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• - ¦ ¦ . v 1 2 . '" THE NORTHERN STAR. ...
winch mis in ior G;;Evr. 1'iuL at Glasgow.—Jan. 17.—This city, we rel ict to iCn -d , was tiie scene of the mos* de-
structive eonil igratrm . occurrcu u the...
Thursday afternoon an Irishman was brought to the London Hospital with a compound fractuie and dislocation of tho tarsal bones of the foot. The man
after considerable reluctance consented ...
^Metropolitan fttfellfatntt
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• - ¦ ¦ . V 1 2 . '" The Northern Star. ...
• - ¦ ¦ . v 1 2 . ' " THE NORTHERN STAR . January 2 , 1 ]*
$ Books Publishing By B. D. Cousins, 18, Duke-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, London.
The Shepherd , by the R ^ t . J . E . Smith , M . A . Tol . I . price 5 s . 6 d . Vol . II price 3 s . Tol . III . price Ss . Oi ., cloth boards ; or the three volume * ia one , half-bound la calf and lettered , price lGs . Refutation of Oivenism . try G . Bedford , of Worcester ; with a Uvp ^ y . by the Tt-v . J . T .. Smith , M . A . Is . Sew Christianity : or the R-licion of St . Siraen , with a coloured portrait of a St . Siuiooian Female ; translated bytheR-v . J . E Smith , M . A . Is . The Little Book , addressed to the Bishop of Exeter and Robert Owen , by the Iter . J . E . Smith , H . A . 6 d . ; by post , lOd . .. Ml Legends and Miracl .-s , by the Rev . J . E . Smith , M . A Cloth boards , 1 * . SI . \ The Universal Chart , containing the Elements of Univer-
Winch Mis In Ior G;;Evr. 1'Iul At Glasgow.—Jan. 17.—This City, We Rel Ict To Icn -D , Was Tiie Scene Of The Mos* De-
winch mis in ior G ;; Evr . 1 ' iuL at Glasgow . —Jan . 17 . —This city , we rel ict to iCn -d , was tiie scene of the mos * de-
Structive Eonil Igratrm . Occurrcu U The...
structive eonil igratrm . occurrcu u the la > t filtccii years . The premises destroyed consia . ' pd of ahavJsome ashlar bti Ming , four stories in hci- 'ht , situiited on the cast side of Queen-street , a bIikI distance south of Ingrain-street . The first 8 torv contained live shops , occupied respectively by M- ' o ' re J-aiid W . Steel x'd I ' enney , bootmakers ; Mr William Sharp , glass and china merchant ;
Messrs Bjrtonand J'homsnn , t a and coffec / Iealers ; Mr . Ritchie , furnishing ironmonger ,- and Mr . . l . V : n Robertson , druggist . The second story was o-eiu-itd by Messrs . Robertson , Rcid . aml Co ., mer-hati ' -s ; and the third and iotiithj'torii'S by Messrs . S . and T . Brown and Co ., ? hrc >; ten- > se-ved muslin manufacturers . The prjirnss of ' . * - ' " > was so rapid , that the whole of the north < J- ! e "I the building was in Barnesbeiorc the cr ; ines ciui'l hi broil , lit into effectual operation . At ten 'tio .-k ai . xi ' got , / " »'•' - evi » r . the lire could scateelvbc ssidto be < : om ;>'*•> - * ly
•• itingnUhcd . ' I ho dvstructioo ot' " roperty is e » . itiiatcd at from £ 30 . 000 to £ W ) , kt ) , and all tlio parties an .- in-mred . T . ' ie building is a total wreck . T . a origin of tke fira h a complete mystery-
EXTRAORDINARY CURES HOLLOW AY-S OIKTMENT . wonderful Cnre of dreadful Ulcerous Sores in fte Pace and Leg , in Prince Edward Islamd . The Truth of this Statement was duly aHtited before a Magistrate . I , HooH Macd . inald , of Lot 55 , in King ' s County , do hereby declare , that a most wonderful preservation of ray ife has been effected by the use » f Hollonay ' s PUts and i otment ; and I furthermore declare , that I was very much afflicted with U ! cerous Sores in my Face and Leg ; sosevere was my complaint , that the greater part of my no * e and the roof of my mouth was eaten away , and my itg had three large ulcers on It , and that I applied to several Medical gentlemen who prescribed forme , but I !
ON THE CONCEALED CAUSE OF CONSTITUTIONAL OR ACQUIRED DEBILITIES OF THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM . Just Published , & new aad > mportant Edition ot the Silent Friend on Human Frailty . Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom ou the receipt of a ' Post Ofiise Order for 3 s . «> of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION :
Sonstituti « n . To persons entering upon the responsi ? ties of matrimony , and who ever bad the misfortun * ur their more youthful days to be affected withou vsavrn of these diseases , a prions course of this medicn highly esseatial , and of the greatest importance an re serious affections are visited upon an innoo » n * * vi ( er . o ! tipnug , tram a want of these simple remoi than perhaps half the world in aware of ; for , it m ab remembered , where the fouatai is polluted , the strus ; that flow from it cannot be pure .
COUGHS , HOARSENESS , AND ALL ASTIIMAT AND PULMONARY COMPLAINTS . EFFECTUALLY CORED BV KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . Upwards of thirty years experience has proved the infallibility of theselozenges in the cure of Winter Cough , Hoarseness , Shortness of Breath , and other Pulmonary Maladies . The patronage of his Majesty , the King of Prussia , and his Majesty the King of Hanover , has been bestowed on them ; as also that of the Nobility and Clergy of the United Kingdon ; and , above all the Faculty have especially recommended them as a remedy of unfailing officacy . Testimonials are continually r ; ceived confirmatory of the value of these Lozenges , and proving the perfect safety of their use , ( for they contain no Opi ' inn nor any preparation of that drug ;) so that tln-ymay bo given to females of ihe most delicate constitution , and children ofthemo . vt tendercst years without hesitation .
FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . THE BEST APERIENT AND ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE FOR GENERAL USE IS FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH , which effectually relieves the stomach and bowels by general relaxation , without griping or prostration of strength , Thej- remove headache , sickness , dizziness , pains in the chest , ie ., are highly grateful to the stomach , promote iigr » tvon , create appetite , relieve langour and depression of spirits ; while to those of a full habit and free livers , who arc continually suffering from drowsiness , heaviness , and singing in the head and cars , they offer advantages that will not fail to be appreciated . This medicine has for many years received the approval of the most respectable classes of society , and in contirmation of its efricacy the following letter lias been kindly forwarded to Mr . Prout , with permission to publish it , and , if requisite , to refer any respectable person to its author : —
Sold by Thon » 38 Pratt , S 29 , Strand , London ; and by his appointment by Heat # n , Hay , Allen , Land ^ Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Raines au < i Newsomo , Smteton , Reinhardt , T-arbottaa , and Horner , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdekin , M » xo » , Little , Hardmaa , Linney , and Hargrove , York , - Brooke aui C » ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doueuster ; Judsoa , Harrisen , Linney , Ripoa ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompsou , Thirsk ; Wiley , Basiagwold ; Englaad , Fell , Spivcy , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting , Knarcsboroagto ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington : Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , ICorthallertos ; Rhodes , Saaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rsgerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Ponfefract ; Cordwell , Gill , LnwUn , Daws » n , Smith , Wakefield ) Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boreughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Harrogate - . Wall , Barnsley ; and all respectable meJieine venders throughout the kingdom . Price Is . Hd . and 2 s . 9 d . per box .
FOlt STOPPING DECAYED TEETH , Price 2 s . ( id .
GOOD NEWS FOR TICK UNFORTUNATE FOR Cases of Secrecy consult J . MORRIS , and Co ., No . 31 , Newingtou-causeway , Southwarlc , Londou , whose extensive practice for the last twenty years , in upwards of 40 , 0 i ) 0 cases without a failure , is enabled to effect a complete cure of every stage and symptom of the Veneral Disease , Impotence , Seminal Weakness , and all disorders arising from solitary h ibits and excess , in lesstime and expense than ever known , without restraint of diet , hindrance of business , or the fear of discovery-, as J . m ., and Co ., may be consulted by letter stating full partic & Inrs , as speedily to effect a cure as by a personal visit . On renrttam-c of a Post-office order for Five Shillings , Advice and Prescription will be sent by return of Post to any part of Town or Country , and corresponded with until cured .
Thursday Afternoon An Irishman Was Brought To The London Hospital With A Compound Fractuie And Dislocation Of Tho Tarsal Bones Of The Foot. The Man
Thursday afternoon an Irishman was brought to the London Hospital with a compound fractuie and dislocation of tho tarsal bones of the foot . The man
After Considerable Reluctance Consented ...
after considerable reluctance consented to amputation of the leg , provided the pain was in some way diminished . The vapour of ether was had recourse to , and applied in the presence of Dr . I ' ereira , and a numerous assembly of medical gentlemen . In five minutes the inhalation proved successful , and in less than another tho leg was amputated by Mr . Adams , the patient during the time giving sly winks and facetious nods to those aurroiindiiig him . During the intervals of tho inhalation his observations were of the most facetious character , forcing from the bystand > -r 3 involuntary laughter , and converting that which to the poor fellow was a most tragical event
into a scene little short of a farce . Upon removing the ether he called out , " Hold hard there a bit , lefs have an-ither go at the grog , " which he dr ° w in with the greatest avidity . Not for one moment during the operation did he exhibit the slightest symptoms of pain , but , on the contrary , his countenance was expressive of the greatest hilarity * , and at the conclusion of the operation , after the effects of the ether had passed off , he could scarcely believe that his leg had been so painlessly removed . His ideas whilst under the influence of the vapour were similar to those of a person enjoying a pleasant dream ; he had fancied himself walking in the streets of Cork , with his Mwcethcart , and to use his own expressions , " en-Joying most pleasurable sensations . " He slept well during tho following night , and is in every respect progressing favourabiv .
Tin : Atrocious System of " Burking" Horses . — Without prejudicing the case of the individual to whom the offence is imputed , of having on the 4 th in » t . wilfully deprived a horse of life at Hanuingficld , with the view of purchasing the carcass , sufficient has baen shown to convince a vast number of persons in the neighbourhood , that tho system has for some time been carried on in that part of the county . We are credibly informed that within a circle of about three miles from tho residence of the party now is » custody not fewer than twenty horeca , which were to all appearances in previous good health , have died within the last twelve months suddenly , post-moncm txamiiiation exhibiting no ostensible cause for their deaths . One of them was a fine animal , valued at forty guineas , belonging to Mr . Chaplin , of Marks Tay , who holds a farm also at Rettendon , and which
died about Christmas last under these ( before ) mysterious circumstances . Nor has the system been confined to the barbarous destruction of that noble animal the horse ; a cow in the same vicinity , worth , £ 1 S , was not long since found dead , and no doubt is entertained , the recently made footmarks of persons being evident around tho carcass , that it was suffocated in a similar manner . The discovery has excited the greatest sensation amongst the owners of the animals , many » f whom attended tho examination , and watched the proceedings with a painful interest . It is imagined that tho animals thus killed in fino condition have been taken toa more lucrative market than that offered by the kennel or the boiler , audit is oven stated that joints have been salted down in firkins , and sold as foreign beef so imported . — Emm herald .
Serious AcctoBM . —On 'luesday afternoon , just in * her Majesty ' s carriage passed through Parliamentstreet , on the way to open the Houses of Parliament , the mob , as is usual on these occasions , made a rush to follow in the wake of the precession , when a form on which several females and children were standing was thrown down , and a young girl named Ann I'hnnn-rson , Living at 29 , Lilly-place , liegi-iu-strcet , Vauxhall , was trampled on so scvercly . by the mob that she is not expected to recover . General uoso Oonzalves cured of a bail leg bv Hoi
loway > Ointment and fills . — "the General some time ago received a gun-shot wound in the leg , which , from neg - lect and filth : no , assumed an alarming appearand-, there being a sudden outburst of several Ulcers , ami for a time mortification was seriously apprehended . Iu this alarming state the amputation of tho limb was deemed as abso . \\ iW \ $ wm'sMHj . TUa General , however , unwilling to sacrifice Ins leg , dismissed his doctors , ami set about using nothing else hut Holloway ' s Ointment ami Pills and with thtso celebrated remedies ho perfectly cored himself iu five weeks , and was . able to lenvo London last week for tuts tiontiucut .
Darinb Highway Robbery And Murder. Sheff...
DARINB HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND MURDER . Sheffieid , Jan 18 . —A most unprovoked and cold b ! ooded ; murder has been , within the last few days , com mltted upon Mr . John Riley , a respectable tobacconist oi this town , the inquest upon whose remains was opanen on Saturday night , beforMr . Badger , one of the coroners for the West Riding of Yorkshire . The facts are these . Mr . Kiley , after closing hig place of business , which is in Waingate , went on Monday evening last to » pend an hour or two with some friends at the New Market Hotel , in the Cattle Market , which place he left perfectly sober soon after twelve o ' clock , in order to proceed to his residence , which is situated a short distance from the town .
On the road leading to & village named Griniesthorpe , it would appear that he had proceeded in safety until he readied a somewhat lonely place , about three hundred yards from the last line of houses , on what is called Spital-hill , At this place he was attacked by two or three men , who , afterone of them had exclaimed , " ])—m him , here he is , " struck Rim so violently on the forehead with a life-preserver or other bludgeon so as to produes instant insensibility ; for , although he so far recovered at a subsequent period as to be enabled to crawl home , a distance of about a quarter of a mile , he was i « - cnpable of giving any other account of his assailants than that they had taken from him about thirty shillings in money , his silver watch , his hat , and his walking stick .
After being insensible for upwards of an hour on tho ground whew ho had been knocked down , and in a com . p lete pool of blood , he reached his house about twenty minutes to two o ' clock . His face at that time was covered with blood and dirt , his right hand pocket was turned out , and his braces were broken . Each eye was fearfully blackened , to tho extent of nearly an inch all rou . id ; he had a large lump on the centre of his forehead ; and his nose was smashed , and covered with coagulated blood . His hands also were covered with blood ; and there were severe abrasions and bruises on both his knees . There werelikewiseserious bruises on curious parts of his person , all of rfhich sufficiently indicated that he must , although perhaps unconsciously to himself , have » truggled violently with his assailant * .
On reaching home his first words uttered to his wife wire , " Mary , they have nearly killed me . " His wounds and bruises were bathed and poulticed by hit wife , and medical and surgical aid were called in in a few hours afterwards , but notwithstanding their skill , the unfortunate lingered until two o ' clock on Saturday morning , when he died from the effeots of the barbarous usage to which he had been subjected .
Wreck Of The Steam Ship Simps Off Cork. ...
WRECK OF THE STEAM SHIP SIMPS OFF CORK . — NINETEEN LIVES LOiT . We regret to announce that intelligence has been received by the owners of this fine vessel of herliavin : stranded on the coast , in the neighbourhood of Bally , cotton , The commander of coast guard at the adjacent station despatched at the hour of seven o ' clock or Saturday morning a hurried note to the Directors of the Cork Steam Ship Company , stating that the Sirius was ashore about half a mile to tho west of the Ballj cotton station ; that a portion of the crew were discernible on hoard the vessel , and other * on a detached rock close by , and recommending , for the purpose of protection to the property , that a military force should be at once sent to the apot . The Sirius is a splendid vessel of 705 tons , and 320 horse power , and was the first steamer that made a voyage across the Atlantic . She was timber built .
LATEST PABTICIM . A & 9 . Southern Reporter Office , Saturday Night , In addition to the foregoing outline , which appeared in the first edition , we have now the melancholy duty of recording the loss of human life and property to a vast amount , by the shipwreck of this fine vessel . No accounts from the scene of the disaster were received at Cork subsequent to those we have already published , until halfpast eight o ' clock this evening , when it was under tood that some of the passengers had arrived in town by the Watcrford mail coach , and by other conveyances . Our reporter at once called upon them at the Imperial Hotel , and found there a gentlemen from tho Steam Company's Office , Mr . Quintan , to both of whom the following particulars were kindly communicated by Captain Gaynor , barrack-master of Butterant , who was one of the passengers on board : —
Between three and four o clock tins morning , the vessel , having made an excellent passage from Dublin to the offing of Cork Harbour , struck , in a dense fog , on a reef of rocks in Bnllycotton Boy , and instantly a scene of consternation not to be described prevailed among tho pas * sengers . Captain Moffistt , the commander , then deemed it advisable to back the ship off the reef , and by much exertion with the engines and otherwise , succeeded in doing so ; but they were only a wry short time clear of the rocks when it became evident the vessel would not much longer remain afloat , as she was making water fast , and had received serious injuries in her bottom and sides . She was accordingly again turned towards the land , and very soon after began to strike on a ledge called Smith ' s Rocks , about hall a mile to the west of Ballycotton , with the certainty of going to pieces in a few hours .
The total loss of the vessel being thus inevitable , the attention of all on board was directed to the preservation of the crew and passengers ; and amidst the confusion and alarm that prevailed , the life-boat , which is usually carried over the paddle-box , was attached to the davits , and lowered , though , iinfiwfunately , on tli « wro « B «>< ia of tho ship . This boat , we understand , was not equal to accomodate more than eight , but immediately she was launched , twenty crowded into her , principally deck passengers , and before she was well clear of the steamer , melancholy to relate , she was swamped , and all in her met a watery grave save Capt , Archy Cameron , of the Prince ( river steamer ) who was a passenger from Dub-Un in the " vessel . Retaining his presence of mind he managed to keep himself afloat , and grasped a rope , by means of which he was hauled on board .
Meanwhile the steamer continued to thump heavily on the rocks , while the screams of alarm , from the affrighted passengers , and the heavy surf breaking on her sides , and on the deck , rendered the scene one of awful dinger and intense anxiety . Soon after the coast guard boat from Ballycotton station , under command of Mr . Coghlan , the chief officer , came alongside , and the ship ' s boats having by this time been also launched , the remaining passengers were got into them , and safely landed , though with the lossof cvsry portion of their luggage , & c . We are sorry to learn that the country people in that wild and wretched locality , availed themselves of the melancholy occasion to carry off evertWng they could lay
their hands on . Every article that was washed ashore before the assistance of military or police arrived was instantly carried of by the people , who continued to assemble in large numbers . A portion of the cabin plate and other portable articles of value were brought on shore in one of the boats , but soon became the booty of the country people , as did also such personal luggage belonging to the passengers as they contrived to save from the wreck . One gentleman showed us his carpet bag , ripped open with a knife , and having been plundered of all its contents , it was thrown on the beach as useless . In fact the passengers who arrived in town had barely the clothes on their back , and were obliged to purchase or borrow changes of linen , ifcc .
The deck passengers who were drowned were principally policemen ; some who had gone up in the Vanguard in charge of convicts , and some reinforcements from the constabulary depot in the Pheenix-park . some soldiers and sailors ; one of the latter , a man who was coming as mate to one of Mr . Scott ' s vessels , having been shipwrecked three timet within the last year . The commander of the vessel , Captain Moffett , who had tho reputation of being a skilful and experienced seaman , is described as being almost out of his mind at the occurrence , but of course we cannot at present form any opinion with reference to his proceedings . Up to the last accounts the ship was fast going to pieces , and probably after another tide there will not be a vestige of her leit . None of the bodies are as yet found , but it was thought that in the course of to-morrow ( Sunday ) they would be washed ashore .
The number of passengers and crew on board the Sirius was , as near as can be ascertained , about ninety , seventy one of whom have been saved . It is understood tbaf the vessel is insured , though whether to her full value is not known ; but it i * thought none of the cargo is so protected , and that it will be a complete loss .
Distress In Ireland And Scotland—The Que...
On Wednesday the Home Secretary , transmitted to th « Lord Primate , and also to the Archbishop of York , the Queen ' s letter in aid of the subscription for the distressed population in Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland . The following is a copy of the document : — Queen ' s letter to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury , for a collection in aid of the subscriptions entered into for the relief of a large portion of the population In Ireland , and in some districts of Scotland . Victoria , R . —Most Reverend Father in God , our right
trusty end right entirely beloved Councillor we greet you well . Whereas a targe portion of the population in Ireland , and in some districts of Scotland , is suffering severe distress owing to the failure of the ordinary supplies of food ; and whereas many of our subjects have an . tered into voluntary subscriptiors for their relhtf and have at the same time humbly prayed us to issue out Royal Letters , directed to the Lord Archbishop of Can . teibury and the Lord Archbishop of York , authorising them to promote contributions within their respective provinces , for the same benevolent purpose .
We , taking tho premises into our Koj al consideration , and being always ready to give the best encouragement and countenance to such humane and charitable undertakings , are graciously pleased to condescend to their request ; and we do hereby d ' . rtct that these our letters be by yov \ toimiwmioated to the several Suffragan Bishops within your province , expressly requiring them to take care that publication 1 ) 8 made hereof , on Such Sunday in the present or in the ensuing month , and in such places within the respective dioceses as the said Bishops shall appoint ; and that , upon this occasion , the minisurs in each parish do effectuall y excite their parishioners to a liberal contribution , which shall be collected the week following , at their respective dwellings , by tho churchwardens or overseers of the poor in each parish ; and the ministers of the several parishes are to cause the suras so i collected to be paid immediately into , the hands a : " the
Distress In Ireland And Scotland—The Que...
Bank of £ ngland ,. to be accounted for by then ^ T ^ ! to the carrymg on and promoting the above m 'W » w good designs . ° 1 "XMitioa ^ And so we bid yon wy hewtit y farBW * j | Given at our Court at St . Jame , - > th ' . January , 184 " , in the tenth year of our r » i Bn h S % By her Majesty ' s command , To the Most Reverend Father in God , our f ' t ? ' *** - and right entirely beloved Councillor win- tru , t ? - Archbishop of Canterbury , Primate of Lit p , tor * Metropolitan , b " 8 la < iil 3 n ( 1 The letter to the Archbishop of York la sn e script of tho above . Xact trati .
^Metropolitan Fttfellfatntt
^ Metropolitan fttfellfatntt
Extraordinary Credulity , Astiuitr,/ " A...
EXTRAORDINARY CREDULITY , ASTiUitr , / " ASPIRATIONS . ftUL , Jfj > C . U At the Thames Police Court , on Mon d singular looking tall man , named James Parso a pretends to be deaf and dumb , was brought be ?' ' ^ Ynrdley oh a charge of obtaining 5 .,. from j ! > Ir . Aaron , a Jewess , and 6 d . from Margaret Un ,. "" " ^ falsely pretending he was an astrologer and c . mlw bj tell future events . Mrs . Aaron , a woman about I * " *' years of ago , who carries on the business of a mint ; No 10 , Sion-squarc , Commercial-road East , «( at , a ( she heard of the prisoner as a great astrologer som **' ago , and that about a month since she obtained V "" of introduction to him from a Mrs . Wallace ' f f Church-lane , Lfadeuhall-strcet He ca'led at he h "
anu exniojteu colore ner some printed cards 0 ' inscibed . " Fortune telling , «< . « d . ;" on another' ¦ n ™' ruling , 10 s . ; " and upon a third , "Nativities cast 1 future husbands shown to ladies , . £ 1 , " ( tlj j lie wrote down on paper that he cast oathi-if ? ! ruled the stavs and planets . She had been nr-vi , told by Mrs . Wallace that the prisoner was vm 1 ? aadif sho was acquainted with twenty gentl ^ T would bo sure to name them all . She objected to him what he demanded , aid he called again and ma ? known to her that his fee would be 5 s ., and that | le , wanted 2 s . Cd . until he answered her questions % paid him that sum , and he wrote down on pa p , ' « \ you prepared to hear good or bad ? " She answered ™? —Mr . Yardley : Was all this done oa paper i _ i { t , ' Aaron : Yes , sir . 1 never heard him speak , Su 7 then '
went on to state that the prisoner advised herto pondet well , and not he hasty , and that he wished all ladle , understood astrology lik « himself . She wrote dom three questions on paper , and he promised to call in week and give the answers to them . He called atthe appointed time , and said he wanted another half-crown before hs exhibited the answers , she was very anxious to see them , and gave him the money . Thev amounted to nothing particular , only that she should bo a widow and marry again . ( Laughter . ) Her servant , from « tom he obtained 3 s . and whose son was at sea , had often sail to his mother , in joke , that he would marrv a black womun , and she wanted to know if that had come to p : ss He wrote down that he certainl y had married a black woman , and that her servant would have black grand . hildren
c . ( Roars of laughter . ) A female who was is her employ , who was very poor , was anxious to kno * something , and he said he would answer three question for 6 d . That morning he brought three answers . —Mr , Yardley : Well , what did he say about your affairs ? - Mrs . Aaron : He said my husband was one of the most dissipated and debaunched men that ever lived ( Laughter . )—Mr . Yardley : Well , You don ' t believe that ! —Mrs . Aaron : I do not , sir ; I am quite satisfied with him ; he is a very good man . I don ' t want him to know how foolish I have been . —Mr . Yardley : Your bus . band has very good grounds for indicting him for a lib !* and defamation of character . I suppose you wanted to live into the mysteries of futurity ?—Mrs . Aaron : Yh , ir —Mr , Yardley—And you believed he could fortell very thing that was to happen ?—Mrs . Aaron : Yes , sir 1 . —Mr . Yardley : When is our husband to die « J Mrs . Aaron : This year , sir . ( Laughter , ) — Mr . Yardley : Anything else ? — Mrs . Aaron : Nothin '
particular , sir . He said my second husband would be a very rich man . ( The simplicity with which this was said caused very great laughter , in which the ma gistrate joined he . 11 tilv . - _ Gifford and Madden , police constable of the K division , who apprehended the prisoner , here handed to theaa . giitrate a quantity of lefers and papers , with pencil writing upon them , and rude drawings of the sun , mton , and stars . The muss of papers contained the pretended nativities of various persons who had been consulted bv the arch-impostor , and a statement of what was to brfil them hereafter . These compositions were of the most wretched description , badly written , and almost every word was mispelt . There was a lot of nonsense relating to Mrs . Aaron and her affairs . —Mrs . Aaron said she bs . Heved theprsoner was not deaf , for he had written down much information about her which he could only have collected from her workpeople during their conversations . —Mr . Yaniloy said there was no doubt of it . lis
was surprised that any person , arrived at the years of maturity , should put any faith in the pretensions " of sticl a gross impostor . If people would be so extremely fool . sh as to listen to such trash , and to believe that anymM or woman had the gift of foretelling events which mt to happen hereafter the law could not protect them . Mrs . Aaron was a verj si )) v woman to part with her money , but he could not help her . The prisoner had not b « ,, gum ,. , f ft | M representations within the meanin ; of the statute ; they were false pretensions . He must set the prisoner at liberty .
Margaret Rog er * , a harried woman , whose husband ii at sea , then charged th . prisoner with deceiving her . She was m the employ of M „ . Aar 0 D i and t ) ie pr „) na had represented to her that a g . » change was to tiks place in her circumstances . She gu- nm sixpence , and . 1 question to answer , and that momilij } ie cme to her and said her planet was an unlucky onc- . ^^ v . erlthat her husband had married a black woui uVa foreign country and would soon die , ( Laughten _ nr . Yardley : Oh , your husband was to marry a black wo « ) and you was to be a widow . Did he cast your nativity-—Mrs . Rogers : No , Sir . He drew out the repressnta . tion of a corlin , and wrote down that the planets rulij ray husband was to die . He said it would take three
months to rule my planet , and he wanted 5 s . for rlannel to keep the planets warm . ( Great laughter . —Mr . Yardley : Did you give it him ?—Mrs . Rogers : No , Sir . I Ji through tbena , but not before he had been well puni- melled and scratched , and he then made utY , and out- stripped his pursuers . He has realised large sums < rf i money by his artful thicks . Among the documents i
found upon him was a printed certificate , decorated with a the royal arms and the initials V . R . in large capital * . 1 . It was to the following effect : — " This is to certify , that it the beam- has been an inmate of the London Deaf and d Dumb institution fur the period of eight yearj , dnriflj g which tini 8 he went under a long and severe study ° ° astrology . Finding himself perfect in those ruhs , so *< cording to the different ages , time , and birth , if any in- & dividual may wish to know past events as well as tlioJMi to come , he will endeavour to give correct answers to ti every inquiry . The bearer calls the attention to any Ml ^ or gentleman who may think proper to ask any question- « relating to future events as above stated , and p ledge *;* himself to give every satisfaction , and moreover , to * move all superstitious doubts which may have been Ue « ' «
tolbre on their minds . He also gives advice to tlie at-i flitted , rules the planets and consults tho stars , and 1 " ' understands the nature of herbs of overy description . " " FniOHTFix Accidkxi by the Falling op sever ** Tons of Earth at Randall ' s T : le Kilns , Mahh » s lank . —On Monday forenoon , an accident , wbifti will probably be attended with fatal consequences | ta one poor follow , happened at tho ; back of Randall al tile kihs , in Maiden-lane , King ' s-crws . For scverflei weeks past a number of men have been emp loyed Jl " turning over" the clay used for making tiles , »\ order that tho frost shall penetrate through it a ? 8 make it more suited to the purpose . In one part * < rt the ground there has existed for some time an in i luense mound of clay , which has been brought froit ' r
the various excavations for buildings in the neigfe ; bourhood , consisting of many hundred tons . 0 Monday morning , about eleven o ' clock , as the roe 1 were at work beneath this mound Uiggin * out sous of it for use , the whole of the upper portion fell , W , tor several minutes it was supposed that live or sr ot the men were buried beneath . Upon the loreniJei coming up and calling over the names , he found , to , innately , that but one poor fellow , named WillM Norm , who had been but recently empKved up < 1 the work , was missing . A search was imiiiediateia commenced amongst the fallen clay , ami the P ° ' tellow ' s head was observed protruding through tlji mass of earth , the remaining portion of his bos I being completely hid from view . Mr . Wood , the < W ( secret the work , immediately ordered the men to Kb
its time in getting the man out , but so firmly was . vas embedded , that they were compelled to uso w tn pickaxes before they could release him . The the ti occupied in doing this was near twenty minutes ., »» , _ 1 when Norris was got out , he presented a piti » iitn spectacle , both legs being broken , one in three P , llC p ' besides being injured in other parts of the bo ; bo Ik was removed with all possiMa speed to the Ue I versify College Hospital , where he was attoiutaMeo Mr . Quain and other medical gentlemen , nut Hut t the serious character of his injuries ho is " ° t not pected to recover . As Invalid Ritust to Death . —On Monday cw c ing Mr . William Payne held an iwiucst at the w Hart , Shoe-lane , on the body of Jane Wright . ;| t , 7 $ , the widow of a market garden : r : troiu j hu ihe I donee of the witnesses it appeared that the ilcct'llcce had for a length of time past been confined h' k ' roon \ at No . 1 ) 0 , Shoe-lane , throuuh ill health , , 1 th ,
was , in particular subject to epileptic tits ; i » ° i » to secure her from accident when suddenly attMatt : with these tits , a guard was always placed on the the the care with which she was watched , appe ;\ t « ie ;\ i annoy her , and on Monday night citinitg the fll *) al of her daughter-in-law she took tho h " rc-s ; uaf , uai < few minules afterwards alio hud occasion tion
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 23, 1847, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_23011847/page/2/