfersawtUc Journal , Published by the Authors , and sold by James Gm > 49 , Paternoster-row ; Mudie , 161 , Fleet-Street : Xob ' 111 , Chancery-lane ; Purkiss , CO , Compton-street , Solii Lovelace , 35 , King-street , - llcgent-street ; Kussell 4 Store-street , Uedford-squarc ; Thomas Eewtoni ic ' ai 29 , Church-street , Liverpool ; Messrs . Robinson , 11 , Gree side-street , Edinburgh ; and by all booksellers . At home daily till three ; evenings , six till nine . 0 i personal interview sufficient . Syphilis and Secondat symptoms cured without the dangerous use of mcrcur ' v
W RAY'S SPECIFIC MIXTURE for Gonorrhoea , wa . ranted tovemove Urethral Discharges in forty-eigh hours : in the majority of cases twenty-four , if arishii from local causes . Sold ( inbottles , 4 s . Cd . and lis . each , dutv included ) n U 8 , Ilolboni-llill , and 324 , Strand , London . Sold als , by Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Johnston , 68 , Cornliin Barclay and Sons , 95 , Purrlngdon-street ; Butler / Cheapside ; Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church-jard ; and by all medicine vendors in town and country , Advice given gratuitously to persons calling between the hours of eleven and one in the morning , and seven and nine in the evening . Where also may be had } f ' rai , ' Celebrated Balsamic Pills , for the cure of * gleets , imp uis . sance , strictures , seminal weakness , whites , pains in th » loins , affections of the kidneys , gravel , irritation of the bladder or urethra , and other diseases of the urinary passages , frequently performing , in recent cases , a perfect , cure in the space ofa few days ; they have also been found decidedly efficacious in cases of gout aud rheumatism and an excellent remedy for the removal of the evil ciVects of self abuse . In boxes at 2 s . 3 d ., 4 s . Cd ., and lis . each By post free , 3 s ., 5 s ., and 12 s . "A miia diuretic—a soothing balsamic—a powerful tonic—and an excellent invigorating pill . " — . ?»« $ «; , Ti 7 » e » . ^ IFrfljTs Alternate Tonic Poivders and PiUs , a certain specific for the removal of pseudo-sypln'lis , secondary symptoms , & c is . Gd ., lis ., and 22 s . a packet . Wray ' s Improved Suspensory Bandages , well adapted for sportsmen , gentlemen , hunting , riding , walking , suffering from disease , relaxation , local debility , < fec , approved of and highly recommended by the late Jlr . Abenicthv , Best Jean , Is , and Is . Gd . ; ditto , with fronts , 33 . ea , ; knitted or wove silk , 2 s , Cd . ; ditto , with elastic springs ' , 7 s . . Gd , RUPTURES . Prays improved Steel Spring Trusses , for hernia , pro . perly adapted ; single , 5 s . Cd ,, 7 s . Cd ,, and 105 . fid ., doubles , 10 s . Cd ., 15 s ,, aud 21 s . Physicians' and Surgeon ' s advice every day from cloven till one , and evening from seven till nine .
CORNS AND BUNIONS . PAUL'S EVERY MAN'S PKIBSD , Patronised by ihe lioyal Family and Xob ' dily , IS a sure and speedy cure for those severe annoyances , without causing the least pain or inconvenience . Unlike all other remedies for Corns , its operation is juch as to render the Cutting of Corns altogether unnecessary ; indeed , we may say , the practice of cutting Coins is at all times highly dangerous , aud lias been frajuiMUlv uMisihUhI with lamentable consequences , besides its liability to increase their , growth ; it adheres with the must gentle pressure , producing an instant and delightful relief from torture , and , with perseverance in its application , entirely eradicates the most inveterate Corns and Uunions . Testimonials have been reccircd from upwards of one hundred Physicians and Surgeons of the greatest eminence . Prepared by John Fox , in boxes , at Is . lid ., or three small boxes in one for 2 s . 9 d . ; and to be had of Mr , King , Napier-street , New Town , lloxton , Loudon ; and all wholesale and retail medicine vendors in town and conn , try . The genuine has the name of John Fox on the stamp . A 2 s . 9 d , box . cures the most obdurate corns . Ask for " Paul ' s Every Man ' s Friend . " , ' s J y
ABERNETIIY'S PILE OINTMENT . What a painful and noxious disease is the Piles , and comparatively how few of the afllicted have been permanently cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill ! This , no doubt , arises from the use of powerful aperients , toe frequently administered by the profession ; indeed , strong Internil medicine should always be avoided in all cases of this complaint . The proprietor of the above ointment , after years of acute suffering , placed himself under the treatment of that eminent surgeon , Mr , Aberncthy , —was by him restored to perfect health , and has enjoyed it ever since , without the slightest return of the disorder , over a period of fifteen years , during which time the same Abernethisin prescription has been the means of healing a vast number of desperate cases , both in and out of tlie proprietor ' s circle of frieuds , most of which cases had been under medical care , and some of them for a very consiierable time . Abcrnethy ' s Pile Ointment was introduced . 0 the puclic by the desire of many who had been pereetly healed by its application ; and since its introduction ihe fame of this ointment has spread far and wide . Even the medical profession , always slow and unwilling to acknowledge the virtues of any medicine not prepared by themselves , d « now freely and frankly admit that Abcrnethy ' s Pile Ointment is not only a valuable preparation , but a never-failing remedy in every stage aud variety of that appalling malady . Sufferers will not repent giving it a trial , ilultitnues of cases of its efficacy might be produced , if tho nature of the complaint did not render those who have been cured unwilling to publish their names . Sold in covered pots , at 4 s . Cd „ with full directions for use , by C . King ( agent to the proprietor ! , JTapier-street , lloxton , New Town , London ; where also can he procured every patent medicine of repute , direct from the original makers , with an allowance for taking six at a time . $ r Be sure to aslc for " Abcrnethy ' s Pile Ointment , " and observe the name of C . King on thc ^ government stamp Affix . eu . to each pot , 4 s . Gd ., which is tho lowest price the proprietor is enabled to sell it at , owing to tho great expense of the ingredients . Sold also by Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-strect ; Edwards , C 7 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard ; Butler , 4 , CheaiisidejNewbcry , St . Paul's ; Sutton , How Church . yard ; Johnston , lfi , Greek-street , Soho , and f » 8 , Cornhill ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Willoughby and Co ., CI , Bishopsgate-street Without- , Owen , 52 , Mtwehmont-styect , Bui- , ton-crescent ; Bade , 39 , Goswell-street ; Front , ' - -9 , Strand ; Hannay and Co ., G 3 , Oxford-street ; Hunter and James , Webber-row ; and retail by all respectable chemists and medicine venders in London . < 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 : 1 . ¦ 1 I 1 ( 1 1 , j , , '
The Present Pakltameht . —The existing House of Commons may continue in being till the autumn of 18 it , and from actual appearance there is no reason to conclude that it will be dissolved much before that time . At this season of the year , vrc know of no grcaic r drawback to our enjoyment than the customary return of thoseseasonable afflictions , corns and bunions . Few , indeed , there are , who have not been at . sonic time sufferers by these tormenting evils , vvc ao know , however , that the number is much less t hen formerly , owing to the astonishing cures effected Hi the extended \ ise oi Paul ' s Every Man ' s Friend ; " ">« our present object is to point out to those unacquainted with the good results of this app licationthat by its use they will certainly acquire not on J ease to their feet , but , from personal experience o itsundoubted efficacy , they will derive as perfect ami apermanent a cure as though no such disorder na « njtroubled them . The remedy is simple , and coiw-imerely of a plaister , renewed as occasion m- * require , and but few aro necessary to rid the viw of all his pains . They may be obtained oU » A spectable Chemist or Medicine Vender ia tl »»' ^ doni ; and at so reasonable a price that the pooi person has it in his power to-shake off this pa . and incrcasins growth . The plaister isi soiai boxes , at Is . lid . each ; or , inlarge boxes , "contnim , three small ones , for 2 s . \ 9 d . Be sure to ask i ' Paul's Every Man ' s Friend , " which is prints - « the Government Stamp .
Hour ' s Piixs .-Tlie virtue of tins niost g ^ ordinary medicine , is so admirable and cmc . a that it-wouderfully preserves- man - in ncaiiB strength of body , and of ollthe powers and Wff of his mind . It is a sovereign remedy foi »» ; nlBT however bad , that admit of a cure . All pc' * 8011 ^ . "" ing from general debility , nervous affections , n ^ bilious complaints , sick head-aches , jn" }^" , ' !' ,,,, by of appetite , as well as every comp laint WVm ^ sedentary habits , for all such these PiUs *» found to give almost immediate relict-
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 18, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_18101845/page/2/