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^vy ^ ^T Vv^ v^V^^ X ^ ¦ " , C4\ ^k \\ T...
TO THE AFFLICTEB. MESSRS. BETJGB AW Co., Cossoustsa -o*« -oss , Ko. M, Cranmer-place, WaterlM-road, London,
Jlarfeet fottelltgence*
THE CORN MARKET. The arrival of wheat fr...
PROVINCIAL MARKETS. Wakefield, Friday—Wo...
STATE OF TRADE. cioHfr D r S ;n " cl I i...
Bankrupts, &t.
BANKRUPTS. ("From the Gazette of Tuesday...
¦Ax ExTRAoamxARY Affidavit made bei»>re the Lord Mayor, concornin;: a surprising cure effected by llolloway's Ointment and Pills.—James Staulev. living at Jionir llitrtiii m.'nn, -m -ifHiI.nMr l,.>t;,.... .j,.-. r ....."t it
the Mnusiuii-huuse , on the 14th instant...
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^Vy ^ ^T Vv^ V^V^^ X ^ ¦ " , C4\ ^K \\ T...
^ vy ^ ^ T Vv ^ v ^ V ^^ X ^ ¦ " , C 4 \ ^ k \\ THE NORTHERN STAR . May 23 ,, lS 4 g . " ' ^ ¦ i ¦ ¦ - - -,-- - ¦ ~ " ' ' . „ . TyTZ . \ i ^ n ., D . ho , it the dvihW wo rld , at th » fol lowing J Tke followinc lauies and-gentlemen als o add their from last ^ throughout the clvmsed worid' at th » Mlwing The following ladies and gentlemen also add their
To The Afflicteb. Messrs. Betjgb Aw Co., Cossoustsa -O*« -Oss , Ko. M, Cranmer-Place, Waterlm-Road, London,
TO THE AFFLICTEB . MESSRS . BETJGB AW Co ., Cossoustsa -o *« -oss , Ko . M , Cranmer-place , WaterlM-road , London ,
Sole Proprietors of BRUCE'S SAMft'AITAS PILLS , which for seventeen years have effectually cured every » s « brought under thtir antice dwing that period , BmoUBtins in all to upwards of 50 , - € tl 0 . patients , continue to be constrict- * } at fharresi fence , « s abore . Bacct ' s Samamtas Pius , ^ jriso Is . 3-1 ., 2 s . ii ., 4 e . 6 d ., Ss . fid ., and lis . Cd . per Sax , are the most effectual remedy in every form of tlveTenereal Disease , in cither Sex , curing in a very shart period with ease , secresy , and safety , aud without tiie tliglitestcosfinemen : « r injury to business . TUty are likewise a most efficieni remedy for all eruptions of the Skin . Their unrivalled efficacy in Scrofulas and Scoihutic affections , and all " purifies of th « Mood , bciig well known throug hout t United Kin-: « on > . - . ,,. ,.
MEIHOAL ADVICE OX WEAXXSaS , DEBILITY , ic . Messrs . R . J . BRODIE h Co ., Sceceoks May he consulted Daily at their Establishments , 27 , Montague iStret ; : , Russell Square , near the British Museum , London : aud li , Great Denmark Ssreet-Mountjoy Square , Dublin . Jkst pt . - " jHs 7 < t , iUitstrtited tcith full length Coloured Sngrachigson Steel , price 2 s . Cd ., iu a sealed envelope , m -1 sent pee la an % part of the imata , on tk r « 6 ipt 0 / 1 j est-ojpee order for 3 s . 6 d . TUE SJ-JCEET COMPANION , A MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the concealed cause of the decline of physical strength and Joss of mental capacit y , with remarks on the effects of solitary indulgence , neglected genorrhoes , syphilis , secondary sjniptonu , & c , and mode of treatment ; followed by observations on marriage , with proper directions for the removal of all disqualifications . Hluslrated with encravinss , showing the evils arisin"irom thenseof mer-
Pnnfymgye ^ tebk ^ arra ^^ hHston { FS & JZp ' **** * k 0 le 8 ate paten medicine houses in Lottd < ja !___
nw 7 Trif " L 0 NG > MFEi AND HAPPINESS ^ C ORED BY THA POPULAR MEDICINE NO Medicine-yet offered to the world ever so rapidh attainedsuch distinguished celebrity : it is questiona ble if there be ' now any part of the civilised globe when its extraordinary healiug virtues have not been exhibited This signal success is not attributable to any system o
Just Published , A new andimportantEdition of the Silent Friend on Human Frailly . Price 2 s . 6 < L , aad sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Ofiiee Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the IXFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE STSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDDLGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRI-
. „ . Price lis ., or four bottles in one for 33 s ., by which lis . is saved , also in £ 5 cases , which saves .- £ 112 s . - " ' Ttnereal contamkiatiin , if not at first eradicated ) will o ten remain secretly lurking in the system for years , and , although for a wliile undiscovered , at length break out upon the unhappy individual in its most dreadful forms ; or else , unseen , internally endanger the very vital orgaas of existence . To those suffering from the consequences which this disease may have left behind in the form of secondary symptoms , eruptions of the skin , blotches on the head and face , ulcerations and enlargement of the throat , tonsils , and threatened destruction of the nose , palate , « tc ., nodes on the shin bones , or any « f those painful affections arising from the dangerous effects of the ind is-
TO TIIE AFFLICTED PUBLIC . NOTICE . —The following Complaints and Diseases may be radically cured for 5 s . by Messrs . BRUCE and Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Cranmer-plaee , Wateriob-road . Advice gratis every morning from ten to twelve : — Agae # Iriflammation of all kinds Asthma Jaundice Bowel Complaints Liver Complaints Bilious Disorders Lumbago and Sciatica Consumption * Mcasles Costiveness Purgisgs and all kinds of Colics Fluxes Coughs Piles and Fistula Croup Rheumatism Convulsions and all kinds of Scarletina
EXTRAORDINARY CURES HOLLOWAlS 01 NTMEKT . A wonderful Cure of dreadful Ulcerous Sores in the Face and Leg , in Prince Edjvaril Island .. The Truth of this Statement ivas duly attested before a Magistrate , I , IIugu Macdonaid , of Lot 55 , in King ' s County , do hereby declare , that a most wonderful preservation of my life has been effected by the use of llolloway ' s Fills and Ointment ; and I furthermore declare , that I was very much afilicted with Ulcerous Sores in my Face and Leg ; so severe was ray complaint , that the greater part of my nose and the roof of my mouth was eaten away , and my leg had three large ulcers on it , and that I applied to several Medical gentlemen who prescribed for me , but I found no relief . My strength was rapidly failing everj
i ^ n ., D . ho , it the dvihW wo rld , th » lowing throughout the clvmsed worid , ' at th » Mlwing prices :-ls . lJd ., 2 s . 3 d ., ; 4 s . « d „ lis ., 22 s ., and 88 a each box . There is a considerable saving by talune me larger sizes . N . B . —Directions for the guidanc * of patients i » every disorder are affixed to each box .
FRAMPTON'S PILL OF H EALTH . THE BEST APERIENT AND ANTIBILIOU 3 MEDICINE FOR GENERAL USE IS FRAMP 10 « t > PILL OF HEALTH , which effectually relieves the stomach and bowels by general relaxation , without griping or prostration of strength . They remove headache , sickness , dizziness , pains in the chest , & c , are highly grateful to the stomach , promote digestion , create appetite , relieve langour and depression of spirits ; while to those of a full habit and free livers , who are continually suffering from drowsiness , heaviness , and singingin the head and ears , they offer advantages that win not fail to be appreciated . This medicine has for many years received the approval of the most respectable classes of society , aud in confirmation of its efficacy tho following letter has been kindly forwarded to Mr . Prout , with permission to publish it and , if requisite , to refer any respectable person to its author : —
EXTRAORDINARY ECONOMY TO TEA DRINKERS . THE DESIRE OF ENGLAND . —The PIQUA PLANT now sold at 3 s . Gd . per lb . is three times the strength of tea , and is also equal in flavour , more delicate in taste , infinitely more healthy , as is proved by physicians and chemists of high standing , also by persons in great numbers with the most delicate lungs and stomachs . It is most pleasant and invigorating , and is recommended to the debilitated for its invaluable qualities , to advanced age for Its strengthening properties , and to the public generally for its moderate price and intrinsic excellence . The Test . —The proof of the efficacy and healthful effect of the plant in preference to tea or coffee . —Let a nervous or dyspeptic patient use two or three eups of strong tea upon retiring to rest , and the effect will be night-mare , disturbed sleep , and other violent symptoms of indigestion , iScc .
PMc DOUGALL'S DROPS , for GOUT , RIIEUMA e TISM , and all painful Affections of the Joints which it effectually relieves , in the course of a few hours Having been already taken in more than 10 , 000 cases without one known instance of failure , the followinj certificates are selected from numerous others , fully de monstrating its beneficial effects : — MR . J . WEBSTER , of the Theatres Royal . Sib , —I feel much pleasure in txpressing my uuquali fled approbation of your excellent Gout Medicine . I hav suffered most severely from the gout for upwards of seve : years , and have never met with any medicine so speedi ) efficacious as yours ; indeed , I consider it a perfect boo ; to those who , like myself , suffer from that most painft complaint , } , Wejjstes .
followinc lauies and-gentlemen als o add their The following ladies and gentlemen also add their grateful testimony in its faronr : — Messrs . T . Rouse , Grecian Saloon , City-road ; Campbell , managing director of ditto ; Smeeton , salesman , Newgate Market Sergeant Brennan , G dtriiioa of Police ; Williams , firm of Williams , Boyd & Ca . West Smithfield ; Phillips , licensed victualler , Old-street ; Bray , of Tattersall ' , Hyde Park Corner . —Mesdames Delay , ' Unionstreet , Southwark ; Villiars , Denmark-street , Pentonville ; Hobbs , ( late of Newgate Market ) Bermondsey , Sold by Patrick Mc Dougall enly , in bottles , Is . ljd , and 2 s , Od . each , 35 , Myddleton-street , Clcrkenwoll . — Upon the receipt of Is . Cd . or 3 s . Cd . it will be forwarded free into the country .
Jlarfeet Fottelltgence*
Jlarfeet fottelltgence *
The Corn Market. The Arrival Of Wheat Fr...
THE CORN MARKET . The arrival of wheat from the northern wheat districts In England during the last week was moderately large , but by land carried samples the show of this article in Mark-lane for sale from the metropolitan and from the home counties was smaller than was generally expected . Still , however , the demand was exceedingly heavy , and a considerable part of the supply remained unsold when the gates of the Corn Exchange were closed in the after part of the day against the transactions of further business , although a decline of 2 s . per quarter on the finest quality , and of jjs . to 4 s . per quarter on inferior descriptions , occurred in the value of the small quantity , which was ( lisposed of since the last market day . CURRENT PRICES OF GRAIN , FLOUR , AND SEED
IK MARK-LANE . BRITISH GEAHf . Shillings per Quarter . Wheat .. Essex & Kent , white , new .. 40 to 63 .. 57 to 70 Ditto , red 47 59 .. 53 63 Suffolk and Norfolk , red .. 47 57 whitei 0 62 Lincoln and York , red .. 47 57 white 49 . 62 Northumb . and Scotch ., 47 60 Rye 22 38 Barley .. Malting 30 84 extra 37 — Distilling 20 29
Gi'inui-g .. .. .. 23 2 S Malt .. Ship 53 S 7 Ware 59 61 Oats .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , feed , 21 s Od to 23 s Cd ; potato , or short , 22 s Cd to 26 s 6 d ; Poland , 22 s 6 d to 27 s Gd ; Northumberland and Scotch , Angus , 21 s Od to 25 s fld ; potato , 21 s 0 d to 95 s 6 d ; Irish feed , 2 fl g 6 d to 22 s d ; black , 20 s Gd to 22 s 6 d ; potato , 21 s 6 d to . 4 s ea ; Gulway , 18 s Cd to 20 s 6 tl . Beans .. Ticks , new .. .. .. 32 30 old 38 Ai Harrow , small , new .. 31 38 old 49 46 Peas .. White .. .. .. .. 37 ± 3 boilers 40 44 Gray and hog .. .. 33 36 Flour .. Norfolk and Suffolk .. 44 49 Town-made ( per saek of 280 Ibs ) 46 53 Buckwheat , orBrank ... .. ., 30 32 ENSLISH SEEDS , & C .
Red clover ( per cwt . ) .. .. .. 42 to 72 White clover ( per cwt . ) .. 47 , 76 Rapeseed ( per last ) .. .. .. .. ... £ 26 28 Mustard seed , brown ( per bushel ) 7 s to lis ; white , 7 s tolas . Tares , ( per bushel ) , spring , 6 s . ; winter , 5 s . to Cs . Cd . Linseed cakes ( per 100 P of 31 b each ) £ 11 to £ 12 FOREIGN GBAIN . Shillings per Quarter . Free . In Bond . Wheat .. Dantsic and Konigsberg 63 extra 70 ., 46 _ 59 Ditto ditto .. 54 — 61 .. 44 — 52 Pomeranian , tfcc ., Anbait 56 — 63 .. 44 — ? 2 Danish , Holstein , & c . .. 54 — 61 .. 42 — 48 Russian , hard .. .. - — Ditto , soft .. .. 55 — , 58 .. 39 — 48 Spanish , hard .. .. — Ditto , soft .. .. 58 — 62 .. 44 — 51 Odessa & Taganrog . hard
—Ditto , soft .. .. 53 — SB .. 39 — 48 -Canadian , hard ., .- — Ditto fine .. .. 58 — 60 Rye Russian , Prussian , kc . — Barle .. Grinding 23 — 26 Ditto , distilling .. .. 36 — 30 .. 18 — 26 Oats .. Dutch , feed .. .. 22 — 25 Ditto , bre » v and thick .. 23 — 27 .. SO — 21 Russian 24 - 26 .. 19 - 20 Danish & Mecklenburg 24 — 20 .. 18 — 21 Beans .. Ticks , 33 to 38 , small .. 36 — 40 .. 28 — 36 Egyptian .. .. " .. 33 — 85 .. 28 — 30 Peas .. White , 32 to 43 , gray .. 33 — 30 Flour .. Dantsic and Hamburgh ( per barrel ) , fine 38 32 , superfine .. .. 32 — 34 .. 22 — 28 Canada , 38 to 33 , United States 32 — 35 .. 20 — 28 uckwheat 30 — 32 .. 24 — 28
FOREIGN SEEDS , & C . Per Quarter . Linseed .. V etershursh and Rica ( free of duty ) „ 42 to 43 Archangel , 40 to 45 , ilemel and Konigsbevs 39 49 Mediterranean , 40 to 48 , Odessa .. 42 44 Rapeseed ( free of duty ) per last .. .. £ 24 26 Red Clover ( 10 s per cwt . and 5 per cent , on the dutv ) .. 42 64 White ditto 47 70 Tares , small spring ( free of duty ) 40 to 44 . large ,. 44 so Linseed cake ( free of duty ) , Dutch , i'fi 10 s , £ 7 . French , pel-ton £ 7 0 , £ 7 10 Rape cakes ( free of duty ) £ 0 Id £ 0 15 and 5 per cent , on th . duty AVERAGE PRICES Of the last six weeks , which regulate the Duties from tin 7 th to the 14 th of May , i Ulteat Barley Oats . M ' ye . [ Beans Peas . n , , ,. s . < 1 . s . d . 1 s . d .: s . d . s . d . 1 s . (" Week « ndmg ! 1 » 1 «• - 1 *• Mar . 2 S , XSt (>\ . ; 54 10 - ' » S \ 21 10 33 C 31 111 33 S Week ending . ' . April 4 , 1846 . ' . ' " 54 3 29 4 . 21 9 \ 34 2 i 35 5 34 0 Week ending ! i . j April 11 , 1 S 4 G .. J 55 1 20 10 , 22 0 ; S 3 10 34 4 33 4 Week ending ! j j April 18 , 1846 .. j 55 5 30 2 ; 22 l 34 0 35 0 33 5 Week ending ! ' i Apvil 25 , 184 . 3 .. | 5 S 9 20 7 [ 22 6 ( 33 7 34 10 Si 2 Week ending i j I M-. y 2 1846 .. / 56 0 30 0 , 22 9 ; 33 4 35 1 33 8 Aggregate aver . j I aire of the last ; ' , six weeks J 55 3 80 0 22 2 . 33 9 34 11 33 9 Loudon aver- ! ages ( ending ! ! May 7 , 1 S 46 ) j 61 10 30 16 23 4 [ 38 2 38 3 36 10 Duties .. „ I 17 01 8 01 6 01 9 6 8 6 ' 9 1 SMITHFIELD MARKET . There was a well-stocked market this morning , and the beasts , particularly the Scots , were in excellent condition . In consequence of the high price of ' meat in the dead market , the live mart was well supported . The arrival of beasts from Yorkshire , Durham , and other parts of the north of England , amounted to 360 ; from the eastern counties , ot mixed cattle , 1 , 700 ; from the western counties mid Wales , -250 ; from Scotland , 358 lontr horned and polled cattle ; from tlie metropolitan districts , 58 mixed beasts ; and the rest were made up from various localities . The tariff stock was somewhat similar ; the cattle from Berlin decidedly have the advantage over the produce of Holland ; there were introduced into the market this morning ivom Prussia , 37 as fine beasts as the Continent could afford to transmit . There were also ottered for sale 50 oxen and cows from Holland , and four score of sheep ; there was a business done in them , but by no means actively . By the quantities of Sib ., sinking tha offal . s . < i . s . d Inferior coarse beasts . . . 2 111 SO Prime large oxen . . . 3 6 4 6 Prime Scots , . fee 4 2 4 6 Coarse inferior sheep , . . 3 10 4 4 Second quality .... 4 6 4 8 Prime Southdown . . . 5 2 5 6 Large coarse calves .... 4 4 4 10 Prime small 6 2 5 6 Suckling calves , each . . . IS 9 SI 0 Large hogs S 10 4 8 Neat small porkers ... 4656 Quartur-old store pigs , each . 16 0 22 e ma
Provincial Markets. Wakefield, Friday—Wo...
PROVINCIAL MARKETS . Wakefield , Friday—Wo have a good arrival of wheat and beans to this ( lav ' s market . The great decline in prices in Marlc-lane and other markets , during the week , together with the fine weather , and expected liberation of the foreign com , have combined tu cause the business done to be on the most limited scale , and the few sal ? s made are so variable in price , that it is difficult to quote the decline upon wheat correctly . We think the average of sales made to day are 3 s . to 4 s . per quarter below last Friday , but the sellers generally are not disposed to press sales . Barley is nominally as before . Beans , oats , and shelling are each rather lower . Manchester , Saturday . —At our market this morning the transactions in wheat were exceedingly limited , and n decline of Gd . to oil . per TOlbs . must be noted in the value of the article . Flour likewise met a slow retail sale at a reduction of fully 2 s . per saek . On oats we reduce our | quotations Id . per 451 bs , with a very languid demand . For choice qualities of oatmeal there was a steady inquiry for consumption , and , oiling to their extreme scarcity , the previous currency was obtainable for such ,
Hull , Tuesday . —The stock ot live wheat being so very small , we have had literally no business passing in the article since this day se ' nnight . At to-day ' s market we had a large attendance of tanners , but upon hearing the dull accounts from Mark-lane , most of them refused to show their samples ; however , what little business was done in wheat was at a decline of fully 3 s . to 4 s . per or . ; in bounded wheat we have nothing doing . In Spring corn we have heard of no transactions . In linseed there is almost nothing passing , owing to the slack demand for cakes and most of our crushers having , in consequence , closed their mills . Linseed cakes can bo boug ht casilv , but the demand is limited . In rapeseed and rape cakes next to nothing doing-. Rones are lower , and some business has been doing at our quotations . Guano is by no means brisk , and owing to the considerable arrivals from Patagonia in this port , we look for prices receding . Bikjiinoiiam , Thursday . —At this dav ' s market the supply of wheat was short , and it sold readil y at a reduction Of 2 S . to Ss . per ( jr . Rest red realised 7 s . 2 d . per (> 21 bs . Barley dull , but lower prices were not submitted to . Oats Od . to is . per quarter cheaper , and very few chanced hands . Beans tully as dear . °
Liverpool Corn Market . Monday . —feince this day se'nuight we have had moderate arrivals of British Grain , Meal , and Flour , but the . iiuport-s of foreign produce are to a liberal amount , there has not been much business passing in the Wheat trade during the week : Wauuinotox Cork Market . Wednesday . —The Market on Wednesday last was but [ dull , the continued tine weather preventing a large attendance of farmers . The accounts from Mark lane and Liverpool show a reduction in the price of wheat to tiie amount of ( id to tfdpcr bushel ; oui ' farmers , however , were ; not willing to sell at this reduction , so there was no business done . The millers have only lowered the price of iionr Is . per'load ; say best seconds 38 s . ; common ditto , oGs . ; and meal 34 s , Gd , to 35 s . per 2401 bs , Ot Potatoes there was a large supply Early in the day the price for Pink-eyes was 14 s ,: but Veioro the close ot the market they fetched only lis 8 d , ; seed Pinkeyes 10 s ; radicals Ss ; ( but not hiuny Jsales ) per load oi 2551 b . *
Newcastle Corn Market . Tuesday . —We had acuta 'i large supply of wheat at market to-day , both from the ftTwm imU „ C 0 ! lsUvlse ' »»* . owing t 0 the serious decline in London , there was an extremel y dull trade , and the little business transacted was at a reduction of 2 s . to lis
Provincial Markets. Wakefield, Friday—Wo...
per quarter Saturday . Barley also Mn ^~ T per quarter from last Saturday . Barley also recedVnT per quarter , as the malting season may now he ^ -j ' « quite finished . For Malt we had little or nnT ^ Oats met little attention , and were offered rather ch * ^> Rye scarcely supported its value . In Beans or othilf . * there was Utile change . Flour met a dull g . ii <> „! 6 **" ! dine of Is per sack . Ue at a « fc Richmond ( Yorkshire ) , Saturday , —We had » p . supply of all kinds of grain in our market to . dav V samples had a ready sale but inferior only verVii . m ' Wheat , 5 s . to 9 s . ; oats , 3 s . to 4 s . 4 d .: barley , 4 s . to 4 « Hw beans , 4 s . Sd . to 5 s . Gd . per bushel . "•»
State Of Trade. Ciohfr D R S ;N " Cl I I...
STATE OF TRADE . cioHfr r ; n " cl i « * vas , ! intt , e more business done at ft . oualitefof n i ^ , ^' 'i ^ Tuesda y « '"' d middle ?)?» ,, ff- ° . ' hs but in l 0 -v ods there were less sold Sm » fors ev « ral « ' «* S Past . Prices continue about th ? same and the stocks in the Cloth Halls are lower th ?« iuimL There have not been many wholesale buvLl - ° the town this week , but there have been numerous drapers from the country . On the whole , a pretty fclr „ £ o £ business has been done in tho warehouses , on comparison with the recent state of business .-Zmfe Mcmm / . MANc « ra . -The cloth market has been dull durim * t \^ t ± ot' ^ ittC ^ ^ sitl <* Tu « "S f ?™ , P , n , ? , th JH 8 ' P rices are » of course , rather in VnZ „? £ 5 3 Uje - ' S ' thouah « 'e quotations are unchanged . Stof ^ lK , - but th - c is no ^ 'Position o / the tolmStf l ' : " lces - The state of the Producer tends ma to sustain the firmness Of
Beadfohd .-Wools : There is no disposition to buv combing wools except for present usu . £ } d „ the consumption stdl continues limited the quantity clmnijS hands is onl y small . T ) le market is H 0 nly barelylun . phed , which causes prices to be steadil y maintainedl Jams . ' litems a stead y business doing at late prices but the spinners find it difficult to get advanced prices tor yarns or wool at a reduced price- So long as the high price for wool continues , we fear but liitle improvement can take place among the unemployed . Pieces : There is hardly so much animation ia our goods market to-dav as we have observed for two or three weeks previously but this appears to be accounted for by the American merchants waiting for their letters due by the steamer to-day .
IIODDERSFIEI . D , —There is little alteration to report in the trade to-day . The general complaint amongst the buy . ers was the scarcity of good patterns in fancy descriptions suited to the season . On the whole , the trade , both in the Cloth Hall and in the warehouses during - flic week , has been much better than was generally anticipated that it would he a few weeks hack , Haiifax . —Although our Piece Hall does noty « t exhibit any increased activity in business , there is certainly a more extensive trade doing by the spinners and manufac . turers in the neighbourhood generally , and this causes sales of wool to he made with little difficulty : and prices to keep firm . Hog fleeces , noils , and broke wool , are a little dearer . Rochdale Fia . v . vbl Market . —We have had a better demand for pieces to-day , but no improvement in prices . There has been but JittJe change . in the wool market for some weeks past ; low wools are more scarce , and rather better pi-ices are obtained for them .
llECKMospwiKE—The blanket market has been well attended this week b y merchants , and the manufacturers have obtained , in soma instances , a slight advance . We understand that stocks are unusually light for the , season , particularl y the better goods . Leicester . —The hosierv trade is a little better . Wools have advanced slightly ; yarns are firm ; and there are some shipping orders in the market , but the home trade is very dull . Kottikguam . — The trade continues dull in some of its branches , though in others there is a slight improve , ment . Mansfield . —The twist net and stocking trades continue to he in a very depressed state
, G & Asaow . —Cotton Yarn : There lias been a fair bttsi . ness done this week , and prices continue without any change , the activity in the cotton market having a ten . dency , especially in shipping yarns , to maintain full prices . —Cotton Goods : Our market is still quiet , and exhibets little indication of improvement . For general descriptions the demand continues very moderate , and prices keep loir . Both merchants and manufacturers manifest a desposition to act with caution , and seem desirous rather to restrict their operations in the meantime , Iron trade : Prices areas undernoted : —Pig iron £ 3 las . per ton , bar iron £ 10 , nail i-ods £ 11 , boiler plates and sheets £ 13 10 s .
Bankrupts, &T.
Bankrupts , & t .
Bankrupts. ("From The Gazette Of Tuesday...
BANKRUPTS . ( "From the Gazette of Tuesday , May 10 . ) Samuel Whatley , William-street , Lisson-grove , "roee' 'Henry Elki-gton , Maida-hill Bast , chemist—Kobert I ' errv Brighton , draper—Thomas William Green Stevens , Hampton , Oxfordshire , hackney master—James Gordon , jun ,, East India-chambers , Leadenhall-street , ship and insurance broker—James John llancc , Liverpool , broker-Thomas Hartley and Kobert Ingham , Leeds , stockbrokers — William Wonnaeott , Bath , grocer — George Daniel French , Stroud , Gloucestershire , cabinetmaker—Thomas Walker , Leeds , tallow chandler—John Cooke . Chelten . ham . auctioneer—Thomas I ' othams . Xommrhum , licensed victualler—John Russell , Kidderminster , coal dealer — John Fletcher Corbett , Worcester , scrivener—John Iliehmoud I lay ward , Manchester , bookseller—Samuel Pcthick and Thomas Kichard Kay , Xewton-heath , . Manchester , brewers .
dividends . lime 12 . M . Agate , llorsehnm , Sussex , grocer , at halt , past one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London—June- 11 ' , T . vlarkson , Charles-street , Middlesex Hospital , uphol . sterer ' s warehouseman , at twelve , at the Court of Bank , ruptcy , London—June IS . T . U . and . 1 . Waller . Ipswich , grocers , at half-past eleven , at the Court of Harilmivtcy , London—J line 11 . II . II . Foothead , Fore-street , Cripp le , gate , milliner , at half-past twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London—June 11 . W . Ebrey , Aldennnnbuw , silk dresser , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London-June y . J . Limsit , Argyll-place , Regent-street , ' jroldsmith , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London—fune 0 . E . S . Smith and J . Stanley . Liverpool , merchants , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool—J line 9 . J . Sugden and W . Gamble , Liverpool , merchants , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool . J . Gibbons and W . Sherwood , Liverpool , merchants , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool .
certificates . June 9 . It . Kimpton , Crescent , Jewiu-streot , Cri pplocrate , jeweller , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcv , Lnnd ' or . — June 15 . J . . Martin , Wood-street , Cheapside , fringe manufacturer , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcv , London-June 10 . J . Hawkins , Maidenhead , butcher , a ' t twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Loudon—June 9 . ' J . O . Banv . ti , Strand , carver , at one , at the Court of BauUruutev , Lou . don—June 12 , It . flnsull , Broad-street , Bloomshurv . draper at hair-past eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcv , Condon—June 9 . T . Heppell , Jfewcastle-upoii-Tvue , timber iner . chant , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcv , Neivca *;' e . upun-Tyne—June 0 . W . Maud , Liverpool , licensed vii-taatter , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool .
partnerships dissolved , W . Tliirkill and W . Leach , lluddevsfield , Yorkshire plmuuers-A ami 11 . IV ' yatt , Cathcritigton , Southampton ; yeomen—W . Musehamp , J . 15 . Muschamp , and T . Wcjfhil ] , jun . Sunderland , drapers-J . Davison , and J . and W . Stead . Alcoatcs hill , - Yorkshire , stone merchants—T . TJio-ne n l . ' , ,. W " ' ^ "isto 1 merchants-It . ' . Vise and J . llestiirick , \\ altord , Hertfordshire , plumbers-J . C . Westhrookand J . Brown , Northampton , printeis-li . Davidson ami U . Weatherhead , Elders-quay , Xcufh Shields , blarismiths-J . TV " . Wdsonanu J . F . Erskine , Liverpool , commission a ! rents W . C . and C , Bodiev . Exeter , ironfounders— "ft . bowdon and , 1 . Edward * , -Manchester . eabmel . make « 3-A . S . Levy and J . C . Vamrhan , BotoVphlane , City , wholesale fruit mcivliains-G . V . Morewood and Lo ., New York , merehants-lf . Smith and 1 ) . Marshall fctar-c-o tirt . Bread-street , City , gencr . il aacuts—W . Foster and J . L . Mansticld , Sew Xorth-road , lloxton , croeersu . iiussell and il . Llamsbottom , Salford , Lancashire , ir ^ fV" " ^ -. J- Bwol' ., jun , M 1 d J . M . Brooks -Manchester , calico printers .
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . Mary Robertson , Jane Thompson , and Isabella Steele , l ., i I ' ' . = 3 ton" Coai c «» 'l'a » v . Mnv i- 2 and June l .. at twelve at Stevenson's Ruoins , Edinbun'li
¦Ax Extraoamxary Affidavit Made Bei»≫Re The Lord Mayor, Concornin;: A Surprising Cure Effected By Llolloway's Ointment And Pills.—James Staulev. Living At Jionir Llitrtiii M.'Nn, -M -Ifhii.Nmr L,.≫T;,.... .J,.-. R ....."T It
¦ Ax ExTRAoamxARY Affidavit made bei »> re the Lord Mayor , concornin ; : a surprising cure effected by llolloway ' s Ointment and Pills . —James Staulev . living at Jionir llitrtiii m . 'nn , -m -ifHiI . nMr l ,. > t ; ,.... . j ,.-. r ..... " it
The Mnusiuii-Huuse , On The 14th Instant...
the Mnusiuii-huuse , on the 14 th instant , to iho purport that he had been upon crutches ami bad for two years , with twenty-six holes in one leg , and fourteen in the other ; that he had been in two ho .-pitals , and get no relief and that after every ether means had tailed , helms bccuVdieally cured by llolloway ' s Ointment and rilU . Important Fashlv Meuicise . —Framptou ' s Fill 0 i
Health effectually relieves the stomach and bowels bv gentle relaxation , without griping or prostration of strength . They remove head ache , sickness , dizziness , pains in tho chest . & e . ; are highly grateful to the stomach , promote digestion , create appetite , wluve lauguoi' and depression of spirits ; while , tu those of a lull habit aud free livers , who aiv contimially stiilcriiig from tirowsincfs , heaviness , and siu-ing . iu the head and ears , they offer advantages that wili not fall to be appreeiai ' . d . bold by all venders of medicines . Price Is . lid . per Lux . See ihe name of "Thomas Prout , 220 , Straild , London , " on liio t . ovcnuueiit Stamp .
Scasual at BitioiiTos . —ConsideraWe scandal has been occasioned in this town , within the lasti ' evf days , by the { light of a follower of Terpsichore with his servant-maid , leaving ; i wile and two children in a state ot destitution . Suspicion had ban entertained tov some little time of a liauon between the patties , and the wife had taken the vtvv proper step ol dismissing the sirl ; but during her absence in London , whither her husband found a pretext to scud her , the servant was taken back asjaiu , and in the mhiilie of last week the galltv couple lied . To add to the depravity of the act , the husband had collected as much money as possible from his employers , on the plea that he had a large sum to make up ,
and not content with this , he actually broke open ilic boxes ill which his own children kept their little savings , to the amount of £ i ov . 4-5 . which lie earned off . The total sum with which the deserted wife was le ' . t was Is . tkl . Her distress , of course isareat , but as she assisted her unworthy helpmate in his professional labours , and is much respected for her manners and conduct , it is to be hoped that she will succeed in hor efforts to support heis-clf and family under these melancholy circumstances . The urotl-. ate , and silly as well as profli gate , husband had recently established himself here , and was male ing £ 400 a year b y his profession . The guilty partner ot Ins flight w , we regret to add , the dauul . tcr of respectable parents , living in Brighton .
Accident to the Wiuteiuvex Mail CoAcu .-On Monday u \ ovnm « ' about half-past nine o ' clock , as the Lancaster and Whitehaven mail was leaving Ki-nt ' al ' , on its way to NYiiiteliaven , in making tho alight descent just befoie coming to the carpet manufactory , Stiicklamlgatc . the front axle-tree gave way , and the coach rolled over on its near side with a tremenduous crash , brcakiugoff the scat in front . The passengers were all thrown oil' , but providentially escaped wHu a few bruises aud other slight injuries .
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 23, 1846, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_23051846/page/2/