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" ; . - - Gnwftf$,ia4 weeoaqser! - Baekwardead vro fall 1 52S IfiOPK^CHARTSR ^f» R;0;SURRE5DSE
\;\\[^. ^m^ .Qw:-^v^s^sr.i - r~i-:-Valia...
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- : VOL^fi/^olSTT ^^ .^4^iiJBiB5SKSS&«s
, HBiwoop.-TWrClark Cropper, .o£Mancliea...
. ' J^^hrea subjects :—tic parliamentary...
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MANCHESTERi«-On iSnnday week, a rnohster...
IT TJi :v>o'!.'«.v ..., ..-for Englandr'...
» iHitiiajiU cbunt^t
LouGHBOnouoH i Chartist Demonstration.— ...
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" ; . - - Gnwftf$,Ia4 Weeoaqser! - Baekwardead Vro Fall 1 52s Ifiopk^Chartsr ^F» R;0;Surre5dse
" ; . - - Gnwftf $ , ia 4 weeoaqser ! - Baekwardead vro fall 1 52 S IfiOPK ^ CHARTSR ^ f » R ; 0 ; SURRE 5 DSE
\;\\[^. ^M^ .Qw:-^V^S^Sr.I - R~I-:-Valia...
\;\\[^ . ^ m ^ . Qw :- ^ v ^ s ^ sr . i - ~ i-:-Valiant friends ^ d Mmrades : P It has ever fceefi raydelight to rermrid jou ,: tbstf , x ? hen ' erer oat banne / has beed ^ s feick down by tyranny ; we have ' witched . our opportunity again to march onward fromihat spot- ^ hich : tyrants inten ded as our grave ; and if ever our glorious cause did make rapid advance , it-Ms been since Jloriday . the iQth , ^ hen , armed . with the . con stitution , " "we ; laid tyranny prostrate at our feet , and , guided by prudence ,: we threw ; the sh ield of protection" over I our hattalions . and the ir children . : : : ; - - / ; ' i : ; . ; : l
' Old Gfuardf / it ' vras intended that London should have been an unroofed" slaughter house , and that tyranny should , have its last feast upon the remains of constitutional libertybut they -were foiled . - Mark , when ^ 1 u se the word tyranny , ! do so in a more " comprehensive sense than is applicable'td . the mere government of the country .. 1 apply it to the pressure of faction . npon the Gbverorpent , I always speak of cfltumunities , notV ) findiriduals , and in justice to Sir George Grey , the Secretary of State for the Home Department ^ I unhesi ^ tiii ^ l y assert , that no living roan' would more regret a single act of unnecessary-cruelfyj ^ hah ^ wouldSir GfV Grey . A . more : tender-hearted . roan hreathes not ; but , as lhave often ^ stated , ME ^ WILL
GOHMirACTS AS A BODY , WHICH THE BASEST MiOXG . THEM WOULD BLUSH TO , ACKNOWLEDGE AS AN INDIVIDUAL ; , However , it is consoling to ine , and must he cheering to all . that I have received communications from all parts of-the United Empire , expressing the iighesfr ^ thanks-ahd- gratitude for my conduct on Mondayi the lOfli , while we : have even disarmed the . " Press , of . the factions ; and nowj as I predicted , tke Charter fills every mouth , and is the one topic which interests all classes .- ' - .. - --
Saving , therefore , secured this triumph , and having increased' your confidence in my judgment and resolution , -it ; becomes , my bounden duty "to improvethe advantage thajfe ^ oppr ^ ssion nas given us . ... - : '_' . ' . " . . . '" . Old Guards , without selfishness , or without looking for too mnch sympathy ~ h ~ aving-made np my mind "to brave the battle ' . and . the breeze —I think I may exuliingiy . call your attention to the . manner in which , despite of the ^ preconcerted plan to damage my - fame and overawe my resolution , I have susLTined myself against the howl of faction and the taunting jeers-of rampant tyranny .
My veracity wasassazled upon two points . Firstly—Upon , then ' umher of signatures , and the description of signatures / attached-to the National -Petition ; and , ; secondly—as to the numbers that congregated upon Kennington Common . ' : - _ . . " . - - Now , I will divide the first subject under two heads ;—Firstly , as to my own responsibility ] and , secondly , asto the conduct of the Government ; and then I shall " make a few general ebservations upon those twolpoints .
" As to my pwn _ repponsihility-r-it . was , as 1 stated in Parliament , morally andphysically impossible that I , or any other man , could critically scrutinise the signatures to a great National Petition , and if it had been possible for me to doso , I would' liave struck out- every oppressor s name , and every obscene word , as , if my knowledge of those forgeries could be presumed , I would hold myself unworthy the same of man if I allowed the constitutional appeal . ofB vMuous : people to be thus defiled . , . Secondly , as to . the conduct of the Govern-Tnent . " I' charge- the Government , upOh- the most perfect circumstantial evidence , of haying conspired to damage your cause , by throwing an unjust , ungener ous' , and nnjustifiable disrepute upon your Petition ..
Now , - mark , how I apply the evidence in ; support of this charge , The forins of the House require that fourteen days' notice shall be given of any motion that is . submitted to . it —that is , that no motion can embrace a longer period . Aware of this fact , I " denied myself the pleasure of witnessing the ( to me ) gratifying spectacle , of seeing the occupants taking possession of their castles and free labour fields on Monday , the 27 th of March . I was in my place upon .. - that day , to' have the first chance of bringing on the motion oh the 10 th ,
as an amendment upon supply—Monday being-, ' ; in general , devoted to the voting of taxes out of your packets ; but , as no question of supply had "been entered upon the order book , 1 w ^ s ; debarred , and purposely debarred , of - this _ . opportunity ; meantime ; with a hypocritical magnanimity , " characteristic of hypocritical Whigger ' y , Lord John Russell would not give me . up the Monday , but pompously conceded the following Friday , lor the mere -purpose , as , I stated in Parliament , of discovering and bringing : to light those obscenities and forgeries , which had been practised by spies , as I shall presently prove .
On Thursday evening , it was announced to & e House by the Chairman of the : Petition Committee , that the signatures to the petition were only one million nine hundred thousand four hundred and fifty-two , and there , was evidence ef a most critical review evinced in the fact that the Inspectors .. of ' tie-Petition ' s had discovered the several repetitions of different names , as well as the different ridiculous names and obscene words . This , ' ! say , proves a very critical inspection , and yet , we are told that thirteen law-stationers' clerks ^ counted the whole ef . the . signatures , - and . discovered
the whole of the forgeries and obscene names , in the space of ^ seventeen lours . Now ,- p resort to figures in refutation of this assertion , and I find that" each clerk , besides the critical inspection of names , must have counted about H 7 , 170 names , . in round numhers , within the prescribed time ; each clerk - must have counted 8 , 660 within the hour , or 150 name ' s in every minute , for seventeen consecutive hoars , or tvro names and a half in each second , for that period of time . This calculation , onl y app lies to the number of signatures stated ^ by the -kwclerks ; and my : position cannot * be disturbed , or my argument refuted , by the re T
joinder , that they countedgthem in sheets ; . and for this reason / because , the sheets werenot uniform ,. even , from any one town in the . king > dom , while the minute inspection which led to the discovery of forged and obscene names , establishes , firstly , the impossibility of performing the work within the time ; and secondly , the certainty that those names were inserted by the enemy . If they pervaded- the whele petition—ten , twenty , - nay , . thirty times , the number of clerks could not . have- peri formed "the work within -the time /; while , if those forgeries and obscenities were confined to " a few sheets to which immediate attention
was directed hy-the perpetrators , was } t fair—• was ^ it just ,-or honourable , to cast reproach upon the . National Appeal for justice . upon- so weak , s > - disreputable , . andso disgraceful , a subterfuge . '" -il : ' . ; i .: '/• - »¦ - ; ~ . ' ' . . " ' : Old Guards , leep the thread-of ihis . argument before you : —it is * that thirteen ' -law Stationers , for seventeen ^ eonsecufive hours , counted two and ahalf names in ' every , second , arid , critically inspected l 47 , 17 P . -names within t & st pefiod . Now , " I ask , if there is- a , sane rear / in'England who believes such -an assertion ?¦ And then , mark the perioa -of . time within . vhich those seventeen hours were -
devoted to the work ; I ' preserifed the : Petition at five o ' clc ^ « n Monday , and at ; twelve o ' clock- on Wednesday- a member i of the Government— . «¦ I stated -in the - House ==-3 n formed me ' of t > 'discovery ; that-is , within foriv IChr ' eeihdurs 6 fte » T p resentedithe Petiticm / as the . announ <^ ent ; AV made ,: to : tbe HouseVnThursday-. ^ ening , amid . uch yell , and-groans as Lnever . ^ f ^ Jie ard in my life itf the - most disorderly ' assembly . - VV & in the midst of all ' I ^ rteitber . " ^ my resolution jior . my . presence " of mind , -because I . was . susfeined by my o \ m consciousne !^ ot oce ^ and the guilt of the Government ^ P $ * VB « Hy
\;\\[^. ^M^ .Qw:-^V^S^Sr.I - R~I-:-Valia...
exonerate the-House and the -Petition Committee , the latter ••" m & fely " making' the report which they had received from ; the . Clerijs ,, an 4 the former receiving it is proof of my negli-^ enx : " e , | or . an attempt to practise a delusion , time not being allowed , upon the spur of the moment , to calculate the ^ impossibility ; . of arriving ; at the conclusion _ stated to the House / : .. "''•• "' . ' . ' ' : " V . " ... " . - Wellj-then , I aski whether or no Friday was pompously given-up by the noble Lord for the [ . purpose ofmaking a ; -parade of this hidden treasure , and-thus " affording an opportunity
to many moclc supporters of the .. principle to . creep eut of ' the duemma ? ' . !¦ : ' ' So much for tke ? signatures ; and now for the numbers assembled on Kennington Common . > I confess that the marvellous coinci . dence of opinion that . pervaded the , whole Press on Tuesday morningi led me to . the inevitable conclusion / that ' .. some extraordinary influences had . "been ; operating > upon ^ their dreams-Ton Monday night ; but , without a single comment of my own , I give the following
letter , as proof of the genius by whieh this coincidence was-produced . Read the following letter , Old . Guards . It'comes from one . of the most efficient snort-hand' --writers ,: who is in the = habit nf attending-public meetings , and Tvho Tvas in the car upon the'lOth : ~ tisJA gni ,--Afact has just come . to mj knoyrledge , which' may parhajs b » interesting ta you , and which w » u in goiae measure exjplaitt how all the daily papers on Tuesday , last stated that there were : only I 5 , 0 i ) 0 persons preseat atthejrieetingisn Monday last ; which somewhat . surprued . me , as I am certain , there were upwards . of
200 , 000 . . ¦ "" . " ..... ::- :. ' The Comndssiokers of Police on Monday eveaing last , tJ ' nt rtand to the papers a 'doc ' nment marked prixatp , requesting them to state that there were ' only 15 , 000 ' persons present at the meeting .. -Now ; rl thinkyou ought to ask $ he Home Seeretary , whether the police are paicTfor thejpurposeldfsupplyinttheinewspapers . withliesi .. ; . ; ; Of course I do not wish job to zhehMon . ' xaj name in conneition ' wit £ the •' matter , trat you ' may ^ l ace . the greatest reliance upon my information . " - ¦ - t ^ £ - : itamydeaxSir , faithfollyyours , " ¦ " . '" :. ' ; . : To ' Jeargtts OXJonnor / Esq ., if . P .
• = Ifowj then ; what say you to- the Tirtus of your government , andthe-justice of your Pi ess ? I leave those two "disgusting subjects -of the Petition , and the assemblage with . ^ tbis . single obseryatidn ^' . naniely , that there-never has been a . large petition presented to the ^ ° House ' of Commons in which . fraud has not been practised nr a tenfold degree . to that stated . to have occurred in the case 6 f " yout „ ' Petition ; and I ani aware of the fact myself , that parties
were employed by the day to affix , signatures to , Petitions hoth for and against Catholic Emancipation . A charge of a similar nature was- made " against the ' League ^ and . against those who got up petitions for the . admission of Jewsi into Parliament . ; but at those assertions'the .. Government sneered as they were in favour of the cause they espoused . - Old Guards , I . now leave this disgusting subject , - and 1 come to the consideration of a matter , of paramount importance ,
namely—THE DEATH OF LIBERTY . . r "Ori Saturday next the corpse : of the Con . stitution will xome in : funeral attire to the House of Lords , to lie in state ; for a few . moments , and . thence to be conveyed to the sepulchre " where the : remains of the Lord William Russell now lies , and there will the friend of liberty , and liberty itself ,, rest entombed until the loud voice of an indignant : people shall proclaim the henour of the one and the joyful resurrection of the other ; "• ..- •' ... ¦ at
Old Guards , 'T never ^ addressed you so critical a period in my Me . I have carried you successfull y , through : the turmoilof ' 39 and ' 40 , of ' 42 and ' 43 j and have piloted the good ship safely ; on the 10 th of April , ' 48 , throug-h the ranks of" our armed assailants ; but the voice of knowledge silenced the cannon ' s roar , arid the vessel with her crew came safe to harbour . -. - .- - ; - TheQi Old Guards , at whom do you think the present stab that killed liberty is aimed ? Canyon doubt that it is at thVpilpt who has
so bftehsteered . the vessel oetween . the" shoals and the iquicksahds , and who . has . stood foremost in the battle , and received the lion s share of persecution .- -1 have suffered'for the folly and : indiscretion of others , but * I have ever kept with firm footing upon the constitution , and within the limits , of the lawr-rnarrow and limited as they were—and now , Old Guards , will you allow folly or indiscretion to drive me from my vantage ground . I hear von respond ; "NoP ' ' " ' : ¦ •• "
ATHOUSAND TIMES " NO !? . , . Hear-me , -them / and- if you are ' valiant be discreet . The National Assembly proposes to violate the law , as the . law only / permits an ' assemblage . of forty . nine persons to sit as a Convention ; and if that assembly meets , it will not only strengthen our opponents , but will deter the thousands ~ yea , million . B- —whoare now preparing to join us from entering into ourranksL' ' ' . " .. . . _ ' . . Ibofe , and without a murmur ^ the indiscre- ' tjon . and the -folly of some members of the late Conyention ,. and my reward was the payment of l & Ql . ^ towards their expenses , and insults , contumely , and reproach in the House of Com « rnons 'for their every act ef indiscretion .
Will you just imagine men getting up - at public meetings , in London , and announcing that they were prepared for battle ! You remember , how Parson Stevens was prepared . How Peter ' 'Bussey was prepared ; and you know what \ has T > ecome of these valiant heroes . " : ¦ " ¦ . .-- " ' . ' .. ' '' Isowl tell you ; with more courage than they possessed , that I am not ready to " tuck up my sleeves and " go at it ; * ' but Ttell you what ! have done . I' have ; suffered more in health and constitution within the last three
" weeks than lhave within-the ten years previous , and stiU-i am more ready and prepared to " go at it , ' * in" the right -way , than any one of out -immaculate heroes . You ate . aware that I have always told you that the , existence of three parties in a state wag incompatible with ' the existence of peace , law , and orderT-that , we-would drive Peel and Russell to unite j and having - thus reduced parties ^ to their proper ^ imensidns- ^ the oppressor and ; oppressed ^ - thatrthe ypice-of the juiuititude " brought to bearupon . the" votes of " the " representatives would overwhelm and . ^ finally' overthrow ¦
tyranny ; : . : : :: - ' : < ^ . ¦ ' .::::.- .-¦ Well , notwithstanding the boasted ; triumph of -Wiriggeryj Jts ; pointed ; cannon ' . -and . " speti ^/'; on . MoiidHy , tfie _ 10 th . inst ,. so rtrely grea | is " qur ' yicfqry manifest : Jn our cohsummate courage , judgment , and-skill , ; that one half ; jof .. my ; ftme * inceJiaS'been" ^ devoted to reading the most kindly and affectionate let'ters ^ rom ' shdpkeepersi tradeBmen , ' and others of the middle , classes , tendering- their hearty co-. ope ' ratiohjto the popular- ^ cause ,. and expres sing . their determination to : urgej their representatives in parliament'to assume a bold and manly - positiorVafter Easter , andto propound measures : which , ; six . ' " months / . ago , they would have scoffed at . ' . '"" .. ' . '
Oid . "G « aTQ ^ havel not alifays . toli you . that the /' shopkeepers would . fraternise / with you when they understood their real interests ; Md nmvthatTOhave won them by our prudence , our ; jndgment , and our courage , shalL we-repulse them by our folly , our ; i ' ndisbretion , anq our rriadnessT' " :: ' '" ' " ,,. , ! ' "' / ' / ' ¦ '•!¦¦ •• . ; - > . ; ¦ , ¦ ' ¦ Old Guards , " have riotlhlway sfbeen m front of the" battle , and " will you allow | the madness of the intemperate to baulk us of the serviceof ihose . reccwte , . imd once moiethmf them into more deadly hostility ?
\;\\[^. ^M^ .Qw:-^V^S^Sr.I - R~I-:-Valia...
One Veek . after Easter . wildest the sincerity of the . Opposition .. Upon my : banner shall remain ,. " f- : = ;••; - ¦ . : ¦; .. ¦ . ¦¦• .- ¦ ' : > - •• ¦' ' THE PEOPLE'S CHARTER . '¦ "" - : ^ - - , ¦¦ AND ; - ¦ : ¦ , "'/'
NO SURRENDER ! But In the name of God ! in the name of Justice ! of Liberty and of Comm on Sense . J let us wing , the foe , and not scare the friendi ; Not only from all parts of the / kingdom , but in the House of Commons , I have received assurance ; that thePeople ' s Charter will / be the adopted principle , of the Opposition ; and the landed aristocracy of this -country ; 'haying proved themselves the greatest enemies of libertyi ' a ' prbnipt assault . ^ fill be" made upon their uhconstitutibnal ahd ^ worn-out privileges . / Old Guards ,, vou are ' not aware of the
apph ' ancesatth ' edisposalofGovernmentjespeciawy in London ; but I will give you one significant ' proof of the fact , it is this ^ as 'T' was leaving London on Saturday the 8 th ,., to discharge my duties as your bailiff , a man watched the , sind folio wed . , me from John-street to the Bank * He ran after the eab . ; Mr Price , the munagej of the Bank , was with me , and he observed ; " What does that fellow / dressed Hire a ' navvie , ' " mean by running / after us V ' ., ' . ' When I carrie but pf the Bank , he addressed me thus— " Your honour , you don ' t knew me now , but my name is ¦¦ " , ¦• ' ¦ —» iand : you got me into the ' jjolice when you were member for Cork , ; and for » God A ' miffhty ' s sake take . ' ; ' cafe ., of . yourself on
Monday , for there ' s orders to , shoot you j ; and you / should : know that half of the devils that's cheering ' . in the gallery in John-street--iseent there by the Commissioners '; and ould Wellington ( bad luck to his- soul ) ' is ;/ to be the Gbmmander-in-Chief on Monday . " , ' . ; ; , . ' . . ,. Nbw , Old Guards , I did not require / this . statement jto convince me of the fact " that Spies ; Were . ;* ent to John-street f and for this reason—having a sharp eye" ; and a sensible ear , I always found that the most ridiculous arid vldleni' speeches . / weN cheered by wolves in sheep ' s clothing , while the sensitive working-class-looking men shook their heads andhung thenv down .
Old Guards , vhereis another class who have recently'joined ns ~ Imean the : Irish Repealers ^¦ but . yp . iifm . u ' st never / lose ' sight , ' of the fact , that . not ' . " many , months ago the then leading organ of that party designated : the Six : Points of the Charter asan abomination—the' editor , Mr Duff yv declaring that his study should / be "to . widen the breach between the English and the Irish , and . that he . wouldjbe the / last , to bridge the . gulf , " Hehassonly recently oer come a convert tothe *' abeminations , " and would now proclaim a very unequal division of labour -assigning to the ABOMINABLES the . duty of fighting , arid ; tohims . elf . the more easy task
of talking about it . . This . champion of liberty isjiot quite satisfied with the result of our Demonstration of the loth ; but you will read in another part-of the paper , a very different opinion , given by the editor of / the Freeman s Journaluppn the subject , andrto . whbm I invite your . attention .. AS & t , o this the fact , that all the . pure Republican French papers declare th « fc valiant Chartism had a noble triumph over armed tyranny on the 10 th -but , what is more ^ gratiiying-than-all , while oppressed 1 with sickness , with rheumatism , anddebilityjlreflec-. tion tells me" that the gathering upon Kennington Common was the recruiting service of Chartism . ' ,
Thus , I show you that the middle classes , the shopkeepers , and Irish Repealers , are but recent converts to our principles , and that , thus augmented in force , it is our bounden duty to try its pressure upon the House . / If you doubt the present temper of the former supporters of Whiggery , you should have been ' intheHotiseon Friday night last , wh ^ nevery member of the Government , as well , as the Attorney General , wasret : eiVedasherose , with the hootings , the howlings and , the yells of their
former supporters , though not one word of . it is reported by the Press , although they were actually hooted down every tithe they rose ; ¦ ••¦ Old Guards , I assure you that declining trade , failing' manufactures ; empty tillsi increasing , afmaments , increased taxation , / addii tional placemen and pensioners , increased pauperism , and growing insolence onthe part ofthe Government , has taken the gilt off the Free Trade gingerbread ; andjhat the . former advocates of that measure . are now
amongstthe most strenuous opponents of the Goverririjient , In conclusion , them what I have to implore of youy is to postpone your National Assembly ,: whose enthusiasm may be operated . upon by spies , untilyou see the effect of this new combination of disappointed- hope , ¦; when arrayed against an intoUrant Ubevty-slaying Government . You who have followed trie so long , and whom-I have served so' faithfully ,. , will not , I am convinced , for the gratification of any passion ^ refu se obedience to my advice , arid should its following fail , thenicommand ¦•' <• Your-faithful and devoted friend . / and servant , / / , / Peargus O'CoNnron
It Tji :V>O'!.'«.V ..., ..- ¦ ;...T-^: «...
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- : Vol^Fi/^Olstt ^^ .^4^Iijbib5skss&«S
- : VOL ^ fi /^ olSTT ^^ . ^ 4 ^ iiJBiB 5 SKSS &« s
The Kennington Common Meeting. The (Dobe...
THE KENNINGTON COMMON MEETING . The ( Dobei ») -Weeki . y Fbebmas ' s Journal of Saturdaj lost contains an excellent article 6 a the late Chartist demonstration ; from which we give the following extract :-r- - . ¦• :-We have beard the result of this tnoT ' ement classed by the adTQeatea of oligarchic domination os a triiimpb over tb . B people . We hold thafthe triumpS is on the other tUe . i . Had the people concemplated in immediate wvolation oy torce of arms ; then " , Indeed , -might th « f oligarchy claljH a victorycia tbs result , but tiieilardworklog , honeit peopla contemplated ho auch tBing ^ Mid , in tUO fact . Of : Jhflir holdlojthe meetingre ^ tt » 4 Ue > of threats , batatUl more in thefact of their ref wing to be dragged , into ; giwng' battle where they' tiieant- not ! force , sad where , eves va . armed eflemy would hate to force positions sushaa few OTersuceeded W foroinf they , have won a fignal triumph for themselves and for coastiftitioaal agitattoa ,. - ' ' ' r' "' ¦ * " '
Mr O'Connor's Visit Tv Ui» ; /. • Consti...
MR O'CONNOR'S VISIT TV Ui » ; / . CONSTirUENTS . " ; . ; , ,. ; .. ; , ; . ; . .. ¦ NoirlKGHAH . ^ -F . ' O'Cciiinor , / Ef 4 ., H- ? , ~ i % ttsktPs ; pab ' . ic' ehtty into . Nottin ' sliRiU . 9 P ? ? 9 r Monday ' on which day a tea part ? and ball , will be held ; -eo-c 61 eBrafe ' the triumph gained by him . oyer thetaotiofftbatpreseated'a petition agafnat fiis . re . ' - turn ti » ParlUment . / Mr'O'Connor will . enter tfee town from "the railwir'araiion' p reciSiiy at twelve , o ' clock-af noon , and the rjeop'le will assemble lb tbe Market-plaiftei ^ fc hsaf-ijaatten " o ' clo ; cl < .. tTiatrmoriiipp —to start at eleven o ' clock , and proceed , dow ^ Wheeler-gate , AlbefBtreet , L ster-gate , and . Car ,
riagton-8 treet , 'to the ' railwaf statiuh , ^ hera the ^ rocessip ^ nj ^ lU ?? aui 4 s , 0 ! Conuor ' 8 arrival . Tbe route . Ifom thea ^ afioh will be along the . Leen-side , Bridge , street , Fisnexvgate ; ' Carter-gatej" S » e ' mtpri-s , tve . et , Hockley / Gooae ^ gate / Broad street , . . PsrlWEes ^ tstreet ; CbSpel-bar , round the Market-place , wft <§ Mr O'Connor will ' address ihi people . Theteapaitj and ball will ba held in the Exchange Hall . Pw * , to be opeaat haif-pasfc four ' o ' clock in ( ha afternoon . Tea to comrdeiheei at fiye' o ' clock , and dancing a , t nice . ' Tickets . iS 6 be' had of Mr . W . H ;! . Mott , Gppjegate ; Mr % wse- Carriri ^ ton V Mr / Sap . nde ' r 3 ,,. rtad tord ¦ ;• ' aud Mr Tlidrntori , ifysbn-green .-: . ' " - . , - .- ;
, Hbiwoop.-Twrclark Cropper, .O£Mancliea...
, HBiwoop .-TWrClark Cropper , . o £ Manclieater ; . toil deliver a . iectore . in the- Chartist-room ; Htrtleystr ' eet , on / Sandayeveningithe ' ZSrdn ' nst ; Obair to betakenatB » x . o ! clock . ¦ ¦; - . ¦ . < . ; >/}¦ - - ¦ ¦; ¦ ¦¦! ; : - , j . IlAZ L lGE . ovB . r-Mr . 01 atky of tho Executive , will atteiid the camp meeting on Suhdayuafterrioon , » t twO iO ' clpckjrand the . SiocKroax meeting at'six o ' clockin . theeve ^ ingtr .-.: '' . ' ; '•" ¦ . " ' ' . '>" - Sx HelenV , —the members of this locality are requested to attend their weekly meeting on Sunday , April 23 rd .
: '" ; :. . ITJNiyEHSAX . SUPFItAGE .. .. / . : :::. / ;;•/ , yote By ballot ^ ' ;;«/ PRoraRT ^ <^ '^ ' ^ - ^ Al ^ rjA ^^ MJlLIMlENTS ^ ; ¦ ¦ . ; ^ " PAlliENT OU MEMBERS , ' ,. " "" MQjMi . ELECTORAJi DISTRICTS .
. ' J^^Hrea Subjects :—Tic Parliamentary...
. ' J ^^ hrea subjects : —tic parliamentary debates on , t , hei-Gagging : Bim the proceedings of th <^ Conve ' ntioa ; andth © great demoaatration- 6 n > Kenninston Gomraon -Hjceupled thacolufflns ' of outlast number , 3 . * be . alm ° sfc tj ^ aY ^ xclusidri / of ^ U other subjects . J . Y « ry ; . onwillJngly , we ^ ere / cdmpelied . to leave utinpticedahostof . iniportanfcmeetings ^ hoH in . differ eat parts of the country * : We nowpteflsto this week ' a report 8 ,. abridged : Hotice 8 of the meetiflgs excludetj from our hst . „ Itwili ta / een that , we' hare . adopfetj aii' n ^' rangcIhent by which the reports , of the people ? b meetirigs will appear , to " greater adifatiiage . Let the enemies '' of Chartism read the contents of the following columns , and remember , that < - THETOICE OF TBTE PEOPLE IS THE VOICE .- ' . ¦ ,. ' ... .,....- , , OFGQD ! f /;
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Manchesteri«-On Isnnday Week, A Rnohster...
MANCHESTERi « -On iSnnday week , a rnohster demonstration ^ suppo sed , tobave nuinhe . ecl ' neai'ly a hundred thotiBund persons , took place iq SmithSeld l ^ iarkefc , The / assetoblagei wais divided iato two distinet / iBeetirigSi . Amohgstu . thja : speakers Wre Mr GTOcott ,. Mr- ^ onovan ,. Mr . Nttttall ,-Mr Cropper , Mr Ran & ine , and Mr John Murray ., , Reaolatioris were passed , pjeding the ineeting to sripport tbp Convention in a . ny emergency ., Ah . immense meeting , was Kolden in the People's Hall , in the evening . "
' The Social-C 6 flSTABLEs .--A numerous bodyj . p ' f special constables signed a requisition to the mayor foHbeuseortbeTowh-hall , to consider hOw . far they were justifiedi'in casS of riot , to illiuse their ' customera . ., Of course , thei . Town- Jjall was refused . The ccnstablesthenengaged the-Corn Exchange , and hel ^ tw © meetings , andgasaedrreeolutions to BQppOft the Peoole ' s Charter . - : ; . ., The Tkabes . —The trades delegates Of Manchester have heldtwo meetingo . and passed resolutions , in favour oft hV Charter , ? hd trote ^ ting agaihst the Gasein ' BBill . "'/" -, ' ., '; ... ' , " , ., ' . , _
The vJBMimAYEO OpxaiiivE ? . —A . meeting of the ' unemployed operativea * ' was held on Saturday , ereni ' nglastjiiiStevenBon ' fi-square . ' W . H- Chad , wick was called to the chair .. They were told that they' were not ye | i r prepared to receive , their , rights , ; . that ,. they , ' were , ; : to 6 , ^ degr ^ 4 ed ' and / ignorant . lie b ' eHevedithey , were prepared ; ' Ab a clasa ; ' they were as moral as any other people in the world ; and if they were not * 'it was the fault of the government . Ifjgbvenimeiit changed ;/ the laws , ' they would also change the conduct Of the people ..- H . e ; : believedtbat the people were . intellectually arid physically . jprepased to . receiwtheir rights ; ( Hear . ) JdmesAbram Ball declared ^ tbat he was determined to speak hie mind , in Bpite : of What the authorities might . say .
They-had , however , had plenty ot . talking ; and it was now , high / tinse for actfngv . They , wire told tob & iente ^ ted ., But could they be contented in slaver . v ? V NOi *) : Now , then . iwas the time for action . He was determined toresig ^ the oppression under which he had suffered . —William Schqfield said , theraayor of Manchester had put . out a proclamation in which be alludedto * unprincipled agitators , ' who werie in : eitirig / the . people to' tha ' deatructi ' oh of property ; Uad -he ever , ' ¦ advip 8 d / them to . destroy property ? ( Noj Then the mayor must be a liar ; and , as snebi stood confounded . The proceedings terminated about eight tfclockr' -AtiridDecl front the ' ' Manchester . Guar ^ dtflti . ' / - '' . .. / " / //' :: / :.: /// ..,: ' / ' : . " ; ..,,. ' . ' ¦ : " . ; ' ¦ <¦ «
' ., M ^ tikg ^ ' at the . pEOp ^ a'a , iKsriiDiB . T-On Monday evening lastrft meeting was held at the People's Institute , i to protest against the' ' Gagging Bill' of Sir . George Kiny :- Mp- BurtoB , ; ntofcMla ma & w , OJdham-i-oad , was called to the ' chair ; and ; after stating that it / was the object of the bill in question topreverittlte people complaining of their grievances , to said , that if the Chartists were determined to respect persons and property > it * was the duty of all the middle classes to join them . ( Applauee . ) The interests of the middle classes depended upon / the working classes getting their tights | fopthe middte Olaases depended upbn the prosperity of . the working classes rr . Mt James George Clack .-then moved the first resolution , denouncing the bill , now before the House of-Common ' s , as < Iha most flagt'ant aitehlnt !
made in 'tbiscouhtry fdr ; centnrie 8 to deprive , the peopleoftHeirrighttocdrnplaiD ofgrievances .. : ' This . bill . Ke si 4 d ,. wa , 8 aa attempt to ,. . stay the people : of this couhtfy . from passisg , that Rubicon ! which muat , w-ould , and should , be . ¦ passed by . the people of this country . ¦> ( Applaoae . ) ' He then described the snffeti , ug af ' the working" classea , which , he allegeii hsd ' arisen / from the oligarchy : shaving , prevented the lau'd / frbm'b ^ i ^ g ' , opened fo ' them . Ihebill of Sir Gebree Grey was unnatural , tyrannical , and oppressive . Should the lion , the fierce tiger , the lamb ; th & sheep , andevevy thing be ' allowed to serid fwth'itheir plaintive criea'when , diatresaed i but should npt . man .. haye the , po ^ er ,, / tp send frifth / his j { J , airiliye ; . cry /; . ' / td eend forth hia wrongs in a . nunciations or . imprecations . against the tyrants who
«< st only robbed , hun of the produce of hia iniastry , but were' obstacles to" the ; working , classes' producing a'bttndancO of wealth , ' for themselves . The people . cf England would not submit that one iniliion and a half of them should be aent to death like '; the Jrish ,. ; , (* , No , ; no . Q . Rather , than submit to this he would proclaim hia wrongs / if . 'fee wevesen >' tenced to transportation 1 for lifeor for death-rMr George Archdeacon , in secphdnig thAreaoltition , said they had nbt sent a "bieitittbtt' against this bill of ; Sir George Grey , Jbjacaase , after what had passed with reference-to . the National Petition , they believed that it would hasra been of no usev There was nothing for : them bat ? to enter tlieirlWong protest asairistif . and to tell these tain of blopjd that , they repudiated'tt ;' ( A . Voice :., ' V 7 e will never volunteer
against freland . a ^ ftin / , '; Cwegof . ' . Never , ' and great applaqse . ) Nover before ; were the people of England and Ireland both up at the same time , struggling for their . Jiberties . . He . exhorted ^ them- in conclusioni to avoid . any fcreach , of the peace , aadto put from among . thera all wnp wished . to commit petty crimes . The resblution ,, was then put and unanimously agreed to . ' ; Mf T ^ bmaa . ^ itakei ! moved a , resolutibn ex / pressing joy ; at the naipn between the middle , and working claEses . ^ nq B leo | gin ' g that meeting to preserve that . uni ? h ' iEiyrdlate ^ an ' d . to use all the means in their ppwer /^' o ^ tynjthe ., People ^ . Charter . The | fme had , n 6 | f arrived # hen tne ,, ndddle / classes saV that their prbsperjty idependedon ' the { irbsperity of tfie / working . / clasjes . / / A . coinmittee of ' shopkeepers nnf 1 ''' tnir !/ llA ' tf > lfla < l fvi ^ ti 'linVT'liAotl f / ivniioA fn finvim ni . f in
W © nfaioii' Tf web took .. p !^ the ,, Coen Exchange ; who . would' & eri ^ every ^ feai j ^ ' toponvihcelthe middle dlassfe who :, had . 'faith ^ rtp . en tertained .. prejudices againit the' / pmcipleV arid . 6 i > ihi . ons .. of the working Classes ; arid to brin ^ bijut ; a" better understanding between / the'twa emssiia/—Mr . GeQrgo . Cliauibcrsi . in seconding the 'Vesolutiori ; eajS . that the people were wedded to , theCharter , " and that it had . become the topic of the day . ; ff oriji"M Ne . w , , Ct ( , i § . the Mayor . The rMuti . on vja ' a / parried , ahd . a , . sfei ' of thank ' s baying been giv ^ n . ta the . ch ' airmap ' . tWoraeeedihga ' termihattd ' about ^ n ^ clook . ' : ""' " ' " / .,: . ;; Mimisif ^ Sm ^ kisTim iii'iW ^' ov Char . ? i H- ^ AWwlpf ^ ftf ofBhojs lieepers ' was held on
st * eet ; totake int 6 consideration ' the / b . OJt ' meariS'o'f carryihg out therestflritfdiifr ' pas ^ at ; the / rfleeting 6 ( the Own E ' xehan ^ , ' o ^ he'ld ' tli i ^ tantl' The chair was occupied b ^ Mr ijeorfe ' . bhamb ^ rfl . . provision dsalerVd ' t Ahbaats ' striiafc . '; . Mb ,. ; G . eprge / 'H . ' Smilh , ' shoemaker / said severa'VpriVate ' rheeiings of ' shb p / We pie ' rB'haa ' ceerirec ^ h'tlr ^ r , efereE ' ce to the tisv / icbvement "' iiow comrn ' e . nce ( l / by ; iA ' r Joseph Hume , Sfr"Cbbden , and Stheiraj / o ' nd they ' . 'had , come . fothe'fesoIutlbatSatit ' wasthexpciiient til aid that raovdm ' enij'be ' c ' siuSe it fexch ^ ded ^ rjnbipies / thattwere of thegrieateSt' 7 roportance * 'ia s ' e corlDg . th 6 freedom 61 the people / and'If' & riG ' c ^ 'the ' pfesehtsy ' et ' eiri of' ' class''iegielattori ,. ' / At tteir / last meetihgit waa'teso'lved ^ ' 'That ' this ; meeting coramzsreei
rormugeinntOttBrovMiOBai mm power 'tdadd'ioifsnftobe ^ for tbe ' purpose . of carrying i 'into ., effect ' tb < r'objecfc 9 of tbe " meeting of Monday , ' April 10 th" ; 'W"tne Corn Exchange—namely ^' a . onion : ' " 61 alRlasserfcft' ^ biaihiiig tffe rights of ' the . people / Several names wera'ttip't i received of '/ s h ^ keepers ^ resS'nt .-whb' ^ ere'd ' e ' s'rfous tb'fofm a society to carry but the objects meritibiied ' in tW'resobit ' idn . AsubdommUtee ¥ aslhen ' app ' oJn ' ted . c ' onsisting of Messrs Thomas / WHlttffier / ' William' tfurtdri , Thomas ^ ar ^ rtoJvrGebfge W . Smith ; and / George : Chamber ^ . to , drasf ilp ' rulesforthe'guiaahce pf tlie / society . iand s ' ubhlTt them % 6 'h fu'iufe meeting . —Mr Thomas heywo ' o'drem'ihd ? a ; th 6 :, m ' eetfti ' g thail m ;! hll pyobabiUty' wben ' they ' riextm ^ t ' tUey" would hot be ; permifcted ^ id express their sentiments with freedom ; anatherertfre advised them to say what they had to say noio — Tiioraas Rankin , an operative , said he could answer
Manchesteri«-On Isnnday Week, A Rnohster...
for"the wotkinf cilgsses' that . tbey ;' . # ould ga on just l ; hb iitiae a ^ bp 9 Vei 1 ' ; 'toially .., heedlesa of Sir George Grey ' s bill ; and , if thg ' goveriiment imprisoned any of them , it would be for the people to aay . ^ ther they would , suffer that imprisonment or aot .-r-jihe Chrirman said'the' « ew''law had notfflade asiagle impression ' on his ' mind ; 'if never'lpr aumoment entered hia brain ; ; and ' he , sh 6 uId . ' cohtinae . ' to ex- presshis ' sentiments as fearlessly as eyer . —The meeting . ^ heia' adjwrBe " d , 1 , shortiy ...: before : eight 0 'dpdk , "to ; Taeaday nexti to consider the rules to be flrawn . up by . ithe sub-eommHtee ;—From the' Maricheitir , Gun * dicaii "¦¦ •' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' : ; '" - ' ' ' •' " ;
rOrBS air Meetino . —An open-air meeting : waa ] held on Tueaday ev ' eqlng , in rOldfield Road ^ Salfbrd , to consider the best ; meana of opposing ; the bill now before Parliament ; called the ' CrownfindGovernment Security Bill / and to petitfrm her Majesty to dismiss ber present rbihiatera , and" ^ men Ha " will p-i *^ justice to the peop ! e , f : At a'quarter past . ae . ven-o'clock , tho . ch & ir -wastaken by ayouhg ' man named Jamea Hoyle . The Chairman ,. having stated the objecta of the ^ meeting , saidthat the Mak-CHK 8 TRB ; GtARBUN-told the-world only lasfc . week that . Chartism . waB dead , but he rather thought that paper would find thafrChartisra was tot dead , nor yet Bleeping ..: Mr JohniFlinn moved the first resolution , dewaring thatSirGeorge Grey ' s bill would 'do more
to alienate the'affection of the people- than any other measure , for the last filty years . What claim hab the crown and governtooiit upon the people , whom they treated as aliens ? Did the government think that the peoplewould sit quietly dowh while ¦ they plundered them . Thejgoverament said that' tbey were enemies . of peace , law , and order ; but that order waa the union bastile and miaery . - The . resolution was seoonded by araaa named Norria , who said he was an advocate of moral force , and called on the middle classes to . come forward aad join the working o'asaes in gaining the : People's Charter ; The resolution was . earried . Mr Charles Littler moved the
next resolution , calling on the Queen to dismiss her present , ministers , and ta . oallto hereouneila men who . would grant thePeople ' a Charter and Repeal . — Mr George Archdeacon seconded the resolution . He said that , the government had pretended that they triumphed last Monday , but the people would . show them , that it . was . the . Confention and the people that gained-the triumphv-. ( Cheers ;) Let them do all that they . < jould to'prevent thaeawsirigoutof the hill , and not put themselvesiin the power of ' . detectives * -and : spies . — Thanks beinjg : 'voted to the chairman , the proceedings terminated at half-paat . eight o ' clecfe , —Abridged fwra thelitrnthittf Guardian .
Camp Mbktirg ; --A Chartist camp meeting was held © a Suhday iaat , at Hurst Green ; Aahtonrunder Lyne . Many-thousands \ verepresent .---MrRichard Pilling , of Ashton , was oaUeatbthe ehair ,, and in 6 pemng . ; the proceedings he commenced by denounc * ing the , gagging' bill , and said that if all were of his mind they would , oh the morning that that bill received a third , reading cease ,. labour , until thb gb-Verhment Lad ebneeded , tbe ^; just rights . The bibodyand brutal Whigs had most unscrapalossly and contemptuously investigated the National Petition ; but although , they said that' they had found the aattieBof ' Pugnoae /" Longnope . ' ! Snubnoae , ' and ' Wellington ' , ^ tabbed to , it ,. wasitnot more likely " tbat . thes ' e hanies hadheen put there by tha thirteen clerks jwho : were appointed by . the
government to investigate it , thanby the Ghartiats f—( App ^ lause ;)^ -He had ntt doubtin' his ' owri mind . that that was the faofc . . "'If the Working and middle classes united together , then the Charter would be the law of the , land in three months , and that by moral means top . , He concluded by adrertbg to themeetinga . which . ihad ; been held , which ; in his opinion , showed that-the : middle classes were about to join the'"Workifljj '¦ elaasiBSi-in agitating for the Charter |' and by' calling 6 n ^ , 'the ineeting to swear that ; they , would / not / a & ahclon .. their agitation till every / raale of twestyToneiVeara , of age , untainted by crime , had . a vote .. : Mr GeoreeGandelet , of Hyde , moved- > a resolution expressing- contempt for the statementu made by ; the committee pf the House o ! Gomraohs , fchargine the' people / of this country with
teing . knation , dt forgera , and , retortingithe charge DMkoa th / ft i Houaa , ftf . GotataouB , as it was the opiqiOD . of . fthat meeting that if the ( names had been forged to the petition , they had been forged by spieB paid out of the " secret service money , that the go vernment inijght . be '' able rb ; reject the petition al ; tb ' geth ^ t ,. by , jBayiB ' g . tiiat . it was too . contemptible to ha taken notice of ., , The people , said the speaker , were now treated worse than slaves ; they were treated as .-criminals . Would they submit' to be thus degraded ? ' Let them tell the delegate whom they sent to the National Assembly that they were determined to cbhtinue ^ ^ the agitatioh ^^" n a peaceable , lawful , aad , conatitutipnal manner ; , that tbey were prepared jto gn up to the Queen with a- memorial praying her to dismiss her . present adviser ' s , and that upon . the ;; rejection of that memorials . they were then prepared to aay what the nest , resource should he . - / Il ^ the'h / ' prbceeded . ' to denounce the ' gagging bill ' . ' / aiid exp ' reBaed / hiB opiaionAhat the committee
who , hadfpupd ,, the , carious names attached to the National . Petition had . put' them there ;' Mr Abel Duke called on allthofie ' R'bo bad signed the ; Peti-, tion to hold / up their "hands ,, in brd | cr that ,. ( that ' meeting being'rtake' ji to , reorient the public opinion , of Ashton ) jt . migbibefieea whatiproportioaof tbe populatiohiwere really ia favour ot and : had signed the National Petition . ( A . show of hands was their , taken , andevery hand in'thei crowd appeared ' to bt held upi)—Mr'Robt / Wild / thbi delegate from AshlOD to ; ihd '' N ^ tibnjal Cofiiieation ,,: next .. addressed , the meeting . ' . Heimpjored them to be- united , and not to commit any breach of the peace , because by this they would jeopardise their cause . ' The ; resolution wasfcben nntte'the meeting , / and oarried . . —Thomas Medcalf Jenkwsi ] pf Stalybridge , tbea proposed a resolution dcpbuneing . the gagging bill , and recommending that a petition should be sent to the House ; of / C . otamos 8 against ati ' The reaolution was sevended , and : passed unanjmouslyi The proceedings then terminated ;—Manchester Guardian : " . """'
"' NfiwcAsiLBrnFON'TTRatT-A very large and 'influential meeting took place'on Monday , April 10 th , to adopt , a petition' to the House" of CoSmmbns for the Repeal of the Legislative ' "Unibn between Great Brita 5 n :, and , Ireland ; '" . ' 'Jf ^'; petition was adopted "nariimously , amidst the greatest eHthaeiasm . . North Snf elds . — 'Two humeronsly- ' attended meetings were held here on the 10 th and 11 th . Resolu tJ ^ nr , ' in support / of the Cbnyentioh and denunciatory oftheGigging Bill , were unanimously adopted . \ . Huii . ' ^^ splsndid meotin « took : place in the Temperance : Hall , en the 11 th . , Dr Gordon presided A resolution was adopted , approving oftlie coarse takes 1 by the' Convention on Monday , , the 10 th ; ' alBb a resolution , dondemnatory of Sir Georce Grey'd' Gagging Bill ,, ~ The ., meeting , wag crowded to excess . | . and nuinbers , bad ' to , g 9 , away , unable ta ' gain admiBsibn ,: .. ; ,: . . . ' ¦ ,, «¦">¦ .,-,. , ;;¦ . ¦ . (
; Bust . —On Monday evening week a large meeting took place in Union-square , 'in'support of the Peoplfc ' 8 ; t 2 & art « fr / In spite of . the raging of a piti 1 less Btornpi ; ' abbut .. three , / tto , ij \ sand . . persons were present . Mr Bbwker was called to the chair / and deliveredanexcellentaddresSi Mr , Roberts moved the firqt relation , which expresied oonfidenoa in the Convention ; MrRankift-fromManehester , and Mr Bell i irOrii Heywoodi BUpported . the resolution ' , in energetic and eloquent speeches , which t ? er < loudly ; applanded ,,, The . re-olution \ yaa adopted , and the meeiing then / separated , after haying given lottd cheera ' for the Charter .. during the . . time of the : meetiog the military were keptin the barracks , the eeldierahayingbeen ordered to be i * eady at a mb ' raent ' a noticed -:,: ''; . ' ' ¦' , '; l . /' : / . "' ' . - ; ' . - ;/
. ! . ; LiVBB ? opi , ~ OR Friday . hight : a third weeklj gathering of the Chartists of this town'was held a \ itheMusiCihall . Mr'M'Eean ' wasca . ledto'the ch ? tiri He adverted fq the nniJecessary military preparations made in / tawni' aud ;' remar kpi . it '; ' aa' singular that the Peace / Society , who ^ h & 'djBea & dia ' placard on the walls , warning'theMpeoplei . agalnsti . anarchy , sbould not bum fardled is instead at the armed btttohere . : Boing-nnitedi neither an armed nor any ¦ otherforce' wOuloVk ' efcp the Charter from them . —Mr 'Thomas Jehes- ' -den ' sur ^^ oMibr :: ;^' . '' ©! the local papers for l [ bpta { itadkB which' they had made uponi $ eCharfc : BtJcause .,:, There , were : but four honest papers m . the kingdom—the Northbiis Stab , Edi « . BWaaExpRZBS , Nation , mdVxlTBo IniBm & N ' i ^^ MW ^ W MP ? water oonderined the commercial system ' , as 'done ; apd gone forever ' and jr nr . ounced that ope meaanre ,, which ' , would be passed the
w . ae ^ .. gharter-fMcame lawj . would bethe reposses sign of the enclosed wastelandsof this country , ot ifhjph they bad- 'been ^ jnatlj rbbbedi ' Ahudins to "i ? ^^^ erf } Tor the aupijresswn of . sedition , Mr Jories warned'rjprd . 'Johri Russell that the i e p ie ot this couiitry would imitate those . , of France , and send him adrift ; .. like . vM . Guizot .-Dr Reynoldt aadre £ sed ; the mseiingsmidBt 1 loud' applause . Tht meofcm ^ tton'dissolf 6 d . . - / / . '"" . / ;'/; .... ' , ' ' ^ n ^^ H 'Xv B . K . , ^' 'EraWnisauon . r ? Recently a largatncetipgo ' fGharciats and . Repeaters was heldin . tbe : Theatre :.. Rayalo ' . Tba'Chair was takeff by Mr Jehn Byrne , chemhty ' ana th' 6 utmbsferitbusiasn ) and brder prcvailea ,, ( lu ) ribg'tKBehjire ;; pbcBedings . 'A ! reaoljiti 6 to'W ' fta ^ sftd . deelaringuthe . belief of the Mee'tinf ! thap' ^ hing ' . w . ouldisatiBfy thcututad peoplt of Ireland and England , orcure fcheills under . wbi ; h both were labouring , save a Repeal of the Union for Iechnd , and the adoption of the People ' s Charter
It Tji :V>O'!.'«.V ..., ..-For Englandr'...
IT TJi : v > o' ! . '« . v ..., ..-for Englandr ' snd-that in this belief they pkdged themBelrea tahring about both by all the m ^ in their power .-MrB . O * ffenJ ° Bf' 1 ! , i « strong and well delirered . speeeh y proposed the reeoiution , andwaa moafe'beartily greeted-by tfae ; ent « e audience , wUh whom ho a / pearedTO , a fe ? ! ^ " ^ it waa ^ h ^ d ; H yfMi'Sv ? ifrMrr ^ Digaf {»« Manchester ^ ho ' . hSrlcQSe . thereupon invitaUon , was thee intr * ducBd ; Bmldst great ; applause , fie eaid , after epeabing ailengtb apott' Ireland ' s ; ' « g bt to se ^ goveromenti that the industrious clafiBfea had more poWrlnl reasohsthah ' any / otbe ' rsJo . Keepthe peaoa . orthe ' eountry ; He' ^ qii ^ ded / for Kaiversal Suf « fr > ffe , ; and allqded 1 iio the fawjae , etiU prevalent m Ireland * observing'that-if ^^ the BeopIe there bad _ a
, domestielegislatureisuch would not b Sfthecasc . ae ch ' arged ! thb ' g > v ^ rnm ' ent ' with'tarititfflg Irish for th'birigtfbrahce ^ aithb ^ it ' h ^ fl ^ dbpeall in its power , 16 i' ^ eep . th ^ ji ^/ i gnorahce . /• , He s ' ailipi struggle was ai / toA and" if the goTernment did not act properly in time , the-people might imitate French fashions . He treated , however , that airwoald'eh"d peaceably , when the full araonat of public opMpa was brought to beat \ ipotf taose " subjectSi he . wa '? ; confident the people united . through weal and woe , , would marcbj fihbulder to , shouJderi ' until ^ he Union < wa 8 repealed , atid ^ e Charter achieved . . Mr Finnigan resumed hisseat whilst peala of approbation 1 shook the roof tree . —Mr H ; Iiatfdcoek . cf'King-stree ^ a raos tseaiOUs'Chartist and Repealer' ; moved . theadoption 6 f a
petitioh ' asking ; , for the ; Charter ; , ^ hd Eipeal , which wjisseconded . byMriyaientine . Fox , a member of the Conciliation HaU body of Repealers , wb 6 n the chairman got up and said , he had pleasure in'intrcducing to the meeting Mr George A ' rchdeac < in , the otheH gentleman who had been invited there , to assist the men of Whitehaven . —Mr Archdeacon said ; The march of Demosraoj for the last / erf weeks was moafe significant , aid if { it ; , warned not tyrantahe knew notrwhatwould . Helooked ^ at passingevents as i ? the Jnger of the Aimi ' ghty , like the fire pillar of olden times , waspoihtingthe way tojfrfeedom ' r'feif , in fact * the' Godhead / was weary of ' , the persecution of the pebple afiU determined 'to crush despftVism all evee the earth . He declared the utter abhorrence oi tha
people towards the destroyers 8 f pro ^ Jferty , street brawlers ,: and petty robbers . Ho exphiued ' the glo * rions position of ithemen ' of Mahchestef since their union , towhiobhappy umbpheattribuUdthe stoppage of the intended tiartisge . in Ddblin upon the 'Jploiiday after Patrick ' si . da . y ., Mr Archdeacon then britily but energetically adverted to the indecent and insane manner : in which the House of Commona received 1 Mr O'Gonno ^ a tibtice of pl'clenting tha Charlist petition /' He / Bald"aa an Irishman , the Cbdrter had hja , W ; ar ; m support , and ,-would have thatof all / Jbifl / epuntrymea ,. pattoolbngi : kept from iraWrnlly with the democrata of England by bad . selSsh , interested advisers ; and by the ^ machinationg of a vile , hideously tyrannical , and treacherous
government / He appealed to the Englishmen there , ifit would not be better for the Iriah people to be sabred down than have , another million ^ of corpses toaaed through . fields , and in ditches to be de « vouredby dogs—( great sensation)—and asked theas would ; they not oledge themselves ; likeruiito the men at ¦ Oldham Edge -arid Manchester ^ '' to shield from danger the prosecuted patriots—Smiih O'Brien ^ Meagher , and ... MiicneV ( At this part of the speaker ' s address , all in the theatre atood / op , andem « phatieally cried out ' ; We will . ' ) Mr Archdeacon concluded by . stating that the tp ' roBpecffor all was brightening , and tbat union , auch as hQ , 8 & Tf around bim , such as he trusted should evet hiofff prevail in Whitehaveii , w 6 u } d /« habl « i ; them ^ to-grasp liberty ahdrcrmodel institutiOBS ih / accordaae ' e with tha spirit of the age , , The lecturer afterstating that he would have the honour of adddressing the ) n the next evening on 'the necessity and beauty of temperance , *
sat down much . applatided . A vote of thanks was moved to the / tihaira ' arn which , was seconded by Mr PinnigaD , who observed , th & t " he would next night move an addr « B 8 to the gallant French people . Three cheers were given for Repeal , three for the Charter , andthreeforFiO'Connor , M . P . ' Thb ; meeting indeed ; progressed an J terminated gloriously , notwith-^ anding the petulance which the Jiarl of Lonsdale bihibited , when informed that agitation was about being carried into Cumberland ; -and up to the very gates of Lowther Castle , notwithstanding the bringing in quietlyiirt ' wcB and threes ^ by his agent and relative , of' ^ 0 yeomanry , ' and swearing , in another 2 o 0 ; speci ^ 8-i notwithstanding ^^^ also this -individual ' a direction to the police , to takedown'tbe placards , whichthe obedient functionary proceeded to effect until warned that he would reprosecuted , for felony , whin he desisted . As in eVery other ' case the people proved Ihemselres the proper speciarcona tables .
» Ihitiiajiu Cbunt^T
» iHitiiajiU cbunt ^ t
Loughbonouoh I Chartist Demonstration.— ...
LouGHBOnouoH i Chartist Demonstration . — One of the greatest meetings ever held in Loughborough took place on Sunday A / preliminary meeting was held on Moiint - Sorrell . Commoii ; about four milea . frbm Lougliborpugh , at ten o ' clock in the morning , at which about 3 , 000 persons were present , 1 , 000-of whom bad walked in pvicession ,. aix abreast , from Leicester .- Addresses were delivered ^ by Messrs Roberts of Nottingham , Skevington of Loughborough , Timms arid Coulapn of Leicester , and Dr : M-Douall . Two or three troops . of Yeomanry pavalrj were on tbe common during , the time the meeting was held , but their Beivice » were not needed . At about
halfpast eleven o ' clock the people again formed in procession , and walked to Loughborough . "Dr M"Douall walking in front ,. and Mr Robarta , of . Futtiaaham , in the rear . ' They arrived at . Loughborough about one o'clock , and , ai „ half-paat two a public ineeting was commenced in . the'market place . Mr Skevington was called'npon to preside , and firm but temperate addresses were delivered , by _ the . Chairman , Mes-ra 'Roberts / 6 ., rid _ Barber of / Nottingham ; Cbulson of Leicenter ., Mr tPa ? 8 mprfi ' Edwards , ( a , lecturer for the JPeac ^ SooiefcylyMd Dr M'Doualh Thefoilowing reflation . was ¦ ¦ . carried unsnimously : —' That this rneeting , representing the Chartists of Loughborough , L « iceBterj ' 'Ndttingham ; ' and various other adjacent placos' / db declare , that whilst they are determined to
agitate for , and accept , nothing less than the principles of the , Charter , they , will do so in a teeal , constitutional , and peaceful tnaaner ; that they are , and shall be , the determined opponents of ail who may injure orsttempTrd destroy property . ' ! A / numbef of police " men . ahdpeiiBieners , and , about SOO . specialeonstables , wore not fa ? airay , from / the , meeiing , but- there vr & B not the ; sligatest . breach , of the peace . There were about 4000 'persons present ; : On Monday evening the women of Lvughborcagh made a spirited demonstration , by' walking in -pifocession round the / town , and holding a mep / ting . in the market place .-rr ' On Tutsday movning information reached Loughborough that twenty or . thirty Chartista bad been ' taken into cua-Udy bythepolice in London ' on Monday evenins .
A few of the / Chartists ., immediately / ran ; to various parts [ pf the tow ^ with ! thej ntfptmation , aad ; a meeting was convened in . the Mattet-place , in m incredibly short time . It wasihere thought proper to send messengers Into someof the neighbouring villages , to call a meeting for two o ' clock in the aftenoon . Thia was 'accordingly / done , but before the people had dispersed ,, a troop of Dragoons rode into the Marketplace , and were Received . with . cheers . ; ; They were then put through their various movements with swords and muskets , and the pensioners and special constables who had been on duty on Sunday , were summoned to attend forthwith . Three magistrates , and an armed body ofpolicemen , . were also in the town before ' the time for the afternoon-meetingi Between
two and three the villagers beganto muster strongly . Amongst ; those-from tbe ; : Mounfc ! Sprreirside were nearly one hundred quarry . men , whoj oh hearing that ainiimber of Chartista had ' been apprehended ia London , left their work to join iaa demonstration at Loughbprougb , wi brought their iammers with them , but did not display them . A large procession moved through . a gowTpart of the town , and the raeeting was held in the Ward ' s End ; It would have been held in the Market-place , but Mr Skevington thought that in that ease aome of the imvny special conbtablea who were there might make remarks which would tend to exasperate the people , and lead to a disturbance . Mr Skevington told the people that they were called together t 0 ' show the government that
they-were with the people of London . The rumour that Mr O'Connor was taken into custody was fake ; the government had notdared to touch ' either him or any other member' of the Convention ! ( Cheers . ) While Mr . SkeviastonwaB reading a paragraph or two from the fourthieditien of Monday' ^ 'fEtEORAPH , Charles March Phillippg / Esq ., a county magiBtrate , and brother of the Under-Secretary of State , rode up , and . read a telegraphic despatch frem ' Sir George Grey to the , magistrates , stating'that London was perfectly quiet , and there had been no disturbances ; he \ therefore desired ¦ Mr Skevington to'aliew the meeting to disperse . Mr Skevington Bairftfiey would dispBrsaiiin . due time , wsA ia : the-presence of Mr Phillippstestedithefeelingtiffhepiople as to their
, determination to respect- life and property , while ^ eking t heir rights , and asked all who weald go home when he told them to : hold ' up their hands , a vast number ef hands were held up , and ' there ' was a cry of We'll come : aeain when yoa ' waiit / us ^ 'Mr Skevington toldahem that he learned how foagiute from Mr Phillipps and : Mr Dawson ( another magistrate ) in-I 832 i . > Mr Phillipps said he nevei'lagitated tor the ' Five Points' of theCbaiter . Mr Sktevmgton said he used more violenUanguagpinja ^ itating for cha Reform Bill , ' - 'thanhe-ever had done in"agitating ' or the Charter . Mr PhUlipps did not appear desirous
ofgoi n" further with this matter , but again suggested th ? propriety of the meetingdissolving . Mr , Skevingtot sad it WOlild probajbly have been dissolved b y thai time if Mr ^ flillipfshud c ^ tcome , M ' rPhillippa retired on hearing t . bisj . an'd the raeetiugdisaolved ia a peaceful and orderly ^ manner , in , a few minutea ' afterwards . ' There w / ere about 2 OOO . persopg at thia meeting .. ; , puvihg / tho / aftaihaciii tbe principal bank in ^ he ' town , and many . gf tfo tradesmen ' s shopa were c ! oscd , niit ho attempt whatever was ruadejtp injure the ' pi ' opcrty bfany ( person / . / Sucikademonstrationaa chat of this day , was / perhapi never made at ao short a notice in any other town % ( Contimci to ovr fifth page . )
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 22, 1848, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_22041848/page/1/