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,,.; ,:,., ;:;:;;r; - • ' . - ^ ' — ^,^....
Frost, Williams, and Jones.—Our friends-...
Co (EonTspontscnttf
J- Sweet, acknowledges the receipt of th...
, IRISH DESTITUTION, ;; • We beg to call...
rflE NORTffERS Sfi l SATPUKDAyrlTiAY 10, 18* 9. ;
COST OF CRIME. "We have often stated tha...
THE CHARTER. Mr. O'Connor has given noti...
THE LAND. The following paragraph having...
PARLIAMENTARY REYLETr. Narrow as was the...
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x nee , ou ^ A new wid ^ egant edi tion , wife Steel Hate of the Author , of PA 1 H £ 'S POLITICAL WORKS . Ifow Ready , a Sew Eaifion-ef , * TSSISHOR'S WORK OK SHALL FARMS TM LABOURER MAGAZINE . Vols . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , may still be had , neafl ; [ jound , jwice 2 s . G'd . each Xo . 4 , the 3 f umber oontaining Ma . O'Cosxob ' s 3 !! rea £ ise on the ^ National Land Company 5 * Xo . J * , the one contesting Mh . CGoxsoii ' fi Treatise " On the National Land . and Labour Baal connection with the Land Company ';"Have lately been reprinted ,-and icay be had on applies 4 on , Erice tkL each . Imperfections of the * labourer Jfagazine' may still b lad at « £ he Yublishers . In a neat Volume , Price is . 60 . ' 33 ae Evidence taken by the Select Com nittee of the House of Commons appointe < So enquire into the National Land Company . ' Ihis Volume ought to be in the hands of every Membe if . the Company , as it ririkiiigly illustrates the care am iconomy that have beea practised in the management o he-Funds of the Company , and j > ro . ves , beyond contradic ion , the practicability of the l'lim idiich the Company na jstaiiMied to carry out
Just published , ffo . III . Price Siwence , op - THE COMMONWEALTH . "jrHE COMMONWEALTH" will be & e Itepreseatative f the Chartists , Socialists , - and Trades' Unionists , in the Monthly Press . contests : 1 . What is to be done with Ireland S 2 . The Weaver ' s Daughter . 3 . Extinction of Pauperism . 4 . Popular Cause in Europe . . 5 . Social Effects of Peasant Proprietorship . . 6 . The Hero . 7 . Events ofthe Month .
PiSMieedhigs of the National Convention , ffhich assembled at London in April , 1848 . Thirty two very large and solid pages ; price only Threepence . The Trials of the Chartist Prisoners , Jones , Fussell , Williams , Vernon , & Looney . Twenty ¦ fo ur very large and full pages : price only Threepence . Sold by J . TVatson , Queen's Head Passage , Paternosterrow , Loudon ; A . Jleywood , Oldham-street , ^ Manchest er ; and Lore and Co ., 5 , Aelson-street , Glasgow . And by all Booksellers in Toiyk and Country .
REGISTER ! REGISTER ! REGISTER ! Sow Published , and ready for circulation , b y the Xaiioxal Electiox asd Registration Committee , A COMPLETE HAjSD BOOK AND GUIDE TO REGISTRATION , compiled from the Reform Act and other Parliamentary Papers , making the subject of Registration so plain and simple , as to bring it within the capacity of all Classes . Published by James Watson , 3 , Queen ' s Ileadpassage , Paternoster-row , London , andseld b y all booksellers in the United Kingdom . Price , only Thrzk Pexce . May also be had of the Secretary , James Ghassby , 8 , Xoah ' s Ark-court , Stan"ate , Lambeth .
CHARTIST SILK FABRICS . MESSRS . CLARS . AND WARUEN beg-most respectfully to call the attention of the Democrats of Great Britain to the following splendid assortment of Xeck and Pocket Handkerchiefs , Ulack Satin Vestpieces , Ladies' Chartist Coloured Satin and Tabby Bresspieccs ; also a splendid assortment of Ladies' plain and figured Neck Ties , which hare just come to hand from tbeir manufacturer at . Macclesfield , and it is their intention to forward them ( carriage free ) to all parts of Great Britain and Ireland at the following prices : — - £ s . d . Ladies' Dress-pieces , fourteen ysurds to the dress , 3 s . peryard „ .. .. .. 220 fienflemen ' s Extra Strong Black Satin Vesting , per Vest .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Ditto , Neckerchiefs , Itich Oporto Ducapes , Plain and Plaided .. .. .. .. 0 5 6 Ditto , ditto , Satin Ducapes , Plaided .. 0 3 0 Ditto , ditto , Napoleon JBlue Satin Brussels , Crimson Borders .. .. 0 4 6 Ditto , ditto , Extra Rich Black Satin Turk , Heavy .. .. .. .. 0 4 3 Ditto , ditto , Black Brussels , Plain .. 0 4 0 Ditto , ditto , ditto , Tri-co-
TO TAILOHS . By approbation of Her Majesty dueen Victoria and His Boyal Highness Prince Albert Now Ready , THE LCXNDON and PARIS SPRING and SUMMER FASHIONS for 1 S 49 , by Messrs . BEXJAirtN JtEAD and Co ., 13 , Hart-street , Jlloomsbuiy-square , London ; and by GEORGE BERGEU , HolyweU-street , Strand ; a splendid PRINT , elaborately finished , and superbly coloured , the LANDSCAPE , a correct view in the Queen ' s Botanical Gardens , Loudon , ( by special permission , ) the most magnificent place in Europe . This beautiful picture will be accompanied with the most novel , good fitting , and fashionable Dress , Hiding , Prock , and Hunting CoatPatterns , both double and single-breasted ; Hussar's Youth's round Jackets , plain and with skirts ; single and double-breasted Dress , Morning and Evening Waistcoats ;
FRAMPTOyS PILL OF HEALTH , Price Is . 1 Jd . per box . THIS EXCELLENT FAMILY PILL is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for correcting all disorders nf ihe stomach and bowels , the common symptomiof which are costiveness , flatulency , spasms , loss of appetite , sek head-ache , giddiness , sense of fulness after xueals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness , and pains in the stomach and bowels : inuTgestioa , producing a torpid state of the liver , and a consequent inactivity of the bowels , cansmga disorganisation of every function of the . frame , will , by a little perseverance in this most excellent preparationbe ffectuall
On the 1 st of June , will appear Ke . I . of THE © BMOCRATIO iREVIEW Of BRITISH and FOREIGN POtmCS , HISTORY , and LITERATURE . ESted by G . JULIAS HAKSEY . At present w . Monthly Advocate of Democratic Progress exists in this < oeuntry . -. It is therefune proposed i © establish * uoh an organ , at a price which , -wail place it wifliin the reach of all sections of the people . The Vemocsaxic Bevibw will represent , contend for , and chronicle the jaxgress of Democratic Principles at Home situ ? Al * T * nafl
| COCK INN , HEAD OF THE SIDE , NEWCASTLE . MARTDT JUDE returns his sincere thanks to those Friends who so kindly supported ; him by their custom ' while at tlie Cock Inn , and begs to apprise them that he has declined the business in favour of Mi-. Thomas Gheexer , of BykerBar , who has most willingly accorded the same facilities to the Friends of liberty , Reform , and Progress , tliat ' they have hitherto been allowed at that Establishment THOMAS GREENER , ( Late of Byker Bar ) , Having succeeded M . Jdde in his business at the Cock Inn , Head of the Side , Newcastle , will be most happy to afford to all those frequenting tliat Establishment the " same opportunities for Meetings , Discussions , ic , they have hitherto had , and on the same terms and conditions . T . G . would also return thanks to those Clubs and Societies who , being already at tlie Cock Inn , have consented to remain , and he trusts that by close and unremitting attention to the comforts and convenience of his guests he shall have the continuance of their favours and support . T . G ., being : a Miner , hopes to have the support of that useful body of men .
CHARTERVILLE . A PUBLIC MEETING- "WILL BE J \ . held to adopt the PETITION FOR THE PEOPLE'S CHARTER , On WrDXESDAT , the 30 th of Mat . Chair to be taken precisely at Two o ' clock . Several popular leaders from London , Swindon , and Oxford Trill address the meeting upon the Rights of the People . Also , A PUBLIC TEA . PARTY AND BALL , on the same day , to be held at the School , for the benefit of the Victims . Tea at five o ' clock . Tickets for the Tea and Ball , Eightpence ,
XJ 1 J 2 1 UZ IfiJOiV XVUiXLMJlT L . DARE'S LIFE PILLS . L Which are acknowleged to be all that is required to : ongaer Disease and Prolong Life . Parr introduced to King Charles L—( See " Life and Times of Thomas Parr , " which may be had gratis of all Agents . ) The extraordinary properties of this medicine are thus described by an eminent physician , who says : — " After particular observation of tlie action of Pahr ' s Pills , I am determined , in my opinion , that the following are their true properties : — "First—They increase the strength , whilst most other medicines have a weakening effect upon the system . Let any one take from three to four or six pills eveiy twentyfour hours , and , instead of having weakened , they will be found to have revived the animal spirits , and to have imparted a lasting strength to the body . " Secondly—In their operation they go direct to the
Frost, Williams, And Jones.—Our Friends-...
Frost , Williams , and Jones . —Our friends-will be happy to learn that letters have arrived from Launceston , Van-Diemen ' s Land , containing intelligence ofthe safe arrival of Mrs . Jones at that place , and of her happy re-union with her husband , in the land of his captivity . The letters are from Mr . and Mrs , Jones , and bear date January 10 th , 1849 , and contain their thanks to those friends who aided and assisted in furnishing the means to convey Mrs . Jones to her husband . Mr . Jones is following his business as a watch-maker , a n d is in good health ; Williams is also well ; Frost has been very unwell . - .
One thousand pounds hare been subscribed afc 'Birmingham towards the entertainment of the British Association . . Vjfeneral Taylor has expressed his intention to strike from the American army or navy list any officer who shall be engaged in a duel . He refuses also to restore to . his former position any officer cashiered on like grounds by either offiisprede-• WlOIf .
Co (Eontspontscnttf
Co ( EonTspontscnttf
J- Sweet, Acknowledges The Receipt Of Th...
J- Sweet , acknowledges the receipt of the following sums for tlie Victim Fund , ( sent herewith ) , viz .: —Mr . Wild , 2 d . ; Mir . Knott , 3 d .. ; Mr . Smithed . A Friend , Gd . ; Mr . ; Kirk , 14— For Mrs . " M'Docau ( sent to Liverpool ) : —From the " Colonel Hutchinson , " 5 s , j the "King of Uie French , " Is . 2 ^ d . - Mr . ELDAixr , Wrentham . —At 144 , High Holborn . J . H . Ceook . —Received .. I received the following letter from Neilston , Scotland , also a Post Office-order for the sum . of £ 2 lGs . Our friends will see tlie amount acknowledged in the proper place . — W . Rider , " Neilston , Scotland , May 15 . —Sir , —Will you be kind ' . enough to insert the following notice in your valuable paper , so that our friends in adversity may know who are , in reality , their friends : —Deceived from Lawson ' s Printers , Paisley , £ 15 s . 9 d . '; Patrick Banks , Slates , 15 s . 6 d . ; Galloway's , Paisley , 3 s . 3 d . ; Kerr s Printers , Paisley , 4 s . 3 d . ; Ercleston , Paisley , Is 6 ( 1 . ; Crossmill Printers , Barrhead , 9 s . 9 d . ; South Artichoke Printers , Barrhead , Cs . yd . ; Friends of the Good Cause , lis . 3 d . The way this money was collected demanded
some expenses which will only be understood by the parties stibscribHig , although it is unnecessary to enter into the details here . For a Gun , 10 s . ; a Stuffed Bird and Case , 5 s . ; acopyofPaine ' s Bights of Man , Is . ; Bills , 2 s . ; Room Bent , 3 s . ; the Town Crier , Is . You may expect to receive another sum in the course of next week . If other parties would take up the gauntlet there might be a pretty round sum collected . —Yours respectfully , Robert Patrick , James Gem , W > r . Bochasxan Gobmby . —To Wm . Bider , Northern Star Office . ¦¦ B . P . Hartlepool . —We do not know . J . Hill , Southampton ; and Luke King , ¦ Cripplegnte . — Your announcements are advertisements , and should have been paid for as such . J . Wabd , Wakefield , recommends the formation of a committee in every town in England and Ireland , ' having -for its object tlie liberation of all political prisoners . Mr . II . Bokkeit , Edinburgh . —It is discontinued . J . Pitts , Torquay , calls upon theland members of that town to again establish their weekly meetings ; . '• T . OuMESHEK . —The balance sheet ' , ic , shall appear in . next Saturday ' s Star . ¦ -. ' .. W . Robeiitson and JIVockus . —Received . - '¦ : ' .
, Irish Destitution, ;; • We Beg To Call...
, IRISH DESTITUTION , ;; We beg to call our readers' . attention' to the speechof Mr , O'Connor , " on the ; ' question , of Irish destitution , which appears in our present number , a , speech to' which the impartial " Times" has devoted fifty-one ' lines . . So much for the impartiality of the PresS " - ¦' ' '•• ' ' ¦ ¦ - . .... ..:. ! . ,: i .... ¦
Mr / 0 . ' Connor , will attend the public meeting to beheld- at Newton ' si . Phoenix Tavern , Radcliffe-crossj- on "Wednesday evening next , the 23 rdinst . : ' . /^ ; . , , ¦
Rfle Nortffers Sfi L Satpukdayrltiay 10, 18* 9. ;
rflE NORTffERS Sfi l SATPUKDAyrlTiAY 10 , 18 * 9 . ;
Transportation Of The Irish, : The Great...
TRANSPORTATION OF THE IRISH , : The great Irish difficultyis at length solved All laws of Registration , Landlord and Ter nant Bills , Poor Laws , Sale of Encumbered Estates , Rates in . Aid ,- Assimilation of Cri . minal Laws , Tithe Composition Acts , Treason and Felony Bills , Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Acti Free Trade , packing of Juries , enlistment of Espies , subornation of witnesses , trickery , of officials , and bias of judges , have all—one and all—failed to solve the great Irish difficulty ; but the inventive niind of man , which we imagined had exhausted its nostrums for the tranquillisation of Ireland andthe develope
ment of her national resources has , at length , hit upon the expedient of depopulating the country ; and what is most miraculous , this newly invented system comes from the . saints , whose spiritual pride resists the indignity of meeting in committee before two o ' clock upon Ascension day , while they shed not a tear aud heave not a sigh at the announcement that be tween 900 and 1 , 000 persons perished . in one workhouse within one week ; But this most extraordinary character in this most extraordinary melo-drama is that assumed b y pur day scholar of Printing House-square — - the "Times . " ¦ ¦ ,, »
It is not many weelcs since we published the lamentations of our pupil over the loss of tlie hardy and industrious Irish . "If we lose them , " said the "Thunderer , " " who will supply their place—who will pave our streets—who will be our scavengers and our wharfingers- — who will reap our harvest—and where shall we secure substitutes as consumers of our manufactures ? " ' ., \ J . ;; -. ' ' This hullagone over the departing -Irish was KEENED when , no doubt , the mouth-piece of Wbiggery rested confidently ' upon . the . capability of Ministers to solve the great Irish difficulty ; but all attempts' , having hitherto failed , mark the altered tone of our pupil ; He now says : —
In the poorest and most exhausted lands the thickest multitude of people is to he found . " Before aught . can . he done for laud or people the surplus of inhabitants must be removed . If they stay , they cumber the land , they do . not till it ; they thrust and jostle against each other , they do not help one another . They are at the same moment drains upon the national resources and impediments to national energy . ¦ . True , they do congregate upon the barren soil . They " are like the timid hare started in the corn field , and hunted into the jungle in the hope of puzzling her pursuers—they are
like the rabbit , poached by the ferret into the furthest recess of his burrow , in the hope of evading his tormentor—they are poached into the wild wilderness , where they hope to escape the grasping hand of tyrant man , or to die unobserved . They are driven from the more fertile soil , upon which then * labour might be profitably expended , to hide their poverty , their nakedness and destitution ; while , as the 7 * Times " admits , their thews , their sinews , their muscles , and their strength might be profitably applied to the cultivation ofthe land of their birth .
Does this representative of sanctity , or do the saints themselves , read the word of their GOD ? And if they do , have they discovered that God made , man—not pampered aristocracy , who are pallid , crippled , emaciated , arid pale , but the industrious employed working man" after his own image ; " commanded him to live in the " sweat of his . brow , on the fruits of the earth , " which he is kindly to preserve to his own use . And are the Irish to be transported from the land of their birth , for . follies and crimes committed by those who have violated every law of Gob- andman , in order that they may eviide—for a season— -that vengeance -which is sure to overtake them ?
" God gave us moat but the Devil , gamus cooks'' is an old saying , and it is equally true that Gop gave us land but the Devil gave us landlords . We wonder what -the Lincolnshire farmer and the Manchester manufacturer would say , the one if he missed the harvest hands that reaped his corn , * ar id ^ he-ptherr-the hands that plied his shuttle or worked ' , Jns loom ; while we would ask the ; English consumer , whether the-mind oi : man could suggest a greater anomaly , or . paradox , than that which recommends him to rely upon the produce o f o th er co u n t r i es , while the land of his birth is uncultivated arid unprofitable . ? !!"
This question of population , and the application of labour to reproductive employment , is one becoming interesting , not only to the poor but to the rich ; not alone to the landlord , to the tenant , or to the labourer , hut to the monarch , to ' . ' the official , to the merchant , the manufacturer , the banker , the trader , the shopkeeper , the artificer , the mechanic , and the artisan ; and it is one which the industry of this country will , ere long ; compel its rulers to solve .
If we require proof of the capability of the soil ofthe country to support the population of the country , it is sufficiently made manifest in the fact , " that whilst agricultural Lincolnshire employs no more than nine labourers to every hundred acres , those hundred acres , if properl y cultivated , would not only , at three acres to a family , support thirty-three families in comfort and comparative affluence , but would make
those thirt y-three families , living upon the profits of free labour , better'customers ; for all . articles of produce than- the . nine serfs existing upon stave labour , measured by the caprice of the employer . Let : it not be understood , however , that any farmer cultivating a hundred 'i ^ cres of- land employs ; nine agricultural . labourers , ^ inasmuch as Mr . Monsell ' s average is based , -not iipon the amount of hands' actually employed in agriculture , but i » arrived » t thus ;—
Transportation Of The Irish, : The Great...
Suppose a farmer to ¦ cultivate a' thousand- acres of land , ; whereof'four , hundred acres are' in cultivation - arid six hundred in grass , Mr . Monseli divides the thirty six hands thus employed' over the whole one thousand acres - " thus establishing the fact , but not admitting it , that no more than , three and a half hands were employed to each hundred acres , while the six hundred acres in grass would give employment to ho more than two or three herdsmen or shepherds . '
Let us draw a fair illustration of the fact from one of our own much-reviled' colonies . Upon Snig ' s End , where there are over eighty men located , and all sure to do well and thrive , formerly no more than four or five hands were employed , while the surplus'produce , after feeding the increased number of cultivators , will create a greater abundance in the consuming market . We write for sensible and thoughtful men ,
whose interests are not only extensively but wholly dependent upon the legitimate and profitable cultivation of the soil , while the " Times" is compelled -to cater to the prejudice , the folly , and insanity of factions , and knows no-more of theland and its capabilities than the crow that flies over it . However , although our readers are familiar with the subject , even at the hazard of repetition , wc would ask them whether the mind of man can conceive or
propound , much less advocate , a greater fallacy than the proposition to transport the labouring classes from a country whose land , it is admitted , is all but waste ? It is not long since we quoted a most cheering passage from the lesson of our daily pupil ; in whicfrhe spoke . most enthusiastically and hopefully of subdividing the Royal domains into peasant holdings , and bedecking them with humble peasant homesteads . Upon therii we were told that the surplus population may be located ; and we were charmed with the
admission , though certainly not novel , that where corn grew before corn would grow again . Well , by a parallel of reasoning , we may indulge'in the fond hope that where reason has entered , before reason may enter again ; and that our -pupil , when his present masters are on the bleak side of . the Treasury , will discover that his ink , his paper , and his goosequill are all produced by the land , and although the proper cultivation of the land may Ieadito the propagation of large flocks of geese , it will also tend to diminish cormorants .
We / would ask the reader , whether the mind of the most silly , the most imbecile or insane of his class , could suggest or invent a more startling piece of folly than the following extract from the columns of our pupil ?—We want to clear the land of that which threatens to eat up the land , and to retain the farmers and small ' proprietors . Again , it should be remembered that , . were government to assist the first one or two batches of emigrants , they in their turn would be able to assist others . Emigration begets emigration . The emigration of tlie poor fosters , the emigration of other poor . ¦ Now what does the reader think of that ? Our friend wants to clear the land , and informs us that those who have become destitute
paupers upon , the land , if . expatriated at the expense of Government—that is , at the expense of the people , they will be able in a foreign country , not only to support themselves independently , but to furnish their pauper friends at home with a sufficiency to enable them to fly the pest-house also . If we paid a magician , or ovon a legal official , to suggest cause of accusation against a government , could either effect the purpose more coriipletely
than our cotemporary has done ; for what . is the conclusion , the only conclusion , to be drawn from these premises ? Is it not that misgovernmeni and mismanagerhent have made population surplus in a fertile land with genial , climate ; while the same population , under other and better government , may not only live comfortably , but may uphusband from their savings a sufficiency to enable their friends and relatives to follow them ?
Again , suppose the money to be applied to the employment of labour at home , instead of to the transportation of the labourer ; in such case , what a different aspect would the country bear , what a different" position would the landlords hold , and what a different feeling would the Irish people entertain towards their Saxon oppressors . In the words , not of Gratxan , although . they are ascribed . to him , but in the words of Arthur O'Connor , printed in 1797 , we conclude , that : " Three million Irish slaves will rivet England ' s chains . "
Cost Of Crime. "We Have Often Stated Tha...
COST OF CRIME . "We have often stated that " man is born ¦ with propensities which ' may be nourished into virtues , or thwarted into vices , according to his training ; " and we have further added , " that there is more of good than of evil in every man horn into this world , if means were taken to develope his superior qualities , instead of , as under the present system , a strong inducement being held out for the devclopement of the inferior qualities . "
It is a notorious fact of long standing m England—and one with which every man is conversant—that the unwilling' idler , understanding the difference between prison and workhouse fare , prefers criminality to pauperism , and commits the crime which will consign him to the prison , in preference to pauperism , which will consign him to the bastiJe . ' -As the strongest proof of this assertion we have stated
that " if the' , infant , of the Queen , at two or three years of age , and the infant of a heartless murderer , or systematic robber , are placed under the same tutelage , it would bo in the power of the tutor to . make the royal infant a drunkard , a prostitute , a liar , and a thief ; while , hy training , he would make the child of the murderer revolt at the commission of any one of those acts . "
Is it not notorious , then , that when this difference is established by the Government between criminality and pauperism , that the effect of legislation is to develope the vices and suppress the yirtues implanted "by nature in man . Therehas notheen amorehorrifying devclopement made to this country , as regards the cost of criminality induced by bad government , than that submitted to Parliament by Mr .-Charles Pearson , on Tuesday night . He stated itb the House—and : it was ; uncontradicted , because susceptible of the eiasiest proof— "that the
accommodation for every system-made thief in York Castle cost the country £ 1 , 200 : that is , lodging for each prisoner costs that amount of money , , or , at five per cent ., ; £ 60 a year . And this not including the prison diet , or prison dress , for' which many now would he too happy to exchange their domestic fare and clothing , huti for / the , mere lodging of criminals . . Now , will not every man of sane mind , and with a . particle of common sense , and with such a startling ' arid iiTefutable fact before his eyes , " come to the inevitable and onl y conclusion , that vice is systematically propagated ,
and at an enormous expense ,, in order—^ as Mr . Drtjmmond truly stated—that the capitalist may exercise his baneful influence over . ; the unwilling idler , who has hut the alternative of the bastile or the prison , the transport or the gallows ? . In his admirable speech , he showed that which we have systematically contended for , that it would he right , and proper , and just , to free this handcuffed labour , and apply it to the ' cultivation of the ^ soil appropriated to each prison and . workhouse . Upon one point . h
owever , we differ from the Hon ' ourahleGentleman- —for whereas he proposes tliat the surplus profit , after the sustenance of the prisoner , should go into the Exchequer- ^ -we propose that it should go to the prisoner himself while . we confess that such a proposition would , ' in the first instance , inevitabl y JeacV to the perpetration of & sufficient amount of crime measuredbythflt , standard which would make prison disci ple employment , arid distribution of profit preferable to , ' ahd mofeinvitina % an theprefieatfilavf v « w *
Cost Of Crime. "We Have Often Stated Tha...
-. Perhaps . no spee ch of greater importance , or more ably delivered , or powerfully sustained in all ' its points , was ever , addressed to Parliament than ; that of Mr . Pearson . As was evident from its consecutive bearing , lie had made himself thorough master of the subject , arid so powerful were the facts he adduced , that it rendered it impossible for the Home Secretary , , or any other Member , to refute one of them . Let us now analyse some of those startling facts . Mr . Pearson says ;—It appeared that the prisons of this country cost , on thc average , JMOO . OOU a year , irrespective ofthe cost the Government had to defray for the punishment of crime bymeans of the hulks and transportation .
Now , as is our . custom , and however unpalatable to our readers reiteration and repetition may be , we are determined that , as the people are a money-governed class , to keep their minds unremittingly aud systematically directed to the proper and beneficial , as compared with the improper and injurious , application of that money . In the above speech , Mr . PEARSON . shows that the annual expenditure upon prisons is ££ 400 , 000 , and this irrespective ofthe salaries of Governors , Turnkeys , Officials , and the one thousand and one incidentals ; andthe rule-of-threc-mind of this moneymongoring nation will have no difficulty in
arriving at the conclusion , that at four per cent ., £ 400 , 000 . would , pay the . interest of ten millions of money , and those ten millions would locate nearly eighty-four thousand persons upon four' acres of land , costing £ 30 an acre , or would put to profitable employment , at five to ; a family , four hundred and twenty thousand , and that number would give profitable employment to as many more ; . or , in other words , the amount expended upon this rogue-creating system , would at once provide , for . nearly
one-. thir . teen . th ofthe whole , of the population of this kingdom , by locating them , not upon two acres of rock , bog , or moor , . but upon four acres of the best land to be purchased .. . . This is a startling fact , and one to which ' neither therule . d nor the ruler , the landlord , the tenant , or the labourer , the capitalist or the slave , can much . longer shut their eyes or close their ears . " Let us now call the attention ofthe reader to the present state of crime in this , reformed age . Mr . Pearson says;— . ..
The number of commitments and recommitments in England and Wales for the trial of criminal charges liaa increased within the last forty years upwards of four hundred per cent , whilst the increase of-population was only sixty-five per cent . We now beg to call attention to the following startling announcement , made by the hon . gentleman , and which comment of ours would but tend to weaken , He ' says : — . He should show that this increase was also partly owing to the great increase of comfort in gaols , , and to the fact
that the prisoners were better'fed , better clothed ; ' better lodged , and better taught than the class to' which they belonged . . The prisoners were taught a taste for luxurious indolence , which it was impossible for them to gratify . when they were turned out of prison , and they left it with less capability of earning their living . by , honest industry than when they entered it . Thus , while they inflicted an enormous injury upon the ratepayer , theyalso committed an injustice upon the honest poor , by teaching them that crime was attended by comforts such as they could not themselves procure . Again , he states as follows :
In Millbank , Pcntonville , and some few other prisons , we made the industry of the prisoners produce something , but then it was by educating them to flood the labour market ; we made thieves shoemakers , which tended to drive other shoemakers to ha thieves . More than half the prisoners sent to Millbauk were mere labourers—unskilled labourers—worth ( say ) 2 s . a-day ; if we made them able to displace honest tailors and shoemakers , earning 3 s . ' n-day , we gave a premium to crime . ' Now , while we contend that no stronger proof could be adduced of the inducement that the present system holds out to crime , and
al t houg h the unemployed shoemaker , or the badly-paid shoemaker may be seduced to the coniinisssion of crime , in the hope of better ing his condition , we also contend , that if his condition was measured by the standard of justice and equitable remuneration for his labour , that is , if his free labour was increased by the greater ability of a greater number to wear shoes , the prison would then offa'iio fascination or inducement to him , to commit crime . We now come to the kernel ofthe hon . gentleman's plum . He says : —
With regard to the application of prison labour , he ( Jfr . Pearson ) would apply it to laud . He : had had the opportunity afforded him of obtaining the opinions of above a hundred eminent farmers and agriculturists with regard to the power of 1 , 000 prisoners employed upon 1 , 000 acres of land to make it maintain them ; and . the answers were most satisfactory . In selecting land , he' had taken into consideration that labourupon land was most easily learnt , and , being-the healthiest , did not require an expensive diet to maintain health . What now will the HAYTER say ? What will the Poor Law RAVEN eay ? And what will the located members on the Land
Company ' s estates now- say to the farmers who tell them that three , four , or five acres will not support a man 1 Not cultivated by prison or slave labour , but cultivated by free labour . And what will the " Whistler" and our Free Trade philanthropists say , when they learn that agricultural labour is tlie most healthy a n d t he m os t easil y learned . If Mr . Pearson had been employed to argue the capability of the Land before the Committee that sat in judgment upon it , we think his evidence would have been * irrefutable , conclusive , a-nd irresistible ; but he was arguing the whole question which might be the means of reducing the annual expenditure of the country , while we have propounded our system as a -means of securing the independence of the people .
We commenced with a maxim , we shall « onclude with a moral ; we have said more than once—< - " Show us a saint , and we will show you a sinner ; " and could-we , we as k , furnish stronger proof ofthe assertion , than is supplied in the following passage ?— ' At Reading nine-tenths of the prisoners were confined for a limited time—one of the chaplains said too short to make it possible for them to effect any improvement— and the consequence , as he observed , was that a man so
imprisoned was set at large " more vile than before . " ( Hear , hear . ) Three prisoners had been pardoned on account of th « ir piety and good conduct . They bad written all sorts of religious themes , and their knowledge of Scripture was such that they were like walking concordances . They were accordingly discharged . These were the only three names which had ever been shown forth in the return of the Reading Gaol as converts of the system there pursued . Two of these had since been transported , and the third had fled under a charge of felony .
'" John , have you sanded the sugar ?""Yes , Sir . " " Have you damped the tobacco ?"— " Yes , ' Sir . " " Have you watered the gin ?"— "Yes , Sir . " . "Then now , lad , fetch thy prayer-book , and come to church . "
The Charter. Mr. O'Connor Has Given Noti...
THE CHARTER . Mr . O'Connor has given notice of the following motion to be submitted to th © House on the 5 th of June , and it is our earnest request that petitions , between this and that day , should be poured irilfrom all parts ofthe country , in order to convince the House that neither specials , muskets , artillery , Gagging Bills , nor Coercion , have subdued the Chartist
spirit ^ nor in anywise compelled the people to relax in their glorious struggle for the achievement of their just and inalienable rights , and from the possession of which alone they can relieve themselves from ' their present state of servile degradation and dependence . A man may do a man ' s share of work ,- but he cannot , without the assistance of the people , accomplish any measure which has for its object the release of the weak and unprotected from the trammels of the strong and privileged ' . : K 0 W
^?^ M D EXPECTS THAT EVERY ™™ lILL D 0 HIS DUTY ' WHAT IS TO BE S h 1 ° peSPE 0 PLEj MUST BE D 0 NE The following is the motion : — - ^ To move , that this House , recognising the great principle that labour is the source of allwealth-that ttertT 6 the i k legitimate source of power-^ l 3 , -5 ourei : should b * $ te fi « t partaker ofthe fruits of ™
jis PwnindustryAh ^ toS'Sout believing that the resources of the countrv would £ S & r [ e K in con / unction with ff rI hoh ebyother widufitrial pursuits ; that fcSft , * ' •*** ' «*«»;*** ' truths' this taSXSW ^ e n c « ple 8 emboaied in the docuflnnil tw ? ^ ^^ ^ S « fege , VotobyBaDot , m , M Payment of Members . "
The Land. The Following Paragraph Having...
THE LAND . The following paragraph having appear ^ , in the papers , the ignorant scribblers having ] . transferred the scene of misery from BromsJ grove , uponhviiich tenants are not yet located d to the Kedmarley Estate , we cheerfully pnjj ' j , ' lish it , arid it will , no doubt , excite la ughteiei and merriment amongst those occupants , oneu of whom has recently given the former cecum pant nearly two hundred pounds for his loca < a tion . It is enough to make a Quaker kick hisi , mother , to hear those ragged rascals , Avitftj goose quills in their hands , cigars in theiri mouths , stinking of g in , and no brains in theirii skulls , daring to write upon the question oftli &< Land . Have any of those hired ragamuffin . ! slaves written a line in condemnation of then COBDEN-SCHOLEFIELD bog , moor , and rock y
FREEDOM FOR THE MILLIONS ? No , not a line , the ruffians , as they arepaidd for , and live upon , lies . These ignorant buf . ? foons . all believe , as we have often stated , thatt their vegetables grow under the greengrocer ' s 3 stall , and their meat under the butcher ' s block »» but we do not despair of making even thorn l comprehend the value ofthe land , "AS IT IS NOW ASCERTAINED FR 0 JU "PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE THAT A MA 2 U " CA 2 f SUPPORT HIMSELF , WIFE , AND Fa "MILY , UPON TWO ACRES OP Moon-LAS ]} ¦ "AT THIRTY SHILLINGS PER ACRE RENT *' ' 'AT THE OCCUPATION OF STONE GRIND" 1 SG . "
AYe" thought these cheap-bread gentlemen 1 would realise thc old proverb—> " "When the ; people asked for bread , they gave them a . stone . " The following extract is taken from the " Coventry Herald and Observer" of the 14 th of May . We know something about the manager of that paper , but shall content ourselves , for the present with assuring him , that the worst character upon the Company ' s estate would not be seen marching through Coventry with such a fellow . Here follows the extract : Mil Feajigus O'Conkou ' s Land Scheme at Redmarlev has completel y exploded . Six families have left , ami tile remainder are said to be in a state approaching- to destitu tion .
Parliamentary Reyletr. Narrow As Was The...
PARLIAMENTARY REYLETr . Narrow as was the escape of the Ministry from a defeaton the Navigation Laws Bill in the House of Peers , their escape on the Hate in Aid Bill was still narrower . In the first case , ten proxies defeated a present majority of fourt"cn . peers ; in the second , proxies not having been had recourse to , the ministerial measure passed by a " glorious majority" of One ! according to some of the morning papers ;—of Two , according to others . Of course a measure that thus closel y escaped
being thrown out , will have but small moral weight with those who are opposed to it . The people of Ulster will . not find their objections to it diminished b y the prestige arising from a large majority , which , though not a satisfactory , is , at all events , a powerful support to any parliamentary enactment . The only chance of the obnoxious rate being collected that we can see , lies in the ounningly-contrived machinery by which , jt is to be included in the
ordinary rate , and collected at the same time . Had it been levied separately—and speciall y collected as a Rate in Aid , we very much doubt whether , its opponents in Ulster would have paid one farthing . Even as it is , the opposition and . resistance threatens , to be a severe one . Tho question of the Poor Law ia Ireland , and its better adaptation to tho state of society in that country has occupied some time this week . Lord John ' s amended Law
undoubtedly remedies some obvious defects in the Act , though we confess the main provision in the new Bill—the fixing of a maximum rate—does seem to us rather a strange one . The first three clauses relate to the establishment of such a rate in each locality—five shillings in the pound of the annual value in the electoral division , and , a f ter , that , two shillings in the pound in . the union at large—in all , seven shillings in the pound . Beyond this , no farther taxation , for the relief of the p oor , can be levied in future . It is contended
that this enactment is absolutely necessary to induce persons to become tenants of farms , who would ' otherwise be deterred by the fear of limitless taxation , and the apprehension that pauperism may catch up the" whole ot * their capital . The argument may be just enough in that view of the matter , but viewed in relation to the abstract principle ofthe Poor Law —namel y , that the propert y of Ireland must support the poverty of Ireland—it is evidently inconsistent . If the seven shillings in the
pound is insufficient to relieve the destitution 0 : the people , they must either perish helplessly or the relief must come out of the Imperial revenues . In the latter case , a gross injustice will be committed on thc toiling people of . tills island , who will be taxed to support the paupers made "by Irish landlordism and past misgovernment , to the saving of the pockets of those who have possession of the soil of Ireland , and who ought either to make it support the people , or resign it into the hands of those . who would cause it to do so .
Ireland has constituted , and appears likely to continue , the main question of this , as it has done of many previous sessions . Its difficulties , disasters , destitution , and disease and deaths , meet us at every turn . The ( xorer : ) - ment have a host of measures relating to Land and Drainage , sale of Encumbered Estates , and other topics before Parliament , each oi which gives rise to what are called "Irish Debates ; " and private Members—not content with these opportunities of talking upon the subject—bring forward motions , the only ol )«
ject of which seem to be to increase the quautity of «• talk . ' \ If «« talk '' could have done it , Ireland should now be in a most prosperous condition . Among . the "talks" this week there was one on Tuesday about Emig ration . Mr . MoXSKLtis not satisfied with the . 'itodY rapid depopulation of Ireland by the combined agencies of death by starvation , andthe voluntary expatriation of all who have the means of flying from the country . He ,-therefore , proposed a resolution calling upon the Govern * ment to aid in the transportation of a still
larger number ; to which Sir Ceokge CtIIEY , on the part of the Ministry , gave his consent , as a means — according to his own statement—of " removing the local congestion of population which exists in some parts of Ireland . " It is not ofteQ we find ourselves agreeing with Mr . Jo" * ' O'Connell , nor are we penetrated bv ^ deep reverence for his senatorial qualificationsbut for orice in our lives we cordially concur
with the amendment he moved to Mr . Mo * sell' s proposition . If the object be vcallj to clear Ireland entirel y of its present inha bitants , itwouldbebettertoavowtheintentionmanl » uy and make preparations on a scale comme S rate with the magnitude of the object . W . " Times" prettybroadly hints at such a consul * mation , by suggesting howmany Irish fim » JJ could have been transported to Canada , by j ? ten-millions already spent on Ireland , if *? money had been devoted to carrying awa )' . - "
Irish wholesale : at £ G a head . In that cm we are told . that " more ; than . a million «»' half of Irish paupers , who are now Wlte l the island out of its propriety , might have located as British Colonists . " But m ^ name of common sense let usask , why ^ ore > lion and a half of unemployed—and , tw « fc rf J pauperised ~ labourers should be carried from Ireland at a cost of ten millions " . j to " the vast forests yet unknown- - . rirairiea a , R vf > t . -iiTi + rnddon hv the foot of " ' , „
the fields which yearn for the ploug h , the sp and the axe , ? . ' . in ; the British colowes ^ the . same labour and the same m oney c $ more profitably and more speedily e y tf , upon the uncultivated lands of J * " * w
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 19, 1849, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_19051849/page/4/