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j 2 .THE NORTHERN STAR.: ¦ , Fbbmkbt 21,...
Bankrupt, &u
The Lvvekxess Kiois. —" Order reigns'* i...
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J 2 .The Northern Star.: ¦ , Fbbmkbt 21,...
j 2 . THE NORTHERN STAR .: ¦ , Fbbmkbt 21 , 1846 . ¦ . _ i _ ' '••'•¦ ¦ ' i ——— in . i . . t hi i . 1 ' ¦ ¦ i ¦¦ '
Fo The Afflicted
viifvfESSHS- KRLCE ASC c <>; Cosjsoltiso Sukg -oss , .. YLYL So . 19 , CrauUler-plaes , Waterloo-road . London , « rte-ole Propr ietors of BRCGK'S 5 AMARITAX BILLS , irtiicrtiich for seventeen jears have effectually cured every < ms <» as « liro « snt under their notice during that period " tKnuKuunntiti ! : in all to upwards of 50 , 000 patients eoutiviue : co V . o be eonsulti-d at their residence , as above . B Bhcci / s SiJiAEtTAS Pills , price Is . 8 d „ 2 s . 4 d ., lis . Is . Gd ., ? s . M ., and lis . 6 d . per Bos . arc the most efftctbaafcal remedy ia every form of the Venereal Disease , in EeUtefher &» , curing in a very short period with ease , sseceecresy , and safety , and without thesligUtestconfinem « v « < or ior injury to business . Th » y are likewise a most efficient irenremcdyforall eruptions of the Skin . Their unrivalled leffiefSrat-y in Scrofulas and Scorbutic affections , aud allim-; puipurities i . ii the Wood , bain * well known throughout the UiiUnited Kingdom . Jlfissts . Brcce axd Co ., through the extent of their pr practice , having for many year * declined giving publicity to to their valuable medicines , now c « me forward , fit tie te , namatsdiciMim of hundreds of patients , who have been le < led h . U . e brink of the grave bv trusting tlicniselves in the Iu hands of Qtuult
Ait pOMihed , Sixaadh JKitton , Ui-zlrakdmih ernes , and fuXUenglh engravings , price ' 2 s . Gd ., in a sealed envelope , and seat free to any part of the kingdom , on tie receipt ofaposUijfM nrderfor 3 s . Gd . THE SECilET COMPANION , A MEDICAL IVORS on nervous debility nnd the concealed cause of the decline of physical strength and Joss of mental capacity , with remarks on the effects Of solitary indulgence , ncglecied gonorrhoea , syphilis , secondary symptoms , A-c , and mode of treatment ; followed iy observations on marriage , with proper directions for < he removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with en-1 graving ? , showing the evils arising from the use of mer- i cury , and its influence on the body . By R . J- Bkodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London . Published by the Authors , and sold by Sherwood , Gilber t , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Mr . Xoble , 314 , Chancery-lane ; 3 Ir . Purkiss , Compton-street , Soho ; Uannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Barth , 4 , Brydges-street , Covt-nt-garden ; Gordon , 146 , LeadenhaBstreet , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Sutton , . ffctiea-ouice , 5 ottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Kecne , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Calditott , Wolverhampton ; Jeyes , Northampton ; Parker , Hereford ; Turner , Coventry ; Slaner , Oxford ; Xewton , Church-street , and Ross and Xightingale , Chro-» M * -oSice , Livcrj . i . 01 ; Ferris and Score , Cuion-streex . Bristol ; Wood , Bi s b-ttreet , £ aest , Bull-street , Binning ! bam ; Collins , St . Mary-street , Portsmouth ; Meudham . Kelson-street , Greenwich ; Davis , Bernard-street , Southamjrfon ; and by all tsoolc-ellers in town and Country .
UKDER THE PATRONAGE-OF RO \ A . LCt AND THE AUTUO RITr Oh lllb FACULTY . KEATIXG'S CODGH LOZEXGES ;—A Kemedjr for all disorders of the Pulmonary Organs-m Difiicultv of Breatliing-in Redundancy of Phlegm-tu Incipient Consumption { of which Cough is the most positive indication ) they are of unerring efheacy . In Asthma , and in Winter Cough , they have never been known to faiL Keating's Coug h Lozenges are freefroin every deleterio » s ingredient ; they may , therefore , bo taken at all times , by the mostdeh ' cate female and by the youngest child ; while the Public Speaker and the Professional Singer will find them invaluable in allaying the hoarseness and irritation incidental to vocal execution , and consequently a powerful auxiliary in the production of Melodious Enunciation . Prepared and sold iu Boxes . Is . IU ., and Tins , 2 s . 9 d „ 4 s . Sd ., and Ms . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , Ac ., Xo . 79 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard , London . Sold Wholesale by Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdonstrect ; Edwards , C 7 , and Newberry , 45 , St . Paul's Church Yard ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Church Yard ; and retail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Venders in the Kingdom
HEALTH . ' LONG LIFE , AND HAPPINESS , SECDRED BY THAT POPULAR MEDICINE , ~ - - I '' - ' - . V-..-. . . - ' - ^ 1 MV ^; V- ' - -- ¦ ''¦ ' . ; . NO Medicine yotoffered to the world ever so rapidly attained such distinguished celebrity : it is questionable if there be now any part of the civilised globe where ! its extraordinary healing virtues have not been exhibited . This signal succ « ss is not attributable to any system of advertising , but solely to the strong recommendations of parties cured by their use . The Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pill ' s hare now in their possession upwards of fifteen hundred letters , several of them from Clergymen of the Church of England , many from distinguished isscnting Ministers , from gentlemen connected with the Army and Navy , also from Members of Parliament , Merchants , and last , though wot least , from members of the Medical Profession , and a skilful Analytical Chemist ; all speaking hi the highest terms of the value of this inestimable medicine . This is a mass of evidence iu its favour beyond all parallel . The extraordinary properties of this medicine are thus described by an eminent physician , who says , " After particular observation of the action of Parr ' s Pills , I am determined , in my opinion , that the following are their true properties : —
Just Published , A new andl mportant Edition of the Silent Friend on Human FraUty . Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Offi « e Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ef the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause tbat destroys physical energy , and the ability of m .-tuhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Ten fine coloured Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by observations on the obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; , with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confi . dence of success .
or vise , unseen , internally endanger the . very vital organs of existence . To . those suffering from the consequences which \ his disease may have left behind in tlio form oi secondary symptoms , eruptions of the skin , blotches on the head and face , ulcerations and enlargement of tho throat , tonsils , and threatened destruction of the nose , palate , '& £ , nodes on the shin bones , or any of those painful aiFections arising from the dangerous effects of the indiscriminate use of mercury , or the evils of an imperfect cure , ' the Concentrated Detersive Essence will be found to be attended with the most astonishing effects , in checking the ravages of the disorder , removing nll ' scorbutic complaints , and effectually re-establishing the lualth of the constitution . To persons entering upon the responsibilities of matrimony , and who ever had the misfortune during their more youthful days to be affected with any form of these diseases , a previous com-se of this medicine is highly essential , and of the greatest importance , as piorc serious affections arc visited upon an innoow' - wife and offspring , from it want of those simple precautions , than perhaps half the world is aware of ; for , it must be remembered ., where the fountain is polluted , the streams that How from it cannot be pure .
THE EARL UJb ALUBUItUUUU CURED BV HOLLOW AY'S PILLS . THE Earl of Aldborough cured of a Liver and Stomach Complaint Extract of a Letter from the Earl of Aldborough , dated Villa Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , 1815 : — . To Professor Holloway . Sir , —Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness in sending me your pills as you did , I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for theamount , and , at the same time , to add that your pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my liver and stomach , which ail the most eminent of the faculty at home , and all over the continent , had not been able to effect ; nay ! not even the waters of Carlsbad and Maricnbad . I wisli to have another box and a pot of the ointment , in case any of my family should ever require either . Your most obliged and obedient servant , ( Signed ) ALDnoltyUGU , . 1 Wonderful Cure of Dropsy of Five Years'standing . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Thomas Taylor , Chemist , Stockton , Durham , 17 th April , 1 S 45 : — To Professor Holloway . Sir , —I think it my duty to inform you that Mrs , Clough , wife of Mr . John Clough , a respectable farmer of Acklam , within four miles of this placs , had been suffering from dropsy for five years , and had had the best medical advice , without receiving any relief , Hearing of your pills and ointment , she usod them with sucl ) surpri : ing benefit that , in fact , she has now given them ip , being so well , aud quite able to attend to her household duties as formerly , which she never expected to do again . I had almost forgotten to state that she was given up by the faculty as incurable . When she used to get up in the morning it was impossible to discover a feature in her face , being in such a fearful state . This cure is entirely by the use of your medicines . sir Jjctfce
BLAIR'S GOUT AMD RHEUMATIC PILLS . A severe case of Rheumatism , communicated by Mr , AlUn , Proprietor of the Nottingham Mercury , Mercury Ollico , Nottingham , March 17 , 1845 . Sib , —I have the pleasure of forwarding you the particulars of a case in which BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS have proved eminently successful . A young woman , named Mary Wain , accompanied by her parents , who reside at Watnall , near this town , called upon me on Saturday last , being desirous of making her euso known for the benefit of the public . It appears that Mary Wain had for some years past been a great sufferer from Rheumatism , but that in October hist she was more than ordinarily alilieted , so much so that her father fetched her from her place ol service , in ord « r that she might have Hie attention of her mother at home ; at that time—to make use of the mother's description , " she could not lift her hand to her mouth , or her foot the height of sixpence from the floor . " Having heard of Blair ' s Pills , the father purchased a box at my shop about the second week in October ; the Pills took immediate effect , for I am assured by the parents and the girl herself , that on the following day she could not only lift her hand up to feed herself , hut she could also move about ou crutches . Since that time she has had fire mere boxes of tiie Pills , aud , if I may judge from appttarances , is as well as she ever was in her life , and has been so for some mouths past . You are at liberty to make use of my name if you think it will add to the weight of this testimonial . I am , Sir , yours truly , To Mr . Prout , 229 , Strand .- lUciuuo Aiaes . The never-failing effects of BLAIR'S GOCT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS in curing every description of Gout and Rheumatism , have secured to them a celebritv unequalled by any medicine of past or present times . They > ot only give relief in a few hours , but restore to perfect health in an inconceivabl y short space of time . They are equally speedy and certain in lumbago , sciatica , pains iu the head or face , and indeed of any rheumatic or gouty affection ; in fact , such ll , 13 been tilt ! rapidity , porfeek ease , and complete- safety of this mediuino , thut it ha * astonished all who have taken it , and flu-re is scarcely « city , town , or village , in the kingdom , but contains many grateful evidences of its beni gn influence . Sold by Thomas Prout , * 2 i > , Strand , London ; and by his appointment by - -Beaton , Hay , -Alien , Land , Ilaigh , Smith , Boll , Tc \\ wse „ d , Haines ami Xevsoai . % Smceiim , licinhardt , Tarbst-om , and limner , Leodx ; liruoi-. e , llc \ v ;; lmry , ilenuis am ! * on , lhirdfiihl , Afo . tnu , LiUle , HaMniM-. i , I inn-v . x \\ u \ Hargrove , York ; ricokc ami V ,, W alker and C \ :,, Stafford , l ' liu-k-
nor , Doucaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Cotvtcs , Thompson , Tbirskj Wiley ; . EasuigwoWj Kngland , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting , Knarosborough ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington : Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdalo , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Siiaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcastcr ; Rogerson , Cooper , Nowby , Kay , Bradford ; Brico , Priestley , Ponfefract ; Cord well , Gill , Ljiwton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Lejlaud , Hartley , Parker , Dunti , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dulby , Wotherby ; Waite , Harrogate : Wall , Barnsloy ; nnd all respectable medicine venders throughout the kingdom , . Price 2 s . 9 d . per box . Ask fer BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS , aud observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Government stamp affixed to caclt'box of the Genuine Medicine .
CAUTION!—Unprincipled individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the same names ; they copy ' the labels , bills , advertisements , and testimonials of the original Messrs . Howard and Thomas's Succcdaneum . It is , therefore , highly necessary to see that the words "Howard and Thomas" are on the wrapper of eack article . All others are fraudulent imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . Gd . PATRONISED by her Majesty the Queen , his Royal Highness Princa Albert , her Royal Highness the Duchess ot Kent , his Majesty the King of the Belgians , his Majesty the King of Prussia , his Grace the Archbishop f Canterbury , suul nearly all the Nobility , the Bishops , asd the Clergy , Messrs , HOWARD and THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUM , for filling decayed teeth , however large the cavity . It is superior to anything ever before used , as it is pkeed in the tooth in a soft state , withoutany pressure or pain , and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel , and will remain firm in the to » th many years , rendering extraction unnecessary . It arrests all furthar progress of decay , and renders them againusefulinmasticatisn . Allpersonc can use Messrs . Howard and Thomas ' s Succcdaneum themselves with ease , ks full directions are tncloscd . Prepared only by Messrs . Howard and Thomas Surgeon-Dentists , 6 ' 4 , Bcrners-street , Oxford-street , London , price 2 s . Cd . Sold by their appointment by the following agents : —Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baiues and Newsome , Smeeton , Bernhardt , Tarbottom , and Horner , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdckin , Moxon , Little , Hardmtm , Linney , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Think ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting , Knnrvsborough ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcastcr ; Rogerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontefraet ; Cordwell , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Lcyjand , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Palby , Wethcrby ; Waie , Harrogate ; Wall , Barnsiey ; and by all chemists aud medicine vendors : or the proprietors will send tho Succcdaneum free by post to any park ef the kingdom .
UXbEll 1 IQYAL PATKOXAGE , PEftFECT FREEDOM PROM COUGHS IN TEN MINUTES AFTER USE , AND a rapid cure of ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , COLDS , and all Disorders of the Breath and Lungs , is insured by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . The truly wonderful powers of tin ' s remedy have called forth testimonials from all ranks of society , in all quarters of the world . Tho following havo just been received : — CUBES OF ASTHMAS , COUGHS , AND COLDS IX STAMF 0 HD . From Jfr , II . Bagky , bookseller , Ironmonger-street . Nov . 15 , 1 S 45 . Gentlemen—Having been some few months appointed agent for Stamford for your excellent medicine , 1 have groat pleasure in communicating to you the beneficial effects many parties iu and around Stamford have experienced from its use in asthmas , coughs , aud difficulty of breathing , and the complimentary manner iu which they recommend them . One highly respectable gentleman in Stamford has experienced the most wonderful benefit in a severe and obstinate asthma , with which he has been troubled for the last twenty years . Calling at my shop the other day , he told mu that he had a few days previous caught a bad coil , and by taking two or three of the waters on going to bed , he found the cough entirely removed the next day . I have sold dozens of coxes entirely through his recommendation ; I have pleasure in adding that the gentleman is willing to give nil the information possible to parties who may be fiuffwring from the same disease , and on application to me I may give his name . U . Eaglet ,
allowing a few ' of the wafers ( taken in tho course *! tb « day ) to gradually dissolve in the mouth , my voice becWmos bright and clear , and the tone full and distinct . They are decidedly tho most efficacious of any I hay e ever used . ( Signed ) Sahgel Peaksall . The particulars of hundreds of cures may bo had from every Agent throughout the Kingdom . Dr . LOCOES WAITERS give instant relirf , and a rapid cure of Asthmas , Consumptions , Coughs , Colds , and all disorders of the Breath and Lungs . To SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS , they arc invaluable , as in a few hours they remove all hoarseness , and considerably increase the power aud flexibility of the voice . They have a most pleasant taste . Price Is . l | d ,, 2 s . 9 d ,, and lis . per Box . Agents . —DA SILVA and Co ., 1 , Bride-lane , Fleet . Street , London . Sold by all . Medicine Vendors . CAUTION . —To Protect the Public from spurious imitations , Her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners have caused to be printed on the Stamp outside each Box , the words Dr . LOCOCK'S WAFERS , in white Letters on a Red Ground . If purchasers will attend to this Caution they will be sure to get theS & muine article . Sold by one ov mora ^ ents ia cury Town vn the Kingdoms
GOUT AND RHEUMATISM , AND ALL PAIN , FUL AFFECTIONS OF TUE JOINTS , EFFECTUALLY RELIEVED LV THE COURSE OF A FEW HOURS . ONE trial is solicited , which will prove its cfTicaoy over all the medicines in general use for the above distressing complaints , having alrsady been taken in above 3 , 000 cases , without one known instance of failure . Recommended by the following well-known gentlemen , who have experienced its extraordinary effects : —Mr . Rouse , proprietor of the Eagle and Grecian Saloon , City 'oad ; Mr . Campbell , Managing Director of ditto ; Mr . Smeeson , wholesale salesman , Newgate-market ; and -Mr . J . Webster , comedian . Sold by P . M'DOUGALL only , in bottles at Is . ljd . each , 3 D , MyddletOH-street , Clerkenwell . Upon the receipt of Is . fid . will be forwarded free iuto tbe country .
IP A DUEL was fought between the Duke of Richraoad and Richard Cobden , on the question of a Repsal of the Corn Laws , it would not excite more asto . nishment than the startling fact , that the most Loathsome Disease is cured by that noted firm , Messrs . Thompson and Co ., Herbalists , of twenty-five years ' practice , No . 14 , Swan-stteet , opposite th « Crown and Anvil , Minories , at the low scale of from Five to Tea Shillings , without restraint of diet , or hindrance from business , the use of Mercury , Balsam Copavi , and other nauseous and pernicious Drugs , sold under a thousand different names in erder to cajole and delude the invalid . Remember , Sufferer ! that in England alone , there are herbs sufficient to cure every stage and symptom of this Disease . Then hasta and be cured—delays arc dangerous . Secrecy may be relied on . Country patients may rely on secrecy and punctuality , by addressing as above , and enclosing a remittance . Hours of attendance , daily , from Nino in the morning until Ten at night—Sunday , from Nine till Two—Itch cured in one hour . —Remember ! 14 , Swan-street , Minories .
Bankrupt, &U
Bankrupt , & u
BANKRUPTS . ( From Tuesday ' s Gazette , February 17 , 1816 J S . Harrison , Poole , provision-merchant—11 . H , Blacker and C . Frith , jun ., Gresham-street , warehousemen—J , Pinner , llegent-place , Globu-road , Mile-emi-road , undertaker— -W . Uonella , Worship- » treet , Finshury , cabinet , manufacturer—E . Smyrk , Hill-street , lViuduiili-strcer , Fin > bury , upholsterer— \ V . Fisher , York-place , and Ordnance-road , St , John ' s Wood , commission , -i-c-nt—T „ Metcalfe , Princess-street , Red Lion-square , cai ' iientar—A . T . A . liarfieid , Hrintol , artist—Mary Hart , Chewtoa Jfindip , Somersetshire , victualler—T . Symes , Uplyme Devonshire , draper— IV . Davis , Stran ;? eways , -Manchester , plasterer and painter—J . said ' / ,. Wilkinson , Claytonheights , York , worsted stuff-manufacturers— J . route , ston , Cloujhton-road , Birkenhead , builder . DECLARATION or IN'SOtVEXCr . J . Ilawkius , Ilurst , Berkshire , butcher .
D 1 VID £ NDS . " ¦ At . the Court , iUslughall-street . E . C . Flowers , Whitchurch , tiuckiiigh & m , cattle-dealer . March , 10 , at half-past eleven—F . Dixon , Lotig . ; ane Berinondsey , currier , March 11 , at twelve—C . J . llanister ) Derby , ( lineii-draper , March 12 , at twelve—II . Baker , Mark-lane , City , merchant , -March 12 , at eleven—J . Motion and It . Simons , Mincing-lane , City , wine and spirit merchants , March 12 , at half past eleven—J . Aplin , Bicester , Oxford , scrivener , March 12 , at half-past eleven ! In the Country , A . Parkinson , Leeds , wine and spirit merchant , March 12 , at eleven , at the Court , Leeds— IV . Lendon , sen ., and W . Lendon , jun ., Exeter , curriers , March 12 , at one , at the Court . Exeter—C . Barber , Dunham Springs , Brindle , Lancaster , calico printer , March 11 , at twelve , at the Court , Manchester—T . Clarke , Itujjby , Warwick , linen draper , March 13 , at twelve , at the Court , Birmingham .
NOTICES OF CERTIFICATE ? . At the Court , Basioghall-street . J . Brooke , Gooderstone , Norfolk , milter -ml corn merchant , March 12 , at half-past eleven—R . Tate , ltt-gentstreet , silversmith , March 12 , at twelve—F . Dixon , Longlane , Berinondsey , currier , March 12 , at one—E . Leinaa and T . K . Bryan , Church-row , Xewington , and Upper Thames-street , wharfingers , March 10 , at twelve—C . J . Blunt , Great Orinond-street , Queen-square , civil engineer , surveyor , and publisher , March 10 . at two—J . II . Hand , Westminster-bridge-road , March 12 , at one . In the Country . R . Castle , Twyninjr , Gloucestershire , grocer and milter lUrch 17 , at eleven , at the Court , Bristol—II . Woodpare Kinson , Dorsetshire , horse dealer and butcher , March 12 , atone , at the Cuurt , Exeter—G . W . Gee and J . F . Gee , Leeds , and llorsforth , Yorkshire , drapers , March 11 , at twelve , at the Court , Manchester .
At the Court of Review , March 10 . J . Laidman , Liverpool , shipowner and merchant—T . Walker and J . Walker , York-road , uphulsterers and cabinetmakers — J . Wake , Silvcrstone , Northampton , shire , timber merchant—J . Butterworth , Manchester , plumber and glazier—D . B . Smith , Liverpool , merchant —S . Phillips , lCiugston-upon-HuU , batter and sharebroker .
PAUTKERSlUtS DISSOLVES . T . W . Glovornud J . Glover , Drury-lane , coa-h spring and axietrccniakor *—F . W . Yeowell and W . Kirby braes and cock-founders—K . Yarrow and W . Overton , York Town , Surrey , army clothiers and tailors—J . Hanson and J . Milnes , Hudderafield , Yorkshire , woidstaplers —T . Farr .-ir aud G . 1 Z . I'arrar , Schoies , Yorkshire , dyers— . 1 . T . Smith and S . Woodhouse , Manchester , stock aud sharebrokc-rs—15 . Brimelow and W . Jeffs , Wi' -an bobbin-turners—It . Ashton , \ V \ Jackson , aud A . Howe Sheffield , merchants and factors ( so far as reuards A , Howe)—J . Vigurs , B . P . Batten , J . Batten , L . Vigurs , ' T . James , and W . Gilbertsou , Thames-street , Cwm Avon , Glamorganshire , and Penzance , Cornwall , copper and ' tin smelters , ironmasters , tin-plate manufacturers , and coal proprietors—B . Farndon and E . Tunmaiid , Lon « - acre-J . Wilmington and C . Castle , Bristol , attorney s
solicitors , and eonveyancei-s—J . \ Y . Walker , and E . Ileutley , Bury , Lancashire , ropeniakers— J . Watts , R . Thompson , and R . Wortley , Xurwieb , engineers , biassfoundryraen , and steum . plicket proprietors—1 ) . Ci «> ve « , 1 \ Cloves , and B . Kirlew , Katelilfe , Middlesex , and Earlstreet , Blackfriurs ^ coaLuiorchante ( so lar as regards E . Kirlew)—M . Cronan and J . Carrnclough , Leeds and Bradford , stock and sharebrokers—C . Ilird and J . Law . son , St . Helen ' s Colliery , and Darlington , Durham , winemerchants , brewers , and maltsters—K . Bennett and J . Dineley , attorneys and solicitors—M . M . Salomons and II . M . Salomon ? , Manchester—J . T . Braineld and J . D . BeeUitt , Titeuborne-street , llaymarkct , dealers in glass—Hannah Dixon mid J . Dixon , Liverpool , coaytcis—T . Wilson and D . Wilson , Halifax , Yorkshire , booksellers—II . Haties-. vortli ami W . Bonner , Kiiisistou-upvu-Uv . ll , hatters—T . Orroll and J . llulme , Little Boltou , L »>; ea-\ shire , comb-iuanufaeturers—William Gre « n and S . Cave ,
Manchester , engineers—A . Bide and L . Bide , Yeovil , Somersetshire , giuvu ^ iianufneturers—J . i ' uht-. ev aud S . Holt , Birmingham , iiiti-inanufacturers—0 . R . Wyatt aad W . t \ Barlow , Oxford , sergeong and apothecaries—11 . Tyler ami T . Lloyd , Whitecross-street , St . LuUb's , brassfounders— T . Robinson , IV . C . Cooks , and F . II . Adams , Boss , Herefordshire , farmers aud graziers—K . Pocklingtou , G . Fraekleton , aud E . T . Jm-v , Xewsate-market , meat salesmen ( so far ae regards R . Pucklington )—T . Potts and J . . Yicliolson , Juu ., Queen-s-tieet , Cheanside , lead and glass-merchants—W . Dickson , W . Burnie * T B Venn , and C . Arkcoll , Cape Town , Cape of Good Hove , merchants . *
The Lvvekxess Kiois. —" Order Reigns'* I...
The Lvvekxess Kiois . — " Order reigns' * in Inverness . I he unhappy poor have been crushed by their military subjugators . A number of the unfortunate arc hi custody , aud will » be madeiui example oi ; 1 he shipment of potatoes is coins ; on . Wealth and torce have triumphed , pwmv ' nas ' stteemubed .
Iwi'oktaxt 1-amilv Municixi :. — Ft amptou ' s Pill ot Health ettectuaUy relieves tbe stomach and bowels by gentie relaxation , without { Junius or prostration ot strength . They remove beau-ache , sickness , dizziness , pains m the chest , &; . ; are liighlv grateful to tuts stomach , promote digestion , create . wyetite , relieve languor and depression of spirits ; while , to those ot a lull habit and free livers , who arc continually siLieriag from drowsiness , heaviness and wngWK in the head and oars , thev oiier advantages that will not tail to bo appreciated . S « ldbv all vondew ot niedu-iflcs . Price Is . lid . per box , * Sec liC name ol - inoiusuj Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " ' ou the government stamn .
IIOUOWAY S OlKTMKXT AND PllXS .-ExTlUOlil'ISAiiv UsK .-. Mrs S . Old , xcaidintr at Oiiiipol-uif" - * . lielgnivo-square , Loudon , had iv " bad h-ir ami foot , which by ( liK'astt became entirely shapeless membliiig in appearance tho trunk of a fr .-c , ami covered wiilikihiu 1 , rucks , ntid rolls uf luvrd ile-U : the case wan such , ui .-u . for three years the ' aciy e- 't-d scarcely wall ; arr ' . 'ss ihe nitmi . Surgeons of ' i ; i " - ' ¦' 'n-ir . C'iiae weri ' ei > in- ! i ; t . d , but SiMUuciiiiti relief . . ' > v v ; r , . v . e now ( k-i-j :-. ( :,-.. : u . ii by uw \ : < o . dowc of ili-. ' ab . , v mothejivd ' : ; . i- iv ;> t ! .. t ! k niti-os in a eYv
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 21, 1846, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_21021846/page/2/