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N Rosin Hall chester « ' :.,' ¦¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦...
i&ar&et mmsew
aiaics .. .. .. SJ — 38 .. 21 — £0 Bui3u...
ATBKAGE PJUCES Of the last sis weeks , w...
Lo.vnO-\ , SniTiinsLi), Mo.ydat, Oct. 13...
Ins Manchester Athesedm Soibee.—In addit...
James Consterdine, Esq., Rosin Hall, Man...
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N Rosin Hall Chester « ' :.,' ¦¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦...
N Rosin Hall chester « ' :., ' ¦¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ -i , i .. ;^ VW" Ociobeb 18 , 1845 , . ¦ ....-:....: ... ¦ ... -: TMA NORTflafiUtAR . - „___ ^ - ¦ - - — ------ - -- "' -- ¦ - - | - ¦ " - ' - ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ' —*~— — ¦ - ^^ ' L ^ Jk s , Vriber on payment of his deposit , which receipt ] Uuat b * , : . , . „ , 5 j . V .. i . . Wiber on payment of his deposit , which receipt ] Uuat i . will be giten to each Sik ¦ dayafter the date
I&Ar&Et Mmsew
i & ar & et mmsew
Lovnov Cobs -ISscmam ^ MmMT , Oct . 13 . — TJie 3 week ' s an-ivals of ^ English wheat , barley , Ate b ^ ns and flour have been , the time of year S oTaveiT moderate scale ; but those of SftftEWMh * Oflmh p ^ onjy a iiiuzted quantity has been received ; while the total imports of all grain of foreign produce lias been below average ones . Fresh up to-day , coastwise as well as by land-carriage and samples , only a moderate supply of wheat of home produce came to hand , and that for the most part of middling quality . The show of samples was , therefore , seanty , owing to which thc increased attendance of buyers , both town and country , and tbe unfavourable accounts received respecting the harvest in the north of England , the wheat trade ruled brisk , at an advance in the currencies obtained on Monday last of from Is . to 3 s . per or ., being an improvement on Friday ' s rates of
quite Is ., and at wnich most ot the parcels on offer were speedily disposed of by the factors . Still , however , the trade did not close so briskly as at the opening of ihe market . The show of free foreign wheat was by no means large , there being much inquiry for that description of-grain ; holders were Urm , and would not sell , except at a rise of from 2 s . to as . per qr ., at which amount of improvement a large business was transacted . For corn under lock there was a good speculative inquiry , and Is . to 2 s . per qr . more was paid for fine wheats . Although there were no orders on tbe market for the purchase of either barley , oats , beans , or peas for shipment to the continent , those articles were steady , and previous rates
-were well supported . Ihe supply of English barley was very small ; hence the sale for it was somewhat active , at a rise in the quotations of Is . per qr . For the best parcels of malt , we had a ready demand at Is . per qr . more money ; while the value of other kinds was freely supported . Comparatively speakiagi very few samples were unsold at the market ' s close- We had a Tery short supply of oats on sale . For all kinds the sale was active , at Is . per qr . moro money . The best parcels of beans commanded an advance of Is . per qr . ; other kinds being held at extreme figures . Of peas the sale was by no means large , at late rates . Flour steady , and most of the millers were asking higher figures .
CURRENT PRICES OF GRAIX , FLOUR , A 2 SB SEED IS 31 ARK-LAKE . UB 1 T 1 SH CBAI . f . Shillings per Quarter . Wheat .. Esses & Kent , wliite , new .. CI to 71 .. US to 75 Ditto , red .. .. .. 57 07 .. 59 71 Suffolk and Norfolk , red .. 60 C 5 wliiteCS 70 lincoln and York , red .. 6 o G 6 white 65 70 Korthuuih . aud Scotch .-. 53 63 Bye .. 29 32 Barley .. Halting 31 33 extra — Distilling 25 SO Grinding - - - 25 27 31 alt .. Shin .. .. .. .. SI 58 Ware GO 62
Oats .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , feed , 22 s Cd to 24 s Cd ; potato , or short , 24 s Od to 28 s Od ; Poland , 23 s Cd to 27 s 6 d ; Northumberland and Scotch , Angus , 25 s Cd to 27 s 6 d ; potato , 28 s ed to 23 s Cd ; Irish feed , 22 s Od to 24 s ( id ; black , 22 s Od to Sis Od ; potato , 2-5 s Od to 26 s Od ; Galway , 21 s Od to 22 s Od . Ucajjs .. Ticks 33 42 Harrow , small .. .. 33 44 Peas -. Whate .. 41 4 . S boilers 54 08 Gray and hog .. ., 4-3 46 Ylenr .. Norfolk and Suffolk .. 42 48 Town-uiade ( persackof 2501 bs 4 S 56 Buckwheat , or Brank .. .. .. 30 32
ZSfiUSB 8 SEDS , < fcc . Jted clover ( per cwt . } .. .. .. .. 40 to 70 White clover ( per cwt . ) 45 71 Rapesced ( perlastj .. .. £ 26 28 IOEEIGN GEAIK . Shillings per Quarter . -,... , . ] Free In Bond . Uheat .. DantsicandKomgsbcrgCS extra 74 .. 52 — 57 Ditto ditto .. 61 — ¦ 64 .. 42 — 47 Poincranian , & c ,, Anhalt 59 — 67 .. 43 47 Danish , Uoisteiu , & c . .. 57 — 63 .. 43 45 Knssiau , hard .. .. 53 — 57 Ditto , soft .. .. 53 — 39 .. 40 — -14 Sj . unfen , hard .. .. 59 — 00 Ditto , soft .. .. 61 _ Ga .. 44 — 49 Italian , Tascan , & c ., redC 2 — 48 Ditto , white .. .. 64 — 70 .. 46 — 51
Odessa & Taganrog , hard 54 — 57 Ditto , soft .. .. 51 — 5 D .. 39 — 43 Canadian , liard .. , 57 — CO Ditto , Une .. .. 61 — C 3 3 » ye .. Bussian , Prussian , Ac . 28 — 30 Barley .. Grinding 20 — in Ditto , distilling .. .. 31 _ u .. ig _ o < j Oats . .. Dutch , feed ,. .. 22 — 25 Ditto , brew aud thick .. 24 — i ? .. 17 _ 21 Itussian 21 — 24 .. 13 — IS Danish < fc Mecklenburg ' 20 — 23 .. 14 — 17 Beans .. Ticks , 33 to 59 , small .. 37 — 44 .. 32 — 43 Egyptian .. ., .. 3 o — 35 .. 23 — 31 Peas .. "White , 40 to 5 S , gray .. 42 iij . Fiour .. Dantsie and Hamburgh { per barrel ) , fine 2 S 32 , superfine .. ,. 31 _ so .. 21 _ 24 Canada , 31 to 34 , United
Aiaics .. .. .. Sj — 38 .. 21 — £0 Bui3u...
aiaics .. .. .. SJ — 38 .. 21 — £ 0 Bui 3 uvfceat 30 35 ilustai < i seed , brown ( per bushel ) 3 s to 14 s-, white . 10 s to 15 s . ' Linseed c-skes ( perlOOO of 31 b each ) £ 11 to £ 1110 s . FOnSIOX SEEDS , & C . » -, „ ,, Per Quarter , imseeu .. Pctcrsburgl ! aud liiga ( free of dutv ) .. 42 toil Archangel , IS to 43 , JdemdaudKonigsherg 40 44 -Mediterranean , 40 to 4 C , Odessa .. 44 45 Bapcseed ( free of duty ) per last .. .. £ 24 2 fi Tied eiovtr ( ios per cwt . and 5 per cent , on the only ) 40 go A'hite ditto 4 . 5 63 * ares , small spring ( free of uaty ) 51 to 33 , large .. Jo — linsi-ed cake ( flee of dutv ) , Dutch , £ 710 s , £ i 10 s , French , per ton .. * £ 7 ig £ 3 jg Kapecakes ( freeof dutvj £ 5 ' 0 ~ 5
Atbkage Pjuces Of The Last Sis Weeks , W...
ATBKAGE PJUCES Of the last sis weeks , which regulate the Duties & i >» tke Otli to the 35 th of October .
. meat Barley OaU .- Pye . fieuiis , Peas Tl ' cck ending Sl d' s- d- ; ' s - d - ; ' s- d- ! s- M *• d . Aug 30 , 1 S 15 ..- 56 6 30 0 ' 22 £ OS sj 42 ll 33 4 "Week ending' ' j / Sept . C , 1 S 45 .. 57 0 29 4 22 - > ' 35 4 ' 41 2 ! 39 11 Tfeek ending' j j Sept . 13 , 1845 .. 56 C 20 9 ; 22 8 ; 33 4 41 S 33 4 "W eek ending j j - Sq . t . 20 , 1 S 13 ... 5510 SO 0 . 22 4 i 3 D 7 42 lj 38 9 lVeek eadingj I Sept . 27 , 181-5 .. 54 1 31 S 22 m 33 5 42 0 36 5 Week ending ! ! Oct . 4 , 1855 .. " 52 6 81 0 * 22 $ ' 33 2 42 10 37 0
Aggregate aveiv j < j j age of thc last ' 1 six-irtefcs .. 55 6 30 2 22 G ; S 3 11 41 10 37 10 London aver- ; ! ' 1 ages ( ending ; ¦ ! j ! ¦ Oct . 7 , 1845 ) 57 6 31 2 ^ 22 3- § 3 lOi 43 o ) 43 10 Dudes .. .. j 17 O , S ( lj 6 Ol 9 6 ! 1 0 l 4 6
Lo.Vno-\ , Snitiinsli), Mo.Ydat, Oct. 13...
Lo . vnO- \ , SniTiinsLi ) , Mo . ydat , Oct . 13 . —An extensive supply of foreign stock has been again imported for tic market since this day sc'nnigbt , thirty-one oxen and twelve pigs bavins been received from Hamburg ; 164 oxen and cov > 'S , 428 sheep , and three calves by steamers from Hotter Jam . Tbe oxen and sheep came to band in a very middling condition ; but tbe cows are of considerably improved quality . To-day there were on oiler 174 oxen and cows , together with 396 sheep , chiefly from Holland . The former were chiefly disposed of at from £ U 10 s , to £ 1 S 5 s . —tbe latter 32 s . to Sis . per bead . Tbe arrivals of beasts from our own grazing districts , fresh up this morning , were again extensive , but generally speaking of middling quality . . For thcprinicst Scots , & c , thc demand was steadv . at
lolly last weeks quotations—viz ., from 3 s . lOd . to 4 s .. perSlbs ., but tbe middling and inferior breed were a slow inquiry , at barely stationary prices Prom tlie Northern counties we received about 1 , 600 short-horns ; from the Eastern districts 3 <) 0 Scots , liomc-kcd , and short-horns ,- from the Western and Midland counties , 500 ilercfords , Devons , Hunts , Ac .: from other . parts of England , 500 of various breeds ; from Scotland . 00 Scots , and from Ireland 100 beasts . The numbers of sheep -were moderate The best half-breeds sold steadil y . With other breeds the trade was inactive . In prices we can notice no alteration . For calves—tbe numbers of which were by no means large—we had a slow sale at liiuay's currencies . Pigs were in good request , and x » riees well supported .
By the quantities of 81 b ., sinking the offal . s . d . s . d Inferior coarse beasts . . 2428 Second quality . 2 10 3 4 Prime large oxen . 3 G 5 S Prime Scots , & c . . . . 3 10 4 0 Coarse inferior sheep . . 3433 Second quality . . 3 10 4 4 Prime coarse woolled . . 4048 Prime Soathdown . . 4 10 5 0 large coarse calves . . 3644 PriiBC small ... . 4648 Suckling calves , each . . IS o so o Large hogs ... . 3 10 4 6 Keat small porkers . . 4854 Qoarter-old store pigs , each . 16 0 22 0 HEAD OF CATttE ON SALE . ( From tlie Books of the Clerk of the ilaiket . ) Beasts . 3 , S 18-Shce » , 29 , c 00-Caives , 363—Pigs , oil .
Eichmosd Gobs Market , Oct . 11 . — 'Wc only had a thin supply of grain in our market to-day ; and there wis an advance on last week ' s prices . Old wheat sold from 9 s . to 10 s . ; new ditto , 7 s . to 10 s . ; oats , Ss . to 4 s . i barley , 4 s . to 4 s . 9 d . j beans , Ss . J ) d . to Gs . 0 * d . per bushel . Manchester Cobs Market , Satcbdat , Ocr . 11 . —There was again a considerable fall of rain in this neighbourhood on Monday and Tuesday , but subseqeuntly the weather has been , of a more favourable character . The increasing complaints of injury , sustained by the crops in the backward districts hare . however , imparted a corresponding degree of & niness to flic trade , and a good demand for lour has been experienced during the week at ( in most instances ] a further improvement in prices . Oats and oatmeal ^ S ^ v *^ "floa * * Particularly thelatter article , moSalJr ^ ?^ - . At our market this C ^ n a ta ] T amount of busmessoccurrred in the k £ « Sr ? a ^ -3 aud mfertor parcels TCre extremel / diffiS to gS
Lo.Vno-\ , Snitiinsli), Mo.Ydat, Oct. 13...
Flour , meeting a brisk sale , must be noted fully is . per sack dearer . Oats , upon a moderate consumptive demand , were the turn higher . " Both old and new oatmeal were much inquired for , " and fully maintained the currencies of this day week . Beans were held for an advance of Is . to 2 s . per quarter . LlYRRrOOh CoRX Market , Mosdas , Oct . 13 . — With exception of a limited quantity of oats , there has this week been a liberal supply of grain , meal , and flour from Ireland . There was no particular change in the value of wheat and flour until Saturday , when a good business was done in both articles to millers and dealers at Manchester ; and , yesterday , here , several speculative purchase . * were made in both free and bonded , advancing last Tuesday ' s quotations 2 d
to 3 d per bushel on wheat , Is to Is Cd per barrel and 2 s per sack on flour . The best quality of Irish old wheat has brought 9 s ; new , red and white , Ss 4 d to 8 sSd per lOlbs . ; United States flour , in bond , has sold freely at 27 s 6 d to 28 s per 196 lbs , for superfine brands , and Canadian at 34 s to 35 a per barrel . The market has become so bare of Oats , that , with a very moderate demand , prices have gone up Id to 2 d per bushel : 3 s Cd is now wanted for good old mealing qualities , and there are { ew or none under 3 s od per iolhs . ; new comes forward slowly ; a parcel from Wexford was sold at Friday ' s market at 3 s 4 d per 4 albs . Old oatmeal is in request at 28 s to 29 a ., aud new at 30 a to SOs 6 d per load . Barley , beans , peas , and Indian corn have each been held for very full prices .
LivEnroot Cotton Market , Monday , Oct . IS . — On Saturday the sales amounted to 2500 bales . Today 4000 bales have been sold , including 500 American on speculation . The quotations of Friday last are very fully supported . On Friday 3000 bales were sold .
Ins Manchester Athesedm Soibee.—In Addit...
Ins Manchester Athesedm Soibee . —In addition to the distinguished persons who have already accepted the invitation to the soiree on tlie 23 rd instant , Mark Lemon , Esq . ( the editor of Punch ) , and Gilbert A'Beckett , Esq ., one of its most distinguished contributors ; have expressed their intention to be present . With these gentlemen , Douglas Jcrrold , and Charles Dickens , the soiree bids fair to be a glorious " KightwithPtMicft . "—Manchester Guardian . Wc have looked over the list of the guests as advertised , and observe , much to the credit of the Manchester people , that the foremost names are those of the men of genius who have been invited—C . Dickens , D . Jerrold , Mark Lemon , Gilbert A'Beckett , Charles Knight , Samuel Lover , and then come the members of Parliament for the borough , and some of their distinguished townsmen and neighbours . — Morning Chronicle .
JNaval Preparations . —The accounts from all the naval arsenals of the kingdom agree in stating that unusual activity prevails at present in the fitting OUt of \ eSSelsof \ vavof every description ; and we have heard witbin the last few days that a peremptory notice has been sent round by the Lords of the Admiralty to the different manufacturers of steam-boat machinery who are working for the government , informing them that the machines which tbey have in hand for government must be J-eady at the precise time fixed , and that , if they are not , the full penalties
lor the breach ol contract will be enforced against them . This activity in preparing , the means for defensive warfare is accompanied with equal activity mortifying thc naval stations of the empire , so as to render them safe against any sudden attack . Coupling all these circumstances with the sudden movements of the squadrons in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Seas , it is difficult to resist the conclusion that the government considers war a possible event , and that it is placing itself in a position to meet any difficulties which may arise on either side of the Atlantic—Liverpool Times .
FoniipriNG the Coast . ~ A detachment of sappers nnd miners arrived at Hayle last week , and proceeded to the parish of Zennor , where they have been engaged in repairing a battery , and report states that gnns of heavy calibre are to be mounted there . We have been informed that other places along the coast are to be visited by this party of sappers and miners , and that Castle Dennis is to be a signal station . —Penzance Gazette .
Sheffield And Lincolnshire Junction Railway.
W illiith , AJ > , IVotices were duly published in the month of November last , in thc London Gazette , thc Sheffield and Dotlierham Independent , the Nottingham Journal , the Derbyshire Courier , the Lincoln , Rutland , and Stamford Mercury , and tlic-Xzncoln Standard Newspapers , that application was intended to be made in the then next ensuing Session of Parliament , for leave to bring in a Bill io incorporate a Company , and to give to such Company power to make and maintain a Railway , commencing by a Junction with tho Sheffield , Ashton-undcr-Lyne , and Manchester Railway , at or near Oborne-strect in the Township of Brightside Bierlow , in the Parish ' of Sheffield , in the . West-Hiding of tbe County of
York , aud to terminate at or near a place known bv the name of Whinleys , otherwise Wclham Whinleys , in tbe Township or Hamlet of Welliam , in the Parish of Clarborough , otherwise Clare-borough , in tile County of Nottingham , and thence by means of two diverging communications or branches , one of such communications or branches to commence by a Junction with the said main Line , at or near tho said place known by the name of Whinleys , otherwise IVclhani Whinleys , in the said Township or Hamlet of Welham , in the said Parish of Clarborough , otherwise Clareborough , and to terminate at or near the Port of Gainsborough , otherwise Gainsburgb , upon or near the Bank or Wharf , on the West side of thc
River Irent , in the Parish of Beckingham , in tbe said County of Nottingham ; and the other of such communications or branches to commence by another Junction with the said main Line , at or near the said place knows by thc name of Whinleys , otherwise Welham Whinleys , and to terminate at or near the High-street , in the Parish of Saint Mark , in the City of Lincoln , and County of the same Gity . And also to make aud maintain a Branch Railway from and out of the said intended main Line of Railway , in the Parish of Hanusworth , in thc West Hiding of thc said County of York , to join the Midland Railway , otherwise called the North Midland Railway , in the parish of Beighton , in the county of Derby .
And also to make and maintain another Branch Railway from and out of the said intended main Line of Railway , in the Parish of Aston-cum-Aughton , otherwise Aston with Anghton , in the West Riding of the said county of York , also to join the said Midland Hallway , otherwise called the North Midland Railway , in the said Parish of Aston-eunx-Aughton , otherwise Aston witli Aughton . And whereas , such application "was made in pursuance of the aforesaid Notices , and tbe Bill for making the said Railway ( save and except the said
diverging communication or branch commencing by a Junction with the said main Line , at or near the said place known by the name of Whinleys , otherwise Welham Whinleys , in the said Township or Hamlet of Welham , in the said Parish of Clarborough , otherwise Clareborough , and terminating at % or near the High street , in the Parish of Saint Mark , in the said City of Lincoln and County of the same City ) , was ordered by the House of Commons to bo engrossed , but by reason of the termination of thc said Session , no further proceedings were had thereon .
. Now , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that it is intended , in the aext Session of Parliament , to present a Petition to the House of Commons for leave to re-introduce the said Bill so ordered to be engrossed , and to proceed to pass the same into a Law , with such modifications therein as to Parliament may seem meet . Dated this 10 th day of October , ISiS . SMITH AND HINDE , ) T . , _ ,. .. HAYWOOD , BRAMLEY , LJomt Solicitors , AND GAINSFORD , j Sheffield .
IMPORTANT CHANGE OF NAME . THE CHESTER AND WOLVERHAMPTON RAILWAY Will in all future advertisements be called THE DIRECT LONDON AND LIVERPOOL RAILWAY COMPANY . DIRECT LONDONAkD LIVERPOOL RAILWAY , ( By a Junction from Chester to Wolverhampton , } THIIOUGH NEWPORT AND WHITCHURCH . ( Provisionally registered pursuant to 7 th and Sth Vict ., c . llO . ) CAPITAL £ 1 , 000 , 000 , in 50 , 000 Shares of £ 20 each , DEPOSIT £ 2 2 s . PER SHARE . PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE . The Right Honourable Lord Dunboyue , Belle Hatch House , Henley-on-Thames . The Honourable A . F . Berkeley , M . P , G , Springgardens . Sii-JohnP- MiUbanlr , Bart ., Halidaue Hall , Yorkshire . Sir William Young , Bart ., Westbouvne-terace , Hyde Park ; a Director of the East India Company , and of the Rugby , Derby and Manchester Railway Company . Sir William Twysden , Barfc . ; a Director of the Chepstow , Forest of Dean and Gloucester Junction Railway . _ m ,, - ^ L Sir John J . Hanslcr , Saffron Walden , Essex ; Deputy Lieutenant of Essex , and a Director of tho Rugby , Derby and Manchester Railway . Sir James Eyre . George Frederick Muntz , Esq ., M . P ., Ley Hall , Staffordshire . . _ . . Wvnne Ellis , Esq ., M . P . ; Chairman of tne Leicester and Bedford , and a Director of the Grand Union and several other Railways . JohnParkinson , Esq ., F . R . S ., 80 , Cambridge-terrace , HydePark ; a Director of thelrish Great Western , the Northampton , Banbury and Cheltenham , and Rugby . Derby and Manchester Railways ,
' . ' Thomas Stevenson ,. Esq ; , F . S . A ., 37 , Upper Grosvenor-street , Hyde Park ; a Director of the Irish Great Western , the Reading and Reigate , and Rugby , Derby ^ and Manchester Railways . Lieut .-Col . Gillies , Porchester House , Bayswater . Bear-Admiral John Wight , Teignmouth , Devon . James Russell , Esq ., Gloucester-place , Portmansquare , London , and of Windsor ; Director of the Great Leeds and London Approximation . Major-General Wright , R . E ., Gloucester-place , Portman-sqnare ; Director of thc Great Leeds and London Approximation . ^ William Chance , Esq ., Spring-grove , Birmingham ; Deputy Chairman of the Birmingham and Leicester Railway , Director of the Trent Valley Midlands , the Manchester and Southampton Junction , and Rugby , Derby and Manchester Railways , llovfland Hill Slackem ' ve , Esq ., M . D . ; a Director of the Huddersfield and East and West Coast Direct Railway . William ShawEsq . ; Director of the London and
James Consterdine, Esq., Rosin Hall, Man...
James Consterdine , Esq ., , Man ; a Magistrate , and a Director of the Rugby , Derby , and Manchester-Railway . - ¦ Joh n Groom , Esq . ; Member of the Town Council , Northamp ton , and a Director ot the Rugby , Derby , and Manchester Railway ¦ _ ; James Osborne , Esq ., Ashbourne , Derbyshire ; a Director of the Rugby , Derby , and Manchester T S Richards , Esq ., 59 , Baker-street , Portmahsquare a Director of the Great Western , Southern , and Eastern Counties Railway . Henry Orton , Esq ., king's Newton , Derbyshire ; a Director of the Rugby , Derby , and Manchester Riilwciv II , Brigstock , Esq ., M . D ., Derby ; a Director of the Derby , TJttoxeter . and Stafford , and of the Rugby , Derby , and Manchester Railway . Charles Milnes , Esq ., Dale House , Matlock , Derbyshire ; a Director of the Rugby , Derby , and Manchester Railway . . ' Thomas Bvrom , Esq ., Wigan ; a Director of York and Lancaster , Liverpool and Leeds Direct , tho Keighley , Halifax , and Iluddersfield Junction , and of the Rugby , Derby , aud Manchester Rail-WaVS ' ^ " A , it William Byrom , Esq ., Oldham . With power to add to their number . ENGINEER . Charles Blunt , Esq ., 0 . E , ¦ ARCHITECTS . Frederick 0 . J . Parkinson , Esq . William Wilkinson Wardell , Esq . SOLICITOR TO THE COMPANY . Thomas Gibson Brewer , Esq ; , 13 , Gray's-inn-square . STAXMNG COUNSEL . William Holt , Esq . COUNTRY S 0 UC 1 TC-U 3 . Birmingham—Messrs . Spurrier and Chaplin , Manchester—Messrs . Crossley and Sudlow . PARLIAMENTARY AGENT . Thomas Baker , Esq ,, Spring Gardens . BANKERS . London—Messrs . Masterman , Peters , Mildred , & Co . Birmingham—The Birmingham Banking Company . AOESTS . London : Thomas George Smith , Esq ., 2 , Warnfordcourt . Birmingham : J . R . Lane , Esq ., Waterloo-street . Hull : Messrs . Flint and Tootal . Edinburgh : Messrs . Stewart and Murray . Leicester : Messrs . Ellgood and Harrison . Temporary Offices , 13 , Gray ' s-Lw-Sqi / are , London . PROSPECTUS . ., . .. TH E Direct London and Liverpool Railway is also a Direct Liverpool and Birmingham Railwa I , '
y . _ ., ., It uses the London and Birmingham Railway the whole distance to Birmingham . ; From thence it proceeds to Wolverhampton either on the Grand Junction , or on the Wolverhampton , Dudley and Birmingham Railway . From Wolverhampton commences the new portion of Railway , consisting of 55 miles only , and passing through Newport and Whitchurch , on to Chester . At Chester the Direct London and Liverpool Railway proceeds on the Chester and Birkenhead Railway to Birkenhead . It is proposed to establish at Birkenhead a Steam Ferry gratis to Liverpool across the Mevseyi so as to unite both towns into one . This Hallway has the advantage of passing through the towns on its route , without materially increasing the distance . The principle of she Direct London and Liverpool Railway , as in the case of the Rugby ; Derby and Manchester Railway , is to obtain a Direct through Line between some of the most populous districts in the kingdom , with the least possible amount of new Railway , and consequently the smallest expenditure of capital . The Direct London and Liverpool Railway opens up an entirely new District , at the Same time tlhlt it interferes but slightly with existing Railway interests . The maps , plans , estimates , and other documents required by the standing orders of Parliament will be lodged with the Parish clerks , the clerks of the peace tor the counties , and the parliamentary offices , on the 24 th day of November , being six days within the time required by the regulations of Parliament . A preference in the allotment of Shares will be given , to the extent of 13 , 000 , to the original Share-, holders in tlie Rugby , Derby , and Manchester Railway Company , on their sending in their applications for thc same .
A proper reservation oi Shares will be made for the London and Birmingham , Chester and Birkenhead , and Warwickshire Railways , being tlie Railways by means of which the project now submitted to tho public is the most Direct London and Liverpool Railway that can be made . As the applications aro exceedingly numerous , a very early day will be named for closing the lists . In the mean time applications for Shares may be addressed to the Solicitors , or any of the Agents of the Company in the following form . FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES . Direct London and Liverpool Railway . —Capital , £ 1 , 000 , 000 , in 50 , 000 Shares of £ 20 each . Deposit , £ 2 2 s . per Share . To the Provisional Committee of the Direct London and Liverpool Railway Company . Gentlemen , —I request that you will allot me Shares in the above proposed Railway , and I agree to accept that , or any less number that you may please to allot me , and I undertake to pay the Deposit of £ 2 2 s . per Share on thc same , and to sign the Parliamentary Contract and Subscribers' Agreement , and all visual and necessary Deeds when required . Dated this day of ISIS . Name in full .. Residence ... Trade or Profession ... Place of Business Reference in full |
THE GREAT EUROPEAN RAILWAYS' COMPANY . [ The portion of ihe Earth eon ^ rchended under tlds title covers an extent of 3 , 700 , 000 English square miles , and embodies a pojndation of 2 oG , 000 , 000 souls . No jMrt of England , however , willbe included in theoperations of the present Company ^] ( PROVISIOXAJiU' REGISTERED ' PURSUANT TO 7 th A 2 TD Sth VIC , CAP . 110 . 1 THE ACTUAL PAID UP CAPITAL WILL BE ONE MILLION . STERLING ; IN SHARES OP £ 100 EACH . Deposit , 10 s . per Share , being the highest amount allowed by the Provisionsof the 7 th and Sth Vic ., Cap . 110 . OFFICES OF THE COMPANY , ST . HELEN'S PLACE , LONDON . [ A more detailed Prospectus , containing thc names of the Trustees , the Board of Directors , and a most powerful Provisional Committee , with a complete list of the Bankers , Counsel , Engineers , Solicitors , Secretaries , Share-brokers ( London and Provincial ) , with all the officers of the company , is in course of formation , and will shortly be ready for delivery . ]
; , ^^ ' L ^ Jk s , Vriber on payment his deposit , which receipt ] Uuat b * , : . , . „ , 5 j . V .. i . . Wiber on payment of his deposit , which receipt ] Uuat i . I The Bankers' receipt will be giten to each Sik , ¦ wit ( V twenty ^ ne day , after the date fixed for th ! , exchanged for a certificate atthe Offle * of the GffR » ^ condi ti WM subj ect the Subscriber to the fW payment of such deposit . The non-compliance w » h . ^ rt ! lklng . gj ^ Ior - ! feiture of his or her deposit , and ot all interest in the « fl « K ' ^ Companv beyond the first payment of 1 ft * [ No further call , under any circumstances , will be made fc . v ectors shall hare actually obtained the i r ? ( per share , nor in any other Company until such time » sjh «! l >> . d thenon jy when such second paTni : i liminary ministerial concession oi some foreign line of J * w »* iW » v . ; inJll depo ; sit moaey ov fw tf , « ent ' ! shall have become necessary , either for replacing and releasing tH 0 ^ ;„ ayment wiU be given in rt I diate progress of the public works of 8 uch Ra . lway , due notice of Whi . . ftjj p ^ Jom , , ' « {« | London Gazette , tho Daily Morning and Evening London Papers , ana , . oi the country contributing the grant . . ,, .,. fjomnfli , v , and until such mit ; , * . From the period of the concession of any lmeof Railway obtained by ™ " ^ PJft ' io the SubXS * lino is opened , interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum will be pam half-yeaily auoSui 0 CKi ^ the amount paid up by them in every such subsequent Company . . „ . Subsequent to tne opening of each and every entire line for traffic thc prolan every Company bat tlle present one ( wherein the deposit money is expressly guaranteed to be returned whsn theseveral hues of Railways for which it is advanced shall be obtained ) will be divided as follows : —First , a wmcicut sunt shall be set apart as a sinking Junu , for the gradual return of tho entire capital to tbe : Shareholders } . se condly a dividend of 5 per cent , per annum will be paid to the Shareholders on the amount Ol tllO respective Shares thirdly , the surplus will be divided into twentieths , of which 17-20 ths will belong to the Shareholders , Ml ( J be divided among them in equal proportions as a further dividend , and the remaining 3-20 ths will be paid as follow : l-20 th will go to the formation of an accumulating fund , to be annually divided and placed fo the credit of all Shareholders in the present Company , and the remaining 2-20 ths will be paid as an annual remuneration to those individuals through whose services such concession shall hare been chiefly obtained , or each of these annual bonuses may be commuted for a single payment , the amount of each to be determined at the first general meeting of the Subscribers to such Company . Each Director in the present Company will be eligible for a seat in the Direction ot every new Company the capital of which shall be subscribed by the original Shareholders , provided always that he possess h ' « share qualification therein . The entire management of the affairs of each Company will be vested m a Board of Directors , and win conMst ofa Chairman , Deputy-Chairman , and twelve other Directors ( trienmally elected ) , who shall have power to appoint one of their body as Resident or Managing Director ( under certain restrictions ) in tlie various countries contributing the several grants , and the foreign interests Ol all SUt'll Companies will be again represented by twelve Resident Directors In each foreign country ( giving a majority of two in filV 0 Ul , of English interest ) . .. ... The deposit of 10 s . per share will be invested in approved securities , and the interest arising therefrom will be carried to a fund for defraying in part the expenses of the Company connected with its general
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 18, 1845, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_18101845/page/6/